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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne – Guide and Walkthrough

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Guide and Walkthrough by A I e x

Version: Final | Updated: 07/15/2007
 FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2004

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| Author: A I e x |

| Began: October 20th, 2004 |

| Completed: November 15th, 2004 |




* Table of Contents *


To navigate this walkthrough, it is easiest to use your browser's or word

processor's search function, which can be accessed by either pressing Ctrl+f or

looking in the drop down 'Edit' menu. Search for the small code word in

brackets beside the section you are looking for.

1. Characters.........................................................(Ch000)

2. Full Walkthrough (I)...............................................(Fw000)

i - Yoyogi Park Station...........................................(Fw001)

ii - Yoyogi Park..................................................(Fw002)

iii - Shinjuku Medical Center.....................................(Fw003)

iv - Yoyogi Park..................................................(Fw004)

v - Shibuya.......................................................(Fw005)

vi - Amala Network................................................(Fw006)

vii - Labyrinth of Amala..........................................(Fw007)

viii - Ginza......................................................(Fw008)

ix - Harumi Warehouse.............................................(Fw009)

x - Great Underpass of Ginza......................................(Fw00A)

xi - Ikebukuro....................................................(Fw00B)

xii - Mantra Headquarters.........................................(Fw00C)

xiii - Assembly of Nihilo.........................................(Fw00D)

xiv - Kabukicho Prison............................................(Fw00E)

xv - Ikebukuro Tunnel.............................................(Fw00F)

xvi - Asakusa.....................................................(Fw010)

xvii - Assembly of Nihilo.........................................(Fw011)

xviii - The Obelisk...............................................(Fw012)

xix - Amala Network...............................................(Fw013)

xx - Asakusa Tunnel...............................................(Fw014)

xxi - Yoyogi Park.................................................(Fw015)

xxii - Amala Temple...............................................(Fw016)

xxiii - Mifunashiro...............................................(Fw017)

xxiv - Yurakucho Station..........................................(Fw018)

xxv - Diet Building...............................................(Fw019)

xxvi - The Obelisk................................................(Fw01A)

xxvii - Tower of Kagutsuchi.......................................(Fw01B)

3. Labyrinth of Amala (II).............................................(La000)

i - First Kalpa...................................................(La001)

ii - Second Kalpa.................................................(La002)

iii - Third Kalpa.................................................(La003)

iv - Fourth Kalpa.................................................(La004)

v - Fifth Kalpa...................................................(La005)

4. Endings.............................................................(En000)

5. Fusions.............................................................(Fu000)

6. Magatama............................................................(Ma000)

7. Skills..............................................................(Sk000)

8. Items...............................................................(It000)

9. Legal...............................................................(Le000)

10. Credits............................................................(Cr000)

A high school student is on his way to meet his friends so that they can visit

their sick teacher at the Shinjuku Medical Center. But as he rides the

subway, he falls asleep and has a strange dream. He dreams that the world is

about to end...

He arrives at the hospital and, aside from his friends, finds it completely

deserted. After searching the building, he finds a man who describes what he

saw in his dream. Frightened, he then comes across a curious old woman

with a child.

The young man finds his teacher, only to witness the destruction of Tokyo.

This is the Conception, the ending of the world in preparation for its


As the young man lies unconscious, the child reappears. With an innocent

whisper, the child gives him the key to survival -- Magatama.

When he awakens, he finds himself reborn as a demon. He discovers that the

entire world has changed. The Earth is wrapped in a mysterious light as if it

has been turned inside-out. It is now the Vortex World. He sees souls of the

dead and demons who live off what they call "Magatsuhi", the element of life.

Even though he has been imbued with amazing powers, he realizes that in order

to survive, he must recruit demons to fight alongside him.

Why was the Earth transformed? Why has he become a demon? To find the

answers, he sets out on a long journey, unaware of what terrifying secret he

is about to uncover...


* Characters (Ch000) *


-- The Protagonist

The protagonist is who you control, the nameless character who will play a

very important role after the Conception. His beliefs and Reason as they call

it are shaped by the player which will ultimately decide the path he chooses.

-- Isamu Nitta

Isuma is a classmate of the protagonist who seems to have a casual friendly

attitude with him. After the Conception, although Isamu was known to be close

by, he cannot be located and his whereabouts remain a mystery.

-- Chiaki Hayasaka

Another classmate of the protagonist, she plays a mysterious role after the

Conception, what her intentions are and who she becomes remain to be seen.

-- Yuko Takao

The protagonists's teacher, Yuko, is the centre point for the beginning of the

game and plays some role in the Conception, yet exactly what no one is

certain. Following the events she, too, is nowhere to be found.

-- Jyoji Hijiri

Hijiri is a magazine writer who you meet early. After the Conception it seems

he somehow survived and is one of the few people left. He is very cooperative

and helps the protagonist out in many situations.

-- Hikawa

The most mysterious one of all, is he behind any of the events? He always

seems to be in the middle of things yet when he speaks he reveals very little

about himself or his intentions.


* Full Walkthrough (Fw000) *


-- I feel it important to note at the beginning that this game is very long,

very challenging, and most of all very easy to get lost in. I have gone out

of my way to attempt to make everything as detailed as I possibly can. You may

find it to be a bit needless at some points, but keep in mind that it is

inevitable that people will get lost almost anywhere, and if I can help people

from any point in the game, for any given dungeon, then I'm more than

satisfied, even at the risk of being a bit tedious at times. With that said,

enjoy Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne! It's an incredible game.


A woman's voice narrates the beginning of the game. Soon, it is time to enter

your name. Last name, first name, then a nickname. Following this, you will

have a chance to enter the woman's name. Watch the reamining scenes that lead

you into the game.

o-------o o---------------------o

o-| I - i |------------------------------------(Fw001)-| Yoyogi Park Station |

o-------o o---------------------o

-- Items:

- Mysterious Drink

Just East of where you start in a little corner is a vending machine; examine

it to receive the Mysterious Drink. Now go West to iniate a conversation with

the Employee. After learning of some recent events, continue in that

direction to the exit, and choose to leave the area.

Right above where you appear on the map is the park. You will notice that

there are two entrances, one on the left and one on the right. Head to

the one on the right and enter the park.

o--------o o-------------o

o-| I - ii |-------------------------------------------(Fw002)-| Yoyogi Park |

o--------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Ayakashi Monthly

As you enter, you'll trigger a scene with a mysterious man. Following the

scene, he will give you a copy of Ayakashi Monthly. Now that you have been

instructed to get to the hospital, return to the city map and go all the way

up to the upper right corner. You will see two entrances to the medical

center, take the one on the right.

o---------o o-------------------------o

o-| I - iii |------------------------------(Fw003)-| Shinjuku Medical Center |

o---------o o-------------------------o

-- Items:

- Mysterious Drink - ID Card

- Medicine - Medicine

- Maragi Rock - Medicine

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Annex Gate Pass - Medicine

- Revival Bead - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Chakra Drop - Chakra Drop

- Mazio Rock - Mabufu Rock

- 300 Macca - Bead

- Medicine - Medicine

- Revival Bead

Head up and speak with Chiaki, the girl in the front lobby. After the scene

with her, enter the doors on the East side. Follow the hallway to the end and

into the stairwell. As you exit the stairwell at the top, you'll see a quick

scene with someone on the other side. Run to the end of this hall and turn

West down the next one. Halfway down the hall you'll pass an open area with

another vending machine; examine it to receive a Mysterious Drink. Continue

down to the end of the hall, and when it turns North, enter the first door you

pass. A scene will trigger when you enter.

Return down to the front hall of the medical facility and speak to Chiaki

again. Once you have the ID Card, go North and enter the elevator. Select B1

for your destination. Approach the large gate and examine the glowing red

panel. Insert your ID card and continue down the hall. Check out the two

rooms on the South side for some creepy imagery, then continue by entering the

room down the hall leading North. Select 'Yes' and head inside. Watch the

scene that occurs here. When given a choice, what you select makes no


Leave the room and return to the elevator, stopping for a second to watch a

quick scene. Select R to go to the roof and see everything unfold from there.

You received the Magatama: Marogareh

Leave the room where you start. Talk to the blue spirit outside and head East

for another event. Following it, you can save your game. Select 'Leave' and

go South, a bit East, then South down the hall into the room. This is a

healing room where you can be healed as often as you want. Exit the room and

head Northeast until you reach the elevator. Go inside it.

Head down the path, and in a little area on the East wall you will find a

floating cube (cache) containing Medicine x2. Continue North, on the West

side this time you'll encounter Dr. Dark, who will heal your wounds. Exit the

hallway to the North. Take the East branch at the fork despite the people who

tell you otherwise, and get the cube containing a Maragi Rock at the end.

Return to the fork and go West, following the path to the end. Watch the

scene that occurs here.

Take the elevator to the second floor. Go down the West hall and enter the

door just before you reach the stairwell; you'll find a cube with Medicine

inside. Return to the elevator. Notice that there are two doors leading

South directly across from the elevator. Enter the West hall and run to the

end to find a cube containing Life Stone x2. Go back and take the East door

this time, follow the hall to a walkway. Speak with the fairy here and

recruit her into your party. Backtrack two rooms until you are standing in the

little area across from the elevator. Head East this time and examine the first

door you come to. After hearing some voices the Fairy will help you get access

to the room. Select 'Yes' to start a battle.

Return to where Fairy joined your party and use your gate pass on the Security

System. Continue along the hall to the end, be sure to note the large demon

swimming around in the lobby. When you enter the main hall, speak with the

weird looking demon sitting on the floor in the open area to learn about

different types of futures. Head East down the hall and enter the first door

(Room 203B) and speak with the demon to receive Medicine. Leave and head up

into Room 204B and get the cube containing Revival Bead. Now head back to the

area with the weird mop-like demon and go West; enter the second door you come

to (Room 201B) and open the cube to find Life Stone x3. Leave the room and

head North to descend the stairs.

Head down the hall and go East down another set of stairs. On this floor, run

to the end of the hallway. You can unlock the East door now, and save your

game on the other side. Also, don't forget about the healer South of the save

room. Go back through the locked door and head West. When you come to an

open area with a blue soul and two doors, enter the North door. Follow the

hall and go into the first door you pass, get the cube containing a Chakra

Drop x2. Head to the North room and ascend the ladder. One cube here

contains a Mazio Rock, another a Mabufu Rock, and another 300 Macca. Descend

the ladder and head South back to the small area with two door choices, enter

the West one this time. Follow the hall to a door leading West, inside you'll

find a cube with a Bead. Leave the room and continue along the hall and up

the stairs at the end. Go North at the fork, the second door on the West wall

is the healing room where you can heal yourself. The North door leads to a

save point. After saving your game go back down to the fork and proceed East.

Before you examine the door and continue be sure you have recruited a

Shikigami into your party, it will really help out for the upcoming boss. If

you feel you are ready, examine the door and choose 'Yes.'


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Forneus |

| Fighting Forneus is an easy battle which | HP: 500 |

| relies on a simple repetition of attacks. | MP: 200 |

| Always use Zio whenever the option presents | Macca: 2000 |

| itself, this will give you an extra turn each | EXP: 150 |

| time, also have your main character use Lunge | |

| any time the Zio attack puts the boss in a | Physical.....N/A |

| temporary state of paralysis. The Pixie can | Fire.........N/A |

| be on healing duty but only if you need it, | Ice..........Drain |

| being very aggressive with the electricity | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| based attacks can eliminate the need for a | Force........N/A |

| good defense. | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........N/A |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........N/A |

| | Nerve........N/A |

| | Mind.........N/A |

| | |

| | |


You received the Magatama: Wadatsumi

After the battle, examine the two cubes to find Medicine x2 and Revival Bead.

Approach the front doors and select 'Yes' to leave the area.

On the map, proceed Southwest until you reach Yoyogi Park.

o--------o o-------------o

o-| I - iv |-------------------------------------------(Fw004)-| Yoyogi Park |

o--------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Chakra Drop - Dis-Poison

- Life Drop - Life Drop

The Pixie will tell you it's time to say goodbye. You now have the option of

getting rid of Pixie or keeping her. If you get rid of her, you get the Ankh

Megatama. If you keep her, you can unlock a special area later in the game.

Note that the Ankh Megatama can simply be purchased later, so keeping Pixie

is obviously going to be the preferable option. To keep her choose the


"I hope not"

"I need you"

Afterwards, go forward and examine the cube to receive a Chakra Drop. Head

North up the stairs and follow the path to the end, in the door you'll find

another cube with Dis-Poison inside. Leave and go all the way South, entering

the door at the end. Open the cube to find Life Stone x2, then enter the

South door. This is a Fountian of Life, you can pay to heal yourself as well

as revive characters and remove the curse status here so keep that in mind.

Return to the entrance and leave the area.

Head South until you find Shibuya, and enter.

o-------o o---------o

o-| I - v |------------------------------------------------(Fw005)-| Shibuya |

o-------o o---------o

- Items:

- Dis-Charm - Dis-Charm

- 1000 Macca

Go up from where you enter to find an entrance to the underground mall. Head

down there, there are numerous doors here with many locations, such as a

Fountain of Life, Junk Shop, Cathedral of Shadows and Terminal. The Junk Shop

sells two Magatamas, Iyomante and Shiranui, it is unlikely you can afford both

at this point but that is no matter. Pick up whatever you need and be on your


The Cathedral of Shadows allows you to fuse your demons, but it's not

something you really need to worry about right now. Head to the terminal and

save your game. Enter the room beside the terminal and open the chest to

receive an item. Go back upstairs to the intersection and take the

underground mall access on the right side. Take the North branch, then go

East, then North again at the mop-demon. There are three red doors here, the

one on the East side has a cube inside, but also a forced battle against a

Beast Nekomata. Use Zio, as she is weak to electricity. Open the cube to

receive Dis-Charm x2. Return to the fork with the mop-demon and go South,

follow this path up the stairs to find a Mystical Chest with an item inside.

Now return to the stairs on the right of the outdoor intersection where you

first started. Before descending the stairs to an even lower level, you can

speak with the blue soul between the two staircases to trigger a battle. A

very easy battle. Afterwards, descend the staircase to a lower level.

Take the South branch and enter the door at the end. A cube in here contains

1000 Macca. Return to the fork and go North this time, follow it all the way

to the end and enter the door. Watch the scene that occurs here. After, talk

to the demon and choose to do something naughty (fight her) to receive some

information. Return to the intersection on the surface; a new demon has

appeared. He'll tell you something important when you talk to him, so do so

and then head to the terminal Choose 'Yes' and enter.

Watch the scene and then save your game. When you believe you are prepared,

select talk and then choose 'Yes.'

o--------o o---------------o

o-| I - vi |-----------------------------------------(Fw006)-| Amala Network |

o--------o o---------------o

-- Items:

- Dis-Stone - Bead

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Mazan Rock - Chakra Drop

Follow the path North and go through the door. When you come to a fork,

face the fork and take the left branch. In the next screen you'll see a cube,

open the cube to get Dis-Stone and then take the right branch, do not go down

the path beyond the cube. Run to the end of the hall, watch a quick scene and

head up the stairs. Follow the path until you reach the next fork, go left

(East) and into the door to find a cube containing a Bead. Go back to the

fork and go right (West), then continue in that direction until you encounter

another event.

Since the stairs are blocked, take the only path leading East. You'll come to

a three way branch. North is a healing room, East is a save point, and South

is where to continue on. When you head South, you'll find a door leading

South and another down the hall to the East. Head down the East hall and go

through the door.

At this fork, the left branch is the one you want to take, but get the cube

first; it contains Life Stone x2. At the next fork, go left. At the one after

that, go left again and enter the door. Watch the scene here. Afterwards,

return to the staircase that just opened. While running through the fork

areas, if you happen to take the wrong one, simply run to the end of the hall,

then turn around and you will find yourself at the beginning again. From

there, it is easy to backtrack to the stairs. (Save your game on the way.)

When you get upstairs, run to the end of the hall and go into the door.

Go left at the first fork, and then go right at the second. You will soon

come across a 4-way split, continue in the same direction. Continue to go in

that direction right to the end and through the door, then watch the scene.

After the scene, run West one map, then West another map to find yourself at

the 4-way split again. This time head left (South) to the end where you'll

find another fork, go left (East) and into the door. Take the stairs to the

next level. Go left at the first fork. Run forward, ignoring the branch

until you come to a 4-way split. Go left and follow the path all the way to a

staircase. At the bottom you'll find a cube containing a Mazan Rock and a

Chakra Drop, as well as a chest. The bottom cube will only damage your party.

Continue through the door. From this point head North, and then go right

(East) at the 4-way split. Take the first path branching North that you come

to. At the next fork go right (East) and follow that path up the stairs.

Continue along the path until you reach another fork. The left branch (East)

leads directly to a door with a save point, if you continue down the path past

that door you'll reach a healing room. Use both. Return to the fork and take

the right (West) path this time.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Specter (x6) |

| At the start of this battle, focus your most | HP: 148 |

| powerful physical attacks on one enemy at a | MP: 100 |

| time. On their third turn, all the enemies | Macca: 160 |

| will unite into a larger enemy, and it will be | EXP: 100 |

| more powerful depending on how many small | |

| specters are still alive. It is strong | Physical.....N/A |

| against all elements, so your raw power is | Fire.........Strong |

| going to make more of a difference here. The | Ice..........Strong |

| most important thing is getting rid of as many | Electricity..Strong |

| specters as possible right to start, so you | Force........Strong |

| aren't completely overwhelmed by the end. | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........N/A |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Before going into the door, take the left path again and save your game.

Proceed through the large white exit.

o---------o o--------------------o

o-| I - vii |-----------------------------------(Fw007)-| Labyrinth of Amala |

o---------o o--------------------o

-- Items:

- Candelabrum of Sovereignty

You will be transported to a very odd place. Move forward and examine the

peephole to trigger a scene. After the scene, you will be transported to

Ginza for real. Save your game and leave.

o----------o o-------o

o-| I - viii |-----------------------------------------------(Fw008)-| Ginza |

o----------o o-------o

-- Items:

- Repulse Bell

You seem to be in some kind of underground mall. If you have the need for a

Fountain of Life, you can find one through the door to the East. Head through

the West door, then down the hall and into the first door you find leading

South. Inside you will find a cube containing a Repulse Bell. Talk to anyone

you wish in this section of Ginza, then return to the circular front hall

where you came in. Take the North door this time. Straight ahead you'll find

Rag's Jewelry, where you can trade gems for numerous things. To the West of

Rag's is a Cathedral of Shadows, where a new type of fusion, 'sacrificial

fusion', has become available. On the East side of Rag's is Nyx's Lounge, but

you can't get into the secret stash room at the moment. That's about it for

now, when you're ready to leave head to the West side of this hall and leave

through the door to the South.

On the main map, go South to a place called the Assembly of Nihilo. Enter to

see a quick scene. Afterwards, return to Ginza and enter Nyx's Lounge. Speak

to Madam Nyx at the bar to get some new information. Following this, leave

Ginza again and head East. Cross two bridges and go South to find a large set

of buildings labelled as the Harumi Warehouse, go inside.

o--------o o------------------o

o-| I - ix |--------------------------------------(Fw009)-| Harumi Warehouse |

o--------o o------------------o

-- Items:

- Muscle Drink - Makajam Rock

Enter the warehouse and grab the cube containing Muscle Drink, and the other

containing Makajam Rock. Enter the door; at the fork you'll find a terminal

to the West so save your game. To the East is a gate, open it by activating

the panel right beside it. Continue on and descend the stairs to the Great

Underpass of Ginza.

o-------o o--------------------------o

o-| I - x |-------------------------------(Fw00A)-| Great Underpass of Ginza |

o-------o o--------------------------o

-- Items:

- Maragi Rock - Maragi Rock

- Mahama Rock - Mahama Rock

- Poison Arrow - 1000 Yen Bill

- Manikin's Letter - Medicine

- Medicine - Candelabrum of Foundation

- Smoke Ball - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Soma Droplet

Head down the path until you see a quick little scene. Run to the end of the

path without turning and press X to descend the ladder. At the bottom, you

will find a cube containing Maragi Rock x2. Head back up the ladder and take

the North path branch you walked by previously, leading to where you saw the

person. Follow it to the end and descend the ladder. Another quick scene,

then ignore the first door and enter the second. Follow this path out the

next door, and the next to find yourself in a cylindrical shaped hall again.

A quick scene occurs, then run down to the bottom of the slope where the path

branches. Start by taking the West (straight ahead) branch to find a cube

containing Mahama Rock x2, then go back and take the North branch. Follow it

and enter the door for another scene.

Enter the first door to find a terminal you can use and save your game, the

second door has people you can talk to. Go down the stairs and into the

water. On the other side, parallel to this one, are two rooms with a Junk Shop

and a person you can talk to. Go back in the water and head West, going up

the sole staircase on that side. The first door contains a cube with Poison

Arrow inside; both rooms have people you can talk to. Run to the end of this

path and climb the ladder. Head in the East direction and follow the path

around; just beyond the first door, you'll find a ladder going down. Descend

it and enter the door to initiate a scene, then go back up the ladder.

Continue along the path (entering any doors if you so please) and take the

South branch when you pass it. Descend the ladder at the end and cross the

water to find a Mystical Chest. Go back up and continue West where you

previously took the South branch. A man will inform you that you cannot pass.

Remember the junk collector down the ladder to the East? Return to him now.

He will ask you if you want help getting through, obviously respond 'Yes' and

you'll be given a quest to bring him a bill. It's time to return all the way

back to Ginza and Nyx's Lounge.

When you arrive at Nyx's Lounge, speak to Loki (sitting at the table) for a

quick conversation. Leave Ginza; on the world map, note another entrance at

the Northeastern side of Ginza, enter from there. This is a secret entrance

to Loki's stash which is usually guarded, but not right now. Be sure you

saved, like I said. Approach the door and choose to unlock it. Inside you'll

find a 1000 Yen Bill. Since the door leading to Nyx's Lounge is locked, go

back out the way you came. Unfortunately, The Troll guard has returned.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Troll |

| The Troll is by no means an easy boss, even | HP: 850 |

| with some important precautions. These | MP: 150 |

| precautions include ingesting the Wadatsumi | Macca: 1000 |

| Magatama to nullify his ice attacks, as well | EXP: 100 |

| as using any skills in battle that can at | |

| least weaken the devastating power of his | Physical.....N/A |

| Mabufula spell. (Which can deal upwards of 40 | Fire.........N/A |

| damage to each character at once.) His | Ice..........Drain |

| skill is also powerful which is physical based | Electricity..N/A |

| and his attack in comparison, is weak. To | Force........N/A |

| defeat him, try using any mind based attacks | Almighty.....N/A |

| you may have (push select to show the dialogue | Expel........N/A |

| menu which tells you a skill's element) and if | Death........N/A |

| you don't have any, use Zio to try and | Curse........N/A |

| immobilize him which makes him vulnerable to | Nerve........N/A |

| critical hits, which in turn will get you more | Mind.........Weak (2.0) |

| attacks in. | |

| | |


After the battle, save you game and return to the underground manikin city to

deliver the bill to the collector.

When you arrive and hand the bill over, you will receive Manikin's Letter.

Head up and speak with the gatekeeper again. You will be granted access. At

the fork, go left (South) and follow the path. You'll get a message about

your Candelabrum, then quickly check the little area to the North to find a

cube containing Medicine x2. Speak to the manikin. At the next fork go left

(South) again, and you'll encounter a boss.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Matador |

| The Matador is an extremely hard enemy to | HP: 1000 |

| encounter at this point. I recommend no | MP: 500 |

| level lower than 18 to take on this guy. | Macca: 700 |

| His force elemental attacks will hurt, and he | EXP: 1200 |

| casts Red Capote to increase his dodging power | |

| 4x more than a normal spell. What you'll need | Physical.....N/A |

| to do before the battle is two things (besides | Fire.........N/A |

| levelling to level 18). First, go to the junk | Ice..........N/A |

| shop and buy the Hifumi Magatama, and ingest | Electricity..N/A |

| it. It nullifies force. Next, you want to | Force........Void |

| recruit an Angel (found on the surface map) | Almighty.....N/A |

| and a Pixie. (found in Ginza.) Go to the | Expel........Void |

| Cathedral of Shadows and fuse them into an | Death........Void |

| Uzume, who should be at a high level, have the | Curse........Void |

| heal spell Media, as well as being immune to | Nerve........Void |

| force. With this combination, take on the | Mind.........Void |

| Matador. If you have Fog Breath here, use it | |

| to lower his super dodging ability, then rely | |

| on physical attacks for the battle. Good luck. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Foundation.

Follow the tunnel around until it branches, head East to find a cube with

Smoke Ball inside. From here, head West and enter the door. Keep going

straight and take the North branch; follow it to the end and descend the

ladder. At the bottom, you will find a Mystical Chest. Climb the ladder and

head East until you find a branching path leading South, follow it and enter

the door. Just before the ladder going down, you'll see another door, it

leads to a terminal save point so save your game, especially if you haven't

done so since defeating the Matador. Now descend the ladder beside the save

point door. Run to the end and open the cube to find Life Stone x2, then head

into the water. Go West to the only other available staircase and climb the


Follow the path until you reach a fork, go West and enter the second door.

Follow the path to the end, and down the ladder you'll find a cube which is an

HP damage trap, and a Mystical Chest. Go back up and return to the fork. (The

one where you went West and entered the second door.) Go East this time and

descend the ladder right in front of you. Follow the linear path to the next

ladder. Enter the door at the top. Go straight and enter the first door on

your right, (North) and at the end you'll find a cube containing Medicine x2.

Go back out the two doors and take the West path to a ladder; descend it.

When you go in the water, you'll see two staircases. One on the South side

(left when facing them) and one on the North side (right when facing them).

Go up the left (South) staircase and climb the ladder, then go down the next

one. You'll be on a little ledge with a Mystical Chest. Return to the water

area and take the right (North) staircase this time. Climb the ladder, take a

few steps and go down the next one. When you get in the water, you'll again

see a left (South) and right (North) staircase. Take the left (South) one and

follow it to a terminal save point. Go back and take the right (North) one

and follow it up a ladder. When the path forks, be sure to go East and open

the cube which contains a Soma Droplet. Go back and head West into the door.

It will lead you to a ladder.

Once at the top of the ladder, you'll finally be outside, in the Zoshigaya

Cemetery. Just a bit Northwest of where you came up the ladder is a hidden

Mystical Chest. Speak to the blue soul and examine the door to exit.

To the North, you'll see a red glowing building on the left of the highway.

