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Traditional go-to-market
strategies don't work because
they assume customers will
stay in the channels that
were designed for them.
Time for a fresh look at how
shoppers really behave.

Escaped by Paul F. Nunes

and Frank V.Cespedes

OUR CUSTOMERS used to get what they paid for, point of another, cheaper channel. Who among us hasn't

Y more or less. Now they're poaching value left and

right. Just a few years ago, when typical retail shop-
pers went to a store and received advice on the size, style,
leafed through a catalog before heading to the mall, or
called a travel agent for advice about airfares and then
either bought the tickets on-line or purchased them di-
rectly from the airline to get a better price? The result is
or purpose of a product, they almost always bought the
product right then and there. If they were looking for per- that companies are left with "stranded assets"-physical
sonalized service, they chose stores that ofrered it - and and organizational capabilities, typically developed at
paid premium prices for it. If they were bargain hunters, great expense, that become more useless by the day. De-
they sought out no-frills shops. Whichever distribution pending on the situation, these may include highly
channel they opted for, they stayed with it until the sale trained but underused salespeople, lightly trafficked retail
was made. fioor space, and obsolescing inventory dedicated to dis-
Not anymore. Today's customers "channel surf" with plays and immediate fulfillment. Forrester Research ana-
abandon. They routinely avail themselves ofthe services lysts suggest that as many as half of all customers now
of high-touch channels, only to buy the product at the end shop for information in one channel, then defect from


The Customer Has Escaped

that channel when it comes time for money to change particular value to maintain a more attractive value prop-
hands. Our own knowledge of clients' situations in both osition than the next company.
consumer goods and B2B markets supports this finding. Segmentation based on demographics led Merrill
Surely, this isn't news to you. But what are you doing Lynch and other money managers to offer, in the early
about it? You should be rethinking the core logic of your days of on-line brokerage, separate sales channels for
go-to-market strategy. Instead of designing channels to young, technoliterate customers and older, high-net
capture targeted demographic segments, you must design worth customers. The transaction costs for the older cus-
them to support unfettered buyers' behaviors. What's tomers were higher on a trade-hy-trade basis, but those
crucial is that customers get what they need at each stage customers had free access to research and advisory ser-
ofthe buying process - through one channel or an- vices. The arrangement initially made sense: Merrill
other - and that, at the end of that joumev. Lynch and other leading firms in the industry
your company has not spent more money had held focus groups in which older, afflu-
on customers than they have spent ent customers said they had no interest
with you. in learning to trade on-line. The prob-
lem was, they did learn. And soon
enough, the money managers saw
Channel Design activity and amounts invested in
as You Know It those accounts decline, with an
Traditional channel strate- attendant dip in account prof-
gies proceed directly from itability. The full-service cus-
market segmentation. A tomers were taking advantage
company that is targeting of the company's advice and
a brand at, for instance, sub- research, then making trades
urban women in their thir- elsewhere on the cheap.
ties, will rely on a certain
channel to deliver its prod-
ucts and related service and The Unfettered
sales activities. Another com- Customer
pany will choose a different
As the financial services indus-
channel to appeal to affluent re-
try's experience makes clear, ex-
tirees. One common assumption
pecting discrete channels to serve
is that people who share demo-
static segments is no longer a sensible
graphic characteristics tend to shop
or sustainable option. For a variety of
and buy in the same way, through the
reasons, customers have become detached
same, limited channels.
from the channels that used to claim them. First,
That was a fair assumption until relatively re- they've become more adversarial shoppers. They've
cently. Customers did, in fact, tend to stay reliably in their been conditioned, largely by discounters like Wal-Mart
boxes. The channel held onto the customer, if not from and warehouse clubs, to hunt for bargains more aggres-
cradle to grave, then at least from initial consideration to sively. Second, as customers become more sophisticated
repeat purchase. Channel competitiveness hinged on cre- about how companies market to them, they've become
ating a set of product and service components that cus- more strategic. For example, studies have shown that hol-
tomers were thought to value. Thus, a channel that served iday shoppers tend to buy later and later with each pass-
demographic groups with little discretionary income of- ing year, factoring in the probability of eleventh-hour
fered a fairly stripped-down combination of goods and sales. Finally, customers are better equipped with infor-
services-witness the difficulty of finding knowledgeable mation and technology to make advantageous decisions.
salespeople in a discount megastore. A channel designed Companies are newly naked; their products' quality, avail-
for busy, affluent customers charged higher prices but ability, and prices have become transparent, and any
threw in "freebies" like fittings and personal advice and shortcomings are instantly broadcast to the world. So-
product testing. In effect, a company strategically subsi- phisticated tools are readily available to conduct on-line
dized a few components ofthe buying process that added price searches, identify the criteria hy which to select prod-

