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ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary of objects in the past

-What objects did your parents/grandparents use when you were a child?

For example: cassette.

1a- Mention all the objects you can remember (6 objects minimum)

Oil lamp.

Vacuum cleaner




Electric heater

1b- Investigate the words and give a definition.


A Place for a domestic fire, especially a grate or hearth at the base of a chimney.


A long handled brush of bristles or twigs, used for sweeping.

-Electric light bulb:

Electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament
that emits light when heated by electricity.


A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to
carry a small number of people.


Any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.

-Electric kettle:

Is an electrical appliance, that has a self – contained heating unit, for heating water, and
automatically switches off when the water reaches boiling point or at a preset temperature below
100 c.
-Oil lamp:

A lamp using oil as fuel.

-Vacuum cleaner:

An electrical apparatus that by means of suction collects dust and small particles from floors and
other surfaces


A container or device in which water is boiled, having a lid, spout, and handle.

-Electric heater:

An electric heater is an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat.

1c- Listen and repeat the words of ‘‘Audio about objects’’.


*Compare objects of the past and the present by creating 4-5 sentences using the vocabulary

*Write 6 sentences by using had/ didn’t have to express ideas about things they had or didn’t
have in the past.

I didn´t have carriages.

I had cars.

I had oil lamp.

I didn´t have vacuum cleaner

I didn´t have electric kettle.

I had broom.

*Analyze a video about changes in the world in order to write a paragraph with their own ideas
using the correct form of simple past.

1d- Classify the objects of the list of words of exercise 1 (b) in past/present.


Oil lamp
Electric kettle


Fire place

Electric light bulb


Vacuum cleaner



1e- Create 4-5 sentences with the objects of the square in 1d to compare the inventions of the
present and the past.

Example: ‘‘Airplanes help you travel faster than boats’’.


1f- What do you consider the best past invention and the best invention of the present? Why?

1e -What do you consider the best invention of the present? Why?

The internet is excluded because it’s really more than one invention. Smartphone’s are excluded
because they are basically computers and rely on the internet.

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