That's Ikebukuro; enter it.

o--------o o-----------o

o-| I - xi |---------------------------------------------(Fw00B)-| Ikebukuro |

o--------o o-----------o

-- Items:

- Bead - Repulse Bell

- Bead - Bead

Head straight down the stairs, and avoid talking to this demon (as well as

other demons here) because they will initiate combat with you. When you get

to the next map, you'll be in a large area with a couple escalators. The

room directly to your East leads out of the area, but there are five other

rooms. Four of those five include a Fountain of Life, save terminal, Cathedral

of Shadows and a Junk Shop. One thing to note is that if you talk to the

demon standing in the middle of the area, he'll ask you a question. You can

change your Reason depending on how you choose to answer. When you're done

going about your business, leave the area through the lower East door.

In this area, ascend the stairs towards the Mantra headquarters. Listen to a

few brief words and choose to enter to trigger a scene.

Soon, you'll find yourself in a cell. Start by opening the cube to receive a

Bead. Examine both sides of the cell to listen to the adjacent prisoners

speak, which will trigger the next chain of events. When you have control,

you can go South and pay a demon for info on the upcoming fights, then go

North and into the door to continue the scene.

The first demon will ask if you are ready. Select 'No' to be able to access

your menu, otherwise select 'Yes' to fight.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Orthrus |

| Orthrus isn't too hard, but don't get too | HP: 1000 |

| cocky. First of all, it is important to have | MP: 200 |

| demons and Magatama ingested that are void | Macca: 200 |

| against fire. Also having ice spells is a | EXP: 150 |

| great advantage. Use whatever ice spells you | |

| have, along with physical attacks to drain his | Physical.....N/A |

| health as much as possible. At one point | Fire.........Drain |

| during the fight, he will tell you how strong | Ice..........Weak (1.5) |

| you are and increase the power of his attacks. | Electricity..N/A |

| Remain undaunted and use the same strategy, | Force........N/A |

| remembering to heal whenever necessary. Also | Almighty.....N/A |

| note there are a number of battles in a row, | Expel........Void |

| so if someone dies now it may be more of a | Death........Void |

| problem than you think. | Curse........Strong |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Select 'Yes' to begin the next battle.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Yaksini |

| Before this fight, you should ingest Magatama | HP: 1200 |

| that are resistant to Force. Use spells like | MP: 200 |

| Zio in order to take advantage of her | Macca: 400 |

| weakness. This, in turn, will often put her in | EXP: 300 |

| a state of paralysis, which you can then | |

| switch to physical attacks and rack up the | Physical.....N/A |

| turns with critical hits. If you have anyone | Fire.........N/A |

| at all in your party weak to force, there is a | Ice..........N/A |

| good chance they will die, even if you stay | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| healed, since she has some powerful Force | Force........Void |

| based single hit attacks. So you may want to | Almighty.....N/A |

| switch them out before the battle. | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Strong |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Select 'Yes' to begin the next battle.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Thor |

| Thor is another extremely hard boss, since at | HP: 2000 |

| this point in the game, you won't have any | MP: 3000 |

| Magatama that void electric, it just makes the | Macca: 800 |

| battle even harder. His lack of weaknesses | EXP: 700 |

| also makes it a test of physical brawn. In | |

| order to win this battle,it helps to | Physical.....N/A |

| understand just how much of a difference the | Fire.........N/A |

| Attack/Defense raising/lowering spells make. | Ice..........N/A |

| Just a few casts can triple the normal damage | Electricity..Repel |

| you do, so be sure you get some off, | Force........N/A |

| especially ones that lower Thor's attack and | Almighty.....N/A |

| magic. At a certain point in the battle, | Expel........Repel |

| he'll get angry and start absolutely pounding | Death........Void |

| you; by this point you must kill him very | Curse........Strong |

| quickly to avoid certain death, so you better | Nerve........Void |

| have cast all your stat modifying spells by | Mind.........Void |

| now, becauseyou only have time to attack at | |

| this point. | |

| | |


You obtained the Magatama: Narukami

After the battle, be SURE to return to the terminal and save. Another boss

fight is coming up. At this point, what you are going to want to do is

recruit a Momunofu (the soldier demons) into your party, since they are very

physically resistant, and the upcoming boss only has physical attacks. Once

you have one in your party, return to the Mantra Headquarters; he will come

down upon you automatically.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Dante |

| Dante can be a really hard or really easy boss | HP: 2400 |

| depending on how prepared you are. To start, | MP: 3000 |

| obviously be sure to ingest the Kamudo | Macca: 800 |

| Magatama for the physical defense and the | EXP: 900 |

| extra power. Dante doesn't have anything | |

| special going for him in the defense area, | Physical.....N/A |

| so physical attacks are the way to go. You | Fire.........N/A |

| will probably want to do either of the | Ice..........N/A |

| following: Cast attack raising magic on your | Electricity..N/A |

| party, or cast some kind of negative spell on | Force........N/A |

| Dante. It doesn't matter which spell since he | Almighty.....N/A |

| will cast Holy Star to negate it, but it's | Expel........Void |

| still worth doing because that spell will use | Death........Void |

| up one of his turns. Besides that, just don't | Curse........Void |

| stop attacking, note that later in the battle, | Nerve........Void |

| when he casts provoke, it is not just dropping | Mind.........Void |

| your defense, it is also raising your attack | |

| power tremendously. (Also note that he is | |

| healing MP, not HP when using it don't worry.) | |

| You'll be surprised how simple tactics can | |

| easily win this fight. | |

| | |


After the battle, watch a quick scene, then return to save your game. Return

to the bottom of the stairs before where you fought Dante, and exit through

the East door. When you come to a fork, head North and enter the door at the

very end. You'll find yourself in a large room; there is a cube containing a

Repulse Bell in a little area to the South. After obtaining it, go out the

North door. To the East, you'll see two escalators; go up. Follow the

hallway down the South branch, (there's only really one path here,) and go

into the door at the end. Run all the way to the end of this walkway to find

a Mystical Chest. Now return to the staircase right outside Mantra HQ. Go up

to the door of Mantra HQ, but do not enter. Instead, run around to the right

(East) and follow the walkway South straight down into the door; when you

approach it, you will hear voices and trigger a battle inside. After you win,

open the Mystical Chest. Avoid the South-most cube as it is just a trap, and

open the other cube to find Bead x2. Leave the room and enter Mantra


o---------o o---------------------o

o-| I - xii |----------------------------------(Fw00C)-| Mantra Headquarters |

o---------o o---------------------o

-- Items:

- Mamudo Rock - Attract Pipe

- 3000 Macca - Candelabrum of Eternity

Head straight North. The second door on the left (West) leads to a save

terminal. Enter the first door on the right. (East) When you reach the fork,

go South and into the door; you'll find a cube here containing Mamudo Rock.

Leave the room and head straight North; enter the door and go upstairs.

Follow the hall until you find yourself in a large battle chamber. Exit the

chamber via the door on the West side. Head South at the path fork. The last

room you come to before the dead end contains a cube with Attract Pipe inside.

Return back along the hallway. When you reach the area where you first came

into this hallway (where you have a choice of a West and East door) take the

West door. You'll find yourself in an elevator, so elevate yourself to 3F.

When you exit the elevator, you'll find a North and an East door; take the

East door and follow it East. The hallway will lead you in a large linear C

shape to another elevator; you will pass by the cell you were originally

imprisoned in. When you enter, you have a single choice, 60F, so make it.

You will see a number of staircases when you exit, three to be exact. Ascend

the one in the middle to find a cube containing 3000 Macca. Go back down the

stairs and climb the upper North-most set. They will lead you up four flights

to 64F with a large door. Enter the door.

Enter the chamber and watch the scene. Whatever answer you choose here will

increase your Reason toward a particular direction. After the scene, return

to the entrance of Ikebukuro and save your game.

An optional boss fight is currently available. Read the tabbed section for

instructions on how to fight him, or skip ahead to the non-tabbed section to


At the bottom of the stairs in front of Mantra HQ is a blue soul. Speak

to it and it will tell you about a strange monk that has been hanging

around the East section. Head through the East door, go North down the

hall and into the final door at the end to find yourself in the large

room again. Go out the North door and you will get a message saying the

Candelabrum is flickering; walk a few steps forward to trigger a scene.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Daisoujou |

| This boss fight isn't so much hard as it | HP: 2500 |

| is well... long. The good side of the | MP: 800 |

| battle is that his attacks are weak, | Macca: 2000 |

| his ability to hit you can be | EXP: 2000 |

| significantly reduced, and he doesn't | |

| pull any really painful surprises. The | Physical.....Strong |

| bad part is he uses Mind based attacks, | Fire.........Strong |

| which you likely don't have Magatama to | Ice..........Strong |

| defend against, he casts instant death | Electricity..Strong |

| spells, he heals himself, and last but | Force........Strong |

| not least he halves all damage including | Almighty.....N/A |

| physical damage with the exception of | Expel........Repel |

| Almighty. You need a system. Start the | Death........Repel |

| battle and be sure one of your characters | Curse........Drain |

| has Fog Breath to lower his aim to the | Nerve........Void |

| bottom. If you can raise your dodge as | Mind.........Drain |

| well, all the better. Now his Meditation | |

| attack that he uses all the time is | |

| going to start missing rather often, | |

| which means no HP gaining as well. | |

| Secondly, use whatever attacks you have. | |

| Almighty is great but Physical will do. | |

| When he has Fog Breath cast on him to the | |

| max, HP draining physical skills will | |

| never miss and hopefully rack up a few | |

| criticals. Be sure someone can cast Media | |

| whenever needed, which can become a pain | |

| since Meditation drains your MP as well. | |

| Don't fight this battle without a few | |

| Chakra Drops. Near the end of the fight, | |

| he'll start casting a spell which allows | |

| him four consecutive turns, so even if | |

| you've had control of the battle so far, | |

| the sheer number of attacks could start | |

| to get the best of you. Therefore, lay | |

| off on the defense and hope that you can | |

| kill him off before he finally takes you | |

| out. With 2500 HP and 1/2 damage from | |

| virtually everything, this battle won't | |

| be quick one; don't be unprepared. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Eternity. Return to

the entrance and save your game.

It's time to head to the Assembly of Nihilo. Use the terminal and return to

Ginza. Leave the town; the assembly (you've been there once before) is to the


o----------o o--------------------o

o-| I - xiii |----------------------------------(Fw00D)-| Assembly of Nihilo |

o----------o o--------------------o

-- Items:

- Yellow Kila - Tetraja Rock

- Tetraja Rock - White Kila

- Dis-Mute - Dis-Stun

- Wagtail Plume - Red Kila

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Green Kila - Revival Bead

- Sacred Water - Candelabrum of Dignity

- Soma Droplet

Enter the Assembly and go East. Take the elevator down to B2F. (B1F has two

cubes, both empty.) Enter the large core at the centre of the room. You'll

be given a choice of two things, your choice adds points towards your Reason.

After the scene, leave the large core room through the South door. Follow

the hallway to the end and enter the elevator. Your only choice here is B10F

so make it. Run to the end of the hall and go thorugh the door. You'll have

to fight a couple of simple enemies here, but it's nothing compared to what

you've faced recently. After the fight, you obtain the Yellow Kila. To the

West is a save terminal; use it. When you're ready to proceed, take the

North door.

You will find yourself in a very odd looking area with connected square rooms.

The switches rotate the rooms and create new passages. You are free to

experiment with it however you wish if you're looking to enjoy the puzzle, but

if you're stuck or wish to proceed quickly, use the following instructions:

(Instructions start from the very bottom square room you appear in when you

enter this area, when it says 'North' it means go North to the next room and

no further, one room at a time)

1. North

2. North

3. Operate the switch

4. South

5. West

6. Open the cube (Tetraja Rock x2)

7. North

8. North

9. Operate the switch

10. East

11. North (All the way to the very end)

At the end, you will encounter an enemy.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Eligor |

| In order to defeat Eligor, you need to take | HP: 700 |

| advantage of his weakness to electricity. | MP: 200 |

| He has the ability to summon monsters, but | Macca: 100 |

| ignore tham and just focus your attacks on | EXP: 200 |

| Eligor. Be sure to avoid any kind of Physical | |

| hit if you can help it. You fight Eligor a | Physical.....Strong |

| total of four times; each time he is able to | Fire.........N/A |

| summon a different kind of enemy. | Ice..........N/A |

| | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| Fights with: | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| Dis | Expel........Strong |

| HP: 198 | Death........Void |

| MP: 117 | Curse........N/A |

| Macca: 130 | Nerve........N/A |

| EXP: 106 | Mind.........N/A |

| | |


After the battle, open the cube to find White Kila. Head back South as far as

you can. (Note the instructions start from the square box you will find

yourself in when you go as far South as you can, without changing directions:)

1. East

2. South

3. South

4. Descend ladder

You are now on the lower level, from the square room right where you appear:

1. North

2. West

3. South

4. (Optional: South to save, return to this room)

5. West

6. Operate the switch

7. East

8. North

9. East

10. Operate the switch

11. West

12. West

13. North

14. Operate the switch

15. South

16. East

17. North (All the way until you enter the first door)


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Eligor |

| In order to defeat Eligor, you need to take | HP: 700 |

| advantage of his weakness to electricity. | MP: 200 |

| He has the ability to summon monsters, but | Macca: 100 |

| ignore tham and just focus your attacks on | EXP: 200 |

| Eligor. Be sure to avoid any kind of Physical | |

| hit if you can help it. You fight Eligor a | Physical.....Strong |

| total of four times; each time he is able to | Fire.........N/A |

| summon a different kind of enemy. | Ice..........N/A |

| | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| Fights with: | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| Yaka | Expel........Strong |

| HP: 150 | Death........Void |

| MP: 81 | Curse........N/A |

| Macca: 80 | Nerve........N/A |

| EXP: 55 | Mind.........N/A |

| | |


After defeating the second Eligor, run to the North end of the hall and take

the East branch, then enter the first door on the right (South) you come to.

Inside, you will find a cube with Dis-Mute. Leave the room and go through

the door to the North. You'll soon find yourself at a 4-way split. Two

branches have treasure, run to the end of the West branch (do not stray off

the main path) to find a cube with Dis-Stun. Return to the 4-way and take

the East branch this time; at the end, enter the room to the South to find a

Mystical Chest, if you choose to do this you'll have to fight yet another


Return to the 4-way split and go North. All the way North will lead you to a

save terminal. Head West of the save terminal door. Near the end of the

hallway, enter the door leading South to find a cube containing Wagtail

Plume. Return to the save point and head East this time. At the end of the

hallway, examine the door and enter. Grab the cube that contains Red Kila.

When you try to leave...


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Berith |

| Berith is a slightly harder version of Eligor. | HP: 1000 |

| Use ice attacks if you have them and the same | MP: 103 |

| basic tactic. What really makes him harder | Macca: 600 |

| is actually the Succubi he has with him; they | EXP: 1000 |

| are able to confuse your characters, which | |

| will almost certainly lead to your downfall. | Physical.....Strong |

| Ending this battle as quickly as possible is | Fire.........Drain |

| the key to victory. | Ice..........Weak (1.5) |

| | Electricity..N/A |

| Fights with: | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| Succubus | Expel........Void |

| HP: 300 | Death........Void |

| MP: 220 | Curse........Void |

| Macca: 300 | Nerve........Void |

| EXP: 500 | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Return to the Southern exit of this whole area. (Don't forget to save.)

Again, head all the way South until you cannot go South anymore; you'll be in

one of the square rooms again.

1. West

2. North

3. Operate the switch

4. East

5. East

You are now on the lower level. From the square room right where you appear:

1. Move North (Demon changes switch)

2. Jump off

3. South

4. South

5. West

6. Climb ladder

7. South

8. Demon changes switch

9. North

10. Descend ladder

11. East

12. North

13. West

14. Climb ladder

15. Operate switch

16. Descend ladder

17. East

18. South

19. West

20. Climb ladder

21. South

22. East

23. East

24. North

25. North

26. North

27. North

28. West

29. Operate the switch

30. East

31. South

32. South

33. South

34. South

35. West

36. West

37. West

38. West (You should be in the bottom right corner, in case you're lost)

39. North

40. North

41. Open the cube (Life Stone x3)

42. South

43. South

44. East

45. East

46. West

47. North

48. Demon changes switch

At this point, I'm going to choose to stop step by step instructions because

they'll go to about 200, and it's pretty simple. From here, what you want to

do is go to the switch at the upper right (Northeast) corner and activate it.

When you do, it will create a path to the upper left (Northwest) switch that

the demon screwed up, so go back to that one and operate it. When you do,

you'll have to go all the way back to the upper right (Northeast) corner and

operate that switch to finally have a path to the top. It's a lot of work,

but I guarantee there will be a path available. Make your way to the middle

square at the Northmost area. Enter the door.

Follow the hallway around to the West; you'll find yourself in a large area

with a hefty number of doors. Ignore them and go directly into the West door.

After you enter it, the next door you come to leading North is a save

terminal. USE IT! From the save point door, head West; when you come to a

fork, go left again. When you come to another fork, go South. There is a

cube here with 3000 Macca inside. Leave the room and go all the way North.

In the chamber, you'll find a cube containing absolutely nothing. Leave the

room to trigger a scene. Chase the demon back to the large room with all the

doors. He's hiding in the third door on your left (West).


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Kaiwan (x3) |

| Be sure you bring a character with Fog Breath | HP: 650 |

| into this battle, or any skill that increases | MP: 288 |

| your party's ability to dodge. The instant | Macca: 500 |

| death spells are no laughing matter, until | EXP: 400 |

| you dodge them and the enemy loses all its | |

| press turns. Use physical attacks, and charge | Physical.....N/A |

| them with skills like Focus; they only have | Fire.........Void |

| 650 HP, and each time one is defeated, the | Ice..........Void |

| battle just gets that much easier. So be as | Electricity..Void |

| offensive as you can right at the beginning | Force........Void |

| when it's most dangerous. | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........N/A |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Strong |

| | Nerve........Strong |

| | Mind.........Strong |

| | |


After the battle you receive the Green Kila.

Return to the square room puzzle area, and climb the ladders back up to B10F.

When you reach the central room with the four coloured slots, be sure to go

West and save your game before doing anything. If you happen to be lost,

remember this room is just South of the square room puzzle on B10F.

Examine each of the four coloured stations and put the respective Kilas in. A

big circular ramp will open up along the edge of the wall, so descend down to

the bottom and enter the door. Go down the hall, and when you come to a fork,

head West. At the nest fork go South, then West. At the end here where the

path turns North, enter the room to the South. Inside is a cube with a Revival

Bead. Exit the room and go all the way North into another room to find a cube

containing Sacred Water. Return to the fork near the entrance to B14F and

take the East path this time. Run to the end, and follow the hall North.

Ignore the path branching West and enter the first door you pass; inside is a

Mystical Chest. Now return and go down that West path you ignored, then head

North when it forks. At the end, you'll find an elevator. Take it to B15F.

Be absolutely sure that you're ready to enter the door on the East side, and

save your game. When you're ready, head South to trigger a scene.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Ose |

| This boss is easy if, and only if, you get a | HP: 3800 |

| goodsystem going; something I didn't have my | MP: 500 |

| first two tries. To start, fuse some high | Macca: 3000 |

| level demons; elemental weaknesses aren't too | EXP: 1200 |

| important, physical resistance matters most. | |

| When you fight the battle, get a system going | Physical.....N/A |

| where you have some good magic attacks and | Fire.........N/A |

| good physical attacks. Start the battle with | Ice..........N/A |

| your strongest either magical or physical | Electricity..N/A |

| attacks. (And use Focus if you have it.) What | Force........N/A |

| you do in each successive turn depends on what | Almighty.....N/A |

| the boss does. If the boss uses Focus and | Expel........Void |

| does his big sword slash against your whole | Death........Void |

| party, you'll need to cast Media and then do | Curse........Strong |

| pretty much the same thing as the beginning. | Nerve........Strong |

| Now, if he uses either one of his physical/ | Mind.........Strong |

| magical protections you have to be careful. | |

| If he uses physical protection obviously use | |

| only magic attacks, and vice versa. Note the | |

| skills only last one turn so everything you do | |

| should be based on the enemies' previous turn. | |

| If he casts his agility up spell, you may want | |

| to rely on normal physical attacks with Focus, | |

| rather than something like Focus + Lunge. | |

| Since there isn't any weakness to exploit, | |

| it's your job to come up with a system that | |

| willwork and continue to work until he dies, | |

| since he has at least 1000 more HP than any | |

| boss so far. Fortunately for you, he doesn't | |

| seem to have any backup super attacks for when | |

| he gets close to death; his basic pattern | |

| remains pretty constant from start to finish. | |

| | |


You received the Magatama: Anathema

After the scene when you're on the map, head North to Ginza and take the Amala

Network to Ikebukuro. Run up and enter Mantra HQ to trigger a scene. The

choice you make during the scene can affect your overall Reason.

Enter Mantra HQ and go West. Straight ahead of you is the elevator; take it

to the basement. Enter the door on the left of the demon, the second cell

contains a Mystical Chest. Leave and enter the door to the right of the

demon. An event occurs you you do.

Run to the end of the cells; if you have more than 25 strength you can open

the door and get the Magatama Gaea.

Return to the elevator and go to 1F. At the Northeast corner of this floor,

(not the stairwell, East of that) there is a room with an exit protected by

two guards. Head there now. Speak with the guards then return to the

elevator and take it to 3F. Run along the path to the other elevator; the

cells are now open so you can get the Mystical Chest in the North-most one.

Enter the elevator and take it to 60F, then return to see Gozu-Tennoh on

64F again. Enter the room for a scene. After witnessing that, leave to see

another scene.

With the recents events that have passed, you are now able to go through the

previously guarded door on 1F. Return to the entrance to Ikebukura and save

your game!

An optional boss fight is currently available. Read the tabbed section for

instructions on how to fight him, or skip ahead to the non-tabbed section to


When you're out on the map, walk onto the large highway and begin heading

South on it. You should already have received a message about the

Candelabrum, assuming you defeated Daisoujou. Part way down the highway

you will automatically be attacked by him.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Hell Biker |

| Despite his hard exterior and his | HP: 3000 |

| rebellious nature, with the right | MP: 1000 |

| preparation the biker won't give you any | Macca: 2500 |

| trouble. The most important tactic of | EXP: 2500 |

| this battle occurs before battle; I can't | |

| stress enough the importance of having | Physical.....N/A |

| one character immune to Force and one | Fire.........Void |

| immune to Fire. He has one attack of each | Ice..........N/A |

| type he uses at least half the time and | Electricity..N/A |

| since they both hit you're entire party, | Force........Drain |

| he'll lose many press turns this way. | Almighty.....N/A |

| Besides that, physical is mostly the way | Expel........Void |

| to go. As always, charge up with Focus, | Death........Void |

| always be ready to heal his physical | Curse........Void |

| wheel spinning attack. There's no real | Nerve........Void |

| point in using status affecting skills | Mind.........Void |

| since he can negate them, but if you're | |

| looking for another way to waste his | |

| turns it's always an option. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Dignity. Return

and save your game.

Outside of Mantra HQ, get on the highway and take it as far as it goes. When

you get off, head West through the damaging red stuff as far West as you can

go. You'll find a little town area with a cube; open it to receive Soma

Droplet. Go back East a little bit until you're between the two damaging

areas, then go South down a little slope. The path here leads West and around

pretty much straight to your destination; a little building edged by the

damaging red stuff. Enter the Kabukicho Prison.

o---------o o------------------o

o-| I - xiv |-------------------------------------(Fw00E)-| Kabukicho Prison |

o---------o o------------------o

-- Items:

- Umugi Stone - Spoon

Head East right when you enter to save your game. Head to the Northeast

corner for a quick scene. Afterwards, return to the main area and another

scene will trigger. Return to where you saw the Naga for the first time for

a quick conversation and an easy normal battle. For defeating the Naga you get

the Umugi Stone which, allows you to enter the portal; do so.

Return to the main area, speak to any of the manikins in the cells you wish,

then go South and take the West path. Descend the ladder at the end. On this

floor, run to the end of the hall and take the ladder down again. Again, same

thing, find the ladder at the end of the hall. When you reach 4F, run

straight North and try to speak with the manikin in the cell. Choose 'Yes' to

talk to him. Run West and then North; use the Umugi Stone on the Mysterious

Wall. Head South, then East. When you're almost at the gate, you'll see a hole

to the South; jump down it. Just West and East of where you land are two panels

which will open gates. Activate them, then descend the ladder to the South.

Press the switch right in front of you. Head East, North, West, North, East

and climb the stairs. At the top, the path will lead to a gate which you can

open. Unlock it and head West (save your game.)

Follow the hallway East back to the second floor. Approach the Mysterious

Wall and use the Umugi Stone. Head straight South and descend the ladder. If

you examine your map, you will see that there are three ladders on the South

side. You want the one in the middle, so go around and descend it. Head up a

little; to the West is the Collector Manikin, the one you recognize from the

Great Underpass, so speak to him to receive the Spoon. Take a few steps East

and jump down the hole, then a few steps West and jump down the next one.

Speak to the manikin who asked for the spoon. Head West and North and use the

Umugi Stone on the wall. Go to where the manikin's cell was and jump down the

hole he created. Follow the hallway to the stairs; on your way down the hall,

open the gate via the panel on the West side. Continue South and climb the

ladder at the bottom. Straight ahead of you is a save point; use it. Go back

down the ladder and through the gate you opened up. Use the Mysterious Wall

to return to the mirage world. Now that the gate to the East is open, go

through it. Head South and descend the ladder. Make your way North here; a

manikin will speak to you. When you're ready, enter the door and watch the



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Mizuchi |

| The first step to success in this fight is the | HP: 4800 |

| ingesting of the Wadatsumi Magatama prior to | MP: 500 |

| the battle. In the actual battle, make sure | Macca: 1500 |

| one of your characters has some decent fire | EXP: 1000 |

| magic to exploit his weakness and get some | |

| extra turns. He has the ability to remove | Physical.....N/A |

| negative status effects, but he doesn't seem | Fire.........Weak (1.5) |

| to use it often, so feel free to lower his | Ice..........Void |

| defense for some extra damage. Even if he does | Electricity..Drain |

| knock it away, he's just wasting a turn. | Force........N/A |

| Defense wise you should be fine with the hero | Almighty.....N/A |

| immune to ice. By now, you might have the | Expel........Void |

| next level of healing spell, but even Media | Death........Void |

| will suffice. The real frustrating parts of | Curse........N/A |

| this boss lie in his HP total, and the Macca | Nerve........N/A |

| you'll drop from spending a good amount of | Mind.........N/A |

| time panicked. | |

| | |


You received the Magatama: Miasma

When the mirage disappears, you can open all the Mystical Chests in the room.

Take the door leading North for a scene. After that, go into the room on the

right for another. Your choice has an effect on your Reason. Head South to

find all the manikins standing together to thank you a final time. When all

is said and done, go South and save your game. Use the terminals and return

to Ginza. A scene occurs when you arrive.

