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DAILY. NEWS BULLETIN j " Cable and Telegraphia Despatches Issued by JEWISH TELEGRAPYIC AGENCY, INC. 132 Nassau Street, New York city. Tel. Beekmah 9768. el Ao September 4, 1923 } MUNICH AND LEIPSIC CENTERS OF ANTISHMITIC "INTERNATIONALE," Movement Intensified since Ford's European Visit Two-Years Ago. Prague, Sept. 4. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency), The anti-Semitic “internationale" has its headquarters in Munich and Leipsic. From these two points, the propaganda of hate is broadcast to Austria, Czecho-Slovakia and even in countries where anti-Semitism has been hitherto unimown, such as the Scandinavian lands and Italy. This fact, the J.T.A. is able to state after an exhaustive in- vestigation of the scuraes of the anti-Jewish propaganda, The fact seems clear, too, that the agitation attained its present intensive form following the visit of Henry Ford some two years ago to Carlsbad where he met the German deputy Jung and a group of unscrupulous Czecho-Slovakian peliticians, The J.T, As's information is te the effect that the central! of- fice of the Jew baiters is working hand in hand with the Cathclic church in Central Europe. The Jesuit order is apparently actively linked with the movement, The Movement is also heneyconbed with "menarchists," It may ve said that all monarchists nurse as an aim second only te their desire te put themselves again in power - the determination to harass Jewry. HITLER WINS IN LIBEL sUIT. - Berlin Vorwaerts To Pay 6,000,000 Marks Damages For Saying Hitler Got "Jewish and Ford Money.” - , Munich, Sept. 4, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). Adolph Hitler, leader of the Bavarian Fascisti, was awarded yesterday 6,000,000 marks, damages in his libel suit against the editor of the Vorwaerts, the Socialist daily of Berlin. The libel proceedirigs against the Socialist editor were insti- tuted by the reactionary leader of Bavaria following the publication by the Verwaerts of a report that the Hitler Organization was receiv ing financial aid from “American Jews and Henry Ford." JeToAe Bulletin, “s 24 co & 9/4/23 | BSTHONIA DODGES GUARANTEE OF MONORIEY RIGHTS. Cecil Iisists Government Pledge Itself In Writing. f Geneva, Sept. 4: (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). The failure’ of Esthenia tc live 'up te its guarantees of the rightsof the minorities and its refusal te sign a declaratinn pledging itself in thig respect Was taken up by the Coun The delegate from Esthonia, pleading before the Council insisted that such a guaranteo from Esthonia was inadvisable and suggested that the Council be ‘satisfied with a verbal Undertaking instead. | ) Lord Robert Cecil taking issue with the Esthonian delegate insist- ed that verbal promises woul, d@ net suffice and that the pledge must be written and regularly signed, It was impossible to compromise on this questien, Lord Cecil pointed out. ~ In ord er te avoid such precédents, Esthenia must sign as Latvia did, he declared, A subcommittee censisting of delegates from Britain, France, | Sweden were appointed to grant a hearing to the and endeavor to find a solution. ee "OZE" AND J.W.R.C.-TO WORK TOGETHER, : Werlin, septs 4, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). .The conventicn cf ihetOze", the Jewish association dealing with the protfigis of hygiene gi Jews, closed yesterday with a decision to cooperate mith che fone ish World ‘Relief’ Conference, The “Oze" undertook to relieve the JWeR.C, of 12 sanitation work in the z one in which it operates, A resolution proposing that the “oze" braaden its scope to in- glude educational work was defeated, A proposition to make the "Ose" Ar orit Jewish organization instead of eenfining itself solely to \ Pest was warmly debated, xt Einstein was elected honorary chairman of the SW Executive. Professor Wasserman, the famous Jewish medical scien- ict of Berlin, Professor Besredko ef Paris and Dr, Ratcliffe Salaman of Londen were elected vice-preeidents. i Professor Albe: k FS0PLE'S RELIEF TO JOIN HANDS WITH ORT. Boston, Sept.’ 3. -(J.TsAs) The preposition that the People's Re- lef amalgamate with the "Ort" for reconstruction work gn the war- tacked countries was adopted at the clesing day of the convention here, The report of Baruch Zuckerman en behalf: of the administration wking a budget’ of $200,000 plus $75,000 for expenses was approved, A resolution was adepted asking the Joint Distribution Committee ° appropriate $100,000 for workmen credits institutions in Eurep Bulletin J.T, -8- Sopt. 4, 192% JRVS ORDERED TO fi SSARABIA BY OCTOBER. 4 graphic Jigency} Generel Popovicei, the military comiander of Boa: voila, has issued instruetions that el! alien refogaas munt leave y vy Octover 1. fhe order makes no exceptions and includes within ite RISHIREV, 80> scope thase returess for whom Dr. Nansen of the League of Netions’ Russion Refuges Gonmirsion recartly eppaaled. Through Dr. Nensen'e che Spring to deloy enforcement ace vas obtained where the homelese intervention orters were given of the expulaion order until « aliens might find abode. The present order, however, requires all aliens to be out of the country by October whether they have found a place to go or not. It is cctimated that sone 10,000 refugees are affected by the ruling. ARAB AGITATOR HELD FOR MURDER PLOT. JEPUSALEN, Sept. 5, ie agency) Tae well-known anti-Zionist agitator, Andulleh Saara of Tul Kerem hae been taken into otstody on the charge that be had concocted 2 plot to agens~ sinate a number of leading Engiichnon in Palestine. The arrest waa made by the governor of Tul Kerem. Suara was invited by the governor to nie home and there informed that the government had reasons vo olicve that he waa involved in & murder plot. The papers connected vith the plot were demanded of hin, Smara in tre meantame being detained. JDO HELPS TARSUTH SCHOOLS. WARSAT, Sept. 4, (sewien Tels ce Agency) The local offices of tho Joint Distribution Committee acting upon instrustions of the American headquarters have appropriaued $8.0G0 for the Hebrew “farbuta” schools here. Tho’ Joint also gave the sum of $5,000 towards tho Teachers Institute of the Tarbuth. The money will bo weed for the Tarbuth institutions of both Warsaw and Wilna. JEWISH PASSENGERS STONED ON TRAIN. RIGA, Sept. 3, (Jewieh Telegraphic agency) Jewish passengers riding on the Kiehineff-Czsrnowitz line were stoned and eix of them wounded wnen the train made « brief stop at qedtrheme last Gi Friday. : A group of anti-Semites gathered at the station bombarded the coach with rocks wnen the Jews wore sighted on the train. One of the victims is in a serious condition,

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