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NAME: Ana Raquel Rubio Tirado

LEVEL: Elementary
CYCLE: VI (08:00 – 10:00 p.m.)

An adventure in Chachapoyas

In 2017 my friends and I traveled to Chachapoyas.

It is a cozy place, there was a lot of vegetation
there. There were many animals there, such as
Parrots, monkeys, cock of the rocks, etc. We visit
two tourist attractions, the Kuelap Fortress and the
"Gocta" waterfall.

The Kuelap Fortress is

beautiful, and its history is
incredible. It is located in
the annex of the same name, El Tingo district, Luya province,
Amazonas department. Standing over 3000 m.a.s.l., in an area
where the Cordillera de Los Andes ends and the edge of the
jungle begins. It corresponds to the Quechua ecological zone and
belongs to The Northeast Region of Marañon.

The Gocta Waterfall or La Chorrera, the name by which locals

refer to this waterfall is huge, majestic and imposing. It was
discovered in 2002 by the German Stefan Ziemendorff. It’s
among the 15 highest waterfalls on the planet.

In addition, the Gocta Waterfall is accompanied by a local legend

about a blond haired mermaid who lures men into the fall pool and then takes them to
the bottom of the pool.

I love Chachapoyas for its beautiful landscapes.The Chachapoyanos cook

delicious and are very friendly and welcoming people. After three
beautiful days we returned to Cajamarca with the hope of returning to
such a cozy place.

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