After the scene, return to Ikebukuro. You're approaching a dark area, so be

sure to pick up a few Light Balls at the shop while you're here. When you're

ready, take the exit out of the Mantra HQ that leads to the highway. Go

South, but not on the highway. Go around, and enter the building below

labelled as East Ikebukuro Station.

o--------o o------------------o

o-| I - xv |--------------------------------------(Fw00F)-| Ikebukuro Tunnel |

o--------o o------------------o

-- Items:

- Dekaja Rock - Light Ball

- Soma Droplet - Medicine

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Muscle Drink

- Bead

Follow the linear path around to the stairs and head to B2F. Run straight

ahead; you'll find tracks on your left and right side. Follow the right

(North) tracks. When you enter the next area, along the tracks it's pitch

dark. Use one of the Light Balls to light you path. Enter the hole in the

North part of the wall to find a Mystic Chest. Go back and follow the South

tracks this time (follow them West) to the next area. Go past the demon to

find a terminal. Go directly West from the terminal room right to the end.

Descend the ladder. Leave the room and run directly across to the next one

to find a cube with Dekaja Rock inside. Ignore the ladder for now; leave the

room and take the North branch. At the first fork, take the North path again.

Grab the cube containing an Attack Mirror and turn around immediately. (Any

further and you'll fall through a hole.) Go back South to the fork and enter

the West door. Continue West and down the ladder.

Leave the room; when you reach a fork go South and follow it (don't walk onto

the damaging smoke) to a terminal room where you can save your game. After

you do, return to the fork where you went South and go North this time. When

the path curves, you'll see a door to the North; enter it. Climb the ladder

inside. Go down the hall, ignoring the first branch North. Take the second

branch. Inside the room you'll see a lot of smoke and a safe spot on the

other side; run to that safe spot and you'll drop down. Run down the hall;

when it curves West you'll see a Mystical Chest down a Southern branch. Get

the chest but go no further! Another hole is beyond it. Instead, run across

the smoke and be sure you're fully healed before entering the door. When he

tells you to come here, say 'N-no Way' to fight him.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Sui-Ki |

| Miasma is the Magatama you're going to want | HP: 3500 |

| for this battle, and it'll save your life. | MP: 1500 |

| Fire based magic is going to be one of your | Macca: 3000 |

| only sources of damage here. Since physical | EXP: 1000 |

| attacks are halved, exploit his weakness as | |

| much as possible. He has no way of removing | Physical.....Strong |

| negative status effects, so use any and all | Fire.........Weak (1.5) |

| have. I recommend minimizing his defense so | Ice..........Drain |

| that you can at least cut down that HP without | Electricity..Strong |

| expending every last point of MP you have. | Force........Strong |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Leave the room and fall down the hole to the South, past the Mystic Chest.

From where you land, head South and grab the cube containing Light Ball. Go

all the way North. The cube here contains a surprise battle against three

trolls. Run all the way East and open the cube to find a Soma Droplet. Head

all the way South now, and go East to find a cube containing Medicine. Go

South, then East to find another cube with Life Stone x3. Head South and

climb the ladder. Run East along the red smoke and go South immediately at

the other end. Save your game here, then leave. Head North along the path,

you'll come to a West branch, ignore it. You'll come to a North branch,

ignore it. You'll come to another West branch, be sure to take it, otherwise

you'll fall into a hole.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Kin-Ki |

| A Magatama with physical resistance is what | HP: 3000 |

| you want for this battle. This can be very | MP: 2000 |

| very diffucult if you don't have a lot of | Macca: 3000 |

| powerful magic. His resistances are odd; his | EXP: 1000 |

| weaknesses aren't actually 'weaknesses'. He | |

| will take 150% damage, but it won't register | Physical.....Strong |

| as a weakness. Similarly, his strength | Fire.........Weak (1.5) |

| againstphysical attacks is more than just 50% | Ice..........Weak (1.5) |

| it's actually as much as 90% damage reduction; | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| they are useless. You must absolutely use all | Force........Weak (1.5) |

| the magic you have, as well as magic boosting | Almighty.....N/A |

| skills like Makakaja. (Found on the Mizuchi | Expel........Void |

| enemies in the prison if you need it.) Near | Death........Void |

| the end of the fight, he will be going at you | Curse........Void |

| with four consecutive turns, weakening you | Nerve........Void |

| with each spell. Never has there been a | Mind.........Void |

| better time for a brutal (magical) offensive. | |

| | |


Check your map, and return to the save point in the Southern-middle area of

this floor to save you game. Afterwards, head North. When the path branches

West, take the first North path you find. Climb the ladder at the end. Along

the path on the next floor, take the first North branch and go up the ladder

surrounded by damaging floor. Start heading South and take the West branch.

(continue South to a save point if you didn't already use one.) You'll soon

come to a door, where if you enter you will automaticlly be kicked out, so go

around it by heading North. Follow that path West, then down and immediately

West again. When you reach the tracks head South. Continue South until you

find a cube; it contains a Muscle Drink. You are currently on the East set

of tracks; go up the little set of stairs and get onto the West tracks, then

go North into the tunnel. When you come to a hole in the wall, head West,

then North at the fork. You'll cross some damaging floor and at the end
you'll face yet another boss. (Don't agree to give him money; he just keeps

it and gives you nothing.)


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Fuu-Ki |

| A Force null Magatama is your best equip here. | HP: 3500 |

| Exploit his weakness to Electricity if you can | MP: 1000 |

| do so. Putting him into a state of either | Macca: 3000 |

| shock paralysis or freeze is your main goal | EXP: 1000 |

| here so you can get off some massive damage. | |

| (Upwards of 400-500 with a Focus + Lunge | Physical.....Strong |

| attack.) Use spells that raise your magic and | Fire.........N/A |

| lower his defense. Similar to the last enemy, | Ice..........N/A |

| this is a straightforward battle, but that | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| doesn't make it easy. The more Force immune | Force........Drain |

| demons you have backing up, the easier it is. | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After you defeat the boss, return to the save point. The door just West of

the save point you couldn't enter before is now accessable.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Ongyo-Ki |

| I can imagine this being the hardest boss ever | HP: 5500 |

| if you don't know what you're doing, but | MP: 1500 |

| that's what this guide is for. First of all, | Macca: 10,000 |

| you can pretty much equip any Magatama you | EXP: 5000 |

| want, because you likely aren't even going to | |

| get hit. Here's exactly what you need: One | Physical.....N/A |

| character with Rakunda, one character with | Fire.........N/A |

| Fog Breath and two heavy hitters; physical, | Ice..........N/A |

| magical, whatever. Here's the other important | Electricity..N/A |

| thing, you must fight him with Kagutsuchi at | Force........N/A |

| full. The reason for this is at full, the | Almighty.....N/A |

| real Ongyo will always have a little circle | Expel........Void |

| shadow below him. There's the trick. The | Death........Void |

| entire battle consists of this. One person | Curse........Void |

| uses Rakunda every turn, one character uses | Nerve........Void |

| Fog Breath every three turn (or more) and two | Mind.........Void |

| other characters take care of the massive | |

| damage you're going to have to rack up on this | |

| guy. (Which usually means Focus + physical.) | |

| He will use every turn to cast a number of | |

| bonuses on himself and remake his | |

| doppelgangers. There might be the odd time | |

| he attacks instead (very rare) which could be | |

| pretty harsh if you've let him max out his | |

| attack, but heal if necessary. It's very | |

| easy to see the strategy yourself once you get | |

| this simple little setup going. | |

| | |


After the battle, enter the room to the West and get the cube containing Bead.

Also open the other cube and:

You received the Magatama: Murakumo

From here, head West to the track platform, then go up the stairs then out of

the station entirely. On the world map, head to Asakusa, the large town

Northwest of where you appear.

o---------o o---------o

o-| I - xvi |----------------------------------------------(Fw010)-| Asakusa |

o---------o o---------o

-- Items:

- Magic Mirror - Attract Pipe

- 3000 Macca - Candelabrum of Compassion

Assuming you've completed the first and second Kalpa (Labyrinth of Amala) and

witnessed the scene at the entrance of the Third Kalpa, you will be able to

fight another Fiend. By 'able' I mean he will pester you for the rest of the

game if you don't defeat him now. Approach the save terminal to initiate the

fight. Continue to the non-tabbed section if you have not completed the

requirements to meet him.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o White Rider |

| Before fighting the White Rider, be sure | HP: 4000 |

| to equip the Ankh Magatama on your main | MP: 1500 |

| character. When the battle starts, he | Macca: 3000 |

| will summon two Virtue enemies to help | EXP: 5000 |

| him. He is able to kill off party | |

| members in one hit, and his Virtues can | Physical.....N/A |

| lower your stats dramatically. With | Fire.........Void |

| these two things in mind, you can see how | Ice..........N/A |

| important it is to end this battle | Electricity..N/A |

| quickly. To do so, use numerous | Force........N/A |

| attack raising and defense lessening | Almighty.....N/A |

| spells, as well as full party targeting | Expel........Void |

| Force spells to get more turns. (The | Death........Void |

| Virtues are weak to Force.) Use Focus | Curse........Void |

| and physical attacks to dish out as much | Nerve........Void |

| damage as possible, and remember while | Mind.........Void |

| 4000 is a lot, it's nothing you haven't | |

| seen before. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Compassion. Return

and save your game.

Following this battle, another Fiend is immediately available. Head to

the Great Underpass of Ginza and leave the terminal to trigger it.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Red Rider |

| Similar to the White Rider, the Red Rider | HP: 4300 |

| relies on the help of two allies to | MP: 1700 |

| defeat you. Start by equipping some Mind | Macca: 3000 |

| resistant Magatama and enter the battle. | EXP: 5000 |

| Ignore his helpers, that's what I | |

| suggest. You can't really rely too much | Physical.....N/A |

| on negative status inducing spells, since | Fire.........N/A |

| he can negate them, but anything like Fog | Ice..........N/A |

| Breath or quick low MP spells like | Electricity..Void |

| Rakunda can be useful to waste his turns, | Force........Void |

| and the effects still apply on your turn. | Almighty.....N/A |

| Watch out for his Terror Blade, it's the | Expel........Void |

| worst of his attacks that can wipe out | Death........Void |

| your party if he's been getting a lot of | Curse........Void |

| attack boosts. (War Cry is a good way to | Nerve........Void |

| knock those down a notch or two.) Rely | Mind.........Void |

| on Physical and magic skills besides | |

| Electricity, and never let him get his | |

| attack too high. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Insight. Return

and save your game. Head back to Asakusa.

Enter the save terminal for a quick scene. Visit any shops and such you need

to, then head North. Go all the way North and exit this section of Asakusa

to the East. Enter the next section across the bridge on the map.

Note: In this area, in the Southeast room is a game you can play to

receive a Magatama. The game is very challenging and complicated, and

I have little intention of trying to explain it through text. I highly

recommend trying to play this game yourself. It's quite fun,

reminiscent of the old Gameboy puzzle games like Kwirk. One more thing

to note though, if you are here because you are having trouble with it

and have even consulted the official strategy guide, you are correct in

checking, because the guide's answer is wrong on puzzle 20. Here is a

correction provided kindly by jayntampa:

Step 4. Instead of Left 1 should be Right 1.

Step 16. Should be down 1 into the hole instead of up 1.

Step 33. (just Typo should be 180 degrees)

Step 34. Should be 90 to the left.

Step 35. Should be down 5.

Step 37. Should be down 5 into the hole.

Follow the hallway until you come to a branch leading North; take it. At the

next fork, go East and exit to the world map. Across the bridge, you'll find

a cube containing Magic Mirror. Go back in and follow the hallway to the end

without taking any branching paths. Exit to the map and head Southwest to the

next section. Head as far North as you can; you'll find two doors. One room

has a cube with Attract Pipe, the other with 3000 Macca. Go back South and

take the first East branch you come to; it'll lead you onto the world map

again. Enter the large building labelled Mifunashiro. Head North to trigger

an event. After the scene, return to the very first, main area of Asakusa.

(Don't forget that since you've already gone through, the map will make

navigating the return trip rather easy.)

This time, take the West exit out of Asakusa and enter the West section of

town. Speak to the manikin at the bottom of the stairs. Go just past him and

enter the door to the East for a scene. Afterwards, Hijiri is done his work

with the terminal, so return to the main area and speak with him. When the

conversation ends, return to Ginza. Leave Ginza and head East across the

bridge, but instead of going South, go North this time and go all the way

along the highway. At the end, you'll find a cube on the West side with a

battle against a Succubus inside. Just North of that is the other section

to the Assembly of Nihilo; enter it.

o----------o o--------------------o

o-| I - xvii |----------------------------------(Fw011)-| Assembly of Nihilo |

o----------o o--------------------o

-- Items:

- Medicine - Tetraja Rock

- Bead - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- 10,000 Macca

Go North and enter the elevator; take it to B15F. When you get off, use a

Light Ball. assuming you still have one. (Or any demons with the light

skill.) Take a few steps West, then go straight up to a room with a cube

inside, you'll find a Medicine. Leave the room and go all the way South to

find another cube containing Tetraja Rock. Return to the elevator door, go

directly East, then find the cube with a Bead inside. Head down the hall

leading South and exit the room through a door on the South wall. Follow the

linear path from here, down a REALLY long hallway leading to an elevator. Go

to 1F and you'll be in the front hall. The North door leads to a save

terminal, then West to the world map.

Go West across the bridge, then South to find a cube containing Life Stone

x3. Head South from the exit of the Assembly, then as far West as possible,

and North up the slope. At the top, you'll find a cube containing 10,000

Macca. Return to the middle and cross the large bridge to the reach the


o-----------o o-------------o

o-| I - xviii |----------------------------------------(Fw012)-| The Obelisk |

o-----------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Dis-Mute - Chakra Drop

- Chakra Drop - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Sacred Water

- Dekaja Rock - Bead

- 8000 Macca - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Medicine

- Medicine - Candelabrum of Wisdom

Head to the large pillar in the middle. Go to the Northeast corner to find a

cube with a Dis-Mute inside. From the middle, go to the West to find a save

terminal. Head North to take the elevator. Ride it up to 15F. From the

pillar in the middle of this floor, the West path leads to a dead end. Take

the East path up the elavator and follow it around to find a Mystical Chest.

The South path (from 15F) leads to an elevator; before you reach it, a scene

will occur. Afterwards, proceed up. When you reach the top, take the

staircase along the East wall and continue up the next elevator. Go up the

stairs when you get off the elevator here. You'll find a glowing sphere.

The puzzle works as such: it is based on the phases of Kagutsuchi. Touching

the glowing sphere will reset Kagutsuchi to NEW. The door will open when

Kagutsuchi reachs half. To advance Kagutsuchi under these circumstances,

you must stand on special platforms. These platforms will advance

Kagutsuchi by exactly the amount of diamonds displayed on the plaform. You

must also be directly next to the door when Kagutsuchi reaches half. Take

this puzzle for example to start:

Walk onto the platform with three diamonds after touching the glowing sphere.

Proceed West to the one diamond platform. You now are at half Kagutsuchi and

right beside the door and the puzzle is solved. That's the idea.

Proceed onward around the hall and up the stairs. Before going up the small

set of stairs leading to the elevator, head West and grab the cube containing

Chakra Drop x2. Now go up the elevator. Head East and then South to reach a

save terminal. Continue East and the path will curve North. When you come to

a West branch, take it. At the fork, go East and open the cube to find Life

Stone x4. Go West for a few steps past the path you were previously on, and

head South up the stairs. The cube here contains Sacred Water; return and

continue West. Follow the path to the end without branching and it'll lead

you to yet another cube with Dekaja Rock inside. Backtrack until you find a

branch going South, take it and follow it directly to the elevator.

On the next floor, take the path West and ride the little elevator. It will

take you down to a hall with a cube containing Bead. Go back up and follow

the path to the East this time. When the hall curves South, you'll come to a

staircase leading up with a staircase leading down just to the right (West) of

it. Take the staircase leading down. At the bottom, head as far West as you

can before going North up the next staircase. If all is well, you should find

a glowing sphere at the top. Touch the sphere.

Step on the three diamond block, followed by four diamond, two diamond, one

diamond, two diamond. Follow this path to a Mystical Chest and return. Touch

the glowing sphere and this time:

Step on the one diamond block, followed by three diamond, and four diamond.

Step off and ride the elevator up.

Go North; there are five elevators in a row here. From left to right, West to

East, labelled 1 - 5 take number 3, the centre one. Grab the Mystical Chest

and step onto the East block. Go South from where you land and step on that

block. From here, go West and take the next block. Go down the stairs and

you'll find yourself once again at the five elevators, this time take number

2, second from the left (West.) Ride the elevator at the top. When you reach

the top get onto the right (West) block. Touch the glowing sphere:

Step on the two diamond block, followed by the one diamond, four diamond, one

diamond, four diamond. Proceed South and take the first East branch you come

to. Open the cube to receive 8000 Macca and ride it back. Return to the

glowing sphere and touch it:

Step on the two diamond block, followed by the one diamond, two diamond, empty

block, three diamond. Go up and take the block across to the other side.

Head North up the stairs and you'll find another glowing sphere, touch it:

Step on the three diamond block, move back and forth from the three diamond to

the no diamond block a total of three more times to bring down the gate. Run

to the end of the path to find a Mystical Chest. Return and touch the sphere:

Step on the three diamond block, followed by the one diamond, three diamond,

one diamond. Ignore the elevator and step onto the block to the North. Here,

you'll find a save terminal as well as a Cathedral of Shadows. Ride the block

again and take the elevator to the next floor. Just head up the stairs until

you come to a fork. When you do, take the right (West) path to find a cube

containing Life Stone x2. Go back to the fork and follow the East path. Ride

the block at the end. Head South down the hallway at the fork; when you come

to another fork, proceed West. When you reach 99F via the stairs, be sure to

head South at the first fork you come to. You have the fortunate luxury of

finding a Fountain of Life here, perform any necessary healing you need.

Leave the fountain and head West.

If you wish to get some items, get on the elevator and read on, otherwise skip

the tabbed section.

Get on the elevator when you reach the top. Follow the path and head

North at your first chance. Touch the glowing sphere:

Step on the two diamond block, followed by the three diamond, two

diamond, one diamond. Run to the end of the path and grab the Mystical

Chest. Return to the glowing sphere:

Step on the one diamond block, followed by the two diamond, one diamond,

two diamond, one diamond, two diamond, three diamond. Step onto the

elevator and ride it down. Go East and run to the end of the path to

find a cube with Medicine. Turn around and head West. When you're on

the West side of the map, you'll find a cube hidden in a little area

around the middle; it contains a Medicine. Now run all the way to the

end of the hall, ignore the next cube you pass (It's a trap!/10) and open

the one at the very end. You will receive Spyglass. Return to the

elevator and ride it up, and ride up the elevator on that floor as well.

Take a few steps South from the elevator and follow the East path; follow it

without taking any branches until it changes to 103F. Once it does, take the

first branch leading North that you come to. Take it to a large block

elevator and ride it up. Follow the stairs until you reach a fork. At the

fork, head West and follow it to the very end to find a cube containing Soma

Droplet. Follow the path in the opposite direction right to the end to find

another save terminal; be sure to save your game here. Head once again in the

opposite direction, but this time take the North staircase that leads up. (Do

not mistakenly descend the one you came from, it is an upward staircase.) At

the top, ride the elevator. This fun glowing sphere puzzle leads you to three

bosses, and you cannot return to save after each one, so it may be in your

best interest to read the boss descriptions before battling. Touch the


Step on the one diamond block, followed by the no diamond block, three diamond

block. The battle begins:


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Clotho |

| A relatively easy battle awaits you here; your | HP: 2200 |

| best chance is having immunity to charm | MP: 1200 |

| attacks, but if you can kill her fast enough, | Macca: N/A |

| it won't really matter. She won't do a thing | EXP: N/A |

| about negative status effects so drop her | |

| defense to the bottom, rise your attack power | Physical.....N/A |

| and don't be surprised if you see a three hit | Fire.........N/A |

| kill here. The faster you go, the better, | Ice..........N/A |

| because she will heal a tiny bit most turns. | Electricity..N/A |

| | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, do not leave the puzzle. Step on the empty tile, then one

diamond, no diamonds, one diamond, two diamonds.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Lachesis |

| Don't be surprised if she spends the entire | HP: 2200 |

| battle building her physical attack and | MP: 1200 |

| lowering her defense, that before she's able | Macca: N/A |

| make any use of it, you've pounded her into | EXP: N/A |

| the ground. Same idea as Clotho applies here, | |

| however being a primarily physical attacker, | Physical.....N/A |

| you'll probably have an even larger advantage | Fire.........N/A |

| with a couple of Fog Breaths at the start of | Ice..........N/A |

| battle. Just be sure she's taken out before | Electricity..N/A |

| your defense/her attack min/max out. | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


Step left (East) onto the one diamond block, followed by the two diamond,

again on the (East) one diamond block.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Atropos |

| Having Electricity immunity going into this | HP: 2600 |

| battle is a great asset. Use the same basic | MP: 2000 |

| strategy here, it's a bit harder because she | Macca: N/A |

| has a little more HP, and your party is likely | EXP: N/A |

| taxed from previous battles. Nevertheless, | |

| with a few hard hits with a lowered defense, | Physical.....N/A |

| she won't stand for too long. | Fire.........N/A |

| | Ice..........N/A |

| | Electricity..N/A |

| | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, it's ok to go back and save; the puzzle will remain

complete. If you wish, you can also return down to the Fountain of Life,

though it's a long walk. Head South from where you defeated the sisters and

ride the elevator. Run to the other side of the map and take that block,

rather than the one in front of you. Head North off the elevator. Look East

and West, you can see two Mystical Chests, navigate to the chests from here.

(Which is probably easier than directions given the zig zaggedness of the

paths.) Once you have them, ride the block back up. Return to the other side

and get on the block; choose 'Yes' and be on your way.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Atropos |

| For starters, the more diverse your team's | HP: 3000 |

| elemental protection is, the better to guard | MP: 1500 |

| at least one of a multi hit spell and use up | Macca: 1000 |

| all their press turn icons. It may sound | EXP: 3000 |

| redundant to say so, but I can't stress enough | |

| the effectiveness of spells like Rakunda and | Lachesis |

| Fog Breath here. The Fog Breath will mean you | HP: 2000 |

| can pretty much use any HP skill attack and | MP: 1000 |

| not worry about it missing, and the Rakunda | Macca: 1000 |

| means it's going to do a lot. I'm not kidding | EXP: 1000 |

| when I say the final blow was struck by the | |

| protagonist with a Focus + Lunge dealing | Clotho |

| 2274 damage to Atropos. The only real | HP: 2000 |

| problem comes up when they use an anti | MP: 1000 |

| physical shield, but just use that turn to | Macca: 1000 |

| focus, heal, and be sure there are no other | EXP: 1000 |

| negative status spells to be cast. As with | |

| most similar fights in all games, the healer | (Applies to all three) |

| must go first (Clotho) followed by the lesser | |

| HP (Lachesis) and finally Atropos. Assuming | Physical.....N/A |

| you don't have to deal with any charm | Fire.........N/A |

| shenanigans, or an unexpected weakness with | Ice..........N/A |

| your main character, you'll be fine. | Electricity..N/A |

| | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


You received the Magatama: Djed

Examine the square of light and ascend. Watch the scene at the top.

Return to the terminal, save your game, and link your way back to Asakusa.

Hijiri is waiting for you, and a scene occurs when you arrive. The choice

you make when speaking to him will affect your Reason.

Now that you have completed the Obelisk, another Fiend battle has opened,

assuming you have defeated them all so far up to the Red Rider. Skip past the

tabbed section if you have not completed the requirements.

In order to find the next fiend, you need to return to where it all

started: the Shinjuku Medical Center. Head to the Annex and go to 2F.

At the Northwestern corner in room 204B, you will be called upon to



| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Black Rider |

| First of all, don't even think about | HP: 4600 |

| coming into this battle without Djed | MP: 1800 |

| Magatama equipped. Secondly, I'm going | Macca: 3000 |

| to tell you the super secret of a | EXP: 5000 |

| guaranteed win. It's nothing new, | |

| nothing special, just a simple skills: | Physical.....N/A |

| Fog Breath. With two casts of this | Fire.........Drain |

| spell, you should be dodging virtually | Ice..........N/A |

| every attack he and his legions do. | Electricity..N/A |

| Couple this with two War Cry's, and add | Force........N/A |

| the fact that he cannot remove the | Almighty.....N/A |

| effects, and the battle falls into your | Expel........Void |

| lap. Physical and magic boosts should | Death........Void |

| easily put your Focus damage into the | Curse........Void |

| quadruple digits, even without criticals. | Nerve........Void |

| even if he hits you with Soul Divide, | Mind.........Void |

| he'll waste a turn since your Djed | |

| Magatama voids it. The only hardpart I | |

| forsee is the beginning, when you haven't | |

| quite knocked his stats down to those of | |

| an infant. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Wisdom. Return

and save your game.

Return to Asakusa and speak with Hijiri to transport to the Amala Network.

o---------o o---------------o

o-| I - xix |----------------------------------------(Fw013)-| Amala Network |

o---------o o---------------o

-- Items:

- Dis-Charm - Medicine

- Life Stone - Chakra Drop

- Magic Mirror - Magic Mirror

- Revival Bead - Candelabrum of Majesty

Head North and go through the door. When you come to a 4-way split, go East.

In the next area, grab the cube containing Dis-Charm and return to the room

you were just in. Go North at the split this time. Open the cube to receive

Medicine and continue North. At the fork, take the right (Northeast) path,

then the left (North) at the next one. A scene will occur; choose any option

and continue North to the stairs. When you reach the fork on the next floor,

go South and follow it around, it will lead you to another four way split.

Down the West path is a save point; head North (From the 4-way split) after


On the next screen is another puzzle. Head North and a scene will occur, then

a wall appears behind you. Head East at the fork and follow it until another

scene occurs. Head West and and take the second branch North to find a cube

with Life Stone inside. Go East and immediately North to the next room and

climb the stairs.

When you come to a fork, it's another similar puzzle. Go East and follow the

path until you reach a cube. (And a door appears.) Open it to find a Chakra

Drop, then exit the room to the East. Head forward and go East; take the

first path West, then head North all the way to the end (open the cube to

find Magic Mirror.) Take a couple steps East and leave the room via the

North exit.

Take the West path and grab the cube on the right containing Magic Mirror.

(The one on the left is a trap.) Exit to the West. Now head forward and

take the East path. Exit North and continue North to find a save point.

