Task 2 - 12 - 12 - 2021

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IELTS 231021 – TASK 2 – 12/12/2021

- main entrance (n)
- north, west, east, south (n)
- details (n) các chi tiết
 khái quát

9/11/2013; 24/5/2015
Do you agree or disagree that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as
adults/ If children commit crime, should they be punished as seriously as adults?
ÁNH: Those who commit crime should be punished regardless of age: ai phạm tội cũng nên bị phạt bất chấp tuổi tác
+ commit crime (v) phạm tội
+ punish (v) phạt
+ regardless of N: bất chấp
+ age (n) tuổi
THÙY AN: young people are not fully developed: người trẻ chưa phát triển hoàn toàn
+ fully (adv) hoàn toàn
+ developed (adj) phát triển
THẢO LINH: heavy punishment acts as a deterrent against crime: hình phạt nặng mang tính răn đe
+ heavy (adj) nặng
+ act as (v) đóng vai trò như là
+ deterrent (n) điều ngăn trở
HƯNG: we should not treat young criminals in the same way as adult criminal
+ treat (v) đối xử
+ criminal (n) tội phạm
- serious (adj) nghiêm trọng
- young criminal: tội phạm trẻ tuổi
- be punished in the same way: bị phạt tương tự => adult: ngừời lớn
+ types of crime (n) loại hình phạm tội
+ punishment (n) hình phạt
+ consequence (n) hậu quả
+ physical and mental development of young people: sự phát triển thể chất và tinh thần của người trẻ
+ prison (n) nhà tù
- YOUTUBE: young adult offenders: breaking the cycle – BBC news
+ LƯU ANH: The majority of junvenile deliquents deal drugs: đa số tội phạm trẻ buôn ma tuý
+ YẾN CHINH: young criminals are between 18-20 years old
+ LÊ GIANG: I doubt whether these people can re-enter the community after they have been through such
kind of environment: tôi nghi ngờ liệu rằng những người này có thể tái hòa nhập sau khi đã trải qua một
môi trường khắc nghiệt như vậy
+ BÙI THU HƯƠNG: A solution should not be to punish them in the same way as adults, but to talk with
them and give them opportunities to do what really interests such as making art work or doing sports: một
giải pháp không nên phạt họ giống như người lớn, mà nói chuyện với họ và
+ ĐẶNG LINH: interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment (v) phỏng vấn
người phạm tội để biết họ cảm thấy gì về hình phạt này
+ NGHĨA: An interviee: get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of the criminal
record: có cảm giác không thể tái hòa nhập vì bản án
+ TUẤN SƠN: An interviee: have no qualification and experience when he does the time in prison: không
có bằng cấp và kinh nghiệm sau thời gian ở tù
+ consquence (n) hậu quả
+ deterrent (n) sự răn đe, ngăn cản
+ Young => reach full development? => awareness (n) nhận thức
+ deprive the future of the young? (v) tước đoạt tương lai của người trẻ
 how they feel
 other ways => reform school (n) trường giáo dưỡng => psychologist (n) nhà tâm lý học, educationalist
(n) nhà giáo dục
HOMEWORK: SECTION 3 (TEST 2) – 19/12/2021

It is believed that adolescents who do serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. From my point
of view, I do not agree with this view.
To be honest, An adult is old enough to be punished for their crimes, whereas an adolescent is too young to be
aware of their criminal acts. Their physical and mental development are not fully complete/integrated. For
instance, some teenagers see one man using drugs and they just think ‘oh that is cool’ and they want to try.
Consequently, they (lặp từ) those youngsters/teens are addicted to it and commit crimes such as hitting someone’s
car, fighting or even become becoming muderers without consciousness. Adolescents do not have enough
capability to control their own emotions actions. And if they are treated like other adults because they commit
serious crimes, they will be deprived the future. In stead of studying at university, having opportunities to find out
a good job, they (lặp từ) have to spend years in prison and when they (lặp từ) are released from prison, they (lặp
từ) have will have difficulty in re-entering the community environment.
