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Imagine if you could get mentored by internet millionaires?

Sit down for coffee with them...get their best ideas...and advice on your next best steps?

Well this is the next best thing. I’ve put together some of the best quotes
and ideas on a selection of 11 internet millionaires + 1 bonus section
bringing it to 12 in total.

Enjoy and I look forward to hearing about your success online.

John Anderson
1 Information Is Everything 4 Don’t Focus on the Numbers Too Much
Focus on Relationships Tell Stories
Take a Shortcut .. Be Careful with Brand Deals
Focus on Social Media Be Authentic
Understand How Planning Works Engagement above Everything
Take Risks but Don’t Gamble Stay Up-to-Date with New Trends
Choose the Right Business Model Don’t Hate Your Haters Know the
Diversify Smartly Difference Between Giving and Selling
Have a Laser Focus Be a True Influencer
The First Step Is the Hardest


2 Talk Less, Listen More 5 Don’t Settle
Play to People’s Emotions It’s All About Freedom
Don’t Play It Safe The 40% Rule
Believe In Your Offer Study Multimillionaires
Don’t Ask for a Sale Collect and Keep Your Money
Pre-Frame the Conversation Focus on the Long Run
Be a Storyteller Stay Disciplined
It’s Futile to Sell Ice to an Eskimo Don’t Diversify
Avoid Tying Up Your Money
DEAN GRAZIOSI Time to Take Action
3 Don’t Set Goals
Stop Making To-Do Lists JOE POLISH
Stop Working on Your Weaknesses
6 Time to Take Action ..
Observe Your Thoughts Educate People
Filter Outside Influences Focus on the Copy
Practice Giving 100% ELF vs. HALF
Don’t Lose Your Drive Get Yourself Paid
Look at Your Past as R&D Have the Right Mindset
It’s All about the Mindset Be Honest
Play to Your Strengths
Make Strong Connections
The First Step Is the Hardest

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

7 Who is Robert Kiyosaki? 10 Get Your Finances in Order
The Four Quadrants Read a Ton of Books
E – Employed Stay Focused
S – Self-Employed Build a Strong Personal Brand
B – Business Owner Be a Problem Solver
I – Investor Do Less
What Happens to the 95%? Start from Your Inner Circle
Why So Many Go for Security Get the Basics Right
Instead of Freedom Don’t Fear Rejection
The Three Business Systems Final Advice
The Seven Investment Levels
How to Succeed as a B or I TAI LOPEZ
11 Knowledge above Everything
RICHARD KOCH You Can Have It All
8 Introducing Richard Koch Success Requires the Right Tools
What is the 80/20 Principle? Having a Roadmap is the Key
Tip #1 – Spend Time on the Turn Everything You Touch into Gold
Essentials You Need to Increase Life
Tip #2 – Simplify Reverse-Engineer Your Desired Lifestyle
Tip #3 – Think, Then Act Create a ‘Daily Brain Budget’
Put 80/20 into Practice. Have an Authentic Personal Brand
The Time Is Now

9 Change Your Perspective TIM FERRIS
Relationships Are Key
12 Who is Tim Ferriss?
Build Your List The Deal Process
No Shiny Objects D is for Definition – Tim’s Ten Rules
Would You Like Fries with That? D is for Definition – Confronting Your Fear
Create a Mass Movement E is for Eliminate – Dreamlining
Prove Value E is for Eliminate – Learning How to
Create a Fear of Missing Out Do Less
Make a Move E is for Eliminate – The Time
Wasters and Consumers
A is for Automate – Offloading Tasks
L is for Liberation - Living Your Life
(And the New Rich Mistakes to Avoid)


KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

a Successful Online Business

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Anik Singal’s Top 9 Tips for Running
a Successful Online Business

Are you looking to generate massive wealth through an

online business? Discover some pro tips from an expert who
made it happen!

New online businesses show up on a daily basis. Aspiring entrepreneurs who believe
that they’re the next big thing are willing to go above and beyond to secure their spot in
the market.
And yet, most of them don’t. In fact, about 90% of all online businesses don’t make it
past the first 120 days.
Does this mean that you shouldn’t even try?
Absolutely not. But it does mean that you need to start the right way.
That’s probably why you’re here. You’re going to get a chance to learn from someone
who definitely has it figured out.
Anik Singal is one of the most prominent online business leaders of today. From TED to
the Huffington Post, some of the world’s most reputable sources of knowledge have
praised his success.
He’s the founder of Lurn, a platform that has helped more than 150,000 people to grow
their success. Aside from this, he’s a two-time bestselling author of books that have the
power to change people’s lives.
If you’re in the mood for some nuggets of wisdom, that’s exactly what you’ll get from a
man who’s achieved things that most earthlings could only dream about.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

1. Information Is Everything
In today’s business environment, there’s nothing more important than information.
People are willing to pay a lot to get their hands on the knowledge that they need. This
is true of all industries.
Singal affirms:
‘In today’s world, what is the #1 asset anyone can have? – It’s information’
He made his millions from knowing how to deliver the right information to the right people.
And if you want to succeed, you’ll want to learn how to do this as well.
This can mean any number of things for your business. For example, you might sell
information directly through your books and courses. This is how Singal did it, which
worked for him, as you might imagine.
If this is the route that you want to take, it’s crucial that you pack the information with
value. Make no mistake, people know when someone comes off as a snake oil salesman.
The moment that they see you this way is when your business is over and done with.
When selling information, make sure that it’s ground-breaking. Introduce a unique way
of doing something. There will always be an audience for this.
Another option would be to use the information to support your products or services. You
can do this through your content. Of course, it should still offer immense value except
that you don’t want to give too much away. You’d use your content to draw people in
until they’re ready to pay for the final product.
Whatever you decide to do, remember that information is the most valuable currency.
This can cut both ways, so make sure to keep learning if you want to grow a successful
online business.

2. Focus on Relationships
The online world may have brought many benefits, but we actually had to pay for them.
The price is the closeness that people generally feel when they’re interacting with each
other face to face. This goes for both personal and business lives. Years ago, all you
had to do to make a sale was to knock on someone’s door and make your pitch. You’d
use the face time to build trust and close the deal.
But today, online businesses need to work much harder to get someone to notice them,
let alone gain their trust. This is why business owners need to focus a good part of their
efforts on building strong connections with people.
Because every decision, including purchasing, is emotional. If you go to someone and
start pitching right away, you’re going to lose them like as not.
It’s much better to take your time and earn people’s trust. You need to convince them
that your business is better than all other businesses that offer the same thing.
Singal believes that you can do this in so many ways. But more than anything, he
believes that you should focus on your email list:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

‘Promoting or endorsing a product to your email list is one of the best ways to maintain
and further build that relationship with your list.’
Many people mistakenly think that email marketing can’t outperform the more modern
techniques. But Singal knows that it’s as relevant as ever.
It takes time to build your mailing list and you’ll have to put a lot of effort into it. But do
this and it might just become your biggest asset.

3. Take a Shortcut
Running a business involves a great deal of hard work. No doubt about that. But people
seem to make it much harder than it needs to be. Many people will tell you that hard work
is all it takes, but that’s not true at all. Instead of working hard, a successful business
owner knows how to work smart.
It means that you don’t have to break your back to do everything from scratch. This is
especially true if someone’s already done the hardest part of the job for you. Why not
just make use of that and gain an advantage over your competitors?
Signal puts it bluntly:
‘Don’t try to reinvent something that works well. Just copy and paste the steps you are
taught and focus on your execution.’
However simple, this is one of the most powerful things that you’ll want to remember.
Just because innovation is important doesn’t mean that you should force it on people.
You’ll find many business owners who try to twist a concept that works perfectly well just
to give it a false sheen of innovativeness. Of course, people know better than this, so
this rarely works if ever.
You don’t need a ground-breaking idea to succeed. You can take something existing and
build on it. Find a way to improve it instead of creating it from the ground up.
Despite what many people will tell you, it’s perfectly fine to take shortcuts. The
competition is fierce, so you can use all the help you can get. | Anik Singal’s Top 9 Tips for Running a Successful Online Business
4. Focus on Social Media
This is a given, and yet many people fail to realise how vital social media is to their
success. They get bogged down by details that don’t matter instead of focusing on what
matters the most.
No matter your line of work, you need to socialise online. Period. If you’re not out there
grabbing people’s attention, your business has a very slim chance of succeeding.
Your audience is out there. You need to show them exactly why you deserve their
attention. This is the first step to getting them to become customers. And social media
offers all the tools that you can possibly need for this.
Although there are all sorts of strategies that you can use, the main principle is the same.
You need to turn total strangers into fans of yours.
This is important to mention because many business owners use social media only to
sell. While this might help with your numbers, it may actually be doing a lot of damage in
the long run. Nobody wants to get bombarded with offers. They want stories and
connections. That’s what people buy.
If you’re able to warm up your audience with your social presence, you’ll make them
much more eager to buy from you. Not only that, but you’ll also build lasting relationships
with them, the importance of which we’ve previously explained.

5. Understand How Planning Works

You know what they say: A good plan is half of the job done. But this is only true if you
understand what it takes to create a plan. Which many business owners don’t, especially
in the beginning.
It’s very common for online businesses to be short-sighted. They have stuff that they
have to deal with right now if they want to rise above the competition. This doesn’t
surprise anybody if you consider the statistics listed at the beginning of this article.
Short-term objectives are important for success. However, you must never lose sight of
the big picture.
What’s the vision that you have for your business? What’s the ultimate goal that you want
to reach?

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

If you don’t have one, chances are your business won’t survive in the long run. You’ll
end up trying to keep it afloat month after month. This is not how you’d go about securing
the wealth that you’ve always dreamt of.
What you need is a well-developed strategy for the future. Every objective that you set
should be a piece of the puzzle that completes your strategy. In doing so, you give your
business a sense of direction it needs to thrive.
If there’s one thing to take away from this, Singal wants you to remember to not overdo
the planning stage. Planning is important but the execution is crucial. Too much planning
and not enough action won’t take you far. If you want to succeed in the online world, you
need to be quick on your feet.

6. Take Risks but Don’t Gamble

There’s no such thing as absolute certainty in business. You never know when tomorrow
might be the best or worst day for your business. However, you can try to predict the
future as accurately as possible.
As a business owner, you’ll be doing a whole lot of this. So you might as well learn how
to do this sooner than later.
A business owner needs to have a certain level of risk appetite. But there isn’t a perfect
formula for telling you exactly how much risk you can or should take. This will depend on
many circumstances.
This is why Singal advises that you approach this with great care. When taking risks,
never bite off more than you can chew. Many online businesses made this mistake and
few of them lived to tell about it.
Instead, take your time to analyse every possible outcome. You need to ask yourself if
you’ll be able to come away relatively unscathed from the worst-case scenario. If not,
you might want to avoid the risk and look for another opportunity.
This is especially important in the beginning when your resources are likely limited. Make
sure that you don’t get blinded by the possible award and take on too much risk. | Anik Singal’s Top 9 Tips for Running a Successful Online Business
7. Choose the Right Business Model
Almost all of us want the same thing – to have all the freedom to live life on our own
terms. We want to make sure that we’ll be able to experience life’s biggest pleasures,
even better if there’s a source of income, such as our business, working in the
background to make this happen.
This is possible but only if you have the right business model.
Without one, your business will become another 9-5 job. It might make more money, but
the effort you’ll have to put into it day in and day out might not be worth it.
This is why your goal should be to create a machine that can passively generate money
even as you’re out there experiencing life. Sounds too good to be true? Not according to
Singal, having pulled it off himself.
He still works hard but that’s because he wants to, not because he has to. He says that
he’s got multiple businesses that generate 100% passive income. He can pursue new
endeavours safe in the knowledge that he’ll always have something to fall back on.
Wouldn’t you agree that you deserve this level of security?
Of course, you can’t just draft a business model and think that it will be smooth sailing
from there. As Singal puts it:
‘It's not just what your business model is, but it's how you pursue that business model.’
You’ll definitely have to put in the work, especially in the beginning. But once you get
your business up and running, you should be able to unplug and enjoy the fruit of your

8. Diversify Smartly
As mentioned, your business should create for you a carefree life. You want to know that
even if something goes wrong, you won’t have any trouble bouncing back from it. You
can make this happen with diversification.
Singal wants people to understand what this really means. Many business owners end
up all over the place trying to cover as much ground as possible. As a result, they spread
themselves too thin and may eventually break.
The key is to diversify while staying in your lane. Singal explains this with his own
example. He’s a digital publisher so he focuses on that. It would make no sense for him
to get into ecommerce or another unrelated online business.
Singal doubles down on the thing that he knows he’s good at. For diversification, he
publishes on multiple channels. Thus, he sticks to his core without putting all his eggs in
one basket.
‘You've got to be able to have something that can be repeatable, and you have to have
a lot of it. Now, when you set that up you're truly building a passive income,’ he explains.
Make sure that you don’t confuse the market with your business. Stick to what you’re
best at, but keep finding new ways to secure your income.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

9. Have a Laser Focus
Entrepreneurs carry a lot of weight on their shoulders. They put on this balancing act for
dealing with a host of issues all at once.
Except they don’t have to.
This is a very outdated belief that you have to do it all right now. If you put this much
pressure on yourself, you risk burning out and not going anywhere. A much better
approach is to just focus on the thing that matters the most and leave everything else for
after you’re done.
Singal points to this as the reason why he gave up on to-do lists. He says that they make
it look like every task is equally important, which isn’t true. Instead of trying to do it all,
he got rid of all tasks and focused his efforts on Lurn. And the proof is in the pudding.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks that you have to finish,
remember to prioritise. Choose the one thing that you’ll focus on right now, and don’t
start anything else until you finish it.

The First Step Is the Hardest

As you can see, there are a few boxes that you need to check if you want to run a
successful online business. It’s only natural to feel like it’s too much to handle. But this
doesn’t have to be the case.
If you follow Singal’s advice, you’ll have a huge head start that eludes your competitors.
All you have to do is to build on it and make sure that you stay ahead.
Instead of hesitating, get out of your own way and take action. You never know if your
business will be the big hit that the market needs. If you start the right way, everything
else will fall in place as you go.

Visit Anik Singal’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

a Master Salesperson

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Dan Lok’s Top 7 Tips for Becoming
a Master Salesperson

You can’t run a business without making sales.

Learn how to perfect the art of closing a deal.

If you’ve ever worked in sales, you know how exciting it is. But you also know that it can
be very challenging. It’s getting increasingly hard to convince someone that they need
your product or service.
And yet, this is the lifeblood of your business. If you don’t know how to communicate
your value to strangers, you’ll have a hard time making it in the market.
In some form, sales have existed from the beginning of time. They’ve evolved so much
that it’s hard to keep up with the latest best practices, if people can even agree on them.
In this guide, you’ll get a chance to learn about sales from a business magnate who’s
made a grand sum of $50 million in his career. From running multimillion-dollar
businesses to writing bestselling books, Dan Lok has done it all. And he’s only 37 years
So, here’s the story. If you want to become a killer salesperson, you’ll want to pay close
attention to his advice. Let’s go over some of his most valuable lessons.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

1. Talk Less, Listen More
The average salesperson has a simple framework for closing deals – perfecting the pitch
and handling objections. To do this, they need to do a whole lot of talking. They use an
aggressive approach aimed at breaking through every ‘no’. They do this for as long as it
takes to get to that victorious ‘yes’.
Although there’s value to this approach, Lok believes that you should think differently
about sales:
‘You close sales with your ears, not with your mouth.’
For Lok, he’s closed most of his sales by simply listening to people. He always spends
80% of the time listening and only 20% talking.
Here’s why. When you attack someone, they immediately put up a wall. And it just so
happens that people can link a sales pitch to an attack. They feel the need to defend
themselves and resist your attempts to change their opinions. As a result, it becomes
very hard to connect with them in a way that facilitates a deal.
According to Lok, the above is a very exhausting approach. He doesn’t think much of
those who think of making sales as calling people 10 times a day and forcing them to
change their mind about proceeding with a deal.
Lok’s advice would be for you to simply listen. Hear people out to see what their problems
are. If they regard you as a pure salesperson, they’re very likely to hang up. But if they
see you as a friend who wants to solve their problem, you should have no trouble getting
to them.
Not only will this make closing a deal much smoother, but it will also get you the right
clients. Instead of selling to just anyone, you’ll be selling to people who need you the
most. This will enhance your reputation and make sure that people don’t think of you as
only interested in making a sale. They’ll see you as someone who truly cares, which
always gets results. This brings us to the next point. | Dan Lok’s Top 7 Tips for Becoming a Master Salesperson

2. Play to People’s Emotions
Think about what you bought last. What was your reason behind the purchase? Did you
just do it so that you could own something new? Not likely. You probably bought it
because you believed that it was worth spending your money on. And you arrived at that
belief by way of the emotional charge that happened when you saw the item. It might’ve
been subtle, but it was there.
Lok shares a valuable secret that would benefit any salesperson to know:
‘People don't buy because of logic. People buy because of emotion, and they justify it
with logic.’
This is probably the most important thing you’ll ever learn about sales. When you
recognise the emotions behind someone’s buying decisions, you’ll be able to sell to them
much easier. The price becomes less important when people set their mind on buying
Lok points to a Ferrari for an example. Most people aren’t buying it for the horsepower
or the engine – they can get a muscle car for much less. They’re buying a Ferrari for
what it represents. They’re not buying a car but a status. They’d be going: ‘Look what I
have and how cool it makes me look.” And yes, people are willing to pay many times
more than the standard fare for a shot at that feeling.
Before you start selling, think carefully about your offer. Not as an object but as an
emotion. The benefit that it can bring to someone.
And when you make your pitch, don’t offer a product or a service. Offer a better outcome,
a positive change. Not everyone wants a product, but everyone wants a better life. And
that’s what you should be selling.

