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Activity 1

Compare and Contrast

Bases Traditional PBL instruction

Time frame Short isolated lessons with Long-term investigation
predetermined answers
Systems of instruction Standards-based Standard-based

Progress monitoring Assessment tests Ongoing-assessment

Learning environment School-based activities Real world connection

Evaluation Quizzes and test Reflection

Teaching Method Teacher-centered Student centered

Participation method Teacher-directed Self-directed

Teaching Approach Listen, memorize, repeat Discover, apply, present

Leaning style Independence Collaboration

Purpose Teacher decision making Students and teacher decisions

Strategies Direct instruction Varied instructional strategies

Activity 2
Ideas from Concept map

1. Cell cycle has four phases: The cell growth (G1), DNA replication (S), preparation for mitosis
(G2), and cell division (M).
2. For animal cell, cytokinesis has cleavage furrow that separate the daughter cell.
3. Cytokinesis for plant cells, the cell plates separate the daughter cell.
4. Mitosis follows four phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.
5. Meiosis I begin with one diploid parent cell and end with two haploid daughter cells.
6. Meosis II starts with two haploid parent cells and ends with four haploid daughter cells

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