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1. Future of shopping 2. Workforce trends 3. Communications

Direct selling is uniquely suited to enhance the in-person shopping With greater interest in creative second careers, direct selling Direct sellers must leverage social channels creatively to boost
experience to win over potential customers. companies can attract the growing Boomer segment with unique awareness and encourage personal recommendations.
propositions that fit their post-retirement lifestyle.

74% 2 in 5
68% of Boomers want
of Americans don’t like the ability to work
shopping online because on and off when
they can’t see, touch or try they want after
on what they’re buying. they retire. Americans learn about new brands and products from
social networking sites.

Younger employees are placing greater importance on careers with

Additionally, digital isolation has led to a yearning for more meaning over money. Direct selling companies need to appeal to Communications must be tailored to consumers’ waning attention
intimate and high-touch shopping interactions. Direct selling a more idealistic workforce, leveraging values such as helpfulness, spans and quick decision-making. Direct selling companies need
companies are well positioned to foster intimacy, but how can open-mindedness, learning and knowledge. Keeping workers/ to make communications succinct and as memorable as it can be.
technology further amplify your consumer connections? salesforce engaged and feeling a sense of purpose will be essential. (Think succinct, visual and memorable).

4. Innovation 5. Demographic trends

The #1 definition of innovation is an easier way of doing something. The direct selling industry needs As households shrink, direct sellers will need to tailor their offerings and communications
to simplify the buying experience for its customers. to emphasize flexibility.

of Americans expect to be living
alone for the foreseeable future.

With households taking numerous new shapes, brands and marketers have to evaluate new tactics
With stress levels at an all-time high, Americans need mental health solutions. There is an opportunity to reach them. From more single parents needing self-care solutions or marketing portraying more
for Direct Selling companies to provide solutions, particularly important are consumers’ rising needs diverse and inclusive family types, the direct selling industry must keep current with the ever-changing
for sleep, de-stress, and focus. nuances of the American consumer.

For additional information, please contact Ben Gamse,

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