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1. What are the Anglophone countries?

There is a very long list of English-speaking countries and some of them are:

Antigua y Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Botsuana, Camerún, Canadá,

Dominica, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Ghana, Granada, Guyana, India, Irlanda, Jamaica, Kenia,
Lesoto, Malaui, Nigeria, Nueva Zelanda, Pakistán, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Reino Unido, Singapur,
Sudáfrica, Tonga, Trinidad y Tobago, Uganda, Zimbabue.

2. What are the countries of America that speak English?

* Bahamas.

* Barbados.

* Belize.

* Cayman Islands.

* Grenade.

* Guyanese

3. What are the European countries that speak English?

These countries are:

Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Poland,

4. Name some famous holidays in England.

* Pancake Day
* May Day Parade

5. Name some famous holidays in the United States of America.

Halloween :

On October 31, Americans dress up in costumes, decorate their homes and parade through the
Collecting candy is a tradition on Halloween, especially for children. Disguised as different scary
or colorful characters (vampires, witches, ghouls), they knock on doors and leave homeowners
the option of taking a test or giving candy ("trick-or-treaters").

Independence Day :

It is the national 4th of July holiday and Americans celebrate the Declaration of Independence
of 1776 by which the country consolidated its independence from the British Empire. The
national holiday somehow harks back to this new continent that quickly became the new "El
Dorado" in the 18th century. The American nation was gradually born from English, Dutch or
French settlers, among others.

Martin Luther King's Day :

The fact that one of the main American holidays is dedicated to Martin Luther (MLK) shows
how much the charisma of this African-American activist marked the 20th century and how it
has transcended into the 21st century.

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated every year on the third Monday in January.

6. What religions are practiced in the English countries of Europe.

The following religions are practiced:

* Buddhism

* Hinduism

* Islam

7. What religions are practiced in the United States of America?

The following religions are practiced:

* Muslims

* Christians

* Mormons

* Jehovah´s Witnesses

8. Name at least three old world writers.

* Homero.
* Esopo.

* Sófocles.

9. Mention at least three American writers.

* Jack Kerouac :

Jack Kerouac (1922 - 1969), is another of the great American writers of the twentieth century
although perhaps not as well known on a mass level but among voracious readers.

Among Jack Kerouac's books to keep in mind when reading this author are The Dharma
Vagabonds (1958), Big Sur (1962) and his masterpiece On the Road (1957).

* Charles Bukowski :

Charles Bukowski (1920 -1994) must be one of the most widely read American writers of recent
times. For decades, the poet's books were only read by niche fans, as his dirty and direct prose
horrified critics (and even today scares off some of the siutic readers I know). This made him a
cult author and a crac.

Some books by Charles Bukowski that you must read to understand his volá are titled: Writings
of an Indecent Old Man (1968), Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions (1972) and other cooler
ones such as Women (1978), Pulp (1994) and Postman (1971).

* Ernest Hemingway :

Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961) is another 20th century American writer who has transcended
the ages. Like Capote, he has his own movie starring Clave Owen, who plays Hemingway, and
Nicole Kidman as the American writer Martha Gellhorn.

One of Ernest Hemingway's most acclaimed books is The Old Man and the Sea (1952).

10. When is Independence Day celebrated in the United States of America?

(English festival Wikipedia)

The United States Independence Day is the national holiday celebrated on July 4th in the
United States of America. This day marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence in
1776 in which the country proclaimed its formal separation from the British Empire.

During American independence, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great
Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Western Congress voted to approve a
resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia
declaring the United States independent. After voting for independence, Congress turned its
attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had
been prepared by a committee of five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author.

From the beginning, Americans celebrated independence on July 4, the date that appears in
the Declaration of Independence. Rather than July 2, it is celebrated on the date of the
independence resolution when it was passed in a closed session of Congress.

Historians have long debated whether Congress actually signed the Declaration of
Independence on July 4, even though Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin
later confirmed in writing that they had signed on that day. Most historians have concluded
that the Declaration was signed almost a month after its adoption, on August 2, 1776, and not
on July 4, as is commonly believed.

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