Paul E Nunes is an associate partner at Accenture's Institute for Strategic Change in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he
leads research on marketing strategy. Frank V. Cespedes is a managing partner at the Center for Executive Development
in Boston. He was on the faculty at Harvard Business School in Boston for 15 years. His research focused on marketing strat-
egy and organization.


The Customer Has Escaped

ucts (for example, average maintenance costs or energy cherry-picking-that is, taking advantage of up-front in-
efficiency ratings), and gain access to experts in virtually formation and support - without making the purchase
any field. the company counted on to subsidize them. Customers
Meanwhile, of course, channels have proliferated. The are no longer mindful of channel boundaries - and you
marketer who once sold through a chain of specialty shouldn't be either. Instead, they are mindful ofthe value
stores now also has a Web site and often a catalog-not of individual components in your channels - and you
to mention several factory outlet stores. A few years ago, should be, too.
the conventional wisdom was that we were seeing a Cam-
brian explosion of sorts, which would be followed by a
shakeout, returning us to a smaller number of channels. A New Logic for Channel Strategy
But that hasn't happened, and it no longer appears that it Demographic segmentation can still tell you what people
must. Consider the situation in consumer banking, where buy; Few middle-aged men buy Diesel jeans; few adoles-
the advent of a new channel, the automated teller ma- cents beg Mom to buy Dockers. But demographics no
chine, was expected to mean that the conventional chan- longer tell you how people shop. So it's a poor basis for
nel, the branch location, would wither away. Instead, the channel design.
industry saw not a shift of transactions from one channel The only rational basis for channel design today is ag-
to another, but an explosion of transactions in both of gregate buyer behavior embodied in the entire buying
them, ln the past decade, the FDIC reports, the number process. Only by looking at how customers actually be-
of bank branches in the United States rose by 29%, right have throughout the entire buying process can you see
alongside increases in on-line banking and ATM use. whether you (and your allied channel system partners)
The net effect is that today's unfettered customers shop are offering everything customers need. And how do you
differently. They know they have many channel options, get a handle on your buyers' behavior? First, you use stan-
and that at various points in the buying process they will dard market research tools-surveys, focus groups, and ob-
be better served by one or another. Marketers, of course, servation-to discover how different customers go about
have long thought ofthe buying process as having stages. shopping for, purchasing, and then owning what you sell.
Most customers typically progress through five predict- (Make sure you study not only the people who buy from
able stages. First, potential buyers gain awareness ofthe you but also the ones who get away.) How do they usually
product or service and recognize a need for it. The second become aware of new offerings like yours? How do they
stage is consideration, in which the now-motivated shop- get the information they need to narrow their choices?
pers seek information about the available alternatives. Where do they like to buy?
Third,the shoppers evaluate the alternatives and arrive at You will likely discover that there really are only a few
a preference. Fourth, they decide where and how to pur- common behavior patterns. Henry Assael, a professor of
chase. And finally, the customers consider whether any marketing at New York University's Stern School of Busi-
postsale service will be required and whether the seller ness and an expert on consumer behavior, believes that,
deserves repeat business. in many markets, buyers fall into four major behavior-
The time and effort the buyer expends at each stage of based categories. We have adapted Assael's useful typol-
the process depends on factors such as the nature of the ogy to illustrate a set of key consumer behaviors that can
product, the perceived risk, and whether this is an initial help you understand the actual shopping behaviors of
or repeat purchase. And naturally, individual consumers your current and potential customers.
progress through the stages in a different way than busi- • Habituai shoppers tend to purchase from the same
ness buyers do. But this is a fair depiction of a generic places over and over again in the same manner;
buying process, involving a spectrum of value-adding - • High-value deal seekers know their own needs and
and potentially value-poaching - activities by buyers and channel surf a great deal before buying at the lowest pos-
sellers. sible price;
What makes shopping hehavior new and profoundly • Variety-loving shoppers gather information in many
challenging is that customers today are no longer march- channels, take advantage of high-touch services, and then
ing through those five stages in the context of a single buy in their favorite channel, regardless of whether the
channel. Instead, they are using all the available chan- price is the lowest available; and
nels, entering different ones to fulfill their needs at dif- • High-involvement shoppers gather information in all
ferent stages. channels, make their purchase in a low-cost channel
Whetherthey are consummating their well-researched (after adjusting for risk), but then avail themselves of cus-
champagne purchase at Costco or picking out a mobile tomer support from a high-touch channel.
phone at a mail kiosk, shoppers are routinely unbun- These groups have no standing membership. A cus-
dling the offerings in any given channel. They are break- tomer that behaves one way for one purchase may be-
ing apart integrated product-service packages and then have in a very different way the next time. He or she is

