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Many believe that young leaders have greater potentials than older peopleones. I
completely agree with this statement. because both ages have their pros and cons.
Older people have a lot of experience in a certain field. They have good skills to deal
with different people and identify risks and opportunities. After many failed failures in
their the past, they have accumulated skills and experience. This helps them make the
right and sustainable wiser decisions. But they old leaders or directors have some
drawbacks with their conservatism like they can be very conservative. This makes them
reluctant to innovate. There is also a huge barrier that is
their lack of technology skills making them more difficult to integrate their company in today's
digital world.
Young people leaders also have many benefits like such as easy to adaption to a new
situation, being open to new ideas, accepting changes, and havinge technical skills. But
they have some critical drawbacks such aslike lack of experience which leads to make
wrong decisions. They also and cannot influence others easily due to their young age.
In conclusion, both old and young leaders bringhave their own benefits and drawbacks
to the development of the company.
(163 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.0


Many people today hold the view that the elderly are more suitable to be leaders but
many others suppose that youth leadership is more trustworthy. However, from my
perspective, while I think that the old are oftenshould be in charge of leading society, I
agree with the point that young leaders can also do well in their leading jobs. This essay
will discuss the reasons for my view as follow.

Before all elseOn the one hand, there are many reasons why seniors are often
considered as suitable directors of the company. First, older people have failed many
times and have dealt with different kinds of people, hence, most of them are very
experienced in their fields. From their experience, they can detect risks as well as
opportunities, get possess more skills and insights that youngsters usually don’tdo not.
The case of Queen Elizabeth II, who is currently 95 years old, strongly exemplifies the
idea. Nonetheless, they are quite set in their ways. Specifically, they are reluctant to
innovations, which makes it harder for them to get closer to the younger people they
lead. On top of thatBesides, their lack of technical skills is a great disadvantage in
today’s modern world.

On the other hand, young peoplemanagers, who are often underestimated

paradoxically have huge advantages at being managers. In contrast to the old, they can
adapt to new situations really more quickly as well as be open to new unparalleled ideas
which facilitate them to keep pace with a world that is changing very fast. Jenk Oz, a
British CEO at the age of 8, creates a concrete proof that young directors are the best
ones. In defiance of their adaptabilities, they are likely to make mistakes in terms of
their inexperience. Adding to what has been said, they can’t cannot influence as many
people as the old do.

In a nutshell, irrespective of age, people have strengths and limitations of their own. It is
one’s leadership skills, abilities and talentsintelligence, skill, etc. that decides whether
he or she can be a great director.
(313 words)
TA: 7 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 7
Overall: 6.5

In the 21st century, leadership skills are very important that determines the existence
ofin an organization or a company. Some people think that the young can be better
leaders instead of the old. I suppose to be a leader or director who needs many skills
like practical experience, logical thinking, foresight, decisiveness, the ability to connect
people, and creativity.etc. So, my In my personal opinion, is that every people who have
those skills and experience can be a good leader, not only older people.
In fact, an old leader has similarities with an old captain, they know how to steer their
boat in the right direction and avoid the most danger by what they have been through
over the years.. Because they already have the experience to confidently lead their
employees in each certain areas which they invest in and do not want to fail. As I have
mentioned before, what they have been done for years which containing many failures
and let them accumulate skills and experience. Through that, an old leader can identify
risks and opportunities to make their wiser decisions and commands that may
determine the fate of an entire organization in the future. Other things thatMoreover,
they know how to connect with every people staff under them despite having different
personalities, because they have already dealt with different people.
OtherwiseHowever, some older people leaders who are leaders and directors will
havemay have conservative attitude, be reluctant to changes and lack technology
technical skills. For example, like they do not accept a notification via text message
instead of but the text report on paper.
By contrastOn the other hand, although young people become leaders or directors have
many shortcomings such as lack of experience, possible no credibility yet which let them
make wrong decisions to leading to profit loss, or less powerful voice in the company of
profit. Otherwise, they dose not make an influence on others. But, a young leader who
isthey are very dynamic and creative. They canBecause they are a very enthusiastic
force for work, adapt to new situations quickly when the plan is does not work in line
with the direction. This show people realize thatBesides, they accept changes to and are
open to new ideas, which encourages the company to develop in this fast changing
society that old leader missing. Specifically, young people live in the 4.0 technology era
who have technogy technical skills will which can be applied to their work to lead more
effectivelyy and process jobs with technology much faster. For example, Sanna Marin is
became Poland Finland’s Prime Minister when she was just 34 years old but she can
closer to people. She decided to close the coal plant to protect the environment, and
has a close relationship with the labor union, which brings her country sustainable
In Conclusion, although the young leaders may have many shortcomings, I still give
them some respectthey should become leaders because their creative ideas can change
the world of people in the future.
(405 words)
Bài viết hơi quá dài, anh/chị có thể không đủ thời gian viết trong 40 phút. Anh/chị nên
sắp xếp thời gian để có thể hoàn thành bài viết task 2 trong đúng thời gian quy định.
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5


An organization is always often led by an old great leader or director. There are two
viewpoints on choosing leader, 1 is old people and 2 is young peopleSome people think
that important positions in the company should be given to the younger. In my opinion,
younger leaders would be better.
We cannot deny the leadership talent quality of the elderly. They have lots of
experience in many certain areas. They are ready to deal with different people,
difficulties and challenges. They hold many skills in seizing opportunities, detecting and
mitigating risks. The old people have failed several times so they have accumulated
many skills and experience. Although However, they are conservative, reluctant to
innovate the working style . They also hesitate to changing change guidelines, Human
Resources and working. They lack new technology technical skills, which. That makes
them obsolete and not keeping keep up with current operating trends.
On the other hand, young leaders have more advantages. Young people are fortunate
becauseIn their era, they have access to modern technology. They rapidly acquire
knowledge of technology technical skills. They are willing to take risks very brave when
accepting changes. They are also open to new ideas which can develop their company to
a much higher position in the market but it is very risky. They do not scruple toeasily
adapt to new situations and positions with their dynamic working style. They are
dynamic in working. BesidesNevertheless, the drawbacks that they need to overcome
are Their lack of experience may hinder them from and making wrong good decisions.
These mistakes cause profit losses to the company. But Young people are talented so
they can repair and overcome obstacles and difficulties. Mark Zuckerberg is a famous
example. He became the founder of Facebook at the age of 20.
EquallyIn conclusion, both young and old people leaders have benefits and drawbacks.
They have to try their best to reach obtain an achievement. And younger people could
do this better with their strength and enthusiasm.
(253 words)
TA: 7 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 5
Overall: 6.0


There are different opinions about whether important positions in an organization
should be given to younger people or not, while these seats often belong to the older
ones. From my perspective, the youth are more likely to become good leaders.
It is true that older people have the advantage over younger ones in their terms of
experience for in some certain areas, therefore, they can identify risks and
opportunities. However, they may lack technology technical skills and are also reluctant
to changes, which are necessary these days along with the rapid development of the
In contrastOn the other hand, the youth, who can accept changes and adapt to new
situations easily, are can be more open to new ideas which may create breakthroughs
and make the company develop to a higher position in the competitive market. They are
not only more creative but are also willing to listen to others’s thoughts, which is one of
the most important leadership qualities. For instance, Sanna Marin, who took office at
the age of 34, is the youngest person to hold the office in Finnish history, as well as
currently the world’s second-youngest leaders. She has a close relationship with the
labor union and also stood up for the sake of the residents. Moreover, young individuals
tend to be physically stronger and they can handle big responsibilities and much work
In conclusion, I believe that younger leaders would be better for the certain reasons
mentioned rather than the older ones.
(206 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 7
Overall: 6.0
Khi anh/chị ủng hộ quan điểm “young leaders”, anh/chị có thể tham khảo cách trình bày
bài theo dàn ý sau:
TB1: Bất lợi khi có người lãnh đạo là người lớn tuổi. (Tuy họ có kinh nghiệm và sức ảnh
hưởng, nhưng họ ngại thay đổi và sức khoẻ có thể không đảm bảo để làm vị trí chịu
nhiều áp lực như người lãnh đạo)
TB2: Lợi ích khi có người lãnh đạo trẻ tuổi. (Giỏi về công nghệ, sẵn sàng mạo hiểm và đổi
mới, giỏi thích nghi với môi trường làm việc áp lực, gần gũi với nhân viên trẻ tuổi hơn do
không có khoảng cách thế hệ và tư tưởng cởi mở)
TB3 (Có hoặc không): Bên cạnh đó, người trẻ lãnh đạo cũng có những hạn chế nhất định
(kinh nghiệm làm việc, ít mối quan hệ trong doanh nghiệp). Tuy nhiên, điều này có thể
khắc phục nhờ học hỏi và xây dựng đội ngũ cố vấn.


