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TOPIC ONE:INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER STUDIES ......................................................................... 5

Definition and characteristics of modern computers ......................................................................................... 5
REASONS FOR STUDYING COMPUTER .................................................................................................... 6
Terminologies used in the field of computing. .................................................................................................. 7
Data .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
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Data Processing:................................................................................................................................................. 7
Information: ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Information and communication Technology (ICT).......................................................................................... 8
Unit Two: Evolution of Computers ................................................................................................................... 8
Origin of Computing (Counting and Calculating using devices) ...................................................................... 9
i). The Abacus (3000 BC) .................................................................................................................................. 9
ii). Napier‘s bones (1617) .................................................................................................................................. 9
iii). William Oughtred‘s Slide rule ................................................................................................................. 10
(b) The Mechanical Era ................................................................................................................................... 10
Blaise Pascal's Calculator (1642) ..................................................................................................................... 10
(ii) Leibniz‘s Stepped Reckoner (1694) ........................................................................................................... 10
(iii) Jacquard‘s Loom (1801) ........................................................................................................................... 11
(iv) Charles Babbage‘s Analytical & Difference Engine (1834) ..................................................................... 11
(c)The Electro-mechanical Computers Era (1890 - 1946) ............................................................................... 11
Hollerith's tabulating machine (1890) .............................................................................................................. 11
Howard Aiken‘s Harvard Mark I (1944) ......................................................................................................... 12
The First Computer Debugger ......................................................................................................................... 12
Electronic era (1946 - Today) .......................................................................................................................... 12
The first generation (1946 – 1958): Vacuum Tubes ........................................................................................ 12
The second generation (1958 – 1964): Transistors .......................................................................................... 13
The third generation (1965 – 1970): Integrated Circuits ................................................................................. 14
The fourth generation (1971 – to date): Microprocessors. .............................................................................. 15
The fifth generation (Today to future): ............................................................................................................ 16
Unit Three: Uses and functions of computers.................................................................................................. 19
AREAS OF APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS IN OUR SOCIETY ........................................................... 19
DEMERITS OF USING COMPUTERS IN SOCIETY .................................................................................. 20
Unit Four: Keyboard and Navigation .............................................................................................................. 21
ADVANTAGES OF USING A KEYBOARD FOR DATA ENTRY............................................................. 21
KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ........................................................................................................................... 21
Unit Five: Categories of Computers ................................................................................................................ 22
CLASSIFICATIONS OF COMPUTERS ........................................................................................................ 22
Topic 2: ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
COMPUTER HARDWARE............................................................................................................................ 25
Input devices. ................................................................................................................................................... 25
PROCESSING DEVICES. .............................................................................................................................. 27
STORAGE DEVICES. .................................................................................................................................... 32
Topic 3: COMPUTER SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................... 37
System software ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Operating System ............................................................................................................................................ 37

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FUNCTIONS OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM. ............................................................................................. 39
CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING SYSTEMS. ....................................................................................... 42
Factors to consider when choosing an operating system. ................................................................................ 44
SYSTEM UTILITIES. ..................................................................................................................................... 47
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES .................................................................................................................. 47
APPLICATION SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................................... 52
CUSTOM SOFTWARE. ................................................................................................................................. 52
Topic 4: ............................................................................................................................................................ 53
WORD PROCESSING .................................................................................................................................... 53
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO WORD PROCESSING (THEORY) ............................................................ 53
PURPOSE OF WORD PROCESSING ........................................................................................................... 53
Examples of word processors include: ............................................................................................................ 53
BASIC TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 53
COMMON FEATURES OF WORD PROCESSING APPLICATIONS ........................................................ 54
COMMON PARTS OF A WORD PROCESSOR........................................................................................... 54
TYPE WRITERS ............................................................................................................................................. 55
DISADVANTAGES OF USING ELECTRONIC WORD PROCESSORS ................................................... 55
COMMONLY USED WORD PROCESSING KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ................................................ 57
TOPIC 5: COMPUTER PRESENTATIONS( presentation software) ............................................................ 58
Examples of Presentation Software include: ................................................................................................... 58
Common terms in presentations....................................................................................................................... 58
TOPIC 6: SYSTEM START-UP AND CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 61
Definition of terms used in Networking .......................................................................................................... 62
Network............................................................................................................................................................ 62
Modes of data communication ......................................................................................................................... 64
Simplex transmission: ...................................................................................................................................... 64
Half duplex transmission: ................................................................................................................................ 64
Full duplex transmission: ................................................................................................................................. 64
Factors to consider when selecting a data transmission system ...................................................................... 64
PURPOSE OF NETWORKING ...................................................................................................................... 65
LIMITATIONS (DISADVANTAGES) OF NETWORKING ........................................................................ 66
TYPES OF COMPUTER NETWORKS ......................................................................................................... 67
Local Area Network (LAN). ............................................................................................................................ 67
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). ............................................................................................................... 67
Wide Area Network (WAN). ........................................................................................................................... 68
Data communication (Transmission) media. ................................................................................................... 68
Network Topologies......................................................................................................................................... 80
Star topology .................................................................................................................................................... 81
Bus topology (Daisy-chain topology) .............................................................................................................. 82
Ring topology................................................................................................................................................... 83
Mesh topology ................................................................................................................................................. 83
Tree (Hierarchical) topology............................................................................................................................ 84
SPREADSHEETS............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Definition of a Spreadsheet. ............................................................................................................................. 88

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Types of Spreadsheets: .................................................................................................................................... 88
Manual spreadsheet:......................................................................................................................................... 88
Electronic Spreadsheet: .................................................................................................................................... 88
Advantages of Electronic Spreadsheets over Manual Worksheets. ................................................................. 88
Examples of the commonly used Spreadsheet packages ................................................................................. 89
COMPONENTS OF A SPREADSHEET ........................................................................................................ 89
Common features of Electronic spreadsheets. ................................................................................................. 91
TOPIC 9: Web Design ..................................................................................................................................... 92
Web Design software Examples ...................................................................................................................... 93
Terms In Web Designing ................................................................................................................................. 93
TOPIC 10: DATABASES. .............................................................................................................................. 96
What is a Database? ......................................................................................................................................... 96
DATABASE CONCEPTS. .............................................................................................................................. 97
DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS)...................................................................................... 97
FUNCTIONS OF A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ................................................................... 97
ADVANTAGES OF USING A DBMS. .......................................................................................................... 98
DISADVANTAGES OF DATABASES. ........................................................................................................ 99
Data types......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Text .................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Memo ............................................................................................................................................................... 99
Number ............................................................................................................................................................ 99
Date/time .......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Currency........................................................................................................................................................... 99
Auto Number ................................................................................................................................................... 99
Yes/No ............................................................................................................................................................. 99
OLE Object ...................................................................................................................................................... 99
Hypertext.......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Lookup wizard ................................................................................................................................................. 99
Database objects............................................................................................................................................... 99
TOPIC 11: ELEMENTARY COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ................................................................... 122
DEFINITION OF TERMINOLOGIES ......................................................................................................... 123
TYPES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ............................................................................................ 123
DATA TYPES ............................................................................................................................................... 123
PROGRAMMING ERRORS ........................................................................................................................ 124
Compilation errors. ........................................................................................................................................ 124
Run-Time errors. ............................................................................................................................................ 124
Logical errors. ................................................................................................................................................ 124
IMPORTANCE OF PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................................ 124
LIMITATIONS OF PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................................ 124

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Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
Senior One Term One
Topic Summary
Unit One: Computers Today.
Unit Two: Evolution of Computers
Unit Three: Uses and functions of computers
Unit Four: Keyboard and Navigation
Unit Five: Categories of Computers
Unit Six: Classification of Computers
Unit Seven: The computer system
Unit Eight: Computer Care and safety

Definition and characteristics of modern computers

What is a computer?
A computer is an electronic device that accepts user input (data), processes it under special instructions
(programs), to produce the desired meaningful output (information).
Alternatively, a computer can be defined as a programmable machine that receives input, stores and
manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format.

Main Characteristics of modern computers

Modern computers today have the following characteristics:
Computers operate at extremely high speeds . Their speed is measured in millions of instructions per second
The computers are automatic. They do not need any supervision in order to do tasks when instructed.
Computers are very accurate. The errors in made computing are due to the users but not technological
weakness. If a user enters wrong data, the computer gives wrong Information. This trend is described as
GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
Modern Computers can perform different kinds of tasks at the same time. For example you can play music
while typing a document at the same time.
This is also known as multi-tasking.
Diligence (Endurance)
Computers have the ability to perform the same task for a long time without getting tired.
This is because a computer is a machine, and so does not have human behaviors of tiredness and lack of
For example, Computers which are used for controlling the satellites.
Modern Computers can be adapted to comply with different settings and environments.
For example, they can be used as personal computers, for home use, banking, communication,
entertainment, weather forecasting, space explorations, teaching, railways, medicine etc.

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Need User input
Computers cannot initiate themselves and make the decisions. They need instructions from users to enhance
the process. After all, a computer is only a machine.
Artificial intelligence
Computers are artificially intelligent. i.e They can be programmed to assume capabilities such as learning,
reasoning, adaptation, and self-correction.
For example computers can respond as if they were thinking by playing chess, recognize handwriting and
However, the computers themselves cannot think. The artificial intelligence is only supported by the power
of the programs installed in them.
Storage ability
For a computer to be able to work, it must have some form of work space where data is stored before being
processed. All information is stored on a hard disk or in the Random Access Memory (RAM).
Reduction of cost
Computers are a short term investment in order to achieve a long term gain.
Though the investment is high, they reduce the cost in the long run. They reduce man power and lead to a
neat and efficient way for solving various tasks.


To promote creative knowledge for problem solving.
 Computing requires and develops capabilities in solving deep, multidimensional problems requiring
imagination and sensitivity to a variety of fields.
 To acquire skills in the use of IT for enhanced productivity and development.
This is because the dimensions of computing are part of the necessary skills set for an educated person in the
21st century.
With computer studies, a student gets to acquire the following skills:
Technology Skills: Nearly all students will be faced with the need for technology skills when they go to
university or enter the workforce.
Keyboarding Classes: Students learn at a young age how to use computers to generate reports, type essays
and research homework assignments.
Career Preparation: Computer skills learned in school will benefit students during higher education
courses and their careers. Students as young as 12 learn how to create Electronic Spreadsheets, Power Point
presentations, Databases and Website Design.
Online Access: By learning how to use computers, students even in low-income areas have access to the
world at large.
Adult Learning: Students who are introduced to computer courses at an early age adapt quickly to advances
in technology, and typically do not fear additional training and new concepts as adult learners.
 To promote critical and analytical thinking for proactive (hands-on) solutions.
 Computing drives innovation in the sciences such as vaccine research, environmental protection, business,
entertainment and education. Through computer studies, one can make a positive difference in the world.
 To create awareness in a learner about the developments and emerging issues concerning computing and
 Computing is one of those highly evolving fields where it is almost impossible to predict what will happen
in the future.

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 To get jobs.
Computing offers many types of highly rewarding careers. Computer studies provides a foundation that
serves as a competitive advantage in a career, in whatever field one chooses.
Examples of such jobs include: Typists, Computer operators, Computer technicians, System analysts,
Computer programmers, Software engineers, Computer engineers, Database administrators, website masters,
Graphic designers, IT Teachers, etc

Terminologies used in the field of computing.

This refers to the raw facts and figures, which are entered into the computer by the user in a form suitable
for processing.
Data may consist of characters, symbols, sounds and graphics, videos e.t.c.
Data is a collection of raw facts, figures or instructions that do not have much meaning to the user.
Data may be in form of numbers, alphabets/letters or symbols, and can be processed to produce information.
example the figure 10082006 may be input as data and can appear as 10/08/2006 when processed, so
10/08/2006 is an example of information.
There are two types/forms of data:
Digital (discrete) data:
Digital data is discrete in nature. It must be represented in form of numbers, alphabets or symbols for it to
be processed by a computer.
Digital data is obtained by counting. E.g. 1, 2, 3 …
A computer like a laptop, calculator, digital camera, and digital watch are categorized under digital devices.
Digital devices are devices that measure and represent data in a discrete or non continuous form.
Analogue (continuous) data:
Analogue data is continuous in nature. It must be represented in physical nature in order to be processed by
the computer.
Analogue data is obtained by measurement. E.g. Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Lengths or currents, etc
The output is in form of smooth graphs from which the data can be read.
In this case, devices like the thermometer, analog watch, voltmeter, ammeter, weighing scale, and all that
use arms to indicate change are analogue devices.
Analog devices are devices that show information in a continuous or non-discrete form

Data Processing:
It is the process of collecting all items of data together & converting them into information.
Processing refers to the way the data is manipulated (or handled) to turn it into information.
The processing may involve calculation, comparison or any other logic to produce the required result. The
processing of the data usually results in some meaningful information being produced.

Information is the data which has been refined, summarized & manipulated in the way you want it, or into a
more meaningful form for decision-making.
It refers to the processed data that makes meaning and is useful. For example the figure 10082006 may be
input as data, but once this same figure is converted to the format 10/08/2006, you realize that its a date.
The information must be;
 accurate  complete
 timely  Relevant.
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Comparison between Data and Information.
Data Information
Unprocessed (raw) facts or figures. It is the end-product of data processing
(processed data)
Not arranged. Arranged into a meaningful format.
Does not have much meaning to the user. More meaningful to the user.
Cannot be used for decision-making. Can be used to make decisions.

Information and communication Technology (ICT)

It is the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve, store
and transmit information.
The term information technology(IT) is used to describe the use of computers in business, education and
everyday life.
Data entry
It is the act of in putting data into the computer. This is done by the help of input devices like keyboard,
mouse etc.
Bit refers to binary digit
This is the smallest unit of data storage.
This is an equivalent of 4 bits
A nibble is therefore ½ of a byte
A byte is a unit of computer memory or digital information, that consists of eight binary digits (bits).
NB. 1 byte stores 1 character.
A byte is therefore an equivalent of 8 bits
A byte is an equivalent of 2 Nibbles
The number system used to represent digital information in computers where data is expressed by
combinations of the digits 0 and 1, corresponding to power states "off" and "on" respectively.
Computer Memory
This acts as a store for digital Data, processed information and programs in a computer system.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is temporary and volatile working memory that contains all the work in
progress, since the user last saved to disk.
RAM changes constantly as the computer is used for different tasks and is lost when the computer is
switched off.

Unit Two: Evolution of Computers

To trace the origin and explain evolution of computers:
 Origin of Computing
 Mechanical era
 Electro-mechanical era
 Electronic era (including Computer Generations)
To identify and compare the different developments in the evolution computers
The word Evolution comes from the Latin word, ‗ēvolvō‘ which literally means; to ‗unroll‘, or to ‗unfold‘.

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Evolution of computers refers to the historical developments through which computers and technology have
passed, from the time they started to exist in ancient forms to their current state.
Knowledge about the history/evolution of computers gives us a deeper understanding of the origin and the
gradual Mechanical to Electro-mechanical to Electronic technological changes, that have brought about the
kind of computers we see today, and helps us to predict how they will be in future.

Origin of Computing (Counting and Calculating using devices)

The origin of computing started with the early man who used fingers, stones, sticks, marks on walls, sand,
The word ‗compute‘ was derived from two Latin words; ‗com’, which means ‗together‘ and ‗putare’, which
may mean ‗add, calculate, count, or estimate‘.
Over the centuries, people have developed an amazing variety of data processing tools and techniques.
Examples of Ancient counting and calculating devices include
 The abacus,
 Napier’s bones,
 Slide rule.

The beginning or foundation of computing devices is the abacus, which was developed in 3000 BC by
Chinese (about 5000 years ago).
It was built out of wood and beads.
It has two decks. Each bead in the upper deck is equal to 5 units while Each bead in the lower deck is equal
to 1 unit.
Only beads in the middle position are counted.
The abacus helps people keep track of numbers as they do the computing. It is quick but has no storage

i). The Abacus (3000 BC)

The abacus is still in use today by schools and shopkeepers in Asia. Blind children are taught to use the
abacus to perform calculations.
The abacus is an excellent substitute for teaching other base numbering systems, since it easily adapts itself
to any base.

ii). Napier’s bones (1617)

 John Napier was a Scottish mathematician and inventor. Napier is famous for creating the decimal point. In
1617, the last year of his life, Napier invented a tool called ―Napier's Bones‖.
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 Napier's bones were multiplication tables written on strips of bones, ivory, silver, or wood. The invention
was used for simplifying multiplication, division, and taking square roots and cube roots.
 It had a set of rods, allowing computations up to 100,000,000.
 The left (or ―index‖)rod is fixed to the case. It is numbered from 1 to 9.
 The movable rods are numbered at the top.
 The numbers down the rods show the product of the number at the top times the corresponding numbers on
the index rod.

iii). William Oughtred’s Slide rule

In 1622, William Oughtred created the slide rule which originally circular and was based on logarithms. It
was the primary calculator for engineers throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.
With a common accuracy of only three digits, the slide rule, was not suited to situations where accuracy was
needed such as in accounting.
The slide rule is an analog device and it is still widely used.
Before 1642, all computations were done by humans.
Manual devices used then could just aid the users to keep track of numbers as they did the computing.

(b) The Mechanical Era

In the Mechanical Era (Period) however, machines had gears and Wheels.
The popular mechanical developments of computers in this period include:
 Blaise Pascal's Calculator (1642),
 Leibniz‘s Stepped Reckoner (1694),
 Jacquard‘s Loom (1801), and
 Charles Babbage‘s Analytical & Difference Engine (1834).
This era also saw the development of the world's first computer programmer Ada Byron Lovelace (1815-

Blaise Pascal's Calculator (1642)

Pascal, Blaise (1623-62), was a French philosopher, mathematician and physicist.
In 1642, at the age of 18, he invented the first mechanical calculator to speed arithmetic calculations for his
father, a tax official.
Numbers were dialed in on the metal wheels on the front of the calculator.
The solutions appear in the little windows along the top.

(ii) Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner (1694)

 The Stepped Reckoner was a digital mechanical calculator invented by German mathematician Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz around 1672 and completed in 1694.
 It was the first calculator that could perform all four arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
 Its complex gear work, however, was a bit beyond the manufacturing technology of the time;
 Mechanical problems, in addition to design defects in the carry mechanism, prevented the machines from
working reliably.

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(iii) Jacquard’s Loom (1801)
In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard (1752-1834) of France made the first successful automatic draw loom by
means of a series of instructions given to the threads by a punched card system.
 The loom could produce complex patterns and pictures in silk and other materials.
 By 1812, the punched card device was attached to 18,000 looms in Lyons.
 The Jacquard loom was a technological break- through.
 J. M. Jacquard even received a pension from Napoleon for his invention.

(iv) Charles Babbage’s Analytical & Difference Engine (1834)

He invented two engines.
 the first being the difference engine
 and the second the analytical engine
 The concept of today's computers (Input - Process - Output) was first visualized by Charles Babbage in 1834
in England.
 His idea for the Analytical Engine consisted of 4 parts:
 an input device,
 a mill (processing unit),
 a storage device
 and an output device.
 It used punched-card system derived from the jacquard loom for input, processing and output
 Variable punched cards transported numbers back and forth from the mill.
 It decided what operation to use, addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division
 He is therefore regarded as the father of computers.

The First Computer Programmer

 Ada Byron Lovelace (1815-1852) was the world's first computer programmer.
 In 1842, Ada was asked to write a scientific interpretation of the Analytical Engine and its operations.
 These extensive writings on the Analytical Engine later became known as the first explanation of computer
 A computer language, Ada, was later named after her by the Ada Joint Program Office in 1964

(c)The Electro-mechanical Computers Era (1890 - 1946)

Before 1890, Electricity was not used by computers.
As Electricity availability was becoming widespread, it was involved in the use of computational devices.
The popular developments of computers in the Electro- mechanical era include:
 Hollerith's tabulating machine (1890)
 Howard Aiken‘s Harvard Mark I (1944)
 Program ―debugging‖

Hollerith's tabulating machine (1890)

 Herman Hollerith (1860 –1929) was an American statistician who developed a mechanical tabulator based
on punched cards to rapidly tabulate statistics from millions of pieces of data.
 He decided to use punched cards to represent the data gathered for the USA population census of 1890, and
to read and collate this data using an automatic machine.
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 Hollerith‘s machine used a set of spring loaded wires suspended over the punched card reader.
 When the wires were pressed onto the card, punched holes allowed wires to complete electric circuits.
 The cards were coded for age, state of residence, gender, and other information
 The census results were "... finished months ahead of schedule and far under budget".

Howard Aiken’s Harvard Mark I (1944)

While a professor of Physics at Harvard University, Howard Aiken was supported by IBM to build an
electro-mechanical computer which began computations for the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships.
 The computer was called the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator – (ASCC) by IBM but Aiken
renamed it the Mark I
 It was very reliable, much more so than early electronic computers.
 The computer had mechanical relays (switches) which flip-flopped back and forth to represent mathematical
 It was huge, weighting some 35 tons with 500 miles of wiring.

The First Computer Debugger

Dr. Grace Murray Hopper was a lady in the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships, who worked with Howard Aiken
from 1944 and used his machine for gunnery and ballistics calculation
One day, the program she was running gave incorrect results and, upon examination, a bug (moth) was
found blocking one of the relays.
The First Computer Bug
 The bug was removed and the program performed to perfection. Since then, a program error in a
computer is known as a bug.
 Debugging is a process of finding and correcting errors, in a computer program or a piece of electronic

Electronic era (1946 - Today)

Application of mechanical gears in Computers stopped in the Electro-mechanical era.
Computer evolution since 1946 has been categorized into five generations.
Each generation had a major characteristic development (commonly referred to as Hallmark) and distinct
characteristics in terms of Physical setup, Technology, Software, and Set-backs of the computers.
and therefore a computer generation can be defined as;
i. A stage in which all computers had similar characteristics, size, technology and software.
ii. stages of development of computers with technology and distinct characteristics
iii. a period in which all computers came with the same hallmark(major technology)

The first generation (1946 – 1958): Vacuum Tubes

 The computers used vacuum tubes.
 The vacuum tube was an extremely important step in the advancement of computers.
 Its purpose was to act like an amplifier and a switch.
 Without any moving parts, vacuum tubes could take very weak signals and make the signal stronger
(amplify it)
 The first generation (1946 – 1958): Vacuum Tubes
Physical setup:

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Physically, First generation computers were very large. Machines with hundreds of thousands of vacuum
tubes were built, taking up space of several floors in big buildings. They weighed about 30 tons
 They used punched cards and paper tape for input.
 They used magnetic drums for memory.
 They had memory size of approximately 2kilobytes of RAM.
 They used binary number system.
 Speed was about 10,000 instructions per second.
First generation computers used machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by
 They broke down frequently (Required standby technicians)
 Needed very many people to operate due to their huge size.
 High level of training was required before use
 They produced a lot of heat and burned out.
 They consumed a lot of power
 They produced a lot of noise.
 They had limited primary memory, and so they were very slow.
 They were very expensive to buy, setup and maintain.
 They were not portable
 Manual assembly of individual components into one functioning unit required.
 Air conditioning required
Examples of first generation computers:
 ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (1946) was the first electronic digital computer. It
had over 18,000 vacuum tubes.
 EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer (1947) was built for the U.S. Army's Ballistics
Research Laboratory
 The UNIVAC (1951) (UNIVersal Automatic Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic digital
computer designed for commercial use.

The second generation (1958 – 1964): Transistors

 They used transistors.
 A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals. It is made of a solid
piece of semiconductor material.
 The invention of the transistor replaced the vacuum tube and paved the way for smaller and cheaper
Physical setup:
 The computers reduced in size as compared to first generation computers, and could now fit in one room.
 A typical second-generation computer contained 10,000 transistors hand soldered and connected by wires.
 They still used punched cards for input and printouts for output
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 Memory size expanded to approximately 32kilobytes
 The computers increased in processing speed and reliability - Speed was about 30,000 instructions per
 Transistors consumed less power as compared to vacuum tubes
 Memory moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology, in which Hard disk storage was now
available. (see figure)

Second generation computers used assembly and high level programming languages such as FORTRAN
(FORmulaTRANslator) which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words.
 They produced less noise but their cost was still very expensive.
 High level of training was required before use.
 Transistors gave much heat that could damage other components.
 Commercial production was difficult and costly.
 The computers could still run only one application program at a time (Multi-tasking was not possible)
 Air-conditioning was required.
 Manual assembly of individual components into a functioning unit was required.
Examples of second generation computers:
IBM 305 RAMAC.(1956), was the first commercial computer that used a moving head hard disk drive
(magnetic disk storage) for secondary storage. RAMAC stood for "Random Access Method of Accounting
and Control".
The IBM 1401, - was a variable word length decimal computer that was announced by IBM on October 5,
The CDC 6600 was a mainframe computer from Control Data Corporation, first delivered in 1964. It
remained the world's fastest computer from 1964–1965.

The Third generation (1965 – 1970): Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits. An integrated circuit (IC) was just a combination of thousands of transistors and tiny
wires onto a small "chip" made of semi-conductor material such as silicon
Physical setup
 The computers extremely reduced in size due to fabrication of various circuit elements in a single chip.
 As a result, the computer could now fit onto a desk and the monitor became the largest visible part of the
 For the first time, Electronic computers became accessible to a mass audience because they became cheaper.
 The keyboards and monitors replaced punched cards for input and output.
 Magnetic hard disks were developed for storage purposes
 Memory size expanded to approximately 2 megabytes of RAM
 The computers became more reliable because of elimination of soldered joints and need for fewer inter-
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 Speed increased to 5 million instructions per second
 Integrated Circuits consumed a lower electric power.
 The noise produced by the computers reduced drastically.
 Simple programming languages like BASIC were introduced.
Multi-tasking was now possible. (Users interfaced with an operating system which could run different
applications at the same time.)

 Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacture of IC chips.
 They required Air-conditioning in many cases due to the heat produced.
 If any component in an IC fails, the whole IC has to be replaced by a new one.
 Operations were at a low voltage because ICs function at fairly low voltage.
 Quite delicate in handling as these cannot withstand rough handling or excessive heat
Examples of third generation computers:
Popular developments in the third generation include:
The PDP-8 was the first commercially successful minicomputer. It sold more than 50,000 systems for
The HP-2115 which was made by Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Fast minicomputers such as IBM 360 series and ICL 19000 series
Another very good development that came up in this generation (1969) was The Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network (ARPANET),the world's first operational packet switching network
The ARPANET is the core network of a set that came to become the global Internet.
The network was created by a small research team at the United States Department of Defense.

The fourth generation (1971 – to date): Microprocessors.

 They used microprocessors
 Microprocessors are VLSI devices.
 Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands
of transistors into a single chip.
 The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were
rebuilt onto a single silicon chip.
 Invention of the microprocessor was made by a team at Intel Corporation.
Physical setup:
 The physical size of computers kept on reducing generation to generation.
 With the development of micro-chips, what in the first generation filled an entire floor could now fit in the
palm of the hand.

 The fourth generation computers saw the development of the mouse and handheld input devices.
 The Fourth generation computers were more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks.

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 A vast variety of Storage memory media used such as Floppy disks (1971),Optical Compact Discs(1982),
USB flash drive disks(2000), etc.
 Memory size progressively expanded up to more than 8 Gigabytes of RAM
 The computers became very reliable.
i.e. Computers can work for a long time
without breaking down.
 There has been development of extremely fast computers referred to as super computers with speeds over
100 million instructions per second.
 Further developments in this fourth generation include the merging of Telecommunication and Computing
 They don‘t require air conditioning because they have inbuilt cooling mechanisms.
 This generation also saw the development of Laptop and Palmtop computers which were portable and
suitable for mobile business.
 Operating systems based on the Graphical User Interface (GUI) were developed.
 A GUI is a user Interface in which visual images such as icons and buttons are used to issue commands.
 Microsoft Windows 1.0 was released by Bill Gates‘ Microsoft Corporation on November 20, 1985.
 Setbacks:
 Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacture of VLSI chips.
 In a microprocessor chip, the various components are part of a small semi-conductor chip and the individual
component or components cannot be removed or replaced, therefore, if any component in a microprocessor
fails, the whole microprocessor has to be replaced by a new one.
 Operations at low voltage as microprocessors function at fairly low voltage.
 Quite delicate in handling as these cannot withstand rough handling or excessive heat
 The Xerox Alto (1973) was the first computer to use a GUI.
 The IBM 5100, portable computer that appeared in September 1975.
 The Apple Macintosh (1984 ), was a mouse-driven computer at a much cheaper price.
The fifth generation (Today to future):
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to have human capabilities, such as the five senses (to
see, hear, feel, taste, smell), plus, understanding, communication, reasoning, learning, learning from past
experiences, planning, and problem solving.
In future, computers are to be applicable in almost every imaginable place at home, office, factory, church,
Physical setup:
The physical size of computers in this generation can be customized to any shape of interest – be it as small
as a pen or in the shape of a human being.
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are
capable of learning and self-organization.
 There is use of coordinated parallel processing; where computers have many microprocessors being used
side by side.

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 We shall see the development of many gadgets like remote control and optical input devices.
 Secondary Storage Hard disk drives which can store Terabytes of Data.
 RAM will continue to increase to 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB,128GB e.t.c.
 The computers to become 99% reliable.
 More development of Notebook and Mobile computers which can store power for a long time, hence
becoming too mobile.
 More networking containing millions of interconnected 4th Generation computers.
 Molecular computers expected, Composed of millions of DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid ) strands in plastic
 Information-processing tools-such as enzymes and proofreading mechanisms are going to be taken in large
numbers of DNA molecules and used as biological computer processors.
 Diligent Robots will be highly used in many areas such as factories where repetitive tasks are done.
 Computers to have Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology.
 Fifth-generation programming languages (5GLs) will be used.
 5GLs are based around solving problems using controls given to the program, rather than using an procedure
written by a programmer,
 They contain visual tools to help develop the programs.
 Visual Basic is an example of a 5GL
 There will be a wide variety of computer Operating Systems and Application programs designed to solve
specific tasks in a user-friendly manner.
Setbacks and Demerits of Fifth Generation Computers
 Computer Obsession and addiction is seriously spoiling the writing and thinking abilities of human beings.
 Computer Crime such as hacking and online theft is on the rise due to misuse of 5th Generation computer
 Robotics in the fifth generation will cause unemployment as machines take on the jobs people could do.
 Examples of fifth generation computers:
 TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot (2007) is a humanoid robot designed to play table tennis against a human
 Hospital Robots are becoming more useful to hospital staff; from supporting surgeons to paying bedside
visits to patients.
 The iPad (2010) is a tablet computer designed and marketed by Apple Inc., with a flat touch screen. It is
primarily operated by touching the screen rather than using a physical keyboard.


GENERATION(Perio 1ST (1946- 2ND (1958- 3RD (1964- 4TH 5TH
d) 1958) 1964) 1971) (1971 TO (TODAY TO

Hall mark Vacuum Transistors Integrated Microprocesso Artificial Intelligence

Tubes Circuits rs and Robotics
devices) devices)

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
Physical Size Could fill Could fit in Could now Mobile Can be customized to
entire a single fit onto a Computers any shape of interest
floor of room desk Could fit in the
Large palm of the
Buildings hand.

Input Punched Punched Keyboard Keyboard, Voice Recognition,

Cards Cards Mouse Touch, Sensors,

Primary Memory 2Kilobyte 32Kilobyte 2Mega Continued Will continue to

(RAM) s s Bytes increasing. Up increase to 16, 32,
to 8GB 64,128 e.t.c.

Secondary Storage Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic A variety of Hard disks with a lot
Drum Core Hard Disks Storage media (Terabytes) of
eg, Floppy Memory,
Optical Internet hard drives,
Compact Discs Micro memory cards
and USB flash

Processing Speed 10,000 30,000 5 MIPS 100MIPS Multiprocessors,

instructio instructions with Billions of
ns per per second instructions per
second. second.

Software Machine Assembly Simple Operating Fifth-generation

Language and high programmin systems with a programminglanguag
level g languages Graphical User es (5GLs)
programing like BASIC Interface
languages (GUI)

Multitasking Not Not Possible Possible Possible

possible possible

Noise, Heat, Power Too much Noise & Air Computers No noise, little
consumption Power conditionin now have power consumption,
consumptio g still internal no heat!
n reduced. required to cooling
heat. mechanisms.

Examples ENIAC, IBM 305 PDP-8 HP- Xerox Alto, iPad , Hospital
EDVAC RAMAC 2115 IBM 5100 Robots
CDC6600 Macintosh

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
Unit Three: Uses and functions of computers
Computers are applied in the areas of Education, Research, Business, Health, Communication,
Military/security, Home and Entertainment / leisure.
Uses of computers in the area of Education Interactive Multimedia packages on DVDs can
In teaching, we use Computer Assisted Instructions clearly demonstrate and explain abstract concepts.
(CAI) by use of Interactive whiteboards, and Schools use computers to create school websites for
projectors, in class. sharing information with the public.
Computer Aided Learning (CAL) gives access to Productivity tools like desktop publishing and
On-screen learning materials. Students learn at their presentation software are used in projects and other
own pace and can repeat a lesson they didn‘t school activities.
understand. Computers are used for calculating mathematical
Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) helps teachers arithmetic by students and teachers in class.
to reduce the time and the labour to mark students‘ Digital computers are also used for telling and
books and answer scripts. managing time in schools
Error free School Timetables can be generated using Uses of computers in the area of Research
special timetable computer software. They have made searching the literature and
With Use of School Administration and references easier through use of electronic databases
Management Systems (SAMS), Records on the World Wide Web.
management is made easier because all details of For example an online encyclopaedia such as
learners can be held on computer, and easily Wikipedia has over 15 times as many words as
retrieved, reducing administrative costs. compared to printed Encyclopaedia and dictionaries.
Students‘ Progressive Report cards can be produced Computers have tools such as Spell checking, copy-
electronically by use of computers instead of hand and-paste, etc., which make compiling and editing
written ones. research work easier.
Distance learning through computer based training. Uses of computers in the area of Business
People can study online and get awards such as Computers enable people to Work from home, using
degrees without going to class. computers connected to the employer's network or
Teachers use simulation software to visualize and via the Internet. This is known as Telecommuting.
demonstrate difficult or dangerous experiments in Computers have created more jobs such as
class. Computer technicians, Computer teachers, etc.
Use of special facilities for students with disabilities Buying and selling of Computers and their
like text to speech and speech recognition to help components is a source of income to individuals,
blind students. and companies.
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Through, Computer Aided Design (CAD), scale Computers are used to detect presence of illegal
drawings, and excellent designs can be created devices such as bombs.
easily. Computers are also used for controlling dangerous
Computers are used for sending and receiving weapons such as missiles.
Mobile Money and making worldwide money Uses of computers at home
transfers. Computers are used for doing School Assignments
Banks use Computers to manage transactions and (Home Work)
Automatic Teller Machines ATMs for 24 hour Computers are used for Managing household
banking. finances
Uses of computers in the area of Health Computers are used for Accomplishing Work
Hospitals use computers for managing and storing related tasks.
Records electronically, rather than paper files. Uses of computers in the area of Entertainment /
Hospital Administration is also aided by printing leisure
labels, allocating beds; make appointments, staff Computers introduced completely new type of
rotas, e.t.c. entertainment like Computer games.
Internet helps us get Web sites for information on Computers are also used in Cinema halls and
health care, treatments, conditions, etc. podiums for faster instant audio and video playback
Monitoring/Diagnosis such as Heart rate, blood and presentation though projectors.
pressure, etc. is aided by Computer Expert systems. Computers are used in the entertainment industry to
Medical Training is facilitated by Simulation produce Music, Edit Video, CD burning, etc.
software and on-line data sources. Computers are used for instant audio playback
Uses of computers in the area of Communication functions such as parties.
E-mail: Electronic Mail sent from one person to
other using connected computers helps a lot in the DEMERITS OF USING COMPUTERS IN
area of communication. SOCIETY
Video Conferencing enables people in different Risk of addiction. Many people don't care about
locations to conduct meetings as if they are in the anything else because they spend many hours in
same location. front of computer.
Computers are used for Faxing, Sending an image Eye Strain. Using computer for long can be very
of a document electronically. harmful to the eyes.
Computers enable people to send voice, image, text Over dependence. Our creativity, skills and
data though Telephones and mobile cell phones: reasoning can decrease when we are too dependent
Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter to the computer.
enable people to stay in touch with their relatives, For instance, with email replacing the hand-written
friends and interests. letter, Onscreen Art designing instead of Hand
drawing Art etc.
Uses of computers in the area of
Computer can destroy the culture of a certain group
Computers aid monitoring security through cameras, of people in the society, especially youths.
Automatic number plate recognition, Expensive. Computers are still costly because the
Communication systems are widely used in the initial costing and maintenance cost of a computer
military to coordinate the personnel. are very high.
Some computer systems can detect temperatures and Need for Extra Training. Use of computers require
alarm in case of danger of fire outbreaks. additional training before use of computers and their
Computers are used for capturing data for Police programs.
National Computer Databases, vehicle number There is dehumanizing of people. Excessive use of
plates, criminal‘s fingerprints, etc. computer for communication with others threatens
to reduce the intensity of personal bond that often
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develops between people. For instance, the Software Piracy: Stealing software, not paying for
telephone calls licenses through cracking.
Computers have led to unemployment of people Presence of Viruses: You may lose all your
such as Tellers, shop workers, postal workers; since programs, files, documents folders and other data on
many manual/repetitive jobs have been replaced by your computer because of virus infection on the
computers like ATMs computer.
Electronic fraud: Stealing money electronically Moral Decay: The internet has websites with
through practices like Credit card cloning content such as pornography, which have a bad
Impact on Environment: Computer manufacturing impact on the users especially the young children.
processes and computer waste are depleting natural Computers are delicate and they must be given a
resources and polluting the environment. great care.
Hacking: Unauthorized access into computers
possibly leads to access information compromising
privacy. E.g. Wiki leaks.

