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NAME: Dora Fernández Morante

1. What are the Anglophone countries?

Are all those countries that have English as their official language


 Europa (3) Reino Unido. Irlanda. Malta.

 América (14) Antigua y Barbuda. Bahamas. Barbados. Belice. ...
 Asia (5) Filipinas. India. Malasia. Pakistán. ...
 África (21) Botsuana. Camerún. Gambia. Ghana. ...
 Oceania (14) Australia. Fiji. Islas Marshall.
2. What are the countries of America that speak English?

 Eel.
 Old and bearded.
 Bahamas.
 Barbados.
 Belize.
 Cayman Islands.
 Grenade.
 Guyanese

3. What are the European countries that speak English?

 Ireland
 Germany
 The Netherlands
 Sweden
 Denmark, Norway, Finland.
 Belgium
 Poland
 Austria
4. Name some famous holidays in England.

 Bonfire Night
 Pancake Day
 May Day Parade
 Cheese Rolling
5. Name some famous holidays in the United States of America.

 Independence Day
 Veterans Day War
 Thanksgiving Day
 Christmas
 President´s Day

6. What religions are practiced in the English countries of Europe.

 Buddhism
 Hinduism
 Islam
 Sikhism

7. What religions are practiced in the United States of America?

 Mormons
 Jehovah´s Witnesses
 Jew
 Muslims
 Christians

8. Name at least three old world writers.

 Pindaro
 Esopo
 Sofocles

9. Mention at least three American writers.

 Emily Dickinson
 Henry James
 Mark Twain
 Edgar Allan Poe

10. When is Independence Day celebrated in the United States of America?

 The Independence day of American State is July 4 th

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