NOVEMBER 3003 99
The Customer Has Escaped

sometimes intent on amassing a great deal of product in- you provide links between the activities along the path-
formation and sometimes not. The customer sometimes way. For example, if you determine that the best - and
seeks personalized advice and sometimes doesn't. What probably inevitable - way that customers will compare
he or she does in any particular case may certainly de- your product with competitors' is by consulting an inde-
pend on the product or service in question; for example, pendent third party's Web site, why not explicitly guide
a big-ticket item may naturally call for a people to it? You can advertise on that
more rigorous evaluation of alternatives. site, or negotiate some other kind of link,
A buyer may have more access to global to bring them back to your domain once
sources of information and supply for they decide to buy. Similarly, many com-
some products than for others. But buy- panies now feature dealer or retailer loca-
ing behavior also depends on the shop- tors on their Web sites to help customers
per's particular circumstances; Is it an im- make the transition from preference to
possibly busy day, or perhaps a week in purchase. Companies are creating thou-
which the customer is feeling flush? Fi- sands of such links. The key is to do so in
nally, a buyer wears different hats at dif- a way that takes into account the buying
ferent times. He or she may shop differently for airfare behaviors in the various channels that customers are
and hotel accommodations when the travel is for business likely to use through all the stages in the buying cycle. The
rather than when it's for a vacation. result of providing the right links is a buying process that
weaves its way through multiple traditional channels,
For illustration purposes, we developed the exhibit
that enables customers to satisfy their needs without re-
"Four Kinds of Buyers" to outline the behaviors that each
quiring your company to pick up the bill for fulfilling all
of these four kinds of shoppers might demonstrate
of them.
throughout the five stages ofthe purchasing process. This
is not to suggest that your customers will invariably
fall-let alone fall equally-into these categories. Think Open or Captive
ofthe categories as a set of hypotheses to test as you re-
search your own customers' behavior. Go-to-Market Systems
You may find that significant numbers of customers We've been talking about channel design as an exercise
land in behavior segments you never imagined-and that in creating pathways for customers. Some companies
you have not yet targeted. For example, one study of may still be able to do this to the extreme, essentially
brand loyalty for major household appliances found that denying the customer any unfettered shopping. By pro-
15% of appliance sales are habitual (another 12% are nearly viding strong incentives-or perhaps no choice but-to use
habitual). Another study reported that 17% of French car a designated pathway, they can hold the customer captive,
buyers always purchase fi'om the same makers. But what at least to the extent that the person wants to purchase
are manufacturers and retailers of these products doing their products or services. If you hope to pursue this strat-
today to make it easy for these customers to simply re-up egy, you must bind together the activities in the buying
for another offering from them? process (those provided by you and those provided by
channel partners) so that the customer either cannot un-
bundle them or will have little incentive to do so.
Building New Pathways Most companies will need to pursue a course that is
Once you understand the various paths buyers follow as somewhere between this fully captive channel and a fully
they move through the purchasing process, you have the open one. In an open channel, customers pick and choose
necessary insight to design profitable channels to serve freely from the add-ons the market offers in terms of ser-
them. You will probably discover that customers are ex- vice, convenience, customization, and the like. They act
ploiting resources in various channels to fulfill the differ- as their own general contractors, combining elements
ent parts ofthe buying process. The purpose of your go- from various sellers and channels on a pay-as-you-go basis.
to-market strategy, then, must be to guide customers So, an open strategy means unbundling your company's
through the pathways you prefer. Those pathways must offerings and choosing to deliver only what you can ex-
refiect your customers' behavior as they move from pect to be paid for. Deciding how open or captive your
awareness through postsale service, but they also should approach should be is not a trivial matter. Like all strat-
influence specific choices customers make along the way. egy, it requires making a choice of assets, skills, partners,
Your goal is to make it easiest for a customer to follow a and investment patterns and deciding bow much mar-
path that returns more value to you than you invest to keting risk can be tolerated.
support their activities along the way. Toyota's approach is a good example of an open system.
Does this mean you own and control all the functions For most customers, buying a car requires intense in-
on that pathway? Not necessarily. It's only essential that volvement; people spend a fair amount of time gathering