Unit Four: Keyboard and Navigation

This is an input device with keys labeled with letters, numbers and symbols for entry of data when a user
presses the keys.
The keys on a traditional key board can be categorized into groups
Function keys; Labeled F1 to F12, they are mainly used as shortcut to specialized operation in application
program e.g. F1is used to get online help
Typing keys: Consist letters of alphabet A-Z, tab, caps lock, special characters like <> = / enter and space
and back space keys
Special keys; Are mostly used in combination with other keys as a short cut to commands. They include
control(Ctrl), Alt, Shift, and Esc
Navigational (arrow) keys. These are used as a mouse with the keyboard.


Entering data and instructions with a keyboard is generally faster than with pointing devices like the mouse,
light pen, stylus pen, and joystick.
They are usually supplied with the computer and therefore do not need to be bought independently like other
devices e.g the digital camera.
Key boards are more reliable and usually produce fewer errors than other input methods. such as voice input
and optical character recognition (OCR)

Microsoft Word Formatting
Ctrl + P Print Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + Y Redo
CTRL+B Make text bold Ctrl + C Copy
CTRL+I Italicize Ctrl + V Paste
CTRL+U Underline Ctrl + X Copy + delete
Shift + F3 Change case of letters
Ctrl+Shift+> Increase font size
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease font size

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Unit Five: Categories of Computers
Computers can be categorized according to the Laptops,
process they use to represent data. Digital Watches
People communicate through speech by combining Hybrid Computers
words into sentences. Human speech is analog A hybrid computer combines the desirable features
because it uses continuous (wave form) signals that of analog and digital computers. A hybrid computer
vary in strength and quality. Most computers are accepts analog signals and converts them to digital
digital. for processing.
Computer categories are basically three: It is mostly used for automatic operations of
1. Digital computers complicated physical processes and machines.
2. Analog computers Now-a-days analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog
3. Hybrid computers converters are used for transforming the data into
An Analog Computer is a computing device that suitable form for either type of computation.
uses continuously changing values to represent A MODEM( MODulator DEModulator) is the
information. device used in the first case to convert digital
It generally deals with physical variables such as signals to analog signals and DEModulation to
temperature, weight, voltage, pressure, speed, etc. mean changing analog signals to digital form
The results given by the analog computers are Hybrid computers are mainly used for specialized
approximate since they deal with quantities that tasks.
vary continuously. Examples of Hybrid computers
Almost all of the measuring devices are ―Analog Digital petrol pumps are an example of hybrid
computers‖. computers.
Examples of Analog computers They measure physical quantities and represent its
Thermometers, values in digital form.
Voltmeters, and Ammeters
Speedometers, Barometers
Traditional automatic watches Unit Six: Classification of Computers
The slide rule is a hand-operated analog computer
These are computers that use discrete COMPUTERS
(discontinuous) values, i.e. binary digits (0, 1) to Computers are classified according to their purpose,
represent data. according to the kind of data they process or types
The binary digits simply mean the presence or of data they use, and also according to the size of
absence of an electric pulse/ voltage. the machine and the speed of its internal operations.
The state of being on is represented by 1 and off is Speed of operation is often the most important
represented by 0. consideration in deciding which equipment to
Although digital representations are discrete, the choose for a particular task. With today's machines,
information represented can be either discontinuous, It is generally true that the bigger the machine, the
such as numbers, and letters, or continuous, such as faster the operating speed.
sounds, images, and other measurements of
Digital computers are more accurate and work at a PURPOSE
very fast rate. Digital computers may be utilized for either special
Examples of Digital Computers Include: or general purposes.
All Personal computers (PCs)

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1. General-Purpose Computers -these machines continuous quantities that can be measured by the
have the capability of dealing with variety of analog computer. Digital Computers are used for
different problems, and are able to act in response to both business data processing and accuracy. The
programs created to meet different needs. A general- basic operation performed by a digital computer is
purpose computer is one that has the ability to store addition. It can store the sums of addition problems
different programs of instruction and thus to as they accumulate, and can complete a single
perform a variety of operations. calculation in a fraction of a nanosecond. The
2. Special-Purpose Computers - as to the name digital computer is capable of storing data as long as
implies, is designed to perform one specific tasks. needed, performing logical operations, editing input
The program of instructions is built into, or data, and printing out the results of its processing at
permanently stored in the machine. Specialization height speed.
results in the given task being performed very 3. Hybrid Computers - Although both analog and
quickly and efficiently. Most special purpose digital computers are extremely used in widely
computers have the capability of performing just accepted in various industries, manufacturers have
one task. They are frequently referred to as attempted to design a computer that combines the
"dedicated," because of their limitations to the best features of both types. This special-purpose
specific task at hand. machine called a hybrid computer. combines the
measuring capabilities of the analog computer and
the logical and control capabilities of the digital
computer. It offers an efficient and economical
method of working out special types of problems in
science and various areas of engineering. Some
CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE OF DATA Hybrid machines contain special equipment to
HANDLED convert analog voltages into digital voltages, and
There are essentially two different types of vice-versa.
computer processing. Each is made possible by a
different kind of circuitry ,and each is suitable CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS
for different purposes. ACCORDING TO CAPACITY
1. Analog Computers - The name analog comes The term "capacity" refers to the volume of work or
from the word "analogous", meaning similar. the data processing capacity a computer can handle.
Analog computers are used for scientific, Their performance is judged by the:
engineering, and process control purposes. Because 1. Amount of data that can be stored in memory
they deal with quantities that are 2. speed of internal operation of the computer
continuously variable., they give only approximate 3. Number and type of of peripheral device.
results. This types of computer provides an analog 4. Amount and type of software available for use
or simulation of the object or system it represents. It with the computer The capacity of early generation
is especially useful for solving problems that computers were determined by their physical size-
involve relationships between variable quantities in the large the size, the greater the volume. In
systems that change with time. The analog computer computer terms, size and speed of operation are at
may express changing relationships in output in the present proportionate to each other. Generally,
form of graphs. It is able to create such pictures though, recent, technology is tending to create
because it responds to changes in electrical voltages smaller machines, making it possible to package
that match changes in variable quantities. equivalent speed and capacity in a smaller format.
2. Digital Computers - Is a machine the specializes Computer System Classification
in counting. It operates by counting values that are 1.MICROCOMPUTERS:
discrete, or separate and distinct, unlike the

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The mass production of silicon chips since 1971 has powerful as the medium or large-size computer, it is
made it possible to put a "brain" into all sorts of quite close.
machines. One such machine is the microcomputer. 3.MEDIUM-SIZE COMPUTERS= it provide faster
This machines has takes fullest advantage of the use operating speeds and larger storage capabilities than
of large-scale integration on silicon chips. The small computer systems. They can support a large
microprocessors literally contain computer on a chip number of high-speed input-output devices, and
that can pass through the eye of needle. several disk drives can be used to provide online
Microcomputers memories are generally made access processing. Also support both
of semiconductors fabricated on silicon chips. It is a multiprogramming and virtual storage. This allows
digital computer system under the control of a the running of a variety of programs concurrently.
stored program that uses a microprocessor, a Medium-size computer system is very flexible; they
programmable read-only memory (ROM), and a can be expanded to meet the needs of users.
random-access memory (RAM), The ROM defines The possibility of increasing the data processing
the instructions to be executed by the computer capability of a computer by adding devices, such
while RAM is the functional equivalent of computer additional memory, and other peripheral devices, is
memory. called expandability.
Technological advances in the 1960's enabled Are the ultimate in system sophistication, flexibility,
manufactures to respond to the growing demand for and speed. They usually contain full control systems
a similar stand-alone machine, the minicomputer, to with minimal operator intervention. Large computer
handle task that large computers could not perform systems range from single- processing
economically. Minicomputer system (or small configurations to nationwide computer based
mainframe computers) provide faster operating networks involving general large computers. Large
speeds and larger storage capacities than computers have storage capacities from 512K to
microcomputers systems. They can support a large 819K, and these computers have internal operating
number of high-speed input/output devices. Several speeds measured in terms of nanoseconds, as
desk drives can be used to provide online access to compared to smaller computers where speed in
large data files as required for direct- access terms of microseconds.
processing. Operating system developed for 5.SUPERCOMPUTERS= The biggest and fastest
minicomputer systems generally support both machines today are the supercomputers that are used
multiprogramming and virtual storage. This means when billions or even trillions of calculations are
that many programs can be run concurrently. This needed. These machines are essential for
type of computer system is very flexible and can be applications ranging from nuclear weapon to
expanded to meet the needs of users. Minicomputers accurate weather forecasting. Supercomputers are
usually have from 8k to 256K memory storage machines that have capabilities far beyond even the
locations, and a relatively established applications traditional large scale systems. Their speed is in
software. although the minicomputer is not as the 100-million-instructions-per-second range


A system can be defined as a collection of A computer system is a collection of entities/
interrelated components that work together towards devices that work together to process data and
a collective goal. The function of a system is to manage information using computers.
receive inputs and transform them into outputs. Information System
Computer System An information system is a system that accepts data
resources as input and processes them into
information products as output.

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Components of a computer system Computer hardware includes all physical or tangible
A computer system consists of three main components of a computer system. Examples of
components namely; computer hardware are:
People (live ware/ orgware) Central Processing Unit
People are required for the operation of all computer Input devices e.g. keyboard, mouse
systems. These people resources include end users Output devices e.g. printers and monitors
and specialists. Secondary storage devices e.g. hard disks and flash
End users (also called users or clients) are people disks
who use computer system or the information it Software
produces. They can be accountants, salespersons, Computer software refers to the instructions that tell
engineers, clerks, customers, or managers. Most of the computer hardware how to perform a task.
us are information system end users. Unit Eight: Computer Care and safety
Computer Specialists are people who develop and
operate computer systems. They include systems
analysts, programmers, computer operators etc.

Topic 2:

Hardware devices. These refer to tangible of two sizes 84 keys or 101/102 keys, but now
components of a computer which can be touched keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are also
and felt. These include; available for Windows and Internet. It consists of
Input devices the following parts as follows
Processing devices S.No Keys & Description
Output devices 1. Typing Keys
Storage devices These keys include the letter keys (A-Z) and digit
Communication devices keys (09) which generally give the same layout as
that of typewriters.
Input devices. 2. Numeric Keypad
These are ones which feed data into the computer It is used to enter the numeric data or cursor
for further processing to make meaningful movement. Generally, it consists of a set of 17 keys
information. These are; that are laid out in the same configuration used by
most adding machines and calculators.
 Keyboard. 3. Function Keys
An electronic device that is used to enter alpha The twelve function keys are present on the
numeric data by pressing keys. Keyboard is the keyboard which are arranged in a row at the top of
most common and very popular input device which the keyboard. Each function key has a unique
helps to input data to the computer. The layout of meaning and is used for some specific purpose.
the keyboard is like that of traditional typewriter,
although there are some additional keys provided 4. Control keys
for performing additional functions. Keyboards are
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These keys provide cursor and screen control. It to move accordingly Limitation: however it is
includes four directional arrow keys. Control keys normally affected by dust which slows down the
also include Home, End, Insert, Delete, Page Up, speed of the ball‘s movement and hence the rollers
Page Down, Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt), eventually the pointer‘s movement is affected. But
Escape(Esc). this can be solved by cleaning the dust around the
5.Special Purpose Keys ball, the roller after the opening the underside parts.
Keyboard also contains some special purpose keys Optical mouse. This uses a laser beam of light to
such as Enter, Shift, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Space send signals to the CPU so as to move the pointer on
bar, Tab, and Print Screen. the screen. An optical mouse resembles and works
like desktop mouse but however it has no balls and
QN. Give the function of each part of the keyboard rollers but has 3 push buttons like those of desktop
as mentioned above. mouse.
 Mouse. Cordless mouse. This is the recent invention in
Hand-operated electronic pointing device that mouse technology. It is termed as wireless mouse
controls the coordinates a cursor on a computer because it doesn‘t have the cord/ physical wire. This
screen as one moves it around on a pad; on the mouse works on the basis of an installed program in
bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the the computer which make it to sense it as it is
surface of the pad. The basic function of a mouse brought closer to the computer.
are; Pointing, selecting objects, moving objects Track ball mouse. This is a small pointing device
through dragging, scrolling pages up and down, normally seen on laptops. It is embedded within the
drawing diagrams, giving commands etc. systems unit with the keyboard of a laptop. It has a
free small rolling ball fixed on its top which is rolled
Mouse operations include; with the index fixed finger to move the pointer on
Clicking. This refers to pressing the left button and the screen.
releasing it quickly Touch pad mouse. This appointing device found on
Double clicking. This is the pressing the left mouse modern laptops just like a track ball, it is also
button twice and realizing it quickly. embedded within the systems unit. It has got a glass-
Right clicking. This refers to the pressing the right like pad just below the keys.
mouse button once and releasing it.
Scrolling. This is the act of moving pages of a  Scanners. Scanner is an input device, which
document up and down on the computer screen. It is works more like a photocopy machine. It is used
done by rolling the ball. when some information is available on paper and it
is to be transferred to the hard disk of the computer
Advantages for further manipulation. Scanner captures images
 Easy to use from the source which are then converted into a
 Not very expensive digital form that can be stored on the disk. These
 Moves the cursor faster than the arrow keys of the images can be edited before they are printed. Pen
keyboard. QN. Mention any three types of Mice as pocket readers also use this scanner principle to read
used in computers lines of texts which are displayed on screen.
Desktop mouse. This is known as mechanical mouse  Light pens. Light pen is a pointing device similar
commonly used o desktop and tower computers. It to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item
has got 2or 3 push buttons plus a ball on its or draw pictures on the monitor screen. It consists of
underside and the rollers inside. a photocell and an optical system placed in a small
How it works is that; when a mouse is moved, the tube. When the tip of a light pen is moved over the
ball is made to move and the signal is sent to the monitor screen and the pen button is pressed, its
CPU through the cord/ wire and the pointer is made photocell sensing element detects the screen

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location and sends the corresponding signal to the PROCESSING DEVICES.
CPU. Processor. The processor is the main ―brain‖ of a
NOTE. Light pens are used in PDAs computer system. It performs all of the instructions
and calculations that are needed and manages the
Digitizer is an input device which converts analog flow of information through a computer. It is mostly
information into digital form. Digitizer can convert called the CPU (central processing unit), although
a signal from the television or camera into a series this term can also be used to describe a computer
of numbers that could be stored in a computer. They case along with all of the hardware found inside it.
can be used by the computer to create a picture of Another name for the processor is a computer
whatever the camera had been pointed at. Digitizer ―chip‖ although this term can refer to other lesser
is also known as Tablet or Graphics Tablet as it processors (such as the BIOS). Processors are
converts graphics and pictorial data into binary continually evolving and becoming faster and more
inputs. A graphic tablet as digitizer is used for fine powerful. The speed of a processor is measured in
works of drawing and image manipulation megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). An older
applications. computer might have a processor with a speed of
 Barcode readers. This one of the electronic 1000 MHz (equivalent to 1 GHz) or lower, but
technologies developed with the help of scanning processors with speeds of over 2 GHz are now
barcodes and identifying optical characters on the common. One processor company, Intel, made a
products which are in most cases in form of bars and popular series of processors called Pentium. Many
with the help of light containing much sensitive reconditioned computers contain Pentium II,
detector identifies and recognizes bars in form of Pentium III, Pentium IV, duo core processors and
texts which are later fed in the computer for further core I processors such as i3, i5 and recent invention
manipulation. Barcode readers can be seen in of core i7 which is the fastest on the market.
extensive supermarkets to identify certain items and
their prices. Features of the CPU
 Voice recognition equipment. These refer to all
 CPU is considered as the brain of the computer.
types of micro phones which are used to record and
 CPU performs all types of data processing
capture sound. Most of multimedia computers have
this capability. These are mostly used by musicians
 It stores data, intermediate results, and instructions
to record and editing sound.
 It controls the operation of all parts of the
 Joysticks. This a pointing device which is
operated by tilting its vertical hand sideways,
. It is classified into 3 parts i.e.
forward and backwards to control the position of the
cursor on the screen. This looks as the jeer leaver of  The register. This is a special high speed storage
the car. area within the CPU. All the data must be presented
It employs the same principle of the mouse but this to the register before being processed. For example
is bit more free than a mouse. It has got a button if 2 numbers are to be added both have to be first be
which is used for selecting objects on the screen. registered and the result has to be plugged in the
The function of the joystick is similar to that of a register. ( the register can contain address of a
mouse. It is mainly used in Computer Aided memory location where data is stored rather than the
Designing (CAD) and playing computer games. actual data if set)
- NOTE: The number of registers the CPU has and
the size of each determine s the power and speed of
the CPU e.g., 32bit CPU is one which registers 32
bit wide there4 each CPU instruction can
manipulate32 bits of data.
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- The clock speed or clock rate of a CPU is defined Functions of this unit are −
as the frequency at which a processor executes  It is responsible for controlling the transfer of data
instructions or processes data. and instructions among other units of a computer.
- The system clock. is an internal clock that  It manages and coordinates all the units of the
generates a signal that is used to synchronize the computer.
operation of the CPU and the movement of data  It obtains the instructions from the memory,
around the other components of the computer interprets them, and directs the operation of the
- Register holds a piece of data at a time and inside computer.
the CPU.  It communicates with Input/Output devices for
Examples of registers are; transfer of data or results from storage.
 Accumulator register. This temporarily holds  It does not process or store data.
the results of the last step of ALU.  NOTE; Peripheral devices are called so because
 Instruction register. This temporally holds an
they operate outside the CPU and the main memory.
instruction in it before it is interpreted into a form
The control unit also determines where instructions
that the CPU can understand it.
are to be executed and operation
 An address register. This temporarily holds the
to be performed and where the instruction is to be
next piece of data waiting to be processed.
 Storage register. This temporary holds a piece of
It fetches data from the main memory and puts it in
data that it is on in its way to and from the CPU and
proper order for the processor and
main memory.
also sends the processed results back to the main
 The arithmetic logic unit (ALU). This part of the memory.
CPU held responsible for carrying out arithmetic It extracts instructions from the main memory and
and logic operations such as addition, subtraction, decides and exerts them calling on ALU when
division, multiplication etc. The ALU carries all the necessary.
logical and arithmetic processing. It records all the SPECIAL PURPOSE MEMORIES. A part from the
instructions and processes data. RAM and ROM, There are other several types of
This unit consists of two subsections namely, special memories found within the systems unit.
 Arithmetic Section These memories are very vital because they
 Logic Section generally increase the performance of data and
Arithmetic Section Function of arithmetic section is instructions moving in and out of the CPU. These
to perform arithmetic operations like addition, memories include;
subtraction, multiplication, and division. All Buffer.
complex operations are done by making repetitive This is a temporary holding place that may be put in
use of the above operations. the CPU or built input and output devices. This is
Logic Section Function of logic section is to because the CPU is very fast compared to the input
perform logic operations such as comparing, devices. Buffer provides temporary storage so that
selecting, matching, and merging of data. the CPU is set free from doing other activities
Logic operation refers to the ability to compare all instead to wait for all data to be entered or
the 2 quantities or numbers to determine which is information to be output. .e.g. since a printer cannot
greater or equal or less or than the other. It also work at the speed of the CPU, the printer buffers
measures, tests the existence of the condition temporarily, holds the output to be printed hence
encounter during the processing of an application forcing the CPU to perform other functions. Buffer
understanding the instructions accordingly. can hold more than one piece of data at a time.
The control unit (brain). This unit controls the Cache Memory.
operations of all parts of the computer but does not Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor
carry out any actual data processing operations. memory which can speed up the CPU. It acts as a
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buffer between the CPU and the main memory. It is an external device can be connected to the
used to hold those parts of data and program which computer. It can also be programmatic docking
are most frequently used by the CPU. The parts of point through which information flows from a
data and programs are transferred from the disk to program to the computer or over the Internet.
cache memory by the operating system, from where Characteristics of Ports A port has the following
the CPU can access them. characteristics −
 External devices are connected to a computer
Advantages using cables and ports.
 Cache memory is faster than main memory.  Ports are slots on the motherboard into which a
 It consumes less access time as compared to main cable of external device is plugged in.
memory.  Examples of external devices attached via ports
 It stores the program that can be executed within a are the mouse, keyboard, monitor, microphone,
short period of time. speakers, etc.
 It stores data for temporary use. 88 Let us now discuss a few important types of ports
Disadvantages −
 Cache memory has limited capacity. Universal Serial Bus (or USB) Port
 It is very expensive.  It can connect all kinds of external USB devices
1. Expansion slots. These are empty sockets such as external hard disk, printer, scanner, mouse,
connections found on the mother board where other keyboard, etc.
components are plugged to allow an extended life/  It was introduced in 1997.
service of the computer e.g. You can plug in sound  Most of the computers provide two USB ports as
card, video cards, memory chips, network cards etc. minimum.
these are connected to the buses which carry data  Data travels at 12 megabits per seconds.
to and from the processor.  USB compliant devices can get power from a USB
Peripheral hardware. Peripheral hardware is the port.
name for the computer components that are not Parallel Port.
found within the computer case. This includes input This long and slender port is also no
devices such as a mouse, microphone and longer commonly used, but was the most common
keyboard, which carry information from the way of attaching a printer to a computer until the
computer user to the processor, and output devices introduction of USB ports (see below). The most
such common parallel port has holes for 25 pins, but
as a monitor, printer and speakers, which display or other models were also manufactured.
transmit information from the computer back to VGA Port
the user.  It is termed as video graphic array
Ports A port is a physical docking point using which
Serial Port (left) Ports
Parallel Port (right) USB Ports
PS/2 Ports USB Ports
VGA Port Phone/Modem Jacks (top)
TRS (mini-jack) Ethernet Port (bottom)
each for the mouse and keyboard
Firewire Port
PS/2 Port  Transfers large amount of data at very fast speed.
 Used for old computer keyboard and mouse  Connects camcorders and video equipment to the
 Also called mouse port computer.
 Most of the old computers provide two PS/2 port,  Data travels at 400 to 800 megabits per seconds.
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 Invented by Apple. i. Dot matrix printers are capable of printing 40-300
 It has three variants: 4-Pin FireWire 400 characters per second and can also be used to
connector, 6-Pin FireWire 400 connector, and 9-Pin produce graphics though they are of poor quality.
FireWire 800 connector. ii. Character printers. These are ones which print a
 Ethernet. Connects to a network and high speed single character per second. These printers are not
Internet. so commonly used because they are very slow
 Connects the network cable to a computer. compared to other impact printers.
 This port resides on an Ethernet Card. The advantage with them is that they can with stand
dusty environment though however they have a
 Data travels at 10 megabits to 1000 megabits per
poor quality output and worst of it all they are noisy
seconds depending upon the network bandwidth.
during the operation.
Digital Video Interface, DVI port
iii. Daisy wheel printers. These are ones which use a
 Connects Flat panel LCD monitor to the
wheel as a print head which rotates the hammer
computer's high-end video graphic cards.
and strikes the back side of the spoke and presses it
 Very popular among video card manufacturers.
against the paper to print a character. Daisy
wheels can be best for printing letters. Daisy wheels
have become much more obsolete due to changes
Output devices. in technology as they cannot be used to print
As the name sounds, these are devices which bring graphics, very slow during the process of printing
out computer held information either on a soft and
copy or hardcopy form. producing a lot of noise.
NOTE; The difference between soft copy and hard iv. Line printers. As the name sounds, these print
copy forms of output. about 300 lines per minute and are much faster
- Soft copy refers to computer held information in compared to character printer. However, their
intangible form. This form of output is neither disadvantage is that due to their poor quality output,
touched nor felt but is visible. they are not good for printing graphics .
- Main examples are; monitors, loud speakers and Evaluation of impact printers
the projectors  They are relatively cheap compared to non-
- While hard copy refers to output that is in physical impact printers
form i.e. touched and felt.  They are can be used for different sizes of papers
such as A4s, A5s etc.
The following are output devices  However, they produce a lot of noise, they are
Printers. poor quality.
These are devices which bring out computer held
information on hard copy form. The printer is the  They are very low processing speed compared to
most convenient device which can bring out non-impact printers.
computer held information on a hard copy form Non-impact printers. These are ones whose print
However, printers are categorized depending on the head doesn‘t touch the print medium during the
way how they bring computer held information process of printing. They have a high light intensity
i.e. touching the print medium or not. These are; known as laser which strike the paper thus creating
Impact printers. These are printers whose print head an in image. They are the most commonly used
touch the print medium during the process of printers because of their good quality output.
printing. They have print head which strike ink on Examples include;
the media to produce an image or text on the paper. i. Laser jet printer. This is the most common printer
These among others include daisy wheel, dot matrix which is largely used in in institutions, government
character, line printers etc. and in businesses to print out documents. This is

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because they have high quality printing output. forced out as it grows larger. These tiny holes of the
Laser jet have high light intensity which strike it on print head where ink passes are known as nozzles.
the paper thus creating an image. The advantage of Examples are; CanonBJC200
it is that they have high printing quality output even Evaluation of non- impact printers
on an ordinary paper, they are generally quiet and  Non-impact printers are very fast in printing.
faster though however they are the most expensive  They have a high quality output unlike the impact
and their tonner is so much hazardous to the printers
environment once exposed to it.  They produce less noise
Inkjet Printers Inkjet printers are non-impact  However, they are very expensive to purchase
character printers based on a relatively new and their maintenance cost is so high
technology. They print characters by spraying small  They are fit for specific papers which make them
drops of ink onto paper. Inkjet printers produce high not compatible.
quality output with presentable features. They make
less noise because no hammering is done and these Differences between impact and non- impact
have many styles of printing modes available. Color printers
printing is also possible. Some models of Inkjet Impact printers Non-impact
printers can produce multiple copies of printing printers
also.  Noisy during operation  Quiet
Advantages They are relatively cheap compared to during operation
laser printers They produce less noise They produce  Heads touch the print medium  Don‘t touch
high quality colored output the print medium
Disadvantages They have a low printing speed  Relatively cheap  Expensive
unlike the laser jet.  Relatively slower  More faster
They require specific papers (customized)  With stand dusty environment  Cant with
ii. Thermal jet printers. These are non- impact stand dusty environment
printers which use the thermal technology to print
characters on the paper. They use print heads which Plotters.
contain a hitting element called dot heaters. These These are ones that are used to produce heavy
dot heaters cause dots to appear on special papers. graphics such as maps, images etc. used by
These dots are created on papers in form of engineers in
characters architectural works accurately and thin or
Advantages meandering lines for relative drawings. They can be
- Consume less power compared too much more as the printer though for it
- Produce clear image has a pen like print head that can be accurately
- Generally quiet as they don‘t have any moving drawn bot
parts However, they use specialized papers since
ordinary ones would be burnt. -they are expensive Loud Speakers.
since their print heads can‘t be serviced once a Speakers are the most common devices that are used
single dot heater fails. - Their printing media have to produce sound on the computers with the
are short life span. help of sound cards. The quality of output produced
iv. Bubble jet printers. These are also known by a loud speaker is measured in watts of power
thermal ink jet printers which work by spraying tiny per output.
dots of ink on the print surface. These droplets of
ink are forced out inform of bubbles. The bubbles Monitors.
are formed because of hitting of the ink pump which Monitors, commonly called as Visual Display Unit
makes the ink to form a bubble and this bubble is (VDU), are the main output device of a computer. It

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forms images from tiny dots, called pixels that are Characteristics of monitors
arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of the  Size. This refer to the screen size which is
image depends upon the number of pixels. There are measured in inches such as 16 inch or size is also
two kinds of viewing screen used for monitors. measured basing on portrait or land scape.
 Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)  Resolution. This refer to how densely the dots on
 Flat-Panel Display the screen are packed. The dots are called picture
Cathode ray tube monitors. The CRT display is elements (pixels). The pixels on the screen make
made up of small picture elements called pixels. The pictures. The higher the pixels, the higher the
smaller the pixels, the better the image clarity or resolution NOTE: a pixel refers to dots in a graphic
resolution. It takes more than one illuminated pixel image Chrome refer to color and poly means one
to form a whole character, such as the letter ‗e‘ in and there4 poly chrome means many colors i.e.
the word help. something displayed in a way it appears in real
A finite number of characters can be displayed on a sense
screen at once. The screen can be divided into a Projectors. These are softcopy outputs which are
series of character boxes - fixed location on the used to display information on a wide screen. The
screen where a standard character can be placed. projectors are connected to the computer and the
Most screens are capable of displaying 80 characters projected to a white wall especially for the audience
of data horizontally and 25 lines vertically. prsentaion, home cinemas etc..
Advantages of CRTs QN : Define the following terms as used in display
 They produce a fast and rich color output. devices
 Can be viewed from a wide angle. I. Refresh rate
 They are cheaper than LCD monitors II. Video adapter (video card)
Disadvantages of CRTs III. resolution
Note: Refresh list refers to the number of times a
 They emit high electromagnetic radiation.
display hardware updates its buffer.
 They consume a lot of power.
This is measured in seconds.
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs). These use liquid
crystals to create images on the screen. They have
flat panel technology. LCDs are the most commonly
used now days because of their best quality
These are ones which store data and information
resolutions, consumption rate of power is low
which has been fed in the computer. They are
compared CRTs and their portability however they
sometimes called back up devices. The storage of
are much more expensive compared to CRTs.
information on medias is called saving. There are
Advantages of LCDs over CRTs
two kinds of storage i.e. primary and permanent
 They are more portable than CRTs
 They emit less little electromagnetic radiation
Primary storage devices. Are ones which store data
 They occupy a small space compared to CRTs. temporarily as it is being entered in the computer.
 They emit less light. These are often termed as called main memories.
 They consume less power. These store data and instructions that are accessed
Disadvantages of LCDs compared to CRTs by the central processing unit (CPU). There are two
 They have a narrow viewing angle. kinds of primary storage devices i.e. RAM and
 They are more expensive. ROM
 They don‘t have a clear resolution than those of RAM (random access memory)
CRTs. The RAM well known as the heart of the computer.
It is used to store data and instructions that one is
currently working on. It is also used to store

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programs which are being used at that particular
time. It Dynamic RAM (DRAM) DRAM, unlike SRAM,
acts as work space where all other activities are must be continually refreshed in order to maintain
carried out. the data. This is done by placing the memory on a
This means that when so many programs are opened refresh circuit that rewrites the data several hundred
at the same time, the computer will tend to be times per second. DRAM is used for most system
slow as if one had so many files on the working memory as it is cheap and small. All DRAMs are
table. made up of memory cells, which are composed of
NOTE; the speed of the computer depends largely one capacitor and one transistor.
depends on the size of the RAM. The higher the
size of the RAM, the faster the speed of the Characteristics of Dynamic RAM
computer.  Short data lifetime
 Needs to be refreshed continuously
Characteristics of RAM  Slower as compared to SRAM
- It takes the 70% of the main memory  Used as RAM
- It is a temporary storage and there4 its contents  Smaller in size
can be erased when power goes off.  Less expensive
- The contents of the RAM can be changed or
 Less power consumption
- It is volatile i.e. loose data when power goes off.
ROM (Read only memory).
- The contents of the RAM are user defined.
The ROM is also another primary storage however
- It is measured in bytes.
it can never be erased or edited. It contains set of
RAM is of two types −
instructions that guide the operation of the computer
 Static RAM (SRAM)
i.e. booting files and others which enable the
 Dynamic RAM (DRAM) proper running of the computer. These sets of
Static RAM (SRAM) The word static indicates that instructions are written on during the manufacturer‘s
the memory retains its contents as long as power is time and are embedded within the computer system
being supplied. However, data is lost when the and there4 they are kept permanent even when
power gets down due to volatile nature. SRAM power is off. The computer and the user read these
chips use a matrix of 6-transistors and no capacitors. instructions and can‘t neither write nor change
Transistors do not require power to prevent leakage, them
so SRAM need not be refreshed on a regular basis.
There is extra space in the matrix, hence SRAM Characteristics of ROM
uses more chips than DRAM for the same amount o Its contents can be read but can‘t be written to;
of storage space, making the manufacturing costs that is why it is called read only memory. However
higher. SRAM is thus used as cache memory and there are specific ROM which have been
has very fast access. manufactured and can be written to after its contents
Characteristic of Static RAM been deleted.
 Long life o It is nonvolatile and there4 can‘t lose power when
 No need to refresh power goes off.
 Faster o It stores instructions permanently. These are called
 Used as cache memory firmware.
 Large size o Its contents are permanent and ther4 cannot be
 Expensive changed
 High power consumption
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o It occupies the least percentage of the memory i.e. Over view of RAM and ROM
30%  Random access memory
 Can be erased
Types of ROM  It is volatile
MROM (Masked ROM) The very first ROMs were  Its size can be changed or increased.
hard-wired devices that contained a pre-  Stores data temporary
programmed set of data or instructions. These kind  Read only memory
of ROMs are known as masked ROMs, which are  Can’t be erased
inexpensive.  Non volatile
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) PROM  Its size can’t be changed or increased.
is read-only memory that can be modified only once  Stores data and instructions permanently.
by a user. The user buys a blank PROM and enters Permanent storage; these are ones which seemingly
the desired contents using a PROM program. Inside store information permanently so as to be used for
the PROM chip, there are small fuses which are further references. Frequently external devices are
burnt open during programming. It can be commonly used because of their reliability i.e.
programmed only once and is not erasable. anything may happen to the computer such as
EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read Only system crashing. This process of storing on external
Memory) EPROM can be erased by exposing it to disks is called backing.
ultra-violet light for a duration of up to 40 minutes. These are;
Usually, an EPROM eraser achieves this function. 1. Hard disk.
During programming, an electrical charge is trapped This is the main computers storage where
in an insulated gate region. The charge is retained documents and files are stored before being output.
for more than 10 years because the charge has no They a rigid magnetic tapes which are mounted
leakage path. For erasing this charge, ultra-violet permanently within the drive. These have a high
light is passed through a quartz crystal window (lid). storage capacity which range from kilo bytes (KB),
This exposure to ultra-violet light dissipates the megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terra bytes (TB),
charge. During normal use, the quartz lid is sealed and petabytes (TB).
with a sticker. Advantages
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable  They store vast amounts of information compared
Read Only Memory) EEPROM is programmed and to any storage device. Though they vary in size .i.e.
erased electrically. It can be erased and 20GB, 40GB, 80GB, 160GB and up to 500GB.
reprogrammed about ten thousand times. Both  Information on hard disk can survive for a very
erasing and programming take about 4 to 10 ms long time since they are always in use though
(millisecond). In EEPROM, any location can be however some of them fail to work due to over long
selectively erased and programmed. EEPROMs can period of time without being used.
be erased one byte at a time, rather than erasing the  Hard disks are secure as they reside inside the
entire chip. Hence, the process of reprogramming is computer system.
flexible but slow. Disadvantages
Advantages of ROM  They may fail to work due to violent shaking and
 Non-volatile in nature vibrations. This is why it is advised not to move
 Cannot be accidentally changed system unit when the power is on.
 Cheaper than RAMs  They are easily attacked by viruses which makes
 Easy to test data loss especially if the system is unprotected.
 More reliable than RAMs  Information on hard disc is easily hacked once
 Static and do not require refreshing hackers invade the computer
 Contents are always known and can be verified  They are expensive in terms of costs.
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 They are difficult to carry as they reside inside the  They store large amounts of information on a
computer. This has made the transfer of information relatively small space.
difficult. With the recent changes in technology,  They are relatively cheap compared to hard discs
external hard discs have been introduced on the Demerits.
world market which has eased the transfer of heavy  Their destruction rate is so high since a single
files from one pc to another. scratch on the disc can lead to data loss.
Units of the computer held information  They store less information compared to hard
Information kept in computer memory in form of discs.
binary digits. These are represented by 0 and 1‘s  In case of any theft, information can‘t be regained
Every word or character is stored in the computer as back.
binary digit i.e. 0 or 1. These binary digits are  They are most cases affected by viruses
abbreviated as BITS
 CDs and DVD ROMS are read only and this in
Bit. This refers the standard unit of a computer
long run affects editing.
 Some CD types may not be round by all computer
A sequence of 8bits is called a BYTE
e.g. for a computer to read DVD‘s. It must have a
Byte refers to the smallest unit of the computer
DVD drive which is not common in most computers
memory/ storage capacity.
A nibble. This refer to a collection of four
Types of CDs and DVDs CD-ROM & DVD ROM.
No data can be written to these but they are only
There4; 1nibble=4characters
read. Data on these can be hardware. The user
1byte =8bits The following table lists some higher
cannot change these instructions on CD but just read
storage units −
them. This is why they are known as read only
memory. CD-R & DVD-R Both of these accept
1. Kilobyte (KB) 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
recording only once and the information written on
2. Megabyte (MB) 1 MB = 1024 KB
them can never be edited or deleted. This means a
3. GigaByte (GB) 1 GB = 1024 MB
single reading means they automatically becomes a
4. TeraByte (TB) 1 TB = 1024 GB
CD-ROM and DVD-ROM automatically. CD-RW
5. PetaByte (PB) 1 PB = 1024 TB
& DVD- RW These are ones which accept and
QN. How many bits are the word ―topologies?‖
allow one to delete information on them and re use
them. This why they are called re-writable.
2. Compact disks (CD-ROM), Digital versatile
However they are very much expensive and very
disks (DVD-ROM) etc.
scarce in current market.
Compact discs well known as CDs have come up
with high storage and have replaced the floppy
3. Floppy disks.
disks. They are optical in nature used to hold pre-
These are small plastic magnetic disks enclosed in a
recorded texts, graphics and sound. They are
stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data
external devices which store large amounts data
and information for a microcomputer. Floppy disks
which is about 700mbs and new
have a small size of 3.1 inch and have a low storage
103 discs well known as DVDs have backed the size
capacity of about 32KBs where less information
of CDs thus the size increasing to Gigabytes. These
such as word processing, spread sheets etc. Cn be
have the capacity of transferring large files.
stored. They are noted for their slow speed and their
cheap price. The floppy disks are inserted in a
 They are portable thus transfer of information
mechanism called floppy disk drive. This
from one computer to another is possible.
drive spins on a high speed as data is being written
 They are reliable or read. They are found in 3 basic sizes;
 Information on them can last for over 100years. 8 inches, 3.5 inches and 2 inches. These might be
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either double density (DD) or high density diskettes
(HDD) which are cross all the 3sizes. However, the 5. ZIP disks. These are related to hard disks that can
first 2sizes i.e. 2inch and 3.5 inch diskette are be removed from their drives. They are medium
slower and slowly disappearing from the market. storage devices which are similar to a floppy disk
The 3.5 hdd are now common ones with the drive but using disks with a much larger capacity.
capacity (100, 250, or 750 MB, compared to a normal floppy
of 1.44s disk capacity of 1.44 MB). These are most
Advantages of floppy commonly used for storage of files on the internet
 They are portable hence the transfer of and have eased the sharing of the files by the same
information from one computer to another is users connected via the same network.
possible. 6. Punched cards. These are among the first forms
 They carry numerous sizes of data compared to of storage devices in computer. They were mainly
their size. The floppy disk is 3.5 inch in diameter used in the 1 st and 2nd generation of computers.
and They are flat consisting of rows and columns. For
it can fit in a shirt pocket but can carry a whole rim storage, the card would be put in the computer and
of texts. would punch rows into rows of characters to show
 Data on floppy can be accessed within a short data stored. To read the word, the computer would
time. just put a hole together to make a word.
Disadvantages Disadvantages of punched cards
 It can lose data so quickly once the magnetic - Due to the fact that they were made of paper, they
media is exposed to magnetic field. would be easily get destroyed by moisture,
 They store less information compared to other cockroaches etc.
devices. - Their storage capacities were very small .i.e. just
 They are so expensive since their destruction rate for few sentences made of 24 characters long.
is so high. Thus resulting into purchasing new ones. - Storing punched cards was very bulky as few
How to care and maintain disks sentences would only be stored.
 Don‘t fold or spindle them. Storage media drives
 Don‘t put them near magnetic field such as A drive refers to a slot of opening where a disk is
radios, speakers, CPU etc. inserted in the computer system.
 Don‘t drop it on hard surfaces such as floors. Drives are hardware components which enable the
 Keep them from intensive heat. computer user to read and write on storage
 Remove them from the drive be4 turning off the Medias. They enable the computer users to back up
computer. files and programs for future use.
 Never expose them to direct sunlight for a long QN; distinguish between saving and backing up
period of time. During the write process, the drive rotates or spins
4. Flash discs. These are of recent technology which the media and in the process the drive converts
are being used to store and ease the transfer of large electric signals that represent data into magnetic
files from one computer to another. They are much field on the media.
more like hard disks but for them are When reading data from the disk, the drive spins the
external. Unlike the floppy discs, the flash disks disk and magnetic field that represent data are
have a high storage capacity ranging from 1GB to backed into electric signals.
64GB thus easing the transfer of files. However, Various medias for storage have got their respective
flash discs have been blamed for their major spread drives in which they are contained during their
of viruses via computers. This is because viruses do real write process. The drives are represented by
attach themselves on files being transferred from letters of alphabets plus a colon;
one computer to another. DRIVE TYPE DRIVE LETTER

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3.2 Floppy disk drive (FDD) (A :) relatively flat in order to fit into the slots provided in
5.2 Floppy drive (B :) the computer case. A computer will probably have a
Hard disk drive (HDD) (C :) sound card, a video card, a network card and a
CD (D :) modem.
Flash (E-Z)  Data buses. These are highway on which data
Communication devices travels to different ports of the computer using data
 Cards. This term is used to describe important buses. Data can move from the keyboard to the main
tools that allow your computer to connect and memory and to the monitor so that it can be
communicate with various input and output devices. observed by a user.
The term ―card‖ is used because these items are


Software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a computer, its hardware, or
perform tasks.
It‘s a set of instructions that command hardware devices on what to do.
It is classified into,
Illustration of the divisions in software;


system software

special purpose general purpose

operating system programming
utility software software(tailor software(off the
software languages
made software) shelf software)

System software
This refers to programs that control the way the Operating System
computer operates. Definition.
The system software are embedded within the An Operating system is a set of programs that is
computer system and these are well known as used to manage the basic hardware resources of a
computer programs. The system software is computer.
classified into 3; This is the main program that controls the execution
I. Operating system software of user applications, and enables the user to access
II. System utilities (utility programs) the hardware & software resources of the computer.
III. Programming languages.

