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Questions to ask

1. How the bank manage the Image and reputation in the eye of its customers .
2. UBL product positioning is very effective ( what is it and how you manage it)?
3. How the bank do aAnnual budgeting? Who takes the major budget
4. How the bank motivates and attract the employees to work harder and efficiently?
5. How much state bank of Pakistan funds UBL and support financially?
6. How you will describe your loan facilities? What documentation and security you
ask for before giving loans?
7. How you help social organisations?
8. How you provide remittance facility to your customers?
9. Do you have expert leadership team that guides you in different scenarios?
10. Does your staff have a lot of turnovers ?
11. Are you pay excessive amount to overtime?
12. Have you recently invested in the technology that enhance your product
13. Is UBL centralised or not? How the hierarchy works here?
14. How you control Cost of Operation?
15. What are the standards of your branches?
16. What is the procedure to open a account?
17. Is there any training centre to train new employees?
18. What would you say about your security system?
19. What do you do for the promotion of the bank?
20. What approach you adopted to respond the market?
21. Have you ever had a conflict with your boss , if it is how it is resolved?
22. Are your competitors giving touch time to you?
23. What you think that should be improved in marketing side?
24. Does UBL help the businesses to bring their products to the international market
so the export of the country will go up?
25. Did you work sometimes under pressure, how you balance the pressure?
26. How much in a % you think the bank has digitised?
27. Situation like corona all the economy has faced difficulties, what was/are the
difficulties UBL tackled and how?
28. What steps has bank taken to ensure that it is acting as a responsible member of
29. What is corporate responsibility of Bank towards society?
30. What you say about your Islamic banking ?

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