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Hello sir this is my family the girl in the

left is my beautiful mother, lhen and the

one with sunglasses is my father and on
the middle is the most handsome person
in the world. He is also good at playing
valorant and has a crush on a certain
Japanese girl but I’ll talk about that
another time. The other 2 boys are my
little brothers; they’re annoying but also
See this picture on the right? Yes
that’s me and my mother we look
alike right? Yes I’m the one on the
left. See! You can’t tell us apart.
Anyways it’s not just my mother and
I, My
r, is also the same with the most
common trait we have is we all are
handsome/beautiful and second is we
all have the same personality and likes
to play games. I think the only trait
the others don’t have is… being small
in height lol. But yeah we also like
food and travelling very much. K sir

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