Many people believe that the elderly are more suitable to be a director than young
ones. Some say the oppositeyounger leaders should be encouraged. In my opinion, a
business should be led by the youth younger generation to gain more success.
There are a few reasons why I don't like why old leaders are not suitable in modern life.
First, they seem to be conservative and reluctant to innovate, which may make their
company lag behind. For instance, it'll it will take a longer time for them to keep up with
trends or news. Second, the elderly may is lack technology technical skills. Normally,
their phones are the old modern with fewer tools but easier usage. Finally, because
people are likely to keep their distance from them, it's hard to build the connection
between boss and staff. However, old leaders are better than young ones in some
aspects. As they have failed several times and dealt with different people, they have
accumulated lots of skills and experience. They will make fewer mistakes and be able to
identify risks and opportunities.
As opposed to the elderly, young leaders easily adapt to new situations and get are
more open to weird ideas. Moreover, their technology technical skills are much better
than the other team. BesidesHowever, all drawbacks of young leaders are benefits from
older directors. They may sure lack experience which may lead to wrong decisions and
profit -losst. Therefore, others won't be influenced easily by them. Otherwise, trust in
U40 leaders has risen 20% from 2015 to 2019 with the increase of thousands of
successful leaders such as. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, or
Emma Watson, a Holywood star and CEO of GUCCI. By With their talent and effort, they
achieved goals at such young age.
In conclusion, both young and old leaders have things that others don'tdo not. That's
That is why we should work together and always learn from people to be the best
version of ourselves.
(291 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Leadership is the most important factor that leads to the success of an
organizationoganization. WhetherThat why old leader or young leaders are better is a
hotly-debated topic that often divides opinions. Many people claim that older people
leading an organization oganization is a proper thing. But, in my opinion, young people
have more aptitude for controlling a companycollective.
Firstly, let us take a look at the benefits if young people is are the leader. Young
leadersThey are probably enterprising and energetic and creative, that means they
canwhich helps them adapt to new situations more quickly. Secondly, they are open-
minded so many new ideas of staff are noticed and accepted, which makes the company
develop to a higher position in the competitive market. Thirdly, thanks to the familiarity
technological withadvances technology equipment, young leaders can apply these to
lead the company more effectivelybecome more important in modern day. For instance,
the largest langest social media in the world - Facebook always updates new features
that make users feel satisfied, so it has no sign of being out of date. It is because the
Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, leading that company is a young people leader and
he knows what the young generation users need todayin technology.
In spite of advantages, a young leader is not as good as an old leader in terms of
experiences and accumulate skills. Sometimes, wrong decisions may lead to profit loss
In general, leadership will be complicated and difficult if the leader lacks of practical
experiences. But, an old leader who have has failed several times knows how to
indentify identify risks and opportunities. Besides, young leaders may be face with
distrust of older employees.
In conclusion, young people may have a leadership advantage in an increasingly
developed society. However, taking everything into consideration, age is just one
element of a proficient leader. Both old and young people can lead an organization
oganization if they have the ability and effort.
(265 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Nowadays, almost all leaders and directions in an organization are older people., sSome
people think younger leaders would be better. However, i think in my opinion, both
young and old leaders have their own benefits and drawbacks in an organization.
On the one hand, young leaders are successful in leading the company. For example, In
the real life, there are so much young success leaders, Mark Zuckerberg is a famous
example became the founder of Facebook at the age of 20.So, let's talk about the
benefit of young leaders and directors first. There are many reasons for the suitability of
young leaders. Firstly, they easily adapt to new situations , young people have many
ways to adapt to new situations and they have a good adaption. only with in a short
time owing to their enthusiasm. , they can approach the new problems instantly.
Secondly, they be are open to new ideas and they accept changes which may bring
success to the company. Thirdly, different from old people, the young people have
technology technical skills which are the most important skills in today's mordernt
world. And of courseHowever, young peoplethey still have drawbacks. They lack of the
experience that can lead to wrong decisions, and they can not influence others with
their less powerful voice in an organization.
About In terms of old leaders, they have experience on in certain areas and experience
is vere important. They have skills which can help them deal with different people and
identify risks and opportunities that help the company avoid profit loss a. Especially,
they have failed, every experiences,skill are accumulated. However, they have
drawbacks too. They sometimes may be conservative, be reluctant to changes. and they
also lack technology technical skills, which is the big disadvantage of the leader. In the
modern life, technology skills is really important, so this is the worst disadvantage of old
In summary, old and young leaders all have advantages and disadvantagesdisavantages.
However, both of them can bring the benefits cho to the organization and can help
develope the society.
(251 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5


Some people think yonger leader is a good leaders and directors should be the young in
an organisation. But others think older people is better than younger people
ones. I agree with the former idea for the following reasons.
On the one hand, the young generation gains a advantage over the old in terms of
technology and physical health. i agree with yonger leader is better than older people.
Nowadays, more and more country countries haves invested in technology. So, if a
company wants to survive and grow, it needs to have a good leader who is excellent at
in applying technical advancestechnology. This person is a younger leader. In addtion,
more and more companies are having young human resourcesstaff. So, having a young
leader can meet the need of those people with a closer relationship between the boss
and the employees. is good solution about meeting the need. They will know about
what employee need, and meeting that. As a result, is the increasingly work
performance of employees leading to helps the company grow. a similarFor example,
SANNA MARIN is a famous exaple, she become the poland Finland’s prime minister at
the age of 34. She is closer to the peopleresidents and gives them a lot of benefits such
as she closedwith the decision of closing coal plants,etc. This makes thing leading to her
country develop more and more in a sustainable way.
On the other hand , i think leaders and director in an organization are normally older
people. The older leadr ones have more a lot of experience for leading the company and
growingto success. They will know how to make the most of opportunities or identify
risks and cope with them. that
In conclusion, a company needs a good leader who will lead and grow for the
development of the company. the older leader or younger leaderage of the leader is not
important but their suitability. it is important that the person is suitable with the
(247 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5


Nowadays, some people believe that younger leaders in an organization are interested
more than the older peoplebetter than older ones. In my opinion, I don't do not agree
with this statement. Both of them have good sides and bad sides.

Firstly, the old people have better experience on in certain areas than the young ones
because thay they have failed many times to have their currentand gained knowledge.
Secondly, their life skills accumulated in treating people or dealing with different people
are better than younger people. Therefore, they identify risks and opportunities faster
than those who don't do not have much experiences. On the other hand, normally, the
old people are conservative and reluctant to innovations so that their organization or
country may have a slow and safe development. Moreover, most of them lack
technicalology skills while it is a very important skill to run an organization in this
modern life. connect with their staffs or citizens.

On the other hand, The young people always adapt to new situations in a easier way
than the old ones. They are more open-minded to new ideas and innovations.
Moreover, they have great technology technical skills so that they are closer to the
people. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg- the young founder of Facebook gave his
progressive outlook in his business and become successful at a young age. Furthermore,
the a young age helps the younger leaders be healthy and positive with their job.
HoweverAlternatively, younger leaders lack of experience so that many wrong decisions
may be are made which lead to loss of profit. Therefore, their voice cannot influence
others compared to the older.