Leave the room and head West to trigger a boss fight.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Specter (x6) |

| The Specter is back with a new arsenel, | HP: 980 |

| namely a little spell called Megido. | MP: 29 |

| Unfortunately for the Specter, he can only | Macca: 600 |

| cast this powerful spell with a good supply of | EXP: 2000 |

| MP, which he has no way to get other than | |

| draining it from you. The Specter will drain | Physical.....N/A |

| your MP and use it to cast its own spells. | Fire.........Void |

| The solution is just as obvious as it sounds; | Ice..........Void |

| before the fight get into a battle and drain | Electricity..Void |

| all but a little bit of MP for each character. | Force........Void |

| Set it up so that you have enough MP per | Almighty.....N/A |

| person to cast some nice status boosting | Expel........Void |

| spells on yourself and be left with no MP. | Death........Void |

| The Specter will spend the entire battle | Curse........N/A |

| draining 0 MP out of you and using weak | Nerve........Void |

| physical attacks. Assuming everything goes | Mind.........Void |

| well, the Specter should be long dead before | |

| those attacks risk actually killing you. This | |

| fight should just be fought physically, since | |

| he has all those elemental immunities. (In | |

| fact, with the right setup, there's no reason | |

| this battle can't be fought with a single | |

| press of the triangle button. | |

| | |


Don't forget to save after winning. (And heal MP is you need it.) Run to the

end of the hall and go North; a scene occurs here. The answers you choose

have a very small effect on your Reason. Enter the door for another scene.

If you say you feel the same way as Isamu, one of the Musubi flags will be

turned on.

After the scene, head North and exit the Amala Network.

Leave the terminal and head North in Asakusa, then exit via the East exit.

Navigate through the next part of town. Now, when you're on the world map,

again go North; this section of town is now open. Make your way to the door

and exit this section of town. Right when you enter the next one, down the

hall is a Pixie that tells you of something in Ikebukuro. With this

information, head back and take the terminal to Ikebukuro.

Run towards the Mantra HQ and you will trigger a scene. Your choice here will

have a large effect on your Reason.

Return to Asakusa. For the next scene, you need to return to Mifunashiro; the

area right in the lowest central part of Asakusa; you've been there once

before. Go to where Futomimi, the manikin who can see the future, currently

is. After listening to what he says, return to the first area of Asakusa.

Save your game and head down the path to the North. Before you reach the end,

take the West path that was previously blocked.

When you enter, if you have defeated the previous three horsemen, the fourth

will attack you. Skip the tabbed section if you have not completed the

previous battles.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Pale Rider |

| After a number of fights, I came to the | HP: 5000 |

| realization that the trick to defeating | MP: 2000 |

| the Pale Rider is speed. You need to | Macca: 3000 |

| start by using as many status lowering | EXP: 5000 |

| and boosting spells as possible. But if | |

| a character has the choice between either | Physical.....N/A |

| using one of these spells or attacking, | Fire.........N/A |

| go with attacking. The reason is as | Ice..........Void |

| follows; when he summons his two demons, | Electricity..N/A |

| they will use an attack called | Force........N/A |

| Debilitate, which generally just weakens | Almighty.....N/A |

| your party and everything they do. The | Expel........Void |

| more of these you have to endure, the | Death........Void |

| less chance you're going to have of | Curse........Void |

| beating him, so get off as much damage as | Nerve........Void |

| you can near the beginning, while you're | Mind.........Void |

| still powerful enough to hit hard. | |

| Otherwise, just raise your dodge and | |

| lower their aim. Don't even go for the | |

| two demons; when you hurt them they have | |

| a good chance of performing a very | |

| dangerous self destruct attack that you | |

| don't want to be hit by. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Majesty. Return

and save your game.

Continue along the path, and when you come to a South branch, you can head

down it to find another junk shop with some new Magatama to sell. Keep going

West along the main path above the shop; the first door you come to has a cube

with Revival Bead. Keep going South, then West, and South. To the West here

is a save terminal, to the East is the exit.

On the world map, head Southwest to a place called Yushima Station.

o--------o o----------------o

o-| I - xx |----------------------------------------(Fw014)-| Asakusa Tunnel |

o--------o o----------------o

-- Items:

- Medicine - Medicine

- 8000 Macca - Soma Droplet

Enter the station and head to the lower floor. (You'll need a light item/skill

here.) Leave this station area to the West via the North set of tracks. Go

through the hole in the wall to the North. You'll come to a 4-way split. To

the West is a cube containing Medicine x2, and to the North is a cube

containing 8000 Macca. Return South and go back to the large train area with

two sets of tracks. Go West via the South tracks this time. There are three

holes in the South wall here. Enter the first one you pass and descend the

ladder. There is a Mystical Chest at the bottom. Return to the area of the

tracks with three holes in the wall, and enter the second hole this time.

Descend the ladder.

Go North, head West at the first branch, then enter the door right in front

of you. The cube at the upper left corner contains a Soma Droplet. The lower

left is a trap, and the upper right is a fight against three not too hard

enemies. Leave the room and go West, North, West through the door. Follow

the path to the end and go up the ladder. When you reach the top, exit the

area and leave the station entirely.

On the world map, head West to reach the East entrance to Yoyogi Park.

o---------o o-------------o

o-| I - xxi |------------------------------------------(Fw015)-| Yoyogi Park |

o---------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Key to Yoyogi Park

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Chakra Drop - Sacred Water

- Medicine - Medicine

- Medicine - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Chakra Drop

- Yahirono Himoragi - 5000 Macca

- Candelabrum of Beauty

When you enter the park, go forward a bit and head North. At the top, you'll

find a cube containing Life Stone x3. Use the save terminal here, then head

all the way South to trigger a scene. No matter which option you choose, you

receive the Key to Yoyogi Park. Return to the central area and exit West.

Get ready for this, the map is HUGE and full of teleports, so pay very very

close attention and follow the directions.

Head West to start, at the fork take the left (South) path. The instant you

find a path going right, (North) take it. Any further and you will teleport

back. Head West to the end and go out the door to the North.

In this area, head straight North and open the cube containing Life Stone x2.

Return to the door you came in from and go as far East as you can. Head

North, then immediately East when a path appears; go as far East as you can.

Head North all the way to the top, then West and go in the door. Take the

North door here. A quick scene occurs. At the 4-way split, head East; in

the next room, you'll find a Mystical Chest. Return to the split and head

North, as far North as you can go until you hit a wall. When you reach the

end, head East through the door to the next wall. Now this is important, so

listen closely. Turn and face South. Take the left (East) path South, then

immediately go West when there is an opening. Then head South. Grab the cube

containing Chakra Drop and the Mystical Chest. Take the same path you just

took back up to the top of this room and go back out the door to the West.

Head West as far as you can, then look South. Take the left (East) path South

to the end, then go West and South to find another Mystical Chest. From the

chest, take a few steps North until you can go East. Head East, then take

another few steps North and go down the first path leading West. Proceed

through the door.

Head North at the fork to find a save terminal; save your game. From just

standing outside the save terminal door, head Southwest and go into the door

leading South. Keep going South until you see a short scene with some Pixies.

Head South until you hit a little stub of wall. Go around it to the left

(East) and enter the first door on your left. (East) When you enter, go down

the hall, and another quick scene will say the Pixies are changing formation.

After the scene, try and return to the door to be teleported to another spot.

From where you appear, head North through the door to find a Mystical Chest.

Go back down, and you will be transported back to the area just South of the

save terminal. Head Southwest from the save terminal again to the door and go

through it. Head South, and you should get another scene with the Pixies

saying "Lets try a cross formation." (Note, if this doesn't happen, go down

and path and return here after being teleported. Make sure they say they are

going to use cross formation at this point.) *** Head South, but this time

take the right (West) path and enter the first door on the right. (West) If

all has gone well, you should get a message from the Pixies saying they're

changing to X formation. Follow the path around and head all the way East to

find a cube containing Sacred Water. Go back and head through the door to the

North. Once you go through the door, do not move either left or right; when

you go directly North from the door you should hit a wall after about 3-4

seconds. At this point, head West. Here's the real test; the Pixies should

say they are changing to cross formation. After they do, head throgh the door

to the West and you're finally rid of them. Grab the cube containing Medicine

x3 and head South through the door.

(Just a quick note based on a realization that a this explanation may not
quite help all people at this point, so here's a general idea of how it

works to figure it out yourself. In X formation, the Pixies will be at

the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest paths. In cross

formation, they will be at the North, South, East and West paths. The

path you are trying to get to is the West one, which you can only go down

in X formation. And since the Pixies start in cross formation, you must

use the fact that they switch whever you go down a path they don't have

covered, to solve the puzzle. If you'd like to try the explanation

again, return to the first part where the Pixies automatically go into

cross formation and try it from the *** marker in the last paragraph.

One more note, if they are already in cross formation, the scene when

they change to cross formation right at the beginning will not occur.

Good luck.)

Head all the way South to the very bottom wall. Now face your character East.

See those three doors on the North wall in front of you? What you need to do

is run 'along' that wall with the doors without actually entering them. What

I'm trying to say is that there are teleports in the middle of the path you

are looking at, and you need to get to the East wall. Do not try running East

while pressed against the South wall, as there is a bunch of junk near the

end. When you get to the East wall, take a few steps up and enter the closest

door leading North. Grab the cube containing Life Stone x2. Ok, now here's

where it gets hard, so pay attention. Remember those three doors? Go back

out and take the middle one. (One door West of where you are.) When you

enter, keep count. From here, go North through one door, then a second door,

then head down the West path. At the fork, go North through the door. Head

East at the fork and grab the cube containing Chakra Drop. Return to the fork

and head all the way South. A Pixie will transport you. Head directly South

from where you land to be transported again. North of where you land this

time is a Mystical Chest. Head South to get picked up by a Pixie and South to

be picked up again. From where you are now, go West and head as far North as

you can at the fork.

(Quick treasure free way to get past this part: From the entrance with

the three doors, enter the most East of the doors. Go North (past a

cube) to be transported by a Pixie. From where you land head West then

all the way North.)

From this point, head East. (Do not go in the large door marked Comm Tower.)

Instead, head South from the door to the next room. Open the two cubes here

to receive Bead and Revival Bead. Exit South to find a terminal, where you

should most definitely save your game. Head back North and go through the

large Comm Tower door.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Girimehkala |

| Considering his physical immunity, this is | HP: 4000 |

| another war of magic. Since this boss is very | MP: 2000 |

| frequent in his casting of Dekunda, don't | Macca: 500 |

| bother too much with casting -nda spells on | EXP: 2000 |

| him, instead focus on using -kaja spells on | |

| your own party, particularly one to boost | Physical.....Void |

| your magic. If you don't have a lot of | Fire.........N/A |

| powerful magic, this battle can take a good | Ice..........N/A |

| bit of time. Luckily, you can last a fairly | Electricity..N/A |

| long time if you get the upper hand by | Force........N/A |

| boosting your agility; he'll have a hard time | Almighty.....N/A |

| hitting you. Any Dekaja spells or items work | Expel........Void |

| great in this fight to keep his accuracy low, | Death........Void |

| and anything to keep the poison at bay as | Curse........Void |

| well. If you run out of things to do with one | Nerve........Void |

| of your characters, it may be to your | Mind.........Void |

| advantage to use some Attack boosting spells; | |

| they'll help you in the next battle. | |

| | |



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Sakahagi |

| All your boosts you used on your characters | HP: 1600 |

| remain here, since you never actually leave | MP: 300 |

| the battle. Unfortunately, your low HP and | Macca: 500 |

| status effects remain, too. On the plus side, | EXP: 10,000 |

| his HP is ridiculously low, so if you used any | |

| physical boosting spells last battle, it'll | Physical.....N/A |

| pay off. To add to the advantages, his MP | Fire.........N/A |

| quickly runs out, and he's left with nothing | Ice..........N/A |

| but normal weak attacks. If you can win the | Electricity..N/A |

| previous battle, you can surely win this one. | Force........N/A |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the fight, you receive the Yahirono Himoragi. Head South for a quick

scene, then save your game. Head all the way back to Yuko at the East

entrance to the park. Watch the scene and make your choices; they will affect

your Reason.

The next optional boss fight is now available. If you have not beaten the

four horsemen, then skip past the tabbed section.

Return to the central area of the park and go all the way through it

again to the far West side; there is a door on the West wall. Go

through it and unlock the way to the West park entrance. Head to the

North part of this area and into the door to have your Candelabrum start



| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o The Harlot |

| Another battle where you must rely on | HP: 5000 |

| magic, this battle also relies on being | MP: 2000 |

| able to withstand Electricity magic. So | Macca: 4000 |

| in other words, equipping the Narukami | EXP: 8000 |

| Magatama is a minumum, but to ensure | |

| a win, fuse a Feng Huang demon who drains | Physical.....Repel |

| electricity; this will guarantee the | Fire.........N/A |

| boss wasting many turns. Boost your | Ice..........N/A |

| magic attack and use whatever generic | Electricity..Drain |

| non-elec spells you have. While you can | Force........N/A |

| try and drop some -nda spells, the boss | Almighty.....N/A |

| will use Dragon's Eye and Dekunda fairly | Expel........Void |

| often. The battle will likely take a bit | Death........Void |

| longer than most battles, so be sure you | Curse........Void |

| are fully stocked with MP recovery items. | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Beauty. Return

and save your game.

Head back to Asakusa via the terminal. Watch a scene with Hijiri and head to

Ikebukuro. Go all the way to the top of the Mantra HQ to see another scene in

Gozu-Tennoh's chamber. Afterwards, return to the first floor and go to the

area right beside the East exit. Talk to the demon here and he will tell you

something about Kabukicho. Return to a terminal and head to Kabuchiko Prison.

Run to the top floor, save and head North for a quick scene.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Black Frost |

| This battle isn't too hard at all if you | HP: 2950 |

| prepare; simply equip the Anathema Magatama | MP: 2500 |

| and fuse a demon or two with death protection | Macca: 10,000 |

| and he'll be a pushover. Since his strength | EXP: 5000 |

| against physical is about 90%, use some magic | |

| boosts and rely on electrical magic like | Physical.....Strong |

| Ziodyne which works particularly well. Also | Fire.........Void |

| keep in mind he has absolutely no way to | Ice..........Drain |

| remove his -nda effects or your -kaja effects, | Electricity..N/A |

| so go nuts with those spells until he's as | Force........N/A |

| weak as a regular enemy. You won't even need | Almighty.....N/A |

| protection from death if he can't hit you. | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Repel |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


You received the Magatama: Satan

Return to the terminal in Asakusa for another scene with Hijiri. Choose to

chase after him. Watch the scene when you arrive, then leave the room.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Specter (x3) |

| The final battle against the persistant | HP: 700 |

| Specter is here, and it's a battle of physical | MP: 500 |

| prowess. Here's how to win. From the very | Macca: 1000 |

| beginning of the battle, do not even attack. | EXP: 1500 |

| Use absolutely every -nda and -kaja spell you | |

| have. (Except for magic boosting ones.) If | Physical.....N/A |

| a character's turn comes who doesn't have any | Fire.........Repel |

| to use do not attack, just pass. The idea | Ice..........Repel |

| here is that the Specters will use Last Resort | Electricity..Repel |

| and kill themselves if they start taking | Force........Repel |

| damage, so you want to set it up so that you | Almighty.....N/A |

| can kill one in a single turn, meaning it | Expel........Void |

| gets the chance to explode. After pumping | Death........Void |

| your attack and reducing their defense, start | Curse........N/A |

| picking them off one at a time, being sure not | Nerve........Void |

| to leave any damaged without finishing them. | Mind.........Void |

| (Though keep in mind being hit by a couple of | |

| Last Resort's isn't too big of a deal.) | |

| | |


Head North after the battle and exit the network. On the world map, open the

cube to the South to find 5000 Macca, then proceed North to the Amala Temple.

o----------o o--------------o

o-| I - xxii |----------------------------------------(Fw016)-| Amala Temple |

o----------o o--------------o

-- Items:

- Light Ball - Megido Rock

- Bead - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Revival Bead

- Medicine - Bead

- Blessed Fan - Bead

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone

Head forward to the fork and a voice will speak to you. Once it finishes,

go West and save your game, then head North. After a scene, you will be

introduced to the three pyramids. You must complete all three of them to

progress, so head to the centre of the area and start with the Black Temple

to the West.

-- Black Temple

When you first enter the temple, quickly run to the Northeast corner of the

first room to find a cube containing Light Ball. Enter the room to the West

and check the Southwest corner for a cube and a Megido Rock. Return to the

front hall, then head East and save your game. From the terminal, go North

as far as you can, then West as far as you can, then South as far as you can

to find a Mystical Chest. Go back North and head East into the next room.

(Not all the way East.) If you go South in this room and turn around to face

North, you will see a large blue light coming up from the floor. Walk into

the blue light. In the next room, run South and into the next blue light

pillar. On this floor, run forward and examine the black torch; when you are

asked to put it out choose yes. Take the blue light pillar back.

Without moving after arriving on this floor, look West. You will see a

number of doors; enter the door second from the left, meaning the second door

you would pass when moving North. Inside, jump down the large hole; the

ground should collapse when you land, leaving you two floors below. Head

North and get the cube containing Bead. Down at the South end is a save

point; after saving, just North of the door you'll find the boss.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Aciel |

| Start this battle by equipping the most | HP: 8000 |

| powerful Magatama you have with resistance | MP: 2000 |

| against physical attacks. He will have a | Macca: 10000 |

| fairly generic pattern of using Tempest most | EXP: 5000 |

| of the time. You'll have to fight this one | |

| physically; while he isn't noted as having a | Physical.....N/A |

| strength, he does actually reduce physical | Fire.........Strong |

| damage by about 20%, but once you start | Ice..........Strong |

| pumping your attack power you won't really | Electricity..Strong |

| notice. He is able to cast Dekunda but | Force........Strong |

| doesn't do it all that often. Your main | Almighty.....N/A |

| defensive tip here is having Attack Mirrors in | Expel........Void |

| your inventory. He will start casting MP | Death........Repel |

| draining spells on one of his turns; this is | Curse........Void |

| an indication that he will use Sol Niger on | Nerve........Void |

| the next one. While you can't really protect | Mind.........Void |

| yourself against this attack, (which puts your | |

| entire party to 1 HP,) you can protect against | |

| the normal attack he will always use right | |

| after to pick off one of your characters, who | |

| could easily be the main character. So if you | |

| see him start draining your MP, use an Attack | |

| Mirror on the next turn. Otherwise, skills | |

| like Focus work great and given time, that | |

| 8000 HP will deplete faster than you think. | |

| | |


You can choose to either exit via the light in front of you or go around to

the East, get a Mystical Chest, and exit manually. When outside, return to

the centre and enter the North Temple.

-- White Temple

Enter the white temple and immediately head to the Northeast corner to

save your game. Afterward, enter the room beside the terminal to find a

cube containing Life Stone x2. The next section will net you some items, but

lead you right back to the beginning in the end so I've tabbed it in order to

give you the option of just choosing to complete the dungeon quicker; skip it

if you wish.

Head to the Northwest corner of this area now. (You have to go back down

and around.) Enter the most Northwestern door and you will be

teleported. Leave the room and go North into the next one to be

teleported again. Go to the Northwest corner of this room to find a

Mystical Chest, then exit to East door to be teleported again. Enter the

door to the West. When you teleport, head West into the next room. The

Northwest cube contains Revival Bead, the Northeast has a monster-in-a-

box. Leave the room via the West door. Exit the room you end up in and

leave to notice you are once again in the front hall. Head again to the

Northwest most room and enter to be teleported. Head North to the next

teleport and exit East for another teleport once again. This time,

leave the room through the North door and enter the Northeast room. Grab

the cubes containing Medicine and Bead. Leave the room to notice you are

once again at the start.

Head to the Northwest room to get teleported. Exit North and into the North

room for another teleport, then exit East to be teleported again. Now leave

the room via the North door and enter the Southeast room. Proceed up the

yellow light pillar.

Another optional treasure:

Run towards the yellow light pillar only to be teleported. Leave the

room you appear in through the West door and go North. Once you are

teleported, go North, then West. Leave this room via the North exit, but

immediately turn around and go back in; you will be teleported. You

should land in a hallway, turn around and grab the cube containing

Blessed Fan.

Run towards the yellow pillar and be teleported. Leave to the West and head

North. Leave North and head West. Leave through the East door. Leave

through the West door. Grab the Mystical Chest and leave through the East

door, then turn around and go back in. Leave through the East door. Leave

through the North door and head West. From here, you can now take the yellow

pillar of light.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Aciel |

| Here's an odd battle for sure. You'll be | HP: 2700 |

| fighting against four unique (blobs) each with | MP: 1000 |

| their own elemental protperties and | Macca: 1000 |

| weaknesses. Now how do you manage to keep | EXP: 1800 |

| track of each one? You don't, physical is the | |

| way to go here. There's a few things to note | Physical.....N/A |

| first though. To start, if you kill all the | Fire.........N/A |

| little helpers, the main one will summon them | Ice..........N/A |

| back, and if you kill the main one the helpers | Electricity..N/A |

| will summon him back. The solution to this | Force........N/A |

| is an all out speed beating once you've | Almighty.....N/A |

| prepared, which leads to the second point: He | Expel........Void |

| has absolutely no way to stop you from using | Death........Void |

| all the -nda and -kaja spells you want, so go | Curse........Void |

| nuts. You'll need them, considering you'll | Nerve........Void |

| have to be able to knock them off quick. Each | Mind.........Void |

| one only has a moderate amount of life, so | |

| you'll probably find this one similar, albeit | (Stats for summoned |

| a bit more challenging, than the recent | bosses below) |

| Specter battle. Once you have control with | |

| all of you -kaja bonuses, finding the right | |

| way to quickly eliminate him is all you really | |

| have left to figure out. | |

| | |


| |

| Tharmus Luvah Urizen Urthona |

| HP: 1300 HP: 1300 HP: 1300 HP: 1300 |

| MP: 300 MP: 300 MP: 300 MP: 300 |

| Macca: 1000 Macca: 1000 Macca: 1000 Macca: 1000 |

| EXP: 1800 EXP: 1800 EXP: 1800 EXP: 1800 |

| Repel: Ice Repel: Force Repel: Fire Repel: Elec |

| Weak: Fire Weak: Elec Weak: Ice Weak: Force |

| |


You received the Magatama: Adama

Leave the temple through the beam of light, and head to the final temple on

the East side.

-- Red Temple

Enter the temple and head through the door just North of you. The following

will net you a treasure and return you to this area:

Go East and enter the door in the next room. Proceed to the Northeast

corner of this room. You will notice when you step into the shadow that

the whole area changes; that's ok. Continue to the Northeast corner and

go through the door. In the next area, there is a Mystical Chest; pick

it up and exit this room through the Southwest door. Now go to the

Southeast door and enter it; you will find in the room just past it,

there is a large lighted area. Step into it to be returned to the

normal world. Exit through the West door and you'll notice you are back

at the beginning. Go though the North door in the middle of the area.

Exit West, then South to find a cube containing Bead. Head East and

East again, then North.

Head through the door to the West. Continue West until you reach the wall,

then go North through the door. Continue North until you reach the wall and

go East through the door. In this area, there are five doors on your right

(South) side. Enter the fourth door that you pass. Go directly South and

turn to the West. If you take a few steps forward, you'll notice you are

beside a large red pillar of light; take it to the next floor.

Proceed through the South door, then West door, (use the save terminal located

at the South door here,) then the North door. You must continue through the

North door, but in order to do so, you will be taken to the shadow world. Do

it regardless. In this room, exit West and get the cube containing Life Stone

x3. Take the East exit out of this room. Go South, then West to find a light

that will return you to the normal world. When it does, go out the North

door, then the East door. Now be careful not to step on any shadows for this

part: Take the following doors, South, Southeast, Southwest. Look at the West

wall and you will see three doors; take the middle door. A few steps forward,

you will notice you are right next to the red light pillar; go inside it.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Skadi |

| The first thing to note, obviously, is the | HP: 4000 |

| immunity to physical attacks, so hopefully you | MP: 3000 |

| have a strong magic arsenal with you. Use | Macca: 10,000 |

| the normal stat boosting magic but keep one | EXP: 5000 |

| thing in mind. Though it isn't common, she | |

| can use two turns to negate all bad effects on | Physical.....Drain |

| her and all good effects on you at once, which | Fire.........N/A |

| can be rather devastating, so don't rely too | Ice..........N/A |

| much on them. Stick with magic boost, | Electricity..N/A |

| normally good ones like Fog Breath really | Force........N/A |

| aren't that effective here. The most | Almighty.....N/A |

| important thing, however, is recognizing the | Expel........Void |

| buildup to her ultimate attack. Because she | Death........Void |

| has this, War Cry is a spell you're going to | Curse........Void |

| want to be using throughout the battle before | Nerve........Void |

| she even gives any indication, just to be | Mind.........Void |

| prepared. When she is going to use it, she | |

| will always do the same thing one turn before: | |

| boost her physical attack twice. You have two | |

| options on your next turn knowing that | |

| Earthquake is coming: Use War Cry to negate | |

| the effects she just got and weather the blow | |

| or, if you have one, use an attack mirror to | |

| reflect it back as her. She won't get hurt, | |

| but neither will you. Near the end of the | |

| battle, she'll start up to five press turn | |

| icons per round, so that is your indication | |

| she is low on HP; move in for the kill. | |

| | |


Enter the beam of light to exit the temple. Approach the large upside down

pyramid and examine it to trigger a scene. A certain scene may occur here,

depending on your current Reason.

If you choose to dump Hijiri, the Musubi flag will be turned on.

Once the scene ends, another quick one will occur when you move. Afterwards,

head South and save your game, then take the terminal to Mifunashiro.

o-----------o o-------------o

o-| I - xxiii |----------------------------------------(Fw017)-| Mifunashiro |

o-----------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Magic Mirror - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Medicine

When you reach Mifunashiro, head North and enter the main area that was

previously blocked off. When you reach a fork, follow the path to the very

bottom to find a cube containing Magic Mirror. Go back up one level and exit

though the door to the North. Descend the ladder. Head as far South as you

can, then go West. When you reach the bottom of the slope, enter the terminal

on your left and save your game. Leave the terminal and follow the path

North, through the door and down the stairs. At the bottom, get the cube with

Life Stone x2 inside. There's also a Mystical Chest somewhat hidden by the

ladder. Exit South and follow the path; a scene will occur. After it, keep

going until the path splits in two directions. Take the left (West) path and

examine the Manikin to get a Medicine, then take the right (East) path. Enter

the door at the end and step into the light. Watch the scene.

