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Drawing the portrait

of Russian teenager
Sociological survey
- Students of 1 course;
The object of the study:
- Eleventh graders;

- Students of grades 5-11.

Subject of the study:
The vision of a teenager in the modern technological world
The purpose of this study is to understand how people represent a
modern teenager

The objectives of the study are to find out:

1. How often does this teenager spend time on social

2. How much is he dependent on his parents
3. Where does he spend his free time
4. Does he do any kind of sports
What is the degree of change in the dependence of children
on their parents after adulthood?
But there is another type of
Some continue to fully depend
people, namely: people who
on their parents both
begin to live a completely
financially and spiritually.
independent life.
Popular actions that teenagers perform nowadays:
· Live without being bored

· Communicate via Video chats and messengers

· Walking with friends

·Going to clubs on weekends

The lifestyle of a teenager (our opinion):
A teenager is a person who is neither a child nor an
adult. This is such a special type of people. This is a
person who has reached the age of 15, who has more
rights, but not responsibilities. A child who wants to
look like an adult.
Survey results:
Based on the data obtained , the
following conclusion can be drawn :
1. Most people who have reached the age
of 17-18, prefers to meet with friends;
2. Family is in the first place (A separate
respect for him for this!);
3. Has not got pets (or at least a cat);
prefers to eat at home if possible;
4. Does sports 2-3 times a week;
5. Financially depends on his parents, but
an important plus is that he completely
trusts them and can tell anything;
6. In general, everything suits him and will
not change dramatically)
Have a positive mood to everyone,
and give us a good rating, please)

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