To summarize, both of old and young leaders them have their own ways to develop
their organization or country. Time will be the answers for to prove their leadership
ability and find the right person.
(260 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


The elderly are usually people who lead an organization, but some people think the
young can do that better. In my opinion, both old and young leaders all of them play
important roles in the process of developing their country and have some benefits and
On the one hand, Older people leaders have some advantages that younger people ones
can’t cannot have. Firstly , the elderly have more experience because than the young .
They have gone through many obstacles for many years. so tThey also have
accumulated valuable knowledge to help them lead the company successfully,which few
young people can obtain. Secondly, older military millitary officers obviously have more
skills than younger peoplethe young because they have dealt with distinctive
opponents, different situations so they can identify risks and opportunities then make
reasonable decisions. Besides benefitsHowever, the old people also have a number of
some drawbacks may appear if the leader is old. Initially , the elder are sometimes really
conservative, it isand difficult to change their minds. They are reluctant to innovations,
which makes ,they can’tthem not catch up with the changes of the world . For example,
in the modern society with the domination of technology and science, it seems that the
elders are weak in at technology technical skills. Most older people now still use feature
phones or brick cell phones.
Meanwhile ,the young people leaders also have many strengths. Contrary to the elder,
young people are very familiar with technoly technological advances. There are a lot of
teenagers, students who have created technology equipments improving our lifeFor
example, .Mark Zuckerberg made became the founder of Facebook when he was 20 ,
which makes him famous and successful. this app helps us connect with each other and
discover other parts of the world. Moreover, the young can adapt to new situations
quickly. They are open to new ideas, they don’t mind giving risky thoughts,which makes
may make them receive obtain huge achievementsachivements. BTS is a famous
example, they accept changes and they show their creativeness in every song, this is the
reason why they become global superstars . However, the young people cannot
influence others better than the old. Young people often lack experience so few people
employees may listen to them. ,t This will led lead to the a shortage of solidarity in a
group and lessen the perfomance of their work.
In conclusion, both older people and younger people have advantages and drawbacks
in leading a group or organization, they need to support each other so as to increase
their productivitiesdevelop their company.
(351 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Indeed, older people usually take the highest position of a corporation. However, some
people claim that being in terms of a managementr, a young person could bring more
merits than an old one. In my opinion, I can partly agree with this idea for some
reasons.only with reservations.
On the one hand, it cannot be denied that the new generations could become
respectable good directors with their technical skills. In the age of the fourth industrial
revolution, it is obvious that technology promotes development to drive the world and
make the world better. In this aspect, whilst the older people hardly keep up with this
modification, the young could be in a position of strength. They do not have to spend
too much time on being master this, this means they have an available tool, which is
extremely useful in the developing period of their company. Mark Zuckerberg is a
famous example. He became the founder of Facebook at the age of his 20s20.
Moreover, he is one of the youngest billionaires on the planet.
On the other hand, along with the benefit of a young people being a leader, it also has
several inevitable drawbacks may appear. If beingIn the position of a leader of an
organization, young people could face numerous problems. In fact, they do not
accumulate enough practical experience as much ascompared to the older people;
therefore, they could may not deal with the unexpected problem in an entirely
satisfactory way. A further disadvantage, the young people do not have a good
relationship with other company’s directors immediately. This leads to their career
could face many difficulties at the first time whilst the older people could create these
connections easily as they suffered experienced many situations.
In conclusion, both old people and young people leaders have their own benefits and
drawbacks. I believe that to be a man in charge, it depends on many elements, not only
(300 words)
TA: 7 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.5

13. TÂM
People have different views about whether older people or younger people are
appropriate for leadershipleading positions in a company. I totally agree with the idea
that younger people would become good better leaders.
Older people are considered the most suitable for the leader position for because of
some reasons. In the first place, older people have extensive experience in a certain
area. Because of have failed many timestheir previous failures, they can accumulate
skills and experience. For example, Donald Trump is a famous billionaire; however, in
order to gain vast wealth and become one of the most prosperous people in the world,
his hotels and Casio business have declared bankruptcy six times. Secondly, old people
are good at communication, so that they can smartly and ingeniously deal with different
people and difficult situations. Moreover, they have a big influence on others because
employees tend to follow the words of an experienced boss, in order that employees
would obey the boss. However, most of them are conservative like and unwilling or
reluctant to innovate the company. This can not improve their organization. In addition,
their lack of technology technical skills is also a big disadvantage are old leader

On the other hand, in spite of some weaknesses of such as inexperience lacking

experience like makingwhich may lead to the wrong decisions and less influential ability
and can not influence others, young people have a significant advantage over their
counterparts. Firstly, many companies would try to shift the way they work to enhance
work performance and efficiencymake working efficiently., In that case, the younger
leader is more willing to adapt to a new situation and accept changes than their elders.
Especially, younger leaders have the benefit ofpossess technical skills, which is one of
the key factors to support the business develop faster in this digital era. Sanna Marine is
a famous example of a younger leader. She became the Prime Minister of Finland at the
age of 34 and has many significant contributions to the country such as she closed coal
plants to reduce CO2 emissions, and she also has a close relationship with the labor
In conclusion, both elders and youngsters have strengths and limitations, it is my strong
belief believe that younger people would be better for the leader position
(332 words)
TA: 7 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.5


some people who Commonly,think that older people always hold leadership and
director positions in a company, but there are also somesome people who think that
young leaders will show better abilities. In my opinion. I partly agree with this opinion.
In my opinion older people always hold leadership and director positions The old are
often chosen to be leaders because they have enough experience to be able to manage
more effectively than younger peopleones. Besides, the ability to identify risks or the
knowledge to deal with many situations and deal with different people is the big
advantage of old leaders. and another advantage is thatMoreover, older people get
more support from their younger employees. However, they do may not have
technology technical skills, which makes the company or organization less developed
and not up to datelag behind in the digital era.
On the other hand, young leaders will also be very goodbetter when they can bebecause
they are creative and willing to accept changes to adapt to the today’s market. they also
have very good technology technical skills from which they can absorb faster and come
up with new ideas to create breakthroughs in the company. for example, in information
technology fields, Mark Zuckerberg is a very famous young leader, in 2004 he founded
Facebook founded and has been very successful up to this point. He is also one of the
richest and most influential people in the world. concluded that
To conclude, while older people have more experience in leadership, young people
leaders also have advantages. In short, both generations can bring many benefits to
companies and organizations
(214 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5


Nowadays, some people claim that younger leaders would be greater common in the
future, while others believe belive that aging members demonstrate possess better their
power and ability better than younger. In my opinion, both of these generations can
become a good leaders if they have enough qualifications and experiences with , and
each generations has different advantages.
On the one hand, younger people is are able to replace older ones gradually in in leaders
or bossesleading positions. Firstly, the young have the ability of to use using technology
better than older the old, which and technology will be a essential role in the future. For
instance, today’s marketing activities is are different from the past. Marketers with their
technical skills use lots of social media like Facebook, Youtube and so on for advertising
their products, while advertisements in leaflets or magazines are fewer than in the past.
Secondly, the younger ones is are more closer to the citizen than older, so they can
make relationship with people easily. By receiving opinions quickly, younger directors
can meet the demand of people reasonably. For instance, Sanna Marin who becoming
became the president of Finland when she was 35 years old, although the economics
would be haevy heavily damaged, she still decided to close coal plants for protecting the
environment and the health problems of citizens.
On the other hand, older people should hold leader leading positions in government
gorvernment or companies. Firstly, experiences and prestige are the pivotal factors in
directing the whole organization that make aging people to become a bosses or leader.
They always keep a cool head whenever dealing with different situations of work or
their employees and they can identify risks and opportunities better easier than the
young. Secondly, they have more and more failed in their career, sofrom the previous
failures, they can make right decisions for each turning point of the development of
their business. However, they lack of technologytechnical skills, and it can make them
become the fogy than younger., moreover, they are reluctant relectant to changes
because they often apply a conservativeon mindset for to their work.
In conclusion, I claim that younger or older people both have a chance to become a boss
or leaderleaders or directors of organizations as long as they have enough abilitiesy and
(337 words)
TA: 7 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.5


In most organizations, the leaders and directors are often elderly people. A younger
leader, according to some people, would be more effective. From my point of view, I
believe that both old and young people are capable of taking over this leading position.
On the one hand, there are some reasons why the leaders should be the elderly. First of
all, they have spent a lot of time accumulating skills and experience from failures, so
they can keep a cool head to handle problematic situations. Moreover, by identifying
risks and opportunities for the future of the company, the older leaders can have a
tactic strategy to succeed. Secondly, age is also the power. The older they are, the more
respect influentialthey receive. People often consider that the younger persons lackas
experienced ones so they seem to have a tendency of being influenced by seniors.
On the other hand, leadership leading positions are also need suitable for younger
people. In the digital era, technology skills are essential and indispensable. Ironically, the
elderly are totally lacking these skills and unable to catch up with the changes. In
contrast, younger people can adapt to new situations with lightning speed and they are
open to new ideas. Furthermore, while elder leaders are conservative and reluctant to
innovate, the younger are creative and ready to accept changes for the better. Mark
Zuckerberg is a typical example. He dropped out of the university but his founding of
Facebook has led him to be one of the youngest billionaires in the world.
In conclusion, I believe all people with leadership skills can be good leaders regardless of
(258 words)
TA: 7 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 7
Overall: 6.5


