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Text Functions

1) Len >> is used to find length of all the character in the string

(Output: Number)

2) Char >> every number represents some character, input is number and output would
be character
(Output: Text)

3) Concatenate >> Concatenate function is used to connect two strings together, by

(&) sign we can connect two words/Letters,

Syntax: [Text Input A] & [Text Input B]

(Output: Text)

4) EndsWith >> used to find if any string ends with some specific text or character,
(Output: Flag)

5) InStr >> searching whether any text is present inside the string, output is in number

(It’s the position of that letter/string which we are searching)

E.g. InStr (“Robotics”, “Ro”)

(Output: Number)

Ans: 1 (means Ro is at the first position of string)

6) Upper >> covert all text to upper case

(Output: Text)

E.g. Upper (“Robot”)

Ans: “ROBOT”

7) Lower >> Convert all text to lower case

(Output: Text)
E.g. Lower (“Robot”)
Ans: “robot”

8) StartsWith >> its same like ends with function but searching from start of the string,
E.g.StartsWith (“Robot”,”R”)
Ans: Flag

(Output: Flag)

9) Left >> extracting character from the string from Left

E.g. Left (“Robot”, 3)

Ans: “Rob”
(Output: Text)

10) Right >> extracting character from the string from Right

E.g. Left (“Robot”, 3)

Ans: “Rob”
(Output: Text)

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