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Basic ADB commands

ADB push (sends files to your phone) -- adb push c:\example.apk /sdcard/example.apk

ADB pull (Receives files from your phone) -- adb pull /system/app/example.apk c:\

ADB install (installs application) -- adb install c:\example.apk

adb shell (Begins shell connection with phone)

adb reboot (reboots phone)

adb reboot recovery (reboots phone into recovery)

adb reboot bootloader (reboots the phone into bootloader/the white screen)

adb remount (remounts the system)

Commands to run while in ADB Shell

cd (changes directories) -- cd /system/app

ls (lists all files in the directory) -- cd /system/app

rm (removes files) -- rm /system/app/example.apk

cp (copies files) similar to cat -- cp /system/app/example.apk /sdcard/example.apk

cat (copies files) -- cat /system/app/example.apk > /sdcard/example.apk

exit (exits shell) -- exit

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