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Lab Programs KCS-351

1. Program to implement Linear Search and Binary Search.

2. Program to implement Bubble Sort Recursive and Non-recursive.
3. Program to implement Selection Sort, Recursive and Non-recursive.
4. Program to implement Insertion Sort Recursive and Non-recursive.
5. Program to implement Merge Sort.
6. Program to implement Quick Sort.
7. Program to implement Heap Sort.
8. Polynomial Addition using Linked list.
9. Programs to implement stack using an array.
10. Program to implement queue using an array.
11. Program to implement circular queue using an array.
12. Programs to implement stack using linked list.
13. Program to implement queue using linked list.
14. Program to implement circular queue using linked list.
15. Conversion from infix to postfix notation using stack.
16. Program to implement binary tree using linked list.
17. Program to implement binary search tree using linked list.
18. Program to implement tree traversals using linked list.
19. Program to implement BFS using linked list.
20. Program to implement DFS using linked list.
21. Program to implement Kruskal’s algorithm to find MST.
22. Program to implement Prim’s algorithm to find MST.
23. Program to implement Dijkstra Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path.
24. Program to implement Warshal’s Algorithm for All Pair Shortest Path.
25. Huffman Coding.

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