Tfie Customer Has Escaped

information before making a selection. Toyota recognizes the customer to make an offer on-line. It's a given that
this behavior by providing a link from its Web site to one today's unfettered customers will find out the dealer's
operated by Edmunds, a trusted car ratings source. The ad- cost. The best a seller can do is to maintain a connection
vantage is clear: Customers recognize Edmunds as an ob- to the customers while they go through that process.
jective third party-and Toyota is confident that its offer- By contrast, consider the more captive system that Sta-
ings will compare favorably to competitors'. In terms of ples assembled to serve its variety-seeking customers.
the buying cycle we've outlined, Toyota is letting another When customers visit a Staples store, they can purchase
party serve its customers' needs in the consideration and items in stock or use an Internet kiosk to place an order
preference-building stages. Then the customers, newly in- from If they're leery of using credit cards on
formed of the detailed differences between the makes the Internet, they can order on-line at the store, print out
and models they're considering, are retumed by Edmunds a bar code receipt, and pay in person. The stores also have
to Toyota's site to continue on to the purchase stage (pre- copies of Staples' catalog on hand, which customers can
sumably more comfortable with their choice of a Toyota). take and later call, fax, or use their own computer links to
Toyota also supports high-involvement buyers at its Web order goods from home. Staples has invested a lot in its
site by allowing them to schedule test drives with local back office to support this more full-service channel for
dealers and print directions to dealerships. Many fran- good reason; It holds on to the customer. Staples' reve-
chised dealerships even let customers see what they have nues rose 30% in fiscal year 2002.
in their inventory on their Web sites. Some dealerships, Toyota and Staples have made different choices about
like Boch Toyota in Boston, go so far as to display inven- how to deal with increasingly unfettered customers. In
tory with MSRP and dealer's cost information and invite each case, traditional channel logic would have suggested

Four Kinds of Buyers

Stages Of the Typical Purchasing Process

Awareness » Consideration Preference "-«- Purchase Postsale service
(recognize need) (search for information) (evaluate alternatives) (decide what to buy & when) (postpurchase)

Habitual Runout of a product • Use only information • Fall back on long-held •Are reminded Perform only :^^^^^^
shoppers provided or easily preferences • Are both planned moderate evaluations,
available 'Are brand loyal but and unplanned unless switching
• Discover new susceptible to change • Are inertia driven brands
products in passing