3. Don’t Play It Safe

When a salesperson first joins a company, one of the first things that they get might be
a script. A series of steps for predicting every objection and with instructions on how to
overcome them. All that a salesperson has to do is memorise the script and they’re
golden, right?
Wrong. Although you should have a rough blueprint of your pitch, Lok believes that a
script hurts more than it helps. It makes you sound rehearsed, making it almost
impossible to connect with a prospect.
Lok likens it to going on a date. How would your date respond if you were to act like a
robot asking one question after another? You might get the answer, but you wouldn’t
charm them. That’s what you should present to your prospects – flirt with them and show
them why you’re the right choice. You can’t do this with a script.
This ties back to the first point. Lok explains:
‘Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell—they
buy from you because they feel understood.’

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

How can someone feel understood if you keep bombarding them with scripted
questions? They’re not going to feel special. They won’t feel like you care. They just feel
like you’re there for a transaction. And this will almost always repel your customers.
In place of that, you should have a conversation. Ask people questions about their
problems. Everybody likes to talk about themselves and it makes them more likely to
hear what you have to say. And when it’s your turn to speak, don’t use the same generic
pitch on everyone. Use the answers to the questions that you asked.
In Lok’s experience, you’ll know that your sales call or meeting was successful when the
prospect says ‘thank you’ at the end. You don’t have to thank them since you’re the one
who solved a problem. Therefore, congratulate them on making the right decision to go
with you.

4. Believe In Your Offer

Many salespeople don’t feel good when they’re selling. They think that they’re being too
pushy and afraid that people might not be willing to listen to them. Like a self-fulfilling
prophecy, this often ends up happening. And a lack of confidence is behind it.
If you’re not confident about your offer, how can you expect anyone else to be? Without
a strong presence, you won’t be able to sell anything to anyone.
This is why you need to believe in your offer. Lok believes that this is the difference
between a salesperson and a closer. In fact, he doesn’t use the word ‘salesperson’ with
his community. To him, they are high-level closers.
This comes down to having the right mindset in both you and your prospects. We all
know that salespeople don’t have the best reputation. But negotiators do. Assuming the
role of a negotiator will make you feel like you’re not selling but rather closing a deal that
will benefit everyone involved.
‘Closing is not something that you do to a prospect. It’s something that you do for a
prospect,’ says Lok. Approach your leads from this angle and you shouldn’t have any
confidence issues. You’ll know that you’re not selling but helping someone live a better
life in some way. According to Lok, this makes you feel morally obligated to close the
Remember that value trumps everything. If your offer has value and you know how to
present it, you won’t ever feel bad about closing a deal again.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Dan Lok’s Top 7 Tips for Becoming
a Master Salesperson

5. Don’t Ask for a Sale

In the last section, we talked about people who feel bad when selling. But some are at
the opposite end of the spectrum. Salespeople who are so desperate to close a deal that
they’ll say and do anything. This is just as bad if not worse than lacking confidence.
You’re so pushy that even if you close the sale you won’t create a positive outcome.
Lok gets asked about closing techniques all the time. For example, people may ask him
to give them the 10 or 100 best ways to close a deal. But he doesn’t have anywhere near
that many. Lok only has a few of them but they work exceptionally well.
Instead of pushing someone to agree to a deal, he’d ask them how they feel about it.
He’ll often say something like ‘How would you like to move forward?’ or ‘Are you sure
that you want to close the deal?’
Why does he do this? Wouldn’t it make people doubt their decisions?
Not at all. It does the exact opposite. It ensures that somebody wants to buy for real.
Lok describes it like this:
‘When I say something, it means something. But when a prospect says something, it
means everything.’
He then explains that it’s all about creating a positive experience for the customer. This
experience doesn’t end with the sale; it only begins there.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Lok explains that it’s like buying a Tesla versus going to a used car dealership. When
you want to buy a Tesla, you’ll take it for a drive and think about whether you want it.
You have to be willing to wait for three months to actually get it. But then you’ll be telling
everyone how amazing it is.
But if you go to a used car dealership and run into a sleazy salesman bombarding you
with sales pitches, you won’t be so sure about your decision. If anything, you’ll get
pushed into it. You won’t care for the experience even if you end up buying a car. You’ll
want to share it with those around you to make sure that they don’t make the same
The used car salesman might have made a sale, but he’d have also lost the customer.
Here’s the lesson. Don’t try to get people to buy but rather make sure that they truly want
to. Make them want to give you the sale instead of taking it from them.

6. Pre-Frame the Conversation

During your sales calls, you’re going to hear ‘let me think about it’ and the like from your
prospects. Lok believes that this can mean three things:
1. They don’t have the money
2. They don’t see the value
3. They don’t feel the urgency
In any event, this is actually a ‘no’ and you’ll probably never hear back from them. It can
be very frustrating to invest a lot into your sales call or meeting and have it end this way.
It’s the safest way for your prospect to get out of the deal without actually saying that
they don’t want to be a part of it.
Luckily, there’s something that you can do to make sure that this doesn’t happen. Lok
suggests that you pre-frame the whole conversation.
You only have to set the right tone from the beginning. You start by saying that the whole
purpose of the sales call is to see if the prospect is the right fit. Tell them that you know
there are three things that they will tell you by the end: ‘yes’, ‘no’, and ‘let me think about
Make them understand that it’s perfectly fine to say ‘no’. Doing this will prompt them to
put down their walls from the beginning as they won’t feel attacked by your pitch.
In addition, tell them that you’ve been doing this for a while and you know what ‘let me
think about it’ actually means. That’s why you’d prefer a straight ‘no’ over that.
This would give clarity to both you and your prospect. You have an agreement from the
start and you both know the possible outcomes. It makes you appear very genuine and
the prospect will know that you mean business.
As a result, you’ll have an honest conversation that opens people up to your offer. They’ll
see that the choice lies with them, which will make it much harder for them to say ‘no’.
Even if they do, you’ll have left a stellar impression on them.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

7. Be a Storyteller
The final advice is more related to your product than your pitch. Lok says:
‘People don’t buy products and services, they buy stories.’
He then describes the difference between a $2 pen and an $800 Mont Blanc, which both
serve the same purpose. The Mont Blanc might last longer, but is that the reason why
someone would choose to pay 400 times the price?
The actual reason is that it’s a John F. Kennedy limited edition. And that’s the story right
This ties back to the emotions behind purchasing decisions. People are willing to pay
$798 more for a pen because it comes with a story that they can connect with in some
way. It comes with history, prestige, and uniqueness.
So, what’s the story behind your offer? You can create a story around anything that
you’re selling. A story that will make the offer compelling and assign a value that’s way
beyond the monetary. Write the story and then sell it instead of the actual product or

It’s Futile to Sell Ice to an Eskimo

For the longest time, people have used the phrase to describe an outstanding
salesperson. Someone who can sell anything to anyone. Except that it’s a fantastical
supposition, not necessarily based on reality.
Today, you need to go above and beyond to make sure that what you’re selling is of
value to someone. Not only will this make it easier to close the deal, but you’ll also ensure
that the positive experience continues after the sale.
Remember that you’re not just a salesperson but a problem-solver. An expert who can
identify the prospect’s biggest pain points and deal with them better than anyone else.
The sooner you adopt this mindset the better, for you’ll then understand what sales are
truly about.
You won’t have to struggle and challenge or fight with your prospects. You’ll be on the
same side where they’ll see you as an ally. And when you close the deal with the
prospect, it’s not just you who emerges a winner. Both of you will assume the role.

Visit Dan Lok’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

a Millionaire According to Dean Graziosi

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

8 Powerful Habits that Can Make You
a Millionaire According to Dean Graziosi

Success is all about your mindset and the actions you take
every day. Learn the habits from someone who’s created
almost $1 BILLION in revenue.

Think about an average day in your life. How do you get up in the morning? What do you
do? Do you have any rituals that attract success like a magnet?
The truth is that most people don’t. They go through the same repetitive patterns every
single day. It’s no wonder why most of them never get the life that they dream of.
Because when you think about it, it really boils down to how you use your time and
energy. Do you spend at least a third of your day in an office? Then that’s what you’ll get
rewarded for. But at the same time, you’ll have passed up on a ton of opportunities for
true success.
The good news is that you have a choice. Your life is in your hands and you can evolve
through adopting better habits.

And if you need guidance, there’s no one better than Dean Graziosi to help you out.

From generating almost $1 billion in revenue to being a NY Times bestselling author,

he’s achieved more than most. And he’s done it through powerful habits that draw in
success wherever he goes.
Can you do the same? Absolutely. All it takes is adopting a few of Graziosi’s habits. Here
are some of the most important ones:

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1. Don’t Set Goals
Right off the bat, this seems like a wacky piece of advice, doesn’t it? Hasn’t everyone
taught us that setting goals is the first step to everything, least of all wealth and freedom?
Graziosi believes that this doesn’t work anymore. It used to be a vital step but it just
doesn’t fit the environment that we live in today.
Graziosi says that the world that we live in moves at lightning speed. We’re just jumping
around from one thing to another. And then there’s that influence that social media has
on us. There are just so many distractions that we have to deal with on a daily basis.
With this in mind, it’s very hard to think where you’ll be in a year or five years. Everything
changes so quickly. Graziosi believes that setting goals doesn’t work as you might not
be able to achieve them anyway.
But do you know what you can achieve?
Your vision. That ultimate goal that never changes.
Graziosi explains:
‘It doesn’t matter how fast you can go, it doesn’t matter how much passion you have,
and it doesn’t matter how much energy you put into something. If you don’t have a vision
and clarity on the destination you want to reach, you’ll simply never get there.’
Instead of looking forward into the future, Graziosi wants you to imagine yourself living
the life you want right now. Imagine that you’ve had the best financial year in your entire
What does this look like? How much do you have? Who are you celebrating with? Write
down every single detail about how this looks and feels.
Once you do, you’ll have a sense of direction that every successful person needs. But
you’ll only have it if you practice visualisation on a regular basis. You need to keep
coming back to this place until you figure out exactly what it takes to get there.
Of course, your vision will evolve, but its core will stay the same. All you have to do is
upgrade it as you go.

2. Stop Making To-Do Lists

As mentioned, life and business are more complex than they’ve ever been. Business
owners carry a lot on their shoulders and have to juggle all sorts of things at the same
time. No wonder they all crave a simple, organised life.
As a result, you’ll see many successful people creating to-do lists. They think that such
lists help them gather their thoughts and stop their minds from racing to and fro all the
tasks and places. When they can see the things that they have to do in front of them, it’s
much easier to actually do them.

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But Graziosi believes that this approach is faulty. He says that to-do lists don’t really do
much when we’re crazy-busy and can’t make the time to do all of them. It only results in
disappointment and makes us feel like we haven’t accomplished much.
This is why he encourages you to start creating ‘not-to-do’ lists. Before focusing on what
you have to do, you should first focus on things that you don’t have to do.
Why? Straight from Graziosi:
‘I promise you, when you learn to say no to things that don’t take your wealth to that next
level, you will find yourself accomplishing your income goals faster than imagined.’
There are always things that you can do to declutter your life. We all do things because
we feel like we have to. But those things don’t serve what Graziosi calls our ‘higher good’.
You’ll be much better off making a list of everything that doesn’t serve you. Then, figure
out how to eliminate as many of them as you can.
Only then will you be ready to create a to-do list and actually get things done.

3. Stop Working on Your Weaknesses

The vast majority of people have trouble focusing on the positives. This is true for the
world around them as well as themselves. Instead, we’re hard-wired to focus on
everything that’s going wrong and try to fix them.
Think about it. Ever since school years, people have been pointing out what you
supposedly did wrong. It’s only natural for you to keep living the rest of your life this way. | 8 Powerful Habits that Can Make You a Millionaire According to Dean Graziosi
But it doesn’t have to be like this. In fact, it mustn’t. If you want to start your business,
this will only create obstacles. You’ll feel like there’s so much that you suck at and thus
you have to master before you become a business owner.
Graziosi thinks that this is one of the biggest issues that entrepreneurs face, for which
he suggests a better approach:
‘What opportunities have you passed up through the years because you questioned
yourself based solely on flaws you think you have or others told you that you have? As
you think about that question, also think about this truth: Working on your strengths will
help you overcome anything that you consider a weakness.’
Graziosi knows this because he’s been there. He’s dyslexic so he doesn’t have a way
with words and there were other issues besides. But he chose not to focus on them or
let them slow him down.
On the contrary, he doubled down on a few key strengths and went on to make hundreds
of millions of dollars.
You’ll want to change the patterns that make you obsess over your flaws. In place of
that, make sure that you become the best at what you’re good at. You’ll see a massive
difference that can go a long way to achieving what you have in mind.

4. Observe Your Thoughts

In relation to the last point, focusing on your weaknesses is only one of many negative
patterns that many of us have. As mentioned, it’s far easier to focus on the negatives in
your life and take the positives for granted.
Make no mistake, this can only result in a life of misery. Not only will you fail to succeed,
but you’ll never truly experience life if you think this way.
But the good news is that you have all the control over your thoughts that you can
possibly need. You get to decide if they make or break you.
As Graziosi puts it:
‘Your story is your internal narrative, and it can be the heaviest anchor in your life, holding
you back from experiencing the joy of using your full potential, or it can drive you to
achieve massive success, wealth, and abundance.’
How do you make sure that your thoughts work in your favour instead of against?
Graziosi thinks that this is very simple – just observe your thoughts. Don’t judge them,
just sit there and see what comes up. If the negative stuff comes up, that’s ok. You only
have to wait for those thoughts to pass.
By doing this, you’ll see them for what they are – merely clouds drifting away. You’ll learn
how to not get attached to them and break free from whatever power they have over you.
In time, your brain will learn how to do this by default and without any effort. This can be
one of the biggest and most impactful positive changes to your life.

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5. Filter Outside Influences
In this day and age, it seems almost impossible to disconnect from the outside world
every once in a while. And yet, this is one of the most important habits that you’ll have to
develop if you want to be successful. It’s the only way to shift your focus to things that
matter the most.
To do this, you need to learn how to eliminate all external distractions. These include
both the small stuff like social media and the more serious like toxic people.
When it comes to everyday distractions, Graziosi knows a whole lot about them. With his
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) he often finds it very hard to focus on reading. This is
why he prefers audiobooks. They keep his focus much better than printed text on pieces
of paper.
In a nutshell, this is what you have to do. Find ways to go around your distractions and
devote your full attention to the task at hand. It might take time to figure this out, but it
will pay off many times over.
And when it comes to people, be very selective about whom you listen to.
‘Take the time to filter all the advice that comes your way and see if the person sharing
it is qualified,’ advises Graziosi.
Some people are intent on bringing you down. They don’t want you to succeed out of
jealousy, bitterness, or whatever reason. You need to remove these people from your
life and focus on those who wish you well.
This will give you a support system that can prove instrumental to your success. | 8 Powerful Habits that Can Make You a Millionaire According to Dean Graziosi
6. Practice Giving 100%
Let’s face it. We don’t give our best at everything. While we know that we can do
something amazingly well, we may focus on being good enough. Except that this bottom-
line approach isn’t going to work in business.
Do you know why? Because your competition won’t half-ass it, at least not the good
ones. They’ll be out there raking it in as you focus on making your business passable.
This might keep you afloat in the short term, but you’re only setting yourself up for failure
in the long run.
Have you ever felt those ‘in the zone’ moments? Doing something so well that you felt
incredibly proud afterward? Your goal as a business owner is to invite more of this into
your life.
Graziosi clarifies this as such:
‘Successful people, whether they’re working for somebody else or working for
themselves, do whatever they do to the best of their ability—as if the boss is watching
them every minute of every day. I learned that in everything you do, always do your best.’
However, there are those who give their all only because they have a boss watching over
them. When they become their own bosses, it may become harder to find the motivation
to excel.
This is why you have to practice being the best at what you do. Your motivation needs
to come from within and you need to tap into it on a regular basis. Otherwise, you’ll keep
going for passable, which won’t be enough to get you anywhere good.