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When the computer is switched on, the OS However, application programs do not use the
programs run & check to ensure that all parts of the hardware devices directly. They send messages
computer are functioning properly. through the operating system which has the
Operating system‘s platform. capability to give instructions to the hardware to
In a data processing environment, the user sees a perform a particular task.
computer as a group of application programs that The user communicates his/her intentions to the OS
enable him/her to accomplish specific tasks. through the use of a special instruction set known as


(Runs Application programs)

Application software

(Send users requests to the OS)

Operating system

(Receives & controls execution of Application programs)


(Receives & executes OS commands)

As in this diagram, the OS is a layer of software on NB. The programs that make up the Operating
top of the bare hardware, and is used to manage all system are too large to fit in main memory at one
parts of computer hardware & also act as an time. These programs are usually installed on a
interface between the user & the computer. direct access backing storage device, such as the
The OS monitors & controls computer operations so hard disk.
that the user can do useful work on the computer, When the Supervisor needs a particular program, it
and it also enables Application programs use the is read from the disk & loaded into the RAM
hardware in a proper, orderly and efficient way. memory, where it can be executed.

An OS consists of a special program called a Reasons why an Operating system is

Supervisor (Kernel/ Executive), which is stored in needed in a computer (why
ROM of the Main Memory. The Supervisor/Kernel
operating systems were developed).
contains the most necessary commands and
 Modern computer systems are so complex &
procedures & controls the running of all other
fast such that they need internal control.
programs, each performing a particular service.
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 To ensure that the full system software facilities Processor management
are readily available. The processor is a scarce resource. It executes tasks
 Due to the complexity of systems, jobs need to called processes.
be controlled in what they are allowed to do for A Multi-tasking computer system can run several
security. applications simultaneously. At times, several tasks
 To increase the throughput, i.e., to increase the may require processing, hence creating competition.
amount of data that can be processed through the However, the CPU can only execute one program at
system in a given period of time. any one time.
 Improve communication between the user & the Therefore, access to the CPU must be carefully
computer. controlled & monitored. The OS must decide,
 To make complex tasks very simple for the user which program will be allowed into the system, and
to carry out. for how long.
 It helps the computer to correct any problem that To do this, the OS arranges the tasks according to
might occur. priority and has the ability to stop a particular task
 When an error occurs that can cause the to allow the processor to service another task.
computer to stop functioning, a diagnostic Memory allocation & loading of
message is displayed. The meaning of the
message is then checked in the computer
Programs must be loaded into memory before they
operations manual.
can be executed, and moved out of memory when
 Reduces job setup time.
they are no longer required. Therefore, before
 When one job is running, other programs can be
processing starts, the OS ensures that the programs
read onto the job queue. The Input/Output
are transferred into the available memory location in
devices can also be made ready without delay.
the Main memory from the backing store, e.g. a
 Most computers allow many programs to be run
& also many users to use the system at the same
At any one given time, a number of tasks may
require the memory so that they can be accessed &
Devices/ resources under the control of processed by the computer. The computer memory
an Operating System is a scarce resource, and therefore, the OS must
A computer is composed of a set of software- determine which task will remain in memory
controlled resources that enable movement, storage awaiting for execution and which one will be sent
and processing of data & information. back to secondary storage to wait.
As a resource manager, the OS manages the The OS keeps track of what parts of memory are in
following basic resources/ devices: - use and by which program, and what parts are free.
 Processor. The OS also handles the data files used by the
programs that are being executed by the CPU.
 Main memory (RAM).
In addition, the OS ensures that storage space is
 Secondary storage devices.
provided for data generated by programs & during
 Input/ Output devices and their Ports.
data transfer operations such as, disk copying or
 Communication devices and their Ports.
 Files.
Input/ Output devices & ports
The OS creates a working environment in which the
Every computer has many Input & Output (I/O)
user can run programs. The general functions of the
devices. The OS controls the input from & output
operating system are:
to the various devices. It also tries to monitor the

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
state of each I/O device and signals any faults Job scheduling.
detected. The OS arranges & loads programs in order to
During the course of their execution, programs will provide a continuous sequence of processing & also
request the use of an Input or Output device. In a provide the appropriate responses to events.
multi-user system, conflicts are likely to occur when The processor can handle only one task at a time.
one program requests a device that is being used by Therefore, in a situation where more than one
another program. Therefore, the OS will control application program is occupying the main storage,
allocation of I/O devices and attempt to resolve any the OS has to determine which task will be
conflicts that arise. processed first and ensures that the one that is
Because most input/output devices are slower than currently being processed is closely monitored to
the processor, the OS has to control the flow of data avoid wasting time in the processor.
from the time of input to the time the user receives it The jobs are allocated priorities so as to ensure that
as information. It ensures that the right data reaches there is continuous processing until all the jobs
the processor at the right time. within the memory are executed. This ensures that
The OS also defines the various input/output ports the CPU does not remain idle at any given instance.
found on the computer, e.g., printer port. Some of the job scheduling functions include:
Management of secondary storage Controlling the loading & running of programs.
Communicating directly with users and/or the
devices. operator.
The OS manages the storage & retrieval of data on Dealing with user commands to organize files and
secondary storage devices. It also utilizes the free run programs.
space on hard disks to enhance the performance of NB: A Job is a group of tasks taken as a unit of
the computer by temporarily holding tasks on it that work for a computer, e.g., one or more computer
were in RAM ready for processing but have to wait programs, files, & instructions, to the operating
for some time. system.
Management of communication Job sequencing
devices & ports. The OS keeps a list of jobs/tasks currently being run
Communication refers to how the various devices and monitors them as they move in & out of the
and programs in & out of the computer system send processor. It also arranges them in a particular order
& receive messages from one another and from the to make it easy for the processor to execute them
processor. and to know how & when to fetch instructions &
The OS controls the communication process data for each task.
between the various tasks & the computer. Resource control and allocation
To achieve external communication, an external The OS controls the selection & operation of
device is usually connected to a communication port hardware devices used for input, output and storage.
using cables or wireless communication media. The OS determines which task uses a particular
resource and at what time. To do this, it gives each
File management. resource a unique identification number called an
The OS is concerned with the logical organization Interrupt number so that, when two tasks request to
of the information (the File System) and provides a use a resource at the same time, the one with higher
means through which files can be sorted, retrieved priority interrupt is granted control.
& shared. This prevents an undesirable situation called
It also provides a means of protecting data files & deadlock that occurs when a particular task holds a
programs against unauthorized access and needed resource & refuses to release it for use by
corruption. other tasks.

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Error reporting & correction routines Device driver - a software that the OS uses to
The OS has many ways of reporting to the user of control a specific piece of hardware.
any errors that occur during program execution. It Interfaces the user to the system‘s
does this by monitoring the status of the computer
system & performing error checks on both hardware
and software. The OS provides quick means of communication
When the user makes an error, the OS through the between the computer user & its programs.
Kernel determines the cause of the error, and prints The user requests the services of the OS by use of
diagnostic messages on the screen suggesting commands & the OS communicates the messages
appropriate routines of how the error can be regarding the processing to the user through, either
corrected. the screen or printer. Thus, a form of ‗conversation‘
In case of a fatal error that cannot be corrected, the is established between the OS & the computer user.
program will be suspended permanently. E.g., the Logging & accounting.
user program will prematurely terminate when it The OS keeps records (internal logs) on how the
encounters an illegal operation, such as, dividing a computer‘s resources, e.g., CPU time, memory
no. by 0 or if it attempts to read a data file that had usage, & the peripherals are being used. It also
not been opened. keeps a complete record of all that happens during
Interrupt handling processing (usually in the form of a printed log).
An Interrupt is a break from the normal sequential The OS protects hardware, software & data from
processing of instructions in a program. improper use. They ensure that application
Each hardware device communicates to the programs use the hardware in an efficient way.
processor using a special number called the Examples of operating systems:
Interrupt Request number (IRQ). Therefore, when DOS (Disk Operating System).
an interrupt occurs, control is passed to the Kernel, Windows operating system.
which determines the cause of the interrupt. The MacOS (Macintosh).
processor stops executing the current program to Unix.
wait for the corrective response of the user. Control Linux.
is returned to the program that was interrupted once Characteristics of an operating system.
corrective action has been taken. An OS should have the following characteristics:
Some causes of Interrupt.
An Interrupt caused by Power failure.
The OS should be at least as reliable as the hardware
The Kernel saves vital information using the dying
on which it runs. If a software or hardware error
power supply so that it can be restarted when power
occurs, the system should be able to detect the error
is returned.
and either try to correct the problem or try to
Arithmetic or logic errors.
minimize the damage to the users of the system
When the ALU detects that an error has occurred,
from the error.
(e.g., the output may be requested to a non-existent
device) it generates a signal that causes an interrupt.
A user doesn‘t want other users to interfere with
Control is transferred to the Kernel, which indicates
him. Therefore, the system should protect users
the appropriate error correction routines.
from being affected both by errors of other users
Hardware malfunction, e.g. parity errors. and by malicious attempts at tampering.
The I/O control for each device & its associated Efficient.
hardware normally takes care of parity checking. If The OS is usually a complex program that uses a
a parity error is detected, the Kernel is notified by large part of the hardware resources for its own
an interrupt.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
functions. The resources consumed by the OS are Human Computer interface (i.e., how the user & the
not available for users. computer interact).
Therefore, the system itself should be very efficient, Command line.
& should manage user‘s resources to minimize their Menu driven interface.
idle time. Graphical user interface (GUI).
Convenient. Classification according to tasks
Systems should be designed keeping users in mind.
Therefore, an OS should be flexible & convenient to
handled concurrently.
use. In addition, in order to allow the sharing of Single-tasking OS.
resources, the OS must be in complete control of the Single-tasking OS allows only one user-program in
allocation of the computer resources. the main memory to be processed at a particular
Predictable. time.
User demands on the system are generally This means that, the user can only run one
unpredictable. At the same time, users prefer to get interactive program at a time. The user must then
service that does not vary widely over extended exit from the program before loading & running
periods of time. An estimate as to when the user another program.
will get his input should be given. Example of a single user OS;
Revision Questions MS-DOS.
Name two major reasons why it became necessary Multi-tasking (Multiprogramming) OS.
to use an Operating system. A Multi-tasking OS allows a single CPU to
(a). Identify FOUR resources that the Operating execute/process more than one program, all of
system should manage. which are in memory, at the same time.
(b). What function should the Operating system
Each program is allocated a time-slice. In this case,
perform to manage each of the resources above?
the programs take turns at short intervals of
List and explain any five general functions of an
processing time. The CPU switches its attention
operating system.
between programs as it receives requests for
What is meant by the term Job in computer studies?
processing, executing statements from one program,
Name four examples of operating systems.
and then from another.
The programs to be run are loaded into the memory
CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING and the CPU begins execution of the first one.
SYSTEMS. When the request is satisfied, the second program is
The OS determines determine the type of processing brought into memory and execution starts on the
that a computer system is able to perform, since it second program, and so on.
controls the allocation & use of the computer Note. In multi-programming, the computer is able to
resources. work on several programs at the same time. It
Operating systems can be classified according to: works on the programs on sequence, one after the
Number of tasks that the system can perform other, and that at any given instant it executes
concurrently. instructions from one program only. However, the
Single-tasking (program) operating system. computer works so quickly that it appears to be
Multi-tasking operating system. executing the programs simultaneously.
Number of users the system can support at the same
time. Classification according to number of
Single-user operating systems.
Multi-user operating systems.
Single-user OS.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
A single-user OS is designed to be used by only one The system should behave in a logical & consistent
person. It allows only one user/person to operate manner, enabling the user to reason about what is
the machine at a time in an interactive, going on and apply what has been learned.
conversational mode, and runs only one user Types of User interfaces.
program at a time, e.g. MS-DOS. There are different types of Human Computer
Multi-user (or multi access) OS.  Command driven interface.
A multi-user OS allows more than one user ( many  Menu driven interface.
people) to interactively use/access the computer at  Graphical User Interface (GUI).
the same time.
Examples; Command driven interface.
UNIX, This is an interaction between the user & the
Novell Netware, computer that requires the use of commands
Ms-Windows 2000, The user types a command at the prompt found on a
Ms-Windows NT, command line. The computer then reads
Linux, etc instructions from the command line and executes
Classification according to Human them.
Computer Interface (HCI).
To copy a file called Fruits.Dat from Hard disk C to
The term Human Computer Interface (HCI) refers
Floppy disk A using MS-DOS; type
to the method of interaction between the computer
C:\ >COPY Fruits.Dat A:\ (press the Enter key for
& the user, and determines how easily the user can
the command to be executed).
operate the computer.
Commands enable the user to quickly instruct the
The HCI enables communication to & from between
computer what to do.
the user and the computer.
Command-driven software is more flexible, but it is
User-friendliness. more difficult to learn. The user must know what
HCI is expected to be ―user-friendly‖, i.e., it should commands are available, what they do & how they
be one that the end-user finds helpful, and easy to should be typed. For this reason, commands are
learn & use. most popular with experienced technical persons,
Features/characteristics of a user-friendly HCI. such as computer Operators, Programmers or in
It should be relatively easy for the user to try to start situations where the end-user continually works
using the system. with the same program and has therefore mastered
The system should be self-contained, so that the the commands.
user is not forced into accessing manuals.
To make commands more user-friendly, the
The amount of effort & the information required for following points need to be observed: -
the user to get the system complete required tasks
The command words used should be descriptive
should be minimal.
VERBS that clearly convey the intended action,
The system should be robust & reliable, i.e., the user
should be protected from unexpected system
Unique abbreviations should be provided for more
actions, including system failures.
experienced users, e.g., PRI, COP, REN, DEL,
The system should be able to adjust to different
CHKDSK, etc.
levels of expertise between users & also as users
Multiple items on a single command line should
grow in competence.
ALWAYS be separated by blank spaces.
The user should be made to feel in control of what is
E.g., PRINT can be used in the following ways: -
going on.
PRINT Report1 – prints the named document on the
default printer.
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PRINT Report1 Report2 Report3 – prints the three To issue a command, the icons can be selected using
documents on the default printer. a pointing device like a Mouse.
Examples of Command line interfaces: GUI is mostly found on Workstations or PCs fitted
MS-DOS, with graphic adapters able to support high-
Early versions of PC-DOS, OS/2, and UNIX. resolution graphics.
Examples of GUI based OS;
Disadvantages of using command driven Presentation manager of OS/2,
interfaces Ms-Windows, Linux, Apple Macintosh.
 They are more difficult to learn.
 The user must know the command to type. Features of a graphical user interface.
 It is less user-friendly.  Programs are represented graphically by use of
 It is not easy to use, i.e., one is required to Icons.
master the command format/syntax.  Commands are selected and issued using
Menu driven interface pointing devices, e.g., Mouse, trackball.
 There is use of pull-down menus.
This type of interface provides the user with a list of
program commands displayed on the screen to  Programs open by displaying windows.
choose from & a simple means of selecting between
Advantages of using GUI based OS
 They are user friendly.
To activate a choice in the menu, one can use the
 Easy to learn & use.
Enter key, or move the cursor until it is positioned at
the desired choice & then press the activation key so Revision Questions
that the system can start acting upon the information What criteria are used to classify types of operating
given. systems?
This interface is suitable for beginners and (a) Differentiate between multi-user and
infrequent users who may have difficulties in multitasking operating systems.
remembering commands. (b) State any computer software that can be
classified as a Multi-user operating system.
There are 2 types of menus: -
Name three types of user interfaces employed by
Pull-down menus – are special types of menu used
different commercial Operating systems.
mostly in Windows.
(a) Differentiate between command-line
Pop-up menus & Pop-down menus. These menus
interface and graphical user interface operating
are made to appear above or below an item on the
systems based on the way commands are entered.
screen in order to elicit/obtain a choice from a user.
(b) State two main advantages of GUI
Later versions of DOS have a menu driven interface
called the DOS Shell or DOS Editor.
Advantages of Menu driven interfaces Factors to consider when choosing an operating
Menus provide many options to select from. system.
The user is presented with a choice and therefore, The following factors should be considered when
does not need to master any commands. choosing an operating system for a computer;
They are easier to use.  Hardware configuration of the computer, e.g.,
RAM memory size, hard disk capacity, type of
Graphical User Interface (GUI) processor, etc.
This is an interaction between the user & computer  Basic design of the computer, - i.e., is it an IBM
that involves issuing of commands to the computer or IBM compatible, or an Apple computer?
by activating certain small graphic images displayed  Hardware compatibility.
on the screen called Icons.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
 User needs (requirements), i.e., the applications pointer to the icon and pressing a mouse button, one
intended for the computer. can execute a command or convert the icon into a
 User friendliness or Human computer interface, window.
i.e., is it Command line based, Menu-driven or a Buttons – items used to initiate a process in an
Graphical user interface? application.
 Availability in the market, e.g. Microsoft Menus – they provide choices that let the user
Windows based OS are very common. execute commands by selecting them.
 Portability. Desktop – this is the area on the display screen
 Cost – how expensive the OS is. where icons are grouped.
 Reliability, i.e., can it run without crashing or It is user-friendly. Windows is menu driven, hence
hanging (stop responding to commands). easy to operate, because the options used in
particular applications are usually displayed on the
 The method of communication with the
screen in form of Icons.
computer, e.g. the number of peripherals.
All Windows operating system support multiple
 The method of operating the computer.
users & have the ability to Multi-task, i.e., they
WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS. allow one to run more than one program at the same
Windows operating system was developed as a time, each in its own window.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for PCs running on It is easy to exchange information between
MS-DOS. Windows applications, i.e., it is easy to transfer or
It provides a friendly interface that allows the users copy information from one program to another.
to enter commands by pointing and clicking at All Windows applications share a common set of
objects that appear on the screen using a pointing commands. For example, Open, Save, Print, etc &
device, e.g., a Mouse or a trackball. These graphical therefore, you don‘t need to learn a different set of
capabilities make a program easier to use. commands for each application.
Microsoft Windows takes its name from the on- Ability to handle long file names, e.g., Windows 95
screen ―Window‖ that it uses to display information. and later versions accept file names of up to 255
A Window is a rectangular portion/ area of the characters including spaces.
screen that Windows sets aside for a specific task. Most Windows operating systems have Plug and
A Window is a rectangular area on a display screen play (PnP) features. They automatically accept a
in which text and graphical images may be new hardware once it is connected to the computer.
displayed. Advantages of Windows Operating
Examples of Windows operating systems: Systems
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000 Professional,  It is easy to open programs, find documents, and
2003, NT, Millennium (Me), XP, and Vista. switch between programs.
Linux, UNIX, MacOS, OS/2.
 Windows provide facilities such as the Windows
Common features of Windows operating systems:-
Explorer, which enable one to browse through &
They all have similar user-interfaces. For example;
manage you files, folders, and drives easily.
 Windows can support long file names, making it
Pointing device – a device such as a mouse or
easier to find and organize files.
trackball, that enables the user to select objects on
 Windows has improved Video, CD & sound
the display screen.
capabilities, and can fully support MS-DOS-
Pointer – a symbol (arrow) that appears on the
based games.
display screen, and can be used to select objects &
 Windows makes it easier to install new
hardware devices onto the system. It is able to
Icons – small graphical pictures that represent
recognize and sets up a certain Plug-and-Play
commands, files, or applications. By moving the
Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
hardware whose card has been inserted in the  Windows includes My Briefcase, a file
computer automatically. synchronization tool & a utility for transferring
 Windows allows true Multitasking, i.e. it allows files over a direct cable link or dial-up
the user to run more than one (several) program networking.
at the same time, each in its own window.  All Windows applications share a common set
 Windows is user-friendly, i.e., it is menu driven, of commands. E.g., Open, Save, Print, etc &
hence easy to operate, because the options used therefore, there is no need to learn a different set
in particular programs are usually displayed on of commands for each application.
the screen in form icons.  Windows allows movement of text or items
 Windows supports a wide choice of networks & from one program to another. i.e., it is easy to
transmission protocols. It also has facilities for exchange information between Windows
sharing files & devices. applications.
 Windows has facilities that allow people to work  Windows has facilities that enable the computer
with all types of electronic communications, to save power resources by putting the computer
e.g., it allows people to send text messages, on standby or hibernation.
transfer files, and also hold digital live face-to-  Windows includes a Help system that makes
face conversations with family friends & your computer easier to use. It helps you find
business associates around the world. answers to your questions easily, or get up-to
date technical support from the WWW.

Differences between Ms-Windows & Disk Operating System.

Ms-Windows MS-DOS
 There are icons  No Icons
 Uses both the Mouse & Keyboard as Input devices.  Only the Keyboard is used as Input device.
 There is use of Menus.
 User-friendly.  It is command-based.
 Windows fully supports networking.  Not user-friendly.
 Requires a computer with high memory size.  DOS cannot support networking.
 Windows can support DOS, i.e. it is possible to run  Uses less memory compared to Windows.
DOS-based programs in Windows.  DOS cannot support Windows, i.e. it is not possible to run
Window-based programs in MS-DOS.
 Uses Multi-coloured screen.  Uses monochrome (1 coloured) screen.
 It is a Multi-user OS.  It is a single-user OS.
 It is a multi-tasking OS, i.e. can support more than 1  It is a single-tasking OS, i.e. can only support one
program at a time. program at a time.
 Comes in different versions.  MS-DOS is an operating system by itself.
 Uses folders for storage of files.  Uses Directories to organize files.

Review Questions
Give FOUR advantages of which Windows based Operating system software has over Disk Operating
System software.
(a). List Four types of Windows versions.
(b). Why is Windows termed as a friendly Operating system?
List four key features of the Windows Operating environment.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
These programs are specifically designed to another.
maintain the performance. Unlike the operating 4. Tracing & Debugging utility.
system, This is a utility which eases the detection and
system utilities work on foundation set by the removing of burgs in the computer. Burgs refer
operating system. Thus, one can say that a computer errors in a program.
can work without system utilities but can‘t work 5. Merging utility.
without the operating system. This is because it is a This is the ones which allows one to combine
platform for other programs to operate. These different files into one.
include; 6. Renaming utility.
This the one which allows one to re-allocate another
1. Antivirus. name to file.
This is one which detect and scan and remove 7. Backup.
viruses from the computer. These among 8. Compression
others include, Avast, Smad vr, rising etc. 9. disk defragmenter
2. File sorting utility. 10 disk partition
This is a utility which is used to re-arrange files in 11. disk scanner
the pre-determined sequence
i.e. depending on the dates, ascending, descending,
file size. QN. Assess the functions of utility program as one
3. Copying utility. of the system software programs?
This is a utility which allows one to reproduce a
document/file from one location to

A programming language is a notation for writing computer programs which are
specifications of a computation or algorithms
It can also be referred to as a software that allows a user to write a series of instructions to
define a particular task, which will then be translated to a form that is understood by the computer.
They are a means of communicating with the processor.
• A programming language is a language that a computer can understand
• It provides a programmer an environment to write and execute programs.
• A number of programming languages exist but the choice mainly depends on the nature of the
problem at hand and the programmer‘s ability to use the language.
Programming Languages are broadly categorized into two i.e.
1. Low level language
2. High level language

Low Level language (LLL):

These are low-level languages because they are closely associated with processor than high-level
language, which are near to the programmers.

For instance, programmers are required to write all program instructions in the 0s and 1s of binary
code and to specify storage locations for every instruction and item of data used.

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There are two types of low-level language
1. Machine language/code
2. Assembly language/code

Machine Language
It is also referred to as 1st generation language and difficult to learn and not user friendly to humans.
Programming in machine code is very tiresome and very many errors are likely to occur. Instructions
are in 0s and 1s in binary format for example 1 6 byte machine = 1010000000001001.
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
Advantages of machine code language
 Programming in this particular language is done at the level which the computer understands thus no
needs of using a language translators.
Disadvantages machine code language
 Tiresome
 Subjected to a number of errors
 It is not easily understood by user
 High volume of work hence time consuming
 It is very difficult to transfer programs from one computer to another, since the language depends on a
particular machine (processor), which has its own language code
QN: Define the term machine cycle?
Machine cycle The steps performed by the computer processor for each machine language instruction
received. The machine cycle is a 4 process cycle that includes reading and interpreting the machine
language, executing the code and then storing that code.
Four steps of Machine cycle
1. Fetch - Retrieve an instruction from the memory. 2. Decode - Translate the retrieved instruction into a
series of computer commands.
3. Execute - Execute the computer commands.
4. Store - Send and write the results back in memory.

Assembly language (2ND Generation). These are 2nd generation languages that were developed to
overcome the difficulties of understanding and using machine languages.
They use English like tags called Mnemonics.
To make machine code language readable and show that they were a symbolic operation codes.
Mnemonics are basically shortened to 2 or 3 letter words such as;
Add for addition.
Sub for subtraction
Programs written in assembler language require an assembler to convert them into machine language
that the computer can understand.
Like machine language, assembly language is also machine dependent and there4 a program written
for one computer can‘t be used for another.
Advantages of assembly language machine language.
 Programs can‘t be written more easily than the  It had a closer control over a computer hardware

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
and executes efficiently. scientific mathematical and engineering applications
 It is useful for writing operating systems and game because of its simplicity but however it
programs which require fast and efficient use of the disadvantage is that it is not efficient to produce
CPU. reports, difficult to use on other applications other
Disadvantages. than scientific and engineering.
 They are designed for specific machines and Pascal
specific processor. By Pascal Braise; a programming language used on
 Programming using these languages is laborious. PCs and used to teach sound programming
High level languages. practices in computer science courses.
These are ones which can be easily understood by It is very good for writing well-structured and
the programmer and make programming easier readable programs, but it is not as flexible as the C
simpler. This is because they can be easily be program language.
understand by the humans. These were a C
requirement of the assembly language. They have It was developed at AT & T‘s bell labs in the early
fewer instructions thus take less time. They are 1970s.It is used primarily by professional
classified as 3rd,4th 5th, html. programmers to create operating system and
These languages are called problem oriented/ application software, especially for PCs.
machine independent. Thus during coding a It is the most portable general purpose language in
programmer focuses on coding a program rather the business world. It has versions like C, C+, and
than considering how a computer works. C++
These include; C+ +
 Third generation (3GLs) C++ embodied powerful object-oriented features,
 Fourth generation (4GLs) originally developed to enhance the C language.
 Object oriented programming language (OOPL) C++ power major software like Firefox, win amp
 Web scripting language (WSL) and adobe programs. It is used to develop system
In high level language, fewer instructions are software, high performance server and client
written and there4, a lot is done in less time. application soft wares and video games but however
a complex and difficult to learn.
3RD Generation Language BASIC (Beginners all symbolic instructions code).
Third generation languages specify instructions as This was developed as a means of introducing non
brief statements that are more like natural language science students to the fundamental of
than assembly language. Programming is done in programming.
brief English statements. They are used for specific It is a general-purpose programming language used
operations like business and science. Important with PCs and for teaching programming
third-generation languages include FORTRAN, Advantages of BASIC
COBOL, C, BASIC and PASCAL.  It is so popular and basically for designing
The question of which language is best is one that business applications
consumes a lot of anytime and energy among  It is the simplest and easiest of all programming
computer professionals. This is because every languages.
language has its strength and weaknesses. For  It has self-teaching menus I several books
example; Disadvantages
FORTRAN (Formula Translator)  BASIC is in different version with so little
This is a programming language developed in 1956 compatibility.
for scientific and mathematical application. It  It is not a standard language since it specializes in
good language for processing numerical data, it is business applications.
widely acceptable and understood. writing

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COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)  Program written in 4th generation language makes
 Major programming language designed in the less efficient use of computer processing power
early 1960s for business applications. This was and memory. This can have the effect of slowing
produced to enable efficient software to be designed down the execution of a program to unacceptable
for business applications. Example is levels.
payroll and accounting and stock control  They are often very expensive to buy.
Advantages of COBOL Python is also a high level server side scripting
 Enables easy production of reports to language for websites and mobile is
programmers. considered a fairy easy language for beginners due
 It is compatible on different types of computers. to its readability and compact syntax, meaning
 It is fairly easy to understand. developers can use fewer lines of code to express a
Disadvantage. concept than they would in other languages. It
 It takes longer to learn and its coding is lengthy powers the web apps for Instagram, Pinterest and
Fourth Generation Language radio through its associated web frame works.
These were designed to make programming easier SQL, Structured query language is a special purpose
with a variety of software tools that enable end language for managing data in relational data
users to develop software applications with minimal base management systems. It is most commonly
or no technical assistance. Examples include used for its ―Query‖ function, which searches
query languages, report generator, graphic language, informational databases. SQL was standardized by
and application generators. 4GLs can be easily the American national standards institute (ANSI)
written with the use of simple, sentence-like and the international organizational for
commands, such as SELECT NAME FROM standardization (ISO) in the 1980s
RECORDS JAVA is a class- based, object oriented
WHERE NAME=―JOHN‖; programming language developed by sun micro
A fourth Generation language should have the systems in
following features: the 1990s. it is one of the most in demand
 It should be easy to learn and use programming languages, a standard for enterprise
 It should contain an online help facility to users. software,
 It should be usable interactively. web based content, games and mobile apps as well
 It should be suitable for documentation design as the android O/s. java is designed to work across
work multiple software programs, meaning a program
 It should be fault tolerant. (i.e. any mistake in data written on mac o/s x could also be run on windows
entry should be dealt with easily) The choice of which language to use depends on the
Advantages of fourth generation language type of computer the program is to run on, what
 It enhances the end user computing, so limiting sort of program it is, and the expertise of the
the work of information system (IS) staff. programmer.
 It taps user creativity
Fifth Generation Language
 It diffuses IT throughout the organization
These types of languages are normally used in
 It vastly increases programmer productivity, even
intelligent knowledge based systems such as robots.
though it uses more hardware resources
These can manipulate various facts and rules to
Disadvantages of fourth Generation language
reach a conclusion, unlike the 4th generation
 Over enthusiastic use by users might overload the
main hardware resources.
that manipulates numbers, or data. They generally
 The information systems department get over think as humans and are extensively used in
loaded by training requirements artificial intelligent projects like the recent mars

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exploration. translate the code into object code.
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) Interpreters.
This is one of the main programming languages An Interpreter refers to the program which translate
used in creating web pages for the internet/intranet. statement/ line of a program into machine code at
This language allows programmers to compose text a time.
or data, pictures, sounds and videos etc. on the Compilers
screen display. It also allows the programmers to A Compiler translate the whole program in high
add attachments, which enable linkage to different level language into machine code before the
web pages on the Internet. program
is run. A compiler is more intelligent than an
Language Processors assembler. It checks all kinds of limits, ranges,
However, we shall know that the computer only errors etc. but its program run time is more and
understands machine language. It is difficult to occupies a larger part of the memory. It has a slower
write speed because it undergoes the entire program and
and maintain programs in machine level language. translates the entire program at once into machine
The programs written in the code of high level and code language. If a compiler runs on a computer and
low level language need to be converted into produces the machine codes for the same computer,
machine level language using language processors. then it is called self-compiler or resident compiler.
These are programs that translate high-level
language codes into low-level language codes that Linkers
the Computer programs are usually developed in
processor can easily understand. modules or sub routines which gives program
Language processors include; segments meant to carry out the specific relevant
1. Assemblers tasks. Therefore, the Linker is service software that
2. Compilers accepts the separately translated program modules
3. Interpreters as its input and logically combines them into one
4. Linkers logical
Assemblers. These are ones which are used to module known as the load module that has got all
convert the code of low level language (assembly the required bits and pieces for the translated
language) into machine language. This is most program to be obeyed by the computer hardware.
commonly used in microprocessors. They are Loaders; loader is a program that loads machine
further divided into two types; one pass assembler is codes of a program into the system memory.
the assembler which assigns the memory address to
the variables and translates the source code into
machine code in the first pass simultaneously. A
two pass assembler is the assembler which reads the
source code twice. In the first pass it reads all
variables and assigns them memory addresses. In
the second pass, it reads the source code and

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These refer to a set of programs which are designed to solve user‘s specific problems. Application software
is categorized into,
- Customized/specific/bespoke application software
- General purpose/ off shelf software application software.

Custom (bespoke) software is tailor-made software, These higher costs can be insignificantly in larger
which is developed at a user's request to perform businesses where smaller efficiency increases can
specific functions. relate to larger labor cost savings or where custom
Advantages software offers larger boost.
 Custom software generally produces the most  Some software that are designed specifically for
efficient systems as it can provide support for the certain businesses may not be compatible with other
specific needs of the business which might not be general software. This is something that can prove
available in the off the shelf software and will to be a major stumbling block to many business
provide greater efficiency or better customer men.
 It is more flexible to use than off shelf such as
spreadsheets as it is constructed by software
professionals that can implement functionality for General purpose application software.
wide range of business needs. A general purpose software application well known
as ―off the shelf‖ refers to software designed to
Disadvantages solve a wide range of problems. It is largely used in
 The main disadvantage of custom software are homes, schools, etc. this type of software tries to be
development time and cost. With spreadsheets or an jack of all trades. It provides so many features that
off the self-software package, a user can get benefits the majority of all users will want such as
quickly but with custom software the user needs to formatting, creating charts, creating tables etc.
go through software development processes that Examples of general purpose include
may take a lot of time.  Word processors. This is an application that
 Custom software is often several times the cost of provides the user with tools needed to write and edit
other two options and will normally include an and format text and to send it to a printer. Examples
ongoing maintenance cost. This will often make of word processors include word pad, Microsoft
custom software infeasible for smaller businesses. word, word perfect, and word pro, etc.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598
Topic 4:



Word processing is the art of creating, saving, Text editors are mainly used to create small notes,
editing, formatting and printing text and graphic memos and programs. Examples of common text
documents using electronic word processors. editors are: Notepad, Notepad++, Gedit etc.


