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J M Marks

Alpha Thriller 1979, 95 pages, action

In this report, I¶ll tell you what this book is about and also my opinion about it.

The book starts when Jason was swimming at the sea and his father was
looking at him with a watch, taking the time of his swimming. They were on
China, next day Jason was going to London for some swimming races. He was
traveling alone on airplane.

At the plane, he sat near two little brothers. The girl was about six years old and
her brother was two or three years younger. The air-hostess asked Jason if he
can read them some stories, he agrees.

While he was reading them a book called ³The story of a tiger´, he noticed a
Japanese guy and his wife, following the air -hostess to the front of the plane.
The get into the cabin and when the Captain Chisholm looked back he noticed
that the man held a knife to the air-hostess¶s neck. The wife opened her bag
and shows a little piece of metal, it was a small bomb. The man gave Captain
Chisholm a piece of paper saying to change the direction of the aircraft.

The Captain explained the passengers that the aircraft has been hijacked . They
landed at the sea near a beach, a forest and a large field of grass. The hijackers
were going out of the plane when suddenly someone shouted ³now´ and three
passengers in front of Jason threw themselves upon the Japanese, they
controlled the attack lifting a knife into the chest of one of them and kicking the
other two.

The hijackers went down the aircraft into the luggage hold and took there some
machine guns and bombs, they also took a radio and were trying to make it
work. The hijackers were down the aircraft an d all the passengers and the
airplane crew was on the plane, they were trying to survive because the plane
was getting hotter and there was not enough food.

Jason entered to the washroom and smell something, he thought it came from
the wall but that isn¶t possible, so he noticed that it was not a metal wall, but a
sort of cover and he pulled it and saw a little space whit several steel pipes and
a tank, when he was closing it, he noticed a light coming from inside, he tried to
pay attention and noticed he w as looking at the luggage hold. He closed it and
get out of the washroom.

At midnight, Jason woke up and noticed that everybody was asleep, he tried to
escape through the washroom space, he entered it and get down to the sea, it
was a very difficult thing to do because he had to swim without making noise.
He start swimming and noticed someone was following him, he start swimming
faster and faster but the guy that was following him can¶t take his eyes out of
Jason. Jason noticed that his white shirt wasn¶t h elping, because it shows were
Jason is, so he took it off and continue swimming, he lost the hijacker that was
following him.

Jason ran through the forest and felt asleep behind a tree. The cold woke him
up and he saw a fishing boat he tried to get it but he wasn¶t fast enough.

He started to walk on the forest trying to find a village or somebody that can
help him. He founded a village, and all the people that was there started running
and trying to escape. He was looking for some food when he noticed that the
hijacker was following him, he had a machine gun under his arm, Jason
founded a blowpipe and some poisoned darts, he put one inside the blowpipe
and blew as hard as he could. The dart hit the chest of the hijacker, it killed him.

Jason went to the sea trying to clean all his sores that were caused of running
without some tennis on the forest, when suddenly he noticed that some
helicopters were there with some soldiers and a lot of people.

Jason started talking with Colonel Chula, the principal of the Th ai police and he
told everything except the part of killing the hijacker.

Some hours later, there were also Mr. Matsutan and Mr. Sumitomo, they were
sent by the Japanese government to help. They heard all what Jason told them
and thought that it would be n ecessary to sent him out of there, but he think he
would be more helpful and decided to stay, they were t rying to convince the
hijackers, when Jason remembered the part of the radio and explained them,
that the hijackers were trying to listen to the radio.

The hijackers were asking for the freedom of three people that were on the jail
in Israel.

They discovered that the hijackers were getting informed via radio with an Arab

Mr. Sumitomo and all his crew heard the station and they saw that the answe r
was a Japanese tanká, it¶s like a japanese poem.

They get on the radio signal and completed the tanka and make the hijackers
think it was the signal that they have to free all the passengers. The hijackers
asked for a boat and try to escape with the two little guys but Mr. Sumitomo,
Jason and Matsutan went swimming to rescue the children. They success.

At the end everybody was safe except the big guy that was injured with the
knife at the aircraft, he was death.
My opinion.

Well, this is a very interesting book; it¶s all around a little boy trying to survive
and to help others. The only part I didn¶t like was the end, I think the author can
give some more and can create a more interesting end. I plenty recommend to
you this book if you like suspense and a ction. It is really easy to understand and
when you start reading it you get into the story and you can¶t get out

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