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A eRe ENE Ne See cert INFLUENCE OF THE ANGELS TAROT GUIDEBOOK by JODY BOGINSKI BARBESSI ETM GNM eel MOOGACIND LOUV.L STIFDNV 24) JO JININTANI INFLUENCE OF THE ae TAROT GUIDEBOOK By Jody Boginski Barbessi and Karen rinski Copyright © 2018 U.S. Games Systems, [ne All rights reserved. The illustrations, cover design, and contents are protected by copyright. No part of this booklet may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review ‘written for inclusion ina magazine, newspaper or website. 109876543 Made in China Published by USS. Games Systems, Inc 179 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT 06902 USA Angels are celestial beings that act as conduits between God and humankind, and throughout the years, many stories have been passed down about them. Within this tradition, there are named angels, with distinct attributes and capa- bilities, and nameless angels, who lack a specific personality or role Like all tarot decks, Influence of the Angels is divided into two sections: the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (36 cards). Arcana is a Latin word for secrets or mysteries. The cards are visual interpretations of esoteric realities. They represent aspects of human expe- rience that have been with us for many generations. In this deck, the Major Arcana cards feature specific named angels*. Each was chosen for its special angelic role or attribute, in order to help communi. cate the meaning of the card it appears on. The angels portrayed in the Minor Arcana are unnamed guardian or mini tering angels, and generally, watch over the scene shown on the card. “Except for the cherubs s card. own on the Sun hr &. THE MAJOR ARCANA Each Major Arcana card description in this booklet includes: + ANGEL: Angel identification and attributes + SYMBOLS? A list of important things shown on the card and the symbolic meaning of each + DIRECT MEANING: Basic interpretation or meaning of the tarot card + SHADOW MEANING: Shadow meanings are provided to help the tarot reader understand the totality of each card. “They describe aspects of a particular tarot card that are not usually consid- ered. The shadow meaning is often in contrast with the direct meaning. Itcan bea side effect, or the result of what happens when a direct meaning is pushed to the extreme, It can speak to the motivation behind the direct mean- ing, Be aware, the shadow meaning is not the opposite of the direct meaning. For example, the Two of Cups’ direct meaning is union, coming together and partnership. The opposite of this would be a relationship that is breaking up. The shadow meaning, however, is a relationship that is too close, smother- ing or co-dependent. + ANGELIC MESSAGE: An affirmation, cautionary advice, blessing or prayer, closely related to the card meaning(s) 0 ¢ FOOL Afriel, she angel of youth, encourages us to experience new things and embrace new ideas. He buoys our enthusiasm and confidence about what’s on the horizon. SYMBOLS: Pre-dawn landscape: Afriel comes to earth from heaven, arriving before the day begins. This suggests a fresh start. The landscape below shows both the Seo!) natural world (sky, water, land) and the civilized world. This conveys the idea that many experiences are in store for the Fool. Copper pail: Made from a metal known for its ability to conduct energy, the pail symbolizes an exuberance—God’s unseen energy—that Afriel carries with him as his journey begins, The pail is an empty vessel, a metaphor for Afriel. He has a clean slate, and is free to fill his pail with whatever comes his way. White dove: Traditional Fool cards include a companion to the Fool char- acter, and here it is the white dove. This, bird symbolizes purity; love and peace— always reminding Afriel of his angelic nature. Zero (0): The number of this card, zero represents infinite potential. DIRECT MEANING? + The start of something new; a fresh beginning + Spontaneity; being open to new things; unencumbered and carefree SHADOW MEANING? + Foolish, gullible + Rushing in—like a child—without considering the consequences ANGELIC MESSAGE: Taking impulsive or irrational risks is unwise and may have terrible consequences. Le MAGICIAN Michael, whose name means “who is like God” is known for his courage, leadership and ability to protect people. SYMBOLS: The cup, sword, wand and pentacles (coins): ‘These items on the table illustrate the four suits of the Minor Arcana—which in turn correspond to aspects of human thought, feeling and behavior. Heart, mind, body and soul. These are the tools Michael the Magician has at his disposal, to use as needed. Chalkboard: Used to make diagrams and layouts, it symbolizes skill, strategy and planning. Hands: One hand points upward, with rays of light surrounding the finger. The other hand faces the table, with rays of light beaming down on the tools. With this gesture, Michael taps into the power oS of the universe and directs it to the phys- ical world. With this power, he has the capacity to accomplish whatever task is at hand, or whatever he decides to do. DIRECT MEANING? + Skillful, intentional action + Giving full, focused attention to some- thing or someone + Properly using the best method (“tool”) to solve a problem or accomplish a goal + Individual confidence and power SHADOW MEANING: + Arrogance; being a know-it-all + Bragging, showing off ANGELIC MESSAGE? Pay attention to the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. Tl ¢ HIGH PRIESTESS Raziel is the keeper of secrets, sacred knowledge and divine wisdom. SYMBOLS? Pillars: One dark and one light, the -10- pillars indicate duality. But Raziel stands between both. She doesn’t have to choose between the two, This represents understand ing and accepting a situation, without having to choose which side you are on. ‘Moon: The unconscious; earth’s cycles Veil: A separation between the conscious and the unconscious Scroll: Knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down through the ages Round disk: Raziel holds the seed of life, as interpreted by sacred geometry, Itis the blueprint of divine creation, The disk represents potential. Pomegranate: Alludes to the myth of Persephone. In that story, the pome- granate isa metaphor for nature's growth-dormancy-regrowth cycle. The pomegranate represents the secret and hidden mysteries of life. Te DIRECT MEANING: + Using and trusting your intuition and instinets, + Inherently knowing without needing to rationally understand + Knowing without having to take action + Understanding the potential of some naturally SHADOW MEANING: + Mistaking personal preference for intuition ig and allowing it to develop + Being too passive ANGELIC MESSAGE: If you need to make a decision about something, take time to sit with it for a while, Respect your innate, instinctual knowledge. Listen to the hunch. Ill ¢ EMPRESS Omael is the guardian angel of fertility and reproduction. She is known for her love and protection of animals and the natural world, SYMBOLS: Flowers and fruits: Nurturing something to its full potential. The abundance and bounty of nature; sensory AM experience. Necklace: Symbol @ for “female,” womanhood Rabbit; Domestication, being cared for; traditional symbol of fertility Cherub with wheat: \“baby angel” delivering God's abundance Cabbage: Basic nourishment DIRECT MEANINGS: + Mother figure + Nurturing; fostering growth and development + Earthy creativity + Understanding the natural order of things; practical + Enjoying the senses; appreciating the natural world and its abundance SHADOW MEANING: + Unhealthy smothering aes + Living vicariously through others (especially one’s own children) + Overindulgence ANGELIC MESSAGE: Learn about those under your nurturing care, so you provide only what they need to thrive, Always keep in mind that too much love and care can stunt growth, while too little or insufficient care can cause wildness, like wasted potential of a untamed plant. IV ¢ EMPEROR Metatron is said to be the highest ranking angel in heaven, second only to God in strength and wisdom. On the card, Meta- tron poses as an earthly ruler. SYMBOLS: Sceptre: Indicates the person who has dominion over others, or someone in charge. Orb with key: Held by Metatron, this object symbolizes responsibility and authority. It is reminiscent of the globus “14- cruciger, an orb with across on top, often held by monarchs in historical portraits The globus cruciger is a Christian symbol for Christ's dominion over the world. The orb shown here has a key on top instead of a cross. The key represents power. Ram head icon: Shown on Metatron’s chest as part of his garment, the ram alludes to Aries, a symbol of masculinity. Crown: Supreme authority. He who wears the crown is the ruler. DIRECT MEANIN + Father figure + Making decisions, being in charge + Having logical rules and guidelines + Maintaining structure and giving order toa situation SHADOW MEANIN + Hyper-rationality + Tyranny, domination, oppression is ANGELIC MESSAGE: May you always have faith in your decisions, without ignoring ideas that are contrary to your own, Although you may be used to calling the shots, always try to Keep an open heart and mind. V_¢ HIEROPHANT Hasmal isa fire-speaking angel whose ame means primordial