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Math in the modern world

Ma’am Raton


Standard deviations are typically simpler to visualize and use. The standard
deviation is stated in the same unit of measurement as the data, whereas the
variance is not always the case. Statisticians can use the standard deviation
to identify whether the data has a normal curve or another mathematical

Example: Subtracting the mean value from each data point yields -0.5, 1.5, -
2.5, and 1.5 as the variance. After that, each of the numbers is squared,
yielding 0.25, 2.25, 6.25, and 2.25. The square values are then put together,
yielding a total of 11, which is then divided by the value of N minus 1, which is
3, yielding a variance of about 3.67.

Mean The mean is the numerical average of two or more numbers. The mean
may be used to evaluate the success of an investment or firm over time,
among other things.

Example: The mean of 4, 1, and 7 is (4 + 1 + 7) / 3 = 12 / 3 = 4

(4+1+7)/3=12/3=4 (4+1+7)/3=12/3=4 left parenthesis, 4, plus, 1, plus, 7, right
parenthesis, slash, 3, equals, 12, slash, 3, equals, 4

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