If Chiaki asks you a question and you agree, the Yosuga flag is turned on.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Gabriel |

| You'll battle three bosses at once here, but | HP: 3000 |

| their individual HP totals don't add up to | MP: 1500 |

| much more than a normal boss. Magic attacks | Macca: 4000 |

| are somewhat useless, though still usable. | EXP: 6000 |

| Most of the time they, will cast an anti- | |

| physical shield on themselves so that you will | Uriel |

| be unable to attack without having it thrust | HP: 3000 |

| back into your face. However, the same one | MP: 1000 |

| will use an anti-magic shield, or attack now | Macca: 3000 |

| and then, so that's your cue to attack. Power | EXP: 2000 |

| up your physical and power down everything | |

| they have; since they have a way to counter or | Raphael |

| remove it, everything is fair game here. Once | HP: 3000 |

| you're set up, take out Uriel first (the | MP: 1000 |

| healer) followed by Raphael, then Gabriel. | Macca: 3000 |

| Elemental protections are very helpful in this | EXP: 2000 |

| battle, as they will use elemental spells that | |

| target your entire party. Given they only | Physical.....N/A |

| have 3000 HP each, at full power with a focus | Fire.........Strong |

| it should not take you longer than two press | Ice..........Strong |

| turns each. | Electricity..Strong |

| | Force........Strong |

| | Almighty.....N/A |

| | Expel........Repel |

| | Death........Repel |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, watch another scene. For one particular Reason, you will

fight another boss battle. Personally I have not fought it so I cannot give

many tips, but the following are his stats:


| |

| Futomimi |

| HP: 5500 |

| MP: 2000 |

| Macca: 10,000 |

| EXP: 10,000 |

| |

| Physical.....Strong |

| Fire.........N/A |

| Ice..........N/A |

| Electricity..N/A |

| Force........N/A |

| Almighty.....N/A |

| Expel........Void |

| Death........Void |

| Curse........Void |

| Nerve........Void |

| Mind.........Void |

| |


You will be transported back outside the room. Head back to the nearest

terminal and set sail for Ginza. Head to Nyx's Lounge and speak with lady

Nyx, then exit Ginza. You need to reach Yurakucho Station which, as far as I

can see, cannot be reached any other way than crossing the bridge to the East

and going all the way around on the highway again. The station is North of

the tower on the West side of the map; once you reach the tower, the station

is very easy to find by just going North.

o----------o o-------------------o

o-| I - xxiv |-----------------------------------(Fw018)-| Yurakucho Station |

o----------o o-------------------o

-- Items:

- Muscle Drink - Medicine

- Bead - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Bead

- Soma Droplet - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Candelabrum of Godliness

If you've defeated the fiends up to this point, entering will cause the

Candelabrum to flicker wildly.


| BOSS | |

o-------------------------------------------o Trumpeter |

| When the battle starts, the Trumpeter | HP: 11,000 |

| will introduce you to one of his two | MP: 5000 |

| unique skills, which is the Holy Melody, | Macca: 4000 |

| a skill that fully heals whoever happens | EXP: 8000 |

| to have the lowest HP to max. Second to | |

| this is the Evil Melody, which will kill | Physical.....N/A |

| whoever happens to have the lowest HP. | Fire.........N/A |

| His other skills really don't mean much, | Ice..........N/A |

| so focus on his unique two. First of | Electricity..N/A |

| all, he will use the Holy Melody on turn | Force........N/A |

| 1, the Evil Melody on turn 8, then switch | Almighty.....N/A |

| between them every four turns after that. | Expel........Void |

| At the beginning, focus on using -nda and | Death........Void |

| -kaja spells, then once you are | Curse........Void |

| adequately pumped up, switch to physical | Nerve........Void |

| attacks. To deal with his attacks, here | Mind.........Void |

| is a very effective strategy; credit goes | |

| to IKelley for coming up with it. Use | |

| your fourth character as some weak demon | |

| you have; now whenever he uses the Evil | |

| Melody, it will be killed. Revive it | |

| with a weak Revive spell that only gives | |

| a couple HP. Now, right before the next | |

| interval of four turns comes up, summon | |

| the weak 1 HP demon into battle and it | |

| will be hit by the Holy Melody, healing | |

| it to max HP. Rinse and repeat. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Godliness.

Head down to the next floor via the staircase leading East. Use a light skill

and open the cubes to find Muscle Drink, Medicine, Bead and the South-most one

has a monster in it. Go back upstairs and down the West staircase. take the

Northern set of tracks and follow them West. Through the hole, you will find

a spirit looking for a demon. If you give him a demon, he will dig for

treasure. Before giving him a demon, note you will not get it back. If the

demon's strength is 21 or more, it takes 7 phases of Kagutsuchi to finish, and

10 if the strength is less. After, you will get to choose two of the four


- 10,000 Macca

- Kimon Stone

- Great Chakra

- Sapphire

One thing to note is that you will get the Kimon Stone no matter what, so

don't make it one of your choices. Head back East again, and this time take

the South set of tracks to the West. Go through the hole on your left; when

you come to a 4-way split, head East and save your game. When you're ready,

continue South from the fork and go down the hill. At the bottom, go West

and follow the path to reach a cube containing Life Stone x2. Head back up

the ladder; when you reach the fork, again head South and down the hill. At

the bottom, take the path East this time and descend the ladder. Leave the

room and you'll come to a fork. Go North and enter the door; you'll find

another big slide. When you land, go directly ahead of you to find a room

with a Bead inside. Leave the room and head North to the next door and

descend the ladder. Go down the hall and stop at the save terminal along the

way. Go through the door to the North of the terminal.

At the path fork, head North, then go down the slide. When you reach the

bottom, you'll once again be pulled through the floor. Head through the South

door when you land; open the cube to fight a battle. Keep going and you'll

find a cube with a Soma Droplet. Go through the door and head North this

time; climb the ladder and then the next one. When you reach the main floor

again, exit the door and go South at the 4-way split. Go West at the next

one, then North at the next one, then South at the next one and down the

slide. At the bottom, grab the Mystical Chest and attempt to go West. You

will again be pulled down below. When you land, head West through the door

and North at the first branch; in this room you will find a Mystical Chest.

Return to the hallway and continue West and go up one ladder, and another on

the next floor. When you reach the large area floor again, go straight South

to find yet another ladder and ascend it.

On this floor, when you reach a fork, go left (South) and save your game.

From there, go North and climb the ladder. Go South and follow the tracks

back to the station platform; go up the stairs to the main terminal entrance.

Before leaving, head South from the exit to find a Mystical Chest. Finally,

leave the station out to the world map. On the world map, head South to find

a cube containing Life Stone x5.

At this point, if you got the Kimon Stone, then you can head to Asakakusa and

take the West exit past the collector's shop. Go Southwest to the station,

and up to the North to find the North temple. There is an event and a fight

that occurs in there. (Apologies for not being more detailed, but I wanted to

be sure it was at least mentioned.)

Go North from the exit of the Yurakucho Tunnel and enter the Diet Building.

o---------o o---------------o

o-| I - xxv |----------------------------------------(Fw019)-| Diet Building |

o---------o o---------------o

-- Items:

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Smoke Ball

- 3000 Macca - Megido Rock

- Bead - Soma Droplet

- Yahirono Himorogi

Head forward when you enter and a quick scene occurs. Continue forward up the

stairs and into the terminal to save your game. Leave the terminal and go

around the the back of the stairs to find a cube containing Life Stone x3. Go

down the stairs and try and go through the West door; a scene will occur and

you will be attacked.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Surt |

| This battle will seem unbelievably cheap at | HP: 5000 |

| first, and to be honest, it really is. His | MP: 3500 |

| attacks are brutally damaging (400+) and he | Macca: 5000 |

| uses Dekunda over and over like there's no | EXP: 8000 |

| tomorrow. Luckily, there's a trick that will | |

| virtually guarentee you victory and it's very | Physical.....Strong |

| simple. Just ingest the Gehenna Magatama and | Fire.........Drain |

| start the fight. Everyone who has immunity to | Ice..........N/A |

| fire has it easy here. Virtually every attack | Electricity..N/A |

| he has, including his normal attack, are fire | Force........N/A |

| based. (The one exception being Tempest.) So | Almighty.....N/A |

| load up on defense boosting spells and you | Expel........Void |

| are virtually invulnerable. You can cast | Death........Void |

| any elemental magic except fire, but to be | Curse........Void |

| honest this battle can be won with four casts | Nerve........Void |

| of Tarukaja and just hitting the triangle | Mind.........Void |

| button to auto-battle. The main character | |

| will likely be the only one left standing, but | |

| it's a great opportunity to hit the fridge or | |

| something. | |

| | |


It's a good idea to save your game, then return and go through the door the

boss tried to protect. Proceed down the hallway, then turn South and enter

the second door to find a cube with Smoke Ball inside. Go back up and

continue West up the stairs at the end of the hall. From the empty cube, go

North. (But check out the East path, it's kinda cool.) After going through

the door, take the first branch to your left (West.) As you run down this

corridor, you're going to pass two doors on the right (North); take the second

one. In this hall, run North and take the last door on your right. (East)

You'll quickly come to a 4-way split; head North and go through the door. Run

East and go right (South) at the fork, then immediately left (East) at the

next one and go through the door. In this hall, take the first left (North)

then the next right (East) then the next right (South.) Go through the door.

There are a number of doors on your right (West) here; enter the first and get

the cube containing 3000 Macca. At the end, enter the only door on your left

(East) and you will be right at the save terminal, so save your game. (The

door is now unlocked.) Go back in and take the lowest door leading West. Run

to the West end of the hall around behind the deception painting and head

South. Go through the door to trigger a scene.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Surt |

| Another magic battle awaits here, since he has | HP: 2500 |

| a complete drain on all physical attacks. | MP: 747 |

| He has no real specific element he focuses on, | Macca: 5000 |

| (maybe fire,) but mind protection is more | EXP: 8000 |

| important, so digest a Magatama beforehand | |

| that has mind immunities. He is easily able | Physical.....Drain |

| to cast Dekunda at will, so focus on magic | Fire.........N/A |

| enhancing -kaja spells to start, then use | Ice..........N/A |

| magic you have at your disposal. Which spell | Electricity..N/A |

| you use really doesn't matter that much. He | Force........N/A |

| has the ability to summon a healer with | Almighty.....N/A |

| Gathering that will cast Mediarama every turn, | Expel........Void |

| so eliminate it as fast as possible when it | Death........Void |

| appears. (It has a weakness to ice.) The most | Curse........Void |

| frustrating thing here will be the panic | Nerve........Void |

| status, so the more demons you have with | Mind.........Void |

| protection to it, the better. | |

| | |


Go back and save your game before continuing. From where you fought the boss,

head East, and go around the walkway into the door. Head West until you reach

a fork, then head South and into the door. Ignore the first left (North) path
and take the second one. Go North and continue through the door at the fork.

In this hall, there are nine doors on your right. (East) You want to enter

door number eight, or the second to last door. Grab the cube containing

Megido Rock and leave. Go North and head left (West) at the fork. Follow

this path all the way to the end and enter the final door on your left.

(South) Open the cube to receive Bead. Leave the room, head East and take

the first path on your right. (South) After a quick little scene, you'll come

to a 4-way split, go West here and follow the path around the corner to the

South. When you come to a fork, go right (West) and once again you'll find

the save terminal, so save your game. Go back to the door you unlocked, head

East and go through the South door. An event will trigger when you enter.

There are a number of statues here and you must find the false one. Very

easy; look at the reflections on the floor. Find the one that is has a stand

reflecting, but no statue on it. That is the fake.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Mot |

| Mot can be a very obnoxious boss if you | HP: 3500 |

| aren't prepared, and even if you are sometimes | MP: 3000 |

| it doesn't make a difference. It really does | Macca: 5000 |

| not matter which Magatama you use, what | EXP: 8000 |

| matters most are having two things: Dekaja and | |

| one or two powerful electricity spells. The | Physical.....Strong |

| boss relies on killing you by casting | Fire.........Void |

| Megidoraon, which you cannot protect against, | Ice..........Drain |

| and boosting it with his -kaja boosts. Not | Electricity..Weak (1.5) |

| only that, he only takes 10% damage from | Force........Repel |

| physical attacks, making them out of the | Almighty.....N/A |

| question. he's also immune to all elements | Expel........Void |

| except his weakness; electricity. Dekunda is | Death........Void |

| another favourite of his, so fight the battle | Curse........Void |

| as following. Boost your magic to the max; | Nerve........Void |

| keep tabs on his magic boosting, and use | Mind.........Void |

| Dekakaja after 3-4 of them. Use all the elec | |

| attacks you have and heal every turn after he | |

| uses Megidoraon. As long as you stay in | |

| control of this battle and don't let his magic | |

| get too high, you will be ok. There is a | |

| chance he will cast two Beast's Eye in one | |

| turn, two Makakaja, and finally two | |

| Megidoraon. This will wipe out your party and | |

| there's literally nothing you can do. | |

| Frustrating, though rare. | |

| | |


Once this guy is dead, don't forget to save! From where you fought the boss,

exit North from where you came, and when the path curves West take the first

North branch you come to. At the top, go left (West) at the fork and enter

both rooms to find two Mystical Chests. Return to the boss area.

Head East from the boss area and go up the stairs; follow the path to a door

and enter. As you walk down the aisle, a scene occurs at the end.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Mithra |

| Easy battle here; really with a boss that has | HP: 4500 |

| absolutely no physical immunities at this | MP: 3000 |

| stage of the game, 4500 HP is a joke. Equip | Macca: 5000 |

| the Sophia Magatama beforehand to make your | EXP: 8000 |

| main character virtually invincible, then | |

| enter the battle. After two War Cry casts | Physical.....N/A |

| there is no way you can die, so spend the rest | Fire.........N/A |

| of the time boosting your attack and lowering | Ice..........N/A |

| his defense. If you lose a demon or two to | Electricity..N/A |

| his instant kill spells, don't sweat it, you | Force........N/A |

| only need one or two characters. After you're | Almighty.....N/A |

| pumped up, start focusing and using HP skills | Expel........Void |

| and his 4500 HP will disappear faster than | Death........Void |

| you think. If he happens to cast Debilitate | Curse........Void |

| on you, a good Dekunda will take care of it. | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, take the West exit out of the hall; grab the Mystical Chest

and go North at the fork. Save your game at the save terminal; return to the

fork and head South. On the walkway, grab the cube containing Soma Droplet,

then enter the elevator and take it to 6F. Watch the scene when you arrive.

If you do not stop Hikawa, the Shikima Flag will be turned on. Otherwise,

you will fight a boss.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Samael |

| Pretty basic as far as bosses go, not too hard | HP: 8500 |

| nor easy. Ingest a Magatama that protects | MP: 4000 |

| against charm before going into battle, and | Macca: 10,000 |

| use as many allies as you can that are immune | EXP: 9000 |

| to status ailments in general. Use abilities | |

| like Taunt and Provoke in conjunction with | Physical.....N/A |

| Focus to dish out the 8500 damage you need; | Fire.........N/A |

| nothing you've never done before. Watch out | Ice..........N/A |

| mostly for God's Curse, but like I mentioned | Electricity..N/A |

| earlier, if you protected against it you'll be | Force........N/A |

| fine. It's definitely his most dangerous | Almighty.....N/A |

| spell. | Expel........Void |

| | Death........Void |

| | Curse........Void |

| | Nerve........Void |

| | Mind.........Void |

| | |


After the battle, watch the scene. Take the elevator back down and save your

game. Now head to the Amala Temple. In the large outdoor area, examine the

upside down pyramid when you're ready. If you're trying to get the special

true demon ending, you must complete the Fifth Kalpa at this point before

continuing on in the game. When you're ready, take the terminal to the

second area of the Assembly of Nihilo and head towards the Obelisk.

o----------o o-------------o

o-| I - xxvi |----------------------------------------(Fw01A)-| The Obelisk |

o----------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Chakra Elixir

Enter through the 'back' North door of the Obelisk. Follow the path down an

elevator; in this area there is a cube hiding behind the large pole-like

structure in the middle. It contains a Chakra Elixir, a reusable MP restoring

item for battle. Leave and enter the Obelisk from the front.

When you enter, go North and ride the block to the next floor. There are

Mystical Chests at the Northeast and Northwest corners of this area, and a

lift to the next floor in the North-centre. Run around the edge to the South

side and you'll find two lifts, take the block, not the glowing white

elevator. Step into the white light and choose to ascend. When you examine

the object in front of you, you will be taken to the Tower of Kagutsuchi.

o-----------o o---------------------o

o-| I - xxvii |--------------------------------(Fw01B)-| Tower of Kagutsuchi |

o-----------o o---------------------o

-- Items:

- Float Ball - Bead

- Megidola Rock - Bead

- Attack Mirror - Earthstone

- Netherstone - Life Stone

- Life Stone - Life Stone

- Soul-Return - Heavenstone

After a scene, you will start off on a moving block; ride it up to the

platform. There are a number of treaures you can collect, but they are all at

dead ends, so you'll eventually find your way back here. If you wish to

collect them, read the tabbed section:

Take a look around this large room; you will see there are four main

exits, North, South, East and West. Head to the middle of the West path

and go West. Climb the stairs to 162F and open the door. In the center

of this area, you'll find a door to enter and a block you can ascend that

leads to a Mystical Chest and a cube containing Float Ball. Go back down

the elevator; on this floor, there is an elevator on the South side that

will quickly return you to 160F.

Take the North exit this time. Again, climb the stairs to 162F and enter

the door in the middle of the floor. The elevator will take you up to a

room with a Mystical Chest and cube containing Bead. Return to 160F.

Take the East exit this time. Head to the small room the same way as

before and get the Mystical Chest and cube with Soma Droplet. Return to


Take the South exit out of the main room. Ride the elevator up that you'll

find just past the Manikins. Head North to the spewing thing in the middle

and you can ride the entire platform section up. Head North to find a save

terminal; head East from it to continue on. When you reach the top of the

stairs and go through the door, you'll find a path fork. Take the one on

your right (North) and head West. Follow this path all the way to the very

end and go South. Ride the platform to a cube containing Megidola Rock. Go

back North through the door, take a couple steps East and head South. Ride

the block and enter the door on your left. (East) Head East until you've

gone through two doors, then ascend the stairs to the West and ride the block

to the next floor.

Go along the path until you come to some stairs to the West. Ascend them and

you'll find two blocks; ride the second one up. Head East and go down the

stairs. Go back up the stairs to the West and take the first block up this

time. There should now be three blocks in a row, run an S pattern to the

third most Northern block and ride it up. Head West down the stairs, back

down to 186F. When you come to a fork, go North and get the cube containing

Bead. Head back South and take the first branch left. (East) At the top of

the stairs, you'll find the three blocks again. You can't ride the North

one, but you can ride the middle one. Take it down, then head North; you'll

see two staircases on either side of you. Descend the West one and head

South down the elevator. Grab the Mystical Chest a few steps North and ride

it back up. Return to where you had the stairs on either side of you and go

North to find the elevator to the next floor.

Head South and take the right (West) path and ride the blcok to a Mystical

Chest. Go back and take the left (East) path and ride the block. When you

get off, you'll have two choices of blocks to take. Take the South one to

find a terminal; save, then return then take the West one. When you get off,

you'll notice you can go either East or West. If you want a Mystical Chest,

go East and follow it up an elevator. Either way, return to this junction

and go West. At the top of the stairs, ride the block up to the next floor,

then go South and take the elevator. There may be a boss fight here.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Ahriman |

| This is Ahriman's first form. The Magatama | HP: 6000 |

| want to ingest generally is something with | MP: 3000 |

| physical protection, and no bad weaknesses | Macca: 10,000 |

| attached to it. When the battle starts, he | EXP: 10,000 |

| will tell you about his game; rules that must | |

| be followed during the battle. If any one | Physical.....N/A |

| character breaks these rules, Ahriman will | Fire.........N/A |

| immediately cast Hell's Call, wiping them out | Ice..........N/A |

| in a single hit. When the battle starts, | Electricity..N/A |

| he'll likely tell you you can't use physical | Force........N/A |

| attacks, which is ok; use it as an opportunity | Almighty.....N/A |

| to cast all you best -nda spells like Fog | Expel........Repel |

| Breath, War Cry and Taunt. When you've maxed | Death........Repel |

| them, knock some magic off on him until he | Curse........Void |

| changes, then start with the physical attacks. | Nerve........Void |

| Use any opportunities you have for healing, | Mind.........Void |

| because he doesn't give you many. Near the | |

| end of the battle, he'll only let you use | |

| physical attacks and won't change, so you'll | |

| see where those -nda and -kaja spells came in | |

| handy. With only 6000 HP, you shouldn't have | |

| to worry about him being in this stage for too | |

| long. | |

| | |



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Ahriman |

| After the 6000 HP are depleted, he transforms | HP: 18,000 |

| into this stage. All your -nda effects still | MP: 6000 |

| remain, so he should be really easy to hurt, | Macca: 10,000 |

| and his 18,000 HP should go down pretty fast. | EXP: 10,000 |

| What makes him hard is his serious power; he | |

| can cast unblockable spells like Megidolaon | Physical.....N/A |

| and Apocalypse. If you don't War Cry his | Fire.........N/A |

| magic power down, you can expect to be killed | Ice..........N/A |

| for sure if he ever casts two of those spells | Electricity..N/A |

| in one turn. Keep your HP at max all the time | Force........N/A |

| and get off as much damage as you possibly | Almighty.....N/A |

| can, because when he gets close to death, he | Expel........Repel |

| will cast Dekunda and become very very | Death........Repel |

| dangerous. I wouldn't even recommend trying | Curse........Void |

| to get those effects back on him; just start | Nerve........Void |

| attacking like mad and hope you can manage to | Mind.........Void |

| finish him off before he finishes you off. | |

| | |


After the battle, watch the scene and you will receive Earthstone. Return back

down and save your game.

From where you fought the boss, head West and go North to the elevator. On

the next floor, run South and ride the large elevator. Get off the elevator

and go directly North to find a Fountain of Life. If you did not fight

Ahriman, then you can go to the Northwest room to find an angel who will

activate the Ahriman tombstone in the Labyrinth of Amala Burial Chamber, so

that it becomes possible to fight him. Either way, from the Fountain of Life,

head East. Cast Liftoma (or don't) and go Northeast across the damage floor

and get the cube containing Attack Mirror. Return to the Fountain of Life and

go West. Go West as far as you can until you come to a wall with only a North

and South fork; North leads again to that angel, so head South. Immediately

after going through the door, run West to where the cube is, but don't open

it, there's a monster-in-a-box. Go South from the cube until you come to a

path leading West. Take it and follow it North to an elevator.

On this floor, follow the path North (without entering any doors) and you'll

reach an open area with a door leading to a save terminal. This is a normal

terminal, you'll notice, so you're free to go back and do some shopping;

you'll be able to come back directly to this one. From the terminal, head

South; you'll come to an area where you can walk across the air on magic

blocks, but you cannot backtrack. The tabbed section will lead you to a

couple of out of the way treasures, if you wish.

Begin walking across them, ignore the first two left and right exits you

come to, and take your second left. (East) Go through the door and head

Northeast. The first chance you get to go North across a magic block,

take it. On the platform on the other side, you will be pulled down

below. When you land, cast Liftoma and Lightoma, then go as far South as

you can. When you hit a wall, go West to find a Mystical Chest in the

middle of your path. (Go no further than the chest!) Turn around; go

back all the way East, then head North until you find a branch that leads

East. Take it and you will be pulled down once again. Go South when you

land and open the Mystical Chest. Check your map and you'll see you've

been here before. The elevator leading back up to the save terminal is

on the West side. Take it.

Head South from the terminal and begin to cross the pit on the magic blocks.

Ignore the first left and right paths you pass by, and take your second left

(East) through the door. On this sold platform, go to the East side of it,

(don't cross any magic blocks) and go South. The magic block path leading

South off of the East side of this platform should take you to a door. When

you enter it and go up the stairs, you'll find an elevator that takes you

down; a couple steps South of that is an elevator to take you up.

The camera angles are weird here, so use your map if you have to. Go up the

first ramp to the top, then head North up the second ramp (the camera angle

changes.) At the top of the second ramp is a path fork. Take the one leading

down and get on the block at the bottom. From there, get on the other block

and it will lead you to a Mystical Chest. Return to the fork at the top of

the second ramp and go up and enter the door. (Enter the door, not take the

elevator) Run to the door on the West side and prepare yourself.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Noah |

| You must absolutely not enter this battle | HP: 8000 |

| wihtout a sufficient elemental magical | MP: 4000 |

| arsenal. Don't let the stats to the side fool | Macca: 10,000 |

| you, he has elemental immunities, but they | EXP: 10,000 |

| vary by turn. Here's how it goes; every turn | |

| he will cast Aurora, effectively changing his | Physical.....N/A |

| weakness. (Not technically a weakness, but | Fire.........N/A |

| it won't be repelled.) It starts as ice, then | Ice..........N/A |

| fire, then force, then electricity and loops. | Electricity..N/A |

| If you ever lose track of what his current | Force........N/A |

| vulnerability is, then just pay attention to | Almighty.....N/A |

| the spell he casts; if it's a fire spell he | Expel........Repel |

| is weak to ice etc. Use your most powerful | Death........Repel |

| magic, and inbetween cast things like War Cry, | Curse........Void |

| Fog Breath, Taunt, and Makakaja. This boss is | Nerve........Void |

| very slow and very predicatbale; he only | Mind.........Void |

| really gets one turn, since Aurora uses up a | |

| press turn, so take it slow and avoid doing | |

| anything rash. | |

| | |



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Noah |

| There are only three differences with his | HP: 15,000 |

| second form and they are very minor: 1. His | MP: 5000 |

| physical appearance. 2. His HP total. 3. The | Macca: 10,000 |

| skills he starts to use after he's about half | EXP: 10,000 |

| dead. Fight this battle exactly as you did | |

| the first form. After a while you'll start to | Physical.....N/A |

| notice him casting Dominion now and then. It | Fire.........N/A |

| sounds dangerous, but assuming you've used War | Ice..........N/A |

| Cry a couple of times, it's extremely weak and | Electricity..N/A |

| nothing to worry about. Near the end, he may | Force........N/A |

| use Dekunda which can put a kink in your | Almighty.....N/A |

| plan, but just use the more powerful -nda's | Expel........Repel |

| again and hope he doesn't use it anywhere near | Death........Repel |

| the same time as Dekaja. You can expect this | Curse........Void |

| to be a very long battle, probably the longest | Nerve........Void |

| you've fought yet. Considering the amount of | Mind.........Void |

| magic you need to use and the time the battle | |

| takes, I found the Chakra Elixir (infinite use | |

| MP restore) was invaluable for the fight, so | |

| if you picked it up, don't forget that it's | |

| still there. | |

| | |


After the battle, (or no battle,) you receive the Netherstone. Leave the area

and take the elevator at the top of the ramp to the next floor.