If we punish young people as adults, for example, sending young criminals to prison, they will be affected badly by
other criminals (lặp từ) prisoners. A better solution is to talk with them and send they to reform schools where
they can continue their study and stay far away from the criminal life with the support from psychologists and
educationalists. If they are taught and encouraged, their attitude will change in a positive way.
To conclude, adolescents who do serious crimes should be punished for their acts but not as heavily as adults. In
addition, parents and families should take care of their children’s actions, prevent them from the doing crimes.
I do not agree with it the statement that youngsters who commit crimes should be punished in the same way as
the adults. Because everyone’s life lives are not perfect, each people once in their lives commit crime. But
However to teenagers (lặp từ) youngsters are different. Teenagers (lặp từ) , people in the age (lặp từ) of between
16 to and 20 are in rebellious age, so they have complex psychological developments, regardless unaware of doing
anything they want their actions. From that This becomes shapes/form a bad personality and they start stoling
stealing, dealing drugs, bullying, murdering,… which they supposedly think that it’s is very cool and they have to
pay for their actions by sitting in prison, losing their future, being unused,…Because of their serious crimes, many
people want them to be punished like an adult, make them regret about what they have done to this society. In my
opinion, we should decrease the punishment to on them because they are not fully developed. We still have to
punish them as a young criminal but the punishment(lặp từ) penalty is not in the same way. Depends on types of
crime, we will have a different punishment(lặp từ) retributions for each of them. I think whether these people can
re-enter the community after they have been through such kind of environment so a conversation can give them
opportunities to do what really interests is really interesting/interests them such as making art work or volunteer
work, that will make give them a motive power to remake their lives, through that they will enabling the youngster
to reach full development from society.
+ shape/form personality: hình thành tính cách
+ punishment=penalty=retributions: hình phạt
+ enable sb to V: cho phép ai làm gì
I think, we should not treat young criminals in the same way as adult criminals. Firstly, young people are not fully
developed cognitively and they aren't are not sufficiently education educated. So, we should not treat young
criminals in the same way as adult criminals. In addition, there are other useful proper/appropriate forms of
punishments. For example, a solution should not be to punish them in the same way as adults sending those
adolescent criminals to prison is not an optimal solution, but to talk talking with to them and give giving them
opportunities to do what really interests such as making art work or doing sports or sending young criminals to
reform schools where thay can be propely trained and educated are better solutions. Children should be placed in
reform school so that they will be properly trained and educated.
+optimal: tối ưu
+proper=appropriate: phù hợp, thích hợp
In my opinion, if we punish young criminals in the same way as the adults, it can have major consequences for to
them/their future. After being prisoned, young offenders hardly to re-enter find it hard to re-enter the community
after thay(lặp từ) have been having been through such kind of environment, they have no qualification and
experience in their profile to get a job, get a sense of unable inability to re-enter to social the society because of
the criminal record. So we shouldn’t deprive the future of the young. We can talk to them, hire psychologist to
know what happened to them, how they feel and what they really want to do. From that, we can educate the
young criminals to become a good and useful people/citizen for the society.
Practice 1: I disagree that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults.
Young people do not control are not aware of/lack the awareness of their actions because they are not fully
developed about awareness. They have wrong ideas and act it regardless of their age. But/However young people
should not be punished heavily. We should not treat young criminals in the same way as adult criminal(lặp cụm) in
a way which suitable for their age/ in a appropriate way with their age. If we do that not, we will affect their
physical and mental development of young people. This is the biggest consequence. When they are released from
prison, I doubt whether these people can re-enter the community. Instead of punishing, we should talk with them
and give them opportunities or open sending those teenagers to reform schools. No matter how they will receive
the appropriate punishment
In my opinion, I disagree that young people who commit serious crimes will be punished like adults. The majority
of junvenile deliquents deal drugs and they are between 18-20 years old in prison sentenced to prison for 18-20
years/between the age of 18-20. I doubt whether these people can re-enter the community after they have been
through such kind environment or they can’t get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of the
criminal record. Young people who are not fully developed they will be psychologically influenced. I think we will
should interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment (lặp từ) retributions and give
punishment(lặp từ) acts as a deterrent against crime. We should not treat young ciminals in the same way as adult
criminal. Young people have no qualification and experience when they do the time in prison. We can put young
peple who commit crimes in reformatories so they can get an education and will be treated fairly.