wisdom and wonderful light. It is said that Hasmal’s fiery breath burns away incorrect teach- ings and beliefs. On the card, Hasmal poses as a clergyman. SYMBOLS: Red robe: Reminiscent of the clothing worn by bishops, cardinals and popes; symbolizes traditional religion. Crossed-keys pendant: This symbol has always = been part of the Cath- olic (pope's) coat of arms, and is known le as the “keys to the kingdom of heaven.” Pillars: A structured environment; for- mal institutions (e.g., church, school) Hand on book: Taking an oath; com- mitment; unwavering dependability and trust. Also alludes to living according to a prescribed set of rules. Books: Education, knowledge DIRECT MEANIN¢ + Understanding the value of tradition; traditional ways are proven to work + Following the rules +The influence a particular institution (family, religion, society, school) has had on one’s life + Having an established belief system + Loyalty to a particular institution + Being part ofa group or organizations group identification SHADOW MEANING: + Over-reliance on the prescribed way of doing things; lack of original thought or creativity + Rigidity in thought and action + Tribalism; dependence and loyalty to -17- one’s own group that leads to an intol- erance of others ANGELIC MESSAGE: May you understand and embrace the wisdom of those who have come before you. VI ¢ LOVERS Chamuel is the angel who comforted Adam and Eve afier they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. He is primarily known to help people have peaceful rela- tionships with one another. SYMBOLS! Adam and Eve: Essentially, the Adam and Eve story is about self-awareness, matu- rity and choice (free will). At the beginning of the story, Adam and Eve live—naked—in the Garden of Eden. ‘There is no death or suffering; no shame about nudity. -18- Adam and Eve are allowed to eat from all the trees—except one—the Tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil. Eve notices how attractive the forbidden fruit looks; and likes the idea of gain- ing wisdom—so she takes the fruit and cats it. Adam is present, and eats some too; and they immediately know—not just intellectually, but through experi ence—they did something wrong. They suddenly become aware of their nudity, and promptly cover their genitals with fig leaves Understanding the difference between. right and wrong (good and evil) allows us to choose how to behave—which distinguishes us from animals that act on involuntary instinct. Mature adults are aware of the consequences of their actions, and are responsible for choices they make, Before eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were in a state of childhood; afterwards, they are adults, with all the pain, burden and choice that encompasses. When Adam and Eve cover themselves -19- with fig leaves, they have become aware of “male” and “female,” no longer seeing themselves as simply “human They are separate, not only from the rest of cre- ation, but also from each other. The relationship aspect of the Lovers card is often viewed as the main feature of the card, and, as the bible story continues, God provides a framework for male and female roles. After the transgression, God banishes the couple from Eden, Adam must toil the hard earth for sustenance; Eve will endure painful childbirth and be “ruled over” by her “husband” Archaic—yes; but it does denote traditional roles that have been with us throughout history. Women stay at home and raise children. Men go to work, reap the benefits, and provide what is needed for the family to survive. DIRECT MEANIN * Choice; the consequences of choice, and the responsibility it brings + Duality (the contrasting differences between two things, people, situations); -20- duality and similarity, eg., a left shoe differs from a right shoe, but in essence, they are both shoes. Men differ from women, but they are both human b + Finding harmony in duality; seeing yourself in the “other” + Male/female roles; the relationship between men and women SHADOW MEANING: + Strict adherence to gender roles + Unable to see yourself in the “other” + Seeing things as either/or; constantly making comparisons ANGELIC MESSAGE: May you gain a greater understanding of your personal values by examining the choices you have made. ngs. VII ¢ CHARIOT Jehudiel is known as the angel of direction and endeavor. He provides motivation and confidence to people who seek his guidance to help get things done, In this card, Jehudiel embodies the role of a charioteer. 2 SYMBOLS: Red cape: Its color isa symbol of high energy, and the way it rises up behind Jehudiel sug- gests movement. Horses: As one horse is light in color and the other is dark, they represent opposing forces. Their bodies move in opposite directions, yet they face each other. This suggests that though they differ, they can still work together. Chaos star (symbol between the two horses): Energy DIRECT MEANING: + Having complete control of a situation; managing “all the moving parts” to accomplish a goal + Having the discipline, drive and tenac- ity to achieve success, no matter what it takes; force of will; determination + Recognizing that the way things come together (including timing, outside -22- forces, coincidence, and your own piv- otal role) contribute to why something is successful + Making things go your way; getting what you want SHADOW MEANING: + Acknowledging, accepting and harness- ing conflicting forces within yourself + Being overly controlling + Being so goal-oriented that you don’t appreciate or fully experience the pres- ent moment ANGELIC MESSAGE: Take care when pushing toward a goal. Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to burnout...and what good comes from that? VIIL ¢ STRENGTH Zadkiel is known as the angel of mercy, and helps people become more compas sionate and forgiving towards others. SYMBOLS? Lion: lion by itself indicates strength -23- and courage. As shown on the card, the lion also represents the beast within us and our subconscious desires. Angel: Zadkiel tames the lion by being gentle, and not forcing her will upon it. She quietly takes time to understand the situ- ation, and calmly tames the beast. DIRECT MEANING: + Inner strength + Quiet courage * Patience + Compassion + Gentle persuasion + The ability to control a situation with- out overt force and aggression SHADOW MEANING: + Meek, submissive + Too flexible; willing to tolerate unacceptable behavior in others + Fear of direct confrontation “24 ANGELIC MESSAGE! Take care not to confuse the strength of compassion with the weakness of sentimentality. IX_¢ HERMIT Remliel, the angel of awakening, helps us see the difference between illusion and truth, and guides us in our journey of self discovery and spiritual awareness. On this card, Remliel takes the form of an old man, SYMBOI Lantern: Seeing things (in the light) that were once hidden (in dark- ness); illumination Staff: This walking stick helps the Hermit walk on the right (righteous) path and represents ner/spiritual journey. Sunlight at night: Enlightenment Mountaintop setting: The height of spiritual awareness bee -25- DIRECT MEANING: + Introspection, self-evaluation and discovery + Solitude + Secking spiritual understanding and guidance + Providing spirit ual guidance to others SHADOW MEANING: + Loneliness + Being self-absorbed; neurotic introspection ANGELIC MESSAGE? Helping others who seek spiritual guidance is commendable. A spiritual guide can have great influence over the student. Take care not to abuse—or become abused by— the power of this role. X_¢ WHEEL OF FORTUNE Domiel is the angel in charge of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. SYMBOLS: The four angels: Domiel is pictured as four separate -26- angels, who represent the four winds/direc- tions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons. Wheel: Fate; things beyond our control. On the card, blonde Domiel blows on the wheel, which will cause it to spin. This corresponds to the idea that certain things in life, like the wind, are unfore- seen and beyond our personal control. Sometimes the wind (i.e., uncontrollable events) is welcome; other times it is a destructive, unwelcome force. DIRECT MEANING: + There are many things in life (situa- tions, events, people) that cannot be controlled through personal action or influence. Realize what these things are and accept the powerlessness. + Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down, So enjoy the ups and endure the downs—and realize that -27- Fortune may once again be in your favor. + Cycles in life and nature + Everything changes + Remember: this too shall pass. SHADOW MEANING: + Feeling unstable + Feeling impotent, with no control or influence over anything ANGELIC MESSAGE: Acknowledge the things in life that are beyond your control. Accept them, as best you can, and move on. XI ¢ JUSTICE Raguel is known as the angel of justice, fairness and harmony. Her name means “friend of God.” SYMBOLS: Scales: This device is used to measure objective reality (truth in evidence) and represents equity and fairness. It also represents accountability. Sword: In tarot, swords represent the -28- power of the intellect. A sword can cut through illusion and falsehoods, allowing for honest assessment, so that justice may occur. Setting: The gilt-edged drapery, marble floor, and pedestal on which Raguel sits indicate power and authority. The outside sky corresponds to the air! swords/mind connection and also sug- gests that nature is unbiased. DIRECT MEANING? + Making a fair decision, after accurately weighing all sides of the issue + Lacking a biased or prejudiced view- point; impartiality + Accepting responsibility for what you have done and failed to do SHADOW MEANIN' Seeing all sides of a situation may lead to: + Making false equivalencies + Indecision -29- ANGELIC MESSAGE: Beware of your own bias, XIL* HANGED MAN Cassiel is an angel who simply watches. Alone, he observes what happens—and what doesn’t happen—and never inter- {eres or takes action. He bears witness to both good and bad, and perhaps because of this Cassiel is known as the angel of solitude and tears. SYMBOLS: Suspended and upside down: On the card, Cassiel is shown suspended in the air, neither flying nor fall- ing. This represents a suspension of activity. How long doesn’t mat- ter. It’s timeless. What does matter is the moment. The black ribbons attached to Cassiel’s ankles connect him to some- thing unseen and not fully known. (God? The universe?) The ribbons are loose, -30- suggesting that Cassiel is not being forced into this position, but rather, chooses it. He has surrendered his own will, and has no personal agenda, Cassiel is also upside down, which stands for the opportunity to see things differ- ently or having a changed perspective. ‘The situation is quite similiar to the practice of meditation. Cassiel—the angel who simply watches—is able to observe his own mind, Lake: Emotion; the unconscious. Also, a lake can provide a mirror-like reflection. It symbolizes self-reflection and taking an objective view of yourself, your thoughts and your actions. Landscape vista: Seci not just parts of it. 1g the entire scene, DIRECT MEANING: + Postponement of activity; pause + Maintaining distance; being an observer; choosing non-involvement + Ceasing to struggle against somethings accepting things the way they are; surrender + Seeing things in a whole new ways having a different outlook + A changed or different perspective can lead to insight, clarity or new ideas. + Willing to endure discomfort (or some other sacrifice) for a different perspective SHADOW MEANING: + Aloof, disconnected + Playing the martyr ANGELIC MESSAGE: Sometimes, you just need to detach from a situation, Healthy detachment is not about avoidance, or numbing the emotions. It is neither kind nor unkind. Rather, it is an emotional disengagement that allows you to see what’s going on with {fresh eyes. XIILe DEATH _ Azrael is responsible for guiding dead souls into heaven, He is shown on the card entering a tunnel of light with a departed soul -32- Tunnel of light: This type of tunnel has been described by people who have had a near- death experience, and illustrates the tran tion from death to the afterlife. It represents the concept “when one phase ends, the next phase begins.” Crowd of people: Young, old, male and female—they all “wait for their turn” to go to heaven. They represent the fact that ‘most (if not all) things come to an end, DIRECT MEANING: * One phase must end before the next can begin + Being in transition; going from a known to an unknown situation + Acceptance of the inevitable SHADOW MEANING: + Negativity + Fear of death + Nihilism -33- ANGELIC MESSAGE: When something dies, don't pretend it hasn't. Living with the decayed remnants of something that was once alive—and refusing to acknowledge its demise—is not healthy. Accept the death and let the next phase begin. XIV ¢ TEMPERANCE Baglis is the angel of moderation, said to help those with addictions by encouraging self-discipline. SYMBOLS? Color blending: A col- orful substance (liquid? light? fire and water?) moves from one cup to the other. It goes from cold (blue) to hot (red) and vice-versa. Even though these colors are opposite on the spectrum, they cant be combined and blended in a compat- ible way. This represents harmony and synthesis. It also represents moderation, “3d because neither hot nor cold dominates —and they mix together as tepid/warm. Cups: One cup issues hot and the other issues cold. The two separate cups represent emotional extremes. It also covers extremes in thought, behavior and ideas that may spring from intense emotion, For example, if you are cut off in traffic, you may get very angry at the offending driver and may indulge in tasies of road rage or yell obsenities. Cold emotion refers to being distant and unfeeling, An extremely cold person would be a sociopath who is unable to feel anything for or empathize with another human being. Baglis blends the hot and cold, showing a spectrum of emotion. Extremes in emotion, thought and behavior lead to imbalance, Moderation maintains an cequilibrium—and sanity. Baglis’ feet: Water symbolizes the unconscious, unknown spiritual world; and the foot in the water represents “realities” that cannot be seen. The foot on land represents the material, touch- able world, because here (in contrast with the water) dry land indicates the knowable, conscious, practical world, Baglis is in touch with both. This illus- trates that the two realities exist, and are at work in your life at the same time. It also suggests that being too spiritual makes you out of touch with reality. DIRECT MEANING: + Striking the right balance + Moderation and avoiding extremes Moderate behavior is balanced and healthy. + Blending things together in a harmoni- ous way; creating harmony and balance + Synthesis; mixing things together to make something new SHADOW MEANING: + Becoming wishy-washy, mediocre, banal, watered down, unoriginal, in the altempt to moderate all aspects of life + Strict suppression of extreme impulses (e.g. gluttony, rage) + Lack of nuanced thinking -36- ANGELIC MESSAGE: A perfect combination rarely happens on the first try. Experiment and be persistent. Learn to recognize what is needed to get everything working together, unified and balanced. XV _¢ DEVIL Samael is a fallen angel whose name means “venom of God.” He encourages humankind to act in wicked ways, and has been described as the “chief of Satans.” SYMBOLS: Samael: With the head of a boar, bat’s wings, a human body and a tail that turns into a snake, Samael takes form as a nightmarish beast. It is profane and represents gross, animalistic urges and behavior. The boar’s head alludes to acting like a disgusting pig, Snake: The snake is Samael’s tal, slith- ering around the humans’ legs. At any 37. moment it can tighten its hold and trap its victims. This symbolizes addiction. ‘The snake's head moves toward the woman's groin, suggesting lewd sexuality or sexual excess. Metal rod: Samael uses this to prod the man and woman into bad actions. He can also use it to inflict injury. Satan delights in human suffering. Nude humans: Reminiscent of Adam and Eve, who covered their nudity after eating the forbidden fruit. They repre- sent shameful behavior, as well as carnal indulgence. DIRECT MEANING: + Indulgence, giving in to temptation + Lack of self-control, addiction, sub- stance abuse + Suffering from unhealthy attachments (e.g drugs, sex, porn, alcohol, food, gambling, video games, shopping, social media, the internet) + Materialism, greed; an unhealthy desire for more + Associating with people or situations -38- that are not good for your well-being + Focusing on physical pleasure, while disregarding spiritual concerns + Acting without conscience; immoral, unethical behavior; weak moral compass SHADOW MEANING: + Gains in power and status as a result of unethical or immoral behavior; there is power in evil + Recognizing the worst aspects of ourselves + Suffering from an extreme aversion to something (flip side of attachment) ANGELIC MESSAGE: The best way to resist temptation is to be mindful. Giving in to sinful ways is sometimes a slippery slope. It takes time to get there, Normalizing and excusing bad behavior makes it easier to act in a sinful, immoral or unethical way, or give in to vice. The work of the devil isto lose hope. -39- XVI° TOWER _ Barachiel is known to be chief of the guardian angels, and is considered the angel in charge of lightning SYMBOL: Tower on a hill: As a structure, the tower represents mankind’s “structured” ideas— philosophy, religion, science/technology, civies—and the insti- tutions associated with them (schools, churches, government, etc,) Prior to being hit by lightning, the tower sat firm and erect on a very high hill, and represented the highest—or best—in human achievement and ideas. The tower is being destroyed by lighting, and symbolizes the destruction of ideas and institutions that have become old and obsolete. It represents flawed, unpro- ductive or worthless beliefs or situations that get in the way of personal happiness, healthy behavior and clear thinking. -40- This tower is also reminiscent of the biblical Tower of Babel. In that story, the people of Babylon wanted to buil tower, tall enough to reach heaven. They were driven by the idea of worldwide fame and admiration. God saw that they ‘were more focused on themselves and the tower than on him, so he stepped in. At the time, every person on earth spoke just one language—but