Leaders and directors in an organization are normally older people. Some people think
younger leader would be better. Do you agree or disagree?
There are two viewpoints on the suitability of the young and the old in the top
management position in of an organization. Some people think important position like
leaders and directors are normally older people. Others think younger leaders would be
better. I agree with the latter point for the following reasons.
I agree that younger leader would be better choice for an organization.
Firstly, they easily adapt to new situations and are open to new ideas, which is
needed in a rapidly changing world. Especially, a younger leader has more technology
technical skills than older ones. Secondly, they accept changes, which is helps the
organization keep up with the trend and grow upwards. Third, they will
have better health to do the heavy liftingendure the pressure of a leader. For examples,
Sanna Marin , who is PolandFinland’s Prime Minister, since december 2019, when she is
was 34 years old. Apart from a Prime Minister, she is a politician. She is closer to the
people. When she beacame Poland Finland’s Prime Minister, she closed coal plants ,
which is protects the environment. She has a close relationship with the labor union.
On the other hand, howerver, there are several reasons why it can be argued
that elderly people are good leaders. They are easier to influence others because older
leaders are  felt more experienced. Next, they will have many skills like to identify
indentify risks and opportunities, deal with different people, etc. Besides, they have
accumulated skills and experience from failures. In addition, older leadersleader
have helpful advice for everyone. That is what younger leaders rarely have. But, older
leaders are conservative. They can be reluctant to changes, lack technology technical
In conclusion, whenever young or old, high-rankinghigh positions postionsof a company
need to be carefully selected with the strict requirements related to skills and leadership
other than age. The important postions need to be qualified to take the position.
(268 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Nowadays, the leaders and directors in an organization are normally the elders. On the
other hand, othersSome people think that the young people will have better leadership
abilities. In my opinion, older people leaders will have better for some reasons.
leadership ability than young people.
On the one hand, an older person leader may means they have more experience than a
young person in all certain areas. they keep their cool so they can solve the problem
wisely. After having failed, they accumulate skills and from there have the ability tocan
identify risks and profit, thereby knowing and how to capture opportunities. They also
can solve the problem wisely. Besides, elders are usually respected by everyone
employeesand It'll carry more weight. Howeverr, age health is also a concern. they have
to face a stressful job that will be harmful to their health.
However, there are many young leaders and theywho are also very successful on their
leadership path. Sanna Marin is a famous example. she became the president of Finland
at the age of 35. Moreover, the young
they easily adapt to the new situations and accept changes. Besides, they also have the
creativity from which they will have new thoughts and solutions. The disadvantage that young
people will face when taking the first leadership leading position is the lack of experience from
which makingleading to wrong decisions which may causes loss of profit and is subject to a lot
of criticism. second, young people cannot influence others
Anyway, as long as you have experience and a good problem-solving ability, at any age
you can become a good leader
(241 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.0


It cant be denied that old people have many drawbacks and young people have
enormous advantages. Some people think younger leaders would be better., bBut in my
point of view, i dont really think soI disagree with this for the following reasons. It cant
be denied that old people have many drawbacks and young people have enormous
advantages but i have reasons to unchange my opinion.
Nowadays, many young people raised appeared as a successful leaders in many fields
such as Mark Zuckerberg – a as Facebook founder, Sanna Marin who became the
youngest leader in the world by becomeas Poland Finland’s Prime Minister as when she
was just only 34 years old,... Young people can be open to new ideals and have
technology technical skills which are really important in the present world, they can
adapt to new situations and accept changes while the elderlys are often conservative,
reluctant to innovations and lack of technology technical skills.
But on the other side, Young people peole are lack of experience, their moves are new
but it can be risky which would come towith wrong decisions which may lead to the loss
of profit. Young people have few poorer reputation and they cant cannot bring huge
influencet to others while old people have leadership skills which have been trained for
many decades of their career. The elder have experience in certain areas, they have
skills to deal with different kinds of people. Their mental power can deal with risks and
opportunities because they failed in the past, they accumulate skills and experience.
My In conclusion, is most of leaders should be old people to activate a sustainable
development of the country or company, while and the minority but their appearance
are necessary are young leaders are suitable in some specific fields, they are the
bestshould be trained more for in their generation and the future of their country or
their organisation.
(271 words)
Anh/chị không đồng tình với ý kiến “young leaders” nhưng phần thân bài lại trình bày
theo hương “đồng tình một phần” khiến bài viết thiếu sức thuyết phục.
TA: 5 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5


Some argue that corporations should be operated by by old or young people, while . It is
fact that most organizations are usually led by the elderly. However, in my opinion, i
think that young people peolple should also be given an opportunity to lead
organizations in today’s society.
One the one hand, there are many reasons why elder leaders are preferred. First,
seniors have a lot of experience because they have worked for many years. They also
have high social and organizational skills so they can deal with different peoples and
identify risks which may help the company avoid profit loss. Besides, they have failed so
they have accumulated knowledge and experience in order to give make informed and
safe decisions in critical moments. Howerver, there are also have drawbacks. Old people
are often conservative, they always may follow the old way and be reluctant to
innovations. Moreover, they lack technology technical skills that make them difficult to
keep up with the times.
On other hand, a lot of organizations now adays are led by young people, there are
many basis that lead to this. Firstly, young people have good health and are full of
energy, they can bear more work pressure and work than old peoplein the position of a
Secondly, they have strengths in technology compared to the senior, they can
proficiently use modern devices to help catch up and develop societywork more
effectively. In addition, young people have more progressive views. For example, in
LGBT issue, they are more open to new ideas which may bring economical
breakthroughs for the company minded and adopt fair policies for them. But there are
also some disadvantages if young people are leaders. Because they are young, they will
be inexperienced and lead tohave wrong decisionsdecisons. Moreover, they cannot
influence others if they become leaders at a young age, as people tend to respect and
obey those who are older.
In conclusion, i think that high positions should be competed fairly. People can become
leaders if they have good skills and experience, therefore because age is not an big
(301 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


As the world develops, more and more talented young leaders appear. In my opinion,
the old boss class and the young boss class whether the director position belongs to the
old or the young generation have has both positive and negative sides but the latter
brings more benefits than the former.
Older leaders tend to have more experience than younger leadersones. They have the
skills to deal with different people in the industry and society after failed. Because of
thatThus, people in this groupthis generation are is wiser in identifying risks and
opportunities. In contrast, conservatism conservation is one of the most minus points of
the old, which exists inside them as a common ground of this leader group of people.
On the other hand, the younger leaders are supposed to be closer to the people. Jacinda
Ardern, the -leader of New Zealand, for example, was sworn in as prime minister at the
age of 40. She was elected labor leader in August and entered a general election
campaign shortly after. Not only popular with people, she also indicated her ability. She
Her position rose exceptionally quickly through the ranks of New Zealand politics,
seizing the country's highest office less than a year after entering parliament. Moreover,
people leaders in the younger leaderships group were found to be are more open to
new ideas and have better technical skills than the older such as Mark Zuckerberg -– a
young facebook founder. But it is because of lacking experiencedue to lack of
experience, sometimes they make wrong decisions which can lead to the loss of profit of
the company.
In conclusion, although young leaders lack a strategic perspective and deep
knowledgelong-term experience inof the field they are working in, overall, they are
superior to older bosses in this modern life.
(255 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