At the top of the stairs, speak to the demon to get the 'memory' of fighting

Noah. (Making him appear in the Burial Chamber) Go through the door and ride

the elevator. When you get off the elevator, head West all the way as far as

you can go, then go North through the door. Get the cube containing Life

Stone x3 and return to the elevator. Head West and you'll find all you would

expect from a normal town. Do whatever you must do before once again

returning to the elevator. Head North and go up the elevator. Get prepared

before proceeding.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Thor |

| Sometimes it's nice to have an easy boss every | HP: 8000 |

| once in awhile, especially in a final dungeon. | MP: 3000 |

| Ingest a Magatama that has protection from | Macca: 5000 |

| electricity, for starters. In the battle, | EXP: 200 |

| begin by pumping your power and lowering his | |

| as always. Begin hurting him with some not so | Physical.....N/A |

| powerful attacks until you've dealt about 3500 | Fire.........N/A |

| damage; then use one turn to Focus and charge | Ice..........N/A |

| as much as possible. On the next turn, | Electricity..Repel |

| release everything you have, and if you're | Force........N/A |

| strong enough, you may actually be able to | Almighty.....N/A |

| kill him this turn. The idea is that after | Expel........Repel |

| half HP, he begins using Dragon Eye. With | Death........Void |

| five press turns, he might not be such a | Curse........Strong |

| pushover, but if he's dead before even getting | Nerve........Void |

| that opportunity, then there's no problem. | Mind.........Void |

| Even if he does survive your assault, there's | |

| no way it should take more than 1 or 2 turns | |

| maximum to eliminate him afterward. Too bad | |

| the EXP is pitiful. | |

| | |


Go back down and save your game in the little shop area; heal if necessary.

Return to where you fought Thor and go up the stairs on the right. (West) At

the top, you will be teleported. From where you appear, head South, East,

North, East and you should be at a fork. From there, go South; you'll pass

three branches leading East. Take the middle one, then go South until you

are teleported. From where you appear, go South and continue to go South at

every opportunity you get until you are once again teleported. Head North,

West, North, West. There are two paths leading South; take the second more

Western one. Open the Mystical Chest. From the chest, head Northeast to be

teleported again.

Step onto the panel Northeast of where you appear to be teleported. When you

land, go South and you'll be teleported to the area past where you fought

Thor. Turn around and step on the large elevator; choose to ride it. The

elevator will go down and you can safely go back and save without having to

do all that again. When you're ready, take the elevator on the South side of

the room.

Head up to the fork. Go West, North, East, South, East and save your game.

Standing right outside the terminal door, go: West, North, East, South (as

far as you can go), East (through the door, as far as you can go), South,

East, South, East. Ride the block up. Go West and run across the magical

blocks to the next platform. Step on the North panel to be dropped down.

When you land, head as far as you can South, and take the giant door leading

South to the outdoors. Follow the path around the edge of the tower and up

the slope. When you reach the top, take the North elevator on your right.

At the top, head up the ramp and enter the door.

Inside, enter the door leading North and save your game. Head West through

the door. There's some treasure to get if you wish:

Go South and a path will appear; as you cross it, you will be dropped

down to the lower floor. From where you land, go East, South, East

and open the Mystical Chest. Go North and take the elevator up. South

of the elevator is the save terminal again. Go West back to the large

magic block area.

Head West into the large magic block room. Head North and take the block

path to the Northern plaform. When you reach it, take the path that

leads off the East edge to reach the platform in the middle. Go West off

of it and the path will take you to the South platform. When you reach

the South platform, go North and take the block path. When you reach the

West platform, go in the door and take a few steps to be pulled down

below. Now get ready; don't even move. This part is very dangerous, so

I've even provided a to-scale diagram. Look below; you will land on one

of the two @ symbols. Your destination is the # symbol and X's represent

teleports that will pull you below. The *'s show the safest path you can

take. You can use the exact number of asterisks to count exactly how

many panels you should move.

One quick tip: None of the damage ground anywhere has a trap on it


| o------o

|* * * * * * |

|* o---o * oo

|* * * X * *|

|X X * X X X *|

|X * X * * *|

|X * X * Xo-o

|X @ * X * X

|X @ * X * X

|X X X X * Xo-o

| * * * * |

| * |

|X * X X X |

|X * o-----o

| * |- # |

| * * * * |

| o-----o

| |


Go West and onto the teleporter. In this area, go across the damage

floor and open the cube to find a Soul-Return; this is an infinite use,

in or out of battle full HP revive item. Very worth the effort. Head

West to be transported. Head straight North until you hit the wall,

then go West and take the elevator. Take the elevator on the next

floor, then go South to once again find yourself at the save terminal.

Save your game.

Head West into the large magic block room. Head North and take the block path

to the Northern plaform. When you reach it, take the path that leads off the

East edge to reach the platform in the middle. Go West off of it and the path

will take you to the South platform. Proceed South and take the elevator up.

Save your game (to the West) when you reach the top. Make sure you're ready

before going through the door.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Baal Avatar |

| Ingest the Djed Magatama before this battle, | HP: 13,000 |

| no questions asked. Baal Avatar has the | MP: 5000 |

| unbelievably cheap ability to turn your | Macca: 10,000 |

| characters into a Fly, which cannot be cured | EXP: 10,000 |

| by any means, and makes them completely | |

| useless. If any of your party members do not | Flauros |

| have protection from curse, Baal will almost | HP: 6700 |

| always target them first; you absolute need | MP: 3000 |

| curse protection here. Besides that, you will | Macca: N/A |

| start the battle just attacking normally; | EXP: N/A |

| don't even bother with skills yet. After a | |

| bit of damage, Baal will summon her comrades | Ose |

| into the battle and be healed fully. Now is | HP: 6700 |

| time to start using -nda and -kaja spells. | MP: 3000 |

| Ose has Dekunda and will use it often. He is | Macca: N/A |

| also the healer; he has to die first. You | EXP: N/A |

| must kill the two helpers first, so after Ose | |

| is gone, target Flauros. You can use as many | Physical.....N/A |

| -nda skills as you want once Ose is gone, | Fire.........N/A |

| which will make the battle much easier. As | Ice..........N/A |

| for attacks, they usually use Expel or | Electricity..N/A |

| Almighty based attacks, and occasionally | Force........N/A |

| Dragon Eye. (Again, used by Ose; kill him.) | Almighty.....N/A |

| When the two are gone, Baal will use Beast Eye | Expel........Repel |

| and attack with physical attacks and almighty, | Death........Void/Strong|

| but at this point, it won't be much of a fight | Curse........Void/Strong|

| since she's alone. Use physical attacks to | Nerve........Void/Strong|

| take them down, your most powerful HP skills, | Mind.........Void/Strong|

| as well as Focus to pump them up. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Heavenstone. Return and save your


From where Baal Avatar was, go North; enter the door and be pulled below.

When you land, ride the elevator in front of you. At the top, make your way

South to the next elevator. Just ahead of you to the North is an elevator;

before riding it, take the path leading Northwest and follow it to the end

to find a save terminal.

If you were wondering when the point of no return was, this is pretty much it.

If you have any reason to go back and do other things, now is the time to do

it. You won't be brought back to this exact terminal, but you'll be pretty

close to the end. (That little area with the shop and heal fountain to be


When you're ready, return to the elevator in the centre and ascend. At the

top, put the three stones in however you wish. Ride the elevator to



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Kagutsuchi |

| Ingest your strongest Magatama, as long as it | HP: 20,000 |

| doesn't leave you with any terrible | MP: 7000 |

| weaknesses. (I.E. Gaea = No) Kagutsuchi is | Macca: 10,000 |

| your enemy here. Cast all your -nda and -kaja | EXP: 10,000 |

| spells without hesitation; he has Dekunda but | |

| will rarely use it. This form's entire | Physical.....N/A |

| purpose is building up to Full phase in order | Fire.........N/A |

| to unleash its strongest attack. In order to | Ice..........N/A |

| prevent that, you need to eliminate it by | Electricity..N/A |

| basically using your strongest attacks, either | Force........N/A |

| physical or magical, since he has no real | Almighty.....N/A |

| immunities. After you've done a certain | Expel........Void |

| amount of damage, he changes forms; all -nda | Death........Void |

| effects stay and second form won't use | Curse........Void |

| Dekunda, so don't let him change until you've | Nerve........Void |

| got everything set up the way you want it. | Mind.........Void |

| | |



| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Kagutsuchi |

| Talk about dangerous, he goes from using a | HP: 40,000 |

| powerful attack every eight turns, to using a | MP: 10,000 |

| twice as powerful attack every other turn. | Macca: 100 |

| You need to set up a system. First of all, if | EXP: 10,000 |

| you haven't fully War Cry'd him, you're in | |

| big trouble. You're also going to want to | Physical.....N/A |

| pump your own defense. Here's how I'd go | Fire.........N/A |

| about doing it: On the turn he attacks with | Ice..........N/A |

| Infinite Light, heal all your characters to | Electricity..N/A |

| full and attack with everything you have. On | Force........N/A |

| the next turn, Focus with everyone and get | Almighty.....N/A |

| ready for the coming attack. When he uses it, | Expel........Void |

| unleash your Focus-boosted attacks and heal | Death........Void |

| fully. If you got the uber Pixie from the | Curse........Void |

| Fifth Kalpa, you're going to want her now as | Nerve........Void |

| your healer. This goes on for awhile; the | Mind.........Void |

| moment you start to wear down, you're dead, | |

| because he isn't going to stop. Once he's | |

| about half dead, he'll begin using Dragon | |

| Eye and normal attacks along with magic. If | |

| you've used Fog Breath on him, this phase | |

| will actually be easier than the first phase. | |

| Stick with the same plan, but obviously | |

| compensate for any massive healing you'll | |

| need to do. If you're looking for demons | |

| to help you win either parts of this battle, | |

| I'd recommend all the four Rider Fiends for | |

| their incredible immunities, though the | |

| downside is you may have to level them up. | |

| Good luck. | |

| | |


And that may be it. Enjoy your ending unless you finished the Fifth Kalpa.

If you did finish the Kalpa, then there's just one more thing to do.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Lucifer |

| The Magatama you want for this fight is, of | HP: 65,535 |

| course, going to be Masakados. Lucifer is | MP: 65,535 |

| extremely powerful, has an extremely huge | Macca: N/A |

| amount of HP, and your attacks are virtually | EXP: N/A |

| meaningless. Everything you'd expect. You | |

| will have virtually no chance of winning | Physical.....25% |

| unless you have the following two skills on | Fire.........25% |

| your main character: Pierce and Freikugel. | Ice..........25% |

| Your main source of damage is going to be | Electricity..25% |

| from Freikugel. Pierce is a skill that makes | Force........25% |

| it so you deal full damage, regardless of the | Almighty.....25% |

| enemies' protection. The only other demon who | Expel........Void |

| can learn this skill is Vile Girimehkala. | Death........Void |

| You'll need to create this demon and fuse him | Curse........Void |

| so you can transfer the skill on to everyone | Nerve........Void |

| in your party. (And yes, this means if you are | Mind.........Void |

| using Dante, drop him immediately.) I don't | |

| think it needs to be said, but obviously you | |

| are going to want to cast War Cry and Fog | |

| Breath for sure here, Debilitate as well as | |

| the more useful -kaja abilities. No matter | |

| how strong you are, you're going to lose | |

| a demon at some point, so be sure someone | |

| has Samrecarm, and that you got the Soul- | |

| Return from the tower of Kagutsuchi. Level | |

| 99, and 40 for stats is recommended here, but | |

| the battle can be won at lower with the | |

| proper setup. Make absolutely sure you've | |

| got him weakened as much as possible by the | |

| time he reaches low health, because he starts | |

| using Root of Evil. Even though it cannot be | |

| weakened in any way, you're going to have to | |

| kill him as fast as possible here, because | |

| there's no way you will last long if he is | |

| able to keep using this. Do not go into this | |

| battle unprepared, and don't forget that for | |

| every attempt, you have to fight the boss of | |

| the game again. How you choose to win this | |

| battle is up to you. | |

| | |


Now sit back and enjoy the ending.

You beat the game. Good job!



* Labyrinth of Amala (La000) *


o--------o o-------------o

o-| II - i |-------------------------------------------(La001)-| First Kalpa |

o--------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Chakra Drop - Bead

- Chakra Drop - Deathstone

- Lu Incense

Head directly North until you find a door, but do not enter. Instead go

around the side of it and continue North through the door on the other side.

When you come to a fork, go East to find a cube containing Chakra Drop.

Return to the fork and head West. Take the first North branch you find and it

will lead you a cube containing Bead. You'll notice this cube is beside a

large gate; run around in a circle so that you are on the other side of the

gate. Look at the South wall; there is a small section that looks as if it

has a water effect to it. Pass through this wall simply by walking into it.

Descend the ladder at the end of the hall. Enter the West room and get the

Mystical Chest, then go back up the ladder. Remember the first door just

North of the entrance? Return there now and head directly East from it.

In the East area, head South to start, and you'll come to a little area with a

large door to the South, a shady broker who will sell you a demon to the

North, (a very important one you need for the next Kalpa), and a soul who will

give you hints about fiends to the East. On the East side, proceed up the

hall to the North and enter the door at the North end. Make a right (East) at

the fork and go all the way around to find a ladder; descend the ladder to

B1F. Go South and enter the door to find yourself in a large room.

There are traps all over the room, so follow these directions exactly! Notice

the floor is tiled with large square panels; use these as reference. Stand

exactly one panel South from the door and run all the way to the West. Go

South and West again to find a cube with a Chakra Drop. Run directly East and

fall down the hole. The exit to the smoke damaging area is in the centre of

the West wall. When you're out of the smoke area, head South and follow it to

a ladder leading up. Ascend it. At the top, go out the door and walk exactly

one panel North so you're in the actual room. Now walk one more panel North.

Just for reference, you should be standing so that IF (if means don't actually

do it) you chose to walk forward one more panel, you'd have a wall on your

left (West) and a gate on your right (East.) Anyway, walk one panel East and

you should be beside a gate. From there, walk two panels North. Look to the

West; see the door in front of you? Enter it. Open the two cubes containing

Lu Incense and Deathstone. Examine the switch in the middle of the room to

open a door on the other side of the gate. Leave the room.

From the position where you appear after leaving the room, walk two panels

East. Now walk one panel South. Walk one panel East and drop down. Grab the

Mystical Chest you land beside and enter the door to the South to find a

ladder. When you get to the top, simply run straight North until you fall

down again. Cross the damage floor to the West. When you get out, head North

and climb the ladder. Exit the room and step one panel South of where you

start. Move two panels East and go North to find the ladder you originally
came down on. Return to 1F. When you reach the top, use your map to once

again navigate to the first door, directly North of where you first came into

the Kalpa. This time, actually enter the door and climb down the ladder.

Head South down the next ladder and run straight North. In the next, examine

the peephole for a scene. You can now continue onto the second Kalpa.

o---------o o--------------o

o-| II - ii |-----------------------------------------(La002)-| Second Kalpa |

o---------o o--------------o

-- Items:

- Tetraja Rock - Smoke Ball

- Dekaja Rock - Bead

- Deathstone - Chakra Pot

- 250,000 Macca - Moon Key

- Deathstone - Soma

When you enter the second Kalpa, jump down the hole ahead of you. Head East

when you land; you'll come upon a fork in the path. Go North. In the next

room, enter the door on the North wall, then the door on the West wall. In

the next room, go directly South into a room with a cube containing Tetraja

Rock. Leave the room and follow the hall to the West. At the end, go through

the door to the North. Enter the room to the East to find a cube with Smoke

Ball inside. Head West and you'll find three doors in a row; take the one on

your left (the West most door) and head South. Go as far South as you can

until you reach a wall. Enter the door on your right. (West) Directly South

is another cube containing Dekaja Rock. Leave the room and enter the one just

beside (to the East) of the room you were just in. Follow the hallway around,

and when it comes to a fork, head East all the way to the end, then go North

through the door. You will find a cube here with Bead. Go out the door and

take a few steps West, then go into the next door leading North. (Which is

just West of the room you were in.) Of the two doors on the West wall, take

the upper (North) one. It leads to a Mystical Chest. Now check your map.

You'll notice directly below you is a yellow arrow, which means a drop off

point as well as another one just West of it. Navigate to the West one and

drop down.

Head directly West from where you land; in the wall is another ripple effect,

meaning you can pass through it. On the other side, down the hall, is a cube

containing Deathstone. Take the North door, then in the next room, enter the

door to the West and climb the ladder. Run out the door and, at the fork,

head North as far as you can go. When you reach the end, go East to the door,

but don't enter it; then head South as far as you can go. At the bottom,

enter the door to the East that is right beside you and drop down. Grab the

Mystical Chest and leave the room. Again, go into the West door and climb the

ladder. Leave the room and head all the way North once again. At the end, if

you turn around, you'll notice you're in the room with three doors on the

South wall again. Go East until you reach the door, but don't go through it.

This time when you start heading South, immediately take the first banch East

you come to. (Down a hall, not through a door; check your map.) As you go

down the hall, immediately take the first branch South and drop down. Here,

you can buy another demon for 30,000 Kalpa; this demon comes equipped with a

spell for Healing the HP for each of your party members to full, as well as a

spell to revive with full HP; very very worth it.

You've done it a million times, but return once again to the room with three

doors on the South wall. (Out of the demon selling room, up the West ladder,

North at the fork as far as you can go) This time, actually turn around and

look at the three doors. Enter the one in the middle and descend the ladder.

When you go out the door, you'll find yourself in an area which does massive

damage (half HP) every couple of steps. Here's the trick to surviving:

Remember that demon you bought (I told you to buy) in the first Kalpa? Well,

put him in your active party and use his skill Estoma to lower encounter rate.

When you get into a battle, use his 100% escape success skill. It's the only

way you're going to survive; now follow these directions:

Head up and go East; the path curves North, then it curves West, then South

and finally East again. When it does, you'll notice a path ahead of you and

a door beside it to the South; do not take the door! If you look at your

map, you'll see it leads back to the beginning, so just keep going. Keep

going around; the next time you're heading South you'll see another door,

ignore this one, as well. The only time you should enter a door is if the

hallway leads you right to it and you have no other options. So if the

hallway continues, follow the hallway. When you reach the end, go down the

ladder. (I know it sounds repetitive, but do not enter any doors without

looking at your map to be absolutely sure you aren't backtracking.)

Heal your party to full and run to the end and speak with the demon. Have you

ever felt your hard work didn't pay off? Not this time, because that trek

through the cursed hallway nets you 250,000 Macca. Head back up. (Use your

map to navigate the cursed hallway through the doors in two seconds, rather

than running all the way around manually.) When you get back to the room with

three doors on the South wall, run to the nearest drop off point and drop down

to the lower level. Exit whichever room you dropped down to. Jump down the

hole on the East side of the hallway.

You need to get to the very North wall; it will be hard to direct, so here's a

general idea. Face North when you land; you'll have to head West about four

panels before you can actually go far enough North to reach the wall. Once

you reach the North wall, head East for about two panels, and you should be

able to go South. Go South one panel, then East as far as you can. When you

hit the wall, go South as far as you can to find a cube with Chakra Pot, then

go into the East door. Down near the end of the hall on the East wall is a

ripple effect you can walk through. Go through, descend the ladder and open

the cube to find the Moon Key. Go back to the invisible wall room and

backtrack to the North wall again until you are just beside the North exit.

To reach it, take the following route: Head South as far as you can go, then

West as far as you can go, then North as far as you can go, then West until a

path to the North opens up; go North one panel, then West as far as you can

go, then North, then West, then North, then East and you should be at the door

barring any misdirection. Go through the door and head West. Examine the

locked door to use the Moon Key and enter. Inside, you will find a cube

containing Deathstone. Leave the room and head all the way East and climb the

ladder. Go South and return to the hallway outside the room.

If you 'choose' to drop down via the West drop, you can find a Mystical Chest

with a Soma inside, then navigate through the invisible wall room in a

completely different section and make your way all the way back here. It's

not worth it, but if you choose to, return to the hallway you are in now to

continue the walkthrough when you finish.

Head West and go up the stairs, then look at your map. Note the four downward

yellow arrows in the middle of your map for this area, you want to drop down

the one at the bottom right (Southeast.) When you land, don't exit North,

instead turn around to see a locked door to the South. Use your Moon Key and

it will be unlocked, head South and drop down the hole at the end. When you

land, descend the stairs. Follow the path to a peephole and look through it.

You can now continue to the Third Kalpa.

o----------o o-------------o

o-| II - iii |-----------------------------------------(La003)-| Third Kalpa |

o----------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Bead - Deathstone

- Magic Mirror - Bead

- Candelabrum of Knowledge

Go Northwest from where you enter and proceed through the door. There are

three exits in this area; one leading West to the strength area, one leading

North to the luck area, and one leading East to the magic area. Each door

will check your stats to see if you are worthy to enter.

-- Strength

For the door in this room, you must have a certain amount of strength to go

through, (15) so assuming you have enough, go through the door. Head West,

then South, then East and you'll find a cube containing Bead. Make your way

back North and enter the door; in the next room the is a cube in the

Northeastern corner. Open it to receive Deathstone. You will see two doors

on the West wall; enter the lower Southern door to find two cubes containing

Magic Mirror and Bead. Leave the room and go back into the North door. This

time, take the upper door of the two on the West wall. Follow the path

around to the strength door; examine again and you should be teleported into

the adjacent room, with two doors on the South wall. Enter the right door

(West) and grab the Mystical Chest, then head North and out the other door.

This time, enter the left (East) door and get the Mystical Chest. Exit this

room via a door on the East wall. When you go out the door, head South and

examine the strength door. Assuming it lets you pass go through, enter the

door leading West and head down the stairs.

Run along the hallway; when you come to a South branch, you can enter the

door and find a shady broker if you have a dark Reason. Either way,

continue through the door leading East. You find another door leading East

in this room (not on the other side of the room, it's in the walled area in

the middle) that leads to a ladder. Climb it and you'll be back at the

junction between the three areas. Go North to the luck area.

-- Luck

There are no cubes, but a number of Mystical Chests in here. Navigate through

the area to a ladder leading down. The middle ladder will lead you to a

hallway with a door you can only access with a neutral Reason; another shady

broker is inside. Head to the main section and climb the ladder again to find

yourself at the junction between the three attribute checking areas.

-- Magic

Same principle applies here; nothing but Mystical Chests in this area. If you

find the ladder on the Southeastern side, it will lead to a similar hallway,

where the South branch door can only be opened if you have a light Reason, and

a different shady broker will be found.

-- All Three Complete

The title is a little misleading, because you don't actually have to go

through any of them, but once you're ready, you need to be in the main

central area of B1F. Which attribute maze you take to get there is up to

you. In the main area of B1F, enter the door leading North into the middle

walled area; when you enter the candelabrum will react. Descend the ladder.

At the bottom, a scene will occur. It doesn't matter which option you pick.

Either way a chase is about to begin. (If you told him you'd leave, you have

no choice but to go through the door anyway.)

Run forward to the left path branch; Dante will be running towards you. Take

the left path and go around and it will lead back to the path; run left

(South) and enter the door.

He's counting to three, run forward, ignoring the first branch, and enter the

door on the second branch leading right. (North) Dante will come in through

the other door; quickly enter the door on your left. (West) Before leaving

the room, get ready. The second you leave, run South and go through the

door. Do it now. Outside the door, turn right (West) until you come to a

fork. At the fork, head right (North) until Dante comes around the corner.

Do an immediate U-turn and run straight for the portal to the South. When

you come out of the portal, turn right (West) and enter the door to the South

when you come to the fork. Enter the room immediately on your left and hit

the switch. Leave the room and exit North.

You'll see Dante right in front of you; bolt left (West) and follow the path

with him chasing you all the way down to the portal. Warp yourself; when you

come out, go right (West) and North at the fork. You're now home free.

Descend the ladder.

Go forward and enter the door. Another chase is about to begin.

First, go West, then North, then a bit East, then North into the door. Now

first things first, walk around here just to get a general idea of the layout,

there's one important thing to note: In the Northwestern area (not as far as

the corner, just slightly Northwest from the middle) there is an L shaped

invisible wall. Notice how you can run around it easily, keep this in mind,

because this is what you will use when Dante is chasing you to get around him.

Enter the North door and hit the switch; when you come back out, Dante is

there. Stay West a bit and use that L wall to get by him and go through the

South door.

Head to the Southwest door and go through it. There are four pillars here and

a door to the West. The Northwestern pillar does not have any walls around

it, so that is the one you will use to evade Dante. Be sure to find it before

proceeding. Head through the door and press the switch. When you come back

out, use that pillar to get by him and return to the main area.

Head to the Northeast door and go through it. Enter the East door and

deactivate the switch. Dante will not chase you this time. Leave the room.

From the door you were just in, head West; when you approach the portal, go

South. Head East a bit to see Dante in front of the locked door; when he

chases you, backtrack West then North and enter the portal. When you come

out of the other one, run West and then North at the fork. You should be

safe. Descend the ladder. Follow the path South for another event.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Dante |

| Dante is no pushover here, but there are ways | HP: 5000 |

| to win. First of all, he gets harder the more | MP: 3000 |

| damage he takes, so devote the first part of | Macca: 10,000 |

| battle to pumping up your abilities with -kaja | EXP: 10,000 |

| skills. -nda skills are useless because he | |

| will literally cancel them every single time; | Physical.....N/A |

| but if you feel like wasting one of his press | Fire.........N/A |

| turns, it's always an option. Once you are | Ice..........N/A |

| adequetely pumped, begin to use all the most | Electricity..N/A |

| powerful attacks and spells you have. You're | Force........N/A |

| going to want to ingest a Magatama with | Almighty.....N/A |

| protection from mind, as the panic ailment | Expel........Void |

| will likely harm you more than Dante will. | Death........Void |

| The best setup is to have the main character | Curse........Void |

| with a mind null Magatama and one demon with | Nerve........Void |

| either repel or drain electricity attacks. | Mind.........Void |

| He will use Roundtrip, an elec based attack | |

| for the majority of the late battle. | |

| | |


After the battle, you will receive the Candelabrum of Knowledge. Continue on

until you are out of the Kalpa and examine the peephole. Watch the scene.

You can now conitnue to the Fourth Kalpa.

o---------o o--------------o

o-| II - iv |-----------------------------------------(La004)-| Fourth Kalpa |

o---------o o--------------o

-- Items:

- 25,000 Macca - 25,000 Macca

- Deathstone - Deathstone

- Deathstone - 100,001 Macca

- 66,666 Macca - Deathstone

- Star Key

When you enter the Kalpa, you will immediately find yourself in a cursed area

that will damage you every couple of steps. Use the Piasca you got from the

first Kalpa, and use the low encounter ability, then put it in your party so

you can cast 100% escape if you get into a battle. Head West; the first doors

leading North and South both contain cubes with 25,000 Macca each. The next

North door is a burial chamber, and the one at the very end contains a

Deathstone. Return to the entrance of the Kalpa and go North until you are no

longer in a cursed area. Heal yourself before proceeding.

