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Sorcerer Sequence

Sorcerer Sequence is a series of integer numbers in which the first term starts with a positive integer and
the remaining terms are generated from the immediate previous term using the below recurrence relation :
ak+1 = ak for even ak
ak+1 = ak for odd ak

Given a number N your task is to print the space-separated Sorcerer Sequence using this number as the
first term of the sequence.

Input Format
First-line contains an integer T , where T is the number of test cases.

For every Test case, there is only one integer input N .

Output Format
For each test case, in a new line print, the space-separated Sorcerer sequence for number N as the first
term of the sequence.

1 <= T <= 100

1 <= N <= 100

Time Limit
1 second



8 2 1

5 11 36 6 2 1

In the first test case, we start with 8 and use the above formula to get the next terms, until we reach 1.

In the second test case, we start with 5, next digit is (sqrt(5)*sqrt(5)*sqrt(5)) = 11, and so on.

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