Word processors are mostly used for writing letters, TypefaceA typefaceis the shape of the characters.
reports, projects, books, essays, memos, resumes Some common typefaces are Times New Roman,
(CVs) etc. Arial,and Tahoma.
Line Spacing refers to the amount of vertical
Examples of word processors include:
white space between two lines of text, from baseline
to baseline. Line spacing is measured in points.
Apache OpenOffice Writer
KWord Text Alignment refers to the way lines of text
LibreOffice Writer are arranged relative to the edges of a block of text.
LyX There are four types of alignment: left, centre, right,
Ted and justify. Justification is the process of aligning
Apple Pages text in a document to both the left and right margins
Atlantis Word Processor at the same time. Justified text may have extra
Final Draft spaces between letters within words, so that
FrameMaker paragraphs appear as a block with an even right-
Gobe Productive margin ending.
Kingsoft Writer Indent: An indent is the amount of white space set
Lotus Word pro in between the margin and the beginning of text.
Microsoft Word Examples of indents include the first line indent,
Microsoft Works hanging indent and right indent.
Microsoft Write Formatting Text Formatting text is the process of
QuickOffice changing the appearance of text in a
TextMaker document.Formatting text involves using commands
ThinkFree Office like bold, italics, underlining, changing font colour,
WordPad etc.
WordPerfect etc. Editing text:This refers to the process of making
NB: Text editors are simple word processors that are changes to the content of an existing document.
generally used to type without any special Editing text involves commands like cut and paste,
formatting. overtype, undo, insert, and delete.
Copy – To place selected text on the clipboard,
without removing it from its current location.
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Cut – To remove selected text from its current Find: allows the user to locate all occurrences of a
position and place it on the clipboard. particular character, word or phrase.
Copy and paste duplicated text, while Cut and paste Replace: allows the user to substitute existing
moves text to a new location. characters, words or phrases with the new ones.
The clipboard The Clipboard is an area of memory Spell checker: allows the user to check spellings of
in which you can store copied or cut text, graphics the whole document at one time or to check and
or any other items temporarily before being pasted even correct the spelling of individual words as they
into other locations. are typed (Autocorrect)
The paste special feature helps to avoid pasting text Grammar checker: this reports grammatical errors,
with all its formatting. The paste special feature usually by a wavy green line, and suggests ways to
provides more control over what to paste. correct them.
Header- The header refers to text that appears in the Thesaurus: suggests alternative words with the
top margin of all pages in a document. same meaning (synonyms) for use in the document.
Footer - The footer refers to text that appears in Mail Merge: This is feature used to create similar
the bottom margin of all pages in a document. letters to be sent to several people. The names and
addresses of each person can be merged with one
Ruler - You can use the ruler to set the indent,
single main document.
margin and tab markers. Avoid using the space bar
Automatic page numbering: numbers the pages
to align text!
automatically in a document
Tabs Stops– tab stops are places where text can Tables: allow users to organise information into
be made to line up. You can set a tab stop by rows and columns.
clicking on the ruler bar at the desired position. Multi-columns: arranges text into two or more
Hard Copy– A copy of a document printed out on columns that look similar to newspaper or magazine
physical paper. Drop cap – Formats the first letter in paragraph to
Soft Copy– A copy of a document that is stored on a be dropped across two or more lines.
disk or other computer storage device. Clipart:,refers to pre-made images about various
Overtype Mode– Also called overwrite mode, subjects used to illustrate concepts in documents.
causes any characters you type to replace Templates: establish the initial document layouts
("overtype") the characters at the cursor. You can and formats for various document types.
switch between overtype mode and insert mode by Printing: allows a user to obtain a hard copy of a
pressing the insert key. document from the printer.
Paragraph – The text between one paragraph Word Count: Establishes the number of words,
break and the next. A paragraph break is inserted by characters, paragraphs, etc. in a document.
pressing Enter key. Headers and Footers: Used to insert text in the top
Save – To write the document's current state from and bottom margin through the document.
RAM to a storage device. Footnotes and Endnotes are used as references that
Proofreading is the process of reviewing a provide additional information about a word or
document to ensure the accuracy of its content. phrase within a document.
Proof reading tools include spelling and grammar Insert and Delete allows a user to add and remove
check (F7), thesaurus, etc. portions of text while editing document


PROCESSING APPLICATIONS Titlebar—indicates the task currently running. On
Word Wrap: this feature automatically sends a the right hand side of the title are the minimize,
word that does not fit within the margin settings restore/minimize and close buttons
onto the next line, without the user pressing Enter Menu bar—provides the user with a group of
key. commands that are used to manipulate the document
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Tool bars—consist of sets of command buttons for watermarks, etc. whereas a type writer works on one
quick execution of frequently used groups of page at a time.
commands. A word processor can insert drawings word arts and
Document window—this is the working area where pictures whereas with a type writer, drawings and
the document is created pictures can only be drawn by a hand on the stencil.
Status bar—Displays information that the user may With A word processor, you can use mail merge
need to know such as the current position of the feature to create a set of documents, such as a letter
insertion point, progress, edit mode, etc. that is sent to many customers, by only creating one
main document and inserting different fields for the
customers‘ details whereas with a type writer, you
ADVANTAGES OF USING ELECTRONIC have to type the each document separately.
WORD PROCESSORS AS COMPARED TO A type writer requires a lot of strength to strike a
MANUAL TYPE WRITERS key so as to have a strong impact on the stencil in
Advantages: order to get a reasonably visible printout whereas a
Word processors can save softcopies for future use computer keyboard has easy-to-press buttons which
while with a type writer; a document has to be fully don‘t require too much strength during typing.
retyped if needed again. A type writer makes a lot of noise during its
During typing with a word processor, it is possible operation as compared to a word processor which is
to undo a mistake, while any error made with a type relatively quiet.
writer is immediately impacted on the printout. A word processor has a lot of symbols such as
A type writer prints one character at a time while a Greek, Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew alphabet
word processor prints many pages at a time. character setswhereas a type writer can only add the
There is a variety of quick text formatting features English alphabet and commonly used symbols that
such as bold, italic, underline, colour, etc. in a word are currently calibrated on the typewriter.
processor whereas there are limited formatting A Word processor can add preformatted elements
options with a typewriter. (templates) by selecting from a gallery of
A word processor provides grammar and spell check professional templates e.g. cover pages, resumes,
options whereas a typewriter cannot help in spell etc. whereaswith a type writer it is up to typist to
checking. know the layout and professional look of document
It is easier to insert graphics and drawings in a word types.
processor yet it is not easy to draw with a type
A word processor allows the user to type DISADVANTAGES OF USING ELECTRONIC
continuously without pressing the enter key at the WORD PROCESSORS
end of each line (word wrap) whereas the user needs Word processors cannot be used without Electricity.
to advance the lever of a typewriter manually, at the Word processors Use is Expensive due to the cost of
end of every line. computers.
It is very simple to align text in a document to Left, They have led to Unemployment of typists because
Centre, Right or Justified whereas with a type one person using a word processor can do a lot of
writer, one has to manually align the text, which is work in a short time, which would be done by many
very difficult. using type writers.
A word processor has edit features such as Copy Many people are Computer illiterate, and cannot use
and Paste in which repeatedly occurring text in a the program.
document can be copied to and pasted from the Computers have Viruses, which lead to loss of data
clipboard whereas a type writer has no clipboard. in soft copies.
A word processor can work on many pages at a go
by inserting pages numbers, footers, headers,
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Using word processors on light emitting computer
monitors for long leads to eye disorders, which isn‘t
the case with type writers
Word processors require purchase of hard ware like
printers in order to obtain hard copies yet with
typewriters, whatever is typed is permanent and
instantly available as a hard copy: there is no delay
for printing or risk of unintended file deletion.
NB: It is this tangible writing experience free from
computer meltdowns or deletions that is saving the
typewriter from extinction.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598


Ctrl- ] or [ Increase/ Reduce Font Ctrl-N New document

Ctrl - Soft hyphen - Ctrl-O Open a document
Ctrl = Subscript Ctrl-P Print
Ctrl-0 Paragraph Space Above (add/delete 12 pt.) Ctrl-Q Remove Paragraph formats
Ctrl-1 Line-spacing 1 Ctrl-R Align—Right
Ctrl-2 Line-spacing 2 Ctrl-S Save
Ctrl-5 Line-spacing 1.5 Ctrl-Shift- >or <Font next/previous size
Ctrl-A Select All Ctrl-Shift -Hard hyphen
Ctrl-Alt-1 Heading Level 1 Ctrl-Shift =Superscript
Ctrl-Alt-2 Heading Level 2 Ctrl-Shift-8Nonprinting characters on/off
Ctrl-Alt-3 Heading Level 3 Ctrl-Shift-A All Caps
Ctrl-Alt-C © Ctrl-Shift-C Copy formatting
Ctrl-Alt-E Endnote Ctrl-Shift-DDouble Underline
Ctrl-Alt-F Footnote Ctrl-Shift-Enter Breakcolumn
Ctrl-Alt-I Print Preview Ctrl-Shift-FFont Face
Ctrl-Alt-K AutoFormat Ctrl-Shift-KSmall Caps
Ctrl-Alt-M Insert Comment Ctrl-Shift-LList Bullet Style
Ctrl-Alt-N View—Normal Ctrl-Shift-M Indent decrease
Ctrl-Alt-O View—Outline Ctrl-Shift-NNormal Style
Ctrl-Alt-P View—Page Ctrl-Shift-THanging indentdecrease
Ctrl-Alt-R ® Ctrl-Shift-TabDialog box previous tabbed section
Ctrl-Alt-S Split a window Ctrl-Shift-VPaste formatting
Ctrl-Alt-T ™ Ctrl-Shift-W Underline words only
Ctrl-Alt-U Table—remove border lines Ctrl-spacebar Remove Character formats
Ctrl-Alt-Y Repeat Find Ctrl-T Hanging Indent—increase
Ctrl-Alt-Z Go Back (3 max) Ctrl-Tab Dialog box next tabbed section
Ctrl-B Bold Ctrl-U Underline
Ctrl-C Copy Ctrl-Up/Down GoTo Next/Previous Paragraph
Ctrl-click Select Sentence Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-D Font Dialog Ctrl-W Close
Ctrl-drag Drawing—draw from center Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-E Align—Center Ctrl-Y Repeat/Redo
Ctrl-Enter Break—page Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-F Find F1 Help
Ctrl-F10 Maximize window F10 Menu Bar
Ctrl-F4 Close F12 Save As
Ctrl-F5 Document window—restore F7 Spelling and Grammar check
Ctrl-F7 Document window—move F9 Update selected field
Ctrl-F8 Document window—size Shift-drag Drawing—constrain shape to
Ctrl-H Replace symmetrical
Ctrl-I Italics Shift-Enter Line break
Ctrl-J Justify—Full Alt Drag Vertical Selection
Ctrl-K Hyperlink Shift-F10 Shortcut Menu
Ctrl-L Align—Left Shift-F3 Case change (capitalization)
Ctrl-M Indent—increase Shift-F7 Thesaurus
Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598

TOPIC 5: COMPUTER PRESENTATIONS( presentation software)

Presentation Software
A presentation program is a computer software package used to organize and display information,
normally in the form of a slide show.

Examples of Presentation Software include:

Microsoft office PowerPoint Screencast
OpenOffice Impress Adobe Persuasion
ShowLogic AppleWorks, e.t.c

Common terms in presentations

Add-in Clip - video or movie is a small section of a
An add-in is a small add-on program to enhance larger video presentation. A series of video
an existing program. frames are run in succession to produce a short,
Ambient Light animated video. This compilation of video frames
Ambient light is the available light in a room, results in a video clip.
whether by natural or mechanical sources. Contextual Tabs and Menus
Animated GIF Contextual tabs and menus appear when an object
An animated GIF is a graphic file type that is is selected. These contextual tabs contain
composed of many different images on top of information or options pertinent to that object
each other. Together these images are compressed only.
and work together, creating movement, and give Custom show
the appearance of a mini movie. A custom show in PowerPoint is a group of slides
Animation selected from a larger presentation to present as a
In Microsoft PowerPoint, animations are visual smaller presentation, without having to recreate a
effects applied to individual items on the slide new presentation from scratch.
such as graphics, titles or bullet points. Default Design Template
Animation Scheme The default design template is the plain, white
Animation schemes in PowerPoint allow you to slide template in a new Microsoft PowerPoint
apply formatting to bulleted items and titles from presentation.
a variety of animation groupings, such as Subtle, Design Template
Moderate and Exciting, rather than making the Design templates in Microsoft PowerPoint create
settings individually. a presentation that has a cohesive look. All slides
Applet are part of a coordinated package.
An applet is a small add-on program to enhance Design Theme
an existing program written in the Java Design themes make it easy to coordinate your
programming language. PowerPoint presentation with colors, graphics and
Batch File fonts that all work together to create a mood for
Batch files are short user generated programs your presentation.
created to accomplish repetitive tasks easily. File Extensions
Bullet File extensions, for any files, are the three letters
Bullets are small dots, squares, dashes or graphics at the end of the filename after a dot.
that begin a short descriptive phrase

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Hotspot both visual size and file size, for use in other
The area on an image map that is used as a programs.
hyperlink to another action or location. Outline View
Hyperlink Outline View shows all the text of all slides, in a
Hyper linking allows the viewer to quickly access list on the left of the PowerPoint screen. No
another location -- be it another Web site, a slide graphics are shown in Outline view
in a presentation, or link to another file Plug-In
Image Map A plug-in is a small add-on program to enhance an
A graphic object that has many hotspots or existing program written in the Java programming
invisible hyperlinks to other objects or websites. language.
Invisible Button PowerPoint Viewer
An invisible button or hotspot is an area of a The PowerPoint Viewer is a small plug-in
PowerPoint slide or part of a slide that when program from Microsoft that allows a PowerPoint
clicked, sends the viewer to a different slide in the presentation to be played on any computer.
presentation. Ppt
Invisible Hyperlink Ppt is the file extension used for PowerPoint
An invisible hyperlink or invisible button is an files.
area on a PowerPoint slide or part of a slide that Radio Button
when clicked, sends the viewer to a different slide A radio button is a small circle beside an option
in the presentation that you may choose.
Layout Resolution
The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement Resolution is the image created as a result of the
of all the items that make up your slide, such as number of pixels or dots used. This can be on a
title, graphics or text boxes. computer monitor or a setting on a digital camera
Lumens Selection Handles
A projector emits light that produces the image on Selection handles surround the border of a graphic
the screen. The amount of light produced is object and indicate to the user and the program
measured in lumens that the object is currently selected and ready for
something further to happen.
Macro Slide
A macro is a series of commands to automate a A slide is a single page of a digital presentation
repetitive task, are recorded and assigned to a created in presentation software programs such as
keystroke combination. PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress.
Master Slide Slide Layout
The Master Slide is the design template used for The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement
the slides within your presentation. There are four of all the items that make up your slide, such as
different master slides -- title master, notes master, title, graphics or text boxes.
handout master and the most common, the slide Slide Master
master The slide master in PowerPoint is a template that
Normal View contains preset layouts, colors and fonts for
Normal View in Microsoft PowerPoint is the main PowerPoint presentations.
working window in the presentation. The slide is Slide Show
shown full size on the screen. A slide show is the presentation of all the digital
Optimize Photos slides created in programs such as PowerPoint and
Optimizing is a term used to indicate a change to a OpenOffice Impress, shown one after the other,
photo or a graphic such as clip art, to reduce it in just as on a slide projector of old.

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Slide Sorter View components of the movie such as photos, video

A window in Microsoft PowerPoint that displays and audio clips in the order and timing that they
thumbnail versions of all your slides, arranged in will appear in movie.
horizontal rows. Transition
Speaker Notes Slide transitions are the visual movements as one
Speaker notes are notes added to the PowerPoint slide changes to another.
presentation slides for a reference for the presenter USB Flash Drive
of the presentation. USB Flash Drives are compact file storage
Storyboard devices approximately the size of a disposable
In Windows Movie Maker or other movie making lighter
software, the Storyboard is an editing area located Video Capture
at the bottom of the window. It is a panel of Use Windows Movie Maker to capture your video
pictures or other movie clips, laid out in the clips to your computer.
sequence that they will be shown in the movie. Video Effects
Summary Slide Video effects differ from video transitions as they
The summary slide feature in Microsoft apply to the individual picture itself rather than to
PowerPoint creates one new slide with a list of all the change from one picture to another.
the titles of the slides in the presentation Video or Movie Frame
Task Pane Definition of video frame.
Different areas of the Microsoft PowerPoint Video Transition
screen are known as panes. The Task pane is Video transitions are the visual movements as one
located on the right of the screen. It changes to picture changes to another.
display options associated with the current task. Watermark
Thumbnail A watermark, in presentation software, is
A thumbnail is the term used to describe a minute frequently used in a slightly different manner. A
version of a slide or picture. watermark is often a faded image or text used as a
Timeline background of a slide. It is meant to enhance, but
The Timeline view of Windows Movie Maker or not be the focal point of the slide.
other movie making software shows the
Features of Presentation Software
Animation: This feature allows you to apply Delete text: Allows you to erase characters,
visual effects to individual items on the slide such words, charts, or slides as easily
as graphics, titles or bullet points. Cut and Paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a
Slide Show: helps to display and project all the section of text from one place in a presentation
digital slides created, shown one after the other, and insert (paste) it somewhere else.
or as set in a custom show. Copy: Allows you to duplicate a section of text.
Notes Area: Allows the speaker to keep notes for Page layout: Allows you to define various page
personal reference during the presentation. sizes and margins.
Summary slide: This feature creates one new Search and Replace: Allows you to search for a
slide with a list of all the titles of the slides in the particular word or phrase. And replace it with
presentation another everywhere in the presentation
Transition: Allows you to add visual movements Graphics: The presentation application permits
as one slide changes to another. the addition of various types of graphics, such as
Slide Master: Allows you to preset layouts, colors bar charts, line charts, clip art, and photographs.
and fonts for all slides in the presentation at once Headers, Footers, & Slide Numbering: Allows
Insert text: Allows you to insert text in the you to specify customized headers and footers that
presentation. the presentation file will put at the top and bottom
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of every presentation. The presentation Thesaurus: A built-in thesaurus that allows you
automatically keeps track of page numbers so that to search for synonyms (words with similar
the correct number appears on each page. meaning) and antonyms (‘opposites’) without
Spell Checker: A utility that allows you to check leaving the word processor.
the spelling of words in a presentation file. Tables: Allows you to add tables and include
Print: Allows you to send a presentation file to a content in rows and columns
printer to get a hardcopy or many hardcopies as
you would like.


To be able to: a. Define booting
a) Define booting b. Types of booting
6.1. Computer b) Describe the types of c. Application of booting
Booting booting d. Step-by-step process of booting 2 Periods
c) Explain when
booting can be done
d) Describe the process of
To be able to: a. System specifications
a) Determine and interpret b. Computer parts
specifications of a computer c. Connection and setup of hardware 7 Periods
6.2. System b) Describe the parts of a components
Configuration computer d. Formatting disks
c) Connect and setup
hardware components
d) Explain and perform disk
a) To be able to install and a. Installing Operating Systems
6.3. System uninstall computer software b. Installing application and utility software
Installation c. Uninstalling software 6 Periods
d. Installing device drivers

a) To be able to identify
6.4. Computer and explain software and a. Computer alerts and error messages b.
Trouble- shooting hardware Computer lights 6 Periods
problems c. System freeze & bugs
b) To be able to provide d. System performance
solutions to the problems



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Definition of terms used in Networking

Network Network Server.
A Network can be defined as a collection of Computer networks usually have one computer
independent entities that are arranged in such a reserved as the ―Mother‖ of all the other
manner as to exchange data, information or computers on the network.
resources. A Server is a powerful computer that provides
Examples of networks: services (shared resources) to the other computers
Road network: - this is the interconnection of on the network. It enables information, resources
roads in a country, continent or throughout the & network devices to be shared by users on a
world. Road networks facilitate the transfer of computer network.
goods & services from one area to another. Network servers;
Telephone network (voice networks): - it includes Have a higher hard disk & main memory (RAM)
the many lines that criss-cross a country, and capacity than the other computers on the network.
enables people to communicate. Store & run a special program called the server
Railway network. software (network operating system), which
Nervous system. controls computers on the network.
Computer Network
A computer network can be defined as a collection Clients(workstations)
2 or more computers connected together using Clients (also referred to as Workstations) are
transmission media (e.g., telephone cables, or Personal Computers (PCs) attached to the
Satellites) for the purpose of communication and network, on which the network users do their
sharing of resources. work. They are used by network users to send
Usually there can be from 2 to hundreds or even their requests to the server.
thousands of computers on the network. Apart Clients;
from computers, other devices such as Printers, Are usually less powerful than the server, and use
plotters, fax machines, modems, etc can also be the resources provided by the Server.
connected to the network. Have their own operating systems and files.
The term Transmission media refers to any The PCs can be IBM or compatible running MS-
physical or non-physical link between 2 or more DOS, OS/2, Windows, etc.
computers, and in which a signal can be made to The figure below shows a server on a network.
flow from source to destination.

Data communication refers to the process of transmitting data signal from one place to another through a
communication media.
The basic components of a data transmission system are:
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A central computer.
Terminal devices.
Telecommunications link between the central computer & the terminal devices.

Terms used in data communication

Data signal:
A data signal is a voltage level in the circuit which represents the flow of data.
In data communication, there are 2 types of data signals;
Digital and Analog.
Analog data is made up of continuous waveforms, while digital data is made up of a non-continuous
discrete waveform.
Analog data signal
(Sine wave)

Digital data signal

(Rectangular waved)

Signal modulation and demodulation:

This is the process of converting data signals to a form that can be transmitted over a transmission medium.
E.g., a modem converts a digital signal to an analog signal, which can be transmitted over analogue
telephone lines. This process is called modulation. A modem at the receiving end converts the analogue
signal into a digital signal, a process known as demodulation.

Multiplexing and De-multiplexing:

Multiplexing is the process of sending multiple data signals over the same medium, e.g., a wire conductor
can be made to carry several data signals either simultaneously or at different times.
Demultiplexing is the process of separating the multiplexed signals at the receiving end.

Town A has 10 computers which want to communicate with 10 other computers in town B. In a normal
case, it will need a direct cable linking each of the computers in town A to its partner in town B. However,
if multiplexing is used, the computers can be made to share a single cable laid between the two towns,
hence, saving cost.
The different data signals have different frequencies on the cable; hence, they do not interfere with one

Frequency (f):
Frequency of a wave is the number of cycles made by the wave in 1 second. Frequency is measured in units
called Hertz (Hz); where 1 Hz is equivalent to 1 cycle/second.

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This is the unit to measure the speed of transmission. Generally, 1BAUD is 1bit/second.
Baud rate:
This is the rate at which data is transferred or transmitted. It is measured in Bits per second (bps).
The rate of change of a signal on a transmission line.
A Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that a transmission medium can carry at any one time. E.g., a
certain cable may have a bandwidth of 100 Mbps (Mega bits per second).
This is the range of frequency that is used to separate two channels.
Baseband signal:
This is a digital signal that is generated and applied to the transmission medium directly without modulation.
Note. A baseband signal utilizes the full capacity of the transmission medium; hence, at any one time, only
one signal can be sent. However, multiple signals can be sent at different times, if they are multiplexed.
Broadband transmission:
This is where an analog signal is sent over the transmission medium using a particular frequency. This
means that, several data signals can be sent at the same time through the same medium, but at different
frequencies so as to prevent them from overlapping.
Attenuation is the decrease in magnitude and energy of a signal as it progressively moves along a
transmission medium.
If the signal is not boosted, it will totally be lost along the way, and may never reach the destination.
Attenuation (or signal loss) is usually corrected by placing signal amplifiers (also called repeater stations)
along the medium at appropriate distances in order to receive the weak signal, clean it, amplify it, then
retransmit it.

Modes of data communication

There are 3 modes of data communication:
Half duplex.
Full duplex.

Simplex transmission:
This is where communication is only in one direction (as in radio or television broadcast). The listener or
viewer cannot communicate back through the radio or television receiver back to the broadcaster.

Half duplex transmission:

This refers to communication in both directions, but one direction at a time.
A sender must first send the data before the recipient can reply, e.g., if two police officers are
communicating using a ‗walkie talkie‘ radio, one has to say ―over‖ to mark the end of every statement in
order for the other to respond.

Full duplex transmission:

This is where communication occurs in both directions simultaneously/ at the same time. (as in computers
that are sending & receiving data on a network).

Factors to consider when selecting a data transmission system

 Cost of each type of data transmission method.
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 Distance between the computer & the terminal.

 Whether data should be transmitted direct to the computer online.
 Type of data transmission system to be used, i.e., whether the data transmission will be 1-way or 2-way.
 Volume of data to be processed; and whether it is batched at particular times, or whether it is collected
individually and required to be processed immediately.
 Speed of transmission required.
 In many cases, it is acceptable to use the ordinary Postal service, Kenyan rail, or a private Courier service.
 Accuracy and reliability required.

Some of the reasons for setting up computer networks include:
a)Resource sharing
A Network resource refers to any component that can be attached to the network for access by users.
Some of the shared resources include:
Application programs. vii). Network Printers
Data and information. viii). Fax machines
Messages. ix). Modems
Graphics. x). Storage devices (optical drives).
Files. xi). Communication ports.
Computer processing power. xii). Disk space
Users whose computers are connected to a network can, for example, share their files, exchange mails, send
faxes, schedule meetings, and print documents from any point on the network. This centralized access to
data & information leads to less waste of time, and hence greater productivity.
b)Remote communications
Remote communication refers to the transmission of data signals between two communication devices
located at different geographical locations.
E.g., using remote communication, one can work from home just as if he/she is in the office.
It is mainly through remote communications that people can be able to share ideas, and pass messages over
the Internet.
A computer that tries to access resources from another computer on the network is called a remote client,
while the computer being accessed is called a remote host.
Remote communication has been made possible by use of wireless transmission media such as radio waves,
microwave, and satellite.
c)Distributed processing facilities
Distributed processing refers to the act of running the same programs or databases on different computers,
which are on the same network but placed in separate locations.
Each computer has its own local peripherals, e.g., disks, printers, terminals, etc.
For example;
In a large organization, each branch office has its own server that stores data, information, and other
resources required for their daily operations.
This implies that, files reside on the user‘s computer rather than on a central computer, and are only
transmitted periodically to update the central computer.
Advantages of distributed processing.
Failure of the central computer does not affect the operations of the other terminals.
Processing load is shared equally; hence, no time wastage.
There is faster access of data as each machine can process & store its data.
It doesn‘t need powerful and expensive servers for data storage.

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It can accommodate users with variety of needs.

Disadvantages of distributed processing.
It is more susceptible to virus, as any user could introduce an infected file and spread it throughout the
Developing an effective back up plan is more difficult when users store data in their individual systems.
File management (organization) is difficult as the files are stored in different locations.
d)Cost effectiveness
The initial cost of purchasing and laying down of networks components may be expensive. However, the
savings experienced and the value added to service delivery make networks cost effective.
Networks greatly increase the efficient use of scarce resources. E.g., a large organization with many stand
alone computers will need a printer for each computer. However, if the computers are networked, only one
printer is used.
Computer networks have also enhanced daily communication, i.e., they have made the flow of information
from one place to another easy. Users can send mails (e.g., e-mails) to each other, without having to bear
the cost of stamp duty or delivery charges.
Similarly, company executives can hold electronic video conferences, thus reducing the traveling costs.
A computer network is reliable especially when communicating or accessing information:
Data can be transferred with minimum errors from source to destination.
Incase one computer breaks down; the user can still access data & information from the other computers
using another computer on the network.


 Security issues
Data & information held on a network is open to many people across the world, and can easily be accessed
illegally. In addition, when information is sent over the network from one place to another, it can be tapped
or listened to by unauthorized parties.
 High initial cost
The initial cost of buying network hardware & software is very high.
 Moral and cultural effects
Large networks such as the Internet have chat rooms and messaging services. These enable underage
children to meet peers and adults on the net, some of whom may have bad intentions.
Access to pornographic and other negative material on the Internet has made the fight against social
problems such as HIV/AIDS, bad sexual behaviour, and drug abuse more complicated.
 Spread of terrorism and drug trafficking
The Internet makes it easy for terrorists and drug traffickers to operate. This is because; they use
information networks for their business communications.
 Over-reliance on networks.
Most organizations have done away with manual operations. This means that, all business processes, and
the society depend on computer networks. Therefore, if by any chance the network fails or goes down, then
many systems in the society will stop working.
Review questions.
List four network systems that are not computer-based networks.
Define the following terms:
Computer network.
Data communication.
Differentiate between:

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A baseband and broadband signal.

A Network server and a workstation.
Remote client and remote host.
Half duplex and full duplex transmissions.
State the factors to be considered while selecting a data transmission system.
Give four advantages and two disadvantages of networking.
(a) Explain the concept of distributed processing in networking.
(b) State 3 advantages and 2 disadvantages of distributing processing.
Why is a network more reliable than stand alone computers?
What do you understand by the following terms in networking:
i. Baud.
ii. Baud rate.
iii. Bandwidth.
iv. Resource.
What name do we give to each of the following:
1. The computer that is dedicated to serving requests from other computers in a network.
2. The computers that sends requests.


Computer networks are usually classified according to size. The three most common types of networks are:
Local Area Network (LAN).
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).
Wide Area Network (WAN).

Local Area Network (LAN).

This is a computer network that is formed whenever computers are connected together in a relatively small
geographical area, e.g., in one building or a school.
LAN is the smallest size of network & it normally covers an area within the radius of 10M – 3 Km.
LAN is usually owned by one organization. However, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any
distance via data transmission lines or wireless media.
A LAN connects several Personal Computers to a Server computer. The server computer makes available
the resources requested by the other computers (workstations) on a network.
In most LANs, each workstation has its own CPU which it uses to execute programs, but still the
workstation user can also access data & devices anywhere on the network.
Advantages of LANs.
They enable many users to share expensive devices such as Laser printers, as well as data. However, the no.
of computers that can be connected & the distance to be covered is limited.
Have Low cost (requires less expensive equipment).
Enable users to communicate with each other, by sending messages or engaging in chat sessions.
LANs transmit data at very fast rates. They are much faster than data transmitted over telephone lines.
Small error counts (low error rates).

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).

A MAN is made up of many LANs connected together.
It covers a metropolitan (medium-sized geographical) area, e.g., a town or an entire city, within a radius of 5
– 50 Km.
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Characteristics of MAN
Larger than LAN.
Slower than LAN, but faster than WAN with data Cost of data transmission in LANs is small.
rates of 100MBps & above. There are less transmission errors in LANs.
Are more expensive than LANs, since special
equipment is needed to connect the different Review questions.
networks together. Describe THREE major data communication
Prone to few errors (moderate error rates). models.
Explain the three most common types of computer
networks in use today.
Wide Area Network (WAN). Describe a Wide area network.
This is the largest size of network. List THREE differences between Wide Area
A WAN covers a large geographical area such as Network and Local Area Network.
an entire country, a continent, or even the whole Determine the type of a network characterized by:
world. connection between computers, printers and other
It consists of many LANs and MANs connected resources using UTP cables.
together to form one large network such as the over 250 computers connected to share resources
Internet. in a city.
Characteristics of WAN
They cover an unlimited (a very large)
geographical area, e.g., can cover the whole
world. A computer network is made up of several
They are expensive to build since it requires standard components, which can be classified into
special equipment for connection. three (3) major categories, namely:
Their transmission links are also expensive. Data communication media.
Long distance transmission. Communication devices.
Have low data transfer rates compared to LANs Networking software.
(i.e., they are slower than LANs & MANs)
More prone to errors (very high possible error
rates compared to LANs and MANs). Data communication (Transmission) media.
Other types of networks A data communication medium is a physical
CAN: CAMPUS AREA NETWORK pathway used for carrying data signals &
A connection of two or more LANs in a information from one point to another.
university, college or institute. Data communication media can be divided into
Differences between a Local Area Network and two:
a Wide Area Network. Communication using cable (bound media).
LAN is limited to a small geographical distance. Wireless communication (unbounded media).
Data transmission speed in LANs is higher.

Communication using cables (bounded media).

In bounded media, data signals are transmitted from the source to the destination through a cable.
There are 4 major types of bounded transmission media, namely:
Two-wire open lines cables.
Twisted pair cables.
Coaxial cables.
Fibre optic cables.

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Two-wire open lines cables.

Two-wire open lines cables are made up of 2 parallel copper wires separated by a plastic insulator.
Plastic insulator
Wire conductor

The Plastic insulator is meant to reduce signal interference called Crosstalk. However, the linear nature of
the wires allows an electromagnetic field to build around them during heavy data transmission, which may
cause interference to the signal.
The wires also capture/pick unwanted environmental frequencies, e.g., radio waves, hence causing noise in
the transmission channel.
Two-wire open lines cables are used in telecommunication network to transmit voice (analogue) signals.

Twisted pair cables.

A twisted pair cable is made up of 2 insulated copper wires twisted around each other in a spiral pattern.

The twisting prevents electromagnetic fields from developing around the two wires as they transmit data.
Twisted pair cables can be used to transmit both voice & data signals (i.e., analogue & digital signals).

Types of twisted pair cables.

The 2 common types of twisted pair cables are:
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP).
Shielded twisted pair (STP).

Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables.

UTP cables do not have a shield that prevents electromagnetic interference (also called ‗Electric noise‘)
from the environment.

Outer cover

Twisted pair

UTP cable is prone to noise & signal interference, and therefore,

not suitable for environments that are electrically ‗noisy‘.
Noise may come from lightening sparks, radio signal, or radiations from spark plugs in motor vehicles.

Shielded twisted pair (STP) cables.

In STP cables, a braided shield is wrapped around the wires to protect them from noise.

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Advantages of Twisted pair cables.

 Can support high data rates (bandwidth) of up to 100 Mbps.
 Telephone systems use UTP, which is present in most buildings. Therefore, it is easier to setup network
media because; connection is readily available.
 Installation equipment is cheap & readily available.
 It is cheap because; of mass production for telephone use.

Disadvantages of Twisted pair cables.

 They suffer from high attenuation. Therefore, for every cable length of 90m, a ―Repeater‖ is needed to
amplify (restore) the signal.
 It is sensitive to electromagnetic interference & eavesdropping.
 It has low data transmission rates as compared to other cables.

Coaxial cables.
A Coaxial cable resembles the cable that is used to connect television antenna to a television set.
The cable has;
A central copper core (which is either solid or stranded wires).
The diameter of the centre core determines the attenuation rate. If the core is thin, then the attenuation rate
will be higher.
An insulator (a dielectric material) surrounding the copper core.
A hollow braid (mesh conductor) surrounding the insulator. The braid is made of copper or aluminium, and
serves as the ground for the carrier wire.
A shield which covers the braid making the core more resistant to electromagnetic interference.
The braid together with the insulator & the foil shield protects the carrier wire from Radio Frequency
Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
Coaxial cables have bandwidths of up to 1 Gbps (Gigabits per second). Hence, they can be used to
link/connect different networks between buildings, and route trunk calls in telecommunication companies.

The Two types of coaxial cables.

Thin coaxial cable (Thinnet): - it has 1 dielectric insulator around the core.

Thick coaxial cable (Thicknet): - it has 2 dielectric insulators around the core, and is thicker than the thinnet.

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Advantages of coaxial cables.

They are very stable even under high loads.
They have a large bandwidth (up to 1Gbps) compared to twisted pair cables.
They can carry voice, data and video signals simultaneously.
They are more resistant to radio and electromagnetic interference than twisted pair cables.

Disadvantages of coaxial cables.

Thick coaxial cable is hard to work with.
They are relatively expensive to buy & install compared to twisted pair cables.

Fibre optic cables.

A fibre optic cable uses light to transmit data signals from one point to another on the network.
A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is used at the source/transmitter (sending computer) to convert electrical
signals to light signals which are then send along the cable. At the receiving computer, a photosensitive
device is then used to convert the light signals back to electric signals that can be processed by the computer.
A fibre optic cable is made up of;
The Core.
This is the central part of the cable, and is made of a hollow transparent plastic or glass.
This is a single protective layer surrounding the core.

The Cladding is able to bend light rays, (i.e., when light tries to travel from the core to the cladding, it is
redirected back to the core).

It surrounds the cladding. Its main function is to strengthen the cable.
The Jacket.
It is the outer covering of the cable.
Light transmission along a fibre optic cable.
The light signal travels along the core through a process referred to as Total internal reflection.
The process that causes total internal reflection is called Refraction. Refraction is the bending of light when
it crosses the boundary of two mediums that have different densities.
Therefore, when light signal is inserted into the cable, it tries to cross from the core to the cladding. The
light is bent back into the core, hence spreads along the length of the cable.

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Light rays

Core Cladding
Types of fibre optic cables.
Single mode fibre optic cable.

The single mode fibre has a very narrow centre core. This implies that, the light in the cable can take only
one path through it.

It has a very low attenuation rate, and is preferred for long distance transmission.
It has a very high bandwidth of 50 Gigabits per second.
It is very expensive, and requires very careful handling during installation.

Multimode fibre optic cable.

A multimode fibre has a thicker centre core than the single mode fibre.

It allows several light signals (rays) to be sent through the cable at the same time. Hence, there are high
chances of the signal being distorted.
It has a high attenuation rate, and is usually used for shorter distance transmission.

Advantages of fibre optic cable.

 It is immune to electromagnetic interference, and eavesdropping.
 It is fast and supports high bandwidth.
 It has low attenuation; hence, a long distance can be covered.
 It does not generate electrical signals; hence can be used in dangerous (highly flammable) places.
 It is smaller & lighter than copper cables; hence, suitable for situations where space is limited.

Disadvantages of fibre optic cable.

 Requires expensive connectivity devices and media.
 Installation is difficult because the cable must be handled carefully.
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 It is relatively complex to configure.

 A broken fibre optic cable is difficult & expensive to repair.

Review questions.
Define the term Transmission media.
(a). Give two advantages of coaxial cables.
(b). Explain the importance of the wire braid in coaxial cable.
Distinguish between Thinnet and Thicknet coaxial cables.
Define the term Pitch as used in twisted pair cabling.
(a). Give two advantages of fibre optic media.
(b). Differentiate between single mode and multimode fibre optic cables.

Wireless communication (unbounded media)

Wireless (unbounded) media is a type of media that is used to transmit data from one point to another
without using physical connections.
In this case, a transmitting antenna & a receiver aerial are used to facilitate the communication.

Examples of wireless communication media include:

Infrared transmission.
All these waves use different frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, and travel at the speed of light.