I disagree that young adult offenders should be treated in the same way as adult. Because they are not fully
developed to aware of their actions. For example, young criminal in the prison. It has an affects effects on physical
and mental development of young people. Besides,there is a doubt about/I have doubts about whether these
people can re- enter the community after they have been through such kind of environment because of the
criminal record. After they are released, they worry about unemployment because they have no qualification and
experience when they do the time in prison.
LÊ THỊ HƯƠNG GIANG diễn đạt tốt
Nowadays, more young people tend to commit serious crimes, and it is believed that they should be punished in
the same way as adults. From my point of view, I do not approve that idea by dint of several reasons.
In fact, young criminals are between the age of 18-20 and the majority of junvenile deliquents deal drugs. For
instance, according to a survey conducted by BBC news, young lawbreakers got a sense of being unable to re-enter
the community because of the criminal record. In addition, a criminal said he had no qualification and experience
when he did the time in prison. Consequently, I doubt whether these people have an opportunity of reintergrating
into the society after they have been through such kind of environment.
On the other hand, there are some measures we can take to solve this problem. Firstly, young criminals might be
sent to reform schools where they can meet psychologists or educationalists as these experts can help them, teach
them how to learn, behave, etc. Secondly, they should not be punished as seriously as a mature, fully grown
person, but talk with them and give them chances to do what really interests such as making art work or doing
their favorite sports. As a result, they can re-find their motivation to live and become good person to society.
To sum up, I am completely in disagreement with the opinion that the young criminals had better get the same
punishment as adults. By contrast, we should take more appropriate measures to treat this kind of criminal.
1. Nowadays, young people are the object of crime with a large rate. So the question is, should we punish them as
seriously as adults?
Young people are not fully developed, they are not capable enough to perceive right and wrong for their own
actions. The things they cause are probably also partly due to poor parenting. They should have receive heavy
punishment acts as a deterrent against crime instead of being sent to prison like an adult. We shouldn’t treat
young criminals in the same way as adult criminal, because it will form a bad mindset for the young later on. For
example, if a children being sent to prison, they will have psychological effects and will be abused by older people
in prison/jail.
So what are the solutions to help young people stop commuting crimes? At first, from my point of view that the
education from school and parents is very necessary/plays an important role to the formation of a child. And to
prevent them from committing crimes again, it is necessary to re-educate their thinking as well as their actions. We
should give them more opportunities to develop more later instead of going back to crime relapsing into vice/
lapsing back into their old ways.
+relapse into vice/ lapse back into one’s old way: ngựa quen đường cũ
I disagree with this concept. In my opinion, young people are not mature, they do not have/not having a clear
perception so we shouldn't let them be punished like adults. This makes them more likely to reoffend.
A kind of punishment that I find to have many consequences. It is prison where young people will be influenced
by older prisoners, making them misperceive about life. Then they will have a higher chance of recidivism. Going to
prison will destroy the future of young people. When interviewing, no one will accept them because they have a
criminal record. This is a huge damage to their mental and physical health/ mentality and physique.
And a solution has been proposed, that is talking, sharing, confiding with offenders instead of punishing them
like adults and it's really effective. Another measurement which I think is appropriate is to send young criminals to
reform schools. By this way, those teenagers can get proper education and training, which enable them to re-enter
the community.
+ mentality: tinh thần
+ physique: thể chất
The argumentative about young people who commit serious crimes is getting a lot of attention. And if children
commit crime, should they be published as seriously as adults?
Although those who commit crime should be published regardless of age, but we shouldn't treat young criminals in
the same way as adult criminal because young people aren't are not fully developed.
The majority of junvenile deliquents deal drugs and young criminals are bettween 18 and 20 years old.
The intrerviewers interviewed the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment. So, I doubt whether
these people can re-enter the community after they have been through such kind of environment. They haven't
have no qualification and experience when he does the time in prison and get a sense of being unable to re-enter
the community because of the criminal record.
If young criminals are published punished in the same way adult, it can cause serious consequences to physical and
mental development of young people. Should we deprive the future of the young?
So, We need a solution should not be to punish them in the same way as adults (lặp) which is more humane, but is
to talk with them and give them opportunities to do what really interests such as making art work or doing sports.
