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1. explicit or implicit?

At one extreme using Java and C # is arguably meta-programming because

their compilers produce language files which are then compiled or interpreted. On the other hand
almost no one writes code to produce code in the language they compiler it for.

2. In simple terms, a system can be defined as a collection or set of elements, components, or

variables that are organized, interact with each other, depend on each other, and are integrated.
One of the first theories regarding systems in general, namely, the theory described by Kenneth
Boulding, especially emphasizes attention to every part that makes up a system. Systems theory says
that every element that makes up an organization must receive the full attention of organizational
leaders evenly, both physical and non-physical components. The elements that represent a system in
general are input, processing, and output. .

Another concept contained in the definition of systems is the concept of synergy. This concept in a
system is that the output of an organization is expected to be greater than the individual output or
the output of each part. The joint activity of separate, but linked together parts will produce a total
effect that is greater than the sum of the parts individually and separately. Therefore, the
organizational system prioritizes the work in the team. In addition, the system viewpoint of an
integrative implementation of work involves humans, tools, methods, and the resources used.
Because of this, there are many different ways to categorize system suastu. Such as: open or closed
systems, human systems, machine systems, or a combination of both, deterministic or probabilistic
systems and many more.

The term "SYSTEM" is still widely used today. A system consists of parts or components that are
integrated to achieve a goal. The basic model of this system form is the input, processing, and
output. However, this system can be expanded to include storage media. Systems can be open and
closed, but information systems are usually open systems that can receive some input from the
outside environment.

Performing system elements on subsystems is an important action in simplifying system design. Use
of the system usually requires multiple disjoint mechanisms to reduce complexity in coordination
and communication. Control in the system is based on open and closed feedback. Whereas filtering
can be used for processing requirements by reducing input. The law of variations in requirements is
important for designing a control system because it states the need for a method that provides
control responses for each controlled variable state. System design is applied in regular stages to
systems analysis and to project management. System concepts also have direct application to
information system design (sisfo).

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