High-value ' Recognize need based •Trust retailers • Seek out advice • Wait for the "right" ' Perform significant
deal seekers on life event or exter- •Relyon sales of friends time, like a reevaluations after
nal influence (like a assistance • Use brands to form limited-time sale purchase
salary increase) judgment • Are often driven by 'Are likely to exhibit or
need have buyers' remorse

Variety- 'Shop as ' Perform on-the-spot ' Choose ' Buy on impulse or ' Evaluate selves
loving entertainment comparisons spontaneously on suggestion as astounded or
•Look for sales ' Must have minimum disappointed
standards met
'Are willing to try

High- • Are often driven by ' Evaluate search Seek expert advice • Thoughtfully select 'Conduct little
involvement life goals, longtime versus needs time and location immediate
interests 'Consider numerous reevaluation
'Are sometime product attributes
motivated by event
or influence

NOVEMBER 2003 101

The Customer Has Escaped

that the company target certain ately, then you'd do well to set up
defined customer segments (in- an open system.
store versus on-line, for exam- Product Quality Assurance.
ple) and then, in accordance Basic product quality is always
with these supplier-driven important to your customers,
designations, construct a but it is not always critical to
direct, indirect, or possibly their actual buying behav-
hybrid channel for each ior. Depending on the con-
segment. Instead, recog- sequences of product fail-
nition of how their cus- ure, customers will accept
tomers, in aggregate, be- different degrees of prod-
have while shopping (and uct reliability (and many
also certain product and customers will not pay for
logistical characteristics in quality they don't need).
each company's market- When product quality assur-
place), led Toyota and Sta- ance is essential, however,
ples to design pathways that then relatively captive systems
would serve buyers'needs. (that offer direct connections
to the product supplier) are often
called for.
What Are You
Once you have determined, based
Capable of? on the fullest possible profile of your
How do you design the best go-to-market customers' buying behavior, whether to go
system for your company? The process should with an open or a captive system, the second ques-
be driven by two fundamental questions. What variables tion-about your company's inherent strengths-will de-
must be considered in selecting or devising the most effi- termine what your role in that system should be. Is your
cient channel to the market? And what are your com- primary competitive advantage a unique product or a
pany's inherent strengths? process competence? Or is it the strength of your cus-
The first question is one that has been addressed re- tomer relationships? Depending on the answer, your best
peatedly in the management literature of channel design. channel strategy will take one of four basic forms.
Many aspects of product and market structure have been Specializing in One Phase of Distribution. If you
shown to influence which features a channel requires. Of choose to participate in an open channel, and your com-
these, four are especially relevant to the "open versus cap- pany's competitive advantage comes from products or
tive" decision. process competence, you should aim to be the best in one
Level of Product and Service Integration. There are stage ofthe buying process, while building links to as
products and services that inherently need technical or many other function providers as possible. Companies
other adjustments to fit the customer's buying require- choosing to concentrate in this way include payment en-
ments. Some products need to be customized (like a tai- ablers, such as American Express, Visa, and MasterCard,
lored suit or a remodeled kitchen ) and others need a lot and fulfillment providers, such as FedEx, UPS, and the
of servicing after they've been purchased (like a car or U.S. Postal Service. In the travel services industry. Sabre
a computer). The more tightly bound the owning experi- and Apollo are examples. They have applied their airline-
ence is to the buying experience, the more a captive sys- reservation capability to hotel and car-rental reservations.
tem makes sense. By concentrating on that single function, they have be-
Assortment Requirements. The customer's desire or come dominant travel-reservation systems.
need for a broad range of complementary products or ser- Coordinating the Information Flows of Many Spe-
vices (one-stop shopping) when purchasing your com- cialists. If you choose to participate in an open channel,
pany's offering will affect your ability to create a captive and your competitive advantage comes from customer
channel. When assortment is important, relatively open relationships, you can be the one to bring the market-
systems are essential. place to the customer's door. This strategy works particu-
Product Availability. Some customers, after shopping larly well when there are many undifferentiated compet-
and purchasing, have an ongoing need for readily acces- itors playing the same channel roles, when cooperation
sible spare parts or supplies. When you need to satisfy among players supporting the various channel activities
customers who cannot predict how much of your product is low, or when the channel requires variety. For instance,
or service they will require, want to be able to buy the consider 1-800-Flowers and the on-line gift-seller,
product locally, and need to replace spare parts immedi- which, like FTD before them, have built a global brand


