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Bañez, Juzelle B.

GEC 19 (LWR) AB PolSci 1A


First and foremost, the video itself was actually good, especially in terms of how it was
acted out by narrating the story of Rizal’s life and how he lived his own principles and ideas. It
gives me that sort of MMK vibes. And that despite his life experiences, he was able to fight for
our country with his words inscribed in his writings, even it cost his own life.
Hence, after watching the video, I had couple of realizations. First is that life is indeed
beautiful even if we faced some problems and struggle along the road, we just have to enjoy and
look for the beauty in it and appreciate even the smallest details in our lives. And also, the love
that we give not just for the country but also for our own selves, friends and for the family. Because
I believe that love pushes us, people to do something and fight for it until our vey last breath. And
most of all, I realized that I should not give up and continue to pursue my passions as well as
explore the wonders of life until I find my true purpose as a human being. Because we don’t have
any idea how long we’ll be here, and if ever that “day” comes, at least I have fulfilled my life’s
purpose. And just like Rizal, I believe that it would be the most fulfilling achievement of one’s life
– to live your life serving your purpose.

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