And we need orther ways instead of prison, it's reform school.
+humane: nhân đạo
+ Cấu trúc Although + Clause, Main clause
I am do not agree with opinion that young criminal is treated in the same way like adult ciminal. Because young
ciminal (lặp từ) juvenile delinquents still has have potential to develope and if we treat they like adult criminal,
they their mindset could be negatively affected by the wrong thing so they could be which can lead to re-offending
and also in the future they may be find it difficult to find a job and it limited limits they growth potential. Instead of
harsh punishments/retributions/penalty, i think we can use another punishment that not really serious like as
adult punishment like forced forcing they them doing into doing/ to do community labor or still arrest them but
dont make criminal record so that they can find it easier to find a job.
+ lead to: dẫn tới
+ harsh: hà khắc
+ force sb into doing/ to do: ép, bắt ai làm gì
In my opinion, i disagree that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as
adults.One of the typical punishments is prision and we can see what is bad for young people done things in prison
the negative effects on them while they doing the time. First, the young people are not fully developed about
physical physique, mental mentality and awareness. So, young criminal can bullied by adult criminal (lặp từ)
prisoners. This is dangerous, it affects young minds. The young criminal get a sense of being unable to re-enter the
community because of the criminal record. We should deal with young people who committed crime by bringing
them into reform school. We need interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment.
+ physique (n): thể chất
+ mentality (n): tinh thần
1. Nowadays, teenagers commit serious crime as adults. Cetain people believe that young criminals must be
punished as seriously as adults but I completely disagree. Firstly, young criminals's point of view could be
immature. At a young age, they are not yet developed both physically and mentally, they don't do not know what
they do is right or wrong. I think kid juvenile criminals should not get the heavy punishments because it not ne
unfair. Secondly, they worry that after they get
out the prison, they won't will not have a job because everyone is afraid and does not accept people who have
been in prison. Then, they will be able likely/probably to return to the criminal path. Therefore, young offenders
should be sent to reform school so that their physical physique and cognitive cognition is fully developed.
Regardless of age, they should receive reasonable and fair punishment if they committed a crime .
+ physique (n): thể chất
+ cognition (n): nhận thức


It is said that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same ways as adults. I do not
agree with this statement to a certain extent. Young people are not fully developed about physically and mentally.
So, we should not treat young criminals in the same way as adult criminal (lặp từ) offenders. If young people are
sent to prison, I doubt whether these people could re-enter the community after they have been through such
kind of environment. They get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of the criminal record
and have no qualification ,experience when doing the time in prison and deprive the future of the young those
juvenile criminals will be deprived of their future. A solution should not be to punish them in the same way as
adults, but to talk with them and give them opportunities to do what really interests such as making art work or
doing sports. Building the reform school where psychologist and educationalist will teach offenders.
Nowadays many young people who commit serious crimes, in my opinion they should be punished as seriously as
the adult. Young people are not fully developed (clear)?? as adult this method which leads to their  crimes in
reality. Although they are young, they still need to be received receive heavy punishment (acts as a deterrent
against crime) “đóng vai trò răn đe” câu này dùng với ý không đồng tình mà. Because the consequences of their
action effects negatively to social. Their types of crime diversity diversify but the majority of juvenile delinquents
deal drugs with young criminals are between 18-20 years old. Solution A solution to this problem is provide
providing help to young criminals who want to start new life. Some supports like helping them to find job, re-enter
community, improve environment in the place where they live or especially deprive the future of giving the young
an opportunity by communicating with them. Eventually, I agree with opinion  young offenders need to be
punished serious as adult but young criminals should be guaranteed that punishment will change them life.
