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How did what a wonderful world regard the

In this song the writer is praising his surroundings and how happy he is with
the blessings of GOD. He says that we have everything to praise and thank
GOD. He is appreciating all the things present in the environment. He says that
only GOD is capable of creating these marvelous things and we should take
care of it.

Why did Louis Armstrong wrote what a wonderful

George Weiss recounts in the book Off the Record: Songwriters on Songwriting
by Graham Nash that he wrote the song specifically for Louis Armstrong. Weiss
was inspired by Armstrong’s ability to bring people of different races together.

What is the tone of the song of what a wonderful

Answer: The song also has a hopeful, optimistic tone with regard to the future,
with reference to babies being born into the world and having much to look
forward to.

How was a human person regarded in the song What a

wonderful world?
Answer: Louis Armstrong’s 1967 song, What a Wonderful World, talks about the
aesthetic and beautiful feeling that nature provides to humans. Explanation:
This song expresses wonder and joy at just being alive, at realizing that there is
beauty to be found in almost every aspect of existence.

How will you describe how wonderful the world is to a

blind person?
Answer: It is so beautiful, the birds sounds are relaxing, the falls, the nature. It
is beautiful, even if you cannot see it, you can feel that it is so beautiful.
Sometimes to see beautiful things in this world you don’t need to open your
eyes, I often close my eyes to see and feel beautiful things around.

Can tone and mood be the same?

Tone and mood can very easily be confused! Tone simply refers to how the
author feels towards the subject, or towards something. While ‘mood’, refers to
the feeling of the atmosphere the author is describing. It is what the author
makes you feel when you read his writings.

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