7. Don’t Lose Your Drive

Like most things in life, motivation doesn’t just come to you. It’s something that you have
to actively create every day. It’s all fun and games until you fail so many times that you
can’t seem to pick yourself up.
This is exactly when you need to be as driven as you were in your finest moments.
According to Graziosi:
‘I would knock on 50 doors and all 50 would be closed in my face. So I had to learn how
to be just as enthusiastic on door number 51 or 151 as I was on the first door.’
It’s impossible not to have missteps as a business owner. You’ve probably heard this so
many times that it doesn’t mean much anymore. But when it actually happens, you’ll see
that it can be quite awful.
Remember that any successful person would have been there at one point or another.
There’s no point trying to run away from failure. It’s what you do after that counts. This
is what separates winners from losers.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

8. Look at Your Past as R&D
Depending on your business, research and development (R&D) can be crucial to thriving
in the market.
But your products or services aren’t the only things that evolve – you have to as well.
Success isn’t about money. It’s about living a fulfilled life and being your best self. And
your past is all that you need to look at to make this happen. You need to make sure that
every day is better and more successful than the one before.
Graziosi has the following to say about this:
‘You don’t want to look back in 5, 10, 25 years and realize that you lived the same
mundane day, over and over again, for most of your life. You don’t want to miss out on
invaluable years that you’ll never get back.’
When you look back, are there mistakes that you wish you hadn’t made? Know that
mistakes are there for a reason, which is to teach us what not to do in the future.
Think of yourself as a project that you’re developing. Only turn to past experiences to
see what needs tweaking, and focus all other efforts on the future.

It’s All about the Mindset

Like many other successful people out there, Graziosi knows that success requires the
right frame of mind. Once you have that in place, everything else will come to you. You’ll
gravitate towards success with every new action that you take.
Does this mean that it’s going to be a smooth ride once you acquire the right mindset?
Not at all. Any business owner would be able to recount the times when they failed. But
those same failures enabled them to learn what it takes to succeed.
If you develop the above habits, you’ll be much closer to having all the wealth and
freedom that you’ve always dreamt of. So, take a look in the mirror and see what you
need to change. No matter who you are, there will always be something to work on. It’s
through this process that you build yourself, as well as a million-dollar business.

Visit Dean Graziosi’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Blowing Up on Social Media

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Top 8 Tips for
Blowing Up on Social Media

Every business that wants to succeed needs a strong social

media presence. Gary Vaynerchuk can show you how to
make it happen.

When social media first showed up, future-thinking businesses knew that it would change
everything. And they were right. Those who positioned themselves well are now enjoying
massive successes, and others are trying to follow in their footsteps.
If you plan on starting any business, you’ll need to have a social media strategy ready to
go before you even start. This will allow you to start gaining traction from the get-go.
But how do you start the right way?
Gary Vaynerchuk can show you the way better than most people. With 6.6 million
Instagram followers and 2.2 million YouTube subscribers, he definitely knows how to
influence people. More importantly, he knows how to leverage this influence to grow his
multiple businesses.
Vaynerchuk’s famous for sharing his wisdom all across social media, and there’s no
shortage of advice that he can give you. So let’s go over some of his best tips.

1. Don’t Focus on the Numbers Too Much

When you think about social media popularity, you likely picture having a ton of people
following everything that you do. Most businesses strive to get as many people as
possible to follow their social media accounts, no matter who they might be.

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Like most successful influencers, Vaynerchuk knows that this is wrong. While social
media is a numbers game to an extent, the sheer number of followers doesn’t guarantee
Vaynerchuk gives an example of the difference between B2C and B2B businesses. B2C
businesses generally need a much larger following if they want to succeed. You might
need tens or even hundreds of thousands of people following you if you want to monetise
your following.
On the other hand, Vaynerchuk says that a B2B business can make a ton of money even
with a few hundred or a few thousand followers.
It’s all about getting the right people to follow you and providing them with enough value,
both of which you’ll learn about a bit later in this article. But for now, the first thing that
you need to remember is that a huge number of followers doesn’t automatically equal
business success.
Instead, Vaynerchuk says:
‘I think the acquisition of consumers might be on the verge of being mapped. The
battlefield is going to be retention and lifetime value.’
Before you start amassing social media following, make sure that people will truly benefit
from the stuff that you share. Make no mistake, they will repay you for this.

2. Tell Stories
Why do you want to have a large social media following? So that you can sell more,
right? You’ll want to change your objective. Social media can be your most important
asset, but this doesn’t mean that it’s a sales tool.
People can find products everywhere. All they have to do is go online and look for what
they need. They don’t even have to put any effort into this as they’ll get served a ton of
ads. Do you think that they really need more ads on their social media feed?
Absolutely not.
In fact, they want to see and hear something interesting. They want to learn something
that they can’t wait to tell their friends about. And this is what you need to create.
The content that you’ll put out will make or break your social media influence. If you don’t
show any substance, people will lose interest. Simple as that.
Because of this, you need to be a storyteller.
Vaynerchuk explains:
‘Whether you're an entrepreneur, a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, great
marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what
you are selling. That's a constant. What's always in flux, especially in this noisy, mobile
world, is how, when, and where the story gets told, and even who gets to tell all of it.’

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The emphasis here is getting people to buy through your stories. At the same time, they
need to be interesting and move people further down your sales funnel. Ideally, they’ll
get your audience to buy on the spot.
But you must be subtle when it comes to this. Your stories shouldn’t be just nicely
wrapped pitches. Instead, you need to know your audience and serve stories that they’ll
love to hear.

3. Be Careful with Brand Deals

Working with other influencers and businesses is critical to success on social media. It
can help you tap into new audiences and let others do the same. You get valuable allies
that can work wonders for your influence.
One of the most popular routes that influencers take is making brand deals. A business
sends something to an influencer and asks them to promote it. They either get the
product for free or money in exchange for this.
Now, taking brand deals can be a great way of cross-promoting, but you should never
overdo it. Chances are, as soon as you get popular, you’ll receive offers for all sorts of
brand deals.
Vaynerchuk advises that you should be very careful about which of them you accept.
Otherwise, your audience might see you as ungenuine and lose interest in you.
In Vaynerchuk’s words:
‘I think where people get caught is when they're whoring out something every week. And
eventually the audience tunes them out and then they've lost the asset that they have.’
Unless you know that your audience will love the product or service that you promote,
your brand deals will have very little value to them. And if you consistently provide a low
level of value, you’re pretty much bound to lose your audience at one point.
Remember that everything that you post on social media needs to focus on your
audience. You’re there for them, not vice versa. So don’t let a nice deal blind you and
cost you your followers. | Gary Vaynerchuk’s Top 8 Tips for Blowing Up on Social Media

4. Be Authentic
Almost everyone on social media wants to be an influencer. From everyday people to
large businesses, everyone wants to get people interested in what they’re doing. The
issue is, many of them are taking the same route.
As of last month, there are more than a billion Instagram users. More than half of them
use the platform every single day. Just imagine the volume of similar content that gets
out on a daily basis.
You have your competitors. A large number of businesses will be fighting for the same
people. It’s all too easy to do something that others have already done. And when you
keep using the same worn-out strategies for long enough, people will notice.
‘You cannot underestimate people’s ability to spot a soulless, bureaucratic tactic a million
miles away. It’s a big reason why so many companies that have dipped a toe in social
media waters have failed miserably,’ explains Vaynerchuk.
While you might not be able to invent the wheel with your content, it needs to be as
unique as possible. And for this, you need to find your unique story. Something that your
competitors don’t have and can’t replicate.
Social media has existed for long enough to make people tired of businesses that use
the same strategies over and over again. So if you want to rise above the sea of
mediocrity, you must be original and showcase your uniqueness.

5. Engagement above Everything

When you first start out on social media, it can look very scary. Seeing zero followers on
your account while others in your branch have tens or hundreds of thousands can be
very discouraging. You might have no idea how to even come close to them, let alone
surpass them.
There are two things to remember here. The first one ties back to the first tip: Don’t focus
on the numbers.
Most people just go around blindly following just about anyone, hoping that they’ll follow
them back. When they reach a certain point, they’ll just unfollow a bunch of people to
appear more influential to others.

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This is exactly the kind of soulless strategy that Vaynerchuk says you should steer clear
of. It provides no value whatsoever and makes your followers just a number rather than
a useful asset.
What should you do instead?
It’s quite simple, actually. Focus on engagement. Share people’s stuff and talk to them
so that they really want to connect with you.
Vaynerchuk talks a lot about how to do this, especially on Instagram. He shares a very
simple strategy that you can use as soon as you create your account. Here’s what he
wants you to do:
1. Go to the Explore page.
2. Type in your city in the search bar.
3. Tap on your city and look at the most popular posts.
4. Open a post and drop a relevant comment.
5. Repeat across nine posts on 10 relevant hashtags.
This is just an example of a simple strategy that works great for your following. As long
as the comments that you post are genuine, people will want to connect with you. They’ll
see that you have something interesting to say and are worthy of attention. And if they
like what they see on your page, you’ve got yourself a new follower. | Gary Vaynerchuk’s Top 8 Tips for Blowing Up on Social Media

6. Stay Up-to-Date with New Trends
When you start a business, social media will be one of many things that you’ll have to
focus on. This might make it very hard to follow all the social media marketing trends.
What adds to this is the fact that these trends change very rapidly and that there’s
something new to learn almost every day.
However, Vaynerchuk believes that this is crucial to success, so you should never let
trends out of your sight.
According to Vaynerchuk:
‘99 percent of people don’t market in the year that we are actually live in.’
A good example is the whole ‘follow for follow’ strategy. A few years ago, this might’ve
been an amazing way of getting people to follow you. This is because it was hard to tell
who was still following you. You could’ve unfollowed someone without them realising it
so they kept following you.
But today, there are tons of Instagram tools that people use to check their profiles. People
care about their accounts more than ever, and numbers matter to them. This is why today
you really need to work hard if you want someone to give you that precious follow.
And then there are all the changes to the platforms that you need to follow. A while back,
there weren’t tools like Instagram Stories or IGTV. But right now, they’re among the most
powerful ways to get people to see your content.
Everything is moving very rapidly on social media, so there’s no time to waste. Make
sure to embrace all changes as quickly as you can if you want to stay ahead of the

7. Don’t Hate Your Haters

When you start gaining traction on social media, you open your business to people’s
opinions. And there are a whole lot of them out there. Not everyone will love what you
do, and negative comments can be very discouraging.
If you care too much about what others are saying, you’ll try to please everyone. This
will make you lose your power and let others drag your branding and content around.
Eventually, you might lose your sense of direction and confuse your audience.
However, the first thing that you need to remember is to stay true to the things that you
put out there. Vaynerchuk believes that this is one of the most important things that you
must do. And he certainly has experience with haters.
He’s had many people criticise him for saying the same things all over again. But he
always responds in the same manner: ‘Would you like me to make stuff up?’
Vaynerchuk knows his message and the people who want to listen to it. Those who don’t
simply don’t have to.
With that said, does this mean that you should ignore all criticisms? Not at all.
Vaynerchuk puts this very simply:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

‘Respect your haters, because you can learn many things about your business from
While you should stick to what you’re doing, you need to keep finding ways of improving
it. And there’s none better than seeing what other people don’t like about you. Instead of
taking criticisms to heart, use them as feedback for stepping up your social media game.
This might be tricky, as there’s a fine line between hate and useful feedback. Many times,
you won’t know if you should really change something because some of your audience
may not like it.
But as you go about building your following, you’ll be able to feel the right balance. And
there’s a simple rule to follow here. If the feedback that you get falls in line with your
business’ vision and who you are, use it as a basis for improvement. If it doesn’t, ignore
it and stay the course.

8. Know the Difference Between Giving and Selling

With your social media content, you’re basically giving away stuff for free. And not just
any stuff; you’re giving away one of the most valuable things – information. Providing
this value is a sure-fire way of getting people to follow you.
However, people won’t see value in your content if you keep sneaking in your products
and services. They’ll see through this and will likely feel tricked. This is why Vaynerchuk
has very simple advice for this:
‘Give when it comes to giving, but when you sell, you say: I’m selling!’
It all comes back to being genuine and transparent. Tell people exactly what your
intentions are. If you use shady content to trick people into buying stuff, they’ll eventually
give up on you. They’ll see you as selfish and feel like you don’t truly care about solving
their problems. And care is essential if you want to build a community of raving fans.
So, draw a clear line between content that you use to get people interested and content
that you use to sell. If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed, especially in marketing, it’s
that honesty is the best policy. | Gary Vaynerchuk’s Top 8 Tips for Blowing Up on SCoffocialee

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dia 12 Internet
Be a True Influencer
Your business creates and sells things for the sake of making a profit. But social media
doesn’t do this. Instead, you need to use it to become a thought leader and put out
content that will get people excited about what you have to say.
Many of those who followed Vaynerchuk’s tips have become huge on social media. It
goes without saying that you should play around with his advice and see how it works
for you. Not every single thing will ensure success, but a combination of some of them
most likely will.
Remember to stay unique and offer people something that they haven’t seen before. If
you can do this, you should have no trouble getting them to join your community.

Visit Gary Vaynerchuk’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires
Grant Cardone’s Top 9 Tips for Becoming a Multimillionaire

Do you know what it takes to live the life you want?

Discover the most valuable pieces of advice from
the man who definitely does.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably come to the conclusion that there’s more to life
than you’re experiencing right now. And you’re right.
But most people don’t have the courage to go after their biggest goals in life. And those
who do can’t figure out how.
Let’s deal with both of these issues here. And we have a chance to learn from the best.
Grant Cardone is one of the world’s most prolific businesspeople. He’s a master
salesman, bestselling author, international speaker and social media influencer. For
quite a while, those who want to take everything that life has to offer have been turning
to him for advice.
And there are many reasons for this. Right now, there are many who consider Cardone
the #1 marketing and sales trainer on the planet. People fight over tickets to his events
and clamour to learn what he has to impart.
If you want to see what it takes to be the next big thing, here are Cardone’s key tips for
doing so:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

1. Don’t Settle
Like most things in life, money is a mindset. Cardone has a way of saying:
“Has anybody asked you about what your dreams are in life, and you answered them,
‘Basic needs!’ Of course not. Nobody has fantasies of just having their basic needs met—
or of just having ‘enough’. This is the reason why having just ‘enough’ is a compromise.”
He’s famous for his ideas about money that many people may find controversial. One of
his best-known ideas is that having a million dollars isn’t enough to provide for the life
that you want. In fact, he thinks that all single-digit millionaires need to strive for much
To many people, this may sound crazy. But when you think about it, it does make a lot
of sense. Settling for this much money without looking to grow it further may not take a
person very far.
When he’s training his salespeople, Cardone said something that everyone who wants
to succeed should remember:
‘If you’re struggling, you have the wrong target.’
You might have started your business with the goal of becoming a millionaire. But why
not aim higher? Who’s to say that you wouldn’t turn those millions into tens or even
hundreds of millions?
Even if you fail, you’ll have failed high, which is much better than setting a low target.
This may sound out of reach for most people. But it’s really not. Once you have your first
few millions, you only have to repeat the process on a larger scale to get this higher level
of money. Of course, it will evolve as you go, but the basics will stay the same.
If your current goal is to leave your job and make a few million on your own, raise the
bar. You’ll feel much more motivated to go out there and take what you deserve.

