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Hoja de Práctica

TEMA: Comparatives and Superlatives

Sección : ………………………..………………... Apellidos : …MANTARI RAMOS LIZBET….

Docente : Alvaro Rodriguez Barriga Nombres : ………………………………………….
Unidad : III Fecha : .…../……/2022
Semana : 11 Duración : 45 minutos

Instrucciones: Lee detenidamente y desarrolla las actividades propuestas.

1. Write a 300 essay using COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES to talk about your city and your culture.

People in Huancayo live more comfortably than in other cities because in this city it is quieter, there is not much traffic
congestion and there is not much environmental pollution. Life here is cheaper than in the capital, you can find meals
starting from “un nuevo sol”. I like it much better than living in the countryside because there are many beautiful places
to visit with your family and friends. For me Huancayo has the best food in Peru, culinary skills, the Huancaínos have the
greatest variety of typical dishes and exotic stews: the Papa a la Huancaína (potatoes with a cheese sauce), the Human
Caldo (mutton head broth), the Patachi (wheat and bacon soup) and the Huallca Chupe (chicken broth with vegetables),
are just some of the dishes that you can enjoy to the sound of the Huayllars, Chonguinadas and Sahapis, typical dances of
the region.

Translated with (free version)

The inhabitants of Huancayo are proud to keep their traditions intact, proof of which are the monuments that are erected
in many parts of the city in homage to the "Huanca identity". Also notable are the artisan districts of Tambo and San
Jerónimo, whose inhabitants have been making ceramics and silverware since time immemorial.
The climate of the city of Huancayo is better than other cities, because it is temperate, cold and dry, with different
temperatures between day and night, and variable in the different months of the year.
The city of Huancayo is home to various economic activities, including companies dedicated to the manufacture of dairy
products, trout production and care, handicrafts and knitted fabrics, liquor production, agriculture, livestock and tourism,
which in recent years has been on the rise.
Huancayo is a city where you can enjoy the hospitality of the people, the beauty of its natural places, such as snow-
capped mountains, lagoons, countryside, its villages, and learn about its history through its archaeological sites, its
churches from colonial times, its parks, its handicrafts, its folkloric dances, its typical food and its traditional festivities.
its parks, its handicrafts, its folkloric dances, its typical food and its traditional festivities. That is why I consider it the
best city in Peru.

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