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Question 1: What are the pandemic guidelines and protocols that you currently observe

in your community?

Notes: The first question is the primary way for the team to establish rapport with the
interviewee and also to set up the nature of the interview. It also evokes the interviewee to list
down their own observations in their own community.

Common Responses:
● Social distancing (at least 1 m apart)
● Wearing of face masks
● Proper sanitation ( use of alcohol, general cleaning, etc)
● Quarantine
● Contact Tracing

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Our interviewees being citizens of Baguio, expressed that the guidelines were being
implemented strictly but not all of them were being followed wholeheartedly.

Question 2: What do you think are the most important guidelines and protocols that
must be observed at all times? Why?

Notes: Here, the team wants to know about their specific answer which is important in
aligning to the team’s product and possibly using new insights for the improvement of the

Common Responses:
● “I think the wearing of facemasks is one of the most important guidelines to be
followed because it greatly helps in hindering the spread of the COVID-19 virus since
it is an airborne disease.”
● “In my opinion, proper sanitation plays a vital role in preventing the spread of COVID-
19 because thoroughly washing your hands and regularly disinfecting crowded areas
will help eliminate the risk of acquiring the virus.”
● “Social distancing. Because it is through contact that the virus is spread and
unfortunately, I do not really observe many people adhering to this specific policy
especially when there are queues in restaurants and even on food kiosks.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The team was able to confirm that social distancing, one of our key targets to elicit from the
questions, is one of the most important to propel the Walk - E project. Notably, there were
some of the respondents who expressed that each of the guidelines is important and there were
also some who said that it must be all of the rules and regulations that must be followed and
not one must be exempted from being essential.

Question 3: Are the protocols established in your community being followed properly?
What do you think is the most neglected protocol?
Notes: The question allows the team to pinpoint the problem existing in the community and it
is here that we can also find ways to align how our product would help.

Common Responses:
● Yes, the protocols are being followed properly except for social distancing. Oftentimes,
people forget to leave a space of at least 1 m apart especially when there is a line.
● No, since you will notice the people who do not social distance properly which is one
of the least followed protocols in our community.
● Not entirely. Especially properly wearing of masks and social distancing
● Some protocols are followed but the least followed is the social distancing since they
say that they came from the same household and it's just the same. Some still follow
this protocol but many aren't.
● From my observation, no. The most neglected protocol is the physical distancing and
the proper use of face masks.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The team responsible for market research was able to confirm the neglect of physical
distancing of 1 m in the community. Although this is an expected result, the team will proceed
in taking note of possible improvements that can be made for the sidewalk innovation from the
latter questions.
Question 4: In your personal opinion, what do you think would help in mitigating the
spread of the virus not just now, but also in the future?

Notes: This question evokes the interviewee to specify what things to consider or what are
possible solutions as well in their own minds. Their answers, may it be far from our product
design, will still be of help through possible incorporation in our very own design.

Common Responses:
● In my opinion, people should limit the times they go out. As much as possible those
who don't have any important business outside should not go out. Also the proper
monitoring of the implemented rules.
● The authorities need to be strict in implementing the use of face masks and following
physical distance. People need to be disciplined. Also, I feel like we need a video
representation of how viruses spread. Infographics and advertisements tell people to be
safe and be knowledgeable.
● Strict implementation and enforcement of protocols. Stricter governance over travel
especially travels to and from outside the city.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The team determined in this question the need for monitoring of the implemented rules thus, it
made the team think of incorporating the enforcer question which may possibly be added to
the sidewalk space’s new design.

Question 5: Do you think that redesigning the sidewalk space will be essential in a
pandemic? Why or why not?

Notes: Social Distancing is one of the key protocols in the time of the pandemic, and the
sidewalk space contributes to the maintenance of this guideline. Considering that the design
targets good ventilation for the pedestrian, space for the cyclists and joggers, and also for
alfresco diners situated beside the sidewalk, the team considers this question to find out
additional information.

Common Responses:
● I think redesigning the sidewalk is essential in a pandemic to help people better
observe social distancing.
● I don't think redesigning the sidewalk is essential especially during this pandemic
because the fund that is supposedly allotted to this project can be used for more
important things like improving healthcare facilities.
● Yes if designed with enough space for two-way travel. This will allow for better
implementation of social distancing and easier control of travel flow in either direction.
● Yes, if they have the budget for that project. Also, it would be essential for the people
when things go back to normal that they are able to have more space to walk on. I
believe that other people would still implement physical distancing, therefore, a wider
sidewalk would do the trick.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

One thing that we really considered in our sidewalk space product would be the budget. We
expected some negative responses such as those that speak about the proper allocation of the
budget of the government or even private companies which is true. However, it is here that our
design will play an important part. The team is very happy to present that the sidewalk design
does not necessarily mean the innovation of the sidewalk design right now but in the possible
Question 6: Have you heard about elevated walkways? How about solar panels being put
on the sidewalk space?