2. It’s All About Freedom

Why do you want to be rich? Are you aiming for fancy cars and vacations? Or maybe
you just want to know that your family will have everything provided for in order to live a
nice life.
Whatever the case, this comes down to only one thing – freedom.
According to Cardone, 67% of wealthy people think that having money is about freedom
from worry. In Cardone’s own words:
‘I don't want to be worried about pieces of paper that I don't have enough of or where it's
going or what things cost.’
But why is this important? How can the realisation of this make you rich?
It’s simple. It gives you an endless pool of motivation to draw from.
Money won’t motivate you. Making more sales won’t either. Freedom will.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Knowing that you can live your life without ever having to worry about getting what you
need or want can be the most powerful motivator there is.
Whenever you think about whether it’s worth the trouble to break free of your comfort
zone and build a business, think about this. Picture yourself having all the freedom in the
world courtesy of money. This will see you through some of the biggest hardships on
your journey to wealth.

3. The 40% Rule

What part of your income are you able to save right now. Can you comfortably live with
60% of it? If not, Cardone thinks that you need to do something about it:
‘You need to get your income not to what pays your bills but to where you can save 40%
of your gross income.’
Not only does this apply to people who want to be rich, but Cardone also guarantees that
this will get you those millions that will set you up for life.
On your payday, how much do you have left after taxes and other deductions? If you
save 40% of your after-tax income, can you still live a comfortable life?
Most people can’t. And this is exactly why you need to make more.
Making money isn’t about spending it later. It’s about investing in your future. And every
investment requires a sacrifice. This is why you’ll want to be frugal, at least in the
beginning, if you want to be rich in the future.
Nobody knows this better than Cardone. Even after making his first million from nothing,
nobody noticed any changes in him. He was still buying $40 shoes and wore the same
shirt for as long as possible.
Even now at a net worth of over $300 million, you won’t see Cardone showing off his
wealth. He has very clear priorities, and splurging on unnecessary stuff just isn’t one of
Until you’ve put away tens of hundreds of millions, you can either look and feel rich or
you can actually be rich. So choose wisely. | Grant Cardone’s Top 9 Tips for Becoming a Multimillionaire

4. Study Multimillionaires
You might not know how to make a boatload of money. But there are people like Cardone
out there who do. So why not just ask them?
You probably won’t be able to do this directly, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn
from them. There’s a wealth of resources that they share, which you can use to follow in
their path.
As Cardone says:
‘Rich people don’t get rich by accident. And poor people don’t stay poor by accident.’
Behind every success, there’s a strategy that someone followed. You can either learn
from them or stay in one place and not do anything about your situation.
However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind here.
For a start, Cardone says that you have to choose wisely the people whom you’ll learn
from. Remember that we’re not just talking about any millionaires here. We’re talking
about those who are worth double or even triple digits in millions.
These are the people who truly know how to make money in the long run. You’ll find
many one-hit-wonders who end up fading away. You wouldn’t want to focus on them but
rather people who are thinking so far ahead that generations after them will be awash in
The second thing that you have to remember is to not follow everything you hear
verbatim. There’s no place for copycats in the market. People want new stuff, and you
need to be able to deliver it.
After learning what you can from multimillionaires, use their strategies as a rough
blueprint and always put your own spin on it.
Lastly, keep in mind that education never stops when you’re a business owner. However
successful you are, complacency won’t take you anywhere. You need to keep levelling
up, and knowledge is the way to do it.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

5. Collect and Keep Your Money
While knowledge is necessary, it won’t guarantee success on its own. Unless you take
action, it will all be information in your head. You need to find a way to apply that
information to growing your business and living the life you’ve always dreamt of.
There are a variety of ways to do this and no shortage of opportunities. But you need the
right frame of mind if you want to take those opportunities.
This is why Cardone advises aspiring millionaires to look at money differently. Instead of
making money, you should be collecting it.
It means that money is out there; it’s just that someone else is holding on to it right now.
If you know what to give them for the money, you can then go around and collect your
Cardone often calls this one of the most important things that he wants people to know.
For example, if people wonder how Cardone could invest outrageous amounts of money
in real estate, he'd tell them that it’s not his money but other people’s.
Guess what do you do when you go about collecting your money?
This is where Cardone uses another unconventional term. Instead of saving it, he
advises that you keep it.
‘There is no money made by saving today,’ he says. He relates this to the misconception
that money will grow in the bank if you keep saving it. This isn’t going to make you rich
at today’s meagre interest rates.
Of course, there’s only one way to create more wealth with the money that you keep,
which would be to invest it.
Cardone is a master investor. According to him, whatever he invests in will outlive
Facebook and the iPhone. And it might be a good idea for you to keep an eye out for
that as well. | Grant Cardone’s Top 9 Tips for Becoming a Multimillionaire

6. Focus on the Long Run
Why do people stay in their jobs rather than going out there and starting a business?
Because it’s comfortable. It’s safe. And most of all, it provides short-term gratification. To
this or that, and you get paid at the end of the month or whatever your pay period.
Would you work on something without getting any money in return?
Cardone would, and he did. And look where it has gotten him. This is why he wants
people to understand that they need to work even if it means not getting paid when you
want to get paid:
‘I would rather do something for free than nothing at all. While many might disagree with
that perspective, I can assure you that sooner or later, the productive person will be paid
in some way, and the unproductive people won’t.’
You won’t get rich overnight. It just isn’t how it works.
And it’s not supposed to. Even if you’re to get rich overnight, you’ll probably go broke
equally fast. This is why you need to be willing to work hard even if the reward seems
out of reach right now.
‘It’s not enough to invade a territory, you must be able to keep it,’ says Cardone. And to
learn how to do this, you’ll have to put in a lot of time and effort. Believe that it will be
worth it in the end, as long as you know what you’re doing.

7. Stay Disciplined
How do you spend your time? What are the most important things that you’re willing to
invest time and effort into? Is there a balance or are you doing too much of what you
believe you need to do?
If you don’t know how to answer the above questions, you’ll have to do something about
it. As mentioned, building success takes time, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t speed
up the process.
The way to do this is by staying disciplined and keeping a tight schedule.
Cardone does just that:
‘I do what others refuse to do. Most people won’t work weekends and won’t get ruthless
with their calendar.’
He has what he calls the ‘Beast Mode’ clock. It’s a very tight schedule that coves the
most important things in his life. Every moment is carefully thought-out to ensure
maximum productivity.
Make no mistake, most people wouldn’t be able to complete half of what Cardone gets
done in a day. And his day lasts as long as anyone else’s.
It’s about finding the motivation to stick to the end goal without getting distracted. As
Cardone puts it:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

‘The degree to which you advance is only limited by the amount of time and action you
So invest wisely.

8. Don’t Diversify
This may seem like a very counterintuitive thing to say. But Cardone isn’t exactly famous
for doing things like everyone else or according to conventional wisdom.
While people know him as a coach, influencer and entrepreneur, these are mostly side
gigs for him. He made most of his money in real estate. For more than 30 years, he’s
been a real estate investment mogul with a current portfolio believed to be worth more
than US$1.2 billion.
So, what’s that one thing that will get you rich?
If you have yet to figure out, wait until you do. As Cardone advises:
‘If you are going to bank a million before you are old and tired, you need to pick something
you believe in and know it's going to work and go all in.’
Anybody can bring something new to the world. Nobody says that it needs to be a
ground-breaking innovation. But with so many markets out there, you can for sure
introduce something new to one of them.
You’ve just got to find it. It may take time, but it will be worth it.

9. Avoid Tying Up Your Money

Cardone believes that most things that people learn about money and security are
wrong. It’s time to change the perspective and do things in a way that will make you rich.
This is why Cardone says that you need to stop tying up your money in traps that befall
most people. These include cars, houses, and that sort of things.
‘Show me someone that became a millionaire from buying homes, other than me,’ he
says. Unless it’s making money, the house that you invest in to live in will be a money
This is why Cardone advises that you lease as much as you can. You’ll have the money
ready for when you need it instead of putting it into something that you can’t use to make
more of it.

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Time to Take Action
As you went through the above, you probably came across a few things that got you
thinking. That’s what you get when learning from the best. Cardone’s ways are definitely
unconventional, but they have certainly proved to work.
Are you ready to raise the bar and make the amount of money that will truly give you the
freedom that you covet? There’s really nothing standing in your way but yourself.
Stop thinking that you shouldn’t dream big. With the right plan of action, even the wildest
fantasies can come true.
All you have to do is to make a start.

Visit Grant Cardone’s Website:

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Stepping up Your Marketing

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Joe Polish’s Top 9 Tips for
Stepping up Your Marketing

Your success stems from how you present yourself to the

world. Discover the best tips for painting the perfect picture.

Like it or not, we’re all under the influence of marketing in some shape or form. Behind
every single thing that we buy is a campaign that pushed us in its direction. Those who
can execute the best strategy would rise above all others.
While most people know how marketing works in theory, it’s a bit different in practice. It’s
not until you get into the nitty gritty that you see how complex a marketing strategy can
But if you’re going to run your own business, you’ll have to learn how to become a highly
capable marketer. It’s safe to say that your whole business will depend on it. If this
sounds like too much work, you can rest easy as you’ll be getting a helping hand from
an expert.
Joe Polish is arguably the world’s best marketer. He’s transformed hundreds of
businesses and lifted them up to great heights. For those who could use some advice
for spreading the word about their business, there are very few people who can be as

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

helpful in this regard than Polish. Let’s see what he has to say to an aspiring

1. Get People to Trust You

We see a whole lot of marketing campaigns every single day. More often than not, we
come across different campaigns for similar products. But, how do we choose the right
option? Is it the product that suits us the best?
The only way that we can know this is by comparing the various campaigns. We may not
know anything about the product aside from what we hear from the business behind it.
As a result, the option that we’ll go with is the best-advertised one.
But we don’t just look at the features of a product and compare them. More than that, we
want to know that it will really meet the promise made. This is why marketing is
dependent on getting people to believe what you’re saying.
Polish explains:
‘The number one question in all consumers’ minds is ‘Who can I trust?’ And so your job
as a business is to establish trust and rapport.’
At the end of the day, people will always buy from the person who they know will make
good on a promise. This is why companies that build a great reputation have a near-
guaranteed spot in the market.
They have lots and lots of consumers who can vouch for them. And these consumers
play a huge part in their marketing. If you position yourself in this fashion, you’ll be able
to reap all the benefits of positive word of mouth.
It gets trickier if you’re new to the market. You still haven’t had a chance to show people
that they can trust you. How do you go about building a strong foundation of trust then?

2. Educate People
Polish believes that there are few things as important as learning. If you truly want to
master the art of marketing yourself, you’ll have to do a whole lot of that. There’s a lot of
valuable knowledge out there that you’ll need to become successful in business.
Polish says that there are all sorts of ways to learn but:
‘The most effective way to learn is to actually teach other people.’
He then explains that when you teach something to someone, you become an expert on
the matter. But this is worth much more than just the acknowledgement that you receive.
Through educating others, you show them that they can trust you. They can rely on you
to provide valuable information. This means that your marketing efforts supply a ton of
value before people even consider buying from you.
This is the basis of education-based marketing. Polish explains that you can educate
people to make certain decisions with your marketing. You can show them why your offer
is much better than anyone else’s.

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Take this article for an example.
As you’re reading this, you’re learning something new. Something that you didn’t have
to pay for. And you should be able to use all this knowledge to improve your life in a
certain way.
And that’s what your marketing efforts should aim at. You need to offer people knowledge
that they can reuse to make good decisions. Do this and you should have no problem
drawing them in.

3. Focus on the Copy

When you first start out as an entrepreneur, your resources will probably be quite limited.
And marketing is only one of many things that you’ll have to invest in. It’s all too easy to
get lost and confused about where to start.
Although the decision is ultimately yours, Polish can help you when it comes to investing
in marketing. He says that you need to be very clear on your priorities if you want to get
it right from the get-go.
With that said, most people think that they need to focus on design. They want a nice
logo, website, and other visuals. While all of those are important, Polish believes that
you must invest in the copy first:
‘If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a mental picture’s worth ten thousand.’
And it just so happens that you can paint this mental picture with your copy. Everything
that you put out should be able to draw people in and get them excited. The visuals only
serve the purpose of supporting your copy.
The actual content will vary according to your offer and your objectives. But remember
the previous point made, as in you need to educate people. You need to pack your
content full of value and make it as engaging as possible. It’s only after you’ve made this
happen that you should focus on attractive designs. | Joe Polish’s Top 9 Tips for Stepping up Your Marketing

4. ELF vs. HALF
Polish’s ELF concept has become well-known in the business world. It explains that your
marketing needs to be Easy, Lucrative, and Fun. However, try as they might, most
people’s marketing efforts turn out to be HALF as in Hard, Annoying, Lame, Frustrating.
According to Polish, you can apply ELF to any aspect of your life. Imagine getting both
your business and personal lives to where they are easy, lucrative, and fun. However,
this concept really shines when applied to marketing.
The best way to illustrate this is with the example of Polish’s client. The client’s been in
the carpeting business for five years before they started working with Polish. They
approached the marketing guru because the business was struggling.
They always thought that having nice photos on their van and website would be enough
to draw people in. However, this didn’t seem to move the needle.
After working with Polish, the client decided to turn things around by educating their
customers. They recorded a message that contained educational content for helping
people to choose the right carpenter. It’s a highly useful message that they chose to give
away for free.
They did that by putting a phone number on the back of their van for people to call. When
a prospect called the number, they’d get access to the free information. Simple as that.
Two months after that, the client told Polish that they had never had that many calls ever.
And all it took was educational content and a phone number on the back of the van.
When it comes to ELF, Polish warns that this is not something that you should expect to
happen overnight. You’ll have to learn quite a bit and get to work. Over time, you should
be able to learn a skill and then apply and automate it. That’s what ELF is all about.

5. Get Yourself Paid

Over the last couple of decades, marketing has changed by a lot. Aside from advertising
products and services, businesses started using marketing for other purposes. These
include building a positive image, creating communities, and a host of other goals.
However, the primary purpose of marketing is still the same, which is to earn money for
your business. But many business owners may feel bad to ask their audience for money.

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They think that marketing in such a way will cause people to think that they only care
about making a profit.
Polish explains that you shouldn’t feel this way:
‘There’s no relationship between being good and getting paid. But there’s a huge
relationship between being a good marketer and getting paid.’
When he first started out, Polish didn’t know how to monetise his marketing efforts. He
had the same issue as many entrepreneurs. It wasn’t until he realised the power of direct
response marketing that he started making any money.
He explains that you can be the best person in the world and still be broke. But you can
also be an amazing person and get paid for it. Asking for money is not and should not
be a bad thing. It’s something that you must do if you want your business to survive let
alone thrive.
Polish says that this is especially important in the first few years of your business for the
fact that nothing can fuel your growth like money. You need to know how to sell yourself
and your business to people or it will likely fail.

6. Have the Right Mindset

In relation to the previous point, many people don’t see marketing for what it is.
Consumers have gotten tricked by shady marketing strategies that manipulated them
into buying. As a result, trust is scarcer than ever before.
Polish believes that this is what stops business owners from becoming great marketers.
Even though they’re not shady or manipulative, they may feel that way when asking
someone for money in return for the value that they provide.
If this is the case with you, Polish believes that you need a wholesale mindset shift. If
you keep thinking about marketing like this, you’ll never sell anything of consequence.
He agrees that there exist marketers who only want to trick people into buying. But he
also mentions that all great human beings in history who accomplished something of
significance did it through the power of marketing. Some of the world’s most noble
movements gained traction thanks to marketing.
Polish explains that it’s about making yourself attractive to others. You need to show
them that you’re not like those sleazy salespeople who only have their own best interest
in mind.
Quite the contrary, you’re someone who has a solution to their problem. You know what
they need and how to deliver it. You’re not forcing them but giving them a choice. It’s up
to them if they’ll buy or not.
When you approach marketing from this angle, you won’t feel bad about your offer. You’ll
proudly showcase it to the world and your audience is likely to respond positively.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Joe Polish’s Top 9 Tips for
Stepping up Your Marketing

7. Be Honest
Being honest with your audience is necessary if you want to build a healthy business.
But before you start talking to others, you need to be honest with yourself first. As Polish
puts it:
‘It's hard to connect with others if you're not connected with yourself.’
You need to know who you are and what do you want to accomplish with your business.
Without this sense of direction, you’ll end up confusing your audience at best. At worst,
you’ll appear dishonest and struggle to get them to buy from you.
Make no mistake about it. Most of the time, people can sense when someone’s trying to
trick them. Their gut feeling will tell them to steer away from you even if they like the
product rationally. And you can bet on this emotion to overshadow logic.
Therefore, the first thing that you need to do is to develop your own value system. Think
about what matters the most to you. Everything that you do in your business will have to
reflect this. Once you have this in place, seek out those who think the same way for
marketing to. It’s impossible to please everyone, which will only waste your valuable time
and energy. Plus, people always respond better to confident marketers who know what
they have to offer and what they want in return.