Microwave transmission
Microwave frequencies have a small wavelength, In networking, microwaves are suitable for point-
and can easily release their energy in water as to-point transmissions, whereby a signal is
heat. This is why they are used in making directed through a focused beam from the
domestic kitchen appliances, e.g., microwave transmitter to the receiver station.

Line of sight

Satellite communication
A Satellite is a microwave relay station. The microwave earth stations have parabolic dishes with an
antenna fixed on them in order to focus a narrow beam towards the satellite in space.

A satellite transmission system has 3 main components:

Transmitter earth station - it sets up an uplink to the satellite in order to transmit data.
A Satellite that is somewhere in an orbit. It receives, amplifies, and retransmits the signal to a receiving
earth station through a downlink frequency.
The downlink & the uplink frequency are usually different. This is to prevent the downlink signal from
interfering with the uplink signal.
Receiving earth station - receives the signal sent by the satellite on the other side of the globe.

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Satellite in space

Uplink Downlink
Transmitter Receiver
earth station earth station

A communication satellite is usually launched into space about 36,000 km above the earth in such a manner
that its speed is almost equal to the rotation speed of the earth. This makes the satellite appear as if it is
stationary in space. Such types of satellites are called geostationary satellites.
Advantages of using satellites
A satellite is convenient because; it provides a large constant line of sight to earth stations. This means that,
there is no need to keep on moving the parabolic dish so as to track the line of sight.
The satellite transmits the signal to many recipient earth stations. This is because; the transmitted signal
spreads out in all directions to form a Point to Multipoint transmission.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)

A VSAT is a very small satellite dish used both in data, radio, and TV communication.
It can be set up at home or in a small business. It enables direct access to satellite communication instead of
having to go through state-owned or licensed satellite gateways.
The dish has an antenna that receives the satellite signals. The signals are decoded using a decoder which is
plugged directly to a television set or a computer.

Radio Wave communication

Radio waves are used in radio and television broadcasts.
Radio waves travel just like surface water waves, i.e., they start from a central point and spread outwards in
all directions.
As they travel outwards, their energy spreads outwards over the covered area. The waves are radiated into
the atmosphere by a radio frequency antenna at constant velocity.

The figure below shows a typical radio waves link between two separate geographical locations.

Transmitting Receiving
antenna antenna

Power supply

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The Bluetooth technology

This is a worldwide and short range radio transmission technology that allows all personal, hand-held
devices to be able to communicate with each other through wireless technology.

It enables people to use hand-held communication devices such as mobile phones & Personal Digital
Assistants (PDA‘s) to access the Internet.
The main component in Bluetooth is a small low power two-way radio transceiver, which can be inserted in
small devices.
Bluetooth enabled devices use a network called the Wireless personal area network (WPAN) or piconet.

Infrared transmission
Communication through infrared waves (signals) is achieved by having infrared transmitters & receivers
(transceivers) within a line of sight in the same room. This is because; infrared signals cannot penetrate
obstacles like walls and ceilings. However, the signal can be reflected off these surfaces until they reach
their destination.

Advantages of wireless communication.

 Wireless medium is flexible in operation, i.e., devices can be moved around without losing access to the
 Wireless networks can span large geographical areas easily.
 Wireless communication can take place via satellite even in very remote areas that do not have high cost
physical infrastructure like telephone lines.

Disadvantages of wireless communication.

 The initial cost is very high.
 It is relatively difficult to establish or configure.

Review questions.
Distinguish between radio and microwave transmission.
Describe an electromagnetic spectrum.
State two advantages of satellite communication.
Give one application area of Infrared transmission.
Describe the VSAT technology.
Explain the concept of a geostationary satellite.
Explain the line of sight principle in wireless communication.

Communication devices
For a network to be fully operational, communication devices are required, and act as interfaces between the
Terminal devices.
Terminal equipments are the devices at both ends of the communication link, e.g., computers.
Some of the data communication devices are:
Network Interface card (NIC)
A NIC acts as a physical connection (link/interface) between the computer & a properly terminated
transmission cable.
A NIC is plugged into an empty expansion slot on the motherboard, and has ports at the back in which the
terminated end of a network cable can be plugged.

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A Modem converts a digital signal to analogue form so that it can be transmitted over an analogue media.
A Codec converts an analogue signal to digital form so that it can be transmitted over a digital medium.
A modem can be external, an add-on card or built on the motherboard.
Hub (Concentrator)
A Hub is a component that connects computers on a network, and is able to relay signals from one computer
to another on the same network.
A Hub usually connects networks that have the same set of communication software usually called

A Hub transmits signals by broadcasting them to all the computers on the network. After the signal is
broadcasted, the computer whose address is on the message then picks the message from the network.
Several hubs can be connected together one after another to expand a network.

Intelligent hubs
Intelligent hubs are able to monitor the way computers are communicating on the network, and keep the
information in their own database called management information base (MIB). The network server can then
use this information to fine-tune the network.
Intelligent hubs also manage a network by isolating computers that are not functioning properly.

This is a network device that selectively determines the appropriate network segment for which a message is
meant to be delivered. It does this through address filtering.
Purpose of using a Bridge
 It can divide a busy network into segments to reduce network traffic.
 To extend the length & number of workstations that a segment can support.
 To reduce overall traffic flow by allowing broadcasts only in the destination segment of the network.
 The bridge makes sure that packets that are not meant for a particular segment are not broadcast in that

A Repeater receives a signal from one segment of a network, cleans it to remove any distortion, boosts it,
and then sends it to another segment.
It therefore, enables the network to eliminate attenuation problems.

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Note. Repeaters can easily be used to expand a network. This is because; they broadcast the same message
to other network segments.

A Router connects different networks, and directs the transfer of data packets from source to destination.
Note. Routing depends on network addresses. Each network has a unique address (or identifier) called the
IP address.
The router will receive a packet of data from another router on the network, and check the network address
of the destination. If the address is the same as the one on which the router is, the router will then read the
address of the host and then pass the data packet to the destination, otherwise the packet will be routed to the
next network address.
NB: Network addressing has been made possible because of the use of a special interconnecting protocol
called the Internet Protocol (IP).

A Gateway is any device that can be configured to provide access to a Wide Area Network or the Internet.
Note. A gateway may be a router, or a computer configured to provide access to the Internet.

Fig.: A gateway PC connecting a LAN to a WAN

Unlike a hub, a Switch forwards a data packet directly to the terminal equipment on the network without
broadcasting. It does this by connecting the two nodes point-to-point as if they were linked by a direct
Note. Some hubs can also act as switches. Such a hub is referred to as a switching hub.
Switches are more expensive than hubs. This means that, one switch may be used as a bridge to connect
several hubs. This reduces collision problems caused by broadcasts.

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Fig. A switch on a Local area network

Wireless communication devices
For a long time, networks have been implemented using tangible transmission media like cables. However,
since the cost of wireless technology has gone down & the quality of service increased, companies &
individuals are now using wireless segments in their communications with the aim of extending the
capability of wired networks.
The most common devices (components) used in wireless communication are: Access Points (AP), and
Wireless antennae.
Access points (AP)
An Access point is an entry point into a bounded network.
It is used by people who have wireless devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA‘s), Laptops, and
computers with wireless links.

Fig. 3.0: Wireless access point

Wireless antennae
The Access point should have antennae so as to detect wave signals in the surrounding. The waves may be
Radio waves, microwaves or infrared waves.
Most Access points have 2 antennae so that the one that receives the best signal at any particular time can be
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) card
A PCMCIA is a card inserted into a device such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or a laptop in order to
enable wireless communication between the device and a wired network server.

Fig.: The PCMCIA card used to connect a device to a wireless LAN

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Review questions.
Describe at least five devices used in data communications.
Explain the function of a NIC in networking.
(a). Explain the importance of a gateway on a network.
(b). Differentiate between a router and a gateway.
Why is a Switch preferred to a hub on the network?
What is the function of a Repeater on a network?
Give one disadvantage of a Hub on a network.

Network software
Network software can be classified into 2 main groups:
Network Operating systems.
Network Protocols.

Network Operating systems

These are operating systems specifically designed to enable the networked computers to respond to service
Servers run on a network operating system.
Functions of network operating systems
A network operating system performs the following network related functions:
Provides access to network resources, e.g., printers and folders.
Enables nodes on the network to communicate efficiently with each other.
Enables the various processes on the network to communicate with one another.
Responds to requests from application programs running on the network.
Supports network services such as network card drivers & protocols.
Maintains security, ensuring that only users authorized to use the computer system are allowed access to it.
Produces logs, i.e., a record of all the programs as they are run.
Organises the use of storage, since this has to be shared among different users.
Works out the resources used by each program. If the user is paying for the service, then the computer
works out the cost of running the program & charges the appropriate account.

Network OS are normally designed as Multi-user operating systems that run the network server program.
Examples of network operating systems are:
-UNIX - Windows NT
-Linux - Windows 2000
-Novell NetWare - Windows 2003

Protocols are a set of rules and procedures that govern the communication between two different devices or
E.g., a diplomat from a foreign country must adhere to the set rules and procedures of communication when
representing his country in the host country.
In computer networking, Protocols are the rules and technical procedures that govern communication
between the different computers on the network.
How Protocols work
The data transmission process over the network is divided into steps, and at each step, a certain action takes

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In addition, each step has its own rules and procedures as defined by the network protocols. The work of
these protocols is usually coordinated through protocol layering so as to ensure that there are no conflicts or
incomplete operations.
Protocols at the Application layer:
They provide services to application programs such as the E-mail editor program that enables composing or
reading of e-mail messages.
Examples of protocols at the Application layer include:

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - an Internet protocol for transferring e-mails.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – an Internet protocol for transferring files.
Apple Talk and Apple Share – a networking protocol standard for Apple computers.
Protocols at the Transport layer:
They ensure that data is passed between computers more reliably.
Examples of protocols at the Transport layer include:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – enables delivery of sequenced data over the network.
Sequential Packet Exchange (SPX) – used in Novell networks for sequenced data.
NetBEUI – used in Microsoft and IBM networks to establish communication sessions between computers in
Apple Transaction Protocol (ATP) – it is a communication session and data transport protocol used in
Apple computers.
Protocols at the Network layer:
They provide link services, e.g., they handle addressing and routing information, error checking and
retransmission of requests.
Examples of protocols at the Network layer include:
Internet Protocol (IP) – it does packet forwarding and routing.
Internetwork Packets Exchange – This is a NetWare‘s protocol for packet forwarding and routing.
Review questions.
List two types of network software.
Outline four functions of network operating system.
List four examples of network operating systems.
Outline the seven open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model layers.
Explain the importance of the Physical layer in the open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model.
(a). Define the term protocol.
(b). Give three examples of protocols used in networking.

Network Topologies
The term network Topology refers to the way in which computers, cables, and other devices have been
arranged in the network.
It can also refer to how data is passed from one computer to another in the network.
Logical and physical topologies
Network topology can be viewed in 2 ways; Logical or Physical.
Logical (Signal) topology
Logical topology deals with the way data passes from one device to the next on the network.
Examples of logical topologies are:
Token ring.
Ethernet topology

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In Ethernet topology, all computers listen to the network media, and a particular computer can only send
data when none of the others is sending.
Token ring topology
In Token ring topology, a special package for data called a token goes around the network. The computer
whose address is on the data held in the token picks it up, reads the data, and then releases the token. The
token can then be captured by another computer which needs to transmit data.
Physical topology
Physical topology refers to the physical arrangement of components on the network.
Examples of physical topologies are:
Star topology.
Bus topology.
Ring topology.
Mesh topology.
Tree (Hierarchical) topology.

The choice of the topology to adopt depends on factors such as Reliability, Expandability, and Performance.

Star topology
Star topology consists of computers and other devices, each connected to a common central server called the
Hub. However, to connect to the central machine, each computer uses a separate cable.
Nodes communicate across the network by passing data signals through the hub, i.e., any two computers
(workstations) in the network communicate through the central machine.
When the hub receives data from a transmitting computer, it broadcasts the message to all the other nodes on
the network.

Advantages of Star topology.

Allows key networking resources such as concentrators & servers to be centralized.
Easy to configure.
Enhances operational survivability.
The hub isolates the network cables from each other. Even if a wire between a workstation and the hub
breaks or develops a bad connection, the rest of the network remains operational.
Simple to control.
It can be extended easily, since a workstation is simply connected to the hub.
Provides flexibility in adding or deleting devices.

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The wiring hubs increase the flexibility for growth. Addition & removal of nodes does not involve cutting
and joining of cables.
Easier to troubleshoot.
When something goes wrong with the network, the administrator can troubleshoot it from the wiring hub.
The Hub can support multiple types of cables.

Disadvantages of Star topology.

If the central switch node (Hub) fails, it may bring down the entire network.
It is costly because; each workstation is connected to the central concentrator by is own dedicated cable (i.e.,
it requires a lot of cables).
Installation is time consuming, because each node forms a segment of its own.
May require a special device for signal regeneration across the network.

Bus topology (Daisy-chain topology)

In Bus topology, all the devices in the network are connected directly, through appropriate interfacing
hardware, to a single transmission cable called the Bus (or Backbone) on which information is broadcast.

Bus topology uses Coaxial cable as transmission medium. The cable can carry only one message at a time
and each workstation on the network must be able to know when it can and cannot transmit using this cable.
A Terminator is attached to each end of the cable to avoid signals from bouncing back and forth on the cable
causing signal distortion.
For communication to take place, data is addressed to a particular computer & put in the cable in the form of
electronic signal. As the data passes along the cable, each workstation checks whether the data is addressed
to it. If the address in the data matches that of the machine, it picks up the data and processes it.
Bus topology doesn‘t need any special equipment such as switches or repeaters to amplify the signal.

Advantages of Bus topology.

Easy to install.
Inexpensive (less costly) because; it does not require a complete cable length per computer.
Can easily be extended.
It allows the workstations to communicate independently (separately) of each other.
Failure of one station on the network does not affect the operations on the bus.

Disadvantages of Bus topology.

A cable break in each section brings down the whole network.
The performance degrades since there is no signal integration.
Troubleshooting the cable fault can be quite difficult because; the fault could be anywhere on the cable.
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Only a limited number of computers can be connected to the cable. This is because; each computer is
listening to the cable in order to transmit. This means that, if the number of computers increase, there will
be more collision as the workstations compete for transmission.

Ring topology
In a ring topology, the computers are connected to one another
in the shape of a closed loop using a single cable.

Data flows from one computer to another in one direction, and

each computer actively participates in data transfer from one
station to the other. In other words, each workstation acts as a
booster by regenerating and retransmitting the signals around
the network to its neighbour.

A token is used to exchange data from one station to another. A token can be viewed as an envelope or a
bag where data is placed for transmission and carried around the network.

Advantages of Ring topology.

They use a short length cable.
Simple to install.
Provides high performance for many users.
Provides an orderly network in which every device has access to the token and can transmit data.

Disadvantages of Ring topology.

Failure of one computer or the cable will affect the rest in the entire network.
Modification is difficult because; adding or removing a device can disrupt the entire network.
Troubleshooting can be difficult.

Mesh topology
Mesh topology uses separate cables to connect each device to every other device on the network providing a
straight communication path.
It is mostly used in Wide Area Networks where there are many paths between different locations.

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Advantages of Mesh topology.

It is fast.
Failure on one node will not cause communication breakdown.
Easy to troubleshoot cable problems. If two machines are not communicating, the administrator will only
check the cable between them.
Enhances flexibility in communication.
Enhances fault tolerance provided by redundant/ excessive links.

Disadvantages of Mesh topology

Difficult and expensive to install and maintain.
Very costly as it requires large amounts of cables (or redundant links).
Difficult to add more nodes when the network is large.
Difficult to isolate faults due to lack of a central control point.

Tree (Hierarchical) topology

This is a hybrid topology where groups of star-configured networks are connected to a linear bus

Fig. 3.6: Tree topology

Review questions.
What is a computer network topology?
Distinguish between Logical and Physical network topology.
Using appropriate diagrams, describe any three types of physical network topologies.


Data in a network travels from one computer to the other using laid down rules known as Protocols. The
protocols used depend on the way the computers are connected together on the network.
Generally, there are 2 broad ways in which computers communicate with one another in a network, namely:
Point-to-point communication.
Broadcast communication.
Point-to-point communication.
In point-to-point, the network contains numerous cables or telephone lines, each one connecting a pair of

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The message is received at each intermediate computer in whole, stored there until the required output line is
free, and then forwarded.
A network using this principle is called a point-to-point or store-and-forward network.

Broadcast communication.
In broadcast, there is a single communication channel shared by all computers. In this case, the messages
sent by any computer are received by all other computers.
Something in the message itself must specify for whom it is intended. After receiving a message not
intended for itself, a computer just ignores it.

Review questions.
As regards to communication within a computer network, what do you understand by the following terms:
Broadcast (2 marks)

A Network model describes how the computer processes information on the network.
Data can be processed by a Client, a central Server or by all the computers on the network.

Centralized computer model.

Very large computers, usually mainframes, are connected with terminals. The users input & output data
using the terminals, while the processing is done by the central computer (mainframe).

Advantages of Centralized model

 Data is kept in one location, ensuring that every user is working with the same information.
 It is easier to back up data since the information is stored on only one Server.
 Easier to maintain security. It is only the server which needs to be secured since the terminals have no data.
 The terminals do not require floppy drives as all work is stored on a Server.
 Chances of computer being affected by viruses are very minimal as no diskettes are being used.
 It less costly.
 Although the Server has to be very powerful with a lot of storage space, the terminals are inexpensive as
they don‘t require real processing or storage capability of their own.

Disadvantages of Centralized model

 It is very slow as it is the server alone, which does all the processing.
 In case where the users have varied needs, it would be difficult to meet these needs in a centralized
computing network as each user application needs to be set up separately.
 Connection is difficult. All the computers have to be connected on a central place.

Distributive computing
In this model, data is stored and processed on the local workstation. Computers acting as Standalone
systems are connected together for increased functionality.

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A Stand alone is a computer which is not connected to any other computer equipment other than its own
Advantages of Distributive Computing model.
 Each machine processes and stores its data; hence, data is accessed faster.
 It doesn‘t need powerful and expensive servers for data storage.
 It can accommodate users with variety of needs.

Disadvantages of Distributive Computing model.

 It is more susceptible to virus, as any user could introduce an infected file and spread it throughout the
 It is more difficult to develop an effective back up plan, since each user stores data in his/her individual
 File management (organization) is difficult as the files are stored in different locations.

Collaborative model.
In this model, all computers can share processing power across the network. Applications can be written to
use the processing on the computers to complete job more quickly.
Advantages of Collaborative model.
 It is faster to complete a task as users are not limited to processing power of one system.
 Variety of users can be accommodated on a collaborative network.
Disadvantages of Collaborative model.
 Viruses can easily be transmitted through the network.
 Backing up of the data is difficult.
 File synchronization is difficult.

Peer-to-Peer network.
A Peer is a computer that acts both as the client and a server.
In this network, all the connected computers are equal & each machine acts as both client and Server. This
means that, there is no central storage area for information & no dedicated central Server.
No system administrator. Therefore, the user of each computer determines what data & resources the
computer will shares with other computers on the network.
Peer-to-peer networks are appropriate in an environment where:
There are 10 or less users.
The users are located in a general area.
Security is not an issue, e.g. in Bulletin boards.

Advantages of Peer-to-peer networks.

 It is small & inexpensive.
 It is easier to maintain.
 It is easier to setup.

Disadvantages of Peer-to-peer networks.

 It is difficult to locate information stored in the connected computers due to Shared level security.
 Difficult to update documents and files.
 It is expensive to train staff on how to share resources, as each user is an administrator.

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 It is difficult to maintain security, as it is the user‘s responsibility to ensure that only authorized individuals
can access their data.
 It is more tedious as the user has to memorize password for resources, and in case of any change, they have
to inform others.

Server-based networks.
In this network, there is usually a Server, e.g. a company which is dedicated to handle files and/or
information for clients, make & service requests from network clients, and ensure security of files and
directories for them.
Server-based networks require a network operating system.

Advantages of Server based networks.

 There is security since the Server controls the resources the clients need to access.
 It can support a large number of users.
 The server can be optimized to hand out information as fast as possible.
 Fewer connections are required by the clients to get the resources.
 Easier to maintain backup for files (synchronization of files).
 Cost effective as client workstations don‘t need large hard disk (storage capacity).

Disadvantages of Server based networks.

 It is dependent on a Network administrator.
 Requires servers, which are expensive.

Review questions.
How does each of the following networking models operate?
Centralized computing.
Collaborative computing.
Distributed computing.

Network Security
In networking, there are several ways of protecting your data and information from intruders. They include:
Share level and User level security.
Share level security
This model of security is mostly used in peer-to-peer networks. The user can decide which resources to give
for sharing.
Most Windows operating systems such as Windows 9X provide such kind of security.

User-level security
The User level security is used on server-based networks.
A network administrator assigns accounts to users, i.e., each user is provided with a unique name and a
password which he/she can use to access network resources.

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Definition of a Spreadsheet.
A Spreadsheet is a ledger sheet that lets the user enter, edit, and manipulate numerical data.
A Spreadsheet usually consists of a series of rows & columns in which data entries can be made.

Types of Spreadsheets:
There are 2 types of spreadsheets:

Manual spreadsheet:
A Manual spreadsheet is ledger book with many sheets of papers divided into rows and columns for
entering/writing data.
The data is entered manually using a pen or pencil.

Electronic Spreadsheet:
A computer program that looks like the manual ledger sheet with rows & columns for entering data that can
be manipulated mathematically using of formulae.

Advantages of Electronic Spreadsheets over Manual Worksheets.

An electronic spreadsheet:
 Has a large worksheet for data entry & manipulation as compared to manual worksheet.
 Has inbuilt formulae called Functions that are non-existent in manual worksheets. These functions enable
the user to quickly manipulate mathematical data.
 Uses the power of the computer to quickly carry out operations.
 Has better formatting & editing qualities than the manual worksheet.
 Utilizes the large storage space available on computer storage devices to save & retrieve documents.
 Can easily be modified in its form, while a manual spreadsheet involves a lot of manual calculations & are
very difficult to amend.
 The user can very quickly & efficiently perform complicated computations using the information stored in
an electronic spreadsheet.
 It is accurate in its calculations & allows automatic recalculation on formulae.
 I.e., when one value/figure is changed, the result of the formula is automatically adjusted by the computer so
as to correspond with the different input. For a manual spreadsheet, changing one value means rubbing the
result & writing the correct one again.
 It offers graphical representation of data leading to comprehensive decisions.
 Replaces the pencil & paper approach of the manual operations of the worksheet.
 I.e., it enables the user to produce neat work because; all the work is edited on the screen and a final copy is
printed. With a manual spreadsheet, neatness & legibility of the work depends on the writer‘s hand-writing
 It improves on the capabilities & speed of the Calculator.

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Examples of the commonly used Spreadsheet packages

 VisiCalc – this was the 1st type of spreadsheet to be developed for PCs.
 Lotus 123 – this is an integrated software with spreadsheet module, graphs, and database.
 Microsoft Excel.
 Corel Quattro-Pro
 Microsoft Works Excel
 Super calculators.
 Multiplan.
 Vp-Planner.

Review Questions.
Define a Spreadsheet.
Differentiate between the traditional analysis ledger sheet and an electronic spreadsheet.
Name three commonly spreadsheet packages.

A spreadsheet has 3 main components, namely;
Graphs / Charts.

When working in any spreadsheet program, you use workbook files to hold your information.

A Workbook is a file in a spreadsheet package that contains one or more worksheets. The worksheets are
made up of rows & columns in which you work and store your data.
A Workbook allows the user to organize various kinds of related information in a single file.

Spreadsheet programs such as Excel have special features, which can be used to manage data values entered
in the cells of the spreadsheet.
These features, which are found on the Data menu, were incorporated in Excel but they belong to Database
Management System software.
Examples of such features include: Filtering of records, use of Forms, calculating of Subtotals, data
validation, Pivot tables and Pivot chart reports.

If related data values are entered on the same row, they form a Record. Hence, a worksheet can be
manipulated as a database that has data records entered in it.

A Chart is a graphical/pictorial representation of data in a worksheet. Charts are used to summarize data in a
worksheet in a pictorial form.

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They enable the users to present complex data elements from a worksheet in a simple format that they can
Charts make it easy for users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in data, e.g., instead of having to
analyse several columns of a worksheet, one can see at a glance whether sales are falling or rising.
Examples of charts are: Pie charts, Line graphs, Bar charts, Histograms, Column charts, etc.

Other terms in electronic spreadsheets

Worksheet: a page in a workbook
Range: a collection of adjacent cells selected for editing or formatting
Formula: a mathematical expression that represents a value e.g =SUM(B2+C2)
Function: a pre-defined expression used to calculate values. E.g if, sum, average, rank, vlookup, hlookup etc
Review Questions.
Name and describe the three components of a spreadsheet.
Explain the following terms as used in spreadsheets.

Application areas of spreadsheets (Areas where Spreadsheets are used)

Spreadsheets provide an easy & streamlined means of financial management. They are mostly used by
Accountants to record their daily transactions & also keep financial records.
For example; a spreadsheet can be used to do the following:
Record sales & purchases.
Calculate profits.
Produce Invoices, and also compile financial statements.
Prepare budgets.
Assist the management of an organization to monitor the current state of payments from customers in
relation to goods delivered.
Detect aged debtors (i.e., those people who have owed you money for more than the period allowed in your
terms of business.
Track the value of assets over time (i.e., Appreciation and Depreciation).

Note. Most spreadsheet programs come with inbuilt functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, PRODUCT, etc,
which enable the Accountant to carry out his/her daily accounting tasks easily.

Data management.
A spreadsheet enables information to be produced easily and kept up-to-date.
For example;
It enables the user to create, edit, save, retrieve and print worksheet data & records.
It enables data to be arranged neatly in tabular structure.
Related data can be typed on the same worksheet. If the data is on different worksheets, the worksheets can
be linked so that the data can be accessed easily.
Some of the data management functions include:
Sorting (i.e., arranging worksheet records in a particular order so as to easily access the data items).
Filtering (i.e., displaying only the records that meet a given condition).
Use of Forms to enter & view records.
Use of Total/Subtotal function.

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Scientific Applications.
Spreadsheet programs can be used by Scientists & Researchers to compile & analyse their results.
Statistical analysis / Mathematical operations.
Spreadsheets provide a set of data analysis tools that can be used to develop complex statistical analyses. In
addition, some of the tools generate charts.
Examples of statistical functions include:
AVERAGE – used to calculate the mean of a set of values.
MEDIAN – used to give the value in the middle of a set of values.
Such mathematical operations can be used by:
Teachers to compile their students‘ marks and produce results.
Clerks & Secretaries to enable them easily create tables of figures and manipulate them quickly as required.

Forecasting (What if analysis).

The automatic recalculation feature makes it possible to use the ―What if‖ analysis technique.
What if analysis is a feature in a spreadsheet that is used to find out the effect of changing certain values in a
worksheet on other cells.
It involves changing the value of one of the arguments in a formula in order to see the difference the change
would make on the result of the calculation.
This method can be used for financial forecasting, budgeting, cost analysis, etc.

Review Questions.
Explain five application areas where spreadsheet software can be used.
Explain the concept of ―What if‖ analysis.

Common features of Electronic spreadsheets.

The following are the typical facilities provided by electronic spreadsheets:
 Have the ability to create, edit, save & retrieve worksheets.
 Have inbuilt functions & formulae which can be used to perform calculations.
 Allows Automatic recalculation, i.e., when you change one value, the rest of the values in the spreadsheet
are automatically recalculated by the computer to correspond with the different input. This enables you to
play ―what if‖ games with your system.
 Have the ability to Sort and filter data (i.e., arrange data in a predefined order).
 Have a Data validation facility, which ensures that the correct data is entered into the Spreadsheet.
 Have a Chart facility that can be used to draw line graphs, Bar charts, histograms, etc.
 Have the ability to format data (both text & numeric data) using predefined formats.
 Some Spreadsheets have a SOLVER facility that is used to uncover the best uses of scarce resources so that
desired goals can be achieved.
 Have the ability to adjust Column widths & Row heights automatically.
 Have the ability to hide and unhide rows & columns, and also freeze panes.
 They enable printing of worksheets within the shortest time possible.
 They have pre-designed Templates for automating tasks.
 A Template is a document that acts as a blueprint or outline for other documents of the same type. It
contains the standard text, graphics & formatting that will be used in all documents of this type.
 This means that, all formulas and formatting for similar workbooks such as Invoices can be saved as
templates and then be used to automate the task without having to create the workbook again.
 Have the ability to summarize data using Consolidation and Pivot tables.

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 Consolidation allows the merging of several worksheets into a summary sheet, while still keeping the
original worksheets intact. Consolidation adds together cells with the same co-ordinates in the various
 Pivot tables can be used to cross-tabulate large amounts of data.

Differences between an Electronic Spreadsheet and a Calculator

An electronic spreadsheet: -
Has more memory than calculator.
Is able to perform complex logical operations, but a calculator cannot.
Uses the large storage capacity of the computer that a calculator does not have.
Has a large working area that a calculator does not have.

Review Questions.
Describe any five features of a spreadsheet program.
State five features of spreadsheets that are useful in financial modelling.
How does a spreadsheet differ from a Calculator?

TOPIC 9: Web Design

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Web Design and Publishing is the process of planning, creating, manipulating, saving and uploading
hyperlinked html documents (web pages) to a computer network so that they can be viewed via web

Web Design software Examples

There are lots of good web design software on the market today.
Note Pad
Microsoft FrontPage 2003
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
WebPlus X4 (Now owned by Microsoft)
Microsoft Expression Web 3.0 & Studio 3
Namo WebEditor 8 & Professional
Sothink DHTML Menu 9 & Tree Menu 2
Antenna Web Design Studio 3
AllWebMenus PRO 5
PhotonFX Easy Website Pro 4

Terms In Web Designing

These are brief definitions of some of the common terms used in web design and publishing
A bookmark is an anchor tag that defines and links to a specific location in an HTML document. Bookmarks
are useful when you have long pages that are divided into logical sections, or when you want to jump from
one central list of links to multiple locations on a page.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The protocol used for copying files to and from remote computer systems on a network using TCP/IP, such
as the Internet.
(Hypertext Markup Language) A tagging system used to code documents so that they can be published on
the World Wide Web and viewed with a browser
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) The client/server protocol used to access information on the World Wide
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a combination of HTTP with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide
encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web server. HTTPS connections are often
used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive transactions in corporate
information systems.
The text or graphic that users click on to go to a file, a location in a file, an Internet or intranet site, page,
location, and so on. Hypertext is text with hyperlinks.
The home page or URL of a website, usually serving as an introduction and having links to other pages in
the website.
The unique name that identifies an Internet site. A domain name is an identification label that defines a
dominion of control on the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS).

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An (Internet Protocol address) is a numerical label that is assigned to any device participating in a
computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.
(Joint Photographic Experts Group) A graphics format used for photos and other graphics with more than
256 colors.
The text that is displayed on the page banner of a Web page and in the title bar of a Web browser.
(Uniform resource locator) The alphanumeric address that Web visitors use to locate your Web site on the
World Wide Web.
HTML tags are codes, of keyword elements enclosed by the lesser than (<) and greater than (>) brackets,
which give commands to a browser. eg <u> is an HTML tag that tells the browser to underline text on the
A Web site development program that allows Web pages to be visually created like a desktop publishing
program. It generates the required HTML code for the pages and is able to switch back and forth (in varying
degrees) between the page layout and the HTML.
Web Browser
Is application software which enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information
on a Web page (Examples: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc)
A hosting company that primarily provides end users access to internet services such as e-mail.
A computer that stores and delivers (serves up) websites and their related files for viewing on the Internet.
A person who creates and manages the information and content, organizes and maintains of a Web site
A collection of related or hyperlinked web pages
(What You See is What You Get) implies a user interface that allows the user to view something very
similar to the end result while the document is being created.

Features of web authoring software

These are the basic features common to the working environment of most popular web authoring software
Most web authoring software provides multiple views of the web page you're working on.
Standard, normal, or design view - This is typically the default view, which is a blank screen on which you
type, paste, or insert content. It uses the WYSIWYG principle. This is very similar to a word processor
Code view - Allows you to view and work directly with the HTML code created for you by the web
authoring software.
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Split - Both of the above views are displayed simultaneously in separate windows.
2.Creating Headings and Subheadings
In Normal or Design View, Web authoring software. A text formatting toolbar typically includes buttons for
bolding and italicizing text, and probably additionally includes some means of identifying a heading or
3. Inserting Links
In web authoring software products, you add a link to a document by selecting Insert from the menu, then
Link or Hyperlink. Most web authoring software tools additionally provide a button or icon that allows you
to quickly insert a link.
4.Inserting Images
In many web authoring software products, you add an image to a document by selecting Insert from the
menu, then Image or Picture.
After you have inserted the image into your webpage, you can edit its attributes in a Properties dialog box or
panel. You can change the image's height and width, put a border around it, make it into a link, and add
alternate text for users who can't see the image
5.Some web authoring packages use built-in file transfer protocol (FTP) capabilities to publish the designed
pages to a web server and allow the user to edit publish files while making real-time changes.
6. Web authoring software also allows users to create cascading style sheets (CSS) and web design
templates, create and add specialized scripts (including Javascript applications) and even automatically afix
file properties like create date, author information, and copyright data
7. Themes: This feature provides a ways to accomplish a consistent look and feel for all pages on web site
at once
8. Task panes. A dropdown arrow allows you to switch
Between various Panes offering options to work of different items.
9. Help Feature Most web authoring software also have a help area which users can use to find information
about the software.
Web authoring software is detrimental to a designer's HTML programming skills, as users rarely need to
actually apply those skills to their design projects.
Instead, web authoring software users simply design web pages much like they would design a word
processing or desktop publishing document, dragging items into the desired location instead of using HTML
commands to properly position the image.
For this reason, seasoned web design professionals insist on designing their pages and sites exclusively in
text-based HTML, some using simple word processing applications, rather than building a reliance on a
graphical interface.
Features and Qualities of a Good Website
 The web must have a home page. This means a page at the top of any tiered structure or at the centre of a
web you design on paper.
 You should name the home page Index.htm (or Index.html) in line with web server protocol.
 Should not have too much on one page. It's better to use lots of pages with a small amount of information on
 Should have links to other areas on all pages for easy navigation through the website
 Should load quickly
 Should have a title and brief summary about the page
 Should have date of last Update
 Page (file) names should be eight characters or less. Although many servers and systems now support long
filenames, it isn't universal by any means.
 Should have a feedback page or a link to the webmaster who will be the first contact for your website‘s
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 Should have Simplicity = Elegance

Importance of a website
 Making of a website favors publishing of data and information in a bid to create awareness about something
on the internet.
 A website is an avenue for sharing knowledge through intercontinental interaction for example through
teleconferencing and discussion boards.
 Website development enhances skill building such as writing, editing, layout and design; providing
motivation and pride of ownership
Limitations of a website
 Expenses: Websites are not easy to setup and maintain due to annual subscription to ISPs or web hosts
 Timely updating issues: Information keeps on changing and this requires constant revision and effecting
changes as necessary.
 Copyright issues: It is a crime to publish information from copyrighted sources without permission from the
original authors.
 Considerations for Webmasters
 Webmasters should have the following points in mind when designing a website:
 They should be original and avoid violating copyright laws.
 The web pages should have valuable content for public consumption, tailored for consumer requirements
 They should take into account the type of browsers the clients have: some versions may not be able to
display advanced webpage elements
 They should use minimum graphics
 They should limit the use of frames

What is a Database?
It is a collection of information related to a particular subject or purpose.
A collection of related data or information grouped together under one logical structure.
A logical collection of related files grouped together by a series of tables as one entity.
Examples of databases.
You can create a database for;
Customers‘ details. - Library records. -phone book
Personal records. - Flight schedules.
Employees‘ records. - A music collection.
An Address book (or Telephone directory), where each person has the Name, Address, City & Telephone

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Data - these are raw facts and figures used to generate information.
-these are facts and figures that cannot be based on to make a decision.
Information - is a collections of organized facts
-Is processed data
-Facts that can be based on to make a decision.
File -A collection of related records.
Record -A collection of details about a single item
-A row of data in a database.
Field -A named collection of details about different items
-A complete unit of information
-A column containing data in a database


These are programs used to store & manage files or records containing related information.
A collection of programs required to store & retrieve data from a database.
A DBMS is a tool that allows one to create, maintain, update and store the data within a database.
A DBMS is a complex software, which creates, expands & maintains the database, and it
also provides the interface between the user and the data in the database.
A DBMS enables the user to create lists of information in a computer, analyse them, add new information,
delete old information, and so on. It allows users to efficiently store information in an orderly manner for
quick retrieval.
A DBMS can also be used as a programming tool to write custom-made programs.
Examples of database management software;
* Microsoft Access. * FoxPro. * Ingress.
* Dbase III Plus * Paradox. * SQL Server.
* Oracle. * Informix
* Progress. * Sybase.
Common features of a database packages.
 Have facilities for Creating databases.
 Have facilities for Updating records or databases.
 Using a DBMS, you can define relationships between records & files maintained in a database. In this case,
a transaction in one file of the database can also cause a series of updates in parts of other tables. Thus, the
data is input only once to the database and is made available to the many files composing it.
 Have facilities for generating Reports.
 Have a Find or Search facility that enables the user to scan through the records in the database so as to find
information he/she needs.
 Allow Sorting that enables the user to organize & arrange the records within the database.
 Contain Query & Filter facilities that specify the information you want the database to search or sort.
 Have a data Validating facility.


The DBMS is a set of software, which have several functions in relation to the database as listed below:
 Creates or constructs the database contents through the Data Manipulation Languages.
 Interfaces (links) the user to the database contents through Data Manipulation Languages.
 Ensures the growth of the database contents through addition of new fields & records onto the database.
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 Maintains the contents of the database. This involves adding new records or files into the database,
modifying the already existing records & deleting of the outdated records.
 It helps the user to sort through the records & compile lists based on any criteria he/she would like to
 Manages the storage space for the data within the database & keeps track of all the data in the database.
 It provides flexible processing methods for the contents of the database.
 Protects the contents of the database against all sorts of damage or misuse, e.g. illegal access.
 Monitors the usage of the database contents to determine the rarely used data and those that are frequently
used, so that they can be made readily available, whenever need arises.
 It maintains a dictionary of the data within the database & manages the data descriptions in the dictionary.