Notes: The team wanted to learn regarding the knowledge of the interviewees regarding the
two concepts which are of use to its promotions in the future.

Common Responses:
● Yes, I have heard about elevated walkways but didn't know about putting solar panels
on sidewalk space.
● No, I haven’t heard of elevated walkways but the concept of putting solar panels on
sidewalk space is familiar.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The team managed to determine the familiarity of the following concepts from our possible
end-users. This will make it easier for the team in presenting our very own sidewalk space’s
innovative design.
Question 7: Would you like to have your own innovative sidewalk space in your
community (With an elevated walkway, plant divider, and solar panels)?

Notes: This question allows the team to gauge how much the interviewee as our end-user
would cater to the idea of walking upon such a sidewalk that is innovated specifically for the

Common Responses:
● Yes, I would like to have our very own innovative sidewalk space in our community
because it'll be cool and would help generate energy at a cheaper price.
● Yes, as pedestrians and vehicles being sorted out would prevent accidents, additionally
allowing more space for movement for both.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The majority of the respondents answered yes to this question but one notable answer is one
that says about an excellent execution and allotment of budget. It is evident in question 5 that
the allocation of budget is important in this matter, but a respondent comparing the existence
of these familiar sidewalk designs in Singapore, to this possible innovation for the Philippines,
is of great help.
Question 8: Is the sidewalk space much safer and monitored if there are enforcers

Notes: The team wanted to know about the insights of how effective would the
implementation of the protocols be with enforcers around and here the team will manage to
find the possible incorporation of enforcer desks in the design which spans over 2 km.

Common Responses:
● Yes, I think it'll be safer if enforcers are present because sometimes people forget
following safety protocols such as social distancing.
● I think so because when the one way per sidewalk is implemented at Session Road and
the enforcers were there, less flock of people can be seen and distance is more evident.
● Yes, if they are attentive, plus the use of CCTVs would also do the trick.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The team will consider the presence of enforcers as well as CCTVs in our design. The answers
to this question also prove the importance of authorities in managing the implemented rules.

Question 9: Do you think that a 2 km long innovative sidewalk would be great for your
community? If Yes, Where do you think must it be placed?

Notes: The sidewalk space’s design and distance matter as the cost is proportional to it.
Moreover, the placement of Walk - E matters most especially when it comes from a possible
end-user’s viewpoint.

Common Responses:
● I think a 2 km long innovative sidewalk would be great for our community so that
overcrowding of sidewalks would be avoided and there would be a wider space for
vehicles that would help lessen heavy traffic.
● Yes, near parks for a nice ambiance, in the neighborhood, and also on main roads.
● In the long run, yes. It will be used quite frequently if it was installed along parks or
along long roads for an easier and safer way to get to another destination.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

The most important positive response the team was able to gather from respondents is that of
the safety that the end-users may get from the sidewalk design. It is in the intention of the
design to bring safety to the destination of the end-users not only to help in the possible
uprising of another pandemic in the future.
Question 10: Overall, do you think that better sidewalk design would be helpful in
maintaining the enforcement of various guidelines and protocols in your community?

Notes: The last question elicits the final thought of the interviewee regarding the possible
creation of a new sidewalk design in their community.

Common Responses
● Yes, I do believe that a better innovative sidewalk design would help in the
enforcement of various guidelines and protocols in our community.
● Yes, as long as the design grants more space to allow easier implementation of
guidelines, especially with regards to social distancing.
● Better sidewalk design would be helpful but isn't really that effective unless it will be
monitored by enforcers.
● Not entirely since there are different types of people, hence, different behaviors. We
can not assure, imply or even assume that having a better sidewalk design would help
maintain various guidelines and protocols. But still, I know there are people who
would comply with the given guidelines and protocols.
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
In the final question the team determines that the sidewalk design can give impact although
nominal when it comes to the pandemic, but some responses determine the importance of a
good sidewalk design in the long run as it can aid in the safety. One notable answer is that of
the different types of people. The team will brainstorm further regarding different types of
people that we can accommodate and give convenience to with our future design.

Overall Learnings, General Notes, and Key Takeaways:

Overall, in response to the guidelines and protocols brought by the pandemic, the users believe
that an innovative sidewalk design would be an effective option for it grants increased space
for comfortable movement and easier enforcement of protocols, where the presence of
enforcers is seen as relevant for monitoring and maintenance. Furthermore, the same features
of the sidewalk design are perceived as a solution for other problems like heavy traffic and
sustainable energy. From the questions above, key takeaways include the importance of
authority in implementing rules, the proper allocation of budget, the excellent execution of the
plan, and finally, it is the different types of people or the end-users who we must focus on as
well when it comes to the design because it greatly involves the convenience they will receive
from it.

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