Go North at the fork and enter the second door you pass. The shady dealer

will sell you a demon if you're strong enough, and there's a Mystical Chest.

Return to the fork and head East. Enter the South door and descend the

ladder. There is a portal in front of you; where it takes you is dependent on

the current phase of Kagutsuchi. For now, run around until it is either Half

or Full, then enter the portal.

Assuming all went well, you you should be taken to Hell's Vault. Go North and

enter the door. Head West to be teleported. Grab the Mystical Chest here and

take the South teleport. Grab the Mystical Chest here and take the South

teleport again. Grab the Mystical Chest here and and head to the far East

wall to be teleported again. Go forward into the portal, then back into the

portal you just came from and you should be where you started. But we aren't

done here yet. Get Kagutsuchi once again to either Half or Full and return

through the portal to the vault. This time, in the first area, go East and

be teleported. Grab the Mystical Chest and take the South teleport. Grab the

Mystical Chest and again take the South teleport. Open the cube to receive

Deathstone, then take a few steps West and head South to be teleported. As

you approach the door, and an old man will talk to you and give you a choice

of agreeing with him or not; don't choose either option. Let the choice menu

sit there for a minumum of three minutes, then answer Yes. You will be given

access to the room. Open the two cubes to find Deathstone and 100,001 Macca,

as well as the Mystical Chest. Take the West teleport and go through the

portal, then go back into it.

Get your Katsuguchi to an odd number phase and enter the portal. Go down the

slope; on your right (East) is a ripple wall you can pass through. Head down

the hall; go North at the first branch and North at the fork to find a cube

with Deathstone and a burial chamber. Return to the main path and continue

North through the portal, then go back through it once again.

Get your Kagutsuchi phase to 2/8 or 6/8 and go through. This is Hell's Maze.

Go forward and head right (East) through the door. Go East through the next

door and then go three times North. Before entering the portal, speak to the

blue soul and he will tell you about the Afterlife Bell. To get it, go to

Zoshigaya Cemetery. Bring it back to this maze; from the first fork go all

the way North then West to find the Old Soul, then from the first fork again

go all the way East to find the Young Soul. When you have spoken to both

after receiving the Afterlife Bell, you will be able to fuse two new demons

and will get a special scene the next time you look through the laybrinth

peephole. Anyway, go through the portal, then back through one final time.

Get your Kagutsuchi phase to New and go through the portal. Now you'll be in

Hell's Hall; go North through the door. This area is cursed, so be careful.

Head directly Northeast and you will hit a wall. Take a few steps North, and

when an East path opens up, take a few steps East until you are able to

continue North again. Head straight North to the top and approach the door.

Get as far up as it gives the prompt to hit X and open the door, but don't

open it. Go to your menu and fully heal, then proceed through the door.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Beelzebub |

| Now here's a boss that's no pushover. Some | HP: 16,000 |

| good preparation is needed here; first of all, | MP: 10,000 |

| ingesting the Satan Magatama to protect you | Macca: 10,000 |

| from instant death. Second, your party may | EXP: 10,000 |

| need a makeover; you need as many people who | |

| are immune to death as possible. Don't stop | Physical.....Strong |

| there though, go for immuntities to force and | Fire.........N/A |

| electricity as well. Primarily what you want | Ice..........Strong |

| to do is create a Red Rider; it's one of the | Electricity..Strong |

| fiend bosses so there are quite a few ways to | Force........Strong |

| create it, but its elemental defenses are | Almighty.....N/A |

| amazing. During the actual fight, start the | Expel........Repel |

| battle by absolutely maxing your power and | Death........Repel |

| minimizing his. This is important. When all | Curse........Void |

| that is set up, you'll need to use the most | Nerve........Void |

| powerful attacks you have. Physical and fire | Mind.........Void |

| are best here; fire is the only damage he | |

| isn't strong against besides almighty. Hit as | |

| hard and as fast as you can here, because | |

| after a few turns, he'll tell you the real | |

| fight begins and Dekunda and Dekaja | |

| everything, and continue to do it for the rest | |

| of the battle, making them useless. That's | |

| why you want to get off as much damage as | |

| possible near the start, because he has a lot | |

| of life. Other than that, continue to hit him | |

| with physical and fire, using Focus | |

| constantly, and he will die but, it's almost | |

| guaranteed to take a long time. | |

| | |


Following the battle, go into the room to the North and open the three

Mystical Chests and get the cube containing 66,666 Macca. Head South of the

room where you fought Beelzebub; the curse is now gone from this area. Head

to the Northeast corner and open the cube to receive Deathstone.

Talk to the moth demon in this area, and he will tell you about the Star Key

and a demon that may know about it. Return to the second Kalpa and to the

area you went through long ago that was cursed, and at the end the demon gave

you 250,000 Macca. Talk to that same demon, (the area is no longer cursed)

and he'll tell you to get it from his drunk friend. Return to Ginza and speak

to Loki in Nyx's Lounge, and he'll tell you to get it from a Manikin. Return

to Asakusa and go to the collector's shop, choose 'talk' and he'll give you

the Star Key.

Head to the Third Kalpa; you may remember the door in B1F that couldn't be

opened, (South of the main area) well, now you have the key. Go there; go

through the door and jump down the hole to find a switch, deactivate it to

finally open the door in the Fourth Kalpa. Go all the way back up and head to

the Fourth Kalpa. Enter the Fourth Kalpa and go through the portal at an odd

number Kagutsuchi and run down the slope to the portal at the end; when you go

through, descend the ladder. Follow the path to the end of the hall. Go

South to find a cube with Tetraja Rock, then go North to exit. Peek through

the peephole. You can now continue to the Fifth Kalpa.

o--------o o-------------o

o-| II - v |-------------------------------------------(La005)-| Fifth Kalpa |

o--------o o-------------o

-- Items:

- Chakra Drop - Bead

- (Numerous other treasures are found through special doors)

Enter the Kalpa, almost immediately after you do, you'll meet a familiar face.

You now have the option of recruiting Dante into your party; if you do, you

have to make a coin flip, heads or tails. Win, and he costs 1 Macca to

recruit, lose and he costs half your total. (Note: It's always heads. It's

the same coin he used in Devil May Cry 2.) Regardless, he's level 80 and a

pretty good character; I'd pick him up. Go North and proceed down the stairs.

On the lower floor from the main area you start in, enter the door to the

West. Run West through the fake wall, then go South into the door. Head West

at the fork and through a couple fake walls to find a cube containing Chakra

Drop. Return to the fork and head East, then go North at the next fork and

down the ladder. Follow the path North and deactivate the switch, then

backtrack and ascend the ladder again. Go South as far as you can, then East

into the door. Grab the Mystical Chest through the Southern wall and go North

back to the beginning.

Head through the East door this time. Go North at the fork into the door,

then East at the next fork. Grab the cube containing Bead, return to to the

fork; head West then South and descend the ladder. Run down the hall to find

a 4-way split. To the South is a switch to deactivate, to the East is a room

containing many treasures but only opens up after completing the Kalpa. Head

West from the split to find a Burial Chamber, then go back up the ladder.

Head as far North as you can from the ladder, then go West into the door.

Through the wall to the North is a Mystical Chest, go South and return once

again to the main area.

Return to the West ladder again. (Directions: West until you hit a hard wall,

South until you hit a hard wall, East until you hit a hard wall, North, then

East.) Go down the ladder. Proceed through the hall until you hit a fork; go

East and then South through the door and down the ladder. Go through the door

and enter the door leading South just East of the one you came out of, right

beside it. Go South through the next door; take a couple steps East and go

through that North door. (So in essence, you've just gone in a horizontal S

pattern.) There should be a ladder here, descend it.

At this point, things get a bit complicated. I'll do my best to make things

easy for you, but the next floor will likely best be done at your discretion.

there are a number of doors that require you to have certain stat

requirements to be met, which you may not meet at this time. Follow along if

you can, but feel free to explore; I'll provide some general information in

the next section.

At this point, if you have one demon with more than 25 strength, and that

fairy I told you to keep from the beginning of the game, (it's ok if you fused

it, as long as you still have the demon you fused it to) then you should be

just fine for everything here. Go out the door and head East (with a bit of

a Southward angle) to find a golden door. The door will not open unless you

have a demon with more than 25 strength. The main character cannot be chosen;

Dante also cannot be chosen. If you do not have a demon of this strength,

then return to a Cathedral of Shadows and try doing some sacrificial fusions

at full Kagutsuchi.

Head through the door and go South through two doors, then a bit West and

South. The door will ask for the one who has been with you the longest; send

forward the pixie from the beginning of the game, or the demon you fused her

with to open the door. (Note that you will lose the pixie or the demon, so if

you really like them for whatever reason... be careful) Not that it matters,

because they are about to be replaced. Your new uber Pixie has 30 for every

single stat. She can also get through virtually every single door here, so if

you don't get her, you could have some serious levelling up to do before going

past this floor.

Return to the North door that you came from and head West this time; you'll

need a demon with more than 25 magic (Pixie) to get through. Run West; take

the second path South to find another golden door that asks for more than 20

agility. Proceed through it and head there are a number of small rooms with

four way branch forks here. Take the following doors: West, North, West,

South, South, East, South. Enter the door on the West side leading South and

descend the stairs. Head North and be prepared.


| BOSS | |

o------------------------------------------------o Metatron |

| Probably the most effective Magatama here to | HP: 16,000 |

| ingest is Nirvana, since his expel attacks are | MP: 10,000 |

| pretty much the only ones he has that aren't | Macca: 10,000 |

| either physical or almighty. Physical attacks | EXP: 10,000 |

| are the way to go in this battle; however, he | |

| halves their damage and will instantly negate | Physical.....Strong |

| any -nda or -kaja spells you use. Your best | Fire.........Strong |

| bet is actually Dante's Provoke or someone's | Ice..........N/A |

| taunt skill to double down his defense and | Electricity..Strong |

| then attack on the same turn with Focused | Force........Strong |

| attacks. Your two newest allies offer a good | Almighty.....N/A |

| amount of help; Dante's Stinger (lv 82) and | Expel........Void |

| Holy Star are great for damage and getting rid | Death........Void |

| of Debilitate effects. The Pixie's 100% HP | Curse........Void |

| to party spell speaks for itself; her only | Nerve........Void |

| problem is that her defenses against the | Mind.........Void |

| elements are virtually none. Rely on Focusing | |

| and Provoke skills, obviously healing and | |

| the occasional Fog Breath. His almighty | |

| attacks can't really be reduced, but be sure, | |

| in the event that he uses magic boosting | |

| -kaja, that you are ready with Dekaja; this is | |

| very important. He only ever gets two hits | |

| per turn. (Often wasted on things like Dekunda | |

| and weak normal attacks.) So, although a hard | |

| boss overall, use to your advantage the fact | |

| that he's very slow and predictable. | |

| | |


After the battle, go North and descend the ladder. Head North until you hit a

fork and go left. (West) You shouldn't have any problem from here.

When you wake up in the hospital, that's it, you've completed the Labyrinth of

Amala. Note, if you did not get the final scene then it probably means you

entered the Tower of Kagutsuchi before completing this, meaning you cannot get

the special ending.

One thing to note now with your new demon form; you have unlocked the final

skill of Marogareh, Pierce; it is one of the best skills in the game.


* Endings (En000) *


Endings are determined via a system of points that you accumulate through the

game to lean you towards different Reasons. There are six possibilities:

Musubi, Yosuga, Shijima, Neutral, Demon and True Demon. In order to get any

of these ending, you must select the appropriate choices when faced with

decisions throughout the game. For example, if Isamu asks if you agree with

him, selecting 'Yes' will obviously give you more points toward Musubi.

There are, however, more important factors that 'flag' your specific Reason.

These flags are the most important determinants of which ending you will get;

the points only come into play if you flag more than one Reason and you have

to select which of the two you will get. The following is a small guide which

should help if you're trying to get a specific ending or where to flag each

particular Reason:

Musubi - Activate flag in Amala Temple and Amala Network

Shijima - Activate flag in Diet Building

Yoguga - Activate flag in Mifunashiro

Neutral - Choose 'good' honest answers for questions

Demon - Choose 'bad' dishonest answers for question

True Demon - Complete the Labyrinth of Amala before the final dungeon

Note: You cannot activate Musubi flags for Neutral and Demon endings

After defeating the boss of the game, you will see the ending for five of

those six; for the true demon you must first defeat one more special boss

before witnessing the endings.


* Fusion (Fu000) *


-- General Information --

Demon fusion is a very complex and interesting system, implemented in this

game in order to allow you to combine two demons into a more powerful demon,

and uses a number of different rules and vairables to determine the outcome

of the fusion. The basics are this: If you have two demons, and you fuse

them together, your resulting demon will be of a race previously determined

beyond your control, with a level the the approximate average of the two or

higher, with skills common to the new demon's race as well as some acquired

from the original two. This is the simplest it gets and only gets more

complex from here.

Before starting, it is important to note there are a number of different

types of fusions. First of all, there is normal fusion, which doesn't change

and will pretty much comprise all of your normal demon fusion. Secondly,

there is fiend fusion, which, through certain conditions, allows you to fuse

the special fiends you battle throughout the game. The requirements to fuse

a fiend are a particular Kagutsuchi phase, as well as items called Deathstone

found in the Kalpas of the Labyrinth of Amala. Third, there are curse

fusions, which means that when you are cursed the rules of fusion are altered

slightly, and you are able to create different demons, as well as a select few

demons that are only available through curse fusion. Fourth, there are

special fusions that when certain combinations are made, the result is usually

unexpected and pleasantly surprising. Fifth, there are 'upgrade' fusions,

which allow you to fuse special types of demons and increase the abilities of

your demon without changing its race. Finally, there are sacrificial fusions,

which can only be performed at full Kagutsuchi. When you do a normal fusion,

you will be asked if you wish to make a sacrifice; any demon you select will

be removed from your party, but your resulting demon will become more


First of all, there is basic demon fusion. At the moment, a full chart of

all combination possibilities is not possible, but parasyte13 has devised a

great program that allows you to see the results for virtually any fusion.

The program can be found here: - Original - Mirror - Mirror 2

In order to get this working, you are required to have the .NET framework 1.0

or higher installed on your computer. The framework can be found here:


Connect the two parts of that link together and you will be taken directly to

the download of the framework that is required.

Here are a couple of screenshots of what the program looks like:

*** Please do not email me about trying to get this program to work, I ***

have never used it personallyl I won't have a clue. This is solely for the

benefit of anyone who wishes to have an exact database of all fusions. Please

no not email parasyte13 about it either, I have purposely omitted his email

from this document to avoid any spamming. Everything you need in order to get

this program to work is above, and if you can't figure it out, there's nothing

*** we can do to help. ***

I will now go into more detail about the more complex fusions.

-- Fiend Fusions --

Lets begin with fusing fiends. The fiends are much more powerful than your

average demon, usually loading with incredible elemental and ailment

resistences. For starters, you must visit the Kalpas in the Labyrinth of

Amala and find the chests with items called Deathstones in them. One

Deathstone is required for each demon fusion. (There are quite a few

Deathstones, so you don't have to be too stingy, don't worry.) There are two

restrictions on creating the fiends, first and most important, you must have

defeated them already. Second, the Kagutsuchi phase must be correct. For

your benefit, the following is a quick guide to what phase Kagutsuchi should

be in order to fuse the fiends you are trying to create. For each phase, the

fiends that are possible to create are listed:

New - White Rider

New - Red Rider

New - Black Rider

New - Pale Rider

1/8 - Matador

2/8 - Matador

3/8 - Matador

Half - Matador

Half - Hell Biker

Half - The Harlot

5/8 - Hell Biker

6/8 - Hell Biker

6/8 - Daisoujou

7/8 - Hell Biker

7/8 - Daisoujou

Full - Daisoujou

Full - Trumpeter

Secondly, in order to create these fiends, you must fulfill the necessary

requirements to create a certain type of demon. Each fiend is created when a

demon type and Kagutsuchi are matched. For example, if you wish to fuse the

Matador, you must be on a 1/8 - 4/8 Kagutsuchi and set up a fusion that would

normally yield a Yoma demon. The Yoma demon will actually be a Matador fiend

under the right Kagutsuchi phase. The following is a list of what demon types

are needed for each fiend.

Matador - Yoma

Daisoujou - Night

Hell Biker - Fairy

Trumpeter - Tyrant

Harlot - Tyrant

White Rider - Yoma

Red Rider - Fairy

Black Rider - Night

Pale Rider - Tyrant

Tip: The easiest way to make a Tyrant is a combination of Vile and Fury.

Next is some information on the special fusions of the game.

-- Special Fusions --

Even if you were to fuse some demons of types you were used to creating a

certain race, if it happened to satisfy the conditions for a special fusion,

you may find you create something totally different altogether. For special

fusions, exact demons must be used and fused to create some of the most

powerful demons in the game. What follows is a list of all the special demons

you can create and who you must fuse to make them:

Demon | Demon 1 | Demon 2 | Sacrifice |


Foul Sakahagi | Two demons which create a Foul demon | N/A |

Fury Shiva | Femme Rangda | Avatar Barong | N/A |

Seraph Gabriel | Divine Dominion | Seraph Uriel | N/A |

Seraph Gabriel | Divine Throne | Seraph Raphael | N/A |

Vile Girimehkala | Two demons which create Yoma Purski | Vile |

Raptor Gurr | Two demons which create Beast Sparna | Tyrant |

Vile Samael | Two demons which create Divine Throne| Vile |

Deity Amaterasu | Avatar Yatagarasu | Brute/Femme/Vile | Megami Uzume |

Seraph Metatron | Seraph Michael | Seraph of Divine | Tyrant |

Brute Ongyo-ki | Brute Kin-Ki | Brute Sui-Ki | Brute Fuu-Ki |

Seraph Michael | Seraph Uriel | Seraph Raphael | Seraph Gabriel |

Use the following chart with the one above as a guide to which levels your

demons should be at when fusing. All entries pertain to the above chart.

Demon | Demon 1 | Demon 2 | Sacrifice |


45 | 45 | 45 | - |

95 | 60 | 60 | - |

84 | 50 | 73 | - |

87 | 64 | 84 | - |

58 | 48 | 48 | - |

63 | 54 | 54 | - |

73 | 64 | 64 | - |

56 | 46 | 45 | 18 |

95 | 90 | - | - |

81 | 59 | 62 | 66 |

90 | 73 | 84 | 87 |

That's it for special fusions. Next are fusions that can make your demons you

already have more powerful.

-- Rank/Power Up Fusions --

These kind of fusions, as previously mentioned, can power up the demons you

already have. These are performed by fusing your demons with special things

called Elements and Mitama. These can be created by fusing demons of the same

race together, but they can also be obtained by going to the jeweler's shop

and exchanging your jewels.

For rank increasing fusions, the elements are used. Increasing rank means

promoting a demon to the next level of demon in their particular race.

Obviously, this will not work if they are the higest rank of their

particular race. It is possible for a demon to move either up or down

depending on the element and race of the demon you are trying to upgrade.

Next, we have stat upgrade fusions with Mitama. It's not too complicated

and doesn't require a giant chart like the rank up fusions; it's rather

simple. Fuse a Mitama with one of your demons to power up its stats. Yes,

there is a limit, and you cannot do this forever, but in the long run it's

definitely worthwhile. Here is a simple guide to which Mitama to use:

Note: Despite these numbers, you cannot boost a stat past double the base stat

of the demon's current level. All stat boosts are by a factor of 1.2

Mitama | Strength | Magic | Vitality | Agility | Luck |


Saki Mitama | N/A | N/A | Up | N/A | Up |

Kusi Mitama | N/A | N/A | Up | Up | N/A |

Migi Mitama | N/A | Up | N/A | N/A | Up |

Ara Mitama | Up | N/A | N/A | Up | N/A |

That's about all there is to upgrade fusions.

-- Sacrificial Fusions --

Sacrifical fusions are very useful and rather simple. The demon you have

fused using two demons will not be changed by a sacrifice; rather the

sacrifice will donate experience to the resulting demon, depending on the

level of the sacrifice. This is a great way to create more powerful

versions of early demons; just note that even if you are able to create a

demon, if the sacrifice puts the demon's level above your own, then you

will not be able to actually perform the fusion.

-- Miscellaneous Information --

Time to clear up a few leftover odds and ends.

For every fusion you do, there is a 1/256 chance the fusion will fail; when it

does, you still get a demon, but it is different than the one you were trying

to create, and the level has a high probability of being lower. At full

Kagutsuchi, the probability of fusion failure increase by a huge factor,

landing it at 1/16, so always be sure to save before performing any fusions.

The Demonic Compendum exists so that you can create demons you've had before

without going through the trouble of fusing them. Select view, and you can

purchase any demon you've had before for a certain amount of Macca, which

varies depending on how strong the demon is. In the register section, you

can overwrite the entry for a particular demon. Say you have a demon listed

in the compendum at level 50. If you have the same demon at level 60 in your

party, you can 'register' the one in your party, and make it so the one in

the compendum is identical to the one in your party. Doing this has no

effect on the one in your party.


* Magatama (Ma000) *



| Marogareh | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Lunge (L3) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Analyze (L4) | Magic +1 |

| Ice..........N/A | Life Bonus (L6) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Berserk (L10) | Agility +1 |

| Force........N/A | Counter (L20) | Luck +1 |

| Almighty.....N/A | Pierce (Finish Fifth Kalpa) | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Automatically |

| | |



| Wadatsumi | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Ice Breath (L7) | Strength +0 |

| Fire.........N/A | Mana Bonus (L11) | Magic +3 |

| Ice..........Void | Ice Boost (L15) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..Weak | Fog Breath (L21) | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | Anti-Ice (L24) | Luck +1 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Fallen Forneus |

| | |



| Ankh | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Dia (L5) | Strength +1 |

| Fire.........N/A | Fast Retreat (L12) | Magic +1 |

| Ice..........N/A | Media (L19) | Vitality +4 |

| Electricity..N/A | | Agility +0 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +2 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Void | | |

| Death........Weak | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Great Underpass of Ginza |

| | |



| Iyomante | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Sukunda (L13) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Rakunda (L16) | Magic +0 |

| Ice..........N/A | Life Aid (L36) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +3 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........Void | Junk Shop - Shibuya |

| | |



| Shiranui | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Fire Breath (L9) | Strength +0 |

| Fire.........N/A | Fire Boost (L14) | Magic +5 |

| Ice..........N/A | Taunt (L19) | Vitality +0 |

| Electricity..N/A | Anti-Fire (L23) | Agility +4 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Shibuya |

| | |



| Hifumi | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Tornado (L17) | Strength +0 |

| Fire.........Weak | Force Boost (L22) | Magic +3 |

| Ice..........N/A | War Cry (L24) | Vitality +0 |

| Electricity..N/A | Anti-Force (L27) | Agility +4 |

| Force........Void | | Luck +3 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Great Underpass of Ginza |

| | |



| Kamudo | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....Strong | Heat Wave (L18) | Strength +5 |

| Fire.........N/A | Focus (L23) | Magic +0 |

| Ice..........N/A | Mind's Eye (L25) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Might (L29) | Agility +3 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........Weak | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........Weak +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........Weak | Junk Shop - Great Underpass of Ginza |

| | |



| Narukami | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Shock (L21) | Strength +5 |

| Fire.........N/A | Elec Boost (L26) | Magic +6 |

| Ice..........Weak | Anti-Elec (L30) | Vitality +0 |

| Electricity..Void | Void Elec (L44) | Agility +0 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Thor in Mantra HQ |

| | |



| Anathema | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Mana Drain (L28) | Strength +0 |

| Fire.........N/A | Anti-Death (L32) | Magic +8 |

| Ice..........N/A | Mamudo (L35) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Evil Gaze (L38) | Agility +1 |

| Force........N/A | Mamudoon (L49) | Luck +1 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Weak | | |

| Death........Void | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Ose |

| | |



| Miasma | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Wild Dance (L31) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........Weak | Void Ice (L45) | Magic +5 |

| Ice..........Void | Glacial Storm (L52) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Ice Drain (L60) | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +2 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Snake Mizuchi |

| | |



| Nirvana | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Violet Flash (L32) | Strength +1 |

| Fire.........N/A | Anti-Expel (L33) | Magic +1 |

| Ice..........N/A | Divine Shot (L41) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Void Expel (L56) | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +8 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Void | | |

| Death........Weak | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Asakusa |

| | |



| Murakumo | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....Strong | Void Mind (L34) | Strength +4 |

| Fire.........Weak | Void Nerve (L37) | Magic +4 |

| Ice..........Weak | Chaos Blade (L40) | Vitality +1 |

| Electricity..N/A | Void Curse (L42) | Agility +4 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +1 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Ongyo-Ki and find in a cube |

| | |



| Geis | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Diarama (L37) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Life Refill (L39) | Magic +2 |

| Ice..........N/A | Tetraja (L41) | Vitality +4 |

| Electricity..N/A | Mediarama (L44) | Agility +3 |

| Force........N/A | Diarahan (L47) | Luck +3 |

| Almighty.....N/A | Mana Refill (L51) | |

| Expel........Void | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Finish puzzle in Asakusa and return to Asakusa 2 |

| | |



| Djed | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Tarukaja (L42) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Sukukaja (L43) | Magic +6 |

| Ice..........N/A | Makakaja (L44) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..N/A | Rakukaja (L45) | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | Dekaja (L46) | Luck +2 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........Void | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Moirae Sisters |

| | |



| Muspell | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Tentrafoo (L49) | Strength +0 |

| Fire.........N/A | Makajamon (L53) | Magic +8 |

| Ice..........N/A | Xeros Beat (L56) | Vitality +7 |

| Electricity..N/A | | Agility +0 |

| Force........N/A | | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........Strong | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........Strong +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........Strong | After Obelisk see Sabbath behind door in Shibuya |

| | |



| Gehenna | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Hellfire (L33) | Strength +3 |

| Fire.........Drain | Void Fire (L32) | Magic +3 |

| Ice..........Weak | Mana Gain (L45) | Vitality +3 |

| Electricity..N/A | Fire Drain (L60) | Agility +3 |

| Force........N/A | Magma Axis (L65) | Luck +3 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Asakusa |

| | |



| Kamurogi | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....Strong | Blight (L45) | Strength +8 |

| Fire.........Weak | Life Gain (L46) | Magic +0 |

| Ice..........Weak | Iron Claw (L48) | Vitality +0 |

| Electricity..Weak | Retaliate (L54) | Agility +4 |

| Force........Weak | Oni-Kagura (L64) | Luck +4 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Askusa (Collector Manikin) |

| | |



| Satan | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Jive Talk (L51) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Void Death (L55) | Magic +8 |