+ diverse (adj): đa dạng
+ diversity (n): sự đa dạng
+ diversify (v): đa dạng hoá
+ deprive the future of sb: tước đi tương lại của ai
it is said that young criminals who commit serious crime should have the same punishment as adults. In my
opinion, i do not agree with this opinion.
nowaday, the number of young people committing crimes is quite a lot big/great. But the punishments affect
physical and mental development of young people (lặp từ) teenagers/ the juvenile. young criminals are between
the age of 18-20 is who are quite young to realize their crime/ to be aware of their offenses. i believe that people
can't re-enter the community after they have been through such kind of environment. anh and they have no
qualification and experience when they does the time in prison
so we I don't agree with this opinion that the young ought to get the same punishment as adults
+ offense: hành vi phạm tội
+ teenagers = the juvenile: vị thành niên


Many people think that children should be punished as seriously as adults if they commit a crime. I do not agree
with this statement. Juvenile criminals are not fully developed so they can not understand how dangerous of
commiting a crime the danger of commiting a crime/how dangerous it is to commit a crime. A question arises
whether these young delinquents can re-enter the community when they are released from the prison - a harsh
environment? When they are re-enter to the community, they dont have any qualification, experience,... to apply
for a job. They will re-offend against law. A solution is that they should not be punished in the same way as adults,
but to talk with them and give them oppotunities to do what they interests. Other ways is are that the authorities
should send them into the reform school, where they can meet psychologists to help them, teaching them how to
learn and finally they can improve their awareness.
MA THỊ KIM NGÂN bạn cố gắng hơn nhé
1. i think/In my opinion, if chilldren commit crime, we shouldn't treat young criminals in the same way as adult
criminals. Because young people aren't fully developed. They need understanding and educating about the
consequences and their fault. We should interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment,
to help them have having the right awareness. Their Past in prison is the deterrent which prevents these people
can from re-entering the community after they have been through such kind of environment. They have no
qualification and experience when he does doing/they do the time in prison. That can make them turn around in
return to the criminal way path. So what did do we need to do to help these people properly in life right way? in
my opinions, we need to find how they fell after mistake and hobby, dream with psychologists we should send
them into reform school, hiring psychologists to talk to them about their hobbies, dreams and feelings of their
mistakes. Education acts as a very important role to help them being fully developed. Lastly, i want to say that we
shouldn't deprive the future of the young because they may have in fron the bright future someday.
+ criminal path: con đường tội phạm


People have been arguing about whether or not that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished
in the same way as adults. While there are some great support for the given statement, from my point of view, i
totally disagree with it. Firstly, young people are not fully developed, more specifically in their cognitive abilities
and physical condition. Because they are young, they will have incorrect thoughts if they are seduced, once they
are caught in the criminal path, it will be didiffficult to separate and berebuild their lives. Secondly, when the
youngs enter adult prisions, they may be lured by older crimes prisoners to continue their criminal path. More
dangerously, they may be bullied physically and mentally, which greatly affects their development. Moreover, they
may get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of the criminal record, going along with
having no qualification and experience when he does they do the time in prison, their life will very tough.
ĐÀO TUẤN NGHĨA diễn đạt tốt
1. In recent years, there has been a heated debate over the discipline for adolescents who are accused of criminal
offences. From my perspective, authorities should treat them more leniently compared to adults who commit the
same level of crime.
Some would argue that these delinquents should be punished the same way as adult criminals to deter crime.
However, in my view, a lot more can be done for this demographic to address the problem constructively.
One possible approach would be to talk with them and give them opportunities to do what they are really
interested in, such as making art work or doing sports. This would certainly bring these teenagers motivation to
redeem themselves, however it could be difficult to enforce for those not wishing to compromise.
A more feasible approach would be for the government to take the initiative by encouraging companies to
rehabilitate former criminals by providing employment and fair wages to them. Although companies have to spend
more resources for a demographic with few certainty, young offenders who want to re-enter the community but
can’t can not due to their criminal record can offer their hard work to society.
It is true that a definitive approach for juvenile delinquents might not be solved quickly. But that’s not to say
actions are to be avoided. Governments can encourage change by giving criminals an opportunity and taking
advantage of companies with lack of employees.
.nowadays, the young people (between 18-20 years old) often make mistakes even commit serious crimes such as
dealing drugs . so what should we do with them? i think young people aren’t not fully developed, about personality
and awareness . they should be received receive punishment as a deterrent against crime. we shouldn’t treat
young criminal in the same ways as adult criminal. because we will get bad results back about it will have negative
influence on physical and mental development of young people, along with that which is that they have no
qualifications and experience when he does they do the time in prison. in stead of Alternatively, we should
interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment and help them develop awareness.