suddenly, they began to speak in different languages. The Bab- ylonians were unable to finish building the tower, because they could no longer communicate with each other. God then scattered the people over the whole earth. The Tower of Babel story is about hubris arrogant pride in oneself and one’s own accomplishments. The Tower card shows hubris put in its proper place—knocked down—just as God put an end to the Babylonian tower. Lightning: One bolt has already hit the top of the tower, with another about to strike, The lightning causes the top (head) of the tower to break from the bottom. The lightning represents shock, “AL shattered concepts and disruption. The break indicates a break from old ideas and situations, and the need for change. DIRECT MEANING! + Rude awakening; realizing the truth; long-standing beliefs are suddenly shown to be wrong or false + Shock; mental or emotional disruption that happens after being enlightened by the truth; assessing the situation and acknowledging the need for “re-building” + Arrogant or false pride that is knocked down and put in its rightful place + Unexpected news or events that cause change (or the need for change)—of a situation or one’s system of beliefs + Disruption of the status quo; a shock to the system; abruptly breaking away SHADOW MEANING: + Complete instability + Feeling unmoored, adrift, rudderless ANGELIC MESSAGE: When you overestimate your own accom- plishments; when you think you're worth -42- more than you actually are; when you have no humility; when you're filled with arro- gant pride—you are guilty of hubris. See yourself realistically, with humility. It will help you avoid causing damage and harm to yourself and others. XVIL¢ STAR Raphael, whose name means “God heals,” facilitates physical and emotional well- being, and helps to ease the pain of those who suffer. ——— SYMBOLS: Stars: Stars represent hopes and wishes. They don't promise results now; rather, they are about having faith that a situation will work out and be well some- time in the future. Like the North Star, the large star on the card represents “true north”— something that we can depend upon for guidance, we can look to for hope, and that we can -43- believe in. It’s reminiscent of how the Magi followed the star in the Christmas nativity story. The descending little stars also symbolize Raphael's capacity to heal. They fall into the water below, available to all living beings on earth. These stars, in effect, are angelic blessings Water: As a tarot symbol, water is gen- erally associated with intuition, emotion and the subconscious. On this card it also represents the earth’s environment. Dolphin: Health and well-being; happy and playful. Throughout history and in many cultures, dolphins have been seen as guardians of the waters, and many sto- ries have been told of dolphins’ friendly and helpful interactions with humans. This denotes trust, emotional health, friendship and protection. The dolphin represents something to aspire to: how we want to feel and how we would like to be. DIRECT MEANIN + Being hopeful; feeling positive about the possibility of what may happen an + Gaining a sense of serenity and a faith that things will be okay + Feeling spiritually and emotionally nourished; replenished, refreshed, restored; healed + Generosity; giving back SHADOW MEANING: + Being unrealistic, because hope is detatched from fact + Neediness + Cold comfort (getting words of hope from others, when what you really need is the situation to be better now.) ANGELIC MESSAGE: If you have been injured, first you must heal. Try to be patient; trust the process. XVII * MOON Elemiah, whose name means “hidden God,” is the angel of inward journeys. She helps resolve psychological problems and acts as.a guide to subconscious insight, Itis said that Blemiah watches over the oceans and seas, protecting those who travel upon them. -45- SYMBOLS: Moon: The moon comes out at night, which is the other side of day. The moon exposes things that are usually hidden or in the dark. Water: In the con- text of this card, water represents the subconscious, and the illogical parts of the mind, Creatures in the water: These creatures are the creepy things lurking in your mind. They represent primitive, uncon- trollable (and mostly unknown) parts of yourself. They symbolize your “shadow self” —the dark parts of your personality that are hard to accept and acknowledge. This suggests self-deception, because it’s difficult to admit they are real. These scary critters also represent fear. Angel amidst creatures: Elemiah is portrayed on the card as a sleepwalker. With her arms pinned inside her ae garment, she can do nothing to stop the creatures’ nipping and harassment. ‘This scene represents dreaming and the subconscious mind. DIRECT MEANING: + Feeling confused, distressed or troubled Anxiety and fear + Disturbed or distorted thinking; irrational + Delusion; self-deception SHADOW MEANING: + Tapping in to the unconscious + Becoming aware of something that is usually hidden or in the dark + Letting go of conscious control ANGELIC MESSAGE: Ignoring the cause of your anxiety will make the anxiety worse. Confront the darkness, so that you may see what parts are real, and what is delusion or fantasy. XIX ¢ SUN Cherubs are unnamed angelic beings Their prime purpose is to show us the -47- glory and greatness of God. They remind us that God’s presence is with us every second of every day. SYMBOLS? Four cherubs: These cherubs take the form of young children, which conveys a sense of honest, buoyant playfulness. Their nakedness denotes a natural state, as well as having nothing to hide. Additionally, four is the number that signifies balance and stability. Sunt: In the context of this card, the sun represents God's loving and positive presence. Generally, it represents the idea that “what was once hidden in darkness is now bathed in light” Things are out in the open, able to be seen and understood. Also, the sun provides warmth and comfort. Most importantly, it sustains the existence of every living thing on this planet. It represents energy, -48- enthusiasm and liveliness. DIRECT MEANING: + Clarity and understanding + Positive energy + Fresh and alive; young, new nfident and enthusiastic + Sensing the presence of God SHADOW MEANING: + Unrealistically ignoring anything negative + Forcing a positive spin on something that is neutral or negative ANGELIC MESSAGE: If you're not feeling the Sun’s positive energy, don’t be dismayed. Try to be confi- dent and think positively. “Fake it “til you make it.” Before you know it, the enthusi- asm is real! XX ¢ JUDGMENT FOUR ANGELS SHOWN ON CARD: Zachriel, whose name means “remem- brance of God,” helps us recall memories, both good and bad. -49- ‘Taharial, the angel of purification, helps us clear away negative energy. Colopatiron, the angel of liberation, helps us become free from the prisons (psycho- logical, spiritual, intellectual, creative, etc.) that we have found ourselves in, Valoel, the angel of peace, provides us with a sense of tranquility and contentment. SYMBOLS: Angels: The four angels represent the “Judgment” process: + Honest self-evaluation + Forgiveness/absolution + Redemption (freedom from the weight of sin) + Transformation Redemption allows the woman to be transformed, and this is shown as the angels guide her up to heaven. Stones: On the bottom right of the card, stones fall away from the woman as she rises up into the air. These stones are dead weight from the past, and represent sins left unforgiven; wounds that never -50- healed; and shame that was held onto and never released. The woman has carried this baggage around for many years and is now finally able to let go and leave it behind. Woman’s head in upper left: This is the same woman shown in the center of the card—only now she has a healthy color and a halo above her head, illustrating her redemption and transformation. DIRECT MEANIN + Reckoning with your past, especially unresolved issues + Completely letting go of inner conflict, pain or dissonance + Forgiveness; being absolved of sin; cleansed and unburdened. Remember, forgiveness is not forced or earned. It is. freely given, through grace and mercy. + Having the inner freedom to move on. + Transformation SHADOW MEANING? + Too much self-evaluation + Over-involvement or dependence on self-help programs or therapy ih ANGELIC MESSAGE: Ifyou carry the hurt of painful past experiences, may you summon the courage to face them, acknowledge the truth about them, and let them go. XXI_¢ WORLD Perpetiel, the angel of success, helps us fol- Jow our hopes and dreams and accomplish our goals SYMBOLS: Red garb: Red is the color associated with energy, enthusiasm and action. Rainbow mandorla: The radiant light surrounding Perpetiel isknown asa mandorla (italian for “almond,” referring to its shape). In art, the mandorla is used to signify a transcendent sacred moment. Yellow circle of light: Circles generally symbolize totality, wholeness and per- 52 fection, It is made of light, representing spirit; and the light is yellow, suggesting the positive energy of the sun. Because of its shape, it also signifies the world, Landscape: The background landscape behind Perpetiel is the same setting as shown on the Fool card. This