8. Play to Your Strengths

In both our personal and professional lives, we often focus too much on fixing what we
believe is wrong with us. This makes a lot of sense at first glance. After all, isn’t that how
you get good at something?
Like many successful people, Polish doesn’t think that this is true at all:

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‘If you spend your life trying to get really good at what you're weak at, at the end of your
life you'll have a lot of really strong weaknesses.’
Think about it – if you start building on the negative, it will take you a lot of time and effort
to get to neutral. And neutral is nowhere near good enough for today’s market. In reality,
you need to be great and you need to achieve greatness as quickly as possible.
To make this happen, you have to start by working on things that you’re already good at.
No matter what they are, there will be an audience for them. All it takes is for you to show
that you’re a true expert on the matter at hand.

9. Make Strong Connections

The last advice on our list is actually something that Polish does best. For decades,
business communities have been praising him for his incredible ability to bring people
together. Polish’s ever-expanding network is his most valuable asset.
Regardless of the business that you decide to start, the same could be true for you. As
Polish puts it:
‘Every bit of money, every bit of progress in life comes through the connections that you
actually make.’
Your marketing needs to connect people to your business in the strongest way possible.
This applies to not just your audience but also investors, partners, and all other
stakeholders. The more connections you make, the better your support system will be.
And nobody can thrive in today’s market on their own.
Wherever you go, make sure to connect with people. Be it online or face to face, present
yourself in the best light and invest in creating meaningful relationships.

The First Step Is the Hardest

There’s a spot in the market with your name on it. All you have to do is to go out there
and claim it. But when you first start out, this will likely prove to be quite challenging.
You’ll run into obstacles that you’ll have to overcome.
If you listen to Polish’s advice, this should be no problem. Just by reading this article,
you’ve taken a big step in the right direction. By learning from the best, you can get a leg
up in the market. What remains is for you to apply the knowledge that you picked up
and keep building on it.

Visit Joe Polish’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Robert Kiy osaki’ s

10 Minute Snapshot
A S u m m a r y of E v e r y t h i n g Y ou N e e d to K n o w
Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought to yourself “why do I even bother?”

You have to rush through a morning routine just to get yourself ready for a massive commute.
You spend hours waiting around in traffic to get to an office where you get yelled at by a boss you

There has to be more to life than this.

The grind is wearing you down and you’re at the end of your rope.

It’s about time you got out from underneath other people’s thumbs and struck out on your

own. That’s what Robert Kiyosaki wants to help you achieve.

In 1997, Robert Kiyosaki rose to prominence as the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. In that book, he
chronicled his beginnings and business ventures. And he highlighted the importance of financial

Kiyosaki made comparisons between his own father (the Poor Dad) and his best friend’s father
(the Rich Dad).

As an educator, Kiyosaki’s dad believed what most people believe. If you get a good education
and a good job, you’ll be set for life.

But you won’t be rich.

The Rich Dad believed that schools don’t do enough to help people to make money. They teach
you so much while barely focusing on the financial side of things.

Kiyosaki realised that his own father’s approach would never make him rich. And thus, he
searched for ways to turn his dreams into a reality.

It was a massive hit and it’s helped move many people away from the “poor” mindset that you’re
struggling with right now.

Before writing the book, Kiyosaki joined the army. He believed that the experience would teach
him to be a better leader so that he could chase his business dreams.

After the army, he joined Xerox. Kiyosaki had no interest in climbing the ranks at the company.
Instead, he wanted to take advantage of its world-leading sales training program.

With that under his belt, Kiyosaki founded his own manufacturing company in 1977. But he soon
folded it because he didn’t like the way he ran it.

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That led to dark times for Kiyosaki and he struggled to learn the lesson that it’s okay to fail.

Finally, he decided to put what he’d learned into writing and Rich Dad, Poor Dad was the result.

Kiyosaki is now a globally-recognised educator and successful businessman. If you’re looking to

change your mindset and escape the tedium of working life, he’s the man to look to.

And there’s even better news.

In 1998, Kiyosaki released a follow-up to Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He named it Cashflow Quadrant and
it can teach you everything you need to know to change your mindset.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

In his book, Kiyosaki groups people into four quadrants. These are as follows:

• E – Employee

• S – Self-Employed

• B – Business Owner

• I – Investor

Figure 1 -

E’s and S’s make up 95% of the population. You’re probably one of them. You work hard and try
to make a living. But you’re stuck with a constant grind and never achieve freedom.

The B’s and I’s are your 5%. They’re the people who make the real money and they’re the ones
living the life that you really want.

Let’s break each of these quadrants down.

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As an employed person, you’re depending on somebody else to provide your livelihood. You
wake up every morning and go to work for a company that you don’t own.

You’re basically a small cog in a massive machine.

That company pays you the bare minimum that it can get away with just to keep you there. And
you have to scrape and claw for every financial reward that you get.

In return for that meagre pay packet, you sacrifice almost all of your waking hours to the job. You
almost have no time at all to spend with your friends and family. At the worst end of the scale,
you’re so tied up in your work that you ruin your relationships.

And here’s the worst part.

You’re completely dependent on the organisation that you work for to provide you with a living.

What happens to you if something happens to the company?

If the company goes under, your job goes with it. Then you’re in serious trouble. If you don’t find
another job soon, the bills don’t get paid. You’re living paycheque to paycheque and you have no

Most people are employees at some point during their lives. And if you’re reading this, you’re
most likely in this quadrant yourself.

Finally, being an E gets to be too much for you. It’s time to use your talents and strike out on your

You become self-employed. It’s a common move in the current economy, with many turning
their hand to freelancing. There’s even a name for it – the gig economy.

S’s are a step above E’s when it comes to obtaining financial freedom. But it’s a very small step.

While you may have more passion for what you’re doing, your time still isn’t focused on making
more money. Instead, you’re constantly chasing job leads and trying to find more work.

That’s a key point that Kiyosaki makes in Cashflow Quadrant. E’s and S’s chase work. B’s and I’s
chase money.

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The time you spend quoting work and chasing clients is time that you don’t spend making

And then there are the troubles that come during a downturned economy. Suddenly, all of your
clients start to tighten their belts. Some of them might even go out of business.

That means there’s less work for you, so you have to work even harder to find new jobs.

Guess where you are now.

That’s right. You’re right back into the grind that you tried to escape. You may have a little more
time to devote to your own projects. But you’re still relying on others to generate an income. If
the client base dries up, you’re in serious trouble.

And that’s without even focusing on the ridiculous taxes that you have to pay.

This is where you start to make the real money that will get you your financial freedom.

A business owner often starts out as a self-employed person. But instead of focusing their efforts
on getting work that they themselves do, they look inwards.

They focus on building enterprises and creating structures that allow their ventures to grow. B’s
are the people that you’re working for right now. The only thing that separates them from you is
that they took the risk.

A B has plenty of advantages over an E or an S.

For a start, they’re not beholden to anybody. They run the show and they collect the vast
majority of the profits.

A good B is also able to delegate most of their work to other people. That leaves them free to
chase the money rather than chase the work.

B’s also control their company’s production. Again, we come back to that key term of control. A
B has taken control of their career and their life. That leaves them freer to pursue the things that
really matter to them.

And finally, B’s are more creative when it comes to their taxes. They can take advantage of
changing economies and have more options when it comes to writing off business expenses.

The simple fact is that B’s make much more money than E’s and S’s.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

According to Kiyosaki, I’s have the highest level of financial security. Where a B still has to do
some work to keep their business running, an I has figured out how to generate passive income.

That means they’re using their money to make more money. And they have to do very little work
to keep the machine going.

Investors have a simple goal. They want to get themselves to a point where they never have to
work again.

That means they put their money into all sorts of investments, such as bonds, savings, shares,
and real estate. If they make the right choices, those investments pay off and the I now has even
more money to invest.

Generally speaking, an I earns 70% of their income from investments and 30% from a job. That
means they’re safe even if the job goes wrong!

Kiyosaki points to becoming an I as the main goal. He says that even E’s can build themselves up
to become I’s.

All it takes is the ability to save and use your money wisely. And of course, an investment
education will always help you along the way.

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If you’re reading this, then you’re probably an E or an S.

That means you’re in the 95% of people who aren’t going to obtain financial freedom. Or at least
you won’t if you don’t make some serious changes in your life.

The Cashflow Quadrant notes that changing how you think is the key to becoming the 5%.

And to do that, you need to know the five things that happen to you if you decide to stick with
being an E or an S.

1. You’ll work hard for your entire life and never obtain financial freedom. Don’t believe that
your pension is going to help you either. About 60% won’t even have enough money to
retire comfortably. And even then, comfortable isn’t free. The simple fact is that work is
going to dominate your life.

2. You’re depending on other people to help you lead your life. If your employer goes out
of business, you’re in serious trouble. As an S, a downturn in the economy could destroy
your venture and make you become an E again.

3. Money is a constant worry for you. Every decision that you make starts with how it’s
going to affect your finances. And if you lose track of it all, you face financial ruin. Even
being out of work for a month or two could put you on the verge of losing your house.

4. Money also defines every boundary in your life. You can’t do certain things because you
don’t have enough money. There’s so much of life that you’re missing out on because
you’re part of the 95%.

5. You will never know true freedom, financial or otherwise.

How do you escape this routine?

Learning how to invest is the key. It all starts with the education. Learn how to be a successful

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How do so many people end up in the 95%?

It’s all due to fear. So many people fear taking the risks that can reward them with the lives that
they always dreamed of.

And that means they decide to settle for security.

The left side of Kiyosaki’s quadrant contains the E’s and S’s. They’re the people who’ve opted for

But that security is a fallacy. The E’s and S’s are actually the least secure of all of us. Kiyosaki
notes that those who opt for security have several issues:

• They have poor financial intelligence and don’t realise that it’s all about how much
money you keep rather than how much you make.

• They focus on their income rather than on making investments.

• The more money an E or S has, the more tax they pay. They likely have more debt to
repay too.

As you can see, being an E or S isn’t as secure as it seems.

Yet so many of us go that route because it’s what we’re taught to do. Kiyosaki’s Poor Dad has this
exact problem.

Those who become B’s and I’s don’t have these problems. They’re financially free, which means
they can generate a passive income. Plus, they can pay less tax thanks to a better understanding
of the system.

But it’s the risk involved with becoming a B or an I that so many people fear.

Kiyosaki teaches us that it’s okay to fail. He did it with his first company. But he picked himself
back up and started again.

He also says that a good education is the key to becoming a successful I.

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Kiyosaki says that it’s best to become a B before you focus on becoming an I. In fact, most I’s
tend to flit between their investing and their businesses.

Remember, it’s 70% investing and 30% job.

According to Kiyosaki, there are three types of business that work well for B’s.

1. The traditional C corporation for which you develop your own systems and processes.

2. A franchise for which you buy a system that already exists. These are best for those
who don’t know how to build their own systems. With the system in place, you can focus on
developing your people.

3. Network marketing, which sees you become part of a system that already exists without
taking full ownership.

Here’s the key.

You may not get the business right the first time. Kiyosaki didn’t. His first business failed. In fact,
you may go through two or three businesses before you find one that sticks.

To become a B, you have to learn about these three business types and figure out which works
for you.


Kiyosaki says that there are seven investment levels. Your job is to work your way through them
so you can get to the point where you’re financially free.

The levels are as follows:

Level 1 – The Beginner

This is a simple one. You’re at this level when you have nothing to invest. Most E’s and S’s are at
this level.

Level 2 – The Borrower

You’re borrowing money to invest in something. That may mean your mortgage or a new car as
much as it might mean a business venture. At this level, you’re putting yourself in debt to invest.

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Level 3 – The Saver

You’re a lot better with your money and have some financial education. But you’re also a bit of a
tightwad. You’re saving money that you earn but you aren’t putting much of it to good use. You
still need to develop your financial intelligence.

Level 4 – The “Smart” Investor

You’re an investor who thinks you know more than you do. Kiyosaki breaks this down into three

• I Can’t Be Bothered – You’ve convinced yourself that you’ll never learn how to invest.
That means you either do nothing with your money or turn it over to a risk-averse

• Gambler – You’ve learned the terminology and think you know what you’re doing. But
you actually don’t know anything. You jump straight in without understanding the rules.
If you succeed, it’s all down to luck rather than your intelligence.

• Cynic – You’re constantly talking badly about investment opportunities. But the truth is
that you know very little.

Level 5 – The Long-Term Investor

This investor’s getting a little closer to the solution.

They understand the need to invest and know that it’s not a short-term thing. They try to take
advantage of tax breaks and other ways to make more money.

However, security is still a little more important than freedom to these investors. That means
they’re avoiding high-yield investments, like real estate and businesses.

Level 6 – The Sophisticated Investor

This is one of the two levels that Kiyosaki points to as being the most desirable. He also says that
you need to be a Level 5 before you can become a Level 6.

A sophisticated investor has experience and has learned from mistakes. They’ve diversified and
they’re capable of creating their own deals.

These investors look to own more assets and they use clever structures to avoid paying tax.

Level 7 – The Capitalist

This is the ultimate combination of the B and the I.

The capitalist can leverage other people’s talents to help them to make more money. They’re

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also capable of creating investment opportunities that they then sell to others.

Most importantly, they know how to make money without using more money.

Education is the key theme in Cashflow Quadrant. With Knowledge Source you can get the
education you need to increase your changes of success.

Kiyosaki ends his book with a set of chapters that focus on helping you to become a successful B
or I.

He goes into a lot of detail, but let’s break it down into the basics. Here’s what you’ll need to do
to break into the 5% and become financially free.

• Start with baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Building a portfolio and becoming an
investor requires long-term commitment and dedication. You’re going to make mistakes
along the way, so get rid of the “get rich quick” mentality.

• Focus on your own business instead of someone else’s. Every minute that you spend as
an E is a minute that you’re not spending on yourself.

• You have to control your cash flow. You become an E every time you have a liability. If you
have a debt, you’re an E to your lender. Learn the difference between good and bad debt.
The bad is the stuff that you pay for through your work. The good is the debt that you get
other people to pay for you.

• Separate “risk” from “risky”. Every investment carries some level of risk. But risk is
something that you can learn about and manage. Something that’s risky will likely
cost you money. But an investment doesn’t become risky just because it has some risk

• Decide on what type of investor you need to become. Kiyosaki says that Type A investors
search for problems that they’re able to solve. Type B investors want to let others tell
them where to put their money.

• Kiyosaki says “When people are lame, they love to blame.” Your failures and
disappointments are your own. Confront them, learn from them, and move on.

And Kiyosaki has one final piece of advice for the E’s and S’s who want to become B’s and I’s.

Find mentors.

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Search for people whom you can learn from and who are willing to teach you. Learn from their
successes and failures.

Remember that the people you spend time with are the people who influence your life’s

Visit Robert Kiyosaki’s Website:

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Richard Koch’s 80/20 Principle

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Work Less and Achieve More –
Richard Koch’s 80/20 Principle

You don’t have to spend every waking moment working just

to scrape a living. Multimillionaire author and investor
Richard Koch’s 80/20 principle reveals how you can do more
by working less.

Work less and achieve more.

It seems like a pipedream. And it’s certainly not what you’re taught in school.

Growing up, we’re told that the key to a happy life is to work ourselves into the ground for
50+ years so that we can retire with whatever cash we have.

That’s wrong.

You’re not going to build wealth that way.

But worse, you’re never going to have time to do the things you love while you’re still young
enough to do them.

You can cut back on the hours while achieving more.

If you don’t believe us, believe someone who has over $300 million in the bank.

Introducing Richard Koch

It all started at Oxford University.

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That’s where Richard Koch earned his Masters of Art. And from there, he dived headfirst
into the business world.

For many years, he worked as a business consultant with Boston Consulting Group. That
period of his life gave him the chance to look at how the average business operates.

That’s when the seed of the idea for the 80/20 principle got planted.

He moved on to work for Bain & Company in the 1980s. One of Boston’s “Big Three”
consultancy firms, the group offered him even more insight into a major problem.

We dedicate most of our resources to work that doesn’t create a profit.

In 1983, he split from Bain & Company to found L.E.K Consulting.

14 years later, he’d learned enough. In 1997, he published a book that transformed how
we see business – The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More With Less.

