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Flaws II

Robert W. Thomson

Foul-mouthed flaw. This can easily be portrayed by the
player saying something like, “Kain begins swearing
Player’s Options: Flaws introduced flaws to the Pathfind- loudly in Dwarven.”
er Roleplaying Game, helping players create richer, more
colorful characters. Later Player’s Options: [Race] releases
added more flaws to the selection, specifically focused BUYING OFF FLAWS
on those races. As was said in the introduction for the In heroic fantasy, if a character doesn’t simply learn to
first flaws release, not every hero is a paragon of virtue, accept and live with his flaws, he usually overcomes
of whole physical and moral cloth. Presented here are them in some fashion. The description for each flaw
yet more flaws for players to choose from, allowing includes the specific information necessary to buy off
more variety in character creation. the flaw and remove the penalty – usually by taking a
This release also includes new class flaws – flaws specific feat or putting a certain number of skill points
designed only to be taken by members of that character into a skill. Some require the character to be targeted by
class. There is one for each of the core classes, and while a specific spell, such as remove curse or remove disease.
these flaws are intended specifically for those character In no case can a flaw be bought off prior to 3rd level,
classes, a GM could decide to open them up to mem- and some require the character to be higher level than
bers of any character class. that. This reflects the struggles of dealing with and over-
coming flaws common to fantasy heroes.
A character does not have to buy off their flaws if the
TAKING FLAWS player enjoys the flavor the flaw brings to the role-
Flaws can only be taken at 1st level during character playing experience. If they meet the requirements for
creation, and a character can have no more than two buying off the flaw (for example, putting their ability
flaws. Each flaw taken grants either 3 bonus skill points score point increase from leveling up into Constitution,
or one bonus feat. If a character takes two flaws, he which buys off a number of flaws) but elect not to buy
can only receive one bonus feat, so the other flaw must off the flaw, they must keep the flaw for life. They can-
grant the bonus skill points. A character cannot take not decide later that they are tired of the flaw and want
two flaws that have the same buy-off requirements (see to retroactively buy it off. A flaw can only be bought off
below). when the requirements for doing so are first reached; a
Flaws cannot be taken after 1st level, but the GM character cannot increase Constitution at 4th level, elect
certainly can assign a flaw to character if the character not to buy off the flaw, and then attempt to buy it off
is being portrayed in a specific way. A GM should not with another point increase to Constitution at 8th level.
do this lightly, however, and should let the player know No two flaws are alike, in penalties or in how they
why he is assigning the flaw. If a flaw is assigned, the are bought off. While we have taken care to balance the
character receives 3 bonus skill points immediately. As- flaws against feats and class or racial abilities, some flaws
signed flaws never grant bonus feats. provide greater or harsher penalties than others. No
attempt was made to keep all flaws balanced against one
PORTRAYING FLAWS another. A player should carefully consider the penalties
Flaws should not be taken just for a bonus feat or a few incurred by taking a flaw and the difficulty in buying
extra skill points. A character saddled with one or two off the flaw, and all flaws taken should be cleared by
flaws should suffer the consequences, and they should your GM.
not be overlooked by the player or the GM. Each flaw
brings specific penalties incurred for the flaw. Beyond
the mechanical penalties, though, a flaw should be por-
trayed whenever it would naturally arise. For instance,
a character who is Obsessive should be portrayed as Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
such by the player, and not just take the mechanical requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
penalty that comes with the flaw and never mention it. Inc.. See for more
The point of the flaws is to add color and fun. At the information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo
same time, a player should not take it as carte blanche Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not
to curse up a storm just because his character has the endorse this product

The following format is used for all flaw descriptions: You have a minor, moderate, or major addiction to
Flaw Name: This is the name of the flaw and a short some substance. The addiction functions as described in
first-person description of the flaw. the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide.
