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BSA 1 - A

Sir Frank
What would your life be, five (8) years from now?

Gabriel Nyl M. Casiño
Dreaming is what I usually do almost every day. I have so many “I
wants’” to be achieved that my life revolves on focusing towards my goals. I
am just a simple person who just experienced and realize a little bit about
how life can be unfair and rigged. All I have for now is my dreams and I am
fighting for it and I want to see what happens If I won’t give up.
So, eight years from now, I wanted to become a Certified Public
Accountant. It is a bit ambitious considering that I am just an average
student with a lot of perspectives about life. It feels like a suicide attack
entering this path but nothing is impossible they say. Nothing good will
happen if I won’t try and also fighting for my dreams is what I am good for. I
am born not just a dreamer but also a warrior, I will keep going as long as I
can and quitting is never a word on my dictionary. All I can offer is my hard
work and hoping that it would pay off in the near future. I may be an
average student but my work ethic is exceptional since I usually do it from
time – to – time due to workloads because for me to cope up with my
studies, tasks, hobbies and etc. without wasting a single minute as the clock
keeps on ticking.
Well life is too short to be consumed burning out stuffs that won’t
help you on improving yourself. It is always a day one- or one-day mindset
because as a teenager, I myself can’t control sometimes on spending too
much time doing gimmicks with my friends which is also essential for
ourselves to release some stress and recover from doing workloads but it
should be done moderately in order not to lose track from what’s ahead. To
be honest, there is no easy courses in college for us to choose, picking one
can be compared to choosing your own poison that is why we must pick the
path we wanted and just go with it with the hopes of surviving from it. We
must enjoy life ahead and do the things we wanted the way we wanted it

to be because in the end, we are the ones that will benefit its

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