The Customer Has Escaped

around coordinating the activities of thousands of inde- is more valuable than the sum of its constituent parts.
pendent service providers. In travel services, Carlson Wag- Your company can also justify developing or acquiring
onlit has done the same with its franchises of travel agen- additional capabilities if that will create new synergies in
cies, as has Re/Max with its network of more than 4,500 your channel, efficiencies of scale, or effective use of cross-
independently owned real estate offices. Similarly, the subsidies.
National Automobile Dealers Association has launched In retail, for example, Williams Sonoma has incorpo-, which has organized more than 19,000 rated and executed its cross-channel selling strategy so
dealers and their inventories to make more than 1 million well that its sales are now split roughly 60/40 between its
cars available to buyers on-line and improved working retail operation and its on-line and catalog sales. More im-
capital management and inventory turnover. portant, it continues to find ways for its investments in
Combining Several Channel Roles. If your customers each of these channels to drive results in the others. For
are buying through a captive channel, and your compet- example, the company values and deliberately uses its cat-
itive advantage comes from product or process com- alogs not simply to sell products directly but to bring the
petence, you may be able to deliver a set of activities that company to the attention of new customers, to serve as

This Isn't Just About the Internet

It's tempting to look at the strategies manufacturers'margins). But this erosion from mall managers to on-line portals.
shoppers are now applying and say, started many years ago, when the inter- So, strategists gauging the impact of
"The Internet is responsible for all of this." state highway system made it easier to new technologies on channel activities
But the Internet has nofchanged every- compare and negotiate prices at dealer- should keep their eyes on the functions,
thing." All it has done is accelerate and ships miles apart. That information arbi- not on the technology.
make more visible a process that has been trage on the part of unfettered customers Second, business obituaries can be
under way for a long time. is only enhanced, not created, by the misleading: It is simply not true that
Back in the 1930s, when the telephone Internet. e-commerce is disintermediating most
was being rolled out across the United What lessons can we take from this traditional channel providers. Instead,
States, the popular business press trum- abbreviated history? First, as we've heard like all new tools for buying and selling,
peted the "death ofthe middleman" and it put,"You can eliminate the middleman the Internet is redistributing channel
the ascendance ofwhat we would now call but not the middleman's function." There activities. For example, airline-ticket
networked buying cooperatives. Similarly, are scores of detailed functions in a chan- delivery has shifted from mailed paper
in the 1950s, when the national highway nel, but it's useful to consider six core tickets to printed e-mail tickets.
system was being built, pundits again roles of channel participants: New groupings of channel activities
proclaimed the demise of traditional • Market makers aggregate buyers and are emerging from this redistribution,
channel functions. Wholesalers were sellers, as eBay does; and many of them are being driven by
expected to wipe out retailers as people
• Buyer agents help customers assess the value of information. And, because
began to drive for miles to get the best
their needs and evaluate sellers'offerings, of theirtraditional position in the chan-
prices. Then, in the 1990s, when the "infor-
as auto dealers still do through a combina- nel as the information brokers between
mation superhighway"captured head-
tion of high-tech and high-touch services; multiple sellers and buyers, interme-
lines in the business press, disintermedia-
• Seller agents help manufacturers diaries are often in a better position
tion was again the standard analysis.
promote and place their offerings into to perform these activities than either
Atthe height ofthe Internet boom, channels; their suppliers or the individual custom-
auto dealers were the most often cited • Payment enablersfacilitate settlement ers are.
example ofa channel destined to be blown and risk management activities, as credit Finally, in a free market,channels are
to bits. "No more green plaid jackets!" was card companies have done for decades; ultimately driven by customer behavior
the shorthand for inevitable disintermedi- • Fulfrllment providers include not only and not the other way around. The
ation. Indeed, as consumers increasingly physical distribution but the information- Internet has not changed that. But it
use on-line tools to compare prices, avail- based coordination activities that support has provided customers with another
ability, option packages, and financing distribution, as the evolution of FedEx, powerful means for dynamic buying
terms before shopping at traditional UPS, and others demonstrate; and behavior. Understanding that behavior
auto showrooms, dealers' margins have • Context providers create the environ- is crucial to establishing a coherent
declined (though not as steeply as auto ment in which commerce is conducted. go-to-market strategy.

