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Song for kindergarten.

(sung as I’m a little teapot)

I’m a little wave. (by Magali Madariaga )

I’m a little wave; I live in the sea,

I move back and forth, you can play with me,
When I am coming, wait and see…
Splash! I bring so many interesting things.

Sometimes it’s a crab, sometimes a sardine.

Or perhaps a shell or a tiny fish.
I can bring a shell or maybe a Twig

But never a whale, oh no! It’s too BIG

Se puede poner una foto de nenes jugando con olas de cartón y disfrazados con las
diferentes cosas que se nombran en la canción.
Como actividad se puede trabajar con celofán de color azul en la hoja haciendo olas
Fotocopiable: se pueden poner todos los elementos que dice en la canción y que los chicos
pinten solo los que la ola trae. El título sería: colour the things the little wave can bring to
the coast. Cross out the ones that she cannot bring. Objective: practise the song and the

Repetitive story for kindergarten.

TPR activity.(perform the actions with the class)
T: When I was swimming at the bottom of the sea, what did I see?(action: as if you were
swimming, moving your arms)
Ch: what did you see?
T: I saw a little red crab walking sideways by me! ?(action: walking sideways as a crab)
T: When I was swimming at the bottom of the sea, what did I see?
Ch: what did you see?
T: I saw a huge blue whale swimming by me!(move slowly with your arms showing you are
big and fat)
T: When I was swimming at the bottom of the sea, what did I see?
Ch: what did you see?
T: I saw a funny clown fish hiding from me!(hiding your face behind your hands)
T: When I was swimming at the bottom of the sea, what did I see?
Ch: what did you see?
T: I saw a long grey eel, looking at me! (put your fingers around your eyes in the way of
T: When I was swimming at the bottom of the sea, what did I see?
Ch: what did you see?
T: I saw a scary white shark trying to catch me! (running after the children trying to
catch them)

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