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I watched this video about how American people want to teach children to eat right that to

reduce obesity in the country.

I really like how they combine proper nutrition with other sciences such as chemistry,
physics, mathematics, history. This video proves that we can cook deliciously using products
that we can grow ourselves with the help of technology, seeds and growing places of these
products. There are taught a children how to use food rationally, they can use a compost
bin to make fertilizer for vegetables or other plants in the Primary School. I like that children
can not only learn about the effects of healthy food on the human body, but also use their
research in practice. To do this, they created a secret garden where together grow food and
take care of chickens.

It is known that American people suffer from obesity due to poor nutrition, I believe that
teaching children to eat properly from an early age can reduce the number of overweight

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