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Petrik N.


Report on any chosen PCS

One form of verbal professional communication is public speaking. Public

speaking is a process, an act and an art of making a speech before an audience.
Absolutely everyone from the age of 10 to 90 has found themselves in situations
where they have had to speak publically. However, telling an anecdote at a
party, introducing yourself in class or delivering a paper at a conference does
not necessarily make you a public speaker.

It is not enough to talk in front of a group of people to be a brilliant public

speaker. Your goal should not be limited with informing your audience or
expressing your thoughts publically, but to changing emotions, actions, and
attitudes, and to leaving your listeners moved by the words and touched by their

Whether you’re speaking in front of colleagues at a meeting, in a crowded

seminar hall or to your team before a big project, you must be able to clearly
and concisely convey your ideas. Warren Buffet once told a class of business
students that he’d pay any of them $100,000 for 10 percent of their future
earnings. He then offered to increase that value by 50 percent if they were
skilled at public speaking. Leaders in business must develop comfort speaking
in front of others, both with authority and credibility.

For many, anxiety is a very real barrier to strong public speaking. Inc.
( American magazine) has a number of tips to aid your public speaking abilities,
taken from TED Talk speakers. You might consider creating contingency plans
to address your two biggest fears associated with public speaking, or setting a
backup goal in case your speech goes off the rails. Being open to questions
through your speech helps involve the audience members and keep them
engaged. It can also help you establish rapport and build comfort. People tend to
respond to personal stories, so coming up with one or two stories beforehand to
illustrate points you want to make can be a great way to connect with others.

In conclusion, the public speaking is like art holding many practical benefits.
Especially nowadays, this skill is very important. So if you have such skill, it's
only your big plus in life that will help you realise your career.

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