Today, Koch is a successful speaker and author. He has 20 books in publication. Plus, his
investment activities have seen him amass a $300 million fortune.

The 80/20 principle underpins all of that success.

What is the 80/20 Principle?

We’ll let Koch explain this in his own words:

“80 percent of products, or customers or employees, are only contributing 20 percent of profits.”

The other 80%, or the lion’s share of your profits, come from the other 20%.

This applies to every aspect of a business. If you’re operating an Amazon store, 20% of your
products produce the vast majority of your profits. The same goes for a digital agency. You
have a core set of services that generate most of the income. The rest just eat up your time
with little to show for it.

Understanding this principle means that you can start to tackle waste.

You’ll use the resources you have more effectively and won’t end up wasting time on stuff
that doesn’t matter.

You’ll focus on that successful product line instead of spending most of your time trying to
make something else work. You’ll find the right people to move the business forward and
attract the customers who’ll lead you to profit.

As Koch puts it:

“Trying harder doesn’t work, so let’s try trying less.”

How do you do that? Here are a few tips that will help you to put the 80/20 principle into

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Work Less and Achieve More –
Richard Koch’s 80/20 Principle

Tip #1 – Spend Time on the Essentials

During a presentation to Autodesk, Koch spoke about some of the most successful people
in the world. He mentioned Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and even Albert Einstein.

Then he said:

“What all of these people do, or did, was spend time creatively on the few essentials and little, or
no, time on the mass of trivia that engulfs most of us all of the time.”

The point he’s making is that the super successful people aren’t crunching all of the
numbers themselves. They’re not going out and selling products door-to-door or getting
too wrapped up in the minutia of their businesses.

They’re looking at the big picture.

They’re figuring out the strategy that will take them from where they are to where they
want to be.

As Koch says:

“Save yourself for one or two things each week that are really important for getting results.”

That’s the 80/20 principle in action. 80% of your results will come from those few tasks.

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Tip #2 – Simplify
No matter what industry you work in, there’s always a temptation to overcomplicate

You experience success with a product so you add more. Soon, you’re offering so much that
you can’t keep track of things.

That complexity drains your resources. It’s 80/20 in action again. All of those new products
and services don’t add much to the business. However, they take up the majority of your
time because you’re trying to make them work.


That’s the advice from Koch when he says:

“The way to create something great is to create something simple.”

Great businesses don’t try to offer everything under the sun. They develop a niche and
stick to it. They keep things simple so they can offer something amazing without wasting
time and resources.

Tip #3 – Think, Then Act

In one of his follow-up books, Living The 80/20 Way: Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More,
Enjoy More, Koch says:

“The most successful people change the world not through sweat and tears but through ideas and
passion…Success comes from thinking, then acting on those thoughts.”

The point he’s making is that working without purpose is a waste of your resources.

If you haven’t thought about what you want to achieve, you’re going to burn yourself out.
That’s where 80/20 comes in again. Spend most of your time thinking about what you want
to do. Once you know that, the action is always far easier to take. | Work Less and Achieve More – Richard Koch’s 80/20 Principle
Put 80/20 into Practice
How much time do you waste on the stuff that really doesn’t matter?

How often do you come back from work feeling burnt out and angry about what you do?

It’s time to make a change.

Richard Koch’s 80/20 principle isn’t just a flash in the pan. It’s something that’s worked for
him and thousands of other people.

Make it work for you.

Visit Richard Koch’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Richard Koch

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Russell Brunson’s Top 8 Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Wondering how to grow your business and make your

biggest life goals come true? Learn from the ClickFunnels
co-founder with a net worth of $360 million.

How many times have you daydreamt about having all the freedom that you can possibly
want? You may have done this from your office or a cubicle just as you felt severely
stressed and burnt out.
In most cases, you probably came to the conclusion that it’s just a fantasy. That running
a business isn’t for you and that you’re more likely to have to work for other people for
the rest of your life.
But this just isn’t true.
What many people don’t understand is that everyone can become a successful
entrepreneur. You just have to find your way into business ownership.
In this article, author and co-founder of ClickFunnels Russell Brunson will teach you how
to find your entry point. After running a highly successful business for 15 years and
counting, he’s an excellent person for anyone to turn to for advice.
If you need proof, just take a look at his net worth. The $360 million is enough to make
any worker bee’s head spin, though it’s Brunson’s reality.
So how did he manage to build such a powerful empire? Here are some of the best tips
that he can give you:

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1. Change Your Perspective
When you think about what it’ll take to start your own business, how do you imagine this
process? There are those who may not understand what it looks like.
Brunson believes that this is because of the way we learned things in school.
You probably heard that you need to have a vision, build a team, learn programming,
and all that jazz. Regardless of your industry, you’ve likely learned a ton of things in
theory. Even if they haven’t done this formally, most people think that they need to be all
over the place.
But not according to Brunson, who thinks that this is the wrong approach:
‘The goal of the entrepreneur is not to learn how to do every single piece in this puzzle.'
Instead, he advises that you focus on three things:
1. Understanding the strategy
2. Figuring out the system
3. Building a team
He gives an example of a person who wants to become a contractor. This person’s goal
is to build houses. Does this mean that he has to learn everything from architecture to
Absolutely not.
He just needs to understand the strategy. His focus should be on making decisions, not
doing the work. For that, he’ll hire experts.
It works the same way in all other lines of work.
Was Steve Jobs a programmer? Was he a designer?
No. He only understood the strategy. And then he built a tech empire with the right
The point is, don’t overcomplicate the running of a business. It’s by no means easy, but
it doesn’t mean that you need to figure out every single detail. This will make you feel
overwhelmed and you might give up before you even start.
Instead, focus on a few key decisions that you need to make. Then find the people whose
job will be to figure out the details.

2. Relationships Are Key

Do you consider yourself a lone wolf? Before you decide to start your business, it’d be a
good idea to shed this mindset. For Brunson, he’s often wished that he’d known earlier:
‘I wish that in my business class, they just said this: ‘Russell this is the deal: People do
business with people they like. So you should become someone, first off, that people
like. And second off, find other people and be really, really nice to them.’

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He gives his personal example that illustrates this point perfectly.
When he was just about to launch ClickFunnels, he ran into a big issue with his partner.
Not only did he back out, but he also decided to become Brunson’s competitor.
As you can imagine, this infuriated Brunson. In the heat of the moment, he was hell-bent
on getting into a huge fight over this. But he was able to keep his cool and wished his
partner all the best.
A month and a half later, his partner came back. He apologised for everything and
admitted that he should’ve stuck with Brunson. They started working together again, and
he turned out to be ClickFunnels’ biggest affiliate for years after that.
The message here is that you should never burn bridges. It doesn’t matter if it’s your
customers, partners, or anyone else. You should always focus on building strong
relationships with everyone that matters to you and your business.
As an influencer, you’ll see how important this can be once you start talking to your
audience. If you do it right, it can be your biggest competitive advantage.

3. Build Your List

If you were to ask Brunson how he managed to grow his business to great heights, this
would probably be his answer. Focusing on his list not only got him hundreds of millions
in net worth but also saved his business from crashing more than once.
‘I did some stupid things, we made some bad mistakes… I should've went bankrupt both
times, and both times I didn't because of my list,’ Brunson says.
15 years ago, when he first started ClickFunnels, he had a mentor, Mark Joyner. It was
Joyner who advised that he built a list and focused all his efforts on it.
At the time, AdSense had just shown up and become a big thing. Brunson says that you
could’ve made hundreds of thousands without doing much then.
Obviously, he wanted to jump on board. But Joyner advised him against it. He told
Brunson that the whole AdSense craze would pass and that he’d be much better off
focusing on his list.
And that’s exactly what happened. At one point, AdSense crashed and Brunson’s friends
who made a ton of money went out of business. But not him.
His list kept getting bigger and bigger, and it’s the main driving force behind Brunson’s
As a rule of thumb, Brunson says that you should be making $1 off of every person on
your list. Of course, the numbers can be much higher, but this is the bottom line. If you
play your cards right, this can be your strongest asset.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Russell Brunson’s Top 8 Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

4. No Shiny Objects
In relation to the previous point, you need to have a clear vision for your business from
the moment you start building it. Without a sense of direction, you’ll get lost in the process
and be at the mercy of the competitors who know what they’re doing.
‘For as long as I've been doing this game, for 15 plus years, people have been jumping
everywhere. The only thing that's been consistent through the ups and the downs, are
the fundamentals,’ says Brunson.
As to the fundamentals that you need to focus on, it might be different depending on the
business. As a leader, you’ll have your own list of core things to focus on. Still, there are
a few common things that would be good for all businesses to have.
The first one, as described above, is a big list of things that can bring in the revenue.
On top of that, you also need a funnel. You need to know how to attract your audience,
add them to your funnel, and convert them into paying customers.
Obviously, another fundamental is your offer. You need to keep perfecting your products
or services and make sure that you’re adding more and more value.

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Everything outside of this is a fleeting trend. You already know what happened to
AdSense in Brunson’s example. These things happen on a regular basis in today’s
business environment. There are all kinds of fads that come and go out of nowhere.
Don’t let them distract you. Focus on your fundamentals and everything else will fall in

5. Would You Like Fries with That?

Ever heard of upselling? If not, you’ll want to pay attention.
Upselling is an amazing way to make more money from each customer that you attract.
For an example, look no further than Brunson’s experience.
Before starting ClickFunnels, Brunson’s first business venture was potato gun DVDs.
Yes, you read that right. He sold DVDs that show people how to shoot potato guns.
At the time, marketing was infinitely simpler. It was a lot more straightforward to advertise
and rank high on Google, and that’s what Brunson was doing. Since he was still in
college, he could only spend $10 a day on advertising.
It did the trick to an extent and Brunson was selling at an average rate of one DVD per
day. As the price was $37 each, he was making $27 a day minus the cost of the DVD.
But then Google changed its algorithm and things worked differently in a hurry. Instead
of $10, Brunson now had to spend $50 per day on ads. Without any gain in sales, this
resulted in a $13 loss every day. Brunson had to take his website down as a result.
Not long after, his friend called him and gave him the idea of upselling. Instead of just
DVDs, why not try to sell potato gun kits as well?
And that’s how Brunson created his first funnel. When people went to his website, they’d
see an offer for a DVD. If they went ahead and bought the DVD, they’d get an offer to
buy the kit as well. One in three people ended up buying the $197 kit along with the DVD.
Just like that, Brunson went from losing $13 to making $52 a day.
And that was the lightbulb moment that resulted in him creating ClickFunnels:
‘I realized websites made me broke but funnels actually made me money.’
If you ever struggle with profitability after starting your business, remember upselling. It
might be the only thing you’ll need to get back on top.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Russell Brunson’s Top 8 Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

6. Create a Mass Movement

When thinking about running a business, most people first think about money. They plan
on using their business as a money-making machine that will let them afford the lifestyle
that they want.
But is this the right way of looking at it? Brunson doesn’t think so.
It’s much better for your business to be a mass movement.
Because that’s how you connect with people on a deep emotional level. And we’ve
already established that this is very important in business.
If you only look at it from a monetary perspective, your business will be too transactional.
Your customers will be nothing more than people who give you money for something
that they want or need.
But if your business is a mass movement, they’ll feel a strong drive towards your products
and services.
But there are several things that a mass movement needs.
First of all, it needs a charismatic leader. Someone who’s able to move others in their
direction. This is critical for making sure that your whole team is on the same page.
A charismatic leader will be able to communicate his vision to everyone. And when others
see it, they’ll want to be a part of it.
And this is how you create a cause, the second important thing in any mass movement.
Brunson explains that your business needs to have a future-based cause for everyone
to believe in.

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A great example would be the American presidential election. Every time a candidate
won, it’s because that person had a cause and a vision for the future that people believed
in. This happens in politics, religion, business, and pretty much everywhere else.
And lastly, a mass movement needs to provide a new opportunity to people. You
shouldn’t come with another iteration of something that’s been already done time and
again. You’re going to need something ground-breaking to attract people.
‘If you're struggling in your business right now, my guess is you're missing one or two of
these three things,’ Brunson explains.
Whatever you do, don’t think of your business strictly from a financial perspective.
Connect with people on a whole other level and create a mass movement out of it.

7. Prove Value
So you’ve just started your business, now what? You’re the new kid on the block that
nobody knows about. How do you get people to not only know you but also put their trust
in you?
It’s easy – just prove to them that you can offer something of value.
Ideally, your product or service will do this on its own. It will be so obvious that people
won’t be able to resist it. But what if this isn’t the case? What if you have a lot of value to
offer but nobody knows it yet?
Brunson was in this situation at one time. What he did was simple, yet genius.
He held a presentation during which he offered a bonus training to the audience.
Incredibly, Brunson paid a million dollars for that training course.
It’s like someone telling you that they’ll give you something that’s worth a million dollars
for free. You might be thinking that it’s a scam.
This is why Brunson pulled up a bank statement in front of his audience showing that he
actually paid a million dollars for the course. And as you can imagine, people went nuts
over it.
You can talk about your value all you want. But actually showing it to people will do much
more than a million words. Herein lies the lesson. Find a way to show people the physical
evidence that your offer is valuable to them.

8. Create a Fear of Missing Out

It goes without saying that Brunson is a master salesman. He knows how to get his
audience to sign up or buy from him. This is something that any business owner should
know how to do.
A great example is evident when Brunson purposefully made an event harder for people
to buy in. This means doing away with electronic sign-up.
Brunson took the road less travelled and stuck to paper sign-up forms. His logic:

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‘When you watch people get up from their chairs to go buy, that pressure and fear of
missing out helps egg on those who are hesitant.’
If you find yourself speaking at an event and wanting to get people to sign up, create a
fear of missing out to get those who are on the edge to make that final leap. This can
work wonders for your sales and help you start your business on the right foot.

Make a Move
As you can see, Brunson has made some unique decisions that not many people would
have thought of. It’s people like him that thrive in the business world.
Now, is there anything special here that you don’t have? Not at all. Brunson is just one
of those people who are willing to learn and work hard for what they want.
Are you?
If so, it’s time to stop obsessing over the reasons why you shouldn’t start a business and
just do it. By reading this article, you already learned a ton of valuable info that you’ll be
able to put to use along the way.
All you have to do now is to take action.

Visit Russell Brunson’s Website:

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You Thrive in Today’s Market

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

9 Tips from Sam Ovens that Will Help
You Thrive in Today’s Market

A lot has changed in the business landscape over the years.

Learn what it takes to succeed right now.

Sooner or later, many people find out that a 9-5 job isn’t for them. But only a small portion
of them have the courage to do something about it. The majority is just too afraid to leave
the comfort and stability that employment offers.
But do you really want to spend the biggest portion of your life in an office? Of course
Those who know this are going above and beyond to decode success and see what it
takes to build a profitable business. And if you keep reading, you’ll get a step closer.
You’ll get a chance to learn from a man who left his corporate job to pursue his dreams.
Sam Ovens realised that there’s more to life than working for someone else. And by the
age of 30, he’d made all of his wildest dreams come true. Right now, his net worth sits
at around $65 million, and his consulting business is creating new millionaires on a
regular basis.
So, what are his secrets to this level of success? Here are some of the most valuable
pieces of advice that he can give you.

1. Get Your Finances in Order

Many entrepreneurs enjoy talking about what you should do if you want to be successful.
They give you all sorts of strategies that you can use to grow a successful business.

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However, most of them assume that you’ve already started and that you have some of
the things figured out.
Ovens, on the other hand, often talks about the very first steps that you should take if
you’re starting from scratch. And one of the most important is making sure that you can
finance your new business.
The first thing that he advises may sound odd to some people. It’s that you need to have
a job.
But wait, isn’t the whole point of starting a business to get out of paid employment?
It is, but how are you going to finance your new business without a steady income?
Unless you have a sizable savings account or an inheritance, your job is the only option
that you have.
Ovens further explains that you need to be very careful with your money in the beginning
while your business is still new. He advises that you cut back on some stuff and live a
simple lifestyle. He also says that you should do the same in your business by cutting all
unnecessary costs.
In Ovens’ words:
‘If you’re just getting started, don’t feel down about working from your garage or
basement and looking unprofessional. Nothing is ever perceived as ‘great’ unless you’ve
experienced its opposite. Stay true to your craft and everything will come to you in time.’
Don’t think that you need to get everything right from the very moment you start. In fact,
this is pretty much impossible. Instead, prioritise the things that you feel are worth
investing in. And as you go about growing your young business, you’ll have more
resources to perfect it.