NOVEMBER 2003 103

The Customer Has Escaped

continued in-home advertising, and to suggest new loca- shelves-the message has been changed. The new slogan
tions for its physical stores. is "Staples. That was easy." It helps employees remember
In travel services, this integrative approach was once that each go-to-market channel must complement and
used hy independent travel agents that served both as the back up the others. Conversely, language that pits bricks-
customers' agent, by providing trustworthy travel advice, and-mortar against dot-com channels often creates inter-
and as the travel service providers' agent, by determining nal competition that hinders companies from dealing pro-
which offerings customers were exposed to. Today, this ductively with unfettered customers.
strategy is used by airline direct-call centers to combine Cross-Channel Performance Metrics. Companies that
the roles of market maker, huyer agent, and seller agent reorganize to serve unfettered customers will need to re-
for travel offerings that range from simple plane fares to think the metrics they use to measure and evaluate per-
custom vacations. formance. Some companies will find it less meaningful
Exploiting Customer Relationships. If your customers to track market share, for example, than to measure share
are buying via a captive channel, and your competitive of individual customer purchases-a measure that counts
advantage comes from your customer relationships, you participation in all channels. Merrill Lynch, in changing
still may be able to specialize in a particular channel its go-to-market approach to deal with unfettered cus-
role-even if you lack superior process efficiencies. In cer- tomers in its brokerage business, adopted a fee-based pric-
tain channel environments, it can be prof- ing structure. The firm now tracks its
itable to focus on particular activities that share-of-wallet much more closely. Most
tightly control important relationships; companies would benefit from devel-
for example, leveraging customer rela- oping a metric that tracks the total cost
tionships like America Online and other to serve customers as they move from
portals do by providing context or like one channel to another. Adding an In-
eBay does hy making markets. In travel ternet channel may well increase the
services, on-line market makers such as cost of goods sold through traditional
Travelocity and Expedia are attempting to control the channels (because customers browse in them but then
channel in a similar way, by locking in a loyal customer buy on-line). That shouldn't matter, if the total cost to
base of Internet users and then selling access to those serve the customer for both channels is lower than it was
users through the advertisements and offerings that ap- before. But it will matter, if, thanks to the performance
pear on their sites. metrics you have established, business managers focus on
the profitability of each isolated channel.
Naturally, the design of metrics also has implications
Making It Work for compensation and incentives. More companies will
Implementing your chosen strategy for dealing with the have to become comfortable with "paying twice for the
unfettered customer will require substantial changes - same sale"; that is, with allowing participants in different
and not just in the way you interact with consumers, busi- channels to share credit. The desire to keep incentive sys-
ness partners, and intermediaries. Your internal transac- tems simple is understandable, but it can be counterpro-
tions - between the different functional and business ductive when buying behavior is anything but simple.
units in your own organization-will also need to change. Once a company gains a clear understanding ofthe total
Our experience indicates that the latter is often more dif- cost-to-serve throughout the entire marketing and pur-
ficult than the former. One executive has likened the in- chasing cycle, it becomes possible (and vital) to give full
ternal challenge to what he calls the Noah Principle: Pre- credit to multiple channels.
dicting rain doesn't count; getting everybody on board is New Management Information. Of course, to serve
the challenge. To do so, companies must focus on the fol- customers across channels you need to be able to see
lowing goals. across the channels. Tracking purchasing behavior and
A Shared Understanding. Many people and groups in total cost-to-serve requires accurate and timely informa-
your organization deal with customers throughout the tion. Last year, the Gap gained new insights by enlarging
marketing and purchasing cycle. Do they share a sense of its customer e-mail databases and combining its on-line
how customers are buying - and how the company is and in-store customer research. As a result, on-line surveys
going to market? At Staples, the company's advertising now help shape the product selection available in retail
slogan helps reinforce the strategy internally as well as stores, and in-store customer surveys help the Gap cre-
promote its value proposition externally. It used to be, ate targeted e-mail campaigns. The company credits this
"Yeah, we've got that." But now that the company has so information with improving overall sales revenues but
thoroughly integrated its on-line and off-line chan- finds it especially effective in encouraging repeat pur-
nels - giving customers the benefit of a greater assort- chases and improving conversion rates. Similarly, British
ment without having to stock every SKU on a given store's food retailer Tesco, by using frequent-shopper cards to


