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Because Of COVID 19

COVID 19 is a virus that we must be very aware of because it can cause death. This virus will
attack respiratory system and go directly to the lungs. The government has implemented a policy to
reduce the spread of viruses such as PSBB. Therefore, we as a good society must support the policy by :

1. Stay Home

Awareness of not doing outside activities really helps reduce the spread of COVID 19. By staying
at home, we can keep our body from getting infected by COVID 19 because we don’t see other
people. The activity also supports physical distancing.

2. Physical Distancing

More accurately said as physical distancing because we need to maintain physical distance from
other people. As is well known that COVID 19 spreads due to physical contact or splash of water
that comes out after sneezing and coughing on body.

3. Wash Hands

After doing activities outside home or after touching objects that come from outside, of course
we can’t know whether there is a virus attached. Therefore, we must always wash our hands
with soap before we touch our body, especially the nose and mouth.

4. Wear Mask

Wearing a mask is something that must be done also so that is there is someone outside who
accidentally sneezes or coughs so that it sparks water, it can be prevented by wearing a mask so
that it is not directly exposed to the respiratory system such as the mouth and nose.

We should do the four things above, because if not then a lot of bad things can happen that is
increasing the number of people infected with COVID 19, increasing the number of deaths, the number
of people who have difficulty finding work and financing their needs, the difficulty of international
cooperation, there is always a sense of excessive anxiety, the economy becomes unstable and
obstructed teaching and learning activities.

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