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Reduced crime rate and price on head of Maduro

Venezuela has one of the highest crime rates in Latin America especially under the

dictatorial rule. The region has recorded the highest homicide rates globally but an

observation from the Venezuelan Violence Observatory stated that the crime rate in terms of

homicide declined significantly in 2019 compared to 2018 (Nelson, Brown & Margesson 8).

One of the factors that attributed to the decline was the targeted and territorial control on the

crime groups and parties funding and facilitating the gruesome activities. The Venezuelan

forces have also been given capacity to militarize their approach in the issues regarding

public security leading to extrajudicial killings and violation of human rights. Maduro

government has always been on the limelight of facilitating and perpetrating the human abuse

and killings but since his allies have been targeted by sanctions, there has been significant

reductions in crime against humanity. The US government extended the campaign against

Maduro’s government by issuing a $15 million price tag for his arrest. All the strategies have

been productive in addressing the issue of drug trafficking, usage and addiction in the


Economy Inflation and Refutation

The approach by the US government has been regarded as responsible for some of

social-economic hardships and inflation. The US sanctions that were enforced against

Venezuela targeted the country’s central bank, gold sectors and limited the access and

benefits from the US financial system. The policies exerted pressure on Venezuela’s

economy making the economic collapse one of the largest outside of war. Further, the

creation of money intended to finance the government’s deficit resulted in hyperinflation.

The consumer prices increased with over 17,000% depleting the salaries and savings for most

of the citizens and all of the factors coupled up together led to deterioration in the country’s
humanitarian situation (Nelson, Brown & Margesson 23). Some of the independent parties

have argued that the US has reservations and interests in some of the Venezuelan resources.

These arguments have not been substantiated as of yet since the US has shown pure interest

in addressing the constitutional concerns and human rights abuse that have been perpetrated

by Maduro’s government. Another aspect that should be put into context is that inflation has

resulted from the sanctions and controls that have been instituted to address Maduro’s

rampant dictatorship and crimes in Venezuela. However, as soon as sanity has been restored

in Venezuela, and sanctions lifted then the economy shall recover.


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