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COMPRADOR: Hello good morning, I would like to buy a gift for my Mom, what do you


VENDEDOR: Hello, good morning, I am the seller of the store, for this there are many gifts for
all tastes and colors, and they are all of good quality, could I recommend a necklace, but I
would like to know what price and quality do you want?

COMPRADOR: yes, my mom likes the gold necklace, the price could be 100 euros

VENDEDOR: Of course, we have many models and sizes, I recommend the gold one with
pearls, it is beautiful and of good quality

COMPRADOR: And what is the price?

VENDEDOR: The price is 125 euros.

COMPRADOR: Wou it's very expensive, I'll have this at the price I want

VENDEDOR: Yes, we have another one with family photographs, it is authentic and beautiful,
its price is 80 euros. And the smallest is 60 euros

COMPRADOR: I like it a lot, but I would like two, one for my dad and the other for my mom

VENDEDOR: So it takes is 60 euros?

COMPRADOR: No, I will take two of 80 euros

VENDEDOR: excellent, your parents will be amazed by the gift

COMPRADOR: yes I hope you like it

VENDEDOR:Can you please pay.

COMPRADOR: of course, how much is it in total?

VENDEDOR: The total is 160 euros.

COMPRADOR: Oww thanks. Until next time

VENDEDOR: Come back soon. until next time

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