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Career plans and ambitions for your future job

Asignatura: En otras palabras… lengua extranjera

Catedrático: Martínez Sánchez Ana Isabel

Alumno: Escalante Lozano Jonathan Enrique

Grupo: 1

Fecha: 28/09/2021
Career plans and ambitions for your future job

The job I want to have in 10 years is one based on my university degree, Civil
Engineering. I want to earn a lot of money, social prestige, good knowledge and
social recognition.

When choosing my bachelor's degree, I considered what I like to do, that is why
I want to have an interesting and satisfying job that is a bit complicated but
worthwhile. By having a job with a certain degree of difficulty, I hope to have all
the necessary benefits for a good quality of life.

I don't want to have a boring job, I really want to love what I do in 10 years, that
makes me work hard and also allows me to have the things that I set out to do
since I was little.

The key to success

Collaborative leadership

Decision making

Productive relationships

Personal analysis
Read the article again and answer the following questions about it

1 What do most successful people have in common?

They are dedicated to hard work.

2 Are the five tips only for very ambitious people?

No, also for those who want to be as good as they can be.

3 How can you “find what you love” after college?

Discovering and analyzing why you are good, what you like to do.

4 What suggestion is made about your weaknesses?

Pay attention to weaknesses.

5 What aspects of communication are mentioned?

That communication is key to success, knowing how to speak and listen is

6 Why is leadership important in most professions?

Because it makes you a leader, having skills that others don´t have will make
them follow you, this presents better opportunities.

7 How can networking help you be successful?

Having contact with important people helps to have more knowledge and more
opportunities to be successful. Human relationships are essential as long as they
are productive.

8 What other reasons for success are mentioned?

Outstanding talent, economic conditions and even luck.

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