2. Read a Ton of Books

If you were to start a new business right now, how prepared would you be? For most
people, the answer is ‘not enough’. Even if you have the basics figured out, there are so
many details that can make a big difference to your success. And the best thing that you
can do to uncover those details is to read.
‘There’s nothing I believe in this world that is more valuable than your knowledge,’ says
While there are many sources of knowledge out there, Ovens believes that it’s near
impossible to do better than picking up a good book. He suggests that you read a book
per week, and just like that, you’ll acquire plenty of new knowledge on a yearly basis.
He’s been doing it forever, and he says that this is what enabled him to build several
businesses. If you take a look at the success of each of them, it’s easy to see the value
of knowledge.
The books that you should read may depend on the business that you have in mind.
However, there are a number of legendary books that every business owner needs to

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read. Written by the world’s most successful people, they can give you all the shortcuts
that you need to grow a successful business from scratch.
Ovens suggests that you read four categories of books:

• Mindset and self-improvement

• Sales
• Marketing
• Business strategy
This will equip you with an arsenal of valuable tools that you’ll be able to put to use as
you build your business. And it’s going to be one of the most enjoyable parts of your

3. Stay Focused
As mentioned, there have been many changes in the business environment over the
years. But some fundamentals of success have stayed the same. And one of them is
focus. Ask any successful person how they got to where they are and they’d be quick to
credit focus.
Ovens believes that we all have the same amount of time and energy. But, how come
some people progress so much faster than others?
Ovens believes that focus is the key, which he explains as follows:
‘Focus is what you choose to spend your finite amount of time and energy on.’
He then emphasises that successful people didn’t generate their wealth through partying
and watching TV shows. In place of any guilty pleasures, they used every single moment
of their life wisely and focused on the end goal.
But let’s say that you’re not wasting time on stuff like social media or Netflix. Let’s say
that everything that you do is with an eye toward your success. Even then, you’ll have to
be very careful about how you spend your time and energy.
Ovens explains that if you focus your energy on 13 different tasks, you’ll make one inch
of progress in 13 directions. But if you focus on one thing, you’ll make 13 inches of
progress in that direction.
The most important things that you need to remember here are how to prioritise and how
to say ‘no’. There will be distractions trying to pull you away from the things that matter.
Learn how to ignore them and stay on track.

4. Build a Strong Personal Brand

Up until a few years ago, personal branding wasn’t nearly as important as it is today. All
it took to draw people in was sending a positive message in the name of your business.
And if people saw it in the best light, they’d buy from you.

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However, customers are much more curious today. They want to know what happens
behind the curtain. They want to meet the person who stands behind the brand that they
This is why Ovens believes that your personal brand is highly important to success:
‘Each media hit, speaking opportunity or social media post has the potential to bring you
a new customer. Personal branding is an essential tool for business success.’
Thankfully, spreading a positive word has never been easier. You’ve just got to know
how to make use of social media. If the Internet sees you as a positive influence, you’re
much more likely to draw customers in.
Ovens says that seeking publicity isn’t the hard part, as there are so many ways to do
this. From social media to all kinds of events, you can get your name out there and show
the market that it can trust you.
And when people have trust in you, they’ll trust your business as well. If you take a look
at some of the most successful companies, you’ll see that their owners are social media
superstars and mega influencers in their areas. As you spread the word about your
business, make sure to do the same for yourself.

5. Be a Problem Solver
Why do people buy things? While the mere ownership of them is important to some, this
is becoming less and less true. Rather, modern buyers want positive experiences. They
want you to solve their problem and improve their life in a certain way. | 9 Tips from Sam Ovens that Will Help You Thrive in Today’s Market
For this reason, you can’t present yourself as a business that sells stuff. You need to be
a problem solver. You need to be able to see what it is that your audience wants the
most and deliver it. This is the only way to make it in the market over the long run.
Ovens has this to say about it:
‘Most companies that aim to just make money rarely make any money. This is because
money derives from value and value derives from helping people.’
Obviously, all for-profit businesses exist to make money. But you should never approach
your audience from this perspective. Nowadays, the focus must always be on what you
can do for them. Before you ask them for something, be it money, attention, or anything
else, you need to be able to provide enough value.
Remember that your product or service isn’t the only thing that needs to provide value.
This is a given. In addition, everything from your brand message to content needs to be
If people see that you have a lot to offer, they’ll feel obligated to pay you for it. Rather
than having to buy from you, they’ll want to do it.

6. Do Less
When you first get your business off the ground, you’ll have to take care of a host of
things. You might be on your own and everything starts and ends with you. Do you think
that you’ll be able to manage all of it?
You don’t have a choice, at least not until you start expanding your team. Ovens started
without anyone’s help, so he can tell you how tough it can get.
And yet, he managed to grow it to a $65 million business.
He did it by doing less. This may sound contradictory, but it makes a lot more sense than
you think.
Ovens explains:
‘While others have tried to do it all, I have tried to do less. In the modern world it’s more
about what you ignore rather than what you do.’
You’re not a jack of all trades. Nor should you be. Focus on a handful of things that you’re
amazing at. Don’t try to cover as much ground as possible thinking that this will help you
progress faster. In the long run, this is never a viable option.

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Ovens has spent most of his career teaching people how to create more by doing less.
Not only is this possible, but it’s necessary if you want to move faster than your
competition. As soon as you fall behind, it’ll be very hard to catch up, so make sure that
you don’t waste resources on things that don’t matter.

7. Start from Your Inner Circle

When you start your business from scratch, you may not have any idea about how to get
clients. As with most things in both business and life, the beginning is often the hardest.
You have no reputation or credibility to show people that you’re the real deal.
Unless you have a well-developed strategy from the start (which most people don’t),
you’ll want to use all the help that you can get. And that help might be right under your
People often overlook their friends and family as business contacts and customers. And
yet, Ovens believes that they’re the first people that you should turn to:
‘When you’re first starting out, don’t forget about your personal network of friends and
family. You might be surprised how many potential clients already exist within your
immediate sphere.’
A smart thing that you can do would be to get your friends and family to try out your
products and services. Ask them for an honest opinion and take their feedback into
account. Even more importantly, ask them to tell other people about you and perhaps
leave reviews.
This will give you more credibility as complete strangers come to see that your offer is
truly valuable. People trust other people’s opinions more than businesses that they | 9 Tips from Sam Ovens that Will Help You Thrive in Today’s Market
encounter for the first time in their life. And you likely have more than enough people in
your circle who can help you build credibility in the market.

8. Get the Basics Right

How many times have you fantasised about running your own business? You probably
thought about all the steps needed to succeed. You might’ve also gone online and looked
for more and more advice.
This is how many aspiring entrepreneurs think. They want to cover as much ground from
the beginning and prepare themselves for different scenarios. As a result, they fill their
head with too much information and get way ahead of themselves.
Ovens thinks that this is a big problem that you should avoid. Don’t rush into complex
decisions and strategies but concentrate on building a strong foundation. Without it,
everything that you build later is likely to come down.
In Ovens’ words:
‘Obsessing over the complex is like having the best silverware for a dinner party and
overcooking the chicken. Nobody cares about the silverware because the main thing
was the food.’
Things like product development, branding, and social media presence are the
cornerstones of success. Before you start thinking about any elaborate strategies for
scaling, you need to get these things in order.

9. Don’t Fear Rejection

Most of us have a phobia of rejection, both in our personal and professional lives. There’s
just something about hearing the word ‘no’ that makes us contract. And yet, hearing
hundreds of nos is necessary on the way to getting those few crucial yeses.
Ovens has been there many times. Rejection terrified him and was a big obstacle to his
growth. It wasn’t until he learned how to stop taking it to heart that he unlocked his
‘Forcing myself to talk to strangers about my business - and then, understanding that
business rejection isn’t personal - was probably the most critical step in my journey to
ultimate success.’
Don’t be afraid to go out there and knock on as many doors as possible. The more
rejections you face, the higher the chance of the next person becoming your client. Cast
out the fear and learn how to go about it with confidence.

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Final Advice
There’ve never been more opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs than today. It’s no
wonder why new businesses are sprouting up every single day. But most of them won’t
be around for too long, so you need to start in the right way.
To stay relevant in today’s market, it really boils down to one thing that Ovens
‘If you never give up, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.’
Yes, starting is scary, and trying to survive in the market might be even scarier. But if
you persist for long enough and make a few right moves in the beginning, rising above
your competition shouldn’t be a problem.

Visit Sam Ovens’ Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires
Top 9 Success Tips from Tai Lopez

From having $47 in his pocket to presiding over a $50-million

empire, Tai Lopez has got it figured out. Discover his best
pieces of advice on how you can do the same.

You’ve probably seen him – that highly enthusiastic guy on the screen that keeps firing
out one motto after another. Over the years, Tai Lopez has amassed such popularity that
pretty much everyone in the business world knows him.
Like many self-made millionaires, he built everything from scratch. Living in a remote
home with no money whatsoever, he set out on a journey to wealth and freedom.
A few years later, he got it all and then some.
Today, Tai Lopez is a prolific businessman, investor, speaker and social media
superstar. He’s got many other achievements as well. You could say that he’s got quite
a reputation in the business world.
This is why people go out of their way to pick his brain and try to learn his secrets to
success. And luckily, Lopez isn’t one to shy away from sharing them.
Let’s dive deep into some of the man’s principles of success.

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1. Knowledge above Everything
Remember the time when Tai Lopez’s ‘Here in my garage’ video went viral? He seemed
to have bought up all of YouTube’s ad space and you couldn’t miss that ad if you tried.
It became somewhat of an internet sensation.
In the video, Lopez talks about the most important thing for success – knowledge. After
he proudly shows off his new Lambo, he states:
‘But you know what I like more than materialistic things? Knowledge. In fact, I’m a lot
more proud of these seven new bookshelves that I had to get installed to hold two
thousand new books that I bought.’
You might think that he was boasting. Who reads that many books?
Many of the world’s millionaires.
It’s not a secret that some of the world’s foremost business leaders read a whole lot of
books. They truly believe that knowledge is power, and who’s to argue with the millions
that they’re raking in?
Over the years, Tai Lopez has invested a lot in education. And it’s not just in the form of
More interestingly, he credits mentorship for making him rich.
After deciding to dive into business, Lopez found five mentors that he would learn from.
He took in their knowledge like a sponge and started building his wealth.
If you’ve ever listened to him speak, you’d know that he talks a lot about the importance
of mentors. He even has a very clear structure that he advises for you to follow when
looking for mentors.
He calls it the Law of 33%. How does it work?
We’ll let Lopez explains:
‘Divide up your life. Spend 33% of your time around people lower than you, you can
mentor them. Spend 33% of your time with people that are on your level – your friends
and peers. Spend 33% of your time with people that are 10/20 years ahead of you. Those
are your mentors.’’
Nobody should be on their journey to wealth alone. Finding and having mentors will not
only give you a sense of direction but also the support that an entrepreneur needs to
If you’re not sure about how to start building your success, educating yourself is the way
to go. Keep an open mind and look for knowledge wherever you can.

2. You Can Have It All

Many people listen to Lopez for his business wisdom. They want to know how they can
amass his level of fortune and live life on their own terms.

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But he shares so much more than business tips. In fact, this is just one of the things that
he wants to teach people. In Lopez’s book, he espouses four things that you need to
strive towards:
Health, wealth, love, and happiness.
Isn’t this everything that you could possibly want from life? How amazing would it be to
have all of these at the same time? Some would say that this is a formula for a perfect
But for some reason, we’re hard-wired to think that there has to be a trade-off between
these things. We think that, in order to achieve one of them, we need to make sacrifices
to the others and whatever life’s pleasures that we happen to value.
But not according to Tai Lopez.
He doesn’t just think that all of these things would be nice to have. He says that you must
have them all if you want to live a good life.
In his words:
‘I've made a million bucks in an hour but if you don't have the other three things – health,
love, and happiness - then it's all empty.’
It’s time to break free from the mindset that life doesn’t offer us tools that we need in
order to have it all. Only when you realise this will you unlock your power and live the life
that you’ve always dreamt of. | Top 9 Success Tips from Tai Lopez

3. Success Requires the Right Tools
Are you equipped with everything that you need to succeed? If you wanted to start a
profitable business right now, would you know how to go about it?
Probably not.
And the reason for that is that you don’t have the right tools.
As Lopez explains:
‘You can’t just say: ‘I'm gonna motivate myself, I’m gonna motivate my myself, I'm not
procrastinating!’ It doesn't work that way. The brain doesn't work that way.’
To truly succeed in business and life, you need the right tools. But most people don’t
have them. The only thing that they have is ideas.
This isn’t a bad thing at all though. It all starts with the right idea. Those who changed
the world with their business are aware of it. But they were able to do it because they
made their ideas come true.
‘You might have a lot of ideas in your head. Ideas are just t intangibles until you take
some action. Don’t procrastinate,’ Lopez explains.
This is why he travelled the world seeking mentors that would give him the actionable
tools that he needed. If you take a look at how successful he is, it’s safe to say that he
got it right.

4. Having a Roadmap is the Key

What does success look like to you? What are you doing and who are you with?
These are only some of the initial questions that you need to ask yourself before you go
out there and chase after success. You first need to know exactly where you want to be
and when you want to reach it. Paint a picture of success in your mind and really feel it.
However, this is only the first step. To succeed, according to Lopez, you’ve got to have
a map.
He compares it to finding buried treasure. If you don’t have a map, it doesn’t matter what
you do but all your efforts will amount to nothing.
But why is it so hard for people to come up with a roadmap to success?
Lopez thinks that this is because of our faulty education system. It hasn’t taught us the
right things, at least not in terms of succeeding in the real world. Yet we invested so
much in it.
But that’s not even the worst part.
What do you do after graduating? You get a job where you spend the majority of your
day making someone else’s dreams come true. You allow them to mould you into
whatever shape they want and restrict your freedom and creativity.

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How the hell are you supposed to prosper then?
Lopez believes that this is why many people are so depressed and miserable. They keep
living in a box without the ability to break out of it and experience their full potential.
But as mentioned, there are many sources of knowledge that you can draw useful
information from. You can make up for the schools not preparing yourself for success.
But you have to start now.

5. Turn Everything You Touch into Gold

This isn’t only a business tip but a rule that you should follow in all areas in life. Lopez
illustrates it with an example of Lyft drivers.
While one of them was driving Lopez’s friend to his house, he had troubles finding it.
Despite all the technologies available to him, he couldn’t find a house located on one of
the main streets of Beverly Hills.
This got Lopez thinking, and he came to realise that there are three types of Lyft drivers:

• Those who meet your expectations

• Those who underperform
• Those who go above and beyond and do more much better than you expected
No matter who you are or what you do, you want to be this last type. Lopez believes that
you always need to do your absolute best and exceed people’s expectations. Whether
you work at McDonald’s or own a multimillion-dollar business, you have to give it your
People need to think that you’re absolutely amazing at your job. In Lopez’s words:
‘If people start saying that about you, mark my words, you will be rich. And I'm not just
talking about money. In life, everything you want will begin to come to you.’
So, are you giving it your all?
You’re probably not if you’re working an ordinary 9-5 job. It’s very hard to stay motivated
when your life is full of mundane tasks and routines that you must follow day after day.
But if you raise the stakes and decide to dive into uncharted waters, the motivation that
you need will come to you. You’ll understand that success and happiness are in your
hands and you’ll be willing to go above and beyond to make them happen.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

6. You Need to Increase Life
Lopez talks a lot about the concept of increasing life. It’s where you keep bettering
yourself every single day. Everything that you do brings you one step closer to the life
that you deserve.
As mentioned, Lopez started from nothing. That is something that he often emphasises
as he wants people to know that he understands where they’re at.
‘Don't let all these big houses and Ferraris and mansions fool you. I still remember us.
The place that a regular person came from.’
He declares that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with starting from the bottom. But you
need to make sure that you don’t stay there. This is why you need to increase every area
of your life until you’re truly satisfied with it all.
This can be different for different people. You may want money, better health, or
relationships. But whatever it is, it all starts from you.
Lopez says that some of the best people that he’s ever met started from the very bottom.
And now they have everything that they ever wanted out of life. Instead of waiting for
things to happen, they went out there and got them.
Lopez’s philosophy sums it all up:
‘Life is about prosperity. Life is about leaving impression. Life is about serving your own
interests and also serving the interests of mankind. It's about taking care of your family
but at the same time enjoying a little selfish pleasure.’

