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Public gardens and parks

1. Would you like to play in a public garden or park?

- I think that I'd prefer to play in a park than play in a public garden.
Because The park is bigger than a garden so I can do many more
activities, such as jogging, badminton or football, etc. It's a great place
to exercise.
2. What do you like to do when visiting a park?

- The park has many interesting outdoor activities that I can

participate in and everyone here is full of energy and active. The air in
the park is also very cool and fresh because there are many trees
around. It's the perfect place to relax and exercise.
3. How have parks changed today compared to the time when you were a kid?

- It had a lot of changes, it was expanded a lot and there was a lake
there. When I was a kid, the trees in the park were only a little taller
than me but now they have grown a lot bigger. Nowadays more and
more people come to relax and exercise at the park.
4. Would you prefer to play in a personal or public garden?

- I like to play at the public park because there are many activities
where I can play with many people, it's really fun and interesting. It's
really different from play alone and with many people. If you practice
alone, it is very tedious. Seeing everyone play with me makes me feel
more motivated and more enjoyable than a personal park.

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