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“Gamification in Science Education: a promising field for Action Research”

What is article all about?

The article is all about the basic connection between playing and learning. What a game
actually is and how educational processes can be gamifite. As mention to the article there is still not
enough evidence on the positive effects of games for teaching and learning of science as well as a
lack of this practice and also it describes how problem in the science classroom where solved by
designing and implementing a game can be a valuable contribution to enrich the overall of the role
of gamification in science education.

Topics in science that can be apply in a form of games

The title of the game: 4 pics one word

Topics: Earth and its Subsystems

Earth has 4 components namely, Geosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere.

A teacher will present a 4 pictures and the students will identify the concept shown by the pictures.

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