The Customer Has Escaped

gather data about the ongoing purchases of 7 million cus- tions. First, "Never get between a dog and his favorite
tomers, has generated new management information that lamppost." Second, variously attributed, but perhaps said
enables it to update its marketing programs weekly, in by Charles de Gaulle: "Always keep an in with the outs-
light of shoppers' changing behavior, always catching because you never know when they'll be in again." And
customers where they live, so to speak. In the past five third, from Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand: "The art of
years, Tesco has become the number one food retailer in statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite
the United Kingdom, primarily by upgrading its infor- its occurrence."
mation capabilities and then analyzing and embracing In a similar vein, let us offer this parting advice. Never
the implications of dynamic buying behavior among its get between your customers and the way they want to
customers. shop. Conventional channel logic too often tries to force
Targeted Education and Learning. Some companies, buyers into channels rather than create channel pathways
such as BellSouth, use internal management and leader- that suit customers'preferences.
ship-development initiatives to foster the language and Keep an in with all your outlets. Try not to be too rigid
mind-set required to deal with customers in multiple about channel structures and the components therein;
channels. Training programs for senior marketing man- behaviors that go out of favor, like in-store shopping, may
agers set aside time to address these exact issues and, in quickly return (when, for example, sales taxation catches
the process, signal that the organization seeks to develop up with Internet sales).
a sales and marketing approach that can deal with cross- And finally, accept that unfettered customer behavior
channel consumer behaviors. These programs also be- is inevitable - and therefore that you should act sooner
come a forum in which different product groups can com- rather than later to rethink how you go to market. If you
municate with each other and with sales executives about start working now to group your customers by their
what is and is not happening in the different channels and purchasing strategies, and to build organizations that
business units. meet those strategies head-on, you'll have a much better
Education in other companies is aimed at overcoming chance of coming out ahead when the inevitable occurs
old habits and prejudices. Dell, constantly cited as the par- in your market. 0
adigm ofthe direct-business model, faced an internal ed-
ucation challenge when it started placing kiosks in Sears Reprint R0311G
stores. The kiosks are designed to reach into the retail To order, see page 141-
channel and grab shoppers that Dell characterizes as
"direct-averse." But initially, they were viewed as heresy
by many employees. Management couldn't afford to ig-
nore this source of resistance. Instead, the company de-
signed programs to educate managers about the limits
to growth in the direct model, as well as the options and
the opportunities in expanding upon Dell's traditional
go-to-market system.

Wisdom from Across the Channel

Competition today exists not between single companies
but between channel systems. If a channel is underper-
forming, it's everybody's problem -not just the problem
of the player who happens to be bearing the immediate
brunt of the value poaching. Buyer behaviors, then, and
the channel design that will serve them, must be a focus
for all channel partners.
All channels are negotiated arrangements between
essentially warring parties-producers, distributors, and
retailers who may have some goals in common but oth-
ers that confiict. Introducing change calls for a certain
amount of statesmanship. Perhaps, then, it's appropriate
to end with three of our favorite political axioms, which
have been variously attributed to Baldwin, de Gaulle, Tal-
leyrand, H.L. Mencken, and others - testimony, perhaps,
to their relevance to diverse personalities and organiza- "I've been looking good, Patterson. Keep up the good work."

NOVEMBER 2003 105

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