In today's development world, there is an argument arguement about whether younger
or older leaders are more suitablebetween choice the young and the old who do the job
leaders or directors better. This is a difficult question for everyone to answer. The
elderly people who have longer contribution time should have an important position in
the management system of the company. For me it is obvious because of their
contribute but i However, I have a belief that young people leaders can do the job as a
leader better than the old.
First of all, young people are the paramount factor to make any organization develop
country go up because they were born in the new era and have had chances to learn
many new knowledges. Secondly, it is denied that they always can adapt to new
situations and not often are willing reluctantto take risks with to new innovations. They
ussually accept changes and are open to new ideas with their expansive. Moreover,
almost all young people in nowadays can use apply advanced technology to work
masterly and efficiently.By With the support of social media, they can create new
strategies and influence peolpe to make a close relationship with employees in a certain
work area, which and their really suits for the development of globalizationgobalization.
In today world, there is no unprecedented that some young people have become a
realare influential in the company with their achievements people. Can be mentioned as
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is a typical example. He is ,an American computer programmer
American and technology entrepreneurentrpreneur internet. Despite having many
positive conditions to be a good leader, young people still encounter with some
disadvantaged such as lake lack of experienceenperiences that lead to so that
sometimes they can choose wrong decisions and that makeprofit loss of profit. In
addition, i believe that in many sites fields like such as politics, technology and business,
the young can lead everybody do better than the old.
(257 words)
TA: 5 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5
Cấu trúc bài task 2: Mở bài: 1-3 câu (Paraphrase lại đề bài và đưa ra ý kiến của bản thân)
-> Thân bài 1 (luận điểm 1): 4-5 câu -> Thân bài 2 (luận điểm 2): 4-5 câu -> Thân bài 3 (có
thể có hoặc không): 3-4 câu -> Kết bài (paraphrase lại mở bài và ý mở rộng nếu có): 1-3
Khi anh/chị ủng hộ quan điểm “young leaders”, anh/chị có thể tham khảo cách trình bày
bài theo dàn ý sau:
TB1: Bất lợi khi có người lãnh đạo là người lớn tuổi. (Tuy họ có kinh nghiệm và sức ảnh
hưởng, nhưng họ ngại thay đổi và sức khoẻ có thể không đảm bảo để làm vị trí chịu
nhiều áp lực như người lãnh đạo)
TB2: Lợi ích khi có người lãnh đạo trẻ tuổi. (Giỏi về công nghệ, sẵn sàng mạo hiểm và đổi
mới, giỏi thích nghi với môi trường làm việc áp lực, gần gũi với nhân viên trẻ tuổi hơn do
không có khoảng cách thế hệ và tư tưởng cởi mở)
TB3 (Có hoặc không): Bên cạnh đó, người trẻ lãnh đạo cũng có những hạn chế nhất định
(kinh nghiệm làm việc, ít mối quan hệ trong doanh nghiệp). Tuy nhiên, điều này có thể
khắc phục nhờ học hỏi và xây dựng đội ngũ cố vấn.


Leader and directors in an organization are normally older people,or younger
leader.Therefore,there are two ways of thinking about which leader: order and younger
people, who is better.The important positions of a company often belong to the seniors
who possess more skills and experience. However, many people think that younger
leaders should be encouraged in this modern life. I partly agree with this opinion.
In my opinion,everyone has advantage and disadvantage,and so are the leaders.On the
one hand, For the order people ,they have many skills advantages and more work
experience than younger people ones. They can identify such as their
experience,indentifying risks and opportunities to lead the company going in the right
way. Besides, And they have failed a lotand dealt with different people, so they have
accumulated enough knowledge to deal with unexpected situations and different
customersso there are more skills and experience they accumulate. In contrast, when
they are order leader,they willolder leaders tend to be reluctant to changes and.That
can make them be conservative with their opinions. Besides,their technology technical
skills are limited, even they lack about technology understanding.
On the other hand, when the leader is the younger people, they tend to quickly adapt to
new situations and accept changes more easily than order older onespeople,so they will
. Those people will be open to new ideas, which encourages employees to develop and
be creative. Particularly,they have many technology technical skills, their ability to
capture information and news quickly is a great advantage. For example, Sanna Marin
was 35 years old when ,she was the youngest prime minister in Finland. But there are
some drawbacks of young leaders. Because of their agelack of work experience, they
can make wrong decisions ,that will cause profit loss of profitto the company. And they
cannot may not influence others, especially adults aldults and the elderly.
In conclusion,although the leader is can be younger or order older people with
both,they have advantages and disadvantages.Therefore, they need to try harder to be
(194 words)


In the world, have there are two leadership styles belonging to the young people and
old people. Some think that so there are a two opinions think old leaders are better than
young people. In my opinion, I partly agree with this.
They thinkOn the one hand, the old have experience in the certain area because before
becominge the high leader, they have a long time work as the staff. Thus, so they have
skills to deal with different people. They can find identify risks and opportunities from
the past failures before. They thinkBy contrast, young people do not have a lot of
experience, they can make wrong decisions make which lead to loss profit loss for of the
company or country, . Besides, the words they say cannot influence to the staff or
The other thinkOn the other hand, young people leaders may beis better because they
think old people have high conservatism so they beare conservative and reluctant to
changes without technical the world not have technology skills that young people have.
They can adapt to new situations more quickly, be open to new ideas suitable and
accept changes of in the world.
In short, the young and old people leaders have advantages and disadvantages for in
some aspects. We should consider their ability and potential leadership skills other than
their age only.We cannot see they young or old to decide, we must see they can do
work or no. Such as For example, “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”, the Russian President,
he has is sixty-nine years old but the Russian people still elect him as the president for
six terms because he can make the Russian great again from the country from a broken
country after world war 2 since he became president make Russian come second
country in the world. So the age cannot decision they can work or no but by perform
they can do for the company or country
(258 words)
Bài hỏi ý kiến của anh/chị về vấn đề trên. Anh/chị nên bài tỏ quan điểm của mình ở mở
bài (đồng tình/không đồng tình/ đồng ý một phần). Anh/chị nên sắp xếp các đoạn và
phân bổ thời gian cho thân bài nhiều hơn.
Cấu trúc bài task 2: Mở bài: 1-3 câu (Paraphrase lại đề bài và đưa ra ý kiến của bản thân)
-> Thân bài 1 (luận điểm 1): 4-5 câu -> Thân bài 2 (luận điểm 2): 4-5 câu -> Thân bài 3 (có
thể có hoặc không): 3-4 câu -> Kết bài (paraphrase lại mở bài và ý mở rộng nếu có): 1-3
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5
It is true that leaders and directors are normally older people, although some people
believe younger leaders could do better. While all leaders may do it well if they have
potential, I partly agree with this statement.
On the one hand , old people are experienced leaders being provided with a lot of
knowledge in their own certain area which helps them , it is very essential for anyone
who wants to control every situations in work . Firstly, inIn terms of employment, they
have skills that can deal with different people in many aspects . Secondly , old leaders
who have achieved success in the modern business world , can have the ability to
identify risks and opportunities , then may offer indepth advice aboutsuitable solutions
or a clear strategy which supports the difficulty of their companies. The reason why they
can survive in a competitive world is that they have failed, from thatThose seniors have
accumulated skills and experience for many years and then can face the challenges
when they become leaders.
On the other hand , young people are those who can adapt to new situations,
meanwhile, old people are quite conservative, usually being reluctant to innovations
which needed in the modern life. Being open to new ideas and accepting ed changes ,
young leaders can direct the company more effectively open to bold ideas that may
effect on the whole world. And speciallyMoreover, they have technology technical skills
that the old often do not possess, which , one of the things that makes the society
become more convenient, this is also the point that older leaders do not have. Although
young leaders are seemedseem to be lack of experience, which can make lead to wrong
decisions or bring loss of profit , the success and innovative era they bring are
undeniable. there are so many leaders who are young , for example, Sanna Marin , who
is known as FinPoland’s Prime Minister when she was only 34 , closed coal plants
although despite many disagreements , which gives her the trust of have close
relationship with the labor union and belief’s citizens.
In conclusion, it is true a reality that success of a company depends on many aspects
including the leader. In my opinion , young people can do better than previous
generation in this important position.
(320 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5

26. THU HÀ
Nowadays, most of the important positions in an industry are handled by elderly people.
While some people believe that having young people lead the organization will be
beneficial. Personally,, I believe that whether young or old people are the leaders, they
also bring undeniable benefits to the organization.

To begin with, I believe that older people can be good leaders for some reasons. Firstly,
they have a lot of life experience and skills in the areas that require knowledge of
dealing with problem unexpected situations. quickly and flexible Moreover, by going
through many failures in the past, they have accumulated knowledge and experience.
This might allow them to make wiser decisions and bring success to the company.
Secondly, older people are often held ingain trust and confidence offrom other people
in an organization. Therefore, they will have a powerful voice within the organization,
and people will be more inclined to listen to them. If a leader is young, it may be difficult
for them to influence other employees.

On the other hand, I believe that young people can become excellent leaders and
directors because of some undeniable benefits . Firstly, young people have technological
skills that old people don't do not have. Moreover, the younger generation is creative
and enthusiastic,m so they have the ability to generate new ideas, making them more
likely to develop new and better ways strategies to benefit the organization as a whole.
Mark Zuckerberg, who is is the creator of Facebook - a social media platform with
billions of members, is a famous example; he is the creator of Facebook-a social media
platform with billions of members. He has many new and unique advertising strategies
that will help boost the company's revenue.

