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Small items product launch as below items:

1. health supplements - vitamin c, probiotics, collagen, ginseng

2. household items - shampoo, detergent etc

3. skincare

Points from our discussion:

For product range:

1. Health supplement item going first then following by skincare. Health supplement should
choose the special otherwise compete with many similar products from pharmacy and other
mlm companies.

- Now we can looking for the most unique product

- Easy to caring
- Easy for registration
- Target ladies: Probiotics types and collagen types product
- Product from Japan for weight management

can u familiarise with the team on kangen plan more thoroughly, and we need to come up with
strategy for closing kangen leaders

there will be alot of questions from khor's leaders, so we prepare beforehand 1st

if not will have bad image

1. Emphasize our strength

2. Product strong point
3. Plan strong point
topic for talks

Health benefits :- for example

4 function of Jangsu Water Device

1. Refer from books as reference

2. One day one topic

Acidosis and causes of it

Importance of hydration to our health

impact of alkalinity and hydrogen ions to boost our immune system

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