| Ice..........N/A | Mana Aid (L58) | Vitality +1 |

| Electricity..N/A | Charisma (L60) | Agility +1 |

| Force........N/A | Deadly Fury (L65) | Luck +4 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Weak | | |

| Death........Void | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Night Black Frost |

| | |



| Adama | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Bolt Storm (L60) | Strength +3 |

| Fire.........N/A | Mana Surge (L62) | Magic +2 |

| Ice..........N/A | Elec Drain (L67) | Vitality +8 |

| Electricity..Repel | | Agility +2 |

| Force........Weak | | Luck +2 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Albion |

| | |



| Vimana | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Endure (L50) | Strength +7 |

| Fire.........N/A | Tempest (L59) | Magic +1 |

| Ice..........N/A | Javelin Rain (L68) | Vitality +3 |

| Electricity..N/A | Life Surge (L71) | Agility +2 |

| Force........N/A | Hades Blast (L73) | Luck +5 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........Void +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Asakusa (Collector Manikin) |

| | |



| Gundari | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Wind Cutter (L64) | Strength +4 |

| Fire.........N/A | Force Drain (L66) | Magic +1 |

| Ice..........N/A | Spiral Viper (L72) | Vitality +2 |

| Electricity..Weak | | Agility +9 |

| Force........Drain | | Luck +3 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Defeat Kishin Bishamon |

| | |



| Sophia | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Thunderclap (L45) | Strength +1 |

| Fire.........N/A | Samrecarm (L57) | Magic +2 |

| Ice..........N/A | Drain Attack (L59) | Vitality +5 |

| Electricity..N/A | Mediarahan (L63) | Agility +7 |

| Force........N/A | Holy Wrath (L70) | Luck +4 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Void | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Asakusa (Collector Manikin) |

| | |



| Gaea | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Deathbound (L61) | Strength +10 |

| Fire.........N/A | Avenge (L69) | Magic +0 |

| Ice..........N/A | Gaea Rage (L74) | Vitality +10 |

| Electricity..N/A | Attack All (L76) | Agility +0 |

| Force........Weak | | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Weak | | |

| Death........Weak | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Mantra HQ B1F open door with 24 base strength min |

| | |



| Kailash | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....N/A | Makarakarn (L72) | Strength +2 |

| Fire.........N/A | Megido (L75) | Magic +10 |

| Ice..........N/A | Tetrakarn (L78) | Vitality +5 |

| Electricity..N/A | Freikugel (L80) | Agility +1 |

| Force........N/A | Megidola (L84) | Luck +2 |

| Almighty.....N/A | | |

| Expel........Strong | | |

| Death........Strong | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........N/A | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........N/A +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........N/A | Junk Shop - Tower of Kagutsuchi 3 |

| | |



| Masakados | Skills | Stats |


| | | |

| Physical.....Void | Megidolaon (L1) | Strength +10 |

| Fire.........Void | Radiance (L1) | Magic +10 |

| Ice..........Void | Fire Repel (L1) | Vitality +10 |

| Electricity..Void | Ice Repel (L1) | Agility +10 |

| Force........Void | Elec Repel (L1) | Luck +0 |

| Almighty.....N/A | Force Repel (L1) | |

| Expel........Void | Phys Repel (L1) | |

| Death........Void | o-------+-------o |

| Curse........Void | | Acquired | |

| Nerve........Void +----------------------------+---------------+-------o

| Mind.........Void | Defeat kings of Bandou Shrine talk to Masakado |

| | |



* Skills (Sk000) *


Name | MP | Power | Element | Effect |


Agi | 3 | 37 | Fire | None |

Agidyne | 10 | 75 | Fire | None |

Agilao | 6 | 55 | Fire | None |

Allure | 13 | - | Mind | Charm |

Analyze | 2 | - | Special | See non-boss Stats |

Andalucia | 6 | 32 | Phys | None |

Anti Fire | - | - | - | Fire Damage (0.5) |

Anti-Curse | - | - | - | Success Lower |

Anti-Death | - | - | - | Success Lower |

Anti-Elec | - | - | - | Elec Damage (0.5) |

Anti-Expel | - | - | - | Success / Damage Lower |

Anti-Force | - | - | - | Force Damage (0.5) |

Anti-Ice | - | - | - | Ice Damage (0.5) |

Anti-Mind | - | - | - | Success Lower |

Anti-Nerve | - | - | - | Success Lower |

Anti-Phys | - | - | - | Physical Damage (0.5) |

Apocalypse | - | Varies | Almty | None |

Arbitration | - | - | Convo | Calms Angry Demon |

Arid Needle | 12 | 31 | Phys | Stone |

Attack All | - | - | Special | Normal Attack All Enemy |

Aurora | - | - | Special | Switch Defense Element |

Avenge | - | - | Special | Counterattack (Strong) |

Bael's Bane | - | - | Curse | Fly |

Beast Eye | - | - | Support | Two extra Press Turns |

Beast Roar | 37 | 80 | Almty | Heal (10%) |

Beckon Call | 15 | - | Special | Summon Random Ally |

Beeech | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Begging | - | - | Convo | Request Item / Macca |

Berserk | 13 | 16 | Phys | None |

Binding Cry | 14 | - | Nerve | Bind |

Blight | 36 | 22 | Phys | Poison |

Bolt Storm | 25 | 65 | Elec | Shock |

Brainwash | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Bright Might | - | - | Special | Criticals at Full Moon |

Brutal Slash | 13 | 50 | Phys | None |

Bufu | 3 | 30 | Ice | Freeze |

Bufudyne | 10 | 65 | Ice | Freeze |

Bufula | 6 | 45 | Ice | Freeze |

Bullet-Time | 10 | 25 | Phys | Panic |

Call Angel | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Call Evil | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Call Soldier | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Call Souls | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Chaos Blade | 32 | 22 | Phys | Panic |

Charisma | - | - | Convo | Gives Convo Good Effects|

Charm Bite | 18 | 41 | Phys | Charm |

Conjuration | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Counter | - | - | Special | Counterattack (Weak) |

Dark Howl | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Dark Might | - | - | Special | Criticals at New Moon |

Dark Pledge | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Dark Sword | 22 | 53 | Phys | Mute |

Deadly Fury | 32 | 41 | Phys | None |

Death Flies | 50 | 90 | Almty | Death |

Death Lust | 15 | 50 | Mind | Charm |

Death Pact | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Deathbound | 25 | 38 | Phys | None |

Deathtouch | 5 | 30 | Almty | HP Drain |

Debilitate | 48 | - | Support | Atk/Mag/Agi/Acc- (1/8) |

Dekaja | 10 | - | Support | Remove -kaja Effects |

Dekunda | 10 | - | Support | Remove -nda Effects |

Detain | - | - | Convo | Keeps Demon Bargaining |

Dia | 3 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Diarahan | 15 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Diarama | 7 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Dismal Tune | 30 | 55 | Curse | Mute |

Divine Shot | 13 | 50 | Phys | None |

Divine Will | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Domination | - | - | Special | HP/MP Drain |

Dormina | 9 | - | Mind | Sleep |

Dragon Eye | - | - | Support | Four extra Press Turns |

Drain Attack | - | - | Special | Physical Heal 25% Dmg |

E & I | 3 | 32 | Phys | None |

Earthquake | 45 | 70 | Phys | None |

Elec Boost | - | - | - | Elec Damage (1.5) |

Elec Drain | - | - | - | Elec Damage (Heal) |

Elec Repel | - | - | - | Elec Damage (Repel) |

Endure | - | - | Special | Survive with 1 HP |

Estoma | 10 | - | Special | Fewer encounters |

Eternal Rest | 16 | - | Mind | Sleep |

Evil Gaze | 8 | - | Death | Reduce HP to 1 |

Evil Gleam | - | - | Mind | Charm |

Evil Melody | 1 | - | Special | Lowest HP% Intsa-kill |

Fast Retreat | - | - | Special | Retreat Chance (150%) |

Feral Bite | 12 | 44 | Phys | None |

Feral Claw | 6 | 34 | Phys | None |

Fire Boost | - | - | - | Fire Damage (1.5) |

Fire Breath | 9 | 30 | Fire | None |

Fire Drain | - | - | - | Fire Damage (Heal) |

Fire of Sinai | 50 | 90 | Almty | None |

Fire Repel | - | - | - | Fire Damage (Repel) |

Flatter | - | - | Convo | Auto Attempt to Recruit |

Focus | 5 | - | Special | Atk more than Doubled |

Fog Breath | 30 | - | Support | Reduce Agi and Acc (1/4)|

Force Boost | - | - | - | Force Damage (1.5) |

Force Drain | - | - | - | Force Damage (Heal) |

Force Repel | - | - | - | Force Damage (Repel) |

Foul Havoc | - | Varies | Phys | None |

Foul Union | - | - | Special | Fuse Allies into One |

Freikugel | 17% HP | 65 | Almty | None |

Gaea Rage | 35 | 37 | Phys | None |

Gathering | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Glacial Blast | 25 | 65 | Ice | Freeze |

God's Bow | 20 | - | Expel | Expel |

God's Curse | - | - | Almty | Random Staus Ailment |

Godly Light | 10 | - | Expel | HP (0.2) |

Gonnection | - | - | Convo | Auto Attempt to Recruit |

Guillotine | 17 | 47 | Phys | Stun |

Hades Blast | 32 | 41 | Phys | None |

Haggle | - | - | Convo | Make Deal for Less Macca|

Hama | 6 | - | Expel | Expel |

Hamaon | 10 | - | Expel | Expel |

Hassohappa | 35 | 47 | Phys | None |

Heat Wave | 16 | 19 | Phys | None |

Hell Burner | 8 | 30 | Fire | None |

Hell Exhaust | 15 | 40 | Force | Dekaja |

Hell Fang | 15 | 56 | Phys | None |

Hell Gaze | 10 | - | Death | Death |

Hell Spin | 25 | 31 | Phys | None |

Hell Throttle | - | - | Support | Three extra Press Turns |

Hell Thrust | 12 | 47 | Phys | None |

Hell's Call | - | - | Almty | Death (Condition Met) |

Hellfire | 18 | 50 | Fire | None |

High King | - | Varies | Almty | Bind |

Holy Melody | 1 | - | Special | Lowest HP% Heal Full |

Holy Star | 10 | - | Support | Remove -nda Effects |

Holy Wrath | 36 | - | Expel | HP (0.5) |

Ice Boost | - | - | - | Ice Damage (1.5) |

Ice Breath | 9 | 25 | Ice | Freeze |

Ice Drain | - | - | - | Ice Damage (Heal) |

Ice Repel | - | - | - | Ice Damage (Repel) |

Icy Death | - | Varies | Ice | Freeze |

Infinite Light | - | Varies | Almty | Kagutsuchi Must be Full |

Intimidate | - | - | Convo | Auto Attempt to Recruit |

Intoxicate | 15 | - | Mind | Panic |

Iron Claw | 15 | 56 | Phys | None |

Javelin Rain | 40 | 41 | Phys | Mute |

Jive Talk | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Kamikaze | 100%HP | 78 | Explode | User Dies |

Kidnap | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Last Resort | 100%HP | 59 | Explode | User Dies |

Laughter | - | - | Special | Summon Ally to Battle |

Life Aid | - | - | Heal | Heal 20% After Battle |

Life Bonus | - | - | Special | Max HP +10% |

Life Drain | 10 | 30 / 15 | Almty | HP / MP Drain |

Life Gain | - | - | Special | Max HP +20% |

Life Refill | - | - | Heal | HP+ 20% Per Moon Phase |

Life Surge | - | - | Special | Max HP +30% |

Liftoma | 12 | - | Special | No damage from ground |

Lightoma | 10 | - | Special | Light dark area |

Loan | - | - | Convo | Request Item / Macca |

Lucky Find | - | - | Special | Random Items World Map |

Lullaby | 6 | - | Mind | Sleep |

Lunge | 10 | 41 | Phys | None |

Mabufu | 8 | 20 | Ice | Freeze |

Mabufudyne | 25 | 55 | Ice | Freeze |

Mabufula | 15 | 35 | Ice | Freeze |

Magma Axis | 15% HP | 48 | Fire | None |

Mahama | 15 | - | Expel | Expel |

Mahamaon | 25 | - | Expel | Expel |

Maiden Plea | - | - | Convo | Calms Angry Demon |

Makajam | 4 | - | Curse | Mute |

Makajamon | 11 | - | Curse | Mute |

Makakaja | 12 | - | Support | Raise Mag (1/4) |

Makarakarn | 45 | - | Support | Magic Protect |

Makatora | 10 | - | Support | Transfer 10 MP |

Mamudo | 15 | - | Death | Death |

Mamudoon | 25 | - | Death | Death |

Mana Aid | - | - | Heal | MP+ 10% After Battle |

Mana Bonus | - | - | Special | Max MP +10% |

Mana Drain | 2 | 15 | Almty | MP Drain |

Mana Gain | - | - | Special | Max MP +20% |

Mana Refill | - | - | Heal | MP+ 10% Per Moon Phase |

Mana Surge | - | - | Special | Max MP +30% |

Maragi | 8 | 30 | Fire | None |

Maragidyne | 25 | 65 | Fire | None |

Maragion | 15 | 45 | Fire | None |

Marin Karin | 5 | - | Mind | Charm |

Mazan | 8 | 30 | Force | None |

Mazandyne | 25 | 65 | Force | None |

Mazanma | 15 | 40 | Force | None |

Mazio | 8 | 20 | Elec | Shock |

Maziodyne | 25 | 55 | Elec | Shock |

Mazionga | 15 | 35 | Elec | Shock |

Media | 12 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Mediarahan | 35 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Mediarama | 20 | - | Heal | HP Recovery |

Meditation | 10 | 30 - 60 | Almty | HP / MP Drain |

Megido | 30 | 70 | Almty | None |

Megidola | 37 | 80 | Almty | None |

Megidolaon | 50 | 90 | Almty | None |

Mepatra | 12 | - | Heal | Cure Bind/Sleep/Panic |

Might | - | - | Special | Critical Chance (x3) |

Mighty Gust | 14 | 53 | Phys | None |

Mind's Eye | - | - | Special | Reduce Back Attack (1/3)|

Mirage | - | - | Phys | None |

Mischief | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Mudo | 6 | - | Death | Death |

Mudoon | 10 | - | Death | Death |

Mute Gaze | 5 | - | Curse | Mute |

Mutudi | 5 | - | Heal | Cure Mute |

Nag | - | - | Convo | Auto Attempt to Recruit |

Needle Rush | 10 | 41 | Phys | None |

Never Yield | - | - | Special | Survive with 1 HP |

Oni-Kagura | 30 | 38 | Phys | None |

Panic Voice | 8 | - | Mind | Panic |

Paraladi | 5 | - | Heal | Cure Stun |

Patra | 5 | - | Heal | Cure Bind/Sleep/Panic |

Persuede | - | - | Convo | Auto Attempt to Recruit |

Pester | - | - | Convo | Request Item / Macca |

Pestilence | 16 | 50 | Almty | Death if Poisoned |

Petradi | 5 | - | Heal | Cure Stone |

Phase Shift | - | - | Special | Advance Kagutsuchi |

Phys Drain | - | - | - | Physical Damage (Heal) |

Phys Repel | - | - | - | Physical Damage (Repel) |

Pierce | - | - | Special | Phys Dmg Non-Reducable |

Posumudi | 5 | - | Heal | Cure Poison |

Prayer | 3 | - | Heal | HPfull/Seffect(Bat only)|

Preach | 15 | - | Mind | Charm or Panic or Sleep |

Prominence | 30 | 90 | Fire | None |

Provoke | - | - | Support | Atk+/Def- MP Recover |

Pulinpa | 5 | - | Mind | Panic |

Radiance | 30 | 75 | Expel | None |

Ragnarok | 30 | 80 | Fire | None |

Rakukaja | 12 | - | Support | Raise Def (1/4) |

Rakunda | 12 | - | Support | Reduce Def (1/8) |

Rebellion | 10 | 36 | Phys | None |

Recarm | 20 | - | Heal | Revive |

Recarmdra | HP100% | - | Heal | Sacrifice Heal Party |

Red Capote | 12 | - | Support | Caster Agi (x2) |

Replicate | - | - | Special | Create 3 Mirror Images |

Retaliate | - | - | Special | Counterattack (Mid) |

Retreat | - | - | Special | Escape 100% |

Riberama | 8 | - | Special | Increase encounters |

Root of Evil | - | Varies | Almty | Reduce HP or S-Effect |

Roundtrip | 25 | 55 | Elec | Shock |

Sacrifice | 100%HP | 56 | Explode | User Dies |

Samrecarm | 35 | - | Heal | Revive |

Scout | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Seduce | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Sexy Gaze | 5 | - | Mind | Charm |

Shibaboo | - | - | Nerve | Bind |

Shock | 9 | 25 | Elec | Shock |

Showtime | 40 | 90 | Almty | None |

Sol Niger | - | - | Almty | Reduce HP to 1 |

Son's Oath | - | - | Special | Atk (150%) |

Sonic Wave | 9 | - | Mind | Panic |

Soul Divide | 30 | - | Curse | Reduce HP (0.5) / Mute |

Soul Recruit | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Spiral Viper | 16 | 62 | Phys | None |

Starlight | 22 | 50 | Expel | None |

Startle | - | - | Support | Four extra Press Turns |

Stasis Blade | 22 | 53 | Phys | Bind |

Stinger | 12% HP | 40 | Almty | Instant Kill (Random) |

Stone Bite | 22 | 44 | Phys | Stone |

Stone Gaze | 6 | - | Death | Stone |

Stone Hunt | - | - | Convo | Request Stone |

Stun Bite | 17 | 44 | Phys | Stun |

Stun Claw | 17 | 44 | Phys | Stun |

Stun Gaze | 5 | - | Nerve | Stun |

Stun Needle | 7 | 31 | Phys | Stun |

Sukukaja | 12 | - | Support | Raise Agi and Acc (1/4) |

Sukunda | 12 | - | Support | Reduce Agi and Acc (1/8)|

Tarukaja | 12 | - | Support | Raise Atk (1/4) |

Tarunda | 20 | - | Support | Reduce Atk and Mag (1/8)|

Taunt | 20 | - | Support | Atk+ (1/2) / Def- (1/4) |

Tempest | 25 | 31 | Phys | None |

Tentacle | - | Varies | Phys | None |

Tentarafoo | 15 | 50 | Mind | Panic |

Terrorblade | 10 | 30 | Phys | Panic |

Tetraja | 15 | - | Support | Death/Expel Protect |

Tetrakarn | 45 | - | Support | Physical Protect |

Threaten | - | - | Convo | Request Item / Macca |

Thunderclap | 12 | - | Expel | HP (0.5) |

Tornado | 25 | 65 | Force | None |

Toxic Cloud | 8 | 25 | Curse | Poison |

Toxic Sting | 7 | 31 | Phys | Poison |

Trade | - | - | Convo | Request Item for Item |

Trafuri | 25 | - | Special | 100% Escape (Non-Boss) |

Vast Light | - | Varies | Almty | Kagutsuchi Must be Full |

Venom Bite | 18 | 41 | Phys | Poison |

Venom Claw | 18 | 41 | Phys | Poison |

Victory Cry | - | - | Heal | HP/MP 100% After Battle |

Violet Flash | 10 | 75 | Expel | None |

Void Curse | - | - | - | Success (0) |

Void Death | - | - | - | Success (0) |

Void Elec | - | - | - | Elec Damage (0) |

Void Expel | - | - | - | Success / Damage (0) |

Void Fire | - | - | - | Fire Damage (0) |

Void Force | - | - | - | Force Damage (0) |

Void Ice | - | - | - | Ice Damage (0) |

Void Mind | - | - | - | Success (0) |

Void Nerve | - | - | - | Success (0) |

Void Phys | - | - | - | Physical Damage (0) |

War Cry | 40 | - | Support | Reduce Atk and Mag (1/4)|

Watchful | - | - | Special | EXP Gain from Stock |

Wet Wind | 25 | 65 | Force | Stun |

Whirlwind | 25 | 65 | Force | None |

Wild Dance | 18 | - | Mind | Panic |

Wind Cutter | 13 | 90 | Force | None |

Wine Party | - | - | Convo | Calm Demon with Booze |

Wing Buffet | 9 | 30 | Force | None |

Wooing | - | - | Convo | Attempt to Recruit |

Xeros-Beat | 40 | 37 | Phys | Bind |

Zan | 3 | 37 | Force | None |

Zandyne | 10 | 75 | Force | None |

Zanma | 6 | 55 | Force | None |

Zio | 3 | 30 | Elec | Shock |

Ziodyne | 10 | 65 | Elec | Shock |

Zionga | 6 | 45 | Elec | Shock |


* Items (It000) *


Name | Buy | Chest | Price | Effect |


Ag Incense | No | Yes | 1000 | Raises agility by 1 |

Attack Mirror | No | Yes | 250 | Repel physical next turn |

Attract Pipe | No | Yes | 150 | Raises encounter rate |

Balm of Rising | No | Yes | 1200 | Revive to 100% HP |

Bead | No | Yes | 250 | Heal 100% HP |

Bead Chain | No | Yes | 5000 | Heal 100% HP party |

Bead of Life | No | Yes | 10,000 | Heal 100% HP/MP party |

Blessed Fan | No | Yes | 50,000 | Expel 20% reusable |

Chakra Drop | Yes | Yes | 600 | Heal 25% MP |

Chakra Elixir | No | Yes | 50,000 | Heal 25% MP reusable |

Chakra Pot | No | Yes | 1000 | Heal 100% MP |

Dekaja Rock | No | Yes | 200 | Negates -kaja effects |

Dis-Charm | Yes | Yes | 150 | Cure Charm |

Dis-Mute | Yes | Yes | 150 | Cure Mute |

Dis-Poison | Yes | Yes | 150 | Cure Poison |

Dis-Stone | Yes | Yes | 150 | Cure Stone |

Dis-Stun | Yes | Yes | 150 | Cure Stun |

Divining Water | Yes | Yes | 300 | See if demon can transform |

Float Ball | Yes | Yes | 400 | Negates damage from floors |

Great Chakra | No | Yes | 7000 | Heal 100% MP party |

Life Stone | No | Yes | 50 | Heal 25% HP |

Light Ball | Yes | Yes | 600 | Illuminates dark areas |

Lu Incense | No | Yes | 1000 | Raises luck by 1 |

Lucky Ticket | No | Yes | 10 | Collect 10 for a lottery draw |

Ma Incense | No | Yes | 1000 | Raises magic by 1 |

Mabufu Rock | Yes | Yes | 250 | Ice damage 20 with Freeze |

Magic Mirror | No | Yes | 250 | Repel magic next turn |

Mahama Rock | Yes | Yes | 300 | Expel 20% |

Makajam Rock | Yes | Yes | 200 | Mute 40% |

Mamudo Rock | Yes | Yes | 300 | Death 20% |

Maragi Rock | Yes | Yes | 250 | Fire damage 30 |

Mazan Rock | Yes | Yes | 250 | Force damage 30 |

Mazio Rock | Yes | Yes | 250 | Elec damage 20 with Shock |

Medicine | Yes | Yes | 100 | Heal 50 HP |

Megido Rock | No | Yes | 400 | Almighty damage 70 |

Megidola Rock | No | Yes | 600 | Almighty damage 80 |

Muscle Drink | Yes | Yes | 400 | Heals HP/MP or causes ailment |

Poison Arrow | Yes | Yes | 300 | Poison damage 30 with Poison |

Pot of Death | No | Yes | 50 | Enemy HP reduce to 1 |

Repulse Bell | No | Yes | 200 | Lowers encounter rate |

Revival Bead | Yes | Yes | 600 | Revive to low HP |

Sacred Water | Yes | Yes | 200 | Cure Bind, Sleep, Panic party |

Smoke Ball | No | Yes | 450 | 100% battle escape |

Soma | No | Yes | 6000 | Heal 100% HP/MP |

Soma Droplet | No | Yes | 800 | Heal 50% HP/MP |

Soul-Return | No | Yes | 50,000 | Revive to 100% HP reusable |

Spyglass | No | Yes | 50,000 | View enemy stats reusable |

St Incense | No | Yes | 1000 | Raises strength by 1 |

Tetraja Rock | No | Yes | 200 | Protect against Expel/Death |

Vi Incense | No | Yes | 1000 | Raises vitality by 1 |

Wagtail Plume | Yes | Yes | 400 | Charm 45% |


* Version History *


Version 0.00 - (October 20th, 2004) - Initiated the walkthrough

Version 0.10 - (October 21st, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.20 - (October 22nd, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.30 - (October 23rd, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.40 - (October 24th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.50 - (October 25th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.60 - (October 26th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.70 - (October 27th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.80 - (October 28th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 0.90 - (October 30th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.00 - (October 31st, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.10 - (November 1st, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.20 - (November 2nd, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.30 - (November 3rd, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.40 - (November 4th, 2004) - Continued the walkthrough

Version 1.50 - (November 5th, 2004) - Completed the walkthrough

Version 1.60 - (November 10th, 2004) - Removed large charts

Version 1.61 - (November 21st, 2004) - Re-implemented charts

Version 1.62 - (February 2nd, 2005) - Small updates


* Legal (Le000) *


This document is copyright (c) 2007 by A I e x.

I am no longer active writing guides for video games, and thus I will no

longer any questions or update with any corrections sent through email. It

is likely that after this point this guide will never be updated again. I am

aware that there are errors occasionally and I apologize for those. Please

do not email me any corrections, or ask me for any help with this particular

game, as I will not respond.

It is also not necessary to send any email to thank me for the work, I will

say right now that you are very welcome.

Furthermore, please do not contact me about hosting this guide on your website,

I will not grant permisson. I am still willing to take action if I find this

guide being hosted anywhere other than,, or a very small

number of other select sites.

Finally, if you need to contact me for some reason that is not covered above,

then you can reach me at StarOceanDC(a.t)gmail(d.o.t)com.


* Credits (Cr000) *


First of all I'd like to give my highest thanks to the good people at

Doublejump for their incredible guide, an invaluable source of information

about this game.

Secondly I'd like to thanks CjayC for keeping this site running for so long,

happy 9th anniversary today!

Third I'd like to thank the following two users, jayntampa for the correction

on puzzle #20, as well as parasyte13 for creating the fusion program and

sharing it with everyone.

A huge extra thanks goes to IKelley for his walkthrough for the JP version

(and NA application) Walkthrough on GameFAQs, I've never seen such dedication

and completeness for a game, sometimes reading through it I almost felt

unworthy of writing my own guide :)

Thanks to Terry for a correction

Thanks to Kamisamaa for many spelling corrections!

Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same

to Sailor Bacon. Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of

Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being

great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback.

Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough.


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if you're ready this, thank you and i love you

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