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To Be Supposed To

We can use to be supposed to when we want to refer to actions or situations in which

we either believe they are going to happen or they have to happen due to special
motives or purposes.

See context:

I need to get up in the morning because I have a meeting at 8 am and I can´t be late.
Our company is going to have a special visitor: our CEO. He is an American and doesn
´t know how to speak my language.

Because of that:

I am supposed to wake up early to arrive at the office on time

I am supposed to speak English with our CEO

John is a taxi driver downtown. There is a lot of competition among taxi drivers. He has
to keep his clients loyal to him to have a good wage at the end of the month.

Because of that:

He is supposed to have a good and clean car

He is supposed to drive very well

He is supposed to know every corner of the city

He is supposed to be polite and sometimes funny

Question Mix
What are you supposed to do tomorrow morning?

When are you supposed to finish working every day?

What are you supposed to do to travel more?

Are you supposed to know English at work?

You Mix
I am supposed ____________________________________

She is not supposed ________________________________

They are supposed__________________________ at home.

While driving we are supposed _____________________

When are you supposed ___________________________?

Writing Mix
Follow the example

We believe she should exercise more.

She is supposed to exercise more

I think you should eat less red meat

He has to go to the meeting with no delay

She believes she needs to study for the test tomorrow
He thinks he has to buy a new tuxedo for the party
John has to get up early for work this week
I think I should learn how to cook something
We can´t speak in the hospital
She shouldn´t make a lot of mistakes in the test
He bought a car and he is going to drive it
Our class starts at 8:30. Don´t forget to come
The car is dirty and we have to wash it
You need to save energy in our house.

You mix
Write about ten things you are supposed to know to be successful in your profession

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