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❖ More research is needed to establish just how effective sound healing therapy can be, but

so far, plenty of evidence suggests it is an effective option to help people suffering from
pain, injury, or stress.
❖ Audio therapy synthesizes elements from a number of discrete areas of research and
practice, including receptive music therapy, bibliotherapy, creative visualization, guided
imagery, guided meditation, sound healing, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
❖ Receptive music therapy is an effective adjunctive intervention suitable for treating a
range of physical and mental conditions.
❖ Audio therapy inherits from receptive music therapy the process by which listening to
sound benefits a listener but departs from it in three significant ways.
Firstly, whilst receptive music therapy provides musical sound, to which the patient or
participant listens, audio therapy also uses other kinds of acoustic content, including the spoken
word and ambient noise.
Secondly, practitioners of receptive music therapy allege that its effective application requires the
presence of a therapist, emphasizing the relationship between the client and the therapist,
between the client and the music, and between the client and therapist interacting with the music.
In contrast and by distinction, audio therapy is provided as a self-service modality, through
which the listener is purported to experience a therapeutic benefit in consequence of listening,
without input or guidance from a third party.
Thirdly, whilst receptive music therapy may provide live as well as recorded music, to which the
patient or participant listens, audio therapy is always provided via a sound recording.

❖ Listening to waves crashing or birds chirping, while relaxing, can actually heal pain,
according to a recent study. Spatial’s soundscape spaces in the hospital are meant to
promote calmness and tranquility to those working and being treated there. The
soundscape rooms will block out bustling noise from the hallways and replace them with
natural sound to boost healing.
❖ Soundscapes in the hospital are meant to promote calmness and tranquility to those
working and being treated there. The soundscape rooms will block out bustling noise
from the hallways and replace them with natural sound to boost healing.

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