Note. Database Management System (DBMS) is used for database;

Control, and Report generation.


Database systems can be used to store data, retrieve and generate reports.
 It is easy to maintain the data stored within a database.
 A DBMS is able to handle large amounts of data.
 Data is stored in an organized format, i.e. under different fieldnames.
 With modern equipment, data can easily be recorded.
 Data is quickly & easily accessed or retrieved, as it is properly organized.
 It helps in linking many database tables and sourcing of data from these tables.
 It is quite easy to update the data stored within a database.
 A database is a collection of files grouped together by a series of tables as one entity. These tables serve as
an index for defining relationships between records and files maintained in the database. This makes
updating of the data in the related tables very easy.
 Use of a database tool reduces duplication of the stored files, and the reprocessing of the same data items. In
addition, several independent files are maintained for the different user requirements.
 It is used to query & display records satisfying a given condition.
 It is easy to analyse information stored in a database & to prepare summary reports & charts.
 It cost saving. This results from the sharing of records, reduced processing times, reduced use of software
and hardware, more efficient use of data processing personnel, and an overall improvement in the flow of
 Use of Integrated systems is greatly facilitated.
 An Integrated system – A total system approach that unifies all the aspects of the organization. Facilities are
shared across the complete organization.
 A lot of programming time is saved because the DBMS can be used to construct & process files as well as
retrieve data.
 Information supplied to managers is more valuable, because it is based on a widespread collection of data
(instead of files, which contain only the data needed for one application).
 The database also maintains an extensive Inventory Control file. This file gives an account of all the parts &
equipment throughout the maintenance system. It also defines the status of each part and its location.
 It enables timely & accurate reporting of data to all the maintenance centres. The same data is available and
distributed to everyone.
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 The database maintains files related to any work assigned to outside service centres.
 Many parts are repaired by the vendors from whom they are purchased. A database is used to maintain data
on the parts that have been shipped to vendors and those that are outstanding from the inventory. Data
relating to the guarantees and warranties of individual vendors are also stored in the database.

 A Database system requires a big size, very high cost & a lot of time to implement.
 A Database requires the use of a large-scale computer system.
 The time involved. A project of this type requires a minimum of 1 – 2 years.
 A large full-time staff is also required to design, program, & support the implementation of a database.
 The cost of the database project is a limiting factor for many organizations.
 Database-oriented computer systems are not luxuries, and are undertaken when proven economically

Data types
This is a customization of particular data contained in fields.
Common data types in Microsoft access include;
Text; used for text or a combination of text and numbers such as addresses or numbers that don‘t require
calculation. These include phone numbers, postal codes etc.
Memo; used for lengthy text like a description of an item.
Number; used for data to be included in mathematical calculations such as Number of Items
Date/time; used for only dates and time data formats like date of birth, date of purchase.
Currency; used for values with monetary units such as amount in dollars, shillings.
Auto Number ; used for unique sequences or random numbers that increase automatically when a record is
Yes/No; used for boolen values, data with only two possible values such as yes/ no, true/ false.
OLE Object; used for linking objects like pictures, sound to a database.
Hypertext; it is used to store the location of a file on your computer, LAN or WWW.
Lookup wizard; allows the creation of a drop down list of values that can be read from another table.

Database objects
i. Query

A query is a request for data results, for action on data, or for both. You can use a query to answer a simple
question, to perform calculations, to combine data from different tables, or even to add, change, or delete
table data. Queries that you use to retrieve data from a table or to make calculations are called select queries.
Queries that add, change, or delete data are called action queries.

This article provides basic information about queries and provides examples of the different types of queries.
For more information about each type of query, search Help, or click the links in the See Also section of this

You can also use a query to supply data for a form or report. In a well-designed database, the data that you
want to present by using a form or report is often located in several different tables. By using a query, you
can assemble the data that you want to use before you design your form or report.

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For more information about using a query to supply data for forms and reports, refer to the links in the See
Also section, or search Help.


If you are not familiar with the Navigation Pane, you may not know how to open a query that already exists.
The Navigation Pane is a feature that replaces the Database Window from versions prior to Access 2007.
You'll see the Navigation Pane along the left side of your screen.

To open any database object, including a query, you can double-click the object in the Navigation Pane.


NOTE Examples in this article use a database that was created by using the Northwind 2010 database
1. Click the File tab, and then click New.
2. In the middle pane, under Available Templates, click Sample Templates, and then click Northwind.
3. In the right pane, review the name for the database file in the File Name box, and make any changes to
the name. You can also browse for a different file location by clicking the folder icon.
4. Click Create.
5. Follow the directions on the Northwind Traders page (on the Startup Screen object tab) to open the
database, and then close the Login Dialog window.

Top of Page
Look at a subset of the data in a table

Sometimes you may want to review all of the data from a table, but at other times, you may want to review
only the data from certain fields, or you may want to review data only if certain fields meet certain criteria.
To review some of the data in a table, you use a select query.

Suppose that you want to review a list of products and their prices. You can create a query that returns
product and price information by using the following procedure:
1. Open the Northwind database that you previously set up by using these steps.
2. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
3. In the Show Table dialog box, on the Tables tab, double-click Products.
4. Close the Show Table dialog box.
5. In the Products table, double-click Product Name and List Price to add these fields to the query design
6. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query runs, and then displays a list of products and their prices.

Top of Page

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Review data from more than one table simultaneously

Tables in a well-designed database bear logical relationships to each other. These relationships exist on the
basis of fields that the tables have in common. When you want to review data from related tables, you use a
select query.

Suppose that you want to review orders for customers who live in a particular city. Data about orders and
data about customers are stored in two tables in the same database. Each table has a Customer ID field,
which forms the basis of a one-to-many relationship between the two tables. You can create a query that
returns orders for customers in a particular city, for example, Las Vegas, by using the following procedure:
1. Open the Northwind database that you previously set up by using these steps.
2. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
3. In the Show Table dialog box, on the Tables tab, double-click Customers and Orders.
4. Close the Show Table dialog box.

Note the line, called a join, that connects the ID field in the Customers table and the Customer ID field
in the Orders table. This line shows the relationship between the two tables.
5. In the Customers table, double-click Company and City to add these fields to the query design grid.
6. In the query design grid, in the City column, clear the check box in the Show row.
7. In the Criteria row of the City column, type Las Vegas.

Clearing the Show check box prevents the query from displaying the city in its results, and typing Las
Vegas in the Criteria row specifies that you want to see only records where the value of the City field is
Las Vegas. In this case, the query returns only the customers that are located in Las Vegas — Company
L and Company AA.

Note that you do not have to display a field to use it with a criterion.
8. In the Orders table, double-click Order ID and Order Date to add these fields to the next two columns
of the query design grid.
9. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query runs, and then displays a list of orders for customers in Las Vegas.
10. Press CTRL+S to save the query.

The Save As dialog box appears.

11. In the Query Name box, type Orders by City, and then click OK.

Top of Page
Ask variations of a question by using parameters with a query

Sometimes you may want to run a query that is only slightly different from an existing query. You can
change the original query to use your new criteria, but if you frequently want to run variations of a particular
query, consider using a parameter query. When you run a parameter query, the query prompts you for field
values, and then uses the values that you supply to create criteria for your query.

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In the previous example, you created a query that returns orders for customers who are located in Las Vegas.
You can modify the query to prompt you to specify the city each time that you run the query by using the
following procedure:
1. Open the Northwind database that you previously set up by using these steps.
2. Click the Shutter Bar to display the Navigation Pane.
NOTE This step is not necessary if the Navigation Pane is displayed.

3. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the query named Orders by City (that you created in the previous
section), and then click Design View on the shortcut menu.
4. In the query design grid, in the Criteria row of the City column, delete Las Vegas, and then type [For
what city?].

The string [For what city?] is your parameter prompt. The square brackets indicate that you want the
query to ask for input, and the text (in this case, For what city?) is the question that the parameter
prompt displays.
NOTE Neither a period (.) nor an exclamation point (!) can be used as text in a parameter prompt.

5. Select the check box in the Show row of the City column, so that the query results will display the city.
6. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query prompts you to enter a value for City.

7. Type New York, and then press ENTER.

The query runs, and then displays orders for customers in New York.

But what if you don't know what values you can specify? To make your parameter more flexible, you
can use wildcard characters as part of the prompt:
8. On the Home tab, in the Views group, click View, and then click Design View.
9. In the query design grid, in the Criteria row of the City column, type Like [For what city?]&"*".

In this parameter prompt, the Like keyword, the ampersand (&), and the asterisk (*) enclosed in
quotation marks allow the user to type a combination of characters, including wildcard characters, to
return a variety of results. For example, if the user types *, the query returns all cities; if the user types
L, the query returns all cities that start with the letter "L;" and if the user types *s*, the query returns all
cities that contain the letter "s."
10. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

At the query prompt, type New, and then press ENTER.

11. The query runs, and then displays orders for customers in New York.


You can also specify what type of data a parameter should accept. You can set the data type for any
parameter, but it is especially important to set the data type for numeric, currency, or date/time data. When
you specify the data type that a parameter should accept, users see a more helpful error message if they enter
the wrong type of data, such as entering text when currency is expected.
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NOTE If a parameter is set to accept text data, any input is interpreted as text, and no error message is

To specify the data type for parameters in a query, use the following procedure:
1. With the query open in Design view, on the Design tab, in the Show/Hide group, click Parameters.
2. In the Query Parameters dialog box, in the Parameter column, type the prompt for each parameter for
which you want to specify the data type. Make sure that each parameter matches the prompt that you use
in the Criteria row of the query design grid.
3. In the Data Type column, select the data type for each parameter.

Top of Page
Make calculations based on your data

Most of the time, you do not use tables to store calculated values that are based on data in the same database.
For example, the Order Details table in Northwind 2007 does not store product subtotals, because the
subtotal for any given product is calculated by using data that is stored in the Quantity, Unit Price, and
Discount fields of the Order Details table.

In some cases, calculated values can become out-of-date, because the values that they are based on change.
For example, you would not want to store someone's age in a table, because every year you would have to
update the value; instead, you store the person's date of birth, and then use an expression in a query to
calculate the person's age.

Use the following procedure to create a query that calculates product subtotals based on data from the Order
Details table.
1. Open the Northwind database that you previously set up by using these steps.
2. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
3. In the Show Table dialog box, on the Tables tab, double-click Order Details.
4. Close the Show Table dialog box.
5. In the Order Details table, double-click Product ID to add this field to the first column of the query
design grid.
6. In the second column of the grid, right-click the Field row, and then click Zoom on the shortcut menu.
7. In the Zoom box, type or paste the following:

Subtotal: ([Quantity]*[Unit Price])-([Quantity]*[Unit Price]*[Discount])

Click OK.

This is the calculated field. The calculated field multiplies the quantity of each product by the unit price
for that product, multiplies the quantity of each product by the unit price and discount for that product,
and then subtracts the total discount from the total unit price.
8. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query runs, and then displays a list of products and subtotals, per order.
9. Press CTRL+S to save the query, and then name the query Product Subtotals.
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Top of Page
Look at summarized or aggregate data

When you use tables to record transactions or store regularly occurring numeric data, it is useful to be able
to review that data in aggregate, such as sums or averages.

Access allows you to review simple aggregate data in any datasheet by adding a Total row. A Total row is a
row at the bottom of the datasheet that can display a running total or other aggregate value.
NOTE You cannot add a Total row to the datasheet of a Web query.

You can add a Total row to the Product Subtotals query that you created in the previous example by using
the following procedure:
1. Run the Product Subtotals query, and leave the results open in Datasheet view.
2. On the Home tab, in the Records group, click Totals.

A new row appears at the bottom of the datasheet, with the word Total in the first column.
3. Click the cell in the last row of the datasheet named Total.

Note that an arrow appears in the cell.

4. Click the arrow to view the available aggregate functions.

Because the column contains text data, there are only two choices: None and Count.
5. Select Count.

The content of the cell changes from Total to a count of the column values.
6. Click the adjoining cell (the second column).

Note that an arrow appears in the cell.

7. Click the arrow, and then click Sum.

The field displays a sum of the column values.

8. Leave the query open in Datasheet view.


The Total row in a datasheet is very useful, but for more complex questions, you use a totals query. A totals
query is a select query that allows you to group and summarize data. For example, suppose that you want to
see total sales per product. In a totals query, you can use Sum, an aggregate function, to see total sales per
NOTE You cannot use aggregate functions in a Web query.

Use the following procedure to modify the Product Subtotals query to make it summarize product subtotals
by product.
1. On the Home tab, in the Views group, click View, and then click Design View.

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The Product Subtotals query opens in Design view.

2. On the Design tab, in the Show/Hide group, click Totals.

The Totals row is displayed in the query design grid.

NOTE Although they have similar names, the Totals row in the design grid and the Total row in a
datasheet are not the same:
 You can group by field values by using the Totals row in the design grid.
 You can add a datasheet Total row to the results of a totals query.
 When you use the Totals row in the design grid, you must choose an aggregate function for each
field. If you do not want to perform a calculation on a field, you can group by the field.
3. In the second column of the design grid, in the Total row, select Sum from the drop-down list.
4. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query runs, and then displays a list of products with subtotals.
5. Press CTRL+S to save the query. Leave the query open.


Now suppose that you want to review product subtotals, but you also want to aggregate by month, so that
each row shows subtotals for a product, and each column shows product subtotals for a month. To show
subtotals for a product and to show product subtotals for a month, use a crosstab query.
NOTE You cannot create a Web query that is a crosstab query.

You can modify the Product Subtotals query again so that the query returns rows of product subtotals and
columns of monthly subtotals.
1. On the Home tab, in the Views group, click View, and then click Design View.
2. In the Query Setup group, click Show Table.
3. In the Show Table dialog box, double-click Orders, and then click Close.
4. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Crosstab.

In the design grid, the Show row is hidden, and the Crosstab row is displayed.
5. In the third column of the design grid, right-click the Field row, and then click Zoom on the shortcut
menu. The Zoom box opens.
6. In the Zoom box, type or paste the following:

Month: "Month " & DatePart("m", [Order Date])

7. Click OK.
8. In the Crosstab row, select the following values from the drop-down list: Row Headingfor the first
column, Value for the second column, and Column Heading for the third column.
9. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

The query runs, and then displays product subtotals, aggregated by month.
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10. Press CTRL+S to save the query.

Top of Page
Create a new table by using data from other tables

You can use a make-table query to create a new table from data that is stored in other tables.
NOTE You cannot create a Web query that is a make-table query.

For example, suppose that you want to send data for Chicago orders to a Chicago business partner who uses
Access to prepare reports. Instead of sending all your order data, you want to restrict the data that you send
to data specific to Chicago orders.

You can build a select query that contains Chicago order data, and then use the select query to create the
new table by using the following procedure:
1. Open the Northwind database that you previously set up by using these steps.
2. To run a make-table query, you may need to enable the database content by using the Message Bar,
which appears beneath the Ribbon if the database is untrusted when you open it.

Show me how to enable the database

 On the Message Bar, click Enable content.
NOTE If your database is in a trusted location, the Message Bar does not appear and enabling the
content is unnecessary.
3. Close the Login Dialog form.
4. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
5. In the Show Table dialog box, double-click Order Details and Orders.
6. Close the Show Table dialog box.
7. In the Orders table, double-click Customer ID and Ship City to add these fields to the design grid.
8. In the Order Details table, double-click Order ID, Product ID, Quantity, Unit Price, and Discount to
add these fields to the design grid.
9. In the Ship City column of the design grid, clear the box in the Show row. In the Criteria row, type
'Chicago' (include the single quotation marks).

Verify the query results before you use them to create the table.
10. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.
11. Press CTRL+S to save the query.

The Save As dialog box appears.

12. In the Query Name box, type Chicago Orders Query, and then click OK.
13. On the Home tab, in the Views group, click View, and then click Design View.
14. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Make Table.

The Make Table dialog box appears.

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15. In the Make Table dialog box, in the Table Name box, type Chicago Orders, and then click OK.
16. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.
17. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

The new table is created, and the table appears in the Navigation Pane.
NOTE If there is already a table that has the name that you specified, that table is deleted before the
query runs.
18. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

Because the Chicago Orders table exists, a warning dialog box appears.
19. Click No to cancel the action and to dismiss the dialog box.

Top of Page
Add data to a table by using data from other tables

You can use an append query to retrieve data from one or more tables and add that data to another table.
NOTE You cannot create a Web query that is an append query.

Suppose that you created a table to share with a Chicago business associate, but you realize that the
associate also works with clients in the Milwaukee area. You want to add rows that contain Milwaukee area
data to the table before you share the table with your associate.

You can add Milwaukee area data to the Chicago Orders table that you created in the previous example by
using the following procedure:
1. Open the query named "Chicago Orders Query" in Design view.
2. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Append. The Append dialog box opens.
3. In the Append dialog box, click the arrow in the Table Name box, and then select Chicago Orders
from the drop-down list.
4. Click OK.

The Append dialog box closes. In the design grid, the Show row disappears, and the Append To row
5. In the design grid, in the Criteria row of the Ship City column, delete 'Chicago', and then type
6. In the Append To row, select the appropriate field for each column.

In this example, the Append To row values should match the Field row values, but that is not required
for append queries to work.
7. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

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Change data in an automated fashion

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You can use an update query to change the data in your tables, and you can use an update query to enter
criteria to specify which rows should be updated. An update query provides you an opportunity to review the
updated data before you perform the update.
IMPORTANT An action query cannot be undone. You should consider making a backup of any tables that
you will update by using an update query.
NOTE You cannot create a Web query that is an update query.

In the previous example, you appended rows to the Chicago Orders table. In the Chicago Orders table, the
Product ID field shows the numeric Product ID. To make the data more useful for reports, you may want to
replace the product IDs with product names. To replace the product IDs, you must first change the data type
of the Product ID field of the Chicago Orders table from Number to Text, so that the Product ID field can
accept product names.

You can update the values in the Chicago Orders table by using the following procedure:
1. Open the Chicago Orders table in Design view.
2. In the Product ID row, change the Data Type from Number to Text.
3. Save and close the Chicago Orders table.
4. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
5. In the Show Table dialog box, double-click Chicago Orders and Products.
6. Close the Show Table dialog box.
7. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Update.

In the design grid, the Sort and Show rows disappear, and the Update To row appears.
8. In the Chicago Orders table, double-click Product ID to add this field to the design grid.
9. In the design grid, in the Update To row of the Product ID column, type or paste the following:

[Products].[Product Name]
TIP You can use an update query to delete field values by using an empty string ("") or NULL in the
Update To row.
10. In the Criteria row, type or paste the following:

[Product ID] Like ([Products].[ID])

The Like keyword is necessary because the fields that you are comparing contain different data types
(Product ID is text data, ID is numeric data).
11. You can review which values will be changed by an update query by viewing the query in Datasheet

On the Design tab, in the Results group, click View, and then click Datasheet View.

The query returns a list of Product IDs that will be updated.

12. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

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When you open the Chicago Orders table, you will see that the numeric values in the Product ID field
have been replaced by the product names from the Products table.

Top of Page
Delete data in an automated fashion

You can use a delete query to delete data from your tables, and you can use a delete query to enter criteria to
specify which rows should be deleted. A delete query provides you an opportunity to review the rows that
will be deleted before you perform the deletion.
NOTE You cannot create a Web query that is a delete query.

Suppose that you are preparing to send the Chicago Orders table (updated in the previous example) to your
Chicago business associate, and you notice that some of the rows contain a number of empty fields. You
would like to remove these rows that contain empty fields before you send the table. You could just open the
table and delete the rows manually, but you might find it helpful to use a delete query if there are more than
a few rows that you want to delete and you have clear criteria for which rows should be deleted.

You can use a query to delete rows in the Chicago Orders table that do not have a value for Order ID by
using the following procedure:
1. On the Create tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.
2. In the Show Table dialog box, double-click Chicago Orders.
3. Close the Show Table dialog box.
4. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Delete.

In the design grid, the Sort and Show rows disappear, and the Delete row appears.
5. In the Chicago Orders table, double-click Order ID to add it to the grid.
6. In the design grid, in the Criteria row of the Order ID column, type Is Null.
7. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.


1. Open the database that contains the records you want to update.
2. On the Design tab, in the Macros & Code group, click Query Design.

The query designer opens, and the Show Table dialog box opens.
3. Click the Tables tab.
4. Select the table or tables that contain the records that you want to update, click Add, and then click

The table or tables appear as one or more windows in the query designer, and the windows list all the
fields in each table. This figure shows the query designer with a typical table.

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Table shown in the query designer

Query design grid

5. Double-click the fields that you want to update in the table windows. The selected fields appear in the
Field row in the query design grid.

You can add one table field per column in the query design grid.

To add all the fields in a table quickly, double-click the asterisk (*) at the top of the list of table fields in
the table window. This figure shows the query design grid with all the fields added.

6. To limit the query results based on field values, in the query design grid, in the Criteria row, enter the
criteria that you want to use to limit the results.

Table of example criteria

Criteria Effect

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>234 Returns all numbers greater than 234. To find all numbers less than 234, use <

>="Cajhen" Returns all records from Cajhen through the end of the alphabet.

Between #2/2/2007# Returns dates from 2-Feb-07 through 1-Dec-07 (ANSI-89). If your database
And #12/1/2007# uses the ANSI-92 wildcard characters, use single quotation marks (') instead of
pound signs (#). Example: Between '2/2/2007' And '12/1/2007' .

Not "Germany" Finds all records where the exact contents of the field are not exactly equal to
"Germany." The criterion will return records that contain characters in addition
to "Germany," such as "Germany (euro)" or "Europe (Germany)".

Not "T*" Finds all records except those starting with T. If your database uses the ANSI-
92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign (%) instead of the asterisk (*).

Not "*t" Finds all records that do not end with t. If your database uses the ANSI-92
wildcard character set, use the percent sign (%) instead of the asterisk (*).

In(Canada,UK) In a list, finds all records containing Canada or UK.

Like "[A-D]*" In a text field, finds all records that start with the letters A through D. If your
database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign (%)
instead of the asterisk (*).

Like "*ar*" Finds all records that include the letter sequence "ar". If your database uses the
ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign (%) instead of the asterisk

Like "Maison Finds all records that begin with "Maison" and contain a 5-letter second string
Dewe?" in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter is unknown. If your
database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the underscore (_)
instead of the question mark (?).

#2/2/2007# Finds all records for February 2, 2007. If your database uses the ANSI-92
wildcard character set, surround the date with single quotation marks (') instead
of pound signs (#); for example, ('2/2/2007').

< Date() - 30 Uses the Date function to return all dates more than 30 days old.

Date() Uses the Date function to return all records containing today's date.

Between Date() And Uses the Date and DateAdd functions to return all records between today's date
DateAdd("M", 3, and three months from today's date.

Is Null Returns all records that contain a null (blank or undefined) value.

Is Not Null Returns all records that contain a value.

"" Returns all records that contain a zero-length string. You use zero-length strings
when you need to add a value to a required field, but you don't yet know what
that value is. For example, a field might require a fax number, but some of your
customers might not have fax machines. In that case, you enter a pair of double

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quotation marks with no space between them ("") instead of a number.

7. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

8. Verify that the query returns the records that you want to update.
9. To remove any fields that you do not want included in the query design, select the fields and then press
10. To add any fields that you want to include in the query design, drag the additional fields to the query
design grid.


1. On the Design tab, in the Query Type group, click Update.

This procedure shows you how to change a select query to an update query. When you do this, Access
adds the Update to row in the query design grid. The following illustration shows an update query that
returns all the assets purchased after January 5, 2005 and changes the location to "Warehouse 3" for all
the records that meet that criterion.

2. Locate the field that contains the data that you want to change, and then type your expression (your
change criteria) in the Update to row for that field.

You can use any valid expression in the Update to row.

Table of example expressions

Expression Result

"Salesperson" In a Text field, changes a text value to Salesperson.

#8/10/07# In a Date/Time field, changes a date value to 10-Aug-07.

Yes In a Yes/No field, changes a No value to Yes.

"PN" & [PartNumber] Adds "PN" to the beginning of each specified part number.

[UnitPrice] * [Quantity] Multiplies the values in fields named UnitPrice and Quantity.

[Freight] * 1.5 Increases the values in a field named Freight by 50 percent.

DSum("[Quantity] * Where the ProductID values in the current table match the ProductID
[UnitPrice]", values in table named Order Details, this expression updates sales totals
"Order Details", by multiplying the values in a field named Quantity by the values in a
"[ProductID]=" & field named UnitPrice. The expression uses the DSum function because
[ProductID]) it can operate against more than one table and table field.

Right([ShipPostalCode], 5) Truncates (removes) the leftmost characters in a text or numeric string

and leaves the 5 rightmost characters.

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IIf(IsNull([UnitPrice]), 0, Changes a null (unknown or undefined) value to a zero (0) value in a

[UnitPrice]) field named UnitPrice.

3. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.

An alert message appears.

4. To run the query and update the data, click Yes.
NOTE When you run the query, you might notice that some fields are missing from your result set. If
your query contains fields that you don't update, Access does not display those fields in the results, by
default. For example, you might include ID fields from two tables to help ensure that your query
identifies and updates the correct records. If you don't update those ID fields, Access does not display
them in the results.

ii. Table

A table is a database object that you use to store data about a particular subject, such as employees or
products. A table consists of records and fields.

Each record contains data about one instance of the table subject, such as a particular employee. A record is
also commonly called a row or an instance.

Each field contains data about one aspect of the table subject, such as first name or e-mail address. A field is
also commonly called a column or an attribute.

A record consists of field values, such as Contoso, Ltd. or A field value is also
commonly called a fact.

A record

A field

A field value

A database can contain many tables, each storing information about a different subject. Each table can
contain many fields of different types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and hyperlinks.


You can link to a variety of external data sources, such as other databases, text files, and Excel workbooks.
When you link to external data, Access can use the link as if it were a table. Depending on the external data
source and the way that you create the link, you can edit the data in the linked table, and can create

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relationships that involve the linked table. However, you cannot change the design of the external data by
using the link.


Tables and fields have properties that you can set to control their characteristics or behavior.

A table open in Design view.

Table properties

Field properties

In an Access database, table properties are attributes of a table that affect the appearance or behavior of the
table as a whole. Table properties are set in the table's property sheet, in Design view. For example, you can
set a table's Default View property to specify how the table is displayed by default.

A field property applies to a particular field in a table and defines one of the field's characteristics or an
aspect of the field's behavior. You can set some field properties in Datasheet view. You can also set any
field property in Design view by using the Field Properties pane.


Every field has a data type. A field's data type indicates the kind of data that the field stores, such as large
amounts of text or attached files.

A data type is a field property, but it differs from other field properties as follows:
You set a field's data type in the table design grid, not in the Field Properties pane.
A field's data type determines what other properties the field has.
You must set a field's data type when you create the field.
NOTE You can create a new field in Access by entering data in a new column in Datasheet view.
When you create a field by entering data in Datasheet view, Access automatically assigns a data type for
the field, based on the value that you enter. If no other data type is implied by your input, Access sets

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the data type to Text. If needed, you can change the data type by using the Ribbon, part of the new
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

Examples of automatic data type detection

Office Access 2007 creates a field with a data type

If you enter: of:

John Text Hyperlink

You can use any valid Internet protocol

prefix. For example, http://, https://, and
mailto: are valid prefixes.

1 Number, Long Integer

50,000 Number, Long Integer

50,000.99 Number, Double

50000.389 Number, Double

12/67 Date/Time

The date and time formats recognized are

those of your user locale.

December 31, 2006 Date/Time

10:50:23 Date/Time

10:50 am Date/Time

17:50 Date/Time

$12.50 Currency

The currency symbol recognized is that of

your user locale.

21.75 Number, Double

123.00% Number, Double

3.46E+03 Number, Double


Although each table stores data about a different subject, tables in a database usually store data about
subjects that are related to each other. For example, a database might contain:
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A customers table that lists your company‘s customers and their addresses.
A products table that lists the products that you sell, including prices and pictures for each item.
An orders table that tracks customer orders.

Because you store data about different subjects in separate tables, you need some way to tie the data together
so that you can easily combine related data from those separate tables. To connect the data stored in
different tables, you create relationships. A relationship is a logical connection between two tables that
specifies fields that the tables have in common.


Fields that are part of a table relationship are called keys. A key usually consists of one field, but may
consist of more than one field. There are two kinds of keys:
Primary key A table can have only one primary key. A primary key consists of one or more fields that
uniquely identify each record that you store in the table. Often, there is a unique identification number,
such as an ID number, a serial number, or a code, that serves as a primary key. For example, you might
have a Customers table where each customer has a unique customer ID number. The customer ID field
is the primary key of the Customers table. When a primary key contains more than one field, it is usually
composed of pre-existing fields that, taken together, provide unique values. For example, you might use
a combination of last name, first name, and birth date as the primary key for a table about people.
Foreign key A table can also have one or more foreign keys. A foreign key contains values that
correspond to values in the primary key of another table. For example, you might have an Orders table
in which each order has a customer ID number that corresponds to a record in a Customers table. The
customer ID field is a foreign key of the Orders table.

The correspondence of values between key fields forms the basis of a table relationship. You use a table
relationship to combine data from related tables. For example, suppose that you have a Customers table and
an Orders table. In your Customers table, each record is identified by the primary key field, ID.

To associate each order with a customer, you add a foreign key field to the Orders table that corresponds to
the ID field of the Customers table, and then create a relationship between the two keys. When you add a
record to the Orders table, you use a value for customer ID that comes from the Customers table. Whenever
you want to view any information about an order's customer, you use the relationship to identify which data
from the Customers table corresponds to which records in the Orders table.

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A table relationship, shown in the Relationships window.

A primary key, identified by the key icon next to the field name.

A foreign key — note the absence of the key icon.

Benefits of using relationships

Keeping data separated in related tables produces the following benefits:

Consistency Because each item of data is recorded only once, in one table, there is less opportunity for
ambiguity or inconsistency. For example, you store a customer's name only once, in a table about
customers, rather than storing it repeatedly (and potentially inconsistently) in a table that contains order
Efficiency Recording data in only one place means you use less disk space. Moreover, smaller tables
tend to provide data more quickly than larger tables. Finally, if you don't use separate tables for separate
subjects, you will introduce null values (the absence of data) and redundancy into your tables, both of
which can waste space and impede performance.
Comprehensibility The design of a database is easier to understand if the subjects are properly
separated into tables.
TIP Plan your tables with relationships in mind. You can use the Lookup Wizard to create a foreign key
field if the table that contains the corresponding primary key already exists. The Lookup Wizard creates the
relationship for you.

iii. Report
iv. Form

A form is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database application.
Create a form by using the Form tool

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You can use the Form tool to create a form with a single mouse-click. When you use this tool, all the fields
from the underlying data source are placed on the form. You can start using the new form immediately, or
you can modify it in Layout view or Design view to better suit your needs.

Use the Form tool to create a new form

1. In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data you want to see on your form.
2. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click Form.

Access creates the form and displays it in Layout view. In Layout view, you can make design changes to the
form while it is displaying data. For example, you can adjust the size of the text boxes to fit the data, if

If Access finds a single table that has a one-to-many relationship with the table or query that you used to
create the form, Access adds a datasheet to the form that is based on the related table or query. For example,
if you create a simple form that is based on the Employees table, and there is a one-to-many relationship that
is defined between the Employees table and Orders table, the datasheet displays all the records in the Orders
table that relate to the current Employee record. You can delete the datasheet from the form if you decide
you do not need it. If there is more than one table with a one-to-many relationship to the table that you used
to create the form, Access does not add any datasheets to the form.

Top of Page
Create a split form by using the Split Form tool

NOTE You can add a split form to a Web database, but you cannot run the form unless you open the
Web database by using Access (in other words, it will not run in a Web browser). For more information
about Web databases, see the article Build a database to share on the Web.

A split form gives you two views of the data at the same time — a Form view and a Datasheet view.

A split form differs from a form/subform combination in that the two views are connected to the same data
source and are synchronized with one another at all times. Selecting a field in one part of the form selects
the same field in the other part of the form. You can add, edit, or delete data from either part (as long as the
record source is updatable, and you have not configured the form to prevent these actions).

Working with split forms gives you the benefits of both kinds of forms in a single form. For example, you
can use the datasheet portion of the form to quickly locate a record, and then use the form portion to view or
edit the record.

To create a split form by using the Split Form tool:

1. In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data that you want on your form. Or
open the table or query in Datasheet view.
2. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click Split Form.

Access creates the form and displays it in Layout view. In Layout view, you can make design changes to the
form while it is displaying data. For example, you can adjust the size of the text boxes to fit the data, if
necessary. For more information about form views, see the Understand Layout view and Design view

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Top of Page
Create a form that displays multiple records by using the Multiple Items tool

When you create a form by using the Form tool, the form that Access creates displays a single record at a
time. If you want a form that displays multiple records but is more customizable than a datasheet, you can
use the Multiple Items tool.
1. In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data you want to see on your form.
2. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click More Forms, and then click Multiple Items.

Access creates the form and displays it in Layout view. In Layout view, you can make design changes to the
form while it is displaying data. For example, you can adjust the size of the text boxes to fit the data. For
more information about form views, see the Understand Layout view and Design view section.

When you use the Multiple Items tool, the form that Access creates resembles a datasheet. The data is
arranged in rows and columns, and you see more than one record at a time. However, a Multiple Items form
gives you more customization options than a datasheet, such as the ability to add graphical elements,
buttons, and other controls. For more information about customizing your form, see the sections Fine-tune
your form in Layout view and Fine-tune your form in Design view.

Top of Page
Create a form by using the Form Wizard

To be more selective about what fields appear on your form, you can use the Form Wizard instead of the
various form-building tools previously mentioned. You can also define how the data is grouped and sorted,
and you can use fields from more than one table or query, as long as you specified the relationships between
the tables and queries beforehand. For more information about how to create relationships, see the links in
the See Also section of this article.
1. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click Form Wizard.
2. Follow the directions on the pages of the Form Wizard.
NOTE If you want to include fields from multiple tables and queries on your form, do not click Next
or Finish after you select the fields from the first table or query on the first page of the Form Wizard.
Instead, repeat the steps to select a table or query, and click any additional fields that you want to
include on the form. Then click Next or Finish to continue.
3. On the last page of the wizard, click Finish.

Top of Page
Create a form by using the Blank Form tool

If the wizard or the form-building tools don't meet your needs, you can use the Blank Form tool to build a
form. This can be a very quick way to build a form, especially if you plan to put only a few fields on your
1. On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click Blank Form.

Access opens a blank form in Layout view, and displays the Field List pane.

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2. In the Field List pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the table or tables that contain the fields that you
want to see on the form.
3. To add a field to the form, double-click it or drag it onto the form.

 After the first field has been added, you can add several fields at once by holding down the CTRL
key, clicking several fields, and then dragging them onto the form at the same time.
 The order of the tables in the Field List pane can change, depending on which part of the form is
currently selected. If the field you want to add is not visible, try selecting a different part of the form
and then try adding the field again.
4. Use the tools in the Header/Footer group on the Design tab to add a logo, title, or the date and time to
the form.
5. Use the tools in the Controls group of the Design tab to add a wider variety of controls to the form.

For a slightly larger selection of controls, switch to Design view by right-clicking the form and then
clicking Design View.
CAUTION Controls that you add while in Design view might not be compatible with the Publish to
Web feature. If you plan to publish the form to the Web, you must use only the features that are
available in Layout view.

Top of Page
Understand Layout view and Design view

Layout view Layout view is the most intuitive view to use for form modification, and it can be used for
almost all the changes that you would want to make to a form in Access. If you create a database by clicking
Blank Web Database in Microsoft Backstage View, then Layout view is the only view that is available for
designing forms.

In Layout view, the form is actually running. Therefore, you can see your data much as it will appear when
you are using the form. However, you can also change the form design in this view. Because you can see the
data while you are modifying the form, this is a very useful view for setting the size of controls or
performing almost any other task that affects the appearance and usability of the form.

If you are creating a standard desktop database (as opposed to a Web database), and you encounter a task
that cannot be performed in Layout view, you can switch to Design view. In certain situations, Access
displays a message that states that you must switch to Design view before you can make a particular change.

Design view Design view gives you a more detailed view of the structure of your form. You can see the
Header, Detail, and Footer sections for the form. The form is not actually running when it is shown in
Design view. Therefore, you cannot see the underlying data while you are making design changes. However,
there are certain tasks that you can perform more easily in Design view than in Layout view. You can:
Add a wider variety of controls to your form, such as bound object frames, page breaks, and charts.
Edit text box control sources in the text boxes themselves, without using the property sheet.
Resize form sections, such as the Form Header or the Detail section.
Change certain form properties that cannot be changed in Layout view.

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Top of Page
Fine-tune your form in Layout view

After you create a form, you can easily fine-tune its design by working in Layout view. Using the actual
form data as your guide, you can rearrange the controls and adjust their sizes. You can place new controls on
the form and set the properties for the form and its controls.

To switch to Layout view, right-click the form name in the Navigation Pane and then click Layout View.

Access shows the form in Layout view.

You can use the property sheet to change the properties for the form and its controls and sections. To display
the property sheet, press F4.

You can use the Field List pane to add fields from the underlying table or query to your form design. To
display the Field List pane:
On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Add Existing Fields.

Keyboard shortcut Press ALT+F8.

You can then drag fields directly from the Field List pane onto your form.
To add a single field, double-click it or drag it from the Field List pane to the section on the form where
you want it displayed.
To add several fields at once, hold down CTRL and click the fields that you want to add. Then drag the
selected fields onto the form.

Top of Page
Fine-tune your form in Design view

In desktop databases, you can fine-tune your form's design by working in Design view. You can add new
controls and fields to the form by adding them to the design grid. The property sheet gives you access to
many properties that you can set to customize your form.

To switch to Design view, right-click the form name in the Navigation Pane and then click Design View.
NOTE Design view is not available when you are working in a Web database.