In conclusion, although older people can be effective leaders, I believe that the younger
generation will become increasingly innovative and take their company to a new level in
this technological era.
(286 words)
TA: 7 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.5


Younger Yonger leaders are expected to be better than older leadersones. In my
opinion, I partly agree with this idea.

On the one hand, older leaders who have worked for a long time may accumulate a lot
of skills and experience so that they can identify risks and deal with different problems
in a much easier way than younger yonger leadersones. However, older leaders are
quite conservative, they are reluctant to innovations, they may notdon’t want to change
their minds. Moreover, we are now living in a technology era but the older generation
mayleaders are lack technical of technology skills. tThis problem can make them miss
many good opportunities for developing the company.
On the other hand, younger yonger leaders are less conservative than those who are
oldermore open to new ideas and willing to take risks , theyand accept changes. In
addition, they have a diversity of knowledge about technology so that they can adapt to
new situations easily. But they are impatient, lack of experience, which this can lead to
wrong decisions .
In conclusion, no matter how old are you , you may be able to be a good leader if you
are talented enough.
(172 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5


A controversial issue is whether younger people can be the leaders instead of the older
ones people who have lots of work experience in work. I believe young people can also
be good leadersmanage the company well because beacause of their skills and
enthusiasm. aggressive
On the other one hand, it is certain that the old people have a good leadership. For
why? Because they have worked for many years, since then they gained a lot of
experiences which help them. Consequently, they will have skills about to deal with
different people, identify risks and opportunities and make wiser decisions.will help
them decide quickly and correctly. Beside that, because they have failed so they
accumulate skills. However, old people also have some of drawbacks limitations when
becoming leaders such as that is a conservative working style, it is being reluctant to
innovations and their lack of technology technical skills. These may hinder them from
updating trends and creating breakthroughs for the company. so it's hardly to update
On the other hand, i think the young people will be a better leaders than the old people.
Nowadays, the younger generation are always full of energy and innovative ideas, so
they have more advantages than the old peoplein developing the company. Therefore,
they adapt to new situations quickly. Because of having technology technical skills, they
always update trends on the internet that make them more dynamism,
creativity,dynamic, creative and open to new ideas. and they will may also convey these
new trends to improve their organization. Poland Finland’s prime minister is a famous
example, she is Sanna Marin who become became prime minister at the age of 34, who
is the youngest president in the world. However, the young leaders whose with their
lack of experience, sometimes they will may make wrong decisions which lead to the
profit loss of their organization loss of profit. Additionally, sometimes the young people
are not respected by others, that which makes your their speech cannot not influence
In summary, everyone who possesses skills and enough qualities has should have an
equal chance to be a leader, no matter how young or old they are, but you might have
skill and quality for a leader. But for mein my opinion, the high positions as a leader
should be given to younger ones.
(307 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5
Khi anh/chị ủng hộ quan điểm “young leaders”, anh/chị có thể tham khảo cách trình bày
bài theo dàn ý sau:
TB1: Bất lợi khi có người lãnh đạo là người lớn tuổi. (Tuy họ có kinh nghiệm và sức ảnh
hưởng, nhưng họ ngại thay đổi và sức khoẻ có thể không đảm bảo để làm vị trí chịu
nhiều áp lực như người lãnh đạo)
TB2: Lợi ích khi có người lãnh đạo trẻ tuổi. (Giỏi về công nghệ, sẵn sàng mạo hiểm và đổi
mới, giỏi thích nghi với môi trường làm việc áp lực, gần gũi với nhân viên trẻ tuổi hơn do
không có khoảng cách thế hệ và tư tưởng cởi mở)
TB3 (Có hoặc không): Bên cạnh đó, người trẻ lãnh đạo cũng có những hạn chế nhất định
(kinh nghiệm làm việc, ít mối quan hệ trong doanh nghiệp). Tuy nhiên, điều này có thể
khắc phục nhờ học hỏi và xây dựng đội ngũ cố vấn.


Nowadays, the world is growing so globalization also increases. Everybody needs to
make an effort, especially is young people. And to organize many aspects well, we need
the a leader. Relating to this issue, some people think leaders and directors in an
organization are normally older people, while others consider that but some people
think younger leaders would be better. In my opinion, I have two points of view with on
this issues.
Firstly, begin with the older leaders are common in many companies because, they
are have much work many experiences , and possess life skills. in life so tThey maybe
may have easily deal with different people, can identify risks and opportunities.
Therefore, in some certain areas, they are able to offer there are a lot of suitable
solutions that are offered to solved the problem in the best way. Besides, that older
people in may manage aspect the organization perhaps better than younger
peopleones. In contrast, older people have drawbacks such as: conservative, reluctant
to change, lack technology skills, etc.
SecondOn the other hand, with younger people who have a lot of health ands, energy
can become to wellgood leaders. They were born in a new era with the development of
technology and societyso they learned a lot of new knowledges. From that, so the
younger can be open to new ideas, quickly adapt to new situations, accept changes and
more special they have technology technical skills which are suitable for the today’s
development of globalization. But younger leaders also may encounter with several
disadvantages such as: lack of experience, something make wrong decisions which
influence about the company’s profits that may be fail in leadership.
Summing To sum up, I think both of them should learn from each other to lead inmake
everything everthing become well.
(242 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5
Fact thatWhile most leadership positions are often held by older leaderspeople, others
some think that young leaders people can lead bettershould be given opportunities. In
my opinion, young people are perfectly capable ofmore suitable in performing
leadership roles.
On the one hand, the younger generation grew grow up in the digital technology boom
era and was are exposed to the internet when they were youngat their early age. So
they have technical skills and are ready to apply science and technology to businesses.
In the face of globalization, young people may have good better adaptability to changes.
In addition, younger leaders may promote personal freedom and always inspire
employees to be creative in their complete work. Compared to the older leaders, they
may make breakthroughs with innovations and unique business strategiesthey tend to
lead, inspire work rather than push employees to work. Besides, The young leaders is
are completely open to new ideas so employees will feel comfortable contributing ideas
at work. For example, Mark Zuckerberg is a young internet technology entrepreneur
who founded Facebook - the most used social networking platform.
On the other hand, young leaders never fail. They do not have much experience to
accumulate experience and experiences. Therefore they lack experience. This the lack of
work experience can lead them to make wrong decisions that cost them profitsmoney
and effort, even bankruptcy may happen.
In conclusion, young people should have more opportunities to express themselves in
higher leadership positions.
(202 words)
TA: 5 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 5.0


We often see people holding high positions are usually older people. But that doesn't
mean young people can't hold high positions, they young leaders can also do well and
bring success to the organization many new and present things. While some people
believe younger people would demonstrate show better leadership, it is in my opinion,
that senior managers possess more advantages over their younger counterparts in
leading a company.
It can be seen that young people can have as much experience as old people. There are
many reasons for the suitability of old leaders in an organization. Many people believe
that to be able to manage social issues or a corporation or a company, it is necessary to
have long-term knowledge and experience years to be able to respond to unexpected
situationssituations that may arise. As a result, years of experience in a relevant position
tend to make the elderly better candidates than those who are relatively young and new
to the tasks. Choosing a suitable leader is of paramount importance regarding the
progression of a company. From my perspective, dDespite some outstanding qualities
that young people may possess, the aged members are more qualified to hold
managerial positions with their influential voice in the company.
On the other hand, young people are always passionate people. They are full of
enthusiasm, dare to think, dare to do, dare to try new things without caring about risks.
In addition, the younger generation will be trained in knowledge, knowledge better,
modern and absorb knowledge faster. For example, information technology is a very
developed industry and it which is practiced and run mostly by most of the young
people. Mark Zuckerberg is a famous example. He is the founder of facebook founded.
He launched facebook his company for the first time when he was 20 years old.
To conclude, despite agreeing thatalthough older people have more experiences and
skills to become leaders in an organization, I do also believe that younger generations
have qualities and attributes to take on the leadership go further.
(302 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Sometimes it is argued that younger or older people are more suitable for high positions
in organizations. Although I agree that some older people can have bring a beneficial
impact on the company, I believe that many young people are more suitable for this
leader positions.
On the one hand, for some reasons, older people can becomeare often chosen as good
leaders of the company. First of all, because older people have worked for many years,
they have more work experience and skills than younger leadersones. This may help
them make the right decisions, identify risks, opportunities and they can deal with
different people. Second, the elderly are generally treated with more respect. For that
reasonThus, they can have a stronger voice in the company, and other employeess are
more willing to listen to their ideas. This helps them direct the company more
On the other hand, young leaders can also bring some benefits to the company. Firstly,
young people have technology better technical skills better than older people because
they were born in modern life and they can learn it faster. For example, young people
can completely control their smartphones in less than an hour, while the elderly can
only do so after several days to use them normally. Secondly, young people are often
more creative than older. They can bring new ideas and which bring the company many
can get high profits from that.
In conclusion, I believe that both young and old people can be good leaders if they have
good the ability and dedication to their profession. However, the opportunities should
be given to the young to meet the demand of today’s technical development.
(239 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5
It is true that leading positions of organizations are typically held by the older
generation. However, some believe that when younger people are in command of a
corporation, they will do better than older people. While I agree that future generations
will be able to operate the firm more efficiently, elderly leaders can also bring certain
advantages .

