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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The perfect city / town

Fuente: SENA

Imagine that in 10 years your city / town will be perfect. What will it be like? Think
about the problems your city has now and how they can be solved for it to be
perfect in 10 years.

Write a description of your city in 10 years. Use will and the vocabulary learned in
this learning activity. Highlight will-sentences with green and vocabulary words
with blue. Remember to use connectors and punctuation.

Take a look at the example below to help you get started.

"I think my city will be better in 10 years. Probably there will not be traffic jams
anymore. Also public transportation will be clean, efficient and organized. For
this to happen, the roads will have to be in perfect conditions.

After solving social problems and creating better job opportunities, it will be the
safest city in the world. In addition, we will have the best museums and art
galleries. Besides, there will be a lot of green areas and parks to enjoy. We will
have the best football team, not like the one we have now which performs
poorly. I believe people will be friendly. And finally, the most important aspect
will be to have more public universities, so everybody will have the chance to

It will be as nice as a European city, but a lot more enjoyable and vibrant


I believe that my Municipality will be better after 10 years, I believe that its access roads will
be in better condition than now, they will be completely paved and public transport will
improve noticeably. The peasants who work there will have more welfare and aid for their
crops. There will also be agricultural specialists to improve their crops. We will have more and
better public schools, colleges and universities. People will understand that the best is
collaborative work and that together we will achieve a beautiful and productive field. I also
want and believe that there will be housing projects for low-income families, we will promote
green areas to take care of the environment. And we will demand more from the municipal
leaders for cultural events and that the urban area is always presentable so that the travelers
who pass by, always want to return.

For this evidence, you need to send to your instructor two files:

 An audio file (record yourself reading the script).

 A text file (the script of your perfect city / town).

When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as
1. Click on Ver Evidencia.
2. Attach the file which must be previously saved on the computer.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please,
make sure you upload the two (2) recordings when submitting your evidence.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Realiza predicciones haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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