Access shows the form in Design view.

You can use the property sheet to change the properties for the form and its controls and sections. To display
the property sheet, press F4.

You can use the Field List pane to add fields from the underlying table or query to your form design. To
display the Field List pane:
On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Add Existing Fields.

Keyboard shortcut Press ALT+F8.

You can then drag fields directly from the Field List pane onto your form.
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To add a single field, double-click it or drag it from the Field List pane to the section on the form where
you want it displayed.
To add several fields at once, hold down CTRL and click the fields that you want to add. Then drag the
selected fields onto the form.

Exercise (a).
(a). What is a database?
(b). What are Database management system software?
Name and explain the THREE types of database models. (6 marks).
Explain THREE major concerns in a database system. (6 marks).
How are database software generally classified? Give examples of range of products in each type of
State 5 features of an electronic database management system.
Explain the importance of using a Database management system for storage of files in an organization.

Exercise (b).
Write short notes on:
Database maintenance.
Data bank.
State the components of a data hierarchy.
(a). List the TWO classes of database software.
(b). Give FOUR widely used Database management systems today.
Identify FIVE functions of a Database management system.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a database.
Exercise (c).
Define the following terms:
Database. (4 marks)
Database Management System (DBMS). (4 marks).
Relational database.
Hierarchical database.
Network database.
List and briefly describe THREE advantages of using the electronic database approach in data storage as
compared to the file-based approach.
List and briefly describe TWO features found in a typical Database Management System.
Identify and describe three major shortcomings of the conventional file structures that are being addressed
by the database approach. (6 marks).
Describe the functions of the following tools found in a database management system (DBMS).
Data Definition Language (DDL) (2 marks).
Data Manipulation Languages (DML) (2 marks).


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Programming; also known as coding, is the TYPES OF PROGRAMMING

process of writing a program to solve a given
problem, testing it to ensure it is accurate or
correct and preparing documents to support it. Low level languages, which include; machine
code and assembly language
DEFINITION OF High level languages, which include; BASIC,
A program; also known as a code, is a set of Very high level languages, which include; C#, C++,
instructions that perform a specific processing Java, VB, HTML, SQL
task Factors to Consider When Choosing a
A computer programmer; is a person who uses Programming Language
a programming language like C, C++, Java, VB to Availability of an appropriate compiler that can
write programs that solve computer related translate it
problems Type of computer to handle the task. Is it
A programming language; is a set of words and compatible with the computer system
rules governing the use of computers employed in Type of language. High level languages are
constructing programs. It is the only language that preferred
a computer understands. Speed of execution of the language
Algorithm; this is a sequence of precise Nature of work to be done. PASCAL, COBOL are
instructions for solving a problem in a finite suitable for commercial use; C, Java are for
amount of time. general use
Syntax; refers to the rules that govern the use of a Portability of the language. Ensure that the
particular programming language language is not machine dependent
Semantics; refers to the meaning of a valid Advantages of Programming Languages
statement in a given programming language. They are unambiguous. Statements can be
A module; is an algorithm or program developed interpreted by humans
to solve sub problems Statement are not cumbersome
Constants; are declarations in a program that They can be processed by the computer
store values that do not change during program Disadvantages of Programming Languages
execution Programming languages have led to the
Documentation; is the process of writing an development of malicious software like viruses.
explanation of how the program works and how to The basic logical flow is difficult to follow
use it. because computer programming languages are
Comments; are simply texts that are ignored by essentially serial in nature, i.e. executing one step
the compiler but inform the reader of what the is normally followed by execution of the next step
programmer is doing at any particular point in the in the program
program. Communication of the program algorithm logic is
restricted to those persons who understand the
particular programming language which is used

Characteristics of Programming Languages DATA TYPES

They have rules governing the structure of the Most computer high-level programming
language referred to as syntax languages like C, C++and Java provide the
They have vocabulary, i.e. list of words accepted following types of data.
within a language Integers; are either positive or negative whole
Each key word in a language has only one numbers, e.g. +12, -34, -1, 3, 8
meaning attached to it (semantic) Real/float; are numbers that correspond to values
with decimal points, e.g. -3.4, 6.8, 0.7, 3.8, -9.0
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Characters; are any symbols available on the your program attempts to perform an operation
keyboard. A, a, ..., z, Z, 0, ..., 9, +, -, /, ?, %, >, <, that is impossible to carry out. e.g. dividing by
:, {, }, [, ] zero.
Boolean/logical; this type is used to process the Logical errors. Are errors that prevent your
logical data, which may evaluate to TRUE or program from doing what you intended it to do.
FALSE. Boolean values are obtained using Your code may compile and run without errors,
comparison operators like; =, <, >, <> but the result of the operation is not what you

A variable is a location in your computer memory
in which you can store a value and from which
Programming is used to develop new programs
you can later retrieve that value. Variables are
and software systems
created, defined or declared by giving them names
Programming helps in improving existing
and data types.
software systems
Rules for Declaring Variables
Programming helps the user to interact with the
Every variable must have only one type
The type of each variable must be declared before
Programming is used as a research tool
the variable is used in an executable statement
A variable name should preferably start with a LIMITATIONS OF
Special characters like spaces, ?, [, ], {, }, &, %, PROGRAMMING
etc are not allowed in a variable name. Programming requires an expert in a given
It is advisable to use variable names that describe programming language
or carry a meaning of the data they store The basic logical flow of the program is difficult
Some programming languages are case sensitive, to follow
e.g. for: C, C++, letter a and A are not the same Communication of the program algorithm logic is
Keywords and special identifiers are not allowed restricted to those persons who understand the
(they are reserved for special use by the compiler) particular programming language which is used.
It is not always possible to eliminate all errors
PROGRAMMING ERRORS from the software during programming
A bug also known as a software bug is an error in Developing a good software system requires one
the software program that causes it to to know and use more than one programming
malfunction. language.
Debuggers are programs used to identify and Programming has also enabled the development of
correct errors or bugs found during the testing of a malicious software like viruses.
Debugging is the process of tracing and SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT
eliminating all errors in a program by testing for A system, or an information system, is a set of
the logical flow interrelated components working together to
Types of Programming Errors access, manipulate, store and transmit information
Compilation errors. These are errors that for effective and efficient management of
prevent your program from running. They are also operations in business organisations.
known as syntax errors. These errors are caused
by wrong syntax of the statements being used in CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION
the program SYSTEMS
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS).
Run-Time errors. Are errors that occur while
your program runs. These typically occur when
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These are computerised systems that perform and are designed to increase the productivity of data
record the daily routine transactions necessary to workers in the office.
conduct the business. E.g. Sales order processing, SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE
payrolls system, etc. (SDLC)
Management Information Systems (MIS). Is the process by which systems analysts, software
These are used for planning, controlling and engineers and programmers build systems. It is a
monitoring business operations and decision project management tool, used to plan, execute
making, by providing managers with reports about and control systems development projects. The
the organisation‘s performance. Examples SDLC is divided into the following discrete
include: Total annual sales figures for specific stages.
products, total amount of fuel used this quarter,
etc. System Survey
Decision Support Systems (DSS). Feasibility Study
These are interactive computer-based systems System Analysis
intended to help decision makers utilise data and System Design & Development
models to identify and solve problems and make System Implementation
decisions. Examples include: System Maintenance
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS). SYSTEM SURVEY
Are interactive computer programs, which directly This is the initial stage that involves identification
assist physicians and other health professionals of the various factors that are leading the
with decision-making tasks like diagnosis organisation into proposing a new information
Geographical Information Systems (GIS). system. Usually managers in an organisation are
Are system software that can analyse and display the ones who identify such factors. This stage
data using digitised maps to enhance planning and involves the identification of the purpose and
decision making, etc. objectives of the proposed system
Executive Support Systems (ESS). FEASIBILITY STUDY
These are designed to help senior management Here, the proposed system is investigated in
make strategic decisions. ESS gathers, analyses depth, the various system options are sought and
and summarises the key internal and external the pros and cons of each debated upon by both
information, used in the business. the managers and the specialists. When the
Expert Systems (ES). managers approve the report from this stage, the
These are problem-solving software packages, system development proceeds to the next stage.
which can reach a level of performance SYSTEM ANALYSIS
comparable to or even exceeding that of a human This deals with identifying the logical aspects of
expert in some specialised and usually narrow the proposed system, i.e. what it will do. It is the
problem area. most important stage in the SDLC because errors
Expertise is transferred from the expert to a in this stage can lead to wasted resources.
computer. This knowledge is then stored in the System analysis begins with a detailed study of
computer and users call on the computer for the old system, where the various shortcomings of
specific advice as needed. The ES can make the old system are noted and then, an appropriate
inferences and arrive at a specific conclusion, then specification for a new and improved system is
like a human consultant, it advises none experts derived.
and explains, if necessary, the logic behind the SYSTEM DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT
advice Here, the functional specification is determined.
Office Automation Systems (OAS). This gives the details of all the data flow through
These are software systems such as word the system and the various processing it
processing, electronic spreadsheets, presentation undergoes. The design stage deals with ―how the
programs and desktop publishing programs, which system will function‖

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System specification is a detailed documentation

of the logical and physical aspects of the system.
The processes, hardware and software platforms,
data files, network configurations, etc, of the
system are specified. After all that, developers
now start the actual coding of the program in any
suitable programming language.

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SYSTEM DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT place and setting them up and installation of the
Here, the functional specification is determined. software components of the system
This gives the details of all the data flow through System testing. This is the process of ensuring that
the system and the various processing it the system operates as outlined in the system
undergoes. The design stage deals with ―how the specification. The types of testing include:
system will function‖ Unit testing. This is divided into: white box
System specification is a detailed documentation testing, where the testers access and examine the
of the logical and physical aspects of the system. actual code of the unit; and, black box testing,
The processes, hardware and software platforms, which is done to show that the unit works when
data files, network configurations, etc, of the confronted by typical input
system are specified. After all that, developers Integration testing. Finds out whether the different
now start the actual coding of the program in any units of the system work as expected when
suitable programming language. integrated
Methods that can be used to design and develop System testing. When the unit and integration
the system include; testing are successful, the next step is to put the
Waterfall development. Here analysts and users entire system together and see if it works as a
proceed sequentially from one phase to the next. whole.
Once the work produced in one phase is approved, User training. This is the preparation of the users
the phase ends and the next phase begins. to handle and use the new system. This can be
Rapid application development (RAD). This carried out before, during, or after the physical
incorporates special techniques and computer installation
tools like JAD, CASE, to speed up the analysis, Conversion. This is the switching from the old
design and implementation phases. system to the new system. This can be done in one
Iterative development. In this method, the overall of the three ways below:
project is broken into a series of versions that are Parallel conversion. Here the old system and the
developed sequentially new system are run concurrently for a given
Prototyping. Is the process of building a working period before the new system can be fully
model of a system. A prototype is a working employed
model that does not normally have all the required Phased conversion. Here the new system is
features and functionality of the final system. introduced in parts while the old system is phased
The design strategies include; out gradually
Custom development, i.e. building the system Instant conversion. Here the new system is
from scratch in-house immediately used once installed
Purchasing software and customising it SYSTEM MAINTENANCE
Outsourcing development to a third party This is the final activity, and also the activity that
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION is carried out routinely throughout the life time of
Here, the physical installation of the system in the the system. The developers monitor and see if the
organisation is carried out, followed by testing to users are getting any troubles using the system or
confirm that it actually works as intended. Before more bugs are showing up, and these are dealt
the final conversion from the old system to the with accordingly. Types of system maintenance
new system is carried out, users are trained in how include:
to use the new system and the security procedures. Corrective maintenance. This refers to the process
This phase includes the following; of fixing errors in the system.
Physical installation. This involves the actual
placing of the various hardware equipment in
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Preventive maintenance. This refers to regular • Strategic server and storage placement, etc.
servicing and maintenance of the system,
including backup HARDWARE INTEGRITY
Adaptive maintenance. Refers to changing the • A computer security risk is an Action that causes
system to adapt to a changing environment loss of or damage to
Perfective maintenance. This refers to taking a computer system.
system that works and modifying it to be • Security threats to hardware include:
1. System Failure
2. Hardware Theft
TOPIC 12: TRENDS IN COMPUTING 3. Malicious Destruction of hardware, software,
COMPUTER INTEGRITY AND SECURITY data or network resources,
Definitions as well as sabotage.
Data Security refers to protective measures that System failure
are applied to ensure integrity, Some of the causes of computerized information
availability and confidentiality of computer data system failure include
or information.  Hardware failure due to improper use.
• Integrity means prevention of unauthorized  Unstable power supply as result of brownout or
modification of data and data blackout and vandalism.
corruption. Network breakdown.
Data corruption refers to errors in data that may Natural disaster
occur during Program failure
reading, writing, processing, storage or Control measures against hardware failure
transmission of said data which may • Protect computers against brownout or blackout
introduce unintended/unwanted changes to the which may cause physical damages or data loss by
original data. using surge protectors and Uninterruptible power
• Availability means prevention of unauthorized supply (UPS).
withholding of data access • For critical systems, most organizations have put
(Intended users can access whenever they need to into place fault tolerant
access). systems. A fault tolerant system has redundant or
• Confidentiality means to avoid unauthorized duplicate storage,
disclosure of data third parties. peripherals devices and software that provide a
Physical Security refers to the measures put in fail-over capability to backup components in the
place by protect computer event of system failure.
systems from physical damage and mitigate • Disaster recovery plans. Disaster recovery plan
physical security risks. Physical involves establishing offsite
security includes: storage of an organization‘s databases so that in
• Locked doors. case of disaster or fire
• Burglar proofs. accidents, the company would have backup
• Parameter fences. copies to reconstruct lost data.
• Security guards. Hardware theft and hardware vandalism
• Server room environmental protection,  Hardware theft is act of stealing
optimisation. computer equipment
• Concrete walls.  Cables sometimes used to lock equipment
• Lightening conductors.  Some notebook computers use passwords,
• Fire extinguishers. possessed objects, and biometrics as security
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 For PDAs, you can password-protect the device This refers to compromising a computer system
 Hardware vandalism is the act of defacing or by breaking the security of such
destroying computer equipment a system or causing it to enter into an insecure
SOFTWARE INTEGRITY state. The act of intruding—or gaining
• Security threats to computer software and data unauthorized access to a system—typically leaves
include: traces that can be discovered by intrusion
1. Information Theft detection systems
2. Software Theft Unauthorized access and Use
3. Internet And Network Attacks Such Us Hackers – Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or
4. Malicious Programs (Computer Viruses, network without permission. Unauthorized use is
Worms And Trojan Horses) the use of a computer or its data for unapproved or
5. Unauthorised Access and Use possibly illegal activities.
6. Unauthorized Alteration. – Unauthorized use includes a variety of activities:
Software theft is the act of stealing or illegally an employee using an organization‘s computer to
copying software or intentionally send personal e-mail messages, or someone
erasing programs. gaining access to a bank computer and performing
• Software piracy is illegal duplication of an unauthorized transfer.
copyrighted software. • Intrusion detection software automatically
• To guard against software theft and piracy, analyzes all network traffic, assesses System
product activation is used. vulnerabilities, identifies any unauthorized access
• Product activation allows user to input product (intrusions), and notifies network administrators
identification number online or by phone and of suspicious behavior patterns or system
receive unique installation identification number. breaches.
• A license agreement gives the right to use
software. Single-user license agreement allows To utilize intrusion detection software requires the
user to install software on one computer, make expertise of a network
backup copy, and sell administrator because the programs are complex
software after removing from computer. and difficult to use and interpret.
Information theft These programs also are quite expensive
• Information theft is yet another type of computer
security risk. Information NETWORK INTRUSION AND ATTACKS
theft occurs when someone steals personal or Information transmitted over networks has a
confidential information. An unethical Company higher degree of security risk than
executive may steal or buy stolen information to information kept on an organization‘s premises. In
learn about a competitor. A corrupt individual an organization, network
may steal credit card numbers to make fraudulent administrators usually take measures to protect a
purchases. network from security risks. On
• Safeguards against Information Theft: Most the Internet, where no central administrator is
companies attempt to prevent Information theft by present, the security risk is greater.
implementing the user identification and Internet and network attacks that jeopardize
authentication controls. security include computer viruses,
• To protect information on the Internet and worms, Trojan horses, and rootkits; botnets;
networks, companies and individuals use a variety denial of service attacks; hackers, back
of encryption techniques. doors; and spoofing.
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Hacking recognition.
• The term hacker refers to someone who accesses • A botnet is a group of compromised computers
a computer or network illegally. Originally it was connected to a network such as the Internet that
a complimentary word for a computer enthusiast. are used as part of a network that attacks other
• A cracker also is someone who accesses a networks, usually for nefarious purposes.
computer or network illegally but has the intent of • A compromised computer, known as a zombie,
destroying data, stealing information, or other is one whose owner is unaware the computer is
malicious action. being controlled remotely by an outsider.
• Both hackers and crackers have advanced Cybercriminals use botnets to send spam via e-
computer and network skills. mail, spread viruses and other
• Some hackers claim the intent of their security malware, or commit a denial of service attack.
breaches is to improve security, and may be hired • A back door is a program or set of instructions in
by software companies to test the security of new a program that allow users to bypass security
software systems. controls when accessing a program, computer, or
• A script kiddie has the same intent as a cracker network.
but does not have the technical skills and • Once perpetrators gain access to unsecure
knowledge. Script kiddies often use prewritten computers, they often install a back door or
hacking and cracking programs to break into modify an existing program to include a back
computers. door, which allows them to continue to access the
• A cyber extortionist is someone who uses e-mail computer remotely without the user‘s knowledge.
as a vehicle for extortion. • Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make
• A cyber terrorist is someone who uses the their network or Internet transmission appear
Internet or network to destroy or damage legitimate to a victim computer or network.
computers for political reasons. The cyber terrorist • E-mail spoofing occurs when the sender‘s
might target the nation‘s air traffic control system, address or other components of the e-mail header
electricity-generating companies, or a are altered so that it appears the e-mail originated
telecommunications infrastructure. from a different sender. E-mail spoofing
Explaining how denial of service attacks, commonly is used for virus hoaxes, spam, and
backdoors, spoofing are carried out. phishing scams.
• A denial of service attack, or DoS attack, is an • IP spoofing occurs when an intruder computer
assault whose purpose is to disrupt computer fools a network into believing its IP address is
access to a network service. associated with a trusted source. Perpetrators of IP
• The attackers may use an unsuspecting computer spoofing trick their victims into interacting with a
to send an influx of confusing data messages or deceptive Web site.
useless traffic to a computer network. The victim
computer network slows down considerably and COMPUTER CRIMES
eventually becomes unresponsive or unavailable, identifying types of computer crimes
blocking legitimate visitors from accessing the Physical theft - The physical theft of computer
network. hardware and software is the most
• Perpetrators have a variety of motives for widespread related crime especially in developing
carrying out a DoS attack. Those who disagree countries.
with the beliefs or actions of a particular • The most common issues now, we here cases of
organization claim political anger motivates their people breaking into an office or firm and stealing
attacks. Some perpetrators use the attack as a computers, hard disks and other valuable
vehicle for extortion. Others simply want the computer accessories. In most cases such theft can
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be done by untrustworthy employees of firm or by or the other e.g. spreading

outsiders. The reason behind an act may be sabotage.
commercial, destruction to sensitive information Industrial espionage - Industrial espionage
or sabotage. involves spying on a competitor to get
Control measures against theft information that can be used to cripple the
• Employ security agents to keep watch over competitor.
information centers and restricted backup sites. Accidental access - Threats to data and
• Reinforce weak access points like windows, information come from peoples unknowingly
door and roofing with metallic grills and strong giving out information to strangers is or
padlocks. unauthorized persons.
• Motivate workers so that they feel a sense of Alteration - Alteration is the illegal modification
belonging in order to make them proud and of private or confidential data and
trusted custodians of the company resources. information with the aim of misinforming users.
• Insure the hardware resources with a reputable Alteration is usually done by people
insurance firm. who wish to cancel the truth or sabotage certain
Piracy - illegal copying of software, information operations.
or data. • Alteration comprises the integrity of data and
Fraud - Fraud is stealing by false pretense. information making it unreliable.
Fraudsters can be either employees in a
company, non-existent company that purports to COMPUTER PROTECTION
offer internet services such as Appropriate ways of protecting data in computer
selling vehicles etc. other form of fraud may also systems
involve computerized production 1. Data Encryption. Data on transit over the
and use of counterfeit documents. This is due to network faces many dangers of being tapped,
the dynamic growth of internet listened to or copied to unauthorized destinations.
and mobile computing, sophisticated cybercrimes. Such data can be protected by mixing up into a
Sabotage - Sabotage refers to illegal destruction form that only the sender and receiver is able to
of data and information with the understand. This is by reconstructing the original
aim of crippling services delivery, or causing message from the mix which is called data
great loss to an organization. Sabotage encryption.
What is Data encryption?
is usually carried out by disgruntled employees or  Process of converting plaintext (readable data)
competitors with the intention of into cyphertext (unreadable characters)
causing harm to an organization.  Safeguards against information theft
Eavesdropping - Eavesdropping refers to tapping  Encryption key (formula) often uses more than
into communication channels to one method
get information. Hackers mainly use  To read the data, the recipient must decrypt, or
eavesdropping to access private or confidential decipher, the data
information from internet users or from poorly 2. Surge protectors: Protect computers and
secured information system. equipment from electrical power disturbances.
Surveillance (monitoring) - Surveillance refers Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is surge
to monitoring use of computer protector that provides power during power loss.
system and networks using background programs
such as spyware and cookies. The
information gathered may be used for one reason 3. Backups - the ultimate safeguard. Backups -
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the ultimate safeguard should maintain an audit trail that records in a file
• Full backup - all files in computer both successful and unsuccessful access attempts.
• Selective backup select which files to back up
• Three-generation backup preserves three copies • An unsuccessful access attempt could result
of important files from a user mistyping his or her
• In case of system failure or corrupted files, password, or it could result from a hacker trying
restore files by copying to original location. thousands of passwords.
4. Firewall Organizations should investigate unsuccessful
 Firewall is a security system consisting of access attempts immediately to ensure they are not
hardware and/or software that prevents intentional breaches of security
unauthorized network access 8. User Names and Passwords
 A firewall is a device or software system that a. A username is Unique combination of
filters the data and information exchanged characters that identifies user
between different networks by enforcing the host b. Password is private combination of characters
networks access control policy. The main aim of a associated with the user name that allows access
firewall is to monitor and control access to or to computer resources.
from protected networks. People who do not have How can you make your password more secure?
permission (remote requests) cannot access How can you make your password more secure?
firewall 9. Possessed objects
restricted sites outside their network. ― Items that you must carry to gain access to
5. Use of acceptable use policy (AUP) computer or facility, e.g badges, cards, smart
• The AUP outlines the computer activities for cards, and keys. Often used with numeric
which the computer and network may and may password called personal
not be used. identification number (PIN) e.g ATM pin.
• An organization‘s AUP should specify the ― Access control can be enhanced by
acceptable use of computers by employees for implementing multilevel authentication policies
personal reasons. such as assigning users log on accounts, use of
• Some organizations prohibit such use entirely. smart cards and a personal identification number
Others allow personal use on the employee‘s own (PIN).
time such as a lunch hour. 10. Security monitors are programs that monitor
6. Use of Intrusion Detection Software and keep a log file or record of computer systems
• To provide extra protection against hackers and and protect them from unauthorized access.
other intruders, large organizations sometimes use 11. Biometric devices
intrusion detection software to identify possible  Authenticate people‘s identity using a human
security breaches. characteristic like Fingerprint, hand geometry,
7. Identifying and Authenticating Users voice, signature, or iris.
• Many organizations use access controls to  Biometric security is a growing form of
minimize the chance that a perpetrator unauthorized control measure that takes the user‘s
intentionally may access or an employee attributes such as voice, fingerprints and facial
accidentally may access confidential information recognition.
on a computer. For example, you can log on swap a finger on a
• An access control is a security measure that finger print swap windows.
defines who can access a computer, when they can 12. Callback systems
access it, and what actions they can take while – User connects to computer only after the
accessing the computer. In addition, the computer computer calls that user back at a previously
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established telephone number. industry, because technology changes are

– Some networks utilize callback systems as an outstripping the legal system‘s ability to keep up.
access control method to authenticate remote or Computer Ethics for Computer Professionals
mobile users. • According to the Association for Computing
– Callback systems work best for users who Machinery (ACM) code, a computing
regularly work at the same remote location, such professional:
as at home or branch office. • Contributes to society and human well-being.
13. Secure web data transmission using • Always avoids harm to others.
HTTPS. Users apply for SSL certificate from a • Should be honest and trustworthy.
certificate authority (CA). A CA is an Authorized • Should exercise fairness and takes action not to
person or company that discriminate.
issues and verifies SSL certificates. • Honors property rights, including copyrights and
The following are some examples of crimes patents
perpetuated by use of computers. • Gives proper credit when using the intellectual
property of others.
COMPUTER ETHICS • Respects other individuals‘ rights to privacy.
• Ethics is knowing and understanding what is • Honors confidentiality.
right and what is wrong, and then doing the right
thing right. In simple terms, ethics are standards CODE OF CONDUCT
of moral conduct. • A code of conduct is a written guideline that
• Quite often, people in society do the wrong helps determine whether a specific action is
things either out of ignorance or ethical or unethical.
deliberately to achieve selfish interests. COMPUTER PIRACY
• In today's society, computers are involved to Piracy is a form of intellectual property theft
some extent in almost every aspect of life and which means illegal copying of software,
sometimes they often perform life-critical tasks. information or data. Software, information and
• This makes it very important to carefully data are protected by copyright and patent laws.
consider the issues of ethics in use of computers Control measures against piracy - There are
and software. several ways of reducing piracy
• Ethical principles are important because they • Enforce laws that protect the owners of data and
help us navigate through difficult situations and information against piracy.
reflect the way to relate with our friends and • Make software cheap enough to increase
community. affordability.
Three useful ethical principles: • Use licenses and certificates to identify original
• An act is ethical if society benefits from the act. software.
• An act is ethical if people are treated as an end • Set installation passwords that deter illegal
and not as a means to an end. installation of software.
• An act is ethical if it is fair to all parties
Computer ethics involves use of computers & A copyright is a protection against illegal access
software in morally acceptable way. and use of an individual‘s brain creation. Eg.
Document , website, software.
ICT ethics are the moral guidelines that govern
use of computers and information systems.
• Standards or guidelines are important in this
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A trademark is a graphic/ logo that differentiates computers were not protected properly,
products of one company from similar products of individuals have found their privacy violated and
other companies. identities stolen.
• Public Safety: Adults, teens, and children around
COMPUTERS AND SOCIETY the world are using computers to share publicly
Computers have had a lot of impact in various their photos, videos, journals, music, and other
aspects of society as discussed below. personal information. Some of these unsuspecting,
innocent computer users have fallen victim to
POSITIVE IMPLICATION S OF USING crimes committed by dangerous strangers.
COMPUTERS TO SOCIETY • Impact on Labor Force: Although computers
• Created and widened employment opportunities have improved productivity and created an entire
e.g.; software engineers, computer teachers, industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs,
technicians, etc. the skills of millions of employees have been
• Improved education and research by simplifying replaced by computers. Thus, it is crucial that
teaching and learning. E.g. abstract content can be workers keep their education up-to-date. A
made real through cyber science technology – separate impact on the labor force is that some
others are computer aided teaching and computer companies are outsourcing jobs to foreign
aided learning, presentations software, etc. countries instead of keeping their homeland labor
• Improved entertainment and leisure through force employed.
computer games, music, etc for people to refresh • Health Risks: Prolonged or improper computer
and make-up. use can lead to health injuries or disorders.
• Improved communication and collaboration • Impact on Environment: Computer
through computer networks. manufacturing processes and computer waste are
• Improved health services where computers depleting natural resources and polluting the
facilitate recording, monitoring, and diagnosis for environment.
patients. • Computer related crime e.g. forgeries,
• Improved security through computer managed cyberbullying, Piracy etc.
gates and monitoring of commercial and domestic • Increased cost of production as computers are
premises, detecting and controlling crime by very expensive to buy and maintain. Computer
police. experts can as well be expensive to hire.
• Reduced production time and manufacturing • They are many health hazards e.g. can cause eye
processes through computer aided manufacturing defects, Tendonitis, RSI, etc.
and computer aided designing which have greatly • Electronic fraud: Stealing money electronically
improved the quantity and quality of life. through practices like Credit
• Improved customer services delivery and care eg card cloning and illegal money transfers.
networked computers provide 24/7 on-line • Hacking: Unauthorized access into computers
services like credit cards Improved business and possibly to access information,
investment opportunities. compromising privacy. e.g. Wikileaks
• Improved data and document production, storage • Virus threats which has made data storage and
and manipulation. safety very unreliable.
• Loss of employment as they take over job
NEGATIVE IMPLICATIONS OF USING assignments for semi and less skilled job
• Violation of Privacy: In many instances, where • Deaths and accidents due to computer
personal and confidential records stored on malfunctioning or explosion.
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• Erosion of human integrity and creativity as these disorders can lead to

even the smallest calculation is assigned to the permanent physical damage.
computer. Other cases are Forgeries, GMFs, test You can take many precautions to prevent these
tube children, etc. types of injuries. Take frequent breaks
• Loss of man-hours as some workers go for during the computer session to exercise your
unproductive computer based leisure at the hands and arms. To prevent injury due to
expense of their work. Cyber terrorism. typing, place a wrist rest between the keyboard
• Moral Decay: The internet has websites with and the edge of your desk. To prevent injury while
content such as pornography, which have a bad using a mouse, place the mouse at least six inches
impact on the users especially the young children. from the edge of the
• In politics, ICTs are being used for running new desk. In this position, your wrist is flat on the
forms of political activism, for example desk. Finally, minimize the number of times you
mobilizing masses against to rebel against switch between the mouse and the keyboard, and
governments using social media channels like avoid using the heel of your
twitter. hand as a pivot point while typing or using the
HEALTH CONCERNS OF COMPUTER USE Another type of health related condition due to
Users are a key component in any information computer usage is computer vision
system. Thus, protecting users is just as important syndrome (CVS). You may have CVS if you have
as protecting hardware, software, and data. The sore, tired, burning, itching, or
widespread use of computers has led to some dry eyes; blurred or double vision; distance
important user health concerns. blurred vision after prolonged staring at a
A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an injury or display device; headache or sore neck; difficulty
disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons, shifting focus between a display device and
ligaments, and joints. Computer-related RSIs documents; difficulty focusing on the screen
include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. image; color fringes or after-images when you
Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon due to look away from the display device; and increased
some repeated motion or stress on that tendon. sensitivity to light. Eyestrain associated with CVS
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is inflammation of is not thought to have serious or long-term
the nerve that connects the forearm to the palm of consequences.
the wrist.
Repeated or forceful bending of the wrist can People who spend their workday using the
cause CTS or tendonitis of the wrist. computer sometimes complain of lower back pain,
Symptoms of tendonitis of the wrist include muscle fatigue, and emotional fatigue. Lower
extreme pain that extends from the forearm to the back pain sometimes is caused from poor posture.
hand, along with tingling in the fingers. Computer users can protect themselves from
Symptoms of CTS include health risks through proper workplace
burning pain when the nerve is compressed, along design, good posture while at the computer, and
with numbness and tingling in appropriately spaced work breaks.
the thumb and first two fingers. Ergonomics and Workplace Design
Long-term computer work can lead to tendonitis Ergonomics is an applied science devoted to
or CTS. Factors that cause these incorporating comfort, efficiency, and safety
disorders include prolonged typing, prolonged into the design of items in the workplace.
mouse usage, or continual shifting Ergonomic studies have shown that using the
between the mouse and the keyboard. If untreated, correct type and configuration of chair, keyboard,
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display device, and work surface helps materials and potentially dangerous elements
users work comfortably and efficiently and helps including lead, mercury, and flame retardants. In a
protect their health. For the computer landfill, these materials release into the
work space, experts recommend an area of at least environment. Recycling and
two feet by four feet. Figure below illustrates refurbishing old equipment are much safer
additional guidelines for setting up the work area. alternatives for the environment.
Computer Addiction
Computers can provide entertainment and
enjoyment. Some computer users, however,
become obsessed with the computer and the
Internet. Computer addiction occurs when the
computer consumes someone‘s entire social life.
Computer addiction is a growing health problem
but can be treated through therapy and support
Symptoms of a user with computer addiction
include the following:
• Craves computer time
• Irritable when not at the computer
• Overjoyed when at the computer
• Unable to stop computer activity
• Neglects family and friends
• Problems at work or school

Green computing involves reducing the electricity
and environmental waste while
using a computer. People use, and often waste,
resources such as electricity and paper while using
a computer.

The United States government developed the

ENERGY STAR program to help reduce the
amount of electricity used by computers and
related devices. This program encourages
manufacturers to create energy-efficient devices
that require little power when they are not in use.
Computers and devices that meet the ENERGY
STAR guidelines display an ENERGY STAR
Users should not store obsolete computers and
devices in their basement, storage room, attic,
warehouse, or any other location. Computers,
monitors, and other equipment contain toxic

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EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 1997 a computer named 'Deep-Blue' defeated a

Definition: Emerging technologies are those that world champion in the game of chess.
are currently being developed or will be Impacts of AI on everyday life:
developed in the next 5 to 10 years, and which Some of the impacts that artificial intelligence can
will alter the business and social environment. have on everyday life are discussed in the table
ICT is always improving and changing and new below:
technologies are being developed all of the time.  Accurate prediction of weather - AI software
These are many Developments in Hardware, will soon be used to sift through weather data
Developments in Software and developments in more accurately that humans can and will be used
Application of computers. The Developments in to predict approaching storms and automatically
technology will, by nature, impact on our issue warnings.
everyday lives and these include:  Increased leisure time - Robotic vacuum
a) Artificial Intelligence (AI) cleaners are becoming more and more popular.
b) Digital forensics These can detect walls and other objects in order
c) Biometrics to vacuum around them. People can leave them
d) Robotics running whilst they enjoy extra spare time.
e) Quantum Cryptography  Safer transport – Self driving cars already exist
f) Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) will drastically reduce road accidents. Driverless
g) 3D and Holographic Imaging (aka holograms) trains too already exist in some countries!
h) Virtual Reality  Increased Personal safety - Modern home alarm
systems use artificial intelligence software that
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can tell the difference between the home owners
and intruders. The software automatically alerts
This is a computer science that is focused on
the police when intruders are detected.
creating computer systems that simulate human
intelligence. The term was first used in 1956 by a  Improved medical care - Robotic surgery
computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute assistants are being used to quickly and accurately
of Technology (MIT) who was focused on trying pass the correct surgical tools to doctors.
to make computers behave like humans. The few seconds saved in getting the correct tool
to the doctor can save patient's lives.
AI is being developed in the following application
areas: Digital forensics
 Expert Systems - These are computers that have  Digital forensics is a branch of forensic science
been programmed to make decisions based on encompassing the recovery and investigation
information they are given. For example: Medical of material found in digital devices, often in
expert systems can diagnose patient's illnesses relation to computer crime.
based on symptoms entered.  Digital forensics (sometimes known as digital
 Languages - This type of AI involves computers forensic science) is a branch of forensic
that can understand different human languages as science encompassing the recovery and
investigation of material found in digital
they are spoken to them.
devices, often in relation to computer crime.
 Robotics - Robotic artificial intelligence is
 Digital forensics is the application of scientific
where machines are programmed to imitate a
investigatory techniques to digital crimes and
 Game Playing - Computers developed to play
games against human players. For example: In
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 Digital forensics is the process of uncovering • Digital evidence tendered in court often fails to
and interpreting electronic data. The goal of meet the same high standards expected of more
the process is to preserve any evidence in its established forensics practices, particularly in
most original form while performing a ensuring the evidence is what it purports to be. It
structured investigation by collecting, is increasingly common for criminal trials to rely
identifying and validating the digital on digital evidence. And, regrettably, it is
information for the purpose of reconstructing common for innocents to be convicted and guilty
past events. people acquitted because of digital evidence.

