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Name : Dini noviadi

NIM : 121811006
PRODI : S1- Nursing
Institution : STIKES Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang


Young Marriage = Risk of Cervical Cancer

Hello buddy teen successor nation, have you ever thought about wanting to marry young? Do
you already know if married at a young age will be at risk of cervical cancer? Here I want to
share knowledge related to the risk of marriage at a young age including the risk of cervical
cancer in adolescent women.
Marriage in terms of language has the same meaning as marriage. According to
Marriage Law No.1 of 1974, marriage is the inner birth bond between a man and a woman as
a husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on
the Supreme Divinity. According to Marriage Law No.1 of 1974 article 7 that marriage is
allowed when a man is 19 years old and a woman is 6 years old. However, the government
has a policy on human reproductive behavior that is affirmed in Law No.10 of 1992 which
states that the government sets a policy of efforts to maintain Family Planning, marriage is
allowed if a man is 21 years old and a woman is 19 years old. According to who, a person is
in adolescence when it has reached the age of 10-19 years. Meanwhile, according to BKKBN,
the age limit is 10-21 years.

Then why is it said that Young Marriage = Risk of Servik Cancer?

Getting married at a young age is a reproductive health problem because the younger the age
of marriage the longer the time span to reproduce.
Cervical cancer is the malignant tumor most commonly found in the female
reproductive system. While the understanding of the cervix is the lower third of the uterus,
cylindrical, protruding and related to the vagina through ostium uteri externum. Cervical
cancer is thought to be a sexually transmitted disease.
Marriage at a young age is sexually related at a young age. This can increase the risk
of cervical cancer by twice as much as women who have sexual intercourse after the age of
20 years. This vulnerable period is related to the process of metaplasia at the age of puberty,
so if there is a disruption of the metaplasia process for example infection will facilitate the
transition of the process to dysplasia which is more potential for malignancy.
The results of research by Sulistiya (2017) showed that women who had sexual
intercourse for the first time at the age of ≤ 20 years were at 2.41 times greater risk of cervical
cancer compared to those who had the first sexual intercourse at the age of > 20 years. The
first age of marriage that is relatively young (under 20 years) is at risk of triggering cervical
cancer uteri. The younger the age of first married, the higher the risk of getting cervical cancer
Thus, as an intelligent generation, a golden generation, a generation that is ready to
contribute to this country and nation of Indonesia, must plan the future as well as possible,
when we should get married, when we should complete education, when we should work.
And do not let us waste the present with negative things and STOP thinking young marriage.
Young marriage = Risk of cervical cancer.

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