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Autor(a): Magali Madariaga Pagina color no

Revista: Teacher’s Pagina fotocopiable si

Mes: noviembre Poster color si
Tema: internacional children’s day Poster fotocopiable
Nivel(es): all Fecha de entrega: 20/02/07
Edad(es) all Cantidad de palabras:

Poner la frase en el poster con un mundo en el centro y todos los nenes de distintas razas e
incluso “disabled” alrededor de la mano de soldados, campesinos, curas, y gente de diferentes
profesiones y trabajos, significando que debemos construir desde todas las posiciones no solo
desde la escuela!
Se pueden poner las personas como construyendo el mundo que estaria dividido en porciones
como ladrillos y el globo terraqueo a medio construir! Se entiende????

There is no task more important than building a world in which all of our children can
grow up to realize their full potential, in health, peace and dignity.”
Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Activity for teens:

Look at the poster and write
 What does the image tell you?
 Do you feel grown ups are building a world in which you can grow up to be happy?
 What would you add to the phrase in the poster? And to the drawing?
 How would you help better the world?

Activity for adults:

Look at the poster and write/ speak
 What does the image tell you?
 Do you feel you are helping to build a world in which children can grow up to be
 What would you add to the phrase in the poster? And to the drawing?
 Imagine you were the president of your country. How would you help better the

Activity for children:

Look at the poster and write/ draw
 What would you like to be in the future?
 I imagine my planet in the future will be…
 My parents help me because…..

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