Penalty: This is a third-person description of the flaw Choose one of the substances described in that book as
with mechanical and story penalties. Many flaws require the substance you are addicted to (or a similar substance
the character to make a Will or Fortitude save to tempo- from another source approved by your GM). If you have
rarily overcome their effects or suffer only partial effects. a major addiction, this flaw counts as two flaws (provid-
Any penalties to skill checks, ability checks, attacks, ing you with both a bonus feat as well as 3 bonus skill
damage or saving throws are circumstance penalties, un- points). You may not take a second flaw if you have a
less otherwise noted. major addiction. Taking Addict as a major addiction is
Buying Off the Flaw: This is what is required to an exception to the rule that prevents you from taking
buy off the penalty for the flaw. In some cases – such two flaws with the same buy off requirements.
as with the Albino flaw – physical characteristics are Penalty: Addiction has specific penalties described in
not changed, but the penalties go away as the character the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide,
learns to deal with the complications of the flaw. As all of which function similarly to diseases. In addition,
noted earlier, no flaw can be bought off before 3rd level, the substance the character is addicted to have specific
and most require the character to be 4th to 5th level. penalties and effects. Refer to the source containing the
If the buy off includes the phrase “The character must substance the character is addicted to for those penalties
take the [feat name] feat no earlier than [ X ] level”, the and effects.
character can still take the feat prior to that level, but Finally, at the start of play, the character must pur-
the flaw penalty does not go away until the stated level is chase at least one dose of the substance they are addicted
reached. to as part of their starting equipment. The character
must make this purchase before any other purchases. If
the character does not have enough coins to make this
FLAWS purchase, the character must apply half the normal start-
ing gold towards the purchase and are in debt to some
Addict Ancient Orthodoxy criminal (individual or organization) for the remainder
Anger Arrogant of the cost of the substance.
Call of the Wild Center of Attention Buying Off the Flaw: Details for curing addiction
are in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: GameMastery
Competitive Cruel
Guide™, however a character that takes the Addict flaw
Cursed Debtor may not cure their addiction – either via a cure disease
Deranged Frail spell or through successful saving throws – prior to 3rd
Feeble Flirtatious level (for minor addictions), 4th level (for moderate ad-
Heretic Honorbound dictions), or 5th level (for major addictions). In attempt
earlier than this always results in failure.
Inner Turmoil Lovelorn
Lucky Weapon Obsessive
Peace Through Art Peevish Ancient Orthodoxy (Druid)
You must be a druid to take this flaw. You follow not
Phobia Pugnacious only the ways of nature, but the ways of the most an-
Squeamish Sticky Fingers cient druids. You cannot use any metal objects, tools,
Taboo-Ridden Tower-Bound weapons, or armor and you find it difficult to get along
Unnatural Vain with “civilized” folk.
Penalty: In addition to being forbidden to use any
type of metal object, tool, weapon, or armor, the charac-
ter suffers a -3 penalty to all Charisma-based skills when
dealing with so-called “civilized” folk. If the character is
forced to use metal of any type for any reason, the pen-
alty increases to -5 for 24 hours.
Buying Off the Flaw: The skill penalty can be
Center of Attention
You feel like the world revolves around you, and that
bought off by taking the Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat everyone should always pay attention to you, what you
and be the recipient of an atonement spell no earlier than have to say, and the things you do. When they don’t, you
5th level. can get very upset.
Penalty: The character takes a -2 penalty to Diploma-
Anger cy as well as a -2 penalty to Stealth (it’s hard to stay quiet
You have serious anger issues. Whatever the cause of or hide or when you want everyone to pay attention to
your constant anger – a rough childhood, death of a you!).
loved one, betrayal by a friend or lover, or some other Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an
origin – it is not something you can get over easily and it ability score point gained from leveling up into Wisdom.
makes it difficult for your to make rational decisions and
colors interactions with almost everyone you meet.
Penalty: The character suffers a -2 penalty to all Intel-
You turn everything into a competition, even when oth-
ligence checks and to Diplomacy checks. Note that the
ers are not trying to compete with you. Whether it’s to
penalty to Intelligence checks only applies to a Intelli-
see who can kill the most enemies, find the most traps,
gence ability checks and not to other Intelligence-based
recover the most gold, or steal the most kisses from the
skill checks.
barmaid, you are always competing with everyone else.
