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HSBC ID GUARANTEE/ LOAN APPLICATION FORM to be completed by the Applicant

To HSBC Bank pk (Branch):. _________________________________

From (inwrl APPLICA ·rs NA�lE):
<'onh1ct 'lame:__________________ Tel o: _________ fax �o:.___________.
Oak: ___ _______ F.nmil: ______________________
Pl ea�t' arran1!t' or th c •��ue o f a G,uarantcc. m :.1ccor danct' \I'll. h lhe io II o11 mg dClat·1 s. on heha If () r lht' P nm:1pa
. name > ow:
Principal Name ..

Type of Guarantee r Tender r Pcrforn1ancc r Advance Pa) mcnl r Facil11y r Cu,tom�

(Tick one nox only) p Othcr (�pccify)
If i,,ued in rcplace111c111 of an exi,tinc bank guara111cc. �late number I
Form of wording In he V In the wording prO\ ick·d r
I ISDC Stnndnrd Wordin!! r
Forci 0 n fhnk Standard Wordin°
i,sul-d (Tick one hox onl)) r Othcr ( �pee if)_) I
To he ddh·ered lo
(Tick one bcn only) p Benctit:iary Annlkan1 ,- Acent / C'ontac1 a� pcr <let.iii, bt:low
Amount ol' Guarnnll'e In figure� Currency li"P

In 11or<l�

Naml!, addrl'Ss, email and

coolacl detail, of
Beneficiary Co11nlr):

Validity From: P Date of b,uc r Fi;,.cd <late I J

Until: r Fi;,.ecl cl:.lle r E\cntl I

1.asl dale for Claims

p Same a, expiry dat.: r O1her (,pccify) I
Applicahle Rules r URDG Law clau�e a� pcr \\Ording agreed HI' ncith.-r ho;\'. i, tickl'<I thi� (,u:mantcc
will Ix- �ubjft't to l"RDG 758)
Det11ils or r Order r Contract D:11ed I I Reference . o. I
Tcndu/Order/Conlract Brief dc�cription of goo<h or ,crvic-e,: 'I RA.'IISA(" 110.:-- C:OUt: flAUK-Ul\'IIJLLC-U(j-USU50M-2407WI''
(Tid, Olll' box only) Guaramee valuc (L, a f)l!rcentaj!e of comracl value: 'JI
Name and address or
Agenl / l'onh1ct (if ml) ) I

Agent / Contact: r To collect ¥ To he acJ, i�e<l of i"ue r O1hcr (specify) I

Name and address of
Issuing Hank ( if 1101 I
HSBC London)
�lelhod of Uelh•ery r Recorded Mail p Telex/S\ wr r Courier

l�DEi\I�ITY: In �o far :L, HSBC clues nul huld au imlcmnit)

. for the Guarantce. tltc INDE�NITY O\crl.:af i, llU\\' gi"cn b) thc
following party: r
<he Applicant Other ( ,pccify) 8\\"J IXTERXATIONAl. JNV[STMENTS LLC. (the ··/,u/e111nifyi11g l'urly")

AC'f'O(INT OF.BIT: All charge, :uul co,h .ire for the account of: r the lnclemnif)•ing Party P O1her (�pccify)I

�mm m m@m
Accuunt Nam.: : FIA UK FUXDING Llr.llTED

Account Detail�: Sort C"odc m G:l-lII @-[Hsl A1•1•1u1nl •..-1.n. r:1

"° f U.\10.,
Signed by th� authori�cd �ignatory/ic, for and on bchall' of:
APPI.ICATJOI',: Signed hy lhc APPLICA T: FIA UK Func.lini;: l.imit�d � • n�;)
., H u :I
INDF.l\lNITY: Signed hy th<! I DF.M:--IIFYI G PARTY: ~~-'.-·

ACCOUNT DEBIT: Signcd by the ACCOUNT HOLDER: .· "'-'
,�,m, (1111/Jt \

I/'"'' ,trnltc "'"I\""" tlu /nclrmmhi,g• ""'" mul '"' .\t lllJIUI Holt/er rl1r 1-\pµl,umt \ m,rlwn.,, tf .\l�llll(Of\ b /II 111(/t 11m/11plt• WIJI'\. Otlul'\,
\lu,11/,f \lf!ll ll' Jmlrrrmih mr /'11rt\ (Intl /or kn•um lloldrr I"• ,;g,mu,rt' t•I (hf' mrh urmfrml' l'f''rt\' i, ""I rrm,irq/ u·l1rr,· 1/rr """' ,1/1·, ml\ l,11/J,Jrom 1h11 , /Htt1r ""
tttmuln" iu,lom1i1, rm·rr1111.! thi, r111ttU!t'mt�m.
l'his applkntton should now be forwnrded, with any approprmle documents, lo your HSBC Bank pie Relallon�h1p l\l111mger
for aulhorisntion overleaf.
l\(>-1,2112/11 ll.0.1. lpd, 15J

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