7. Reverse-Engineer Your Desired Lifestyle

As mentioned, a big part of achieving success is visualising it first. Instead of the end
goal, you need to make this your starting point.
Because it allows you to reverse-engineer your lifestyle and see what it takes to create
it. You’ll be able to put together pieces of the puzzle that will give you the life that you
Lopez shares his own example in this regard. He says that he always knew that whatever
he did would involve travel. It’s one of his biggest passions and he wanted to make sure
that he could live it as much as possible.
He started from this and worked his way backward. As he explains:
‘I asked myself what my business would have to look like in order to accomplish those
personally satisfying goals. And the personal brand you see today reflects exactly that.’
There’s an important lesson that you should remember here:
Business isn’t just about financial success. It’s about the lifestyle.
Remember the four components of a good life that Lopez preaches? It’s up to your
business to give you all of them.

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Visualising this desired lifestyle of yours can be a powerful motivator. While you still have
to work to get to where you want to be, it will make the journey much more enjoyable.

8. Create a ‘Daily Brain Budget’

Where do most of your time and energy go on a daily basis? How much of it is actually
meaningful? What about enjoyable?
If you’re not asking these questions, you’ll want to start right now. Without knowing where
most of your focus lies, you can’t shift it toward the things that will get you the life that
you want.
In Lopez’s words:
‘If you aren't prioritizing and setting aside time for your own development, you're going
to fall stagnant. You have to make the time, and invest that time wisely, no differently
than if you were to invest any amount of money in yourself.’
Many people who want to start their own business don’t have enough money to do it. In
this case, time is your most important resource.
You need to develop a very strict list of priorities that you’ll follow. And then, you need to
make sure that you stick to it without exceptions. This is the hard part of the job, but it
always pays off in the long run.
Know exactly how much time and energy you’re willing to invest in each task. Learn how
to say ‘no’ to things that pull you away from your goals and keep your eyes on the prize.

9. Have an Authentic Personal Brand

Can you list every one of Tai Lopez’s business endeavours? Probably not.
But do you know what he’s about? Millions of people do.
That’s the power of having a strong personal brand. And it’s something that any aspiring
influencer should know.
Lopez doesn’t have to promote himself – he only has to do his thing.
As he explains:
‘I built a personal brand around who I already am, instead of who I wanted people to see
me as, and I think that's where a lot of people go wrong. It has to be authentic, otherwise
no one is going to get on board.’
People have had enough of generic stuff that they can find anywhere. They want
someone genuine. Someone whom they can connect to on a deeper level. If you can be
that someone, success will come your way.

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Top 9 Success Tips from Tai Lopez

The Time Is Now

What’s holding you back from living your dream life?
You may come up with many excuses, but there’s only one true answer – yourself.
So stop getting in your own way. If you can make the above things happen, all obstacles
to your success will vanish.
It’s important to remember that everybody’s journey is different. You can’t copy-paste
Lopez’s strategies and expect to become a millionaire. But you can use his story as a
guideline to your own wealth and freedom.
Note that it doesn’t happen overnight. All the wealth and glamour of successful people
obscures the other side of blood, sweat, and tears. But if you want it bad enough, it’s just
a matter of time before it’s all yours.
And there’s no better time to start than right now.
There’s a lot more to success than Tai Lopez’s take.

Visit Tai Lopez’s Website:

KNOWLEDGE SOURCE Coffee with 12 Internet Millionaires

Tim Ferriss ’

The 4 - Hour
Work Week
10 Minute Snapshot
A S u m m a r y of E v e r y t h i n g Y ou N e e d to K n o w
When’s the last time that you had some real time for yourself?

We’re not talking about the snatched couple of hours that you might get tonight. And we’re not
talking about the occasional weekend where work isn’t in the back of your mind.

We’re talking about real time that you can use to pursue your passions.

A lot of people barely ever get that sort of time. You might not even remember the last time you
had it, if you’ve ever had it at all.

Tim Ferriss found himself in the same position as you. He had the job and the house. But
he didn’t have any time. Instead, he worked his fingers to the bone to be a “success” while
neglecting everything that makes life worth living.

Once upon a time, Ferriss ran his own supplement company. It made a lot of money but it didn’t
bring him any joy. His life was his work and it was draining him. The constant stress meant he
could never escape from the pressures of his business.

Then it happened. During a trip to London, Ferriss had a breakdown. His body told him that
enough was enough. He needed to find another way.

That’s when he stepped back and took a real look at his business. He was so entrenched in it
that he’d failed to see how it had consumed his life.

Tim started hiring virtual assistants and putting processes in place that would allow him to step

Suddenly, he had all of the time in the world. He started travelling, with his journeys taking him
to destinations all around the globe. He even found time to learn how to tango. Not only that,
but he got so good that he was a semi-finalist in the Tango World Championships. And in 2006,
he set a world record for the most tango spins completed in a minute.

In 2007, Ferriss realised that there are so many people out there in a similar situation to the one
that caused his breakdown.

It was about time that he started helping them to achieve the same freedom that he had.

In 2007, Ferriss published The 4-Hour Work Week. In it, he detailed the philosophies and
strategies that helped him get to where he is today.

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Tim is now an internationally-renowned speaker and author. Most importantly, he’s living his life
on his own terms.

You can do the same.

This report offers a summary of the key lessons from Ferriss’ book. Start applying them to your
own life to escape the grind and achieve freedom.

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Ferriss breaks his whole philosophy down into what he calls the “DEAL Process”. These are four
steps that you have to take to break the chains of modern life and live how you want to live.

It works like this:

D is for Definition

You learn the rules of the game and define the path that you’re going to take.

This may require you to step back and take an honest look at your life, just like Ferriss did in

E is for Eliminate

You reset your entire life by eliminating all of the unnecessary burdens that drag you down.

This extends beyond your work. The toxic people and the bad habits that pull you down also
have to go.

A is for Automation

You create automated processes within your business that allow it to run without any input from

This means investing time now so that you have freedom in the future. Automating may involve
implementing new technology. Or, it might involve getting tasks off your plate by outsourcing
them to other people.

L is for Liberation

Go out and live your life!

The first three steps give you freedom. But too many people pour all of that saved time back into
their work.

That’s because they don’t know what to do with themselves without work.

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With Ferriss’ first step, you’re going to take an honest look at your life. That means assessing
where you are so you can lay the foundations for where you want to go.

Ferriss offers up 10 rules to follow as you go through this process.

Rule #1 – Retirement is the Worst-Case Scenario

Retirement is the end goal for so many Australians. But it’s actually not the ideal.

Instead, you want to prepare for a life that’s so fun and fulfilling that you never want or need to

Rule #2 – It’s Never the Right Time

You’re waiting for the right time to start living your life.

You want to pay off the house first or you’re waiting for the kids to grow up.

There’s always something that’s stopping now from being the right time. Recognise that there is
no right time and stop putting your new life off.

Rule #3 – Avoid Distress

The toxic people who drag you down will never offer anything of benefit to your life.

Identify them and get them out of your life. The same goes for anything else that distresses you.

Rule #4 – Focus on Strengths Over Weaknesses

People always want to fix their weaknesses to become better.

That’s not the way to do it. Instead, focus on and emphasise your strengths. Use them to their
fullest while having others cover for your weaknesses.

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Rule #5 – It’s All Relative

What do you look at when you examine your income?

If it’s the overall amount that you earn, you’re looking at it all wrong.

The key is to look at your income relative to the amount of time you spend generating that
income. Why spend 40 hours per week to earn $1,500 when you could do it in a tenth of the time?

Rule #6 – Money Isn’t the Ultimate Solution

Having more money can help you to achieve the freedom you want.

But it’s not the ultimate solution to your problems in life. You can earn tons of money while
working yourself to death. Your goal is to figure out what you want out of life beyond the cash.

Rule #7 – Understand the Energy and Interest Cycles

Arrange your life so that you cycle between work and leisure activity.

This essentially means that you should plan mini-retirements instead of full retirement. This
gives you time to rest so that you’re ready to throw your all into your work cycles.

Rule #8 – Forgiveness Instead of Permission

Don’t ask if you can do something.

Just do it and ask for forgiveness later if it all goes wrong. Learn from those mistakes the next
time you do something.

Rule #9 – You’re Not Lazy for Doing Less

Society tells us that it’s good to work hard, no matter how much it’s killing us. By doing less,
you’re lazy.

That’s nonsense!

Break this mindset and understand that you’re working smart when you’re doing less.

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Rule #10 – It’s Possible to Get Too Much

Enjoy all good things in moderation.

It’s possible to get too much of something you love. And when that happens, the thing you love
becomes a burden to you.

Ferriss says that it’s fear that holds people back from the lives they want to lead.

It’s why you haven’t quit the job you hate. It’s why you’re sticking with the people who make you
feel terrible.

Confronting your fear is crucial if you’re to define a new path for yourself.

Here’s how Ferriss says you should confront fear:

1. Put a face on your fear and define it. Figure out what the worst-case scenario is. You’ll often
find that it’s really not that bad.

2. Work out what you’d do to fix the worst- case scenarios.

3. Identify every idea and ambition that you avoid due to fear.

4. Figure out all of the benefits that would come if pursuing your ideas and ambitions actually
worked out. What do you get if it all goes right?

5. Identify the costs of avoiding your ideas and ambitions. Look at more than the money too. Is
sticking with the life you have right now hurting you?

Finally, ask yourself this question:

“If I got fired tomorrow, could I survive financially?”

You may find that you’re in a better position than you thought. And by defining your fears, you’re
able to see that it’s not so bad if taking the risk doesn’t pay off straight away.

So, why are you waiting to get started?

Once you’ve defined your fear, it’s time to get past it and start making changes.

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Before you can eliminate the bad influences from your life, you have to reset.

That means you need some goals.

But Ferriss goes beyond simple goal setting. A goal is some ambiguous thing that doesn’t have a
structure applied to it.

Ferriss uses a technique that he calls “Dreamlining” to help you create goals that will fill the void
when you’re not working as much.

Here’s how you do it:

1. Create lists of the things that you would do if you knew there was no possibility that you
could fail. Write down five things you’d do in six months and in 12 months. According to
Ferriss, unrealistic goals are also the most effective goals.

2. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, imagine that you’re going to wake up tomorrow
with $100 million in the bank. You’re free, so what are you going to do with your time? The
goal is to eliminate money as a barrier to your dreams.

3. Your goals are essentially states of being that you want to achieve. Identify the actions that
you need to take to achieve the state of being. Ferriss calls these the “doing” steps.

4. Now that you’ve got your list, pull out the four big dreams that would change everything.
These are the things that would have the biggest effect on your life and are what you aspire
most towards.

5. Figure out your Target Monthly Income (TMI) for each dream. Your TMI is the amount of
money that you need to achieve the dream. Take your current income and expenses into

With your Dreamline, you now have a structure for your goals. You know what they are, what
actions you need to take, and how much money they’ll need.

Now, create three steps for the four dreams in your six-month Dreamline. Start working on them

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Ferriss is a huge proponent of the 80/20 rule.

He says that using it helps you to understand that efficient doesn’t always mean effective.

Completing a task efficiently isn’t going to help you if the task doesn’t serve you in the first place!

With the 80/20 rule, he shows you that 20% of your inputs directly result in 80% of your outputs.

That means investing 20% of your time and effort to achieve 80% of what you want.

Ferriss also uses Parkinson’s Law to demonstrate his point. This law says that you see a task as
more important if you have more time to do it.

If a task has a seven-day deadline, it seems so much larger than a task that has a one-day

Even if it’s the same task in both cases!

Ferriss says that using these two rules together allows you to shorten your work time and only
focus on the most important tasks.

That means you do less while achieving the same outcomes that you’re getting right now!

Ferris says you should ask yourself the following questions:

• If a heart attack meant you could only work a couple of hours per day, what would happen?
What if a second heart attack pulled you down to two hours per week?

• What three activities are time fillers that you only do to feel productive?

• If someone put a gun to your head and told you to stop doing four out of every five activities,
which would you stop doing?

• What’s the one thing you need to do today to leave yourself feeling fulfilled?

He also says to apply the 80/20 rule to your life. How are the 20% of people who create 80% of
your positivity?

And who are the 20% who create 80% of your pain and stress?

Answering all of these questions helps you realise how much time you’re spending on the things
that don’t matter.

Now, it’s time to focus on the things that do.

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In Tim Ferriss’ world, ignorance truly is bliss.

But he’s not talking about ignorance in an educational sense. He’s saying that you need to learn
how to ignore the things that don’t matter.

These are the time wasters and consumers that stop you from living the life you want to lead.

Ferriss highlights plenty of these in his book. But here are a few that most people deal with daily:

• The dozens of emails that you get every day.

• Time that you waste on unnecessary phone calls.

• Meetings that do nothing more than define a problem. Every meeting should focus on
solving a problem else it’s wasted time.

• The many tasks that you do that take up tons of time for very little output. They may even
be essential tasks. But they’re distracting you from what really matters.

That last one’s especially important. Identifying all of these manual and time-consuming tasks
provides you with the launching point for the third step in the DEAL Process.


Once you’ve figured out the tasks that take up loads of your time, you have to automate.

Automation doesn’t mean that you’ve got to drop loads of money on technology.

According to Ferriss, automation starts with getting a personal assistant to take some work off
your shoulders.

Ferriss identifies the key question that everyone asks at this point:

“What about the cost?”

You can complete the tasks better than an assistant. Why should you pay any money to someone
who can’t do it as well as you?

Ferriss says it’s all about the time.

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Your goal is to stop doing all of the boring and repetitive tasks that destroy creativity and take
your focus away from what matters.

He gives us two golden rules for this:

1. Every task you delegate must have a clear definition and be a big time consumer.

2. Have some fun with it.

So hire an assistant, even if you don’t think you need one right now. Identify the five work and
five personal tasks that you can assign to them.

The work tasks are the five most time-consuming things that stop you from applying your energy
to the important stuff.

The five personal tasks are just for fun.

Assign those to your assistant and synchronise your calendars so you both know what’s going

Go on Autopilot

Your new business venture might involve selling a product.

If that’s the case, Ferriss says you need to choose a niche market that’s affordable and reachable.

Ferriss discusses how it’s easier to identify a market and work backward to find the perfect
product than it is to create a market from scratch.

He says that your product needs:

• A main benefit that you can write about in a single sentence.

• A price point of between $50 and $200.

• No more than a 4-week manufacturing period.

• An 8x to 10x profit margin.

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Ferriss says that getting all of this right means that you’re finally free to live the life you want to

But there’s a problem.

Most normal people don’t know how to lead a rich life where they have loads of free time.

You’ve never experienced it before. And nobody’s taught you about it.

Boredom is a killer. Yet you may run into it if you haven’t got a plan for all of the time that you
now have on your hands.

Ferriss says that you need to learn how to appreciate all of this new time. As he puts it:

”Learning to replace the perception of time famine with appreciation of time abundance is like
going from triple espressos to decaf.”

He says that most people find themselves asking what’s the point of having so much time on
their hands.

If you’re not working, what are you doing?

Ferriss says that pushing these thoughts to the back of your mind is the key. If it’s not something
that you can act on, it’s something for you to forget.

Liberation isn’t as easy as you might have thought. It’s a minefield of potential mistakes that
could pull you right back into the grind that you’ve done so much to escape from.

Ferriss concludes his book by going through the 13 “New Rich Mistakes” to avoid.

These include the following:

1. Blowing the little things out of proportion.

2. Always trying to achieve perfection when you only need to strive for “good enough”.

3. Thinking that one job or product is the end-all and be-all of your existence.

4. Losing track of the dreams you create and starting to work for work’s sake.

5. Feigning urgency in your work just to give yourself something to do.

6. Doing work in the places where you sleep or should otherwise relax.

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7. Taking on tasks that you could outsource or automate.

8. Micromanaging the people you bring on board so you can fill up your time.

9. Helping your people through similar problems more than once.

10. Dealing with emails that you know won’t result in any sales or other direct benefits.

11. Failing to fill your time with the social rewards that you’ve earned.

12. Failing to analyse your life using the 80/20 rule every month.

13. Chasing customers when you don’t need to.

If you can avoid those mistakes, you’re truly liberated from the grind.

Visit Tim Ferriss’ Website:

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The ideas in this report are shared in good faith as an educational tool to help you grow an
internet business. No earnings claims or promises are made - either express or implied.

Business is uncertain - you can lose money and you can make money. We believe being
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You should assume any offer we make - for our programs or others - we are getting
compensated for. While our best efforts have been made, we cannot vouch for the
accuracy of the information in these reports.

However it is provided for you to learn from and hopefully earn from - enjoy!

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