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Human beings are very lucky that they live on a planet which has very clean and attractive

full of wonders. Specifically, flora and fauna are our best friends and teachers which provide us
with all the resources for living. Eventually, we should be thankful to nature for sustaining and
nurturing us like a mother.

In the first place, our environment is a source of energy, food and the entertainment. Thus, we
can enjoy living conditions daily. With this in mind, we must appreciate the sweet sound and
scenery of God’s creation. Furthermore, mother nature has been one of the most favorite topics of
the works of many famous writers, musicians and artists. In such a way everyone can notice its real
beauty and charm. Angela Morgan wrote a lovely poem called “ God the artist” which reflects on the
marvels of God, being a great one to read aloud and lead into uplifting meditation. Henceforth, she
promotes the great power about appreciation ,gratitude and awareness of nature.

Obviously, we should keep its originality, wonder and ecological balance. There is no doubt, it is
our best teacher of giving and receiving love from and to all living beings . Reunion and patience
are the greatest lessons to learn. As an illustration, the documentary “Encounters at the End of the
World” will make you fall in love with nature. Through the sublime beauty of the icy mountains
and the sheer awesomeness of the environments it is set in.

In my humble opinion,  natural surroundings are the most precious gift given by the God to us to
enjoy but not to harm. There is no doubt, that landscapes always bring changes to our life and
provide an adventurous and happy life to each leaving creature, being the real sense of beauty and

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