+ negative influence on: ảnh hưởng xấu tới
+ alternatively (adv): thay vào đó, cách khác
In my view, I disagree that young criminals should be punished as adult criminals. Juvenile offenders are mostly
between the ages of 18 and 20 so their physical and mental development are not yet fully developed fulfilled.
When they are punished as severely as in being sentenced to prison along with older criminals, it can have a
negative effect on their psyche and many other consequence like they're think that they can't re-enter the
difficulty in re-entering the community after they have been through such kind of environment,... So the solutions
here is are to talk/talking with them and give them opportunities to do what really interests such as making art
work or doing sports, interview the offenders to find out how they feel about the punishment. We should give
them a chance to correct/make up for their mistakes.
+ fulfill: đầy đủ, hoàn thiện
+ be sentenced to prison: bị đưa vào tù, lãnh án tù
+ make up for: bù đắp
NGUYỄN THU TRANG diễn đạt tốt
Some people said that the young criminal should be held accountable for their actions just as adults. While I find
this opinion right in some cases, I also argue that treating both young and adult criminals equally may have adverse
I can understand why those who commit crime should be punished regardless of age, with heavy punishment acts
as a deterrent against crime. But most young criminals are between 18-20 years old, are not fully developed, they
do not have enough awareness of their own behavior and thoughts. A solution should not be to punish them in the
same way as adults, but to talk with them and give them opportunities to do what they are really interested in,
such as making art work or doing sports. Prison life can have a bad effect on them. I doubt whether these people
can re-enter the community after they have been through such a kind of environment. (lặp ý)
On the other hand, prison life can have a bad effect on them. I doubt whether these people can re-enter the
community after they have been through such a kind of environment (lặp ý). I think, when given a second chance,
these underage convicts can have an opportunity to successfully rehabilitate and learn a valuable lesson.
In conclusion, breakers of laws should not be spared of punishments, but I believe young offenders should be dealt
with differently from adults.

NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG TRÀ diễn đạt tốt

I disagree with the statement that young criminals should be punished in the same way as adults for some reasons.
Firstly, young people are not fully developed. Those who commit serious crimes maybe cannot be in control of
their own behavior. Besides, they are under pressure from many problems that lead to become becoming a
criminal. The majority of junvenile delinquents deal drugs so we can take them to the reform school. Secondly,
putting young criminals in jail can deprive the future of them. They are all aged under 20 who have a long way to
go. Imprisonment makes them feel they get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of the
criminal record. Moreover, they have no qualification and experience when being in prison.
Nowadays, the percentages of young criminals, special serious crime is rise rising fast. But it not a reason to punish
them like what we do with adults.
Young people who commit crimes are between 18-20 years old. So that they physical and mental development are
not fully developed/complete/fulfilled. The majority of juvenile delinquents deal drurgs, theft or heavy scrimmage.
All this happens because they are not conscious of the consequences.Many younger after heavy punishment are
get a sense of being unable to renable to re-turn the community. They have been through in a bad environment,
not have having any experience and qualifications when they do the time in prison.
I think all we should do are give them a chance to changes. A solution should not to be punish them in the same
way as adults. Talk with them and give them opportunitses or deterrent detering them in reform school is the
better ways.
+deter (v): răn đe, ngăn cản
+deterence (n): sự răn đe
+deterrent (adj): mang tính răn đe
NGUYỄN THỊ THANH THẢO trình bày thành đoạn hoặc bài văn
it is said that young criminals who commit serious crime should have the same punishment as adults. In my
opinion, i do not agree with this point of view
- young people have physical and mental development which isn’t fully developed => they do not know how
serious what they did is and they are easy to get hurt when they (lặp từ) are kept in prison with other offenders
- they (lặp từ) still have a long life, they (lặp từ) are likely to have difficulty in reentering the community because
of the criminal record and because of having been in the terrible environment of the prison
- they(lặp từ) waste their time in the cell so they(lặp từ) do not have time to experience and have no qualification
which will help them to have a job and make ends meet
- When they(lặp từ) find hard to have a good job they may repeat an offence
- On the other hand, we should talk to them, listen to them to understand and find the best solution, which make
them more easily to re-enter the community and help them to find what they are interested in and good at so they
can develop it as a job
+ delinquent = law-breaker = criminal = offender: kẻ phạm pháp
*I disagree with this opinion. Young people who commit serious crimes shouldn't be punished as seriously as
adults because of many reasons. Firstly, young people are not fully developed about the cognition. They aren't are
not aware of what they do and consequences they cause. Secondly, I think whether serious punishment such as
the prison might/may deprive the future of the young. As far as I know, there are 30% of young offenders reoffend.
So, what are reasons? In an interview, they said that they got a sense of being unable to re-enter the community
because of the criminal record. They really want to change and get a job but when they find a job, companies or
employers don't look at qualifications and experience they only pay attention to the time in prison instead of
considering their qualifications and experience. A solution should not be to punish them in the same way as adults,
but to talk with them and give them opportunities to do what really interests such as making art work or doing
MA ANH THƯ diễn đạt tốt
The problem of handling juvenile crime has received different views from the public. While some declare that
similar punishments to adults’ should be applied irrespective of their ages, I, to some extent, had the opposite
I think that it is advisable to treat juvenile criminals distinctively compared with mature ones. Firstly, harsh
imprisonment would create formidable consequences to these young adults’ lives rather than benefit them. In
particular, these delinquents may be stuck in the cycle of reoffending crimes, due to unfinished academic degrees
and the title of an ex-prisoner which make them unable to re-enter the community and pursuit their inconclusive
dreams. Secondly, it is the young’s immature mind and impetuous temperament that leads to their criminal
record, which means other forms of solutions are more suitable. Lastly, the aggressive prison environment makes
them learn badly from older criminals.
Rather than imprisonment, other methods are more useful. For example, sending them to reform schools and
centers where they will receive proper education or forcing them to do community services. As a result, the
lawbreakers then get to realize their values and make contributions to society.
In short, I disagree with the view of giving young criminals severe punishments that are just applicable for adults.
Some people belive that young people who break the law should be punished the same way as adults, I personally
disagree with them. Young criminals who mostly are between 18 to 20 years old, their mental health by that time
is still unstable, they might not be able to full face the consequence and have a mental breakdown. Being Forced to
live in such harsh enviroment in their early life might also make them an easy get influenced by the adult prisoners
and that can distort the mind of theirs them/their minds. And whether they can re-enter the community after they
havinge been through such kind of environment is not an easy answer, people will always judge them for having a
criminal record, they will find/have a hard time finding jobs and having a relationship. My opinion in this statement
is that instead of forcing them in jail like that, we should put them in a reform school for a kinder enviroment to let
them express their feeling to understand why they break the law and give them another chance
TUYẾT HẠ diễn đạt tốt
In recent years, the crime rate has increased significantly, especially young people. Many people think criminals
should be punished regardless of age. In my opinion, I disagree with this statement for these reasons.
Firstly, young criminals are between 18-20 years old and they are not fully developed and easy to be influenced by
seduction. While heavy punishment acts as a deterrent against crime may have bad influence on physical and
mental development of young people. Secondly, I doubt whether these people can re-enter the community after
they have been through such kind of environment. For examples, when he does the time in prison he will have no
qualification and experience. Therefore, he may get a sense of being unable to re-enter the community because of
the criminal record. That can increase the reoffending rate of juvenile delinquents. The future of the young may be
deprived if they were punished as seriously as adults.
TUẤN SƠN diễn đạt tốt
Many people think that children who commit serious crime should be punished in the same way as adults but this
can lead to some detrimental consequence to the children. First of all, young people are not fully developed of the
awareness as they are not conscious of what is wrong or what is right, so they shouldn’t be punished like adults.
However, if they are treated the same way as adult such as being prisoned, it can severely influence to the physical
and mental development of them as the young are vulnerable. Furthermore, it can harm their future due to lack of
either qualifications or exprience. It is doubt that whether these people can re-enter the community after thay
have been through such kind of enviroment
In conclusion, we can have some more efficient solution to this problem. Instead of punishing the yound the same
way as adult, we can talk with them and give them opportunities tho do what really interests such as making art
work or doing sports

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