Digital forensics, also called computer forensics,

network forensics, or cyber forensics, is the Biometrics
discovery, collection, and analysis of evidence Biometrics is where parts of a person's body are
found on computers and networks. Digital used for identification purposes. Examples
forensics involves the examination of computer include:
media, programs, data and log files on computers,  Fingerprints - These are impressions embedded
servers, and networks. at the end of human fingers and thumbs.
Many areas use digital forensics, including Fingerprints kept in a database can be matched to
 law enforcement, those left at crime-scenes to help identify the
 criminal prosecutors, culprit.
 military intelligence,0  Eye recognition - Eye scans analyse the iris
 insurance agencies, which is the coloured ring that surrounds the
 Tax investigations and pupil.
 information security departments in the private  Face recognition - This is where the shapes of
sector. individual's faces are analysed.
A digital forensics examiner must have  Voice recognition - Pitch, tone and frequency of
knowledge of the law, technical experience with voices are unique and can be analysed to identify
many types of hardware and software products, people.
superior communication skills, familiarity with All of these parts of the human body are unique
corporate structures and policies, a willingness to from person to person and can be used to
learn and update skills, and a knack for problem authenticate identity.
solving. Note: Even identical twins have slightly different
Impact of Digital Forensics on everyday life: fingerprints and voices etc.
Forensics is changing in the digital age, and the  Before biometric methods can be useful, people
legal system is still catching up when it comes to have to perform a process known as 'biometric
properly employing digital evidence. enrolment'.
• Forensics has led to increased legal use of digital  This is where body-part data such as fingerprints
evidence. Digital evidence is information found or voice patterns are captured and stored within
on a wide range of electronic devices that is useful the system so that they can be used to identify the
in court because of its probative value. person later on.
• Technology changes evidence. There is still a  Biometrics are beginning to be used in place of
vigorous debate in the legal world over the usage passwords and physical locks as a means of
and reliability of DNA evidence, for example. security.
This is now being mirrored in more recent court  Biometrics have advantages over these older
challenges over the use of digital evidence. methods as body parts cannot be lost, forgotten or
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stolen as can be the case with passwords and keys. images from places such as Mars)
Impacts of Biometrics on everyday life: # Some more typical tasks that robots can be used
Some impacts of biometrics are discussed below: for are described in the table below:
 Better airport security Iris recognition is already  Dangerous jobs - E.g. disposing of bombs, spray
in use in some airports. painting or cleaning up nuclear waste. Note: these
 Travellers have their eyes and iris scanned into a are all jobs that could harm or kill a human.
system and this data is later matched up when the
person is performing airport checks.  Exploring extreme environments- E.g. inside
 Increased building security Fingerprint access to volcanoes, planets or the depths of the ocean.
buildings have been replacing the older methods Note: humans cannot visit these environments due
of locks and keys. This method ensures that only to lack of oxygen and high pressure / heat levels.
authorised people can enter restricted buildings or  Repetitive manufacturing jobs - E.g. production
rooms. lines, packing and welding etc.
 Reduced car theft Cars already exist that use  Note: these jobs can also be performed by
fingerprints to only unlock their doors or start the humans but robots can do them much faster and
engine for the fingerprint that is registered. This more efficiently.
means that the doors will not unlock for a print  Moving heavy objects - E.g. installing large
that is not recognised and makes the car harder to engines, moving pallets of items etc.
steal. Robots are increasingly being used in
 More secure mobile phones Mobile phones manufacturing due to their proven increase in
contain our lives. productivity. Think about it! Robots can work
We used our phones for everything from social 24/7 and never need to take breaks. They also do
media to shopping online. not require wages like humans do. This means that
They need to be as secure as possible in order to robots can produce more at a lower cost.
protect the valuable data that they contain. Apple Impacts of Robotics on everyday life:
recently released an iPhone model that uses a Some impacts of robotics are discussed below:
fingerprint reader to identify the true owner of the  Increased personal time - If robots can carry out
phone. It will not unlock for a fingerprint that it domestic chores, this frees up more time for us to
does not recognise. spend as we wish.
 This could mean more time spent at work or for
Robotics more enjoyable activities such as socialising.
Robots are used to perform a wide range of  More efficient manufacturing Robots can
physical tasks. manufacturer products such as cars much faster
# They are either automated (controlled by a and cheaper than humans can. This means that
computer chip) or manually controlled by a companies can make more products at less cost
human. and this means greater business profits.
# There are 4 different types of robots:  Loss of jobs Due to higher and cheaper
• Manufacturing robots (used to perform repetitive productivity, robots are taking over the
tasks such as welding) manufacturing jobs that used to be carried out by
• Carrier robots (used by the military to carry humans. This means that humans are missing out
heavy loads over dangerous terrain) on employment on assembly lines and factory
• Domestic robots (used in homes to perform work.
cleaning tasks such as vacuuming)  Safer working environments - Robots can safely
• Exploration robots (used to visit and send carry out tasks that are too dangerous for humans.
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For example: spraying cars with toxic paint, transfers.

defusing bombs on battlefields and search and  Completely secure personal information - Health
rescue operations in buildings destroyed by records, bank details and other types of personal
earthquakes. information will be absolutely secure from
hackers and other people wishing to commit
Quantum Cryptography identity theft crimes.
# Quantum cryptography (encryption) is an
emerging technology that allows messages and Computer Assisted Translation
data to be sent with complete privacy. (CAT)
Note: Encryption is where digital data and files
CAT is where a human translator uses computer
are scrambled so that only authorised people are
software to help in the translation
allowed to read it.
process. CAT software can reduce the amount of
Unauthorised people attempting to read the data
time that the translation takes. Current CAT tools
would see illegible nonsense instead of the real
are not always 100% accurate. They need a human
information. Older methods of encryption were
to check for errors.
based around mathematics but quantum
Examples of different types of CAT tools include:
cryptography uses physics instead.
 Spell checkers - These are usually built-into
This makes the encryption impossible to break.
word processing software and can automatically
In quantum cryptography, messages are encrypted
flag-up spelling errors and suggest translations of
using photons.
miss-spelt words.
These are tiny packets of light.
 NOTE: Most word-processors allow the user to
Impacts of Quantum Encryption on everyday life:
select the language in which to spell-check.
Some impacts of quantum cryptography are
 Translation memory software - Translation
discussed below
memory software are databases which store
 Completely secure voting Citizens of countries
translated text as the human translator works
have the right to vote-in new governments but
through it in order to be reused in the future.
history is littered with examples of where these
Translated text is built-up in the database's
votes have been tampered with in order to
memory and can be accessed by other translators
influence election outcomes. Securing votes with
in order to speed up their translation jobs.
quantum encryption methods ensures that they
 Language search-engine software - These are
cannot be tampered with or changed.
Internet based systems which allow translators to
 Completely secure communication - Messages
enter any text that they want translating and also
sent by the military often include the locations of
to select which language they want the text
squadrons or special op's teams. If enemy forces
translating into. The software will then search
intercepted these messages it could have severe
through a large collection of translation memory
databases to try and find a match with the text
Using quantum cryptography to secure the
entered into the search engine.
messages would eliminate the risk of them being
If a match is found, translated text will be shown
read or heard by unauthorised ears.
 Completely secure bank transfers - Any
Impacts of Computer Aided Translation on
electronic transfer of money, such as at ATM's or
everyday life:
buying goods online, will be completely secure.
Some impacts of CAT are discussed below:
Some banks are already using quantum
cryptography for the purposes of securing money
 More accurate documents Spell checkers can
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quickly scan your word processed documents and software and some bank notes include holograms
automatically find spelling errors. Miss-spelt as a way of trying to prevent forged duplicates
words can be quickly corrected to produce an being created. NOTE: Forgeries don't usually
error-free document. include a hologram as they are difficult and
 A more multilingual society Anyone with an expensive to reproduce.
Internet connection can access tools such as  Better movie experiences -Hollywood have been
Google Translate and the vast collection of using 3D imaging within the production of movies
language databases that the tools can search for many years. These provide the viewer with a
through. This makes accessing other languages much more immersive experience. NOTE: 3D
much easier than in the past and makes it easier movies require the viewer to wear special glasses
for people to learn these new languages. for the effect to take place. The glasses project
 NOTE: Google's new 'Voice Search' facility two images shot at different angles (one in each
allows users to actually speak into a tablet or eye) and your brain puts them together as one 3D
mobile phone and Google will automatically image.
translate (and speak) the words or phrase in  Greater data storage - It is thought that the
almost any language. technology behind holograms will eventually be
 Quicker and more efficient translations Foreign used to provide the means to store large amounts
visitors to countries can be communicated with of data. Companies have already produced discs
much easier through these CAT tools. They are that use holographic layers that each have the
especially useful in places like embassies where a potential to hold a massive 3.9 terabytes. NOTE:
wide-range of foreign visitors may need to This is the equivalent of over 150 standard Blu-
communicate with local officials about problems ray discs.
or ask for advice etc.

3D and Holographic Imaging (aka Virtual Reality

holograms) Virtual reality is where computers are used to
create an artificial environment that users can
This is a technique where images are made to
interact with as if it were real. Virtual reality is not
appear three-dimensional and to actually have
really meant for gaming purposes. It is used for
depth. Holograms work by taking two regular
more serious purposes such as:
twodimensional images of the same object and
• Allowing architects to walk around a virtual
laying one on top of the other.
version of their design (this gives a better idea of
The two-dimentional images need to have been
what the finished building will look like)
shot at different angles.
• Training soldiers in combat (flight simulation,
Two different types of laser beams are used to
battlefield simulation)
record the two-dimensional images onto a single
• Training surgeons (virtual patients can be
photographic plate. This creates one single image
operated on to provide experience to trainee
that incorporates the angles of the original two-
dimensional images. This produces a 3D effect.
# As they walk around the virtual environment
When viewing the image, human eyes see it from
users will experience things in a similar way to the
slightly different angles. The brain combines them
real world. For example:
into a three-dimensional image.
• Objects get smaller as you walk away from them
Impacts of 3D imaging on everyday life:
(and bigger as you move closer)
Some impacts of 3D imaging are discussed below:
• The direction of sounds change as you move
 Improved security - Credit cards, ID cards,
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around completed and check for potential errors before

• Objects in the virtual world appear the same the actual building is constructed. Virtual
dimensions as they would in the real world (for buildings will also be able to be tested against
example dogs are smaller than us but elephants factors such as earthquakes to see what effects
are bigger). they would have on the current design. This
Equipment needed to create the virtual reality allows architects to modify designs quickly and
experience includes the following: cheaply and will, potentially, allow for the
 Eye Goggles - These produce the 3D images development of much larger and safer buildings
that make up the artificial world. than we currently have.
 The goggles project slightly different views into  More effective treatment of phobias - VR is
each eye and this fools your brain into thinking being used to help patients overcome phobias and
that the scene is 3D. Virtual chairs look solid and anxieties. People can experience a tame,
so on. controlled version of what they are afraid of.
 Special Gloves - The gloves detect your hand Slowly the person becomes used to the situation
and finger movements which are input into a and can relax. For example: Someone might be
computer and processed. As users touch or use terrified of spiders and so they could be gradually
items in the virtual world, the computer can carry introduced to larger
out these commands and make them happen. This and larger virtual spiders (the virtual spiders
allows the user to interact with the virtual world would be controlled by the therapy team as well).
and perform tasks such as moving objects or  Training in dangerous situations - VR can be
switching used for training in dangerous situations where it
on lights etc. is impossible to practice the real thing. For
 Headphones - These control what users hear in example: A large fire in an office building could
the virtual world. For example: Distant sounds never be set up in reality, but it could in a virtual
will be quieter than sounds that are close by. environment. This will allow workers to practice
 Powerful Computer - A very powerful computer emergency evacuation in a safe environment.
is needed to create the virtual environment and to  More realistic education - VR can give students
process/output data sent into the system by the the opportunity to learn in a much more
user's actions. For example: The computer interactive way. For example: Astronomy students
produces graphics that appear as walls, outdoor can learn about the solar system by engaging with
scenes and objects such as trees. the objects in the virtual environment. They could
Impacts of Virtual Reality on everyday life: look around stars, move planets and track the
Some impacts of virtual reality are discussed orbits of comets. This approach is likely to allow
below: students to retain knowledge much better than
 Improved medical surgeons - Surgeons can be reading text out of a book.
trained using virtual patients. This allows them to Review Questions:
practice over and over until they have perfected a 1. List 5 technologies that are currently being
particular surgery without risk to a real patient. developed or are emerging.
For example: Imagine a new surgeon performing 2a. Describe 3 areas where artificial intelligence is
surgery on you and accidentally cutting off your being developed.
leg!!. 2b. Describe 3 impacts that artificial intelligence
 Larger and stronger buildings - Virtual buildings can have on everyday life.
allow architects to walk around to experience 3a. Explain what ‗Biometrics‘ is
what the building would look like when 3b. Describe 3 areas where biometric technology
is being used.
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3c. Describe 3 impacts that biometrics can have

on everyday life. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS
4a. State 3 different types of robot INTRODUCTION
4b. Describe 3 areas where robots are being used.  What is systems analysis?
4c. Describe 3 impacts that robots can have on Systems analysis is the separation of a substance
everyday life. into parts for detailed study, examination and
5a. Explain what ‗Quantum Cryptography‘ is. interpretation (oxford dictionary). (Substance =
5b. Describe 3 impacts that quantum cryptography business system).
can have on everyday life.  System analysis is the study of an organization's
6a. Explain what ‗Computer Aided Translation‘ problem or situation and the specification of
is. business requirements for an improved system.
6b. Describe 3 different examples of computer  What is systems design?
aided translation tools. Systems design is the detailed specification of a
6c. Describe 3 impacts that computer aided computer based solution to the business
translation can have on everyday requirements. The design includes the
life. programming specifications.
7a. Explain what ‗3D Imaging‘ is. What is systems analysis and design?
7b. Describe 3 impacts that 3D imaging can have  Systems Analysis and Design covers the entire
on everyday life. systems development process from: Planning to
8a. Explain what ‗Virtual Reality‘ is: implementation, maintenance, and evolution. It
8b. Describe 3 purposes for which virtual reality is includes all activities performed to produce an
being used. automated IS.
8c. Describe 3 impacts that virtual reality can have IMPORTANCE OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS
on everyday life. Why Systems analysis?
9a. Discuss the reliability of digital forensic Projects do not succeed by chance. Successful IT
evidence in courts of law. projects follow a systematic ―analysis and design‖
process in order to improve chances of success.
Many people would think that software
applications development is the actual
programming of an application, and that the
programming involves programmers writing
codes and compiling them to make an application.
Few people or users are quite aware that prior to
these programmers doing the codes, a systems
analysis and design is very critical. Here are the
following reasons:
 A systems analysis process involves studying
the actual business processes, understand where
data is coming from, how it should be processed
and what results are required.
 This is to find the bottlenecks in data or in
processing that results in performance degradation
of an application software.
 To sub-divide a more complex application
system so that it can easily be managed.
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 Participation of Users: The strategic purpose of

the analysis of the system is to seek the
acceptance of the people to a new development. PHASES OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS
System analysis process provides a sense of The following are the core phases of system
participation to the people. This helps in breaking analysis basing on the traditional Systems
the resistance to the new development and it also Development Process
ensure the commitment to the new system. Phase Explanation Outputs
 Understanding of Resource Needs: The analysis Systems Planning Phase Begins with a formal
of the system helps in defining the resource request to the IT department, called a Systems
requirements in terms of hardware and software. request. The purpose of this phase is to perform a
Hence, if any additional resources are required, preliminary investigation to evaluate an IT-related
this would mean an investment. The management business opportunity or problem. Feasibility study
likes to evaluate the investment form the point of key at this phase and a course of action based on
view of return on such investment. If the return on operational, technical, economic, and time factors
the investment is not attractive, the management is recommend after the study.
may drop the project. Preliminary Investigation Report
 Assessment of Feasibility: The analysis of the Feasibility Study
system helps to establish its feasibility / viability Recommendations
from different angles. The system should satisfy Systems Analysis Phase
the technical, economic and operational The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to
feasibility. build a logical model of the new system. To
 System Boundaries: It is necessary to establish understand the system, fact-finding techniques
the system boundaries which would define the such as interviews, are used to collect facts
scope and the coverage of the system. This helps necessary to build the model.
to sort out and understand the functional Requirements modeling help to get the systems
boundaries of the system, the department requirements of the system.
boundaries in the system, and the people involved Systems Requirements Document
in the system. It also helps to identify the inputs System Design Phase
and the outputs of the various sub-systems The purpose of this phase is to create a physical
covering the entire system. model
 System Importance: It is necessary to that will satisfy all documented requirements for
understand the importance of the system in the the
organization. This would throw more light on its system. At this stage, you design the user interface
utility and would help the designer to decide the and
design features of the system. It would be possible identify necessary outputs, inputs, and processes,
then to position the system in relation to the other plus the
systems for deciding the design strategy and internal and external controls.
development. System Design
 Nature of The System: The analysis of the
Systems Implementation Phase
system will help the system designer to conclude
During the systems implementation phase, the
whether the system is the closed type or open.
new system is constructed - programs are written,
Such an understanding of the system is necessary,
tested, and documented, and the system is
prior to design the process to ensure the necessary
installed. This phase also includes an assessment,
design architecture.
called a systems evaluation, to determine whether
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the system operates properly and if costs and and disbanded as projects are started and
benefits are within expectations. completed or cancelled.
Complete functioning information system  The analyst may well be the only individual
Systems Maintenance Phase who sees the big picture of the system.
In this phase IT staff maintain, enhance, and TASKS OF A SYSTEMS ANALYST
protect the system. Maintenance changes correct Systems analyst tasks include
errors and adapt to changes in the environment,  Investigation
such as new tax rates.  Planning
Enhancements provide new features and benefits.  Understanding
Security controls safeguard the system from both  Communication
external and internal threats.  Documentation
A scalable design can expand to meet new QUALITIES OF A SYSTEMS ANALYST
business requirements and volumes. 1. Working knowledge of IS Techniques and
Operational, Secure information system Technology.
THE SYSTEM ANALYST 2. Computer Programming Knowledge
 She or he performs Systems Analysis 3. Problem-solving skills (creativity)
 Usually employed in the Information Systems 4. Interpersonal Relations skills (confidence,
department persistent, patience)
 Has Wide ranging skills 5. Interpersonal communication skills
 A system analyst studies the problems and needs 6. Ongoing interest in updating one‘s knowledge
of an in IT.
Organisation. To determine how people, methods, SYSTEMS ANALYST SKILLS -
and computer technology can BEHAVIOURAL &TECHNICAL
best accomplish improvements for the business. Diplomacy Being able to say "no" without being "
ROLE OF A SYSTEMS ANALYST blunt; displaying tact in dealing with others.
1. Investigate how information is used, handled Interviewing Asking the right questions in order to
and manipulated in an organization. obtain the information needed.
2. Identify inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in the Directing Giving instructions and communicating
current system used by the organization e.g. user requirements to programming and
delays, high operating costs, huge clerical effort support staff.
and health hazards. Patience Continually refining user requirements
3. Analyze the results of the investigation that will by requesting - feedback; tolerating lack of
lead to designing the new system. computer literacy and specificity.
4. Design a specification of a new system which Assertiveness Insisting on a course of action or
overcomes the inefficiencies and meets the what one believes in, even though it may be
organization objectives. unpopular.
5. Oversees the process of testing during the
testing of the system.
6. The analyst acts as a facilitator. Leadership Getting work done while keeping the
 He/She interfaces among many different types team satisfied, effectively giving rewards and
of people and facilitates the development of punishment.
computer applications through these people. Programming Converting system specifications
STAKEHOLDERS OF AN INFORMATION into effective and efficient computer code.
SYSTEM Speaking Presenting your ideas in a manner easily
NB. These teams in the diagram will be created understood by your audience, both in
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group meetings and person to person. include:

Writing Preparing written documents that • Reviewing the current manual or redundant
accurately communicate ideas in a manner that information system and making recommendations
is easily understood by intended readers. on how to replace it with a more efficient one.
Listening Paying attention to and concentrating on • Working with programmers to construct and test
what is being said, and asking questions that the system.
refine points about which one is uncertain. • Coordinating training for users of the new
Empathy Being able to understand how others system.
feel; accurately determining what someone A good system analyst is one who has at least the
else thinks about an issue. following attributes;
Sales Promoting the system you advocate; • Good problem solving skills and creativity, ie.
persuading others to accept your viewpoint. Must have wide experience in solving problems.
Politics Understanding what motivates • Good communication skills: The analyst must be
individuals; determining sources of power and able to communicate clearly and precisely both in
influence in an organization. writing and in speech. He/she must be able to talk
Management Planning, organizing and controlling to different groups of people e.g managers,
projects so that they get done on schedule and operators, attendant and general public.
within budget. • Must have business knowledge: the analyst must
Training Educating users and other non-technical clearly understand the environment for which the
groups on the capabilities of computers system is being developed.
and systems. • Technical knowledge: A system analyst must be
Cooperation Working with others productively; well trained in relevant areas of computer science
resolving conflict in an effective manner. such as hardware, software programming
Computer operator
• Some of the responsibilities of a computer
operator include;
• Entering data into the computer for processing.
COMPUTER PROFESSIONS • Keeping up-to-date records (log files) of all
information processing activities. Computer
(CAREERS IN ICT) technician
Information and communication technology (ICT) • Given that computers require regular
has created new job titles such maintenance, upgrading as well as emergency
as computer operators, computer technicians, repairs, demand for computer technicians
system analyst, computer programmers, software continues to grow as more people computerize
engineer, information systems manager, data base their workplaces and homes.
administrator, computer trainer, web • Some of the responsibilities of a computer
administrator, computer graphics designers, technician are;
system administrators and network administrator, • Troubleshooting computer hardware and
as detailed below: software related problems.
System analyst • Assembling and upgrading computers and their
• This a person who is responsible for analyzing a components.
company‘s needs or problems then designs and • Ensuring that all computer related accessories
develops a computer based information system. such as printers modems, storage media devices
Some of the responsibilities of a system analyst are in good working condition.
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Computer engineer usually have experience in programming, but

• Computer and electronic engineers are coming focus on the design and development of programs
up with new and more efficient technologies in using the principles of mathematics and
information and communication technology engineering.
almost daily. Since computers are electronic • Computer Trainers:
devices, hardware designers must be good in Computer trainers typically teach new users how
electronic engineering in order to be able to: to use the computer software and hardware.
• Design and develop computer components such Network administrator
as storage devices, motherboards and other • A network administrator is a specialist whose
electronic components. responsibilities are to:
• Determine the electrical power requirement of • Set-up a computer network.
each component. • Maintain and enforce security measures on the
• Re-engineer computer components to enhance network.
its functionality and efficiency. • Monitor the use of network resources.
• Design and develop engineering and • Maintain and troubleshoot network related
manufacturing computer controlled devices such problems.
as robots.
Computer programmer Graphic designers: A graphic designer is a
• Large organizations such as insurance professional within the graphic design and graphic
companies, banks, manufacturing firms and arts industry who assembles together images,
government agents hire programmers to work typography, or motion graphics to create a piece
together with system analysts in order to: of design.
• Develop in house application programs or System Administrators
system programs. • A system administrator, or sysadmin, is a person
• Customize commercial application packages to who is responsible for the upkeep, configuration,
suite the organization needs. and reliable operation of computer systems;
• Install, test, debug, and maintain programs especially multi-user computers, such as servers.
developed or customized for the organization. Other responsibilities of an information system
administrator include;
Web administrator/webmaster The system administrator seeks to ensure that the
• A web administrator is responsible for: uptime, performance, resources, and security of
• Developing and testing websites. the computers he or she manages meet the needs
• Maintaining, updating and modifying of the users, without exceeding the budget.
information on the website to meet new demands • A system administrator may acquire, install, or
by the users. upgrade computer components and software;
• Software engineers: provide routine automation; maintain security
Most Software engineers analyses user needs and policies; troubleshoot; train or supervise staff; or
create application software. Software engineers offer technical support for projects.

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Basic Computer Terms

Address An individualized name (or number) identifying a computer user or computer. Used in network
communications for the transmission of
messages for a particular person or machine.
Application software Computer programs designed to directly deal with solving the user‘s problems.
Examples would include programs for accounting, word processing, financial analysis, computer games, etc.
Applications Complete, self-contained programs that perform a specific function (ie. spreadsheets,
Backup The act of making a second (backup) copy of the data stored on a disk or other storage device, to
safeguard against loss of data if there is damage to the primary copy.
BASIC Acronym for Beginner‘s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A general-purpose programming
language, often used in computers.
Baud rate A measurement of the speed at which data are transmitted between two computers, the number of
signal per second being transmitted.
Bit A computer's most basic unit of information
Bit Abbreviation for ―binary digit,‖ the most common unit computers use for representing data internally.
Bookmark Most Web browsers give you an option of adding a URL to a list. By doing this, you can store
the linking information (the URL) to any Web pages you plan to revisit.
Boot The process of loading or initializing an operating system on a computer; usually occurs as soon as a
computer is turned on
Browser (Web browser) A software application (either text-based or graphical) that lets you browse (surf)
the World Wide Web.
Browser A program used to view World Wide Web pages, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer
Bug A part of a program that usually causes the computer to malfunction; often remedied in patches or
updates to the program
Byte Small unit of data storage; 8 bits; usually holds one character
Byte A group of eight bits, the most common unit computers use for internally representing individual
characters, digits, or other data.
Cache (Pronounced “cash”) A region on the computer memory where frequently accessed data can be
stored for fast access.
Cathode ray tube (CRT) Another term for display screen.
CD-ROM Abbreviation for Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. A small disk device capable of storing
extremely large amounts of data, but which cannot be erased and reused for storing other data (the reason it
is referred to as ―read only‖).
Central processing unit (CPU) The part of a computer that controls the entire system and does
mathematical processing of data.
Character A single digit, letter of the alphabet, or other symbol. Usually represented inside a computer by
one byte.
Chat room (or chatline) A location on an online service that allows users to communicate with each other
about an agreed-upon topic in ―real time‖ (or
―live‖) as opposed to delayed time with e-mail.

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Chip Common term for very small silicon wafers upon which electronic circuits have been created for use
in computers. Used for microprocessors, electronic memory, and other internal computer electronic
Click Occurs when a user presses a button on a mouse which in turn, generates a command to the computer
Communications program Computer program containing the instructions that allow a computer to send
data to and receive data from another computer.
Cookie Small bits of data that a Web page asks a browser to store on a user‘s computer, either in RAM or
on the hard drive.
CPU Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements of the computer
CPU Central Processing Unit.
Cursor A block, underline character, arrow, or other symbol used on a display screen to indicate a particular
location on the screen.
Data base management system (DBMS) General-purpose computer program that allows data to be stored,
manipulated, organized, and retrieved in some logical manner. Sometimes referred to as an ―electronic filing
Data The symbols, writing, words, or other items used to represent facts, objects, events, or ideas.
Accounting records and yield measurements are two examples of data.
Database A large structured set of data; a file that contains numerous records that contain numerous fields
Demonstration program Limited, incomplete version of a program offered for sale by a software company,
used for demonstrating the complete program‘s features and capabilities. Often given free to potential
buyers of the complete program, or sold at low cost.
Dial-up As opposed to a dedicated or leased line; a type of computer linkage using regular telephone lines,
generally referring to the kind of connection one makes when using a terminal emulator and a regular
Disk Drive A peripheral device that reads and/or writes information on a disk
Disk drive Device for recording onto and reading from one type of computer storage disk—either a diskette,
or hard disk. Varying sizes and types of disks are not interchangeable among disk drives.
Diskette A small flexible disk used for storing computer data
Diskette A 3 1/2-inch or 5 1/4-inch floppy disk.
Display screen Usually a television-like screen used for displaying computer output, however, may also be
an LCD or other device.
Documentation The printed operating instructions that accompany a computer or software.
Domain Name System (DNS) The unique name of a collection of computers connected to networks such as
the Internet.
Dot matrix printer Printer that forms characters by selectively coloring or inking dots in a grid or matrix of
dots. Characters thus printed often appear to consist of rows of dots.
Double Click Occurs when a user presses a button on the mouse twice in quick succession; this generates a
command to the computer
Download Transferring data from another computer to your computer
Download To receive a file sent from another computer via modem.
Drag Occurs when a user points the mouse at an icon or folder, presses the button and without releasing the
button, moves the icon or folder to another place on the computer where the button is released
Driver Software program that controls a piece of hardware or a peripheral
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) A DSL circuit is much faster than a regular phone line. Currently DSL is
not available in all cities or parts of cities.
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Electronic worksheet or spreadsheet A general purpose computer program that operates like a large
columnar pad of paper in the computer‘s memory, which can do calculations on data typed onto the sheet.
Allows data and formulas to be typed in, edited, calculated, and printed out. Often used for budgeting and
forecasting, as a ―what if‖ planning tool.
E-mail (electronic mail) Online communications between computer users.
Encryption The process of scrambling a message so that a key, held only by authorized recipients, is
needed to unscramble and read the message.
Entry The act or result of putting data into a computer.
Ethernet A type of network interface card that connects an individual computer to a network. Computers on
the Internet that use the TCP/IP protocols are frequently connected to the Internet over an Ethernet link.
Expert system A computer program for making a recommendation, which tailors its recommendation to the
user‘s situation by following a variable path of reasoning dependent upon data given it by the user. One
example would be a program to recommend grain marketing strategies based on the user‘s risk and profit
goals, availability of storage, proximity to markets, etc.
FAQ Frequently asked question; documents that answer questions common to a particular website or
FAX modem A device to connect computer to telephone line to send data FAX messages.
File compression This process stores computer data more efficiently so the information takes up less disk or
file space and may be transmitted in less
File Namable unit of data storage; an element of data storage; a single sequence of bytes
File A collection of related data existing upon a computer storage device.
Finger A program used to find out whether someone is online. It may also reveal his or her full name and
project files.
Firewalls Special computers that are set up on a network to prevent intruders from stealing or destroying
confidential files.
Flame To heap written abuse on other computer users or to excessively criticize them for their ideas,
spelling, grammar, etc. Flaming is considered
impolite, juvenile behavior, but it is not uncommon in some newsgroups.
Floppy disk Flexible plastic disk coated with a magnetic material, upon which computer programs and data
may be stored. Usually from 3 to 8 inches in diameter.
Folder A graphical representation used to organize a collection of computer files; as in the concept of a
filing cabinet (computer's hard drive) with files (folders)
Freeware Software provided at no cost to the user
Freeware Non copyrighted software made available free for public use by the author.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) The process of transferring files or pro-grams from one computer to another.
An FTP site is a computer on the Internet that stores files and provides access to them.
GIF Graphic Interchange Format, the most common format used for graphics on the Internet.
Gigabyte 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,024 megabytes; generally abbreviated GB
GUI Graphical user interface; uses pictures and words to represent ideas, choices, functions, etc.
Hard disk A type of computer storage disk, usually consisting of a metal platter coated with a magnetic
material. Capable of storing larger amounts of data than floppy disks.
Hard Drive A device (usually within the computer case) that reads and writes information, including the
operating system, program files, and data files
Hardware The physical parts of a computer.
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Helper applications Additional software occasionally needed to help a Web browser program deal with a
specialized file on the Internet.
Home page An introductory WWW page or Web server at a Web site that provides hyperlinks to other Web
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) The computer language used to create hypertext documents. A
system of marking up, or tagging, a document so it can be published on the World Wide Web.
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) The client-server protocol upon which the World Wide Web is
Hyperlink, hypertext A link within one document connected to other documents, other places within the
same document, pictures, or HTML pages. Think of a hyperlink as an invitation to visit another place. A
simple click on the link will take you there.
Icon A small picture used to represent a file or program in a GUI interface
Information The result of processing, manipulating, and organizing data in a way that adds to the
knowledge of the person receiving it.
Ink-jet printer A low-cost, near laser quality printer that uses liquid ink.
Input The data put into a computer.
Internet A network of computer networks encompassing the World Wide Web, FTP, telnet, and many other
Internet Service Providers (ISP) An organization that lets users dial into its computers to connect to its
Internet link for a fee. ISPs generally provide an Internet connection and an electronic mail address. Some
providers also include World Wide Web browsing software.
Internet The worldwide network of networks based on the TCP/IP protocol. A noncommercial, self-
governing network devoted mostly to communication and research with roughly 66 million users worldwide.
Intranet Internal networks, based on Internet technology, designed to connect the members of a specific
group or single company (a closed-user group).
IP (Internet Protocol) Main protocol upon which the Internet is based.
IP number Internet protocol; a computer's unique address or number on the Internet
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Telecommunications network that allows for digital voice,
video, and data transmissions.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) A format that is used to display graphics on Web pages.
Keyboard A peripheral used to input data by pressing keys
Keyboard Typewriter-like computer input device.
Kilobyte (K) A unit for measuring computer memory and storage capacity, roughly equal to 1,000
characters or bytes of data. Technically, one K is 1,024 bytes.
Kilobyte 1,024 bytes; usually abbreviated KB
LAN Local area network
Laser printer A fast, high-quality printer.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. A technology popular in watches and calculators for displaying information,
which also may be used for computer display screens—especially in portable computers.
Listserv A program that allows users to mass-distribute messages that form conferences, as well as
archiving files and messages that can be searched for and retrieved.
Login, logon The process of identifying yourself to your computer or an online service. The initial
identification procedure to gain access to a system as a legitimate user. The usual requirements are a valid
user name (or user ID) and password.

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Logout, logoff The concluding steps for formally ending a session with a system. Physically disconnecting
or powering down a terminal does not necessarily result in a logout.
Mailing list Electronic discussion groups that link a relatively small group of people together by common
interests and that are distributed throughout the Internet via its global e-mail system.
Megabyte 1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 kilobytes; enough storage to approximately equal a 600 page paperback
book; generally abbreviated Mb
Megabyte One million bytes, or 1,000 kilobytes.
Memory Any device that holds computer data
Memory Term usually referring to the electronic memory circuits of a computer; however, sometimes also
extended to imply all memory and storage devices used by a computer.
Menu A list of operations available to the user of a program
Menu A list of choices displayed on a computer display screen, from which the user may choose a program
Microcomputer Any computer using a microprocessor as its central processing unit.
Minicomputer Term for computers intermediate in processing power between microcomputers and
mainframe computers.
Modem A peripheral device used to connect one computer to another over a phone line
Modem A device that allows a PC to communicate and exchange information with other modem-equipped
computers via telephone lines. The current standard for modems is 56k, which allows you to transfer data at
up to 56,000 bits per second.
Monitor A device used to display information visually
Monitor A display screen.
Mouse A peripheral device used to point to items on a monitor
Mouse Computer input device consisting of a small box having one or more buttons on top, for giving
instructions to a computer.
MSDOS Operating system program popular among users of the IBM-PC and compatible computers.
Multimedia Documents or platforms that combine different kinds of data (text, video, graphics, audio).
Netiquette Guidelines to good manners on the Internet; for example, don‘t flame other users, don‘t leave
your caps lock key on (that‘s like yelling), etc.
Network A collection of computers that are connected
Newsgroup Collection of information and users who get together to communicate about one particular
NIC Network interface card; a board inserted in a computer that provides a physical connection to a network
Online service A dial-up service that provides news, information, and discussion forums for users with
modem-equipped PCs and the access software provided by the service.
Online Refers to the successful connection with another computer via telephone lines or through a network.
Operating system A program or collection of programs that coordinates and controls the various devices
making up a computer system.
Output The act or result of printing or displaying information generated by a computer.
PCMCIA An international association that defines specifications for devices.
PDF (Portable Document Format) A PDF file preserves the look of a document. It is commonly used to
make available publications on the Web. A free Acrobat Reader is needed on a computer before PDF files
are readable. The Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Corporation web site at
Peripheral Any of a number of hardware devices connected to a CPU

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Peripherals The add-on hardware devices used in conjunction with a computer, printer, display screen, disk
drives, etc.
Printer A peripheral device that converts output from a computer into a printed image
Printer Device that transfers computer output onto paper.
Privacy Policy Web sites should have a statement that describes what information about you is collected by
the Web site and how it is used. A good policy statement should have an opt-in or opt-out option. An opt-in
option means that the Web site will not use your information unless you tell them
they can. An opt-out option means that the Web site can use your information.
Program A set of pre-defined commands or instructions that tells a computer how to go about solving a
problem or doing some job.
Protocol The ―must follow‖ regulations that govern the transmission and receipt of information across a
data communications link.
RAM Random access memory; the type of storage that changes; when the computer is turned off, the RAM
memory is erased
Random-access memory (RAM) Electronic memory circuits in a computer that may be both read from and
written to, and which lose the data they contain whenever electricity is turned off to the computer.
Sometimes referred to as volatile memory.
Read-only memory (ROM) A memory device (usually electronic memory circuits) that may only be read
by a computer. The data stored in ROM memory is permanent (non-volatile) and is not lost when electricity
is turned off to the computer.
ROM Read-only memory; the type of storage that is not changed even when the computer is turned off
Script Also known as calling script. A record of keystrokes and commands that can be played back in order
to automate routine tasks, such as logging on to an online service.
Scroll Bar Allows the user to control which portion of the document is visible in the window; available
either horizontally or vertically or both
Search engine A WWW site that serves as an index to other sites on the Web.
Server A computer (or service) that provides information or a service to other computers on a network.
Shareware Software provided at a minimal cost to users who are on their honor to send in payment to the
Shareware Software that is sold by individuals or companies for a nominal fee. Typically the software is
downloaded and tried out before buying and
registering it.
Signature A three- or four-line message, used to identify the sender of an e-mail message or Usenet article.
Small computer systems interface (SCSI) Used to connect hard drives and tape drives to computer.
Software: set of instructions that operate in hardware
Spam Generally referred to as the Internet equivalent of junk mail, spam ranges from annoyances like mass
e-mailings and advertisements, junk mail,
and chain letters, to fraudulent product or service promotions, and harassing or threatening e-mails.
Spreadsheet A program arranged in rows and columns that manipulates numbers
Storage device Any device upon which a computer may store data in permanent form. Data is not lost from
a storage device when the electricity to a computer is turned off, as is the case with electronic memory.
Sometimes called non-volatile memory.
Surge protector Electronic device for protecting a computer or other electronic device from the harmful
effects of sharp surges of voltage in electric power lines.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598

T-1, T-3 line High-speed digital lines that provide data communication speeds of 1.544 megabits (T-1) and
45 megabits (T-3) per second.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) A set of instructions that dictates how
packets of information are sent across multiple
networks. This includes SLIP and PPP. Also included is a built-in error-checking capability.
Telnet A program that lets the user log onto a remote computer. Also, the name of the program
implementing the protocol.
Template A pre-programmed set of instructions that may be used with an electronic worksheet or
spreadsheet program for doing a particular job. Akin to a computer program.
Tool Bar A graphical representation of program activities; a row of icons used to perform tasks in a program
Upload To send or transmit a file from one computer to another via modem.
URL (Universal Resource Locator) A Web site‘s address. An example is: (ISU Extension‘s home page).
URL Uniform resource locator; the address of a site on the World Wide Web; a standard way of locating
objects on the Internet
Usenet Refers mostly to the newsgroups, but also to e-mail. Usenet travels on the Internet, but also over
modems and satellites.
Username, user-id An address that designates a personal account on a large computer. For example, in, ―jsmith‖ is the user-id.
Utility software Computer programs for handling the organizational and ―housekeeping‖ chores in running
a computer, such as deleting files of old data, copying disks, printing a directory of the information stored on
a disk, etc.
Virus A deliberately harmful computer program designed to create annoying glitches or destroy data
Virus A piece of programming code inserted into other programming to cause some unexpected and usually
undesirable event, such as deleting or damaging files.
WAN Wide area network
Web server A computer that is connected to the Internet that stores and manages Web documents. A Web
server handles requests from other computers and delivers requested Web documents.
Web site A group of related pages, images, and files on a Web server.
Window A screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs at one time
Word processing Using a computer to accept, edit, organize, and print out text.
Word Processor A program that allows the user to create primarily text documents
WWW (World Wide Web) One of several features of the Internet. It contains graphics, video, audio, text,
and much, much more.

Compiled by Eddy Musenze 0788120598

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