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Look at the above pie chart. Write a report of not less than 200 words to the General
Manager of Oriental Hotel describing the budget allocation for advertising in the different
media. Observe the trend by providing TWO possible reasons for the trend and
recommending TWO logical and relevant suggestions.

Answer 1
The pie chart above shows the budget allocation for advertising media of Oriental Hotel
in 2017. The budget was split between four categories, which are brochures, booklets,
newspapers and magazines.

The budget allocation for brochures and booklets are 35% and 25% respectively. These
two forms of advertising are the highest among the four. This is because they are more
versatile, cost effective and can include lots of details. Customers would rather read a
simple brochure or booklet instead of having to read or carry around an entire magazine
or newspaper.

Besides that, the budget allocation for newspapers and magazines are 20% each.
These two had a slightly lower budget among the four because newspapers and
magazines are not as effective as brochures and booklets. Newspapers and magazines
are declining due to the rise of internet. The budget allocation for these two media is
lower because the hotel is targeting the small group of people who are still reading
newspapers and magazines.
In conclusion, Oriental hotel should increase the budget for the brochure and booklets
because these two media is more effective than newspapers and magazines. The hotel
should reallocate 20% of the budget from newspapers and magazines towards the
brochures and booklets. Oriental Hotel could reallocate the entire budget to focus on
one specific media which is brochures that is the most effective.

(223 words)

Answer 2

The chart shows the budget allocation for advertising media from the hotel for 4
categories. Which are magazines, newspapers, booklets, and brochures.

The reasons for brochures having the highest allocation are because they are found
everywhere, and many people use it to promote a business or service. Brochures are
also effective because they're cost-effective, versatile, visually pleasing and can include
lots of information. They're cost-effective Unlike paid online ads which compete with
each other, sending the cost per click soaring, brochures have a fixed price. And the
more you order, the lower the unit cost. Moreover, when you use brochures, you also
get to Personalize the Business.

Secondly, the reasons for newspaper and magazines having the lowest and equal
amount of allocation is because they are out dated methods of communication. People
these days prefer to use online methods of promotions compared to the outdated
physical ones.

One way to boost the allocated percentage for new papers and magazines is by
including an online version of the physical ones. Secondly, the budget allocation for
brochures and booklets should be reduced to make a way to increase allocations for
brochures and newspapers. To make an equal profit allocation.
Secondly, the allocations of newspaper and magazines can also be reduced to focus
the budget allocation on the advertising media that bring in a better income.
In short form, the allocations can be equally allocated to have an equal profit from all

(242 words)

Answer 3

The pie chart above shows the Budget allocation for the Advertising media of oriental
Hotel in 2017. A total of 4 types of advertising media were included in the budget
allocation for 2017, which includes Magazines, Newspapers, Brochures, and Booklets.

In 2017, the Oriental Hotel has allocated budgets to advertising media that is shown in
the chart. As shown, the Brochure has 35% of the budget being allocated and it is shown
to be the highest amongst other advertising media. Furthermore, the remaining
advertising medias such as Booklets has 25%, the Magazines and Newspapers has 20%
of the budget allocated.

While the budget allocated has shown that the Brochure is the highest compared to the
other advertising medias, since the Brochure has a 35%. This is shown to be the only
advertising media is that has an increase of budget being allocated. Hence, this is due to
the social interaction being involved where brochures are being handed out by staff to

The pie chart shows that magazine has the lowest budget allocation in 2017. This is
because the costs of the magazines are high due to magazines have many pages inside
them, whilst brochures use lesser paper to produce, hence the cost are low. To solve this
problem, Mandarin oriental could reduce the production of the magazines due to
magazines are inefficient and expensive.

In conclusion, the Brochure shows the highest allocated budget of 35% comparing the
Magazine having a 20%. This shows that Magazine is inefficient as they cost a little more
than brochures when advertising. Whereas the Brochure is much cheaper to produce and
easier to advertise.
(270 words)
Answer 4

The pie chart depicts a comparison of Oriental Hotel's budget allocation for advertising in
various media in 2017. Magazine 20 percent, newspaper 20 percent, booklet 25 percent,
and brochure 35 percent are the four categories of budget allocations.