In addition, the character can never parlay or negotiate
for more than 1 round. Any parlay or negotiation that
Penalty: The character suffers a -2 penalty to all Bluff,
Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform checks.
lasts longer than 1 round results in the character imme-
diately acting in an aggressive manner. Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an
ability score point gained from leveling up into Wisdom
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take the
and take the Persuasive feat no earlier than 4th level.
Improved Iron Will feat no earlier than 5th level.

Arrogant Cruel
You are exceptionally cruel and mean. You say hurtful,
You vastly overestimate your own capabilities and place
insulting things to everyone, including your friends and
excessive importance on your own personal achieve-
ments, and you have a distinct lack of humility. You are
always ready to take credit for group accomplishments, Penalty: The character suffers a -4 penalty to all
and rarely back down from a challenge. Diplomacy checks, as well as to any other skill or abil-
ity checks made as part of a social interaction, except for
Penalty: The character suffers a -2 penalty to all Di-
plomacy checks and to Wisdom checks.
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take Skill
Focus (Diplomacy) no earlier than 3rd level.
ability score point gained from leveling up into Wisdom
and take the Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat.
Call of the Wild (Ranger) You have been cursed, either from birth or possibly only
just recently. Pick a curse – or roll randomly – from the
You must be a ranger to take this flaw. You prefer
list below:
the outdoors and nature- even dank dungeons- to the
oppressive civilization of towns. You fidget in palace
• Clumsy (You apparently have two left feet and fre-
throne rooms and sulk in a corner in the local bar, until
quently stumble and fall)
you can be free again.
• Marked (You have a large red birthmark that covers
Penalty: The character suffers -2 to all skill checks in a
at least half of your face and neck)
‘civilized’ urban setting.
• Milky Eye (One of your eyes is covered with a milky
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must put 5 skill film)
ranks into the Knowledge (local) skill. • Sickly (You are constantly ill and weak)

• Unlucky (You seem to always have the worst luck Buying Off the Flaw: The character must return to
possible) the individual owed and pay off any remaining debt, and
• Withered Arm (One of your arms is withered and also succeed on an opposed Diplomacy check against
practically useless) the individual. The individual should have at least a +10
bonus to Diplomacy.
Penalty: The character suffers a specific penalty noted
in parentheses after the curse in the list below.
You are not quite all there mentally. Others describe you
• Clumsy (-4 penalty to Acrobatics, Climb, and Per-
as having lost contact with reality. Your condition could
form (Dance) checks, and Stealth checks related to
have been present your entire life or could be something
moving silently)
relatively new.
• Marked (-4 penalty to Diplomacy, Disguise, and all
Perform checks)
Penalty: The character suffers a -4 penalty to Intel-
ligence and Wisdom and a further -4 penalty to all
• Milky Eye (-4 penalty to Perception checks, -4 to
Wisdom checks and Will saves.
ranged attacks, vision range is halved)
• Sickly (-4 penalty to Constitution and -2 penalty to Buying Off the Flaw: The character must be the
Fortitude saves against diseases and poisons) recipient of a remove curse and a remove disease spell no
• Unlucky (Roll twice for all attacks, saving throws, earlier than 5th level. The spells must be cast – in either
ability checks, and skill checks, taking the worst of order – in subsequent rounds. Any remove curse or re-
the two results) move disease spell cast on the character prior to 5th level
• Withered Arm (-6 penalty to Strength, withered arm only removes any curses or diseases acquired since game
has an effective Strength of 1, cannot wield weapons play began, not the deranged flaw.
that require two hands to use (including bows)).
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must be the Whether from illness or injury, you are very physically
recipient of a remove curse spell no earlier than 5th level. weak. You could have been feeble from birth, or perhaps
If the character is the recipient of a remove curse prior you had a relatively recent accident or illness.
to 5th level, the spell only removes any curses bestowed Penalty: The character suffers a -6 penalty to
after game play began. Strength.
