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How long before the covid symptoms show up?

The average incubation period for the new coronavirus is 5 days, symptoms may
take up to 12 days after incubation to appear.
The most common symptoms are:
 Fever,
 Dry
 cough,
 Tiredness.
Other less common symptoms include the following:
 Aches and pains
 Sore Throat
 Headache
 Loss of sense of smell or taste
Are antibiotics effective to prevent or treat covid? (A)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been in charge of clarifying that no,
antibiotics are not effective to prevent the presence of the coronavirus in our body.
The use of these drugs is effective against bacteria, not so for viruses
Are natural or homemade medicines really effective against covid? (AyR)
(A) In my opinion, I do not believe in the use of plants, flowers, or any other
product that we consume regularly to treat this virus
These products could soothe certain respiratory or stomach discomforts or have
relaxing effects, they can effectively generate some relief, but they do not prevent,
and less do they cure covid-19

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