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1-SLMI-dLSN interact effectively with and manage others, we can probably all identify at least one of our habits that decrease our effectiveness. ‘+ Emotions. Emotional self-awareness has become a hot topic-for discussion recently because it’s one of the five facets of emotional intelligence. Understanding your own feelings, what causes them, and how they impact your thoughts and actions is emotional self-awareness. + Needs. Maslow and other scholars have identified a variety of psychological needs that drive our behaviors such as needs for esteem, affection, belongingness, achievement, selfactualization, power and control. One of the advantages of knowing which needs exert the strongest influence on our ‘own behaviors is the ability to understand how they affect our interpersonal relationships. How Do We Develop Self-Awareness? Basically, developing self-awareness is about being engaged in what is going on around us, being conscious of our feelings, and understanding the impact of those emotions on our ability to perform. Tips for becoming more self-aware include: 1. Be in touch with your own feelings. Find time to be alone, know yourself and write down your thoughts. 2. Practice reflective thinking. Journaling is an excellent way of doing this in a way that promotes reflection. Jot down key events, interactions that failed to meet expectations and cues (verbal, visual, physical) that suggest that your intentions were not achieved, Review these notes and seek clarification. 3. Donotdeny your feelings. Recognize that feelings are not sins. Where needed, share your feelings with others. However, sharing with others does not mean total honesty in sharing all your thoughts and feelings on any subject or Person, e.g., know the maturity of your potential confidant. Can he or she handle what you will be sharing? Exercise caution in revealing feelings or facts that may hurt others. 4. Do not allow your feelings to dictate your behavior. Set your own criteria on what you should and should not do. it is important to establish principles beforehand as to what to do when caught in such situations because emotions may dominate your being and rational thoughts go out the window. 5. Ithas been said that one will never see a clearer reflection of themselves than that they see in the eye of a friend. Seek feedback from those that you are close to and trust. Encourage them to be open and candid.

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