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an
Debtor ability score point gained from leveling up into Strength
You are in a great deal of debt to someone – a merchant, and be the recipient of a greater restoration spell.
a family member, or a criminal.
Penalty: When the character determines starting gold, Flirtatious
that amount plus another 900 gp are considered to be You are constantly flirting with people. You most of-
the character’s debt. Note that the character does NOT ten flirt with people of your preferred sex, but when
receive the extra 900 gp of the debt to purchase start- you need or want information, or you’re just in a good
ing equipment. After purchasing starting equipment, mood, you’ve been known to flirt with anyone of any
subtract all gold left over. The actual coins the character sex. You don’t necessarily intend to follow through on
starts with is 2d10 silver pieces. The character suffers your flirtations – it’s just an automatic response when
a -3 penalty to Diplomacy checks when dealing with in social situations, a response that not everyone finds
the individual that loaned the coins, or to any of that funny or attractive.
individuals employees or minions. Some folks familiar Penalty: The character suffers a -3 penalty to all skill
with the individual that loaned the character coins may checks in social situations. This reflects that, though
refuse to do business with the character. If the debt is the person the character is immediately interacting
not repaid in a specific amount of time (which should be with might not be upset by the flirtations, someone else
long enough to allow the character to progress to at least nearby – possibly even fellow party members – could be.
3rd level), the individual that loaned the coins may put a Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest 5
bounty on the character’s head. skill points in the Sense Motive skill.
Frail the character with the shaken condition for 1d4 hours.
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take the
It’s not as though a puff of wind would blow you over,
but why take any chances? Keep in the back where it is Deceitful feat no earlier than 5th level. Doing so does
safe. not mean the character becomes deceitful, but that the
character recognizes that sometimes deception is the best
Penalty: Whenever the character takes maximum
method for achieving even some goodly goals.
damage from a weapon attack, or more than half his
maximum hit points from a spell or area effect, he must
make a Fortitude saving throw equal to 10 plus the CR Inner Turmoil (Monk)
of the monster, trap or effect that dealt the damage. You must be a monk to take this flaw. True inner peace
Failure means the character is staggered and sickened for and contemplation of the universe has always been just
a number of rounds equal to the CR of the monster, trap out of your grasp, due to deep, secret doubts you bear.
or effect. You fear that this nagging doubt will someday be your
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an undoing, and lead you into ruin and chaos.
ability score point gained from leveling up into Consti- Penalty: The character loses the level 1 bonus to Will
tution and be the recipient of a greater restoration spell. saves that monks receive, though subsequent bonuses are
received normally, as the character rises in levels.
Heretic (Cleric) Buying Off the Flaw: The character must put 3
ranks into Knowledge (religion), and knowingly perform
You must be a cleric to take this flaw. Your beliefs about
your god’s teachings run at least partially counter to the of- a chaotic act- and receive an atonement spell for doing so,
ficial position of the church. even if he must obtain it while not receiving the benefits
of the monk class.
Penalty: The character suffers a -3 penalty to all
Diplomacy checks when dealing with other members of
your religion who are not also heretics. In addition, the Lovelorn
character is wanted by the more conservative members of There are some that claim that there is someone for
the character’s faith, who wish to try the character on a everyone, but there is only one true love for each person.
charge of heresy. If one has pledged their love and been rejected, it can
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must turn leave a scar that may never be healed, leaving behind a
themselves in to an official of the church and succeed heart of stone.
on an opposed Diplomacy check against a person of Penalty: The character may not marry, inherit, be left
high official importance and pay a 1000-4000 gp fine goods, or engage in repartee with the gender that they
or bribe. The official should have at least a +10 bonus in are attracted to. Though these conditions may apply
Diplomacy to oppose the character with. The character’s in certain circumstances, in game terms this means the
-3 penalty still applies to this roll. character suffers a -2 penalty to Diplomacy and Sense
Motive with their attracted gender, as well as Knowledge
Honorbound (Paladin) (local); morale bonuses other than rage are 1 less than
they normally would be.