conveys movement in time, as well as comple- tion, We begin with nothing (card zero, the Fool) and finish with things coming together, full circle. We are again at the beginning, but we are not the same as when we first began. DIRECT MEANING? + Accomplishment, successful comple- tion of a project or endeavor + Things have all come together and worked out well; conclusion + A successful journey; the end of a journey + Fulfillment and wholeness; thriving + Becoming engaged and involved with the world + Reaching a level of expertise and com- petence (though education/training); os using what you have learned in real- world situations; qualified and willing to help others + Ready to move to the next level SHADOW MEANING? + Goal-oriented; forgetting to appreciate the journey or process + Anxious for the next thing ANGELIC MESSAGE: As you reach the end, you can now begin. hr & THE MINOR ARCANA Heart, Mind, Body and Soul This part of the deck consists of four suits—Cups, Swords, Pentacles and Wands. Each suit has 14 cards. Those numbered one (Ace) to ten depict scenes of “regular” people and situations, with angels blessing or witnessing the scene. These cards are called “Pip” cards. The Court cards—Page, Knight, Queen and King—depict real, historical figures, chosen to exemplify the particular mean- ing of the card. The angels on the Court cards function the same as the angels on the Pip cards. ‘The four Court card types represent different phases or aspects of human development, and are basically charac- terized as follows: PAGES: Youth, apprenticeship; still growing; potential. Not yet mature. -55- KNIGHTS: Robust spirit of an adult— coming of age or reaching his prime. The Knight is ready to take on the world. He is concerned with establishing himself— showing who he is and where he still may want to go. QUEENS: The “female” aspect of the suit; often concerned with nurturing and the woman’s role in society. KINGS: The “male” aspect of the suit; connected to the Magician and Emperor archetypes. King cards convey leader- ship, and are related to foundation and structure, In readings, Court cards sometimes represent actual people in your life (including yourself). Like the other cards in the deck, they can also indicate aspects of ourselves. Each Minor Arcana card description he general meaning associ- ated with the number of the card. The same meanings are repeated through- out the four suits. This will help you 56- with card meanings, while providing a consistency to the Minor Arcana, + SYMBOLS: A list of important tI shown on the card and the symbolic meaning of each + DIRECT MEANING: Basic meaning of the card + SHADOW MEANING: The unconscious aspect of the card. It is the dark part of a card’s meaning: obscure, hidden, not often looked at, and in the shadows. (See page 5 for details.) + ANGELIC MESSAGE: An affirmation, cautionary advice, blessing or prayer, closely related to the card meaning(s) Each suit is characterized and introduced before the individual card descriptions and definitions for that suit. -57- aN THE SUIT of CUPS Cups represent deeply felt emotion (not fleeting emotion), and correspond to the element WATER. Think of how water fills, pours, moves and flows: itis very similar to the types of emotion symbol- ized by this tarot suit—including love, bliss, compassion, sorrow, loneliness and sentimentality. Cups are also connected to intuition and psychic sensitivity—a way of knowing that is also a feeling, ACE of CUPS ACES show the essential characteristic(s) of the suit. SYMBOLS: Cup: As the angels dip a huge heart into the cup, the water rises, and may even- tually overflow! This represents strong feelings and deep emotions that can no longer be contained. Big heart: Heartfelt emotions, like love. -58- Water: Water is a traditional symbol for emotion. As seen here, the light on the water suggests daybreak, which represents a fresh, unsullied, clean neem start. There is a pure- ness in real emotion. Angels carrying the heart: The two can be considered a spiritual gift. DIRECT MEANING: + Overflowing with emotion + Strong, positive, deep feelings Feeling and expressing love + Spiritually uplifting + Being emotionally ready for something new, being open + Having a strong intuition SHADOW MEANING? + Excessively overwhelmed by emotion ANGELIC MESSAGE! Rejoice in your capacity for pure emotion! May your deep feelings move you towards -59- spiritual connection, emotional under- standing and enlightenment. TWO of CUPS TWOS represent duality and balance. SYMBOLS: Two cups, clinking in 4 toast: Mutual good feclings, celebration Angels: These “his and her” angels indicate that the two people bring their own distinct strengths with them, as they join together. DIRECT MEANING? + Being compatible with another person + Union, coming together, partnership + Emotional connection; being drawn or attracted to something or someone SHADOW MEANING? + A relationship that is too close; smothering + Unhealthy co-dependence and enabling -60- ANGELIC MESSAGE: May your union be blessed, and your commitment to one another stay strong. THREE of CUPS THREES represent the power of three separate forces coming together and working as one. fp eeereorrene a) SYMBOLS: | Three women: Holding | hands and dancing, | the women have an | emotional connection ) with one another, and move together with ME case. They embody Ge) friendship and the good feelings that come with it. The card also alludes to the idea that a relation- ship between three people has its own unique dynamic, Three angels: The “power of three” is reinforced, as the angels join the wom- en's good time together. -61- DIRECT MEANING? + Being part of a community + Friendship, having a good time with iends Strength, as a result of bonding with others; being able to rely on allies SHADOW MEANING: + Being in a clique can alienate others who are not included + Pretending to like someone, or being a phony, just to be part of a group ANGELIC MESSAGE: Cheers to friendship! May you find joy and support in the fellowship of others. FOUR of CUPS FOURS represent stability, order and the benefits of a solid foundation. SYMBOLS: Angel with cup: The cup represents positive emotion; brought by an angel, it is God-given. Woman: Looking down, the woman ignores everything around her, includ- ~62- ing the angel's gi On one hand, this represents self-absorp- tion; but it can also represent introspection and meditation. The woman is trying to | reach a state of inner = balance and stability. (Note that she sits on the ground, under a tree. Her self-reflection is reminiscent of the Buddha, under the bodhi tree.) ‘The woman is unwilling to accept or even acknowledge the angel’s cup, because now is not the time, She must center herself before she can take on— or allow herself to feel—anything new. An over-preoccupation with oneself is unhealthy and imbalanced. Lack of concern about the outer world can lead to apathy. Taken too far, the woman may never be ready to accept the angel’s gift, because she’s unwilling or unable to shift the focus from herself to anything that doesn't affect her personally. -63- Three cups in the foreground: Like all cups, these cups symbolize emotion. Here, the woman is literally “sitting with her emotions.” She is not actively engaged with them, but she is in the pro- cess of recognizing and accepting them, DIRECT MEANING: + Introspection + Becoming centered + Focusing on one’s own needs SHADOW MEANING: + Self-preoccupation, self absorption + Disengagement, not caring about the outside world, apathy; discontent ANGELIC MESSAGE: The gifts that life offers are yours to enjoy —awhen you're ready to take them in. FIVE of CUPS FIVES are about trouble, instability and unpredictability. SYMBOLS: Three knocked-down empty cups: Emotional exhaustion and depletion; -64- Joss, and the feelings of sadness and regret about that loss. Two upright cups: Emotional reserve wellspring. The woman s so spent that she has. a hard time realizing that the two cups are there. The angel brings one of the cups, reminding us that spiritual resources are available when needed. Wet dress: Clinging to the woman's body, the dress suggests that the woman has recently come out of the water. Water represents feelings, and the wet dress sug- gests being overwhelmed and “drowned” by emotions. It also represents spiritual or emotional discomfort (like wearing a wet dress is physically uncomfortable). Floral wreath: Comprised of colorless, dead flowers, the wreath held by the woman represents loss and death. Grey setting: Everything surrounding the woman, inside and outside, is colorless. This conveys apathy or depression 65- DIRECT MEANING: + Emotional depletion; spent + Grief and sorrow over something that has been lost + Disappointment, regret or upset about something that has already happened, and nothing can be done to change “crying over spilt milk” + Inability, for now, to see the positive SHADOW MEANING: + Knowing your current emotional con- dition is temporary + Sensing a spiritual wellspring can be tapped into—to become healed or replenished ANGELIC MESSAGE: Be hopeful that with time, your cup will be refilled and your wounds will heal SIX of CUPS SIXES are about returning to a state of harmony and balance. SYMBOLS: Primrose flowers: The primrose is a -66- traditional symbol of youth. Children:'The boy helps the girl decorate her dress with a flower —a gesture of help, kindness and affection. Generally, children represent honesty and s. There are no ulterior motives, To adults, positive childhood memories represent nostalgia, which correlates with the idea that SIXES are about a return to the way it was before. DIRECT MEANING: + Good intentions, kindness; a reminder to be compassionate + Nostalgia; memories of simple times + Pure, simple happiness; a happiness that is familiar = Innocence; the lack of artifice or guile SHADOW MEANING: + Vapid sentimentality; inaccurate mem- ory or assessment of past events -67- + Trying, in vain, to re-experience an emotion from the past by manufactur- ing a similar situation ANGELIC MESSAGE: When acting with kindness and good intentions, be sure to consider the risk or possible harm that may come from those actions. Don’t ignore common sense, just to be “nice.” SEVEN of CUPS SEVENS pertain to challenges, responsibil- ity and personal development. SYMBOLS: Cups floating in the clouds: Clouds stand for thoughts, and the ‘ cups pictured here are not real, but represent J “emotional thoughts.” PMB!) The different kinds of (eee) cups stand for a variety of options, wishes, impulses or goals the man might have -68- DIRECT MEANING? + Having a variety of choices; having the opportunity to choose + Envisioning the possibilities; potential plans for the future; daydreaming ative thinking SHADOW MEANING: + Lack of focus; unquiet mind + Wishful (delusional) thinking; fooling oneself + Unrealistic, impractical or unrealized plans; being carried away by the fantasy + An inability to choose; procrastination ANGELIC MESSAGE: Healthy illusions provide hope and motivation, especially during transitional periods, Unhealthy illusions are mislead- ing thoughts that lead to bad decisions that can harm both yourself and others. EIGHT of CUPS EIGHTS are about recognizing limitations —and either moving past them or staying within their bounds. -69- SYMBOLS: Cups: Each cup is bone-dry. Whatever ‘was once inside is now gone. Whatever emo- tion was once inside has now evaporated. This symbolizes feeling drained and empt Angels: One angel (top left) lingers behind with the cups; the other (bot- tom left) flies in front of the man. They represent the past and future. ‘Sky: Sunset and dusk signal that a cycle is ending. Church: Belief systems; personal philosophy ‘Man: As he walks away from the cups and the church, down the road toward. his future, he leaves behind what no. longer serves him. He is weary, and may even feel a bit hopeless—but he’s not only walking away. He's walking toward something else, led by an angel. He now has the opportunity to look within and discover new answers and truths. (‘Take -70- note that the man’s appearance resem- bles the introspective Hermit.) DIRECT MEANIN + Weary and ready for change + Moving away from something because it no longer serves its purpose, or has stopped working in a functional, healthy way + Moving toward something better + Taking time to be alone; using the s tude to identify/clarify personal values SHADOW MEANING: + Never being satisfied, or quickly becoming dissatified ANGELIC MESSAGE: When the time has come to move on, the angels will be with you; and when you're weary, be open to spiritual guidance, to help you on your way. NINE of CUPS NINES show how the cumulative effect of past events manifest in the present moment. SYMBOLS: Man: Since this is a Cups card, the well-fed, rotund man illustrates that his life has been filled with emotional abundance. He has enjoyed—and still © enjoys—the ample gifts that life has to offer. Golden cups: Set up like trophies, the cups represent “emotional accomplishment,” or fulfillment. It also suggests that the man’s contributions to the world have been acknowledged and reciprocated by others. What he has given is equal to what he has received. Additionally, the cups may be used to entertain guests—suggesting healthy and fulfilling social interaction with friends, family and others. Angel: Resting like a pet in the man’s arm, the little angel conveys a sense of comfort and relaxation, DIRECT MEANING: + Emotional fulfillment “Te + Attaining what you've wanted or wished for + Satisfaction with social relationships + Emotional generosity and comfort + You get what you give; what a person puts into the world is often returned— in abundance SHADOW MEANING: + Craving, wanting more ANGELIC MESSAG! Give thanks for ife’s pleasures, both simple and grand; and smile at the notion that more are in store! TEN OF CUPS TENS take the intrinsic meaning of the suit and show it in abundance. SYMBOLS: Family: Strong love bonds; emotional support; healthy relationships Pets: The presence of the cat and dog show that the people have welcomed them into the family. This represents inclusion and belonging. -T3- Sun: Positive energy’ happiness, warmth and joy House: The comfort of home DIRECT MEANING: + An environment of love, support and encouragement + Emotional balance and security + Strong family ties; the warmth, affec- tion and comfort of family + Happiness and sense of well-being SHADOW MEANING: + Disconnection or limited association with people from outside of the family, clan or cult; insularity + Co-dependence ANGELIC MESSAGE: May your family be blessed with mutual kindness, patience and support for one another; and may the love of family be with you all the days of your life. 74 PAGE of CUPS PAGES embody youth and potential. ieri (1265-1321) Portrayed as a boy (Ss Dante was a great j Italian poet who is best | known for his Divine & Comedy, one of the | greatest literary works ever written, When he was nine years old, | Dante fell in love (at Bee) first sight) with a girl named Beatrice. At age 12, his father brokered his marriage—involving a girl who was not Beatrice, This was the custom of Dante's time, and he dutifully entered the marriage; but his love for Beatrice remained. Socially, Beatrice was only a slight acquaintance of Dantes but artistically, she was his perpetual muse. She inspired his love poetry and was a character in much of his literary work. SYMBOLS: Heart (badge on garment): Heartfelt emotion, love Angel (in cup): This angel has taken the form of the young Beatrice. She is Dan- te’s inspiration and muse. DIRECT MEANING: + Having a sincere, untainted feeling about something or someone + The first exciting stages of friendship or falling in love; infatuation + Acknowledging an attitude or feeling about something and pondering the next step + Having a creative muse; being inspired or emotionally moved by someone or something SHADOW MEANING: + Emotionally immature, childish + Adolescent emotional drama ANGELIC MESSAG! Remember the excitement of your first love. May you carry that memory with you, through adulthood and old age. -76- KNIGHT of CUPS KNIGHTS embody the confident estab- lishment of oneself in the world. John Dowland (1563-1626) Portrayed as a young man John Dowland was an English musician, composer and lyrici Some of his songs include “Awake Sweet Love,” “Fortune My Foe,” “All Ye Whom Love” and “Flow, My fears.” His songs are deeply emotional. They often evoke a sense of sadness—and at the same time, a sense of beauty. Dowland was a profes- sional lute player, but was most renown for the many songbooks he published. Distributed throughout Europe, many of his songs became best-selling “hits” of his day. SYMBOLS: Lute: Dowland’s instrument represents 77 music and its capacity to move and affect human emotion, Red wine: Passion Angel with lute: Music conveys emotion, without using words. Dowland listens as the angel plays for him, This represents emotional communication and spiritual connection. DIRECT MEANING: + Sensitive + Romantic, poetic, idealizes love + Willingness to feel and show deep emotion to others + Honoring and fully accepting one’s emotions, both positive and negative SHADOW MEANIN + Over-emotional, over-emotive + Temperamental, moody ANGELIC MESSAGE! Embrace your feelings, with passion and gusto! But take care that they don’t over- whelm you. QUEEN of CUPS QUEENS are concerned with nurturing and the woman’s role in society. Abigail Adams (1744-1818) Abigail Adams is one of the most admired figures from American history. The relation ship she had with her husband (President John Adams) was extraordinary for its time—because they . Throughout their marriage, Abigail was a confidante and advisor to John, and they greatly respected and loved each other. Abigail was the mother of five, and not only raised her own children, but also helped raise her grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was a strong matriarch, who loved her family and supported them intellectually, emotionally and, when needed, financially. -79- SYMBOLS: Pond (in background): Water represents emotion Cradle: A portion of a cradle is shown at the bottom right, which denotes the “mother” or the supportive, nurturing aspect of the card. White carnation: Traditional Mother's Day flower DIRECT MEANING: + Supportive; helps other people thrive + Compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others + Unconditional acceptance of others + Emotionally strong; willing and able to give assistance + Intuitive; tuned in to the emotional energy of a situation; mother’s intuition SHADOW MEANING? + Limited self-identity (mother, nurturer) + At risk for “empty nest syndrome” + Compassion and concern for others may lead to feeling emotionally drained and depleted -80- ANGELIC MESSAGE: May the support you give to those you love, be appreciated and returned to you in kind. KING of CUPS KINGS are concerned with leadership, and are often related to foundation and structure. Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536) Erasmus was a brilliant writer and scholar who lived during the unsettling times of the Protestant Reforma tion. Urged by both Catholics and Protes- tants to take sides, he itical of many church abuses, but remained Catholic his entire life. He sought to reform the church, and much of his writing laid the foundation for religious tolerance. ‘Though he was born in the Netherlands, was 81. Erasmus was a “citizen of the world,” and lived, at different times, all over Europe. He was known to be a good teacher, and some of his students became lifelong friends and patrons. Erasmus, a prolific writer, wanted his books to be affordable, so whoever wanted to read them would have access. His best-known work was In Praise of Folly, a satire on superstition, human nature, society, and religion. It was a bestseller in Erasmus’ own time, and is still read today. SYMBOLS: Window: Open, with light pouring into the room, the window represents an open mind and heart. Books: Knowledge, education Globe: Concern for broad matters, not just those that affect Erasmus personally. DIRECT MEANING: + Emotionally mature, secure, resilient + Well-balanced, calm and at ease + Old-soul wisdom, an understanding of human nature + Sympathetic, tolerant, kindhearted -82- + Concern for the well-being of others; humane + Adept mediator, able to calm things down + Gives good advice, is a good teacher SHADOW MEANING? + Easily identifies the foibles and sins of fellow human beings + Cynical about the state of humanity ANGELIC MESSAGE! May your understanding of human nature set an example of wisdom—and tolerance —for others. rm THE SUIT of SWORDS ‘Swords represent thought and corre- spond to the element AIR. They are also closely connected to communication (airing what is on one’s mind.) Consider some of the properties associated with air, and how they correspond to thought and communication: breezy, direct, calm, fresh, dry (wit), stale, stuffy, stagnant, polluted, stormy, cloudy, foggy, clear, crisp, luminescent. How and what a person thinks can pow- erfully affect emotion. Negative thinking can lead to anxiety and depression, or may motivate someone to do terrible things. Positive thinking can propel a person to do good in the world. Having a good attitude enhances self-esteem and, combined with good communi- cation, makes for positive, productive relationships. However, the thoughts in a person's mind, until they are acted upon, are just air! They only exist in that -B4- person’s mind...hich may change like the wind. Like a sword, the mind can be sharp. It can cut through illusion; it can eviscer- ate a poor argument; it can “kill” with a perfect insult. A sharp wit can elicit both laughter and intellectual appreciation. A dull mind, like a dull sword, is ineffec- tual, and serves no one, especially the person who possesses it. ACE of SWORDS ACES show the essential characteristic(s) of the suit. SYMBOL: Angels: Rising from the clouds, the angels are similar to how thoughts emerge in the mind. Also, their upward glances convey “thinking.” Sword: Ready to strike at a moment's notice, the sword rep- -85- resents a strong and aware mind. Clouds and sky: Thoughts and ideas can be both clear and cloudy DIRECT MEANING: + Mental strength; a sharp mind + The power of thinking things through; having a strategy + Independent, non-simplistic thinking, + Honest and/or clear communication + “Cutting through” cloudy thought (doubt, ambiguity) and seeing things clearly + Mental courage to face problems and uncomfortable issues SHADOW MEANING? + Over-analyzing a situation or issue + Inappropriate use of reason and logic regarding emotional or spiritual concerns ANGELIC MESSAGE: May you have clarity of vision, accept the truth, act with justice, and speak with honesty. -86- WO of SWORDS TWOS represent duality and balance. SYMBOLS: Swords: Generally, swords represent ideas, thoughts or beliefs. Here, the two swords point in opposite directions, indicating conflicting beliefs, ideas that are com- pletely different from one another, or disagreement. The swords’ symmetry shows that the two ideas/thoughts/beliefs are equally valid and important. The swords may also represent two sides of one idea or issue—the pros and cons. Background: The combination/interac- tion of thought (clouds) and intuition (water); having a conscious sense or impression of something; the meshing of emotion and ideas Main figure: The woman is centered on the card, indicating balance. Her erect posture favors neither left nor right, -87- which symbolizes a neutral position She also represents the ability to keep quiet. This woman will not come to any rash conclusions and impulsively blurt out a remark. Blindfold: Symbolically, a blindfold often stands for impartiality. Here, the blind- fold is semi-transparent, showing the difficulty one may have being impartial or neutral—due to personal preference or some other unfair influence. Behind the blindfold, the woman’s eyes are wide open, indicating that she is open to evidence (pertaining to one side or the other). It also conveys that she is not trying to fool herself. DIRECT MEANING: + Having two thoughts/ideas/beliefs that are (or seem tobe) in conflict with each other; feelings about the conflict + Maintaining balance in a situation of, conflict or disagreement—including verbal restraint and not stoking an argument. + Determining the pros and cons of an -88- issue or two different issues + Not ready to make a decision + Neutrality, being in a position to settle a dispute; arbitration SHADOW MEANING: + Intuition often has a role in objective decision-making + Procrastination ANGELIC MESSAGE: Conflicting ideas often cause discomfort, but if you're able to emotionally disengage, calmness and rationality can prevail. THREE of SWORDS THREES represent the power of three separate forces coming together and working as one. SYMBOLS? Three daggers: These “swords? now fall- ing away, were inflicted to cause anguish and pain. There is no blood, which indicates the woman has suffered a mental wound, This may include insults, betrayal or catastrophic news. -89- ‘The strength and power of three has made the injury “perfect” and strong, (It’s “perfect” because whoever wounded the woman knew exactly what would hurt the most!) Semi-naked woman: ‘The woman's state of undress symbolizes that her vulnerabilities have been exposed. She clutches her inflamed heart area, illus- trating that her mental injury had caused great distress and emotional pain. Angel: Flying towards the woman, the angel represents compassion and hope. The woman averts her eyes, not yet ready to move forward and heal. DIRECT MEANING: + Emotional pain and suffering caused by mental anguish + Heartbreak SHADOW MEANING: + Using personal pain to get attention from others; melodrama -90- ANGELIC MESSAG May your wounded heart heal, and your spirit be buoyed, Trust that it will get better FOUR of SWORDS FOURS represent stability, order and the benefits of a solid foundation. SYMBOL: Tired man: Whether fully asleep or just taking a break, the man represents the necessity of rest and inactivity. Night (as seen through the window): When the day ends, things slow down and people sleep (recharge), to have enough energy for the next day. Swords: The mind at rest Angel: As the angel hovers over the man, everything is still and quiet. She does not intervene, but simply watches, as his strength is restored. Perhaps she sends “91 an angelic message that enters into the man’s dream—helping him process what’s gone on during the past day. His subconscious mind and spirit work as his conscious mind and body rest. DIRECT MEANING: + The necessity of rest; a good night's sleep lays the foundation for a produc- tive day ahead + A time to heal or recharge + Being quiet and non-active; meditation SHADOW MEANING: + Being a slackers id ANGELIC MESSAGI Rest and be refreshed! Let your mind, body and soul be replenished through sleep. FIVE of SWORDS FIVES are about trouble, instability and unpredictability SYMBOLS: Background setting: A downcast, fore- boding angel fills the dark sky, indicating a hostile environment. The choppy water -92- signifies hurt or unset- tled emotions. Swords: On this card, the swords represent ideas and speech that are used to attack others. When used this way—as weapons—the swords have power. This kind of power is often based on decep- tion, twisted arguments or propaganda, and has little to do with objective truth or ethical standards. Man with the swords: Having three of the five swords shown on the card, the man in the foreground has the upper hand over the other figures. He has won— perhaps by shameless, unscrupulous methods—and they have lost. Smirking, he doesn't seem to have any empathy for the defeated. Swords on the ground: ideas and speech that no longer work as effective weapons Figures in the background: The defeated. Why did they lose? Did they play by the 93 rules? Or were they dishonorable (like the “winner”)? Did they overestimate their own abilities? How do they handle defeat? DIRECT MEANING: + All that matters is winning (or attain- ing power), even if i’ by ruthless, unjust or unethical means. + Contempt for playing by the rules + What it like to be a “winner” and a “oser” in a hostile environment ing; lack of empathy or harsh ism of others—or yourself, if you are the loser; “beating up” on yourself or others + No concern for right or wrong; unethical, immoral/amoral + Selfish and unsympathetic; doesn't care who gets hurt or what gets destroyed in the process SHADOW MEANING: + Having the fear of being victimized or bullied; the fear of being weak + Insecurity; “harm others before they can harm you’ attitude -94- ANGELIC MESSAGE: Before you engage in conflict, examine your motives, because sometimes—even if you win—nothing is resolved. Or worse, harm is needlessly done, both to others and your- self. Why can’t we all just get along? SIX of SWORDS SIXES are about returning to.a state of harmony and balance. 