In 2017, the brochure had the highest budget allocation of 35 percent for Oriental Hotel
promotional media. It was because brochures are popular among people, and they are
also simple to distribute and read. Furthermore, brochures are easier to create and have
a lower printing cost. The booklet received the second biggest budget allocation for
Oriental Hotel advertising media in 2017, accounting for 25% of the total. The reason for
the second highest ranking is that the printing cost of a booklet is greater, and most people
prefer brochures than booklets.
Magazine and newspaper had the lowest budget allocation for Oriental Hotel advertising
media in 2017, accounting for only 20% of the total. There aren't many people who enjoy
reading magazines and newspapers. People have stopped reading magazines and
newspapers because the younger generation prefers to read them online.

Finally, the biggest budget allocation goes to the brochure, followed by the booklet, and
the two lowest budget allocations go to the newspaper and magazine. Oriental Hotel
might create an online magazine and newspaper to increase budget allocation. As a
result, individuals may read newspapers and magazines online from anywhere.
(227 words)

Answer 5

According to the pie chart, brochures is having the most budget allocated for advertising
media 2017 in Oriental Hotel. This is because brochures are cheap marketing options
that can fit any small business budget, yet it is one of the most effective advertising
method available. Brochures can easily provide information about oriental hotel to the
Newspaper and magazines are having the least budget allocated for advertising media
2017 in Oriental Hotel. This is because customers must pay for newspaper and
magazines furthermore newspaper and magazine has been replaced because people
can find the same information online for example in Facebook, google and YouTube.
In conclusion, people have to reduce the cost of the newspaper and magazines so that
people will willing to buy it or Oriental Hotel can provide free newspaper and magazines
in the customer room so that people will go read for it.
(146 words)

Answer 6

Introduction – The pie chart shows the budget allocation for advertising media 2017
oriental hotel. There are four categories of advertising media which are brochures,
booklets, newspapers, and magazines.

Body 1- The highest budget allocation percentage from Oriental Hotel was brochures
that contain 35%. The brochures were the highest might be due to the convenience that
it has. Specifically, it contains much information once you read it.

Body 2 – The lowest budget allocation percentage from Oriental Hotel was newspaper
20% and magazine 20%. This happened might be because the majority of people
nowadays prefer to read the news from their smartphone instead of the newspaper. By
doing so, people could get the news at the same time save money from buying the
newspaper every day. Magazines have the same percentage as a newspaper might
because people recently don’t like to read, and it takes time to read a magazine that has
many pages.

Conclusion – In conclusion, Oriental Hotel has many budgets allocation for various
advertising media. It is encouraged that; Oriental Hotel could make their advertising
media more effective and attractive. As a result, when the advertising is effective, the
sales will increase, then the hotel could increase their budget on advertising media.
Oriental Hotel could reduce their cost on other aspects like human resources department
and increase the budget to the advertising aspect.
(223 words)

Answer 7
The pie chart shows that the budget allocation of advertising media in Oriental Hotel
during 2017. Four categories of advertising media were provided in Oriental Hotel, which
are brochures, booklets, newspapers, and magazines.
Firstly, a high percentage of 35% of the budget was allocated on brochures probably
because brochures can include more information in just one page and save costs at the
same time. Furthermore, brochures might gain more attention from customers as they
are more visually appealing than others.
After that, newspapers and magazine have an insignificant percentage of 20%. This is
because newspapers and magazines have many pages, and the advertisement may be
neglected by readers. Next, newspapers and magazines have limited readers probably
due to the limited period of publishing. Besides that, customers would have to buy
newspapers and magazines on their own to obtain the information.

In conclusion, there were four categories of advertising media were suggested by Oriental
Hotel. To increase the sales of Oriental Hotel, they are required to allocate more budget
on brochures and less budget on newspapers and magazines.
(177 words)

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