You must be a paladin to take this flaw. You are honest,
loyal, and honorable to a fault. You absolutely will not Buying Off the Flaw: The character must fall in love
compromise your honor for any reason, even if it would again. The circumstances must be extraordinary, includ-
save your own life or the lives of others. ing a successful Diplomacy and Sense Motive check, and
the purchase of a ring worth 5,000 gp. This can happen
Penalty: The character will not willingly do anything
at or after 3rd level, not before.
to compromise their honor or loyalty. In order to tell a
lie (even a little “white lie”) or to do anything else that
would compromise the character’s honor, the character Lucky Weapon (Fighter)
must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + the You must be a fighter to take this flaw. You believe that
character’s Charisma bonus + the character’s level. Fail- one of your weapons is ‘lucky’ and that ill will come
ing the save means the character will not go against their to you if you do not use it exclusively. You have been
honor. Making the save means the character can lie or known to stroke and polish it excessively.
other compromise personal honor, but doing so leaves Penalty: The character suffers -1 to hit with any
weapon other than his ‘lucky weapon’
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take
You have an unnatural fear of something. Pick – or roll
Weapon Focus in any weapon other than his ‘lucky randomly – from the list below:
weapon’ no earlier than 5th level.
• Aichmophobia (fear of knives and other sharp ob-
Obsessive jects)
Once you set your mind on something, you find it very • Ailurophobia (fear of cats and other felines)
hard to focus on anything else or any other task. • Anthropophobia (fear of people)
Penalty: Whenever the character commits to a task, • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
project, or quest, any time that the character is forced to • Bogyphobia (fear of goblinoids)
do anything that is not somehow related to the primary • Dracophobia (fear of dragons)
task the character suffers a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, • Equinophobia (fear of horses)
weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and • Metallophobia (fear of metal)
ability checks until the character is able to get back on • Pyrophobia (fear of fire)
task • Rhabdophobia (fear of magic and specifically spell-
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest 3 casters)
skill points in Alertness and take the Iron Will feat no Penalty: Whenever presented with the source of the
earlier than 3rd level. phobia, the target must make a DC 17 Will save or be
frightened as long as the phobia-inducer is within visual
range (with a successful save, the character will only be
Peace Through Art (Bard) shaken). A frightened character will try to get as far away
You must be a bard to take this flaw. You believe that from the source of the phobia as possible. If the source
you, personally, can bring peace to a fractured world of the phobia moves within 5 feet of the character, even
through the power of your artistic expression. Ultimate- in a non-threatening manner, the character must make
ly, all will come to see that we are all really the same, as another Will save or be left cowering (with a successful
we all perceive and love art, music, dance, what have save, the character will only be frightened) as long as the
you- don’t we? source remains in that close proximity.
Penalty: The character suffers a -1 penalty to all dam- Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take the
age rolls, be they from weapons, spells, or abilities. They Improved Iron Will feat and be the target of a heroism
may attack in any way they wish, but the character can- spell no earlier than 5th level. If the character benefits
not use the full power of any given attack. from a heroism spell prior to 5th level, the spell func-
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must inflict 50 tions as normal, but does not remove the flaw penalties.
hit points worth of damage, which includes killing at
least 5 creatures, slain in battle and/or hostility. Their art
will forevermore afterward be colored by this fall from Pugnacious
innocence... Something inside you makes it impossible for you to
back down from a challenge or a fight. This is not to say
you accept all random challenges, but anytime someone
Peevish makes a serious challenge to your skills, you take them
You are temperamental, obstinate, and easily annoyed. on.