6 SYMBOLS: Boat in the water: The wave in the foreground represents a state of upset or turmoil. The Bi) boat is still rocky, but | it’s headed toward incecsemal) calmer voter rep- mete) resents a transition from instability to stability; from a difficult situation to one that is more manageable. It may also indicate having a problem, and being in the process of solving it. City in background: The intended desti- nation; structure, steadiness -95- People in the boat: Young, old, male and female—these people represent every- one. Anyone could find themselves in this dilemma, Individually, they portray different things: the family unit in the center shows enthusiasm as they head toward the city. The child on the right is sick, and the older woman on the left is depressed or grief stricken. Together, they represent having a problem, but also being on the right track—doing the necessary things—to solve or fix it. Sensing that the solution is within reach is also indicated. Angel: The angel leads the way and provides good direction to the people. This represents being on the right path, accepting help, being open to guidance or receiving information that will help you reach your destination, Swords in the boat: Knowledge, mental resources, ideas and beliefs people have and carry with them wherever they go. DIRECT MEANING? + Being on the right path -96- + Solving a problem + Moving from chaos to stability, nega- ive to positive, unhealthy to healthy SHADOW MEANING? + Unrelentless self-improvement; going overboard with “getting better” aanting to fix something that’s not broken ANGELIC MESSAGE When you're in a dilemma, use whatever resources you have at your disposal to help you salve the problem. SEVEN of SWORDS SEVENS pertain to challenges, responsibil- ity and personal development. SYMBOLS: Wolf: Eating a sheep he has just attacked, the wolf represents amoral instinct. ‘There’s nothing wrong with killing live- stock from the wolf’s point of view. He wanted to do it, and he did it. ‘Man: ‘The man is the shepherd, running away from the scene behind him. He -97- has failed to protect his flock, with one animal dead and the rest abandoned and in danger. This represents shameful behavior, irresponsibility, and running away from the scene of a “crime” Sheep crook: Laying on the ground, this shepherd’ tool symbolizes an abdication of responsibility. Swords and daggers: Carried by hand, backpack and belt-sheaf, these seven blades represent mental excuses and rationalizations for abandoning his duties. Take note that the four swords in the man’s backpack appear to be stab- bing him in the back. So even though he thinks he’s getting away with something, he's still harming himself with excuses and lies. Another possibility is that the man has stolen the swords, in which case they would represent stolen ideas, plagiarized -98- writing or hacked information. Angels: Taking the form of clouds, the two angels are disturbed by the scene below. They represent moral authority and personal conscience. DIRECT MEANING: + Self-deception; rationalizing bad behavior + Thinking you're “getting away” with something; sneaking off + Irresponsibility; running away + Theft; plagerism; hacked information SHADOW MEANING: + Believing that someone (including one- self) is too weak or bad to be anything buta terrible, corrupt person + Taking responsibility for one’s own bad behavior is a step toward growth and becoming a good person. + Once a person leaves a bad situation or the “scene of a crime,” he can reflect on his role in the sequence of events and learn from it. Valuable lessons can be taken from negative circumstances. -99- ANGELIC MESSAGE: You think you're getting away with some~ thing now, but watch out—it may come back to bite you! EIGHT of SWORDS EIGHTS are about recognizing limita- tions, and either moving past them or staying within the bounds. SYMBOLS: Daggers: ‘The woman is pinned down by eight daggers and feels as if she can’t move. These deeply embedded blades represent ideas, outlooks or beliefs that have been blindly accepted for far too long. Physically, the woman would be able to break free from the blades, but as soon as she starts to tug or push against one of them, she feels a resistance, and stops. Removing the daggers, ic., changing what and how difficult and may cause -100- great anxiety. The woman is boxed in; she feels powerless and afraid to do anything about it. Blindfold: In this situation, it represents blind acceptance, the refusal to examine uncomfortable issues, and willful igno- rance, It also suggests inflexibility and stubborness, The woman can remove her blindfold at any time, but choses to keep it on, She doesn't want to look at the reality around her—especially those daggers. Lyre: The wooden item the woman leans on for support is a lyre, a musical instru- ‘ment that typically has four to seven strings. This lyre has only one string, which the woman plucks repeatedly. She hears the same note, over and over; just like in an echo chamber where the same voice is heard over and over. This lyre represents the lack of new information, the refusal to re-examine one’s beliefs, and a small, closed mind. Setting: The woman sits alone on a dirt mound. Fog surrounds her. The scene represents isolation and a lack of clar -101- DIRECT MEANING: + Blind, stubborn or fear-based accep- tance of a current situation; refusal to question or oppose the status quo + An adjustment in thinking can change one’s life for the better + Narrow-mindedness; limited, sloppy, superficial thinking + Cognitive dissonance; fear of seeing the truth + Feeling powerless; victim mentalitys feeling insecure and incapable of independent thought and speech + Isolation from others due to what and how one thinks SHADOW MEANING: + Afraid of losing one’s self-identity ANGELIC MESSAGE: May your blindfold be lifted, so that you can see. Act with courage; have faith that the truth will set you free. -102- NINE of SWORDS NINES show how the cumulative effect of past events manifest in the present moment. SYMBOLS: Tattoos: The dagger tattoos on the woman's arm represent past memories, which may be recent or from long ago. Like tattoos, the ms past cannot be erased. S28) What can be changed is how past events are understood—both intellectually and emotionally. Bird/sheep scene: The mother sheep is in distress—its lamb is dead! She bleats out in anguish, but the angel cannot inter~ vene. What's done is done. A murder of crows surrounds the sheep, waiting to descend upon the fresh lamb feast. This scene, as it floats above the woman’ head, indicates what's going on in her mind and psyche. She feels victimized, powerless and grief-stricken. -103- Take note that the sheep is a ruminant (chew/regurgitate/chew) animal. When a person ruminates, they repeatedly run things over in their mind. ‘The woman may also identify with the crows—fecling guilty as a predator or scavenger. Woman: Bad thoughts keep the woman up at night. This illustrates how the subconscious communicates with the conscious mind, through intrusive thoughts, as well as dreaming. DIRECT MEANING: + An inability to control one’s own thoughts + Anxiety, worry, or troubling thoughts; ruminating + Disturbing dreams; unsettling past memories + Overwhelmed by guilt or remorse; difficulty accepting the past. + Insomnia; a restless or wide-awake mind that stops someone from falling asleep -104- SHADOW MEANING? + Unrealistic ideas and expectations about how things should be, especially regarding one’s own behavior + Wanting to “wake up,’ see things in a “new light,” and solve the issue causing anxiety ANGELIC MESSAGE: Past events cannot be changed. Starting this very moment, go forward with good intentions. TEN of SWORDS TENS take the intrinsic meaning of the suit and show it in abundance. SYMBOLS: Swords: Information, ideas or words that have caused over- whelming devastation, or the absolute end of something. ‘Man: A situation that has no life left in it, and -105-

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