On the one hand, there are several reasons for the suitability of elderly leaders in an
organization has two major advantages. To begin with, they have significant a range of
practical experiences because they have worked for a longer period of time. And since
they have been working for yearsThus, they know how to overcome avoid failures and
make wiser decisions difficulties . Another point is that older people tend to receive
more respect from others compared to young people, they have a powerful voice in the
workplace which helps them to lead more efficiently.

On the other hand, young people can also become great leaders. First off, young
peoplethe young are significantly better at operating current technologies and able to
master them faster than older people, which helps them obtain more achievements for
the sake of the company. They are also very creative and are more likely to find
improvements in their work. For example, a young leader may create a unique
advertising strategy stragety which contributes to the increasing sales of products by the
youth’s idea of using trending themes, while the old are often conservative and choose
the safe strategies. Besides, the young possess better physical health that supports
them to endure much work pressure as leaders.

To summarize, I believe that both young and old generations have their own strengths
and can bring a variaty variety of benefits to their organizations.
(229 words)
TA: 6 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


Leadership positions of organizations are now often held by older people frequently. It is
often suggested that young people will do better in this should be given opportunities to
occupy these high positions. I completely agree with this opinion and think thatbecause
it’s it is beneficial at present.
The reasons for the suitability of the young for director positions are many. First of all, I
believe that young leaders have are better at technology technical skills. No matter what
sector they work in, the works task requirements may they perform every day rely
oninclude using different devices and applying scientific advances to worktools.
Therefore, knowing how to apply technology to the work process to achieve high
performance and efficiency is an advantage of the young in the key position of a
company or create useful technology products that support the fields. For example,
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, who is an American Internet entrepreneur, the co-founder of
Facebook, and is the Youngest self-made Billionaire in the world (at the age of 23). He is
now, Chairman and CEO of Facebook Inc., and the company’s vital share-holder.
Secondly, owning contemporary thinking such as creation and reinvention is an
advantage of younger leaders. They adapt to new situations more quickly and are willing
to take risks, which allows them to make the innovative breakthrough strategy. This
results in their businesses or organizations having a competitive edge over others. For
instance, Tan Thi Shu, CEO of SAPA O'CHAU TRAVEL Company. She is successful in her
young age and her company constructwith resorts and tourism systems in Sapa, leading
to helping people there improve their standard of living.
In conclusion, to obtain success in the technical era be appropriate for the integrated
and developed country, it seems to me that younger people should play key roles in
organizations or companies.
(232 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5


Some people say that leaders and directorsion in an organization are normally older
people. But in my opinion, leader and direction should also give opportunities should be
given to young people because they can do things that older people can’t dofor the
following reasons.
Firstly, There are a number of reasons for the suitability of can be argued that older
people are good leaders. The biggest reason maybe that First, they have a lot of work
experience through many years of work, so they can handle things better, in today very
developed society it is necessary to avoid mistakes as much as possible in the
competitive market for the sake of the company. AnOther reason is that the elderly will
be respected and have a stronger voice in the company. Employees tend to listent to
and follow them, hence, they can operate and direct the whole organization more
effectively. (Anh/chị có thể đề cập thêm một số hạn chế khi người lớn tuổi làm lãnh đạo:
bảo thủ (conservative) và hạn chế trong áp dụng công nghệ vào quản lý).
On the other hand, important positions in the corporation should be given to the young.
In this modern society, tthe creativity and improvisation of the young generation also
can contributes significantly to the success of the organization. In today’s develop
society it is necessary. Secondly, younger people are physically stronger, so they can
handle work pressure better than older people and the time of they can devote to the
company may be longer. , societyNow business is increasingly complex, leaders need
such qualities to run the whole organization.
In conclusion, although the elderly are more likely to be suitable leaders, but I think
young people should be given the opportunity, especially in this 4.0 era with the
development of technology and innovations. to perform
(181 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.0


Usually, executives of organizations are older people. Some say that it would be better
for the organizations if the younger hold these positions. In my opinion, both types
generations have their own advantages and disadvantages when becoming leaders for
the following reasons. over each other, so it could be the best if they manage to team
up for the greater good.

The concept of “the older, the wiser” is deeply engraved in almost everyone's minds as
how it proved itself to be true over the history. However, as the world rapidly changes,
the youth with their adaptive and enthusiastic features is are gradually climbing to the
top by their own selves, even capable of surpassing the older. They excel in many fields
with leader positions, from founding and growing running successfully huge companies
like such as Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey to even holding the Prime Minister position in
Finland as Sanna Marin.

The older people achieved their high positions through after gaining a lot of experiences
and expertises in their fields which have been accumulated through many years of hard
work with a lot of successes and failures. As such, they can quickly analyze the situations
and strategize accordingly. Moreover, they own a solid set of skills needed for work such
as leadership or staff assessmenting staff abilities. However, many of them might
develop a critical weakness: being conservative. They may insist , insisting on their own
mindsets and be unwilling to makeeither reluctant or even rejecting changes and
innovations. This not only hinders themselves their employee’s potential but also
capable of pullingpulls the whole organization back.

As the older are backed up by their experiences, the young possess creativity and
technical skills, so can the younger, especially the quick learning and creative
individuals. Their strength is further enhanced thanks to technological progresses, which
allows them to acquire the knowledges of a lifetime within a much shorter times. Being
less bound by principles, the younger are more open to new ideas and likely to think out
of the box, enabling them to go ahead of the time and create breakthroughs.
Nevertheless, they are not the perfect replacements. Learning knowledges without
having to experience is a blessing, but it might also be a curse as the younger cannot
really totally understand the whole storyies. Being new in the field could make them
look less influential than standard, as well as haven’t reduced their ego to the safe level,
hence, the possible challenges of being leaders may put them under much more
pressure. they have to work these out on their own.
In conclusion?
(376 words)
TA: 5 (thiếu kết bài) CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 5.5
There are two opinions that whether leaders and directors in an organization should be
the old or the young. I firmly agree that younger leaders would be better and this essay
will address the reasons for my view as followfor the following reasons. There are two
opinions that leaders and directors in an organization should be the old or the young.I
firmly agree that younger leader would be better and this essay will address the reasons
for my view as follow.
Nowadays, young people have a lot ofpossess creativity, technology technical skills, and
have the ability to apply innovations to adapt to today's new situations such aswith the
4.0 revolution, they are willing to take risks and accept to change old things to be able to
integrate with the world and develop with the worldthe company to a higher position.
But it is true thatHowever, they lack experience due to short time working. in their
policies and knowledge. The ability to detect risks,Taking risks and making wrong
decisions will sometimes cost them profits of the company and trust of others.
Emmanuel Macron is a famous example. He became the president of country France at
the age of 39. Because he has creativity, vision, good foreign relations
In conclusion, I firmly believe for these reasonsthat younger leaders would be better in
this modern era.
(175 words)
TA: 5 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.0
Khi anh/chị ủng hộ quan điểm “young leaders”, anh/chị có thể tham khảo cách trình bày
bài theo dàn ý sau:
TB1: Bất lợi khi có người lãnh đạo là người lớn tuổi. (Tuy họ có kinh nghiệm và sức ảnh
hưởng, nhưng họ ngại thay đổi và sức khoẻ có thể không đảm bảo để làm vị trí chịu
nhiều áp lực như người lãnh đạo)
TB2: Lợi ích khi có người lãnh đạo trẻ tuổi. (Giỏi về công nghệ, sẵn sàng mạo hiểm và đổi
mới, giỏi thích nghi với môi trường làm việc áp lực, gần gũi với nhân viên trẻ tuổi hơn do
không có khoảng cách thế hệ và tư tưởng cởi mở)
TB3 (Có hoặc không): Bên cạnh đó, người trẻ lãnh đạo cũng có những hạn chế nhất định
(kinh nghiệm làm việc, ít mối quan hệ trong doanh nghiệp). Tuy nhiên, điều này có thể
khắc phục nhờ học hỏi và xây dựng đội ngũ cố vấn.