Penalty: Whenever something does not go the char- Penalty: Whenever someone threatens or challenges
acter’s way (such as failing a save, critical confirmation to character to a fight or battle, or challenges to match
roll, concentration check, or rolling a natural 1), the wits or prove their skills, the character must make a Will
character’s nature begins to show. From that point on, save with a DC equal to 10 + the challenger’s character
until the end of the encounter or event, the character level. Failing the save means the character must accept
suffers a -2 penalty to all ability and skill checks. the challenge on the spot without thinking it through.
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take the If the save is successful, the character thinks it through
Skill Focus (Sense Motive) or Endurance feat no earlier before accepting or declining.
than 3rd level. Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an
ability score point gained from leveling up into Wisdom
and take both the Alertness and Iron Will feats (in either out-of-doors. Adventuring is such a bothersome way to
order), with the second feat being taken no earlier than explore the world...
5th level. Penalty: The character suffers a -5 penalty to move-
ment, and -2 to Perception when not in a functional,
Squeamish occupied building or structure.
You are easily sickened at the sight of blood and gore. Buying Off the Flaw: The character must take either
Martial Weapon Proficiency or Light Armor Proficiency
Penalty: Whenever anyone within sight of the char-
no earlier than 5th level, to indicate his dedication to the
acter takes bleed damage, suffere a critical hit or contract
a disease from an attack, the character must make a dungeon/wilderness-plundering profession.
Fort save with a DC equal to 10 + the attacker’s CR. If
the save is failed, the character becomes sickened, and Unnatural (Sorcerer)
remains sickened for the remainder of the combat. Your connection to the bloodline that drives your power
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an overwhelms your daily life and makes you off-putting to
ability score point gained from leveling up into Con- your companions, as you talk to yourself, see colors no
stitution and take the Iron Constitution feat no earlier one else can, and giggle inappropriately.
than 3rd level. Penalty: The character cannot use the Aid Another
action, and suffers a -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks.
Sticky Fingers (Rogue) Buying Off the Flaw: The character must forgo
You must be a rogue to take this flaw. You cannot resist the bonus spell that she would normally receive at 5th
taking trinkets and coins that are displayed in front of level, in order to squelch the seductive calls of their alien
you. That golden skull on the pedestal would look so blood. If they do not do so at 5th level, they will be
good in your backpack... forever unnatural.
Penalty: The character must attempt to use Sleight of
Hand to steal something equal to his level x 10 gp every Vain
day, or be shaken until he does. Having a complicit You are extremely egotistical. In your mind no one is
victim does not work. better looking than you and no one is better at whatever
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must put an you do than you are.
advancement ability point into his Wisdom at one of the Penalty: The character suffers a -2 penalty to all
appropriate levels. Wisdom-based skill checks when directly interacting
with others, with the penalty jumping to -4 specifically
Taboo-Ridden (Barbarian) for Sense Motive checks.
You must be a barbarian to take this flaw. As with most Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest an
of your people, mystical dreams and omens portend that ability score point gained from leveling up into Wisdom
you must avoid certain unnatural things, as they will and take the Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat no earlier than
cause you to run the risk of polluting your soul. 3rd level.
Penalty: To use or handle a magic item that has some
visible ability (like a potion or wondrous item, but not
like a magic weapon- unless it has special abilities) the
character must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10
plus the item’s caster level of creation.
Buying Off the Flaw: The character must put 5
ranks in Knowledge (arcana).

Tower-Bound (Wizard)
You must be a wizard to take this flaw. You studied
tomes in dusty libraries and did experiments in high
tower rooms from an early age, never emerging into the

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ated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, Author: Jason Bulmahn., based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Cook, and Skip Williams
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that rights reserved.
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc; Authors:
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christ-
Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or sub- offerson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill
tracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed Player’s Options: Flaws. Copyright 2011, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming; Author
using this License. Sean O’Connor.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Flaws II, Copyright 2013, Purple Duck Games. Author Robert W. Thom-
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. son.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Pathfinder
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compat-
Game Content. ibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under the
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contri- for more information on
butions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant
the rights conveyed by this License. the compatibility license.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NO-
TICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or dis-
tributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does

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