A successful organization always needs a talented talent leader. There are is an opinion
crept creeping into the thinking of many people that the older have better leading
leadership skills better than the young, while others but some believe that young
people leaders can also handle company in the leadership as same as old peoplemore
effectively. Personally, I am partially agree with this these 2 points of view and in this
essay I will discuss it.for the following reasons.
To begin with, there are many reasons why people considered that old people should be
the leaders. First, they have accumulated more experience by working in the company
for a longer time. because they have failed and get many experience from that fail. By
the failure in the past, old people can create a firm foundation and got possess many
necessary skills such as indentify identifying risks and given giving wiser clearly
strategies and fight in the competitive market for the sake of the
organizationorganizing. By contrastHowever, elderly people may be always conservative
and reluctant to changes when they working., they do what they want in their own way.
They are reluctant to changes and some people seniors work based on a rigid hierarchy,
which ies and leads to the consequencet that many employees feel dissatisfied with
their work. Moreover, some old leaders lack the technology technical skills, so their
organization can’t may not catch up with the bandwagon and be able to miss many
opportunities. and being left
On the other hand, young people leaders are very flexible. They adapts to new
situations more quickly better than older people and embrace innovations to meet the
need of today’s generations. Almost the nowadays Besides, the young are exposed to
technological advances and can use technologyapply them to their work. masterly, by
Through social media, the leader can advertiseing and create bring the power of the
organization to closer with the users. Furthermore, young leaders is are open- minded
as they interact with them young employees and encourage them glue people together
to work more effectively. There are many young leader on over the world, fFor instance,
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook- the biggest social network in the
world, the established his company that social network in 2004 when he was just 20
years old. He was led his organization to achieve a certain success and inspired a lot of
young people to start up. But, in fact, young people have less work experience, which
may make them than older. They reckless so they can make some wrong decisions and
loss lose the profit of the organizatione.
In conclusionde, I think age is not the only aspect of to choosing a leader, the
organization should look through in the real working capacity and skills. to choose the
people suitable with their own work
(382 words)
Bài viết hơi quá dài, anh/chị có thể không đủ thời gian viết trong 40 phút. Anh/chị nên
sắp xếp thời gian để có thể hoàn thành bài viết task 2 trong đúng thời gian quy định.
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 5 GR: 5
Overall: 5.5


People have different views on (about) whether older or younger people are better
suited for key positions in the organization. As for me, whether it is appropriate or not
does not depends not on the age, but on the ability and leadership skillability of that
person. Therefore, I believe that if we have real talent, no matter how young or old we
are, we can become a good leaders.
On the one hand, older people often have within themselves a wealth of experience,
which enables them to make wiser , more correct and decisive decisions than younger
peopleones. And Moreover, elders are generally respected by everyone, so they will
may have a stronger voice in the company to make other employees listen.and be heard
by everyone. Donald Trump ( 1946), an American billionaire, businessman and became
the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021 at the age of 71 ,for example.
BesidesHowever, there are also many drawbacks. Firstly, in terms of health, surely the
elderly may not be physically strong enough to endure the high work pressure from the
head position will not have as much health and energy as the young. Second, they are
may lack technology technical skills, which is difficultare crucial for the development of
the company in today’s modern society.
On the other hand, in contrast to the elderly, young people leaders also have bring both
advantages and disadvantages. Young people are always full of energy, enthusiasm and
ambition, which is very helpful for career business development. They are also very tech
savvy. For example, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg born in 1984, an American computer
programmer, becoming an and Internet technology entrepreneur at an early age, was
born in 1984. f course, no one is perfect.However/Nevertheless, They are young, so they
the young have less experience, so they are more likely to make wrong decisions leading
to some failures for the company. and loss of profit, harm their works, etc.
In conclusion, I think important positions as leaders and directors should be given to
people with talents, rather than considering their age.
(276 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0


In today’s modern world, people who hold key positions in an organization are mostly
elderly individuals. To my way of thinking, younger leaders should be given more
opportunities to control a company.
To begin with, there is no doubt to say that youngsters may all have better technology
technical skills. They can access and use technology proficiently when they study at
universities, which was not taught to previous generations. Thanks to good technology
skills, young people can manage and run the company in an easier and more organized
way. Compared to older people with traditional methods, youngsters who are able to
take advantage of their technical technological knowledge can gain more achievements.
Besides, not only do can young generation adapt to new situations very more quickly
and be willing to take risks without being confused or scared, but they are also open to
new ideas and inventions. Especially, because the young generation have the ability to
narrow the distance between leaders and citizensemployees, problems about politics
orwithin the business can all be solved more thoroughly with a better understanding.
Nevertheless, there are several drawbacks which young people have to face up to.when
young people become directors. Because Young leaders tend to make decisions quicker
than elderly directorsones, and thiswhich may leads to making wrong decisions. Their
lack of experience also have has an impact on their achievements. As a result, it is
understandable that they often miss opportunities, profit and cannot influence others. It
takes such a long time for them to persuade and gain trust from others.
To sum up, my take on this is that both young and old leaders have advantages and
disadvantages in the company. However, age isn’t a big issue, what matters here is
experience and the ability to worklead a company to success are the big issue. Because
Thusof that, people who want to lead companies should be a good egg and they have to
improve their skills.
(286 words)
TA: 6 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0
Khi anh/chị ủng hộ quan điểm “young leaders”, anh/chị có thể tham khảo cách trình bày
bài theo dàn ý sau:
TB1: Bất lợi khi có người lãnh đạo là người lớn tuổi. (Tuy họ có kinh nghiệm và sức ảnh
hưởng, nhưng họ ngại thay đổi và sức khoẻ có thể không đảm bảo để làm vị trí chịu
nhiều áp lực như người lãnh đạo)
TB2: Lợi ích khi có người lãnh đạo trẻ tuổi. (Giỏi về công nghệ, sẵn sàng mạo hiểm và đổi
mới, giỏi thích nghi với môi trường làm việc áp lực, gần gũi với nhân viên trẻ tuổi hơn do
không có khoảng cách thế hệ và tư tưởng cởi mở)
TB3 (Có hoặc không): Bên cạnh đó, người trẻ lãnh đạo cũng có những hạn chế nhất định
(kinh nghiệm làm việc, ít mối quan hệ trong doanh nghiệp). Tuy nhiên, điều này có thể
khắc phục nhờ học hỏi và xây dựng đội ngũ cố vấn.


People have different viewpoints about the suitability of the older and younger people
in the leadership. It can not be denied that elderly people have an important position in
management, but I believe that younger people are more likely to become a good
On the one hand, some reasons demonstrated that senior people have good leadership
abilities. The first, as old people have worked for many years, so they have an much
experience in a certain area which they can direct its in the best way. Besides, in terms
of skills such as communication skills,and organizational skills,etc. they can deal with
different people and identify risks and opportunities. Secondly, the elderly are more
influential in the company with their long-term relationships with others. Tthey are
often more respected by others; therefore, it will be easier for them to manage their
employees. However, there are some limitations when seniors are leaders. They are
quite conservative like and reluctanting to innivation innovations or may havehaving
dissent with the young employees in the organization. In additions, they may lack
technology technical skills, which and this makes the company not have any
breakthrough and lag behind in this modern world.underdeveloped.
On other hand, I believe it will be better if young people take up the leadership position.
The first reason is that, employees tend to likemay prefer to working with the younger
boss who is open to new ideas and they understands the new generation trend.
Additionally, younger people are more creative with new strategies and improvements
of applying advanced technology. and accept changes, thus the organization wil more
and more develop. Especially, they have technology skills which very important in
modern day. It is beneficial for the company to with an increase in increasing sales and
improvinge work efficiency. Sanna Marin, the youngest president in the world, is a
famous example, she became the president of country Finland at the age of 34 who is
the youngest president in the world. Although Younger leaders may be inexperienced
and do not have the business field networking, they are more likely to change the
company’s future. have some limitation like cannot influence others or make wrong
In conclusions, the fact that leaders are older or younger people, both have has both
advantages and disadvantages. Anyway, if you have good skills and good knowledge,
you can become a leader.
(300 words)
TA